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The Scout Association of Australia Queensland Branch Inc. 2020 (OPERATIONAL) PLAN SCOUT PLAN Queensland Branch SCOUTING YEARS 2013 - 2016 THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 1
V i s i o n That Scouts Queensland be recognised as the pre-eminent and dynamic Movement for youth opportunities and the development of young people who contribute as responsible citizens to the community. M i s s i o n To extend to every community the opportunity to deliver Scouting using the Fundamental Principles, Educational Methods and recreational activities to develop self-reliant, supportive and committed people. LEGEND CC Chief Commissioner BEC Branch Executive Committee EM Executive Manager OM Operation Manager DCC Deputy Chief Commissioners BC Branch Commissioners RC Region Commissioners DC District Commissioners GL Group Leaders MPO Marketing and Promotions Officer PDGO Project Development and Grants Officer RDSO Region Development and Support Officer THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 2
K e y S t r a t e g i e s To be a Movement which has trained, To be a Movement which is sustainable by its To be a Movement which delivers a dynamic, competent and committed volunteer leaders effective use of financial, physical and exciting and vibrant youth program true to and supporters material resources Scout fundamentals To be a Movement which retains and To be a Movement recognised by the increases membership of young people and community as the leading organisation for young adults young people THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 3
KEY STRATEGY To be a Movement which has trained, competent and committed volunteer leaders and supporters STRATEGY TARGET TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE Review and implement the Adult All trainee leaders to complete the first Three monthly for all new leaders DCC, RC, BC, ACC, DC, GL Development Plan (ADP) within the ADP three months from sign-up. Branch, Regions, Districts and Groups as per Adults in Scouting (AIS) policy. 100% of all leaders to have ADPs in the 2015 DCC, RC, BC, ACC, DC, GL next two years. 50% of leaders without ADPs to have 2014 BC, RC, ACC, DC, GL these in 12 months. Review the availability of recruitment Review Recruiting Adult Volunteers December 2013 DCC and retention tools (youth and adult (RAV) toolkit developed nationally. members) and their suitability and effectiveness. Publish on website. February 2014 EM Develop or revise available materials. December 2013 DCC Adult Training and Development Packaged training materials are available Develop one hour packaged support December 2014 DCC Adult Training and Development, for Region and District training materials to support Region and District CC meetings. training meetings. Implement packaged District Training December 2014 RC, DC Meeting (DTM) training material Support all leaders to obtain their Wood Develop strategies to encourage all December 2013 DCC Adult Training and Development Badge within two years. uniformed adults to move from trainee to provisional leader within 12 months of appointment. THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 4
Implement strategies to ensure 100% of March 2014 DCC Adult Training and Development leaders have their Certificate of Leadership within 12 months of commencing. Develop and implement strategies to March 2014 DCC Adult Training and Development, encourage 80% of all uniformed adults CC to complete the Wood Badge training within two years. Ensure e-learning and all formal training Ongoing DCC Adult Training and Development is delivered meeting the National curriculum. Review to simplify and make December 2013 DCC Adult Training and Development recommendations to National Commissioner for Adult Training and Development regarding e-learning expectations. Comply with the relevant legislations for Follow up on aged Blue Card requests September 2013 EM Child Safety and child abuse. Ensure Branch meets the current Ongoing CC, RC, DC, GL, EM legislation in regards to the Blue Card system. Evaluate the effectiveness of Chartering. Evaluate the effectiveness of the current Region Commissioners Conference, CC, DCC, RC Chartering process and update if November 2013 required. Provide opportunities for young adult Invite young adult members to join Ongoing CC, RC, DC members to participate at Branch and subcommittees at Branch, Region and Region level. District level. Identify and recruit young adults to Ongoing CC, RC, DC undertake management and leadership THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 5
