INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SEMINARS - Virtual Winter Break Programs - Study Abroad
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INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SEMINARS Virtual Winter Break Programs Virtual Australia Seminar December 12 to 23, 2020 Virtual Japan Seminar December 12 to 23, 2020 Virtual Europe Winter Seminar January 1 to January 14, 2021 Virtual Southeast Asia Winter Seminar January 1 to January 14, 2021 SEMINAR DATES: The virtual seminars will be held during Winter Break 2020-21. Dates for the Australia seminar and the Japan seminar will run December 12 through December 23, 2020. The Europe and Southeast Asia seminars will run from January 1 to January 14, 2021.There is no overseas portion to these programs, as the entirety of the program will occur online. OBJECTIVES OF THE SEMINAR: The overall purpose of this seminar is to provide participants with an opportunity to be exposed to the international business environment and practices outside the United States. In addition, participants will have a chance to develop insight into the cultural, social, and political environments of their host countries without even leaving their home. Participation in a virtual International Business Seminar is a unique way for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in international business, or a related field, to acquire a firsthand view of international business practices and virtually experience the excitement of travel. SEMINAR COORDINATION: This seminar is offered in cooperation with International Business Seminars in Scottsdale, Arizona. Seminar coordination and logistics are provided by Professor Daniel Brenenstuhl, Director of International Business Seminars. Students who wish to receive academic credit for their participation in a seminar should enroll for the seminar through Northern Illinois University. NIU SEMINAR COORDINATOR: Chih-Chen Lee, Professor of Accountancy in the Northern Illinois University’s College of Business will be responsible for advising students enrolled for this seminar through NIU, along with the oversight
International Business Seminar Virtual Winter Break 2020-2021 Page 2 of their course requirements. Faculty leading the seminar will be from a variety of U.S. colleges and universities. SEMINAR AUDIENCE: Although this seminar is an academic seminar, it has been designed with a variety of audiences in mind. Non-traditional students (i.e., professionals, individuals with an interest in this subject matter, etc.) as well as currently enrolled students are encouraged to participate in this seminar. All participants will receive academic credit, and non-traditional students will be enrolled as visiting students (at the undergraduate level) or students-at-large (at the graduate level). Space is limited and qualified applicants will be accepted on a first-come- first-serve basis. SEMINAR SESSIONS: The virtual sessions will average about two to three hours each day. The type of presentation will vary from company to company; however, almost all presentations will include input by management personnel. The sessions may include lectures, panel discussions, plant tours, or some combination of all these elements. Past experience has shown that students learn a great deal from the question/answer session which is a part of each visit; thus, students' questions are highly encouraged. In addition, there are group meetings and cultural experiences that will round out the virtual study abroad program. ACADEMIC CREDIT: For satisfactory participation in the seminar, participants will be enrolled for the spring 2021 semester and will receive two semester hours of undergraduate or graduate credit in one of the following NIU courses. The courses taken while participating on a seminar cannot be audited. UNDERGRADUATE CREDIT: INTL 301: Study Abroad Programs 2 semester hours Description: Course work undertaken as part of an approved university study abroad program. Discipline-based course used to reflect credit given, with departmental approval, for course work for which there is no NIU equivalent course available. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 semester hours. GRADUATE CREDIT: INTL 501: Study Abroad Programs 2 semester hours Description: A variable credit course structured around a theme within a discipline. Approval of topic and enrollment requires departmental approval when there is no NIU equivalent course available. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 semester hours.
