2021 LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH - Bradford Council

Page created by Allen Dunn
2021 LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH - Bradford Council



2021 LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH - Bradford Council
                                                 Our community has never had it easy and
                                                 the rights we enjoy today have been gained
                                                 through struggle, protest and an unrelenting
                                                 determination to say we do matter, we do            Rainbow
                                                 have a voice and we can make a positive
                                                 impact on the world. Covid has presented
                                                 us with many challenges as a society and
                                                 the isolation experienced by members of the       Richard Dunbar will speak to members
                                                 LGBTQ+ community is why we were keen to           of the LGBTQ+ Community and allies
                                                 ensure this programme of events is not only       to share their own stories of struggle
                                                 entertaining but also clearly points towards      and celebration, who it is from the
                                                 the places where people can get support.          history of the movement that inspires
                                                                                                   them and what they think should
Hello everyone,                                  One thing I know about our community and
                                                                                                   happen to achieve true inclusion.
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to this    the Bradford District is that we are extremely
exciting and engaging programme of events        creative, resilient, radical and compassionate.
                                                 Whilst we can’t meet in person these events       These are public events. Please follow
as we mark LGBTQ+ History Month across
                                                 are about bringing people together, providing     Richard on Instagram (richard_dunbar) in
Bradford district.
                                                 some much needed entertainment and giving         order to take part. A full programme of guests
The events you will see listed represent         you some hope about the type of district we       will be published on Richard’s Instagram on
contributions from a wide range of individuals   want to create.                                   Friday 29th January.
and organisations who work hard all year
round to not only inform the wider public        In Solidarity
about our history but who do everything          Cllr Richard Dunbar                                      @bradfordmdc
possible all year round to ensure the places
                                                 LGBTQ+ Champion
we live, work and play are as open, inclusive                                                             @bradfordmdc
and accepting as possible.

2021 LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH - Bradford Council
A city of culture

Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture bid is
proud to support this year’s LGBTQ+                 While we can’t meet in person this
History Month. Bradford has a legacy of             LGBTQ+ History Month , it is more
communities coming together to fight for            important than ever that we connect,
equality – and our LGBTQ+ history is                share and learn together. LGBTQ+
an important part of that story. A chance           History Month is about community,
to come together, learn something new,              looking back to look forwards and
demand change or let your hair down,                challenging the status quo. If you ask
we look forward to highlighting and                 us, film is a great way to do all three.
celebrating the breadth of LGBTQ+                   Join us throughout the month on twitter
culture in Bradford and beyond.                     and our website for recommendations,
                                                    watch-a-longs and a look at the history
Rick Shaw

                                                                                               Images ©Karol Wyszynski
                                                    of LGBTQ+ storytelling through film and
Bradford 2025 Bid Director

                                            For more information on how you can get involved
                                            and having your say on Bradford’s bid please go
                                            to bradford2025.co.uk or search Bradford2025 on
                                            Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

2021 LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH - Bradford Council

                                                                                      Bradford Equity Partnership works
                                                                                      to develop the LGBTQ+ community
                                                                                      by supporting social groups in our
                                            At Staying Put, we help all victims and   community centre, providing training and
Community Action Bradford & District        survivors of domestic abuse and sexual    taking on projects specific to the LGBTQ+
is an infrastructure charity which exists   violence, regardless of your gender       community of Bradford and District. Visit
to make a positive change to local          identity or sexual orientation.           www.equitypartnership.org.uk/ for
communities.                                                                          more information.
                                            Relationships shouldn’t hurt, if yours
Download their free Bradford District       does, contact us to find out how we can
Covid Support Booklet at                    help you.
                                            You can call us on 0808 2800 999,
                                            Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4.30pm (we
                                            are closed at 1pm for half an hour each
                                            If you would prefer to use webchat,
                                            visit our website - stayingput.uk.net -
                                            between 5pm-8pm weekdays, or from
                                            11am-2pm weekends.
We’re here to let all lesbian, gay, bi                                                Yorkshire MESMAC is one of the oldest
and trans people, here and abroad,                                                    and largest sexual health organisations in
know they’re not alone. We believe                                                    the country. We offer services to various
we’re stronger united, so we partner                                                  communities across Yorkshire, including
with organisations that help us create                                                men who have sex with men, people
real change for the better. We’re here                                                of colour and other marginalised races,
to support those who can’t yet be                                                     people misusing drugs, sex workers and
themselves.                                                                           LGBT+ young people and adults.
Find out more at www.stonewall.org.uk                                                 Find out more at www.mesmac.org.uk