roles. Support leaders to gain further skills to Promote training as offered through December 2014 CC, RC, DC undertake their roles. Scouts Australia Institute of Training (SAIT) as a tool to extend role as a leader Assist volunteers and supporters to be Develop resources and training January 2015 CC, RC, DCC trained for their Scouting roles. packages. Deliver these as required in local RC, DC, DCC Adult Training and communities. Development Develop people in local areas to deliver December 2014, December 2015 DCC Adult Training and Development, training on a local basis. RC, DC Give recognition of non-scouting Review the procedures for recognition December 2013 DCC Adult Training and Development qualifications held by leaders. of non-scouting qualifications held by leaders, including Adventurous Activities qualifications. Establish the succession strategy for the Review current appointment process June 2014 CC, Branch President Chief Commissioner of the Branch and recommend to Branch Executive Committee and Branch Council. Discuss whether an extension of term of September 2014 President incumbent will be required. Call for nominations or confirm October 2014 BEC (President) extension for the Chief Commissioner position Decision regarding reappointment of January 2015 BEC (President) Chief Commissioner for a further period or decision regarding interview and appointment of Chief Commissioner elect. THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 6
KEY STRATEGY To be a Movement which is sustainable by its effective use of financial, physical and material resources STRATEGY TARGET TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE Review the current Scout Membership Investigate options in linking SMS to December 2013 EM System (SMS). Scout Central. Broaden the access to the Scout December 2013 EM Membership System and investigate online processes for new youth and adult member initial processing. Consider ways in which SMS can be July 2014 EM expanded to include youth member awards which are maintained by the section leader. Implement the National digital media Develop an ongoing schedule for QSC December 2013 EM strategy. policies and procedures, including updating the Human Resources manual. Continue developing efficient ways for Ongoing EM users of the website. Implement the Branch IT Strategy Replace servers, old laptops and August 2014 OM, EM, BEC personal computers in accordance with existing IT strategy in place. Ensure a policy is in place to allow all December 2013 OM, EM staff, including Branch volunteers, to have adequate soft copy and hard copy THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 7
space to store their work documents enabling a clear desk policy. Branch campsites and other properties Further develop the role and duties of December 2013 BA Baden Powell Park and Baden Powell used effectively. the Baden Powell Park subcommittee. Park subcommittee Expand the role of the Resources September 2013 ACC Community Development and subcommittee. subcommittee members Establish Karingal campsite August 2013 DCC Resources subcommittee. Establish the Eprapah campsite October 2013 DCC Resources subcommittee. Undertake a feasibility study to develop January 2014 BEC, EM Baden Powell Park as an outdoor recreation centre managed and controlled as a commercial business. Evaluate the effectiveness of the Region Evaluate the effectiveness of the Region September 2014 CC, RC, DCC Support and Development Officer Support and Development Officer position. position. Review the need to employ at least one March 2014 CC, DCC, RC more Region Development and Support Officer. Complete the review of duty statement July 2014 CC, EM and terms of employment. Continue to enforce the Adults in Develop tools to emphasise the benefits July 2014 CC, DCC, RC, BC, ACC, DC and GL Scouting policy. of the Adults in Scout policy for use in Region and District meetings. Formulate the Leader in Charge policy. Region Commissioners Conference, CC, DCC, RC, DC November 2013 THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 8
Strengthen the understanding of Formulate the policies necessary to be December 2013 Risk Management Committee ScoutSafe and Risk Management included in QBSI. through the Branch. Develop and deliver training packages. June 2014 DCC Adult Training and Development Ensure National policies are included in February 2014 Risk Management Committee, EM Queensland Branch Scouting Instructions. Maintain adequately trained and Investigate traineeships in Certificate in September 2013 CC, EM competent staff for the Queensland Business Admin to up skill relevant staff. Scout Centre. Investigate traineeships for Scout Supply September 2013 EM centre staff to undertake Retail training. Investigate a suitable incentive scheme December 2013 EM for all staff members to improve staff retention and service delivery. Distribute Queensland Branch Scouting Implement the updated Queensland September 2013 CC Instructions (QBSI) in updated form Branch Scouting Instructions. Distribute memory stick for all Adult October 2013 EM Members. Ensure QBSIs on the website are kept Ongoing EM current. Evaluate the effectiveness of Assess the effectiveness of Encompass Quarterly EM Encompass. as a communication medium. Publish fundraising materials Document the current fundraising and Ongoing CC, MPO, EM appropriate to Queensland Branch. grant material available from the Queensland Scout Centre and provide members with a list. THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 9