International Business Seminar Virtual Winter Break 2020-2021 Page 3 COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Participants must attend an online orientation meeting facilitated by IBS. Participants must also engage in all scheduled seminar activities. Finally, participants must prepare a final seminar paper. Graduate level students will be required to complete papers 10-15 pages longer than those produced at the undergraduate level and should reflect a higher level of scholarly accomplishment and research. Graduate level work will be evaluated using a higher set of expectations and requirements. For the in-depth analysis, each participant will be assigned to a team of four to six students prior to the seminar. Each team will be assigned one of the organizations that will be visited virtually during the seminar. Prior to visiting the organization, the assigned team will give an oral presentation that will provide an introduction and overview of the organization to the other participants. During the visit, team members will be expected to contribute more to the question and answer session during the presentation. Each member of the team will be expected to research the assigned organization prior to the beginning of the seminar. Each team will be expected to meet on their own, after the seminar starts, to plan their introductory presentation to the other seminar participants, to develop questions that will be asked during the question and answer session, and to determine which team members will make concluding remarks. The third part of the seminar paper is a summary (five - six pages) of the in-depth analysis of the assigned firm. This part is not a team report, but it should cover the main points learned through each team member’s research of the organization and the presentation given by the organization. Professor Lee requires graduate students to undertake additional coursework. This might be to read a recent book about the cultural or economic aspect of the region or countries visited during the seminar and write an 8 - 10 page analysis of the book. The book analysis should be included as a part of the paper. The seminar faculty will discuss the requirements of the seminar paper during the orientation meeting on the first day of seminar. Seminar faculty will also discuss how teams should make the introductory presentation, the kinds of questions to ask during the seminar, and how to make concluding remarks. The seminar paper must be turned into Professor Lee and the IBS Seminar Faculty by March 15, 2021. Late submission of this paper can result in your grade being lowered. HONORS CREDIT: Qualified students may also elect to receive Honors credit for any course(s). Students who elect to receive Honors credit will be required to complete additional work. For more information, please contact the University Honors Office. APPLICATION AND ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: The seminar is open to undergraduate and graduate students who meet the NIU general admission requirements and who
International Business Seminar Virtual Winter Break 2020-2021 Page 4 are interested in global business. Currently enrolled students must meet NIU Graduate School and College of Business GPA requirements. Students who are on any type of probation are not eligible to participate. Applicants must participate in the entire seminar and satisfy NIU undergraduate or graduate admission and course requirements. NIU Students: Students cannot have any encumbrances against their NIU records. Any encumbrances placed on a student’s records by NIU (i.e., the Graduate School, Undergraduate Admissions, Bursar’s Office, Accounts Receivable, Registration and Records, Office of Student Conduct, Health Services, Parking Services, etc.) must be cleared before a student is granted admission to a study abroad program. For any student to be admitted into a virtual program, an applicant’s transcript must be on file with the NIU Study Abroad Office. Students who are currently enrolled at NIU, or who have previously enrolled at NIU, do not need to request an official transcript; SAO will make this request on behalf of the applicant. Non-NIU Students: Non-NIU Students who want to participate in the program and earn academic credit from NIU, who have not previously enrolled at NIU, will need to apply for the IBS seminar directly through IBS ( in addition to applying through NIU’s study abroad portal ( Students are responsible for paying the NIU fees and IBS seminar cost to NIU. If you have further questions about this, please contact IBS directly at Non-NIU students should plan to send a copy of their transcript (official or unofficial) as soon as possible to the SAO. Students can send transcripts to the SAO via email to Students who desire to obtain academic credit must be admitted as a visiting undergraduate student through NIU Undergraduate Admission or, for graduate level credit, must be admitted to a graduate program within the NIU Graduate School, or be admitted to the status of a "student- at-large" (SAL) within NIU's Graduate School. Non-NIU graduate students applying as a Student-at-Large (SAL) through the Graduate School must upload a copy of their transcript or proof of degree during the SAL application process. This requirement is separate from the transcript required from SAO and will not meet the requirement for the study abroad application. Therefore, SAL applicants should plan on submitting two transcripts to NIU (one copy during the SAL application process and one copy to SAO for the study abroad application). Individuals do not, however, have to be currently enrolled in a college or university. Quite often the participants are practicing professionals or pursuing an advanced degree in a business-related area. Questions relating to the admission requirements should be directed to the NIU Study Abroad Office (SAO).
