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r Message from the Superintendent Dear Parents: WLVS PreK programs at Luis E. Armijo and the Valley are centered on that all children should have a nurturing environment, which promotes a lifetime love of learning. We are committed to providing a researched based PreK program that is designed to meet the needs of children while integrating the development of the child' s physical, emotional, creative, intellectual, and social and fine arts through experiential learning activities. The WLVS Prek Programs will promote opportunities for children to explore, to question, and to succeed at their own individual pace. Our Prek Programs are also committed to the acknowledgement that everyone is unique and to appreciate the cultural diversity, various social backgrounds, and religious beliefs. We believe that through successful participation in learning experiences, children will develop positive self-esteem and school readiness skills. Therefore, our Prek Program goals are: • To provide a program where children develop intellectually, socially, physically and emotionally • To provide opportunities for children to gain independence, self-contro l, and respect for others. • To provide an environment, which will enhance the self-esteem of all childr en through successful learning experiences. Yours in the interest of children, Mr. Christopher Gutierrez Superintendent 179 Bridge Ave. Las Vegas, NM 87701 (505) 426-2311 I
DISCLAIMER: Items may be subject to change due to policy and regulatory compliance and is not all inclusive. **Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic many items are subject to change. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. RECRUITMENT ................................................... ............................................... 4 II. GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................... 4 Pre-K Enrollment Criteria Pupil Information School Day Bad Weather Dismissal Bus Student Records Visitation Parent-Concerns/Complaints ill. ATTENDANCE ................................................................................................................... 6 WLVS PreK Attendance Policy Withdrawal Imm unization/iHness/injury Excessive absences Student sign-in/sign-out IV. CURRICULUM ................................................................................................................. 8 Computer Usage Evaluation of student progress Discipline Management Plan Disaster Drills V. FAMILY INVOLVEMENT ......... ...... .... ...... ....................................................... 9 Meet, Greet and Make Sessions Home Visits Volunteer Time VI. DEVELOPMENTAL AND HEALTH SCREEN .................................................................9 VII. REFERRAL ................................................................................................................... 9 VIII. TRANSITION.................................................................................................................... 10
IX. NUTRITION ..................................................................................................................... 10
I. RECRUITMENT Recruitment for the WLVS PreK programs utilize a variety of avenues. Listed below are the most commonly use. In addition, the past and current parent verbal recommendations of the program. ✓ Multi-Media Resources (newspaper, radio stations, Facebook, twitter) ✓ Flyers ✓ Transition Fair ✓ Jump Start Day II. GE N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N A. Pre-K Enrollment Criteria The WLVS Pre-K Program is open to any child who is or will be Four Years of Age before September 1si, Registration begins in March of each year and registration packets can be acquired at the Luis E. Armijo Elementary office, 600 Porter St. 505 426-2661 (in town participation) or Valley Elementary, Ribera, NM (575) 421-5069 (out of town participation) The following documents are required in other to complete the registration process: Proof of Date of Birth (i.e. Bi1th Ce1tificate) Health: Immunization Record Vision Hearing Physical Oral Health Assessment B. PUPIL INFORMATION It is a requirement that all student records reflect the child's legal name. If your last name, street address, or telephone number changes at any time during the school year, please notifythe office. This is very impo1tant in keeping our records up to date and also being able to contact a parent/guardian in the case of an emergency. If custodial care of your child changes during the school year, it is a parental responsibility to provide the school with a copy of the legal documentation. We must have a legal bi1th ce1tificate, immunization record and a home language survey, for each child enrolled at WLV Pre-K program. C. SCHOOL DAY Pre-K Program: 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Students should not arrive at school before 7:30 a.111. and should be picked up between 2:30 p.111. and 3:15 p.m. (this is specific to the Luis E. Armijo Pre-K site); Valley site is time frame is from 8:00 - 3:00 p.m Please be advised that there is no direct adult supervision prior to 7:30 a.m. and after 3: 15 p.m. Tardies are marked after 8:00 a.m. D. BAD WEATHER DISMISSAL District Superintendent and Transportation Director will make decision before 6:00 a.m. Ifschool is cancelled, KFUN and KNMX radio stations and KOAT- TV, KOB-TV will be notified. Notifications also go out via social media and school messenger. E. BUS Luis E. Armijo Prek program does not provide bus transportation. The parent is responsible for taking and pick-up their child. l •