Ensure the cost of Scouting is not a Continue investigating ways through Ongoing CC, DCC, RC, EM limiting factor in relation to recruitment which the membership fees can be kept and retention of members. as low as possible. Promote the Branch operated camping Ensure the Branch camping and Ongoing EM, DCC, RC and activities centres. activities centres are up to standard and well known by other youth organisations and outdoor recreation providers. Continue the Association’s involvement Ongoing BC Adventurous Activities, BC Adult with Queensland Outdoor Recreation Training and Development, Activity Federation. Leaders Ensure the Association is gaining Investigate which properties are not Ongoing (especially after returns are RC, DC, GL, EM, Property Officer, optimum support from property contributing adequately to Branch funds received) Resources and Finance subcommittees investments. Investigations to be and give consideration as to whether the completed on all leases. money invested can be put to better use. Ensure all leased properties (when Prior to renewal RC, DC, GL, EM, Property Officer leases are to be renewed) are evaluated as effective viable groups or return the site to the relevant council authority. Review the compliance by formations in Review the present system including: January 2014 CC, DCC, RC and EM relation to the submission of mandatory Documentation; information and returns. Timelines; Payment methods; Follow up procedures; Support from QSC staff; Communication. Develop strategies that identify the Ongoing DCC Adult Training and Development, importance of submitting property and RC, DC, GL finance returns on time. Improve Scout Supply Centre operations Advertise the online store. Ongoing EM THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 10
to maximise service and profit. Improve stock control, including random Ongoing EM, Retail Manager stock checks. Improve the operations and Provide timely financial information to Ongoing EM, Financial Controller communications of QSC to provide all members running major activities, better services to our members and branch operated campsites and office supporters. staff so that they can better manage the financial aspects of their responsibility. Keep RCs and DCs advised in relation to Ongoing (monthly report within third EM, Financial Controller, Honorary the debtors position of their formation business day) Treasurer by sending accurate detailed invoices. Promote grants and ensure all Set targets expected to be achieved December 2013 EM, PDGO, CC applications are submitted through the from the various grants. Queensland Scout Centre. Develop the progress of those targets. Ongoing EM, PDGO Investigate ways though which QSC can Ongoing EM, PDGO maximise the number of grants able to be submitted. Ensure the Queensland Scout Centre Implement a ground maintenance Ongoing EM portrays and appropriate image of schedule including the gardens. Scouting to Scouting and the community as a whole. Update the supply of banners and keep September 2013, ongoing MPO signage and displays current. Reconfigure reception facilities so that EM, CC visitors are appropriately received and provided with the highest level of customer service. THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 11
KEY STRATEGY To be a Movement which delivers a dynamic, exciting and vibrant youth program true to Scout fundamentals STRATEGY TARGET TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE Implement effective, relevant and Investigate great activities available and Progressively to March 2016 CC, DCC, RC, ARC, Sectional Leaders innovative activities for program compare with current practices by delivery to all sections. sections. Show findings within the relevant sections. Develop strategies to ensure each Ongoing DCC Youth Program, BC, CC section delivers the program as documented nationally. Encourage all formations to have at least Annually CC, DCC, RC one Scouting activity/camp each year. Promote activities within Scout Central. October 2013 DCC Youth Program, BC Develop specialised kits which can be June 2014 BC, DCC Youth Program shared locally. Promote communication activities for Ongoing BC, DCC Youth Program sectional leaders. Use the strong network of specialist Regional lists to be advertised. March 2016 BC activity leaders and promote scheduled specialist activities available across Recruitment of specialists to be December 2014 DCC Youth Program Queensland. undertaken. Assess adventurous activity specialist June 2014 DCC Youth Program, DCC Adult Training requirements and implement a program and Development THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 12