International Business Seminar Virtual Winter Break 2020-2021 Page 5 APPLICATION: Begin your application here or by visiting the NIU Study Abroad Office website at (and search for “International Business Seminars Virtual Japan”) to begin the online application process for this program. The online process provides guidance on requesting information, advising, or applying for the program. Non-NIU applicants will be expected to submit a signature verification form and copy of their ID to the Study Abroad Office. More detailed instructions can be found on the website or by contacting the Study Abroad Office at (815) 753- 0700 or $100 APPLICATION FEE: A $100 application fee is required of all applicants. The $100 will be charged upon completion of the Application Fee and Commitment Deposit requirement in the Study Abroad Portal. The fee will be applied to the total balance of the program cost and is non- refundable. The $100 application fee will be charged to NIU students’ NIU Bursar's account. (Checks and money orders cannot be accepted from NIU students.) Non-NIU students must submit a check or money order in the amount of $100. More detailed instructions regarding the application fee can be found on the seminar application website. IMPORTANT – All applications will be categorized as “Pending” until the $100 application fee has been posted (or, in the case of non-NIU students, once a check has been received). The Study Abroad Office will not consider or process applications without the $100 application fee. In order to reserve your place in the program you must submit the $100 fee within 14 days of application. After 14 days, applicants who have not completed the Application Fee Form on the Portal will be changed to a status of “Inactive.” APPLICATION DEADLINE: November 15, 2020 Please read the following carefully. Space in this program is limited, so early application is recommended. Qualified applicants will be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis. Upon acceptance into the seminar, applicants must change their status to “Committed” and complete all post-decisions items on the Study Abroad Portal in order to be considered an active participant and reserve their place in the seminar. Applicants who have not changed their status to “Committed” will be withdrawn from the seminar. ORIENTATION INFORMATION: Orientation materials will be distributed by both NIU’s Study Abroad Office and International Business Seminars in Scottsdale, Arizona. Information on how to access each virtual session will be provided by IBS before the program start.
International Business Seminar Virtual Winter Break 2020-2021 Page 6 NIU SEMINAR COST: The seminar cost covers the following: 1) Virtual seminar visits to businesses/industries. 2) Virtual sightseeing and excursions as outlined in this seminar description. 3) Two hours of undergraduate or graduate credit. SEMINAR COST: $1,270 HOW YOUR CHARGES WILL LOOK ON YOUR MyNIU ACCOUNT: The following charges will post individually on your MyNIU account. The total of these two charges (in additional to the study abroad program application fee at time of application) will equal the total program cost. Study Abroad Program Charge Instructional Cost ADDITIONAL FEE – Academic Program Enhancement Fee: The NIU Academic Program Enhancement Fee is in addition to the study abroad program cost. This fee is charged as follows: Undergraduate Credit: 6 hours or less - $125 or 7 hours or more - $250 Graduate Credit - $22 per hour, caps at 12 hours NON-NIU STUDENTS: Non-NIU students should consult with their home institutions regarding additional costs that may apply to study abroad. Non-NIU students are responsible for any study abroad charges imposed by their home institution, in addition to the seminar cost and the NIU fee. All prices quoted are subject to change. The information contained in the program documents and forms is presented in good faith and is believed to be correct as of the date presented. Northern Illinois University reserves the right to amend, modify, revise, or delete any information appearing in these documents, including but not limited to the cost of the program. ADDITIONAL COSTS TO PARTICIPANTS: Some costs are not included in the program cost that is cited above. Other expenses that will be incurred by the participants include: • Device such as computer, tablet or phone with video/audio to fully participate in virtual sessions • Reliable internet service NIU UNDERGRADUATE AND STUDENT-AT-LARGE APPLICATION FEES: There is a $40 non-refundable Undergraduate application fee for undergraduate students and a $10 Student-at-Large application fee for graduate-level students applying to NIU for the first time. If you are currently enrolled at NIU as a degree-seeking student, you are not required to submit this payment. If you are applying to NIU for the first time you will be provided with a link on the Study Abroad Portal that will guide you to the online NIU Undergraduate Application or the Student-at-Large