2021 LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH - Bradford Council
. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS . . .
    Ongoing throughout                               Youth Service                                         Release Date –
     the month . . .                                 Bradford Council’s Youth Service are hosting
                                                     over 100 separate events alone. If you are
                                                                                                           Beyond Shadows
                                                                                                           A visually stunning short dance film celebrating
                                                     13-19 and want to know more please contact            Bradford’s LGBTQ+ communities and allies,
                                                     the following Youth Workers.                          showing the vibrancy that shines through us all.
  Throughout the month on                            BradfordSouth:                                        Supported by Bradford LiT and Kala Sangam.
                                                     tracey.gill@bradford.gov.uk                           Free and no booking required. Visit
  BCB Radio Sew Keighley Pride                       BradfordWest:                                         www.vincevirr.com to find out more.
  Join us on BCB for a sewing workshop with very     nicole.stott@bradford.gov.uk
  special guests Marigold Adams, Lady Bushra         BradfordEast:                                         2:45pm - 4:15pm
  and Gerry Bell, to talk all things drag and make   norrina.rashid@bradford.gov.uk
  their patches for Sew Keighley Pride.                                                                    Love is Love: Lesflicks
  For more information email                         carys.bose@bradford.gov.uk
                                                                                                           LBGTHM Film Festival – Watch
  sophie@iclseducation.org                           Keighley:                                             Party: ‘Mind & Body’ Cert. 18.
                                                     helen.johnson-renshaw@bradford.gov.uk                 Join us for a fantastic LGBT History Month
  Every Thursday (except                                                                                   programme aimed at increasing the knowledge
  18th February) 6pm - 8pm                                                                                 of, and access to lesbian and bisexual film
                                                                                                           organised by Lesflicks.
  LGBTQ+ Group                                         Monday 1 February                                   Free and hosted on MS Teams. Email
  A new LBGTQ+ group in Shipley for young
                                                                                                           l.kaur@bradfordcollege.ac.uk to book your
  people. The group will be free, fun, supportive
  and informative and focused on developing the
  ideas of its members.                              11am                                                  4pm - 5:30pm
  For more information email                         LGBTQ+ History Month                                  University of Bradford LGBTQ+
                                                     Virtual Flag Raising Ceremony                         History Month Opening Event
                                                     LGBTQ+ History Month gets underway for                The University of Bradford, University of
  Bradford College –                                 Bradford District with the traditional flagraising.   Bradford Union of Students (UBU) and the
  film screenings                                    This year, the ceremony will be virtual and will      LGBTQ+ Staff Network invite you to the
  Bradford College will be hosting a number of       be available to watch on Bradford Council’s           opening of LGBTQ+ History Month at the
  student-only film events as part of LGBTQ+         social media channels.                                University of Bradford.
  History month. Visit                               Free and available to watch on Bradford Council       Free and hosted on Zoom. Visit
  www.bradfordcollege.ac.uk/our-events/              social media.                                         www.bradford.ac.uk/events/ for more

2021 LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH - Bradford Council
. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS . . .
                                                                                                          working in Higher Education as an LGBT+
    Sunday 7 February                                   Tuesday 9 February                                person? Come and listen to our panel and find
                                                                                                          Free and hosted on Zoom. Visit
                                                                                                          www.bradford.ac.uk/events for further
  From 3pm (drop in)                                  12noon - 1pm                                        information.
  Music Video Party                                   Section 28 Then and Now
  Join us for a Sunday afternoon listening
  party where we journey through a playlist of
                                                      2021 marks 18 years since Section 28 was
                                                      repealed. This event is an overview of what           Friday 12 February
  contemporary music videos exploring queer           Section 28 was, the political environment when it
  expression and sparking queer joy.                  was introduced and its relevance in 2021.
  Free and streamved via Watch2Gether.                Free and hosted on Zoom visit
  There is no need to sign up for an account, just    www.bradford.ac.uk/events for further               9:30am - 12noon
  follow the link:                                    information.                                        Love is Love: Transgender
  https://w2g.tv/v55y4v9aimymlt4szh                                                                       Awareness
                                                        Wednesday 10 February                             Transgender awareness training for staff and HE
                                                                                                          students by Saorsa Tweedale (DWP National
                                                                                                          Equality Ambassador).
    Monday 8 February                                                                                     Free and hosted on MS Teams. Email
                                                      2pm - 3pm                                           l.kaur@bradfordcollege.ac.uk to book your
                                                      Love is Love: LGBT+ Stars: Ed Firth                 place.
                                                      – Artist and Author
  2:45pm - 4:15pm                                                                                         12noon - 1pm
                                                      An audience with East London-based artist and
  Love is Love: Lesflicks                             author Ed Firth.                                    When is a Bisexual not a
  LBGTHM Film Festival – Watch                        Free and hosted on MS Teams. Email                  Bisexual?” (never!)
  Party: ‘Body & Soul’ Cert. 18.                      a.din2@bradfordcollege.ac.uk to book your           Ever wondered what it is like to be bisexual?
                                                      place.                                              There are many misconceptions about bisexual
  Join us for a fantastic LGBT History Month
                                                                                                          people, who are not always visible in society.
  programme aimed at increasing the knowledge of,     5pm - 6pm                                           Hear from three bisexual people talking about
  and access to lesbian and bisexual film organised
  by Lesflicks.                                       LGBTQ+ Leadership in Higher                         their experiences.
                                                      Education                                           Free and hosted on Zoom. Visit
  Free and hosted on MS Teams. Email
                                                      LGBTQ+ leaders are rare in all sectors and          www.bradford.ac.uk/events for further
  l.kaur@bradfordcollege.ac.uk to book your place.
                                                      universities are not an exception. What’s it like   information