r Valley Prek program does have bus transportation. Parents are to contact the WLVS District Transportation Director at 505 426-2313 or at 505 429 2384 for more information. F. STUDENT RECORDS By law, both parents, whether married, separated, or divorced, have access to the records of the student who is under 18 or a dependent for tax purposes. A parent whose rights have been legally terminated will be denied access to the records if the school is given a copy of the cou1t order terminating these rights. All information pe1taining to student performance, within the Pre-K program such as EI po1tfolio, Ages & Stages rating and attendance is considered confidential educational records and may be released to the following: _Parents-married, separated or divorced unless parental rights have been legally terminate -District staff members who have a "legitimate educational interest" -various governmental agencies or in response to a subpoena or court order The principal is the custodian ofall records for currently enrolled students at the assigned school. A parent may review and inspect their student's records and request a correction if the records are considered inaccurate or otherwise in violation ofthe student's privacy rights. Pre-K student records are sealed and stored for 7 years at the end ofthe PreK program academic year. G. VISITATION Parents are always welcome to visit the school and are invited to eat lunch at school. Parents should advise the classroom teacher at the beginning of the school day that they will be guests at lunchtime so that a reservation can be made. Parents may not bring siblings into the classroom, whenhelping with pa1ties, recess or on field trips. Parents and other visitors must sign-in at the classroom before going to any other part of the building. When visiting your child's room, remember you are an observer unless the teacher has asked you to volunteer or conference. VISITOR PROCEDURES PURSANT TO WLVS BOARD POLICY AND LEGAL REFERENCE NMAC We welcome the involvement of our families in the educational program of their children. To insure the safety ofour children and to maintain a quality learning environment for our students, we ask that you adhere to the following procedures when visiting LEAE PRE-K Program. Thank you for your continued interest in your child's education. ► Visitors will only be allowed to enter through the main office entrance of the Pre-K building. All visitors must use the outside intercom, visitors will be asked for their name and purpose for visiting the individual classroom (s). ► Visitors must repo1t to the child's classroom, sign in and list the reason for visit, and pick up a visitor badge ► Visit to the classrooms must be pre-arranged with the classroom teacher. ► If volunteering in a classroom, confidentiality of students' abilities, behaviors, or discipline matters is a necessity. If the volunteering is for a classroom celebration and siblings accompany the parent/guardian it must be cleared with the classroom teacher prior to the •
v1s1t. If younger siblings are with the Parent it is the pare nt ' s res po ns i bili ty to supervise their child during the classroom visit. ► Impromptu visits may not be al l o wed due to classroom sched u le s . It is emphasized to parents to pre-arrange visits with the teacher ► Upon conclusion of the vis it , the visitor must sign out on the Visitor Register and return the visitor badge. Please note - All visitors and parents may be asked to show a picture ID when entering the school or picking up a child. H. PARENT-CONCERNS/COMPLAINTS. A parent/student having a comp lai nt/co nce rn shall request a conference with the principal regard i ng the event or series of events causing the complaint. The purpose of this is to secure prompt and equitable resolution of parent/student comp la ints , including those alle gi ng discrimination on the basis of race, religion, co l o r, sex , natio nal o ri gi n, handicap or limited Eng li s h proficiency. ff the outcome of the conference with the principal does not produce an equitable resolution the parent may request a conference with the Superintendent or designee. ID. ATTENDANCE A. Pre-K ATTENDANCE POLICY: West Las Vegas Schoo l District is