International Business Seminar Virtual Winter Break 2020-2021 Page 7 Application. During the online application process you will be asked to pay the application fee by credit card or check. FINANCIAL AID: As a participant in a virtual study abroad program through NIU, you may be eligible for grants, loans, or your privately awarded scholarship with consent of awarding organization. Tuition waivers do not apply. If you are an NIU student and plan to apply for aid or loans to supplement this study abroad program you must contact the NIU Financial Aid and Scholarship Office in Swen Parson 245, (815) 753-1395 to discuss your current aid package and what you might be eligible for during the Spring semester. Questions regarding the program budget can be directed to Barbara Stark, International Affairs Business Manager, Williston Hall 407, (815) 753-9530, for more information. Please visit for information on financial resources for study abroad. WITHDRAWAL FROM THE SEMINAR: Applicants withdrawing from the program after November 15, 2020 will not be refunded the $100 NIU application fee and may be responsible for additional withdrawal penalties. Applicants withdrawing from the program after this date will be held accountable for any funds obligated to overseas vendors and agents on the applicant’s behalf. This provision is in effect even if the applicant has not submitted the $100 application fee or additional payments, and if the applicant is applying for financial aid. If the applicant must withdraw after November 15, 2020 for medical reasons, the request must be submitted to the Study Abroad Office in writing and accompanied by a signed statement from a physician on the physician's letterhead stating that the illness is of such a duration or severity that it precludes overseas travel. Withdrawal penalties may still apply. Withdrawal penalties will be contingent on the following: NIU's ability to obtain refunds from overseas vendors and agents. The program has the minimum number of participants required to operate. CANCELLATION OF THE SEMINAR: The Study Abroad Office and International Business Seminars reserve the right to cancel this seminar if the minimum required enrollment is not attained. If, prior to the commencement of the seminar, a U.S. State Department Travel Advisory is issued for the country the group is virtually visiting and therefore may impeded program activities, all applicants will be notified promptly of the warning and the possibility of cancellation of the seminar. If, during the course of the seminar, a U.S. State Department Travel Advisory is issued for the country the group is virtually visiting and therefore impeding program activities, students will be promptly notified of the warning and the advisability of canceling the seminar. NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ALTER OR CANCEL THIS PROGRAM AS MAY BE DEEMED NECESSARY!
International Business Seminar Virtual Winter Break 2020-2021 Page 8 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SEMINAR VIRTUAL AUSTRALIA December 9 – 23, 2020 DAY/DATE TIME ACTIVITY MODULE Wednesday 4:00 PM EST Program Orientation (Live interactive presentation) 1 December 9 Outline structure of virtual experience and meet fellow students Professor Introduction (Live interactive discussion) 5:00 PM EST Faculty presentation on key concepts, expectations, and desired outcomes Thursday 4:00 PM EST Introduction to Australia (Live interactive presentation) 2 December 10 General cultural introduction Business cultural introduction Friday 4:00 PM EST Basic Aussie Slang Lesson (Live interactive lesson) 3 December 11 5:00 PM EST Introduction to Australian Students Peer Teams Welcome message from American and Australian faculty Individual peer team group live discussions Saturday 5:00 PM EST Live Virtual Tour of Sydney Harbour (Live interactive tour with local December 12 guide) Sydney Opera House Sydney Harbour Bridge Sunday No Scheduled Activities December 13 Monday 4:00 PM EST US Commercial Service (Live presentation and Q&A session) 4 December 14 Student presentations US Commercial Service presentation and Q&A Tuesday 4:00 PM EST Faculty Debrief (Live interactive discussion) 5 December 15 Debrief concepts learned from business presentations Wednesday 4:00 PM EST Deloitte or EY (Live presentation) 6 December 16 Student Presentations Deloitte Presentation and Q&A Thursday 4:00 PM EST Reserve Bank of Australia (Live presentation and Q&A session) 7 December 17 Student Presentations Reserve Bank of Australia Presentation and Q&A 8 5:00 PM EST Australian Students Peer Teams Discussion Individual peer team group discussions Friday 4:00 PM EST Faculty Debrief (Live interactive discussion) 9 December 18 Debrief concepts learned from business presentations Pacific Hotels Cairns (Live presentation and Q&A session) 10 5:00 PM EST Student Presentations Pacific Hotels Cairns Presentation and Q&A Saturday 4:00 PM EST Optional Activity - Aussie Cooking Lesson (Live lesson) 11 December 19
International Business Seminar Virtual Winter Break 2020-2021 Page 9 Sunday No Scheduled Activities December 20 Monday 4:00 PM EST Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures (Live presentation) 12 December 21 Student presentations Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures presentation and Q&A Tuesday 4:00 PM EST Live Virtual Tour of Cairns (Live interactive tour with local guide) 13 December 22 Cairns Botanical Gardens Palm Cove Wednesday 5:00 PM EST Final discussion and wrap-up session 14 December 23 Student Discussion Outcomes Itinerary subject to change. NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SEMINARS RESERVE THE RIGHT TO ALTER OR CANCEL THIS PROGRAM AS MAY BE DEEMED NECESSARY!