2021 LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH - Bradford Council
. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS . . .
                                                     experiences faced by LGBT+ communities, and         6:30pm
    Friday 12 February                               how to best deliver inclusive and safe services
                                                                                                         Peace OUT Show + Tell from
                                                     for LGBT+ people in Bradford.
                                                     Free and hosted on Zoom. Book online at :
                                                                                                         The Peace Museum
                                                     https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lgbtawareness-       Join us for a casual show and tell event sharing
  7pm - 8pm                                          tickets-137489407519                                the stories of items from The Peace Museum’s
  LGBTQ+ Representation on stage,                                                                        LGBTQ+ collection alongside objects the people
  screen and radio                                     Tuesday 16 February                               of Bradford have brought to share.
                                                                                                         Free and hosted on Zoom. Visit
  This event will look at the history of LGBTQ+                                                          www.peacemuseum.org.uk/events for further
  representation on stage, screen and radio.                                                             information.
  Panelists include television, film and theatre
  Director Dominic Leclerc (Shameless, Skins,        12noon - 1pm                                        5-7pm
  The Syndicate, Silent Witness), Writer Caroline    Spirituality and Faith                              Creative Workshop by LGBTQ+
  Mitchell (Emmerdale) and others to be announced.   Faith is an important part of many LGBT people’s    Youth
  Free and hosted on Zoom. Further details to be     lives. This 1 hour panel talks to LGBT+ people of
                                                                                                         The LGBTQ+ Youth invite you to share in their
  announced on Bradford Council social media.        faith to explore how they have navigated the two
                                                                                                         Stories, Talents, Artistic Expression and their
                                                     intersectionalities that, to many, seem at odds.
    Monday 15 February                               Free and hosted on Zoom. Find out more at
                                                                                                         Email: joseph.taylor@bradford.gov.uk to book
                                                                                                         a place.

  10am - 11am
                                                       Wednesday 17 February                               Thursday 18 February
  Stretch, Burst, Swirl!
  A fun and inclusive creative physical workshop
  celebrating you! Join by yourself or with the      3pm - 4:30pm                                        10am
  whole family.                                      Yorkshire MESMAC                                    Mind, Body and Soul – LGBTQ
  Free and hosted on Zoom. Email                     Intergenerational Event                             History Month
  hello@vincevirr.com to book your place.            A space for all generations of LGBT+ people
                                                                                                         Mind, Body and Soul – learn about the history
                                                     to come together in joy and learning of how far
  2pm - 4pm                                                                                              of LGBTQ+, how this compliments Bradford’s
                                                     we’ve come and where we’ve still to go.
                                                                                                         diverse culture and about the support and
  Yorkshire MESMAC LGBT+                             Free and hosted on Zoom. Book your place:           resources available.
  Awareness Training                                 https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/
                                                                                                         Free and hosted on Webex. Email
  A training session covering up-to-date             anintergenerational-event-for-all-lgbtpeople-       lindsay.harmasch@bradford.gov.uk to
  terminology within the LGBT+ community,            in-bradford-tickets-137493309189                    book your place.

. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS . . .
                                                   5pm - 6:30pm
    Friday 19 February                             Perspectives: Expanding our                           Wednesday 24 February
                                                   bubbles on pre-colonial queer
  7pm - 8:30pm                                     Q&A with Bradford born dancer Vince Virr            1pm - 2pm
  Poems, plays and politics: queer                 and Maputo born theatre maker Yuk Miranda,          Trans 101: Myth Busting and
                                                   exploring preserved pre-colonial queer identities
  lives in the ancient world                       in traditional songs from Mozambique through        Boundary Making
  Discover how the politics of passion and power   Tramways Remote Residency Program (Glasgow).        This session discusses myths and
  were played out in the realms of literature      Free and hosted on Zoom. To register, email         misinformation about trans, non-binary and
  and performance, and how scholarship             hello@vincevirr.com                                 queer bodies, barriers to healthcare and being a
  and interpretation have influenced how we                                                            better ally.
  understand these relationships today.                                                                Free and hosted on Zoom. Visit
  £8 and hosted on an online platform.               Tuesday 23 February                               www.bradford.ac.uk/events for further
  Book at www.museumoflondon.org.uk                                                                    information.

                                                   10am - 12noon                                       Bradford Queer Book Club
    Monday 22 February                             Our LGBTQ+ Diversity Advantage                      Save the date for the first of many Bradford
                                                                                                       Queer Book Club meetups on 24 February at
                                                   Join us to hear more about the diverse LGBTQ+
                                                   community of Bradford and discuss the advantages    6.30pm via Zoom. For updates and information
                                                   of our shared history and future together.          join the mailing list here . All welcome! Register
  3pm - 4pm                                        Free and hosted on Zoom.                            at https://cutt.ly/gj69mrC
  A short history of HIV within                    Meeting ID : 831 5552 1922
                                                   Passcode: 570097                                    7:30pm - 9pm
  the LGBTQ+ Community                                                                                 Front Room Poetry
  A look at how the HIV pandemic hit LGBT+         1pm - 2pm                                           An evening of spoken word poetry live from yer
  communities and how we rallied together to       Love is Love: Peter Tatchell –                      living room. This month we will be platforming
  improve the lives of those affected by HIV.                                                          LGBTQ+ open micers alongside an exciting
                                                   LGBTQ+ Rights
  Free and hosted on Zoom. Register at                                                                 headliner.
                                                   LGBT+ Rights by Peter Tatchell, British human
  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-                                                                    Free and hosted on Zoom. Find out more
                                                   rights campaigner, best known for his work with
  shorthistory-of-hiv-within-the-lgbt-                                                                 information at www.bdproducinghub.co.uk
                                                   LGBT social movements.
                                                   Free and hosted on MS Teams. To book your place     Event listings for Wednesday 24 February continues
                                                   email l.kaur@bradfordcollege.ac.uk                  on next page

. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS . . .
    Wednesday 24 Fe bruary                       Friday 26 February                                 Saturday 27 February

                                                7pm                                               All day event
  7:30pm                                        Going Outside: a short play by                    Bradford Pride LGBT History
  MIZKAST Young People’s                        Leon Fleming. In association with                 Month Big Closing Party
  LGBTQ+ Theatre Group                          TheMill.TV                                        Bradford Pride invites you to an evening
  Film Screening of JOSH’S STORY, a 3 minute    He’s been followed. He’s trapped in a flat with   of special performances from the stars of
  film created by the MIZKAST Young People’s    someone he doesn’t know. His options are          Bradford’s LGBTQ+ scene to mark the rich
  LGBTQ+ Theatre Group. Including a Q&A         limited. Going Outside tackles the issue of       history of LGBTQ+ entertainment in Bradford.
  session after the film.                       sexuality in the spotlight.                       Keep an eye out on social media for further
  Free and hosted on Zoom. To book your place   Pay as you feel. Streamed on TheMill.TV portal    details. facebook.com/Bradford-Pride
  email rebecca@voidarts.net                    and Facebook. More details to be announced
                                                                                                    Sunday 28 February
    Thursday 25 February                        Free and hosted on Zoom.
                                                Meeting ID : 831 5552 1922
                                                Passcode: 570097
                                                                                                  5pm - 6pm
  4pm - 5pm                                     7:30pm - 10pm                                     Richard Dunbar in conversation
  Hate Crime Reporting, why                     Funnies At Fringe – LGBTQ+                        with Miriam Margolyes
  report…!!                                     History Month Special                             Richard Dunbar will speak with the popular and
  The importance of Hate Crime Reporting.       We are excited to bring you an amazing lineup     critically acclaimed actress Miriam Margolyes
  Hear from Bradford Hate Crime Alliance        of talented LGBTQ+ comedians from across          about her early life, career and views on issues
  and its partners about their work and the     the UK, directly to your homes. Hosted by         affecting the world today. This is sure to be an
  importance of hate crime reporting.           Friz Frizzle Awardwinning Songruiner and          entertaining closing event for LGBTQ+ History
                                                comedian.                                         Month in Bradford and one where anything could
  Free and hosted on Zoom.
  Meeting ID 895 1431 8832                      £3.50 Visit www.bradfordfringe.co.uk for
  Passcode 768317                               more information.                                 Free and hosted on Zoom. Link to Zoom will be
                                                                                                  announced on Bradford Council social media
                                                                                                  Event listings for Sunday 28 February continues
                                                                                                  on next page

. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS. . . EVENTS . . .
    Sunday 28 Februa ry
                   continued                                              Celebrating LGBTQ+ History Month on bcb radio
                                                                          Tune in to Bradford’s community radio station, BCB 106.6fm and online on
                                                                          bcbradio.co.uk/player, for a unique range of distinctly Bradford programmes, interviews
                                                                          and features celebrating LGBTQ+ History Month. Email hello@bcbradio.co.uk or call
                                                  BCB 106.6fm
  7pm                                             bcbradio.co.uk/player   01274 771677 to get involved!
  Bradford Pride Jukebox Bingo
                                                    DAILY INTERVIEWS AND FEATURES
  Join Bradford Pride for a fabulous evening of
  everybody’s favourite: Jukebox Bingo!               MONDAY-FRIDAY                                      One-To-One with Carole Moss and guests:
  Keep an eye out on social media for further         About Bradford 11.30am                             Thursday 4th February 12-1pm
  details. facebook.com/Bradford-Pride                                                                   Friday 5th February 9-10am
                                                      Bradford & Beyond at 1.30pm & 5.30pm
                                                                                                         Sunday 7th February 5-6pm
                                                                                                         Thursday 11th February 12-1pm
                                                      LGBTQ+ History Month Showcase
                                                                                                         Friday 12th February 9-10am
                                                      with Richard Dunbar and guests:
                                                                                                         Sunday 14th February 5-6pm
                                                      Saturday 30th January 4-5pm                        Thursday 18th February 12-1pm
                                                      Sunday 31st January 12-1pm                         Friday 19th February 9-10am
                                                      Mon 1st February 4-5pm                             Sunday 21st February 5-6pm
                                                                                                         Thursday 25th February 12-1pm
                                                      The Equity Show with Michael                       Friday 26th February 9-10am
                                                      Swires, Al Castle & Andy Suthers                   Sunday 28th Feb 5-6pm
                                                      and guests on:
                                                      Sunday 31st January 1-2pm                          I Am No Bird: Queering The Brontes
                                                      Monday 1st February 1-2pm                          Presented by Rosie Freeman
                                                      Thursday 4th February 9-10am                       Sunday 21st February 1-2pm
                                                      Sunday 14th February 1-2pm                         Monday 22nd February 12-1pm
                                                      Mon 15th February 12-1pm                           Thursday 25th February 9-10am
                                                      Thursday 18th February 9-10am
                                                      Sunday 28th February 1-2pm                         Sun Free2BMe with Wendy Lewis and
                                                      Monday 1st March 12-1pm                            guests:
                                                      Thursday 4th March 9-10am                          Tuesday 23 February 6-6.30pm
                                                                                                         Saturday 28th February 12.30-1pm

All the staff and Queens from       ICLS Education
The Sun Inn & Candy Nightclub       Jack Lynch
BCB Radio                           Jason Courcoux
Bishop of Bradford -                Kala Sangam
Toby Howarth
                                    Leon Fleming
Bradford 2025
                                    Louis Eloi
Bradford College
                                    Mel Pickup - CEO BTHFT
Bradford Equity Partnership
                                    Mika Rowe
Bradford For Everyone
                                    National Science and Media
Bradford Literature Festival        Museum
Bradford Fringe                     Staying Put
Bradford Hate Crime Alliance        The Brick Box
Bradford Peace Museum               The Leap
Bradford Pride                      University of Bradford
Bradford Producing Hub              Void Arts
Bradford Youth Service              West Yorkshire Police
Equality Together                   Yorkshire MESMAC
Felicia Lumpz

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