to grow capability. Specialist list to be available. March 2015 BC Training and RCC processes to be June 2014 DCC Youth Program, DCC Adult Training promoted. and Development Promote the availability of this service June 2014 DCC Youth Program, DCC Adult Training and incorporate into Region events. and Development Increase the number of top awards Ensure all section leaders are aware of Ongoing annually DCC, BC, RC, DC presented in each section. top awards. Promote top awards through the use of Ongoing annually MPO, RC, DC, BC posters in Scout dens. Investigate communications (e-bulletin) Ongoing annually DCC Youth Program, BC direct to youth members or family which include this. Set region targets and link to group Ongoing annually RC programs and build into ADPs. Support Branch Youth Council and Youth Re-establish Branch Youth Forums. March 2014 DCC Youth Program Forums. Introduce a Branch Youth Council. March 2014 DCC Major Activities Incorporate findings into Scouting June 2014 DCC Major Activities, CC, RC network. Implement the Rover Scout Review Ensure Queensland Branch implements March 2015 DCC Youth Program, BC Rover Scouts, requirements of the new Rover Scout BRC, BRC Chairman Award scheme and other recommendations. Ensure quality Scouting is delivered in Ensure the Areas of Growth are included Ongoing DCC Youth Program, BC Sectional each Section. in all program areas. THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 13
Branch Commissioners to liaise regularly Ongoing BC, DCC Youth Program, RC with Region contacts. Training team to promote what Ongoing DCC Adult Training and Development constitutes quality in training. Region contacts to promote sectional Ongoing BC, RC program. Updated refresher modules to be December 2013 DCC Adult Training and Development accessed via e-learning. Identify and promote good quality Ongoing DCC Youth Program, BC sectional programs. Continue to promote Eurekit and Scout Ongoing DCC Youth Program, BC, CC RC, DC Central as a reference source (link to importance of communication strategies). Contribute to the National Youth Support the NYPR through making Ongoing to March 2016 DCC, BC, RC, DC Program Review. available resource people and resources as requested. THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 14
KEY STRATEGY To be a Movement which retains and increases membership of young people and young adults STRATEGY TARGET TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE Set and achieve challenging membership Develop strategies to increase Annually CC, RC, DCC Youth Program targets for the Branch. membership of all sections, especially Venturer Scout and Rover Scout Sections by 10%. Set targets for the next three (3) years March 2014 CC, DCC, RC, ACC, BC for youth and adult membership. Set 70% youth retention rate increasing October 2014 CC, DCC, RC, ACC, BC youth participation in the community. Develop strategies to ensure 80% of November 2013 DCC, BC, RC, CC section leaders have at least three years’ experience. Further develop a coordinated Develop, implement and coordinate December 2013 MPO, EM, CC, RC, DC marketing campaign to grow the local promotional marketing campaigns membership which acknowledge the benefits in Adults in Scouting as well as youth members. Build an expectation that each youth Develop strategies that achieve better CC, RC, DCC Youth Program member will progress through all linking between sections and further Ongoing sections. develop strategies that improve relationship and team spirit between all sections of the formation. THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 15
Build close links between sections and Ongoing BC, DC, GL going up ceremonies. Establish a relationship with the schools Develop marketing tools to promote June 2014 MPO, CC in close proximity to the Group. Scouting to schools. Visit schools to build an expectation that Ongoing RC, DC, GL, RDSO the Group would like to be involved in some of the school activities, write in the school newsletter etc. Encourage more young people to think Implement one public activity for non- Annually in February MPO, CC, RC, DCC, BC Scouting is right for them. members. Encourage formations to plan and Annually MPO, CC, RC implement “bring a friend” activities. Develop a tool to measure outcomes of June 2014 MPO “bring a friend” activities. Design and deliver high quality visible Ongoing RC, DC, GL, Section Leaders key events on a coordinated basis. Ensure Scouting reflects the composition Identify the ethnic composition and Ongoing CC, DCC, BC, RC, DC, GL of the local community. where these groups are located and develop strategies to engage these people in Scout Groups. Explore the concept of themed Scouting Ongoing DCC Youth Program, BC (e.g. geo-cashing). Identify potential for a trial of a themed August 2014 DCC Youth Program, BC Scout Group or Sections. THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 16