International Business Seminar Virtual Winter Break 2020-2021 Page 10 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SEMINAR VIRTUAL EUROPE January 1 to January 14, 2020 DAY/DATE TIME ACTIVITY MODULE Friday 11:00 AM PST Program Orientation (Live interactive presentation) 1 January 1 Outline structure of virtual experience and meet fellow students Professor Introduction (Live interactive discussion) 12:00 PM PST Faculty presentation on key concepts, expectations, and desired outcomes Saturday 8:00 AM PST Introduction to Europe (Live interactive presentation) 2 January 2 General cultural introduction Business etiquette introduction 9:00 AM PST Introduction to European Students Peer Teams 3 Welcome message from American and European faculty Individual peer team group live discussions Sunday No activities planned January 3 Monday 8:00 AM PST Neokami AI with Founder and CEO Ozel Christo (Live presentation) 4 January 4 Student presentations Neokami presentation and Q&A Tuesday 8:00 AM PST SAP (Live presentation) 5 January 5 Student Presentations SAP presentation and Q&A 9:00 AM PST Faculty Debrief (Live interactive discussion) 6 Debrief concepts learned from business presentations Wednesday 8:00 AM PST Innsbruck Tourism Board 7 January 6 Student presentations Innsbruck Tourism presentation and Q&A 9:00 AM PST Activity – Paris Virtual Tour with Eiffel Tower, Trocadero, Montmartre 8 and Seine River Cruise Thursday 8:00 AM PST US Embassy Brussels (Live presentation and Q&A session w/ WE) 9 January 7 Student Presentations US Embassy Brussels Presentation and Q&A 9:00 AM PST Hermitage Capital (Live presentation and Q&A session w/ WE) 10 Student Presentations Hermitage Capital Presentation and Q&A Friday 8:00 AM PST Capgemini (Live presentation and Q&A session) 11 January 8 Student presentations Capgemini presentation and Q&A 9:00 AM PST Faculty Debrief (Live interactive discussion) 12 Debrief concepts learned from business presentations
International Business Seminar Virtual Winter Break 2020-2021 Page 11 Saturday No activities planned January 9 Sunday No activities planned January 10 Monday 8:00 AM PST Grant Thornton Netherlands (Live presentation and Q&A session) 13 January 11 Student Presentations Grant Thornton Presentation and Q&A Tuesday 8:00 AM PST John White presentation on Brexit 14 January 12 (Live presentation and Q&A session) Student Presentations Brexit Presentation and Q&A 9:00 AM PST European Students Peer Teams Brexit Discussion Individual peer team group discussions Wednesday 9:00 AM PST Activity – London Sights Virtual Tour (TBD) 15 January 13 Thursday 9:00 AM PST Final discussion and wrap-up session 16 January 14 Student Discussion Outcomes Itinerary subject to change. NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SEMINARS RESERVE THE RIGHT TO ALTER OR CANCEL THIS PROGRAM AS MAY BE DEEMED NECESSARY!
International Business Seminar Virtual Winter Break 2020-2021 Page 12 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SEMINAR VIRTUAL SOUTHEAST ASIA January 1 to January 14, 2020 DAY/DATE TIME ACTIVITY MODULE Friday 5:00 PM PST Program Orientation (Live interactive presentation) 1 January 1 Outline structure of virtual experience and meet fellow students 6:00 PM PST Professor Introduction (Live interactive discussion) 2 Faculty presentation on key concepts, expectations, and desired outcomes Saturday 5:00 PM PST Introduction to Thailand (Live interactive presentation) 3 January 2 General cultural introduction Business cultural introduction 6:00 PM PST Meet Traveling Students (Live interactive presentation) 4 Sunday 5:00 PM PST Live Virtual Tour of Bangkok (Live interactive tour with local 5 January 3 guide) Wat Pho Grand Palace 6:00 PM PST American Chamber of Commerce Thailand (Live presentation 6 and Q&A session) Student presentations American Chamber of Commerce presentation and Q&A Monday 5:00 PM PST Live Virtual Tour of Maeklong Train Market (Live interactive 7 January 4 tour with local guide) Tuesday 6:00 PM PST Introduction to Vietnam (Live interactive presentation) 8 January 5 General culture introduction Business culture introduction Wednesday 7:30 AM PST Optional: Vietnamese Street Food Walking Tour (Live January 6 interactive tour with local guide) 6:00 PM PST US Commercial Service Vietnam (Live presentation) 9 Student Presentations US Commercial Service Vietnam Presentation and Q&A Thursday 6:00 PM PST Osprey Packs Headquarters (Live presentation) 10 January 7 Student Presentations Osprey Packs Headquarters Presentation and Q&A Friday 6:00 PM PST Live Virtual Tour of Cu Chi Tunnels (Live interactive tour with 11 January 8 local guide) Saturday 10:00 AM PST Optional: Restaurants and Bars (Live interactive tour with January 9 local guide)