dedicated to providing the Pre-K Program to ensure a strong educational sta11 for yo u ng learners in our community free of charge. Our goal is to have every student attend school on a regular bas is ; being in schoo l every day is the first step to success . A student who misses two days of school a month wi ll m iss a whole month of instruction by the end of the year. School attendance is a prio rit y, from pre-K through high school. Attendance is critical for students to pa11icipate within the Pre-K Program the refo re; If a Pre-K child is absent without a doctor's excuse for more than three days in a row or consistently maintains below 85% attend ance per month , the teacher will notify the Scho ol Site Administrator of the Pre-K Program. The schoo l site administrator will contact the family via telephone call or letter expressing the attendance concern and requesting a parent conference. The goal for a Pre-K child is 90% attendance per semester. If a pre-k ch il d is absent for three or more days consecutively the parent shal l provide the Pre-K Teacher with a doctor /med ic al note. If the child remains under the required 85% attendance for two mon ths , the site administrator wi ll send a le tter/tele phone ca l l informing the family that the ch i ld is being withdrawn from the Pre-K Program. At that ti me , the open slot will be filled with a child from the community who is on the Pre-K Program waiting list. Because funding for the Pre-k Program is provided by the state, guidelines require this program to maintain a 90 % attend ance rate. The following are acceptable reasons: 1. The child is hospitalized l 'jj
2. The child is incapacitated due to a serious injury 3. The child contracts a communicable disease (virus or flu) 4. The child has other ongoing health related ailments which temporarily prevent attendance (ie asthma) 5. There is a death in the family 6. Limited medical/dental/therapy appointments (should be made around school hours unless absolutely necessary) Students are expected to be in school on a regular basis to receive instruction as required Pre-K State Earlv C!tildltood Guidelines program participation. B. WITHDRAWAL FROM PRE-K PROGRAM o Withdrawals require at least one (I) day's notice. o Parents wishing to withdraw a student from school must notify the Pre-K Program, provide the reason for the withdrawal and indicate the effective date. C. IMMUNIZATIONS/ILLNESS/INJURY Immunization Requirement: All students must comply with the New Mexico Department of Health & Human Services Guidelines. A student must submit proof of a complete immunization record prior to entering New Mexico public schools. Failure to comply with state requirements may result in delayed enrollment or withdrawal from that school until immunizations are current. Medication Administration: • Over the counter and/or prescribed medication will not be given by Pre K staff. For futiher information contact the District Nurse at (505) 429-3329. • Medication required three times a day can be given before school, after school and before bedtime at home. Communicable Diseases: To protect our school community, students with known contagious diseases are excluded from attending school until they provide a doctor's release. Symptoms that could warrant exclusion from school are: a temperature of 100 degrees or more, vomiting, diarrhea, or an undiagnosed rash, discoloration of eyes and/or suspected bacterial meningitis. In such situations, a parent/guardian must pick up the student. A student must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication before returning to school. Emergency Information: In addition to the regular enrollment form, an emergency contact form is required for all students. It is important that vou, t!teparent/guardian complete the emergency contact form and retur n it to vour child's sc!tool. Parents/guardians must provide current telephone numbers, for emergencypurposes. Your support and cooperation helps us promote a healthy environment for your children. In order for us to better serve your child, we need to know if he/she has any physical limitations or chronic illness. Immunizations are vital to the elementary age student. When notices for required immunizations are 1 •