KEY STRATEGY To be a Movement recognised by the community as the leading organisation for young people STRATEGY TARGET TIMELINE RESPONSIBLE Develop partnerships at all levels of At all levels of Scouting appoint a Ongoing CC, EM, RC, DC, GL government, external organisations and specific person to actively find businesses to improve the capability to partnerships. deliver exciting youth programs and enhance the image of Scouts Ensure invitations to all community Ongoing CC, EM, RC, DC, GL, BEC Queensland. service reps to all opportunities. Develop a “how to” guide in regards to Ongoing CC, EM, RC, DC, GL communicating with external organisations. Encourage members to develop January 2015 CC, DCC, BC, RC, DC, BEC partnerships with Government agencies leading to invitations to join Boards. Improve brand strategy and Build on the den image program. October 2013 CC, RC presentation of all our property consistency across Queensland to and Review current den image program and October 2013 CC, DCC, RC established standard. enhance. Decide minimum standards. Promote Scouting to ethnic and Increase participation by ethnic and Ongoing CC, DCC, BC, ACC, RC culturally diverse communities. culturally diverse communities. Identify and encourage members who Ongoing CC, DCC, BC, RC, DC have links with ethnic communities to act as ambassadors for Scouting and invite key groups to attend and or THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 17
participate in key events. Develop partnerships with various Ongoing CC, DCC, BC, RC refugee and ethnic communities. Encourage and promote Scout Groups to Ongoing CC, DCC, BC, RC, DC actively approach and interact with local ethnic communities. Promote Scouting to the local Increase participation at local Ongoing CC, DCC, BC, RC, DC community. community events such as School fetes, fun in the park days etc. Provide a set of resources that outlines June 2015 CC, DCC, BC and identifies activities that are suitable to run at community events for the promotion of Scouting. Encourage and support individual Ongoing GL sections to run their program in the eye of the public. Strengthen community understanding Continue partnerships with Girl Guides Ongoing CC, EM, DCC that Scouting is a safe environment for Australia, St John Ambulance and Royal the development of young people. Life Saving and continue creating relationships with similar organisations. Better promote the Scouting method to Ongoing CC, DCC, BC, RC, MPO, EM the public. Encourage a conversation between Ongoing RC, DC, GL parents, section leaders and Group Leaders at each progression through the sections to inform parents of new goals, expectations and challenges ahead. Develop fact sheets to support Group Ongoing CC, DCC, BC, RC, THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 18
Leader and Section Leaders in developing trust. Increase community awareness of the Ongoing CC, DCC, BC, RC, DC, GL benefit to young people of the Scouting program. Have a marketing and promotions Develop or source promotion aids which Ongoing EM, MPO, DCC, RC, BC, DC program. will present a positive image of Scouting to the public and build a desire in young people to join Scouting. Establish a Media and Marketing March 2014 BEC subcommittee to advise Branch, groups and regions on marketing strategy and program and to leverage any National marketing programs. Establish a media liaison network March 2014 CC, MPO throughout the state. Encourage all members (including youth, Ongoing CC, DCC, BC, RC, DC, GL where appropriate) to actively promote the benefits of Scouting in their everyday lives. Develop a strategy to include but not November 2014 CC, DCC, MPO limited to: How we obtain more leaders? Advertising campaigns Promotional items Mascot schedule Websites School promotions etc. Social media Continue involvement in youth affairs. Make meaningful contributions in the Ongoing EM, CC, other representatives THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 19
Queensland Youth Alliance and QURAF. Refocus and enhance our youth “flourish Ongoing CC, EM, DCC, RC, BEC focus”. Ensure Queensland Branch is a cohesive Develop strategies to ensure our IT June 2014 BEC and effective contributor and member system is compatible to National of the National Association. requirements. Ensure our structures align to National June 2014 CC policies. Ensure National policies and strategies Ongoing CC, DCC, RC, BC are implemented. THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND BRANCH INC. 2020 OPERATIONAL PLAN (2013-2016) v3 - September 2013 PAGE 20
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