International Business Seminar Virtual Winter Break 2020-2021 Page 13 Sunday No activities planned January 10 Monday 6:00 PM PST Business Visit TBD (Live interactive presentation) 12 January 11 Student Presentations Speaker Virtual Presentation Tuesday 6:00 PM PST Business Visit TBD (Live interactive presentation) 13 January 12 Student Presentations Speaker Virtual Presentation Wednesday 6:00 PM PST Faculty Debrief (Live interactive discussion) 14 January 13 Debrief concepts learned from business presentations Thursday 2:00 PM PST Final discussion and wrap-up session 15 January 14 Student Discussion Outcomes Itinerary subject to change. NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SEMINARS RESERVE THE RIGHT TO ALTER OR CANCEL THIS PROGRAM AS MAY BE DEEMED NECESSARY!
International Business Seminar Virtual Winter Break 2020-2021 Page 14 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SEMINAR VIRTUAL JAPAN December 9 to December 23, 2020 DAY/DATE TIME ACTIVITY MODULE Wednesday 4:00 PM PST Program Orientation (Live interactive presentation) 1 December 9 Outline structure of virtual experience and meet fellow students 5:00 PM PST Professor Introduction (Live interactive discussion) Faculty presentation on key concepts, expectations, and desired outcomes Thursday 4:00 PM PST Introduction to Japan (Live interactive presentation) 2 December 10 General cultural introduction Business cultural introduction Friday 4:00 PM PST Basic Language Lesson (Live interactive lesson) 3 December 11 5:00 PM PST Introduction to Japanese Students Peer Teams Welcome message from American and Japanese faculty Individual peer team group live discussions Saturday 4:00 PM PST US Commercial Service (Live presentation and Q&A session) 4 December 12 Student presentations US Commercial Service presentation and Q&A Sunday 4:00 PM PST Faculty Debrief (Live interactive discussion) 5 December 13 Debrief concepts learned from business presentations Monday 4:00 PM PST Amazon Japan (Live presentation) 6 December 14 Student Presentations Amazon Japan Presentation and Q&A Tuesday 4:00 PM PST Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum Presentation (Live presentation) 7 December 15 Hiroshima Legacy Successor Testimony 5:00 PM PST Japanese Students Peer Teams A-bomb Discussion Individual peer team group discussions Wednesday 4:00 PM PST Weber Grills Japan (Live presentation and Q&A session) 8 December 16 Student Presentations Weber Grills Japan Presentation and Q&A Thursday 5:00 PM PST Live Virtual Tour of Himeji (Live interactive tour with local guide) 9 December 17 Himeji Castle Friday 5:00 PM PST Live Virtual Tour of Kyoto (Live interactive tour with local guide) 10 December 18 Yasaka Shrine Kiyomizu Temple 6:00 PM PST 11 Faculty Debrief (Live interactive discussion) Debrief concepts learned from business presentations Saturday 5:00 PM PST Optional Activity - Japanese Cooking Lesson (Live lesson) December 19 Sunday 4:00 PM PST Coca Cola Bottlers Japan (Live presentation) 12 December 20 Student Presentations Coca Cola Japan presentation and Q&A Monday 4:00 PM PST Prince Hotels Group Japan (Live presentation and Q&A session) 13 December 21 Student Presentations Prince Hotels Group Japan Presentation and Q&A Tuesday 4:00 PM PST Kawasaki Heavy Industries (Live presentation) 14 December 22 Student presentations Kawasaki Heavy Industries presentation and Q&A Wednesday 5:00 PM PST Final discussion and wrap-up session 15 December 23 Student Discussion Outcomes
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