sent home, please have your child properly immunized as soon as possible. Please send proof of the vaccine to the school so the student's health record will be updated. When two notices are sent and the immunization(s) remains delinquent, the student may be excluded from school until the vaccine(s) is received and proper proof is submitted to the school nurse. Proof of immunization must be on file prior to the 30th day following enrollment. When a student comes to class with illness symptoms they will be assessed. If the temperature is above I 00.0 degrees or the student is vomiting, has diarrhea, a suspicious rash, discoloration and/or drainage of the eyes, suspected communicable disease or head lice, the parent will be notified, and the student will be sent home. In the case of communicable disease, proper physician documentation may be required for the student to re-enter school. If a student sustains an injury while at school, he/she the District Nurse will be notified. In the case of major injuries such as fracture large lacerations, severe contusions, or eye injury, the parent will be notified immediately, and emergency measures will be taken. Minor injuries such as abrasions, small cuts, nosebleeds, etc., are treated, and the parent will be notified if necessary. D. EXCESSIVE ABSENCES When returning to school after an absence, the parent mustprovide a note, wlticl t describes the reason for the absence. The absence will be unexcused until a note is received. A student must attend at least 90% of the school yfear. The parent will be receiving a call from their child's teacher upon the 3 consecutive absence. I tlte student ltas not reported to scltool within ten (10) consecutive days and the school has been unable to make contact witlt parent, tlte cltild will be witlulrmvnfrom tlte WLVS Pre-K program E. SIGN-OUT/EARLY PICK-UP PROCEDURES Students will not be released unless a parent, guardian or individuals listed on the emergency release Form comes personally to the classroom to sign them out. Identification will be required to sign a student out of school. Students wi11 not be released to anyone who is not Iisted by the parent on the enrollment/emergency form or are under the age of 18 years of age. Earlv sign-out means lost of instructional time for tlte student and it is also disruptive to tlte teaching and learning activities being conducted in the classroom. Excessive earlv pick-ups shall be referred to the school site Principal. It is important for students to remain in school, daily from 8:00 a.m. until dismissal time. IV. CURRICULUM A. The Owl Curriculum for PreK Program, is an award-winning research-based curriculum. OWL prepares children for Kindergarten with ongoing assessment of research-based success predictors and playful, purposeful, and personalized instruction. OWL is based upon the belief that immersion in a learning-rich, pre-K environment is critical but not sufficient. The environment and interactions must be thoughtful and purposeful. All parts of the day should be considered opportunities for learning, and the teacher should know the curriculum content, instructional strategies, and individual children well enough to be responsive in a variety of situations. Through the use of essential questions, teachers help children connect content to their experiences, which takes them beyond rote learning and leads to thoughtful, reflective learning. B. COMPUTER RESOURCES Pre-K program resources have been invested in computer technology to broaden instruction and to prepare students for an increasingly computerized society. Use of these resources is restricted for students working under a teacher's supervision and for approved instructional
L purposes only. C. EVALUATlON OF STUDENT PROGRESS The school year is divided into three grading periods for Pre-K students. Teacher will review Essential Indicator rating for each student during Parent/Teacher conferences. A student must be present one day more than half of a reporting period to receive a rating on the 27 Essential Indicators. An exception to this rule exists if, after an extended illness, the student may receive partial ratings of the 27 Essential Indicators. Conferences are encoura2ed whenever the parent principal. or classroom teacher feels that the child would benefit. The teacher will arrange a conference time with the parent. Parents are requested to call the school or send a note to verify their intent to attend the conference. Essential Indicators Essential Indicators receive a rating of I to 8, depending on the child's ability to demonstrate Essential Indicators are rated three times during the academic year D. DISCIPLINE MANAGEMENT PLAN All students are entitled to enjoy the basic rights of citizens recognized and protected by law for persons of their age and maturity. WLV Pre-K P rogram shall foster a climate of mutual respect for the rights of others. Each student is expected to respect the rights and privileges of others. WLV Pre-K program has developed a program-wide plan that covers not only the classroom but also the hallways, the playground, and other areas on the campus. DISCIPLINE TECHNIQUES The guiding principle ofthis or anyother good system ofschool and classroom management is that its purpose is not to punish but to teach mu/ encourage students to accept responsibilityfor their actions, decisions and to regard the rights ofothers with as much reverence as their own. Our goals is to foster self-esteem and self-regulation in children. This is done in a positive manner and by setting limits and/or redirecting the child's inappropriate behavior. We also will model and teach the appropriate behaviors. E. DISASTER DRILLS Fire drills are conducted monthly in accordance with state regulations. Teachers will instruct students in the proper procedure. Other drills such as lock-downs etc. will be conducted during the year. Parents and other visitors are expected to participate in all disaster drills being conducted while they are on campus. In addition, students and staff practice lock-downs and evacuation procedures throughout the school year. V. FAMILY INVOLVEMENT A. Meet, Greet and Make Sessions A commitment that parents make to their child participating in the WLYS Pre-K program is to attend the MGMs held throughout the school year. During the MGMs parents will be provided with strategies to enhance their child's developmental growth in the following areas: Literacy, Math, and Motor Skills. B. HOME VISITS r Home visits are conducted within a 30 day period of the child's fi st program day of attendance. Home visits are a required part of our program. Teachers and parents/guardians will work together to bridge the gap between home and school. Home visits also help the teachers to provide your child meaningful experiences within the context of their own family. C. VOLUNTEER TIME r Volunteer time is requested from all Pre-K Program Parents/Guardians. Parents/Guardians are requested to volunteer 3 hrs during the academic program year. Parents/Guardians can arrange activity, date and
r time with their child's teacher regarding the volunteer time VI. DEVELOPMENTAL AND HEALTH SCREENING A. FORMAL TESTS The early childhood assurances require a Social Emotional rating for each Pre-K student. WLVS utilizes the AGES AND STAGES. The test results of the individual students are made available within 30 days of student attendance of program. These tests are a diagnostic tool to be used for classroom instruction and assist in determining individual student skills. Test results will be reported to parents. Certain students, such as students with disabilities and students with limited English proficiency may be eligible for exemptions, accommodations, or a deferment. For more information, see the principal, counselor, or special education director site administrator, who will forward it to District Special Education Department. VII. REFFERRAL PROCESS OPTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR PROVIDING ASSISTANCE TO STUDENTS WHO HA VE LEARNING DIFFICULTIES OR WHO NEED OR MAY NEED SPECIAL EDUCATION The preschool program provides for all children, including those with identified disabilities and special learning and development abilities. Modifications are made in the environment and staffing patterns in order to include children with special needs. If a child is experiencing development progress and/or behavior difficulties can be considered for individualized interventions that may include: small group or one-one instruction, or other support services. WLV Pre-K holds that failure is not an option and therefore strategies will be determined for struggling students through parent/teacher conferences. It is also the responsibility of WLV Pre-K Staff to try every available option before requesting a formal special education, or other district placement. At any time, a parent is entitled to request an evaluation for special education services. The parent can submit a written request to their child's classroom teacher, who will notify the Pre-K principal and arrangements will be made to secure the assessment via Child Find or District resources. Should a parent have any questions or concerns please contact the Prek Program site principal. VIII. TRANSITION Transition from the Prek program to the tradition school setting is experienced by student via a jumpstart day. The Jumpstart Day is scheduled in late April or early May. Parents are invited to experience with their child a typical Kindergarten day, which is inclusive of lunch in the cafeteria. IX. NUTRITION Menus will be posted in each classroom, on the web site and in local newspapers. Breakfast is served daily and if a child needs a special menu, a physician's written recommendation is required and should be submitted by the parent to the district Food Service Director. A.MEALS WLVS provides Breakfast and Lunch Free of charge to all students. All children enrolled in the preschool program will be served two daily meals. The Meal Program at WLVS • The program emphasizes good nutrition, healthy lifestyles, and learning about food • Children are encouraged to try a variety of new foods as well as customary foods prepared in new ,I
r ways. • Menus will be posted in the classroom and sent home monthly. • Meal times are for socializing and modeling good habits. • Children are taught how to serve their own food (i.e. open milk, etc.) with minimal adult assistance. • Please alert us to any allergies or special dietary concerns. 'i
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