Sunday School Classes - Summer Quarter 2021 June 6 - August 29, 2021
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Sunday School Classes Summer Quarter 2021 • June 6 – August 29, 2021
“Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Your Law.” – Psalm 119:18
Sunday School Summer Quarter June 6–August 29, 2021 9:30–10:30 a.m. Table of Contents Inquirers Class ........................................................... 3 Nursery, Children & Youth ........................................ 3 College Students/Singles ............................................ 4 The Entire Family ...................................................... 4 Young Couples & New Families ................................ 5 Young Families ........................................................... 5 Student Families ........................................................ 6 Adult Families ........................................................... 8 Women ...................................................................... 9 International .............................................................. 9 Special Events This Quarter Vacation Bible School – June 7–11 Super Summer – June 14–July 30 Christianity in America Celebration – July 4 A Word to Visitors Grace and peace and welcome to Briarwood! At Briarwood we have wonderful Sunday School communities where you can find an avenue for studying the Word of God in a small group atmosphere. Our Sunday School communities offer extraordinary opportunities for fellowship and ministry. Dive in and take hold of this vital part of our church by immersing yourself in a community committed to “…equipping Christians to reach Birmingham to reach the world for Christ.” Harry Reeder, Pastor/Teacher The Purpose of Sunday School Communities The purpose of Briarwood’s Sunday School Community Ministry is to teach consistently the whole counsel of God in the context of our congregational communities; to encourage the fellowship of believers; and to build disciples by equipping Christians to make an impact for Jesus Christ, beginning in the home and church and moving to Birmingham and beyond.
Pastor’s Inquirers/Membership Class This is a class for newcomers and prospective members taught by Pastor Reeder and other pastors. Attending this class does not obligate you to join the church. We will cover connecting with Christ, with the Church, and with Briarwood. The summer session will consist of a special consolidated weekend class and will include one Friday evening, one Saturday Morning and one Sunday morning session. For more information please call 205-776-5208, email, or register online at NURSERY Director: Alison Craig. Ages 2 months through 3 years. Visitors, to ensure your child is placed in the correct room, please come to the Nursery Registration table located in the Nursery hallway. CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL Children’s Pastor: John Evans. K4 – 6th grade. AGE/GRADE ROOM Completed K-4 & K-5.......................................................................................M-111 Completed 1st–3rd grade...................................................................................M-213 Completed 4th–6th grades......................................................Children’s Auditorium Special Connections (Children) ..........................................................................N-110 Special Connections (Adults) ..............................................................................N-108 JUNIOR & SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Youth Pastor: Jay Shaw. Grades 7–12. Raiders — E-304/305/306/313 7th and 8th grade Taught by parents and Youth staff. BYG (Briarwood Youth Group) — C-200 Grades 9–12 Taught by parents and Youth staff. 3
ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL COMMUNITIES Christian Education Pastor: Ray Tucker. Let us help you find the right Sunday School Community for you! Call us at 205-776-5208 or drop by the Membership Office across from the Church Receptionist. COLLEGE College (A-201) “Shorter Catechism” College age. We will be studying various topics from The Shorter Catechism that will give hearers a Biblical Theology that can be applied to everyday life. Teacher: Max Bunn. Team Leaders: Carlisles, Leibs. CP: Max Bunn. SP: Benny Parks. SINGLES Graduates & Career (M-202) “II Kings & Habakkuk” A community for graduates to early 30s. Come join us this summer as we study the often neglected books of II Kings and Habakkuk. Dr. Howard Eyrich and others will be teaching “The Wonder of Providence: Lessons for Living” in II Kings and Jim Carlson will show us how Habakkuk relates to our current cultural drift. Teachers: Howard Eyrich & Jim Carlson. Team Leaders: Hulseys. CP: Stephen King. SP: Benny Parks. Leveraging Life (M-210) “Power in Weakness – II Corinthians” A community for early 30’s to 45. Paul again addresses the church in Corinth. This time instead of a strong rebuke, he offers comfort and encouragement in the midst of suffering while showing them how to find divine strength in their human weakness. Teachers: Stephen King & Noah Despinasse. Team Leaders: Baxter, Cagle, Dale, Hester, McKnight. CP: Stephen King. SP: Benny Parks. In One Accord (W-202) “Jeremiah” A community for 40’s and up. Behind Jeremiah’s burden for Judah in crisis, the prophet predicts a victory of God’s redemptive love and provides real hope for restoration. Teacher: Don Furuto. Team Leader: Lance Garrison. CP: Chris Thompson. SP: Benny Parks. THE ENTIRE FAMILY Family Life (Gym) “II Peter—Everything You Need” A class for the entire family. This verse-by-verse study will show us how God has given us all we need to live godly in spite of the fact that we live in a corrupt 4
world. This book deals with false teachers who want to use greed to exploit us and led us astray. It deals with dangers of rampant sensuality and also the source and authority of the Word. Teacher: Bobby Parks. Team Leaders: Belyeus, Maces. CP & SP: Dave Matthews. Family Matters (S-201) “I AM the L ORD Your God” A class for the entire family. Do you know the One True God well? If you harbor false ideas about Him, you will be hindered in life and worship greatly. God is not just an idea each person comes up with to meet their needs and desires. He is a real and objective reality and He has revealed Himself fully in Scripture. We will consider who God alone says He really is. Teacher: Ken Friday. Team Leaders: Hursts, Warlicks. CP & SP: Dave Matthews. YOUNG COUPLES & NEW FAMILIES The Oaks (Choir Room) “Power in Weakness – II Corinthians” Engaged and newly married couples. Paul again addresses the church in Corinth. This time instead of a strong rebuke, he offers comfort and encouragement in the midst of suffering while showing them how to find divine strength in their human weaknesses. Teachers: Stephen King & Noah Despinasse. Team Leaders: Bragans, Clarks, Delks, Hermans, Moores, Russells, Travers. CP & SP: Jason Ellerbee. Legacy (E-004) “Luke” Young married couples starting families. In the gospel of Luke, we discover the humanity of Christ as God manifested Himself in the flesh. Luke, writing to the Greeks, presents Christ as the Perfect Man who came to seek and save sinful men. This quarter we will seek to find our identity in the One who identified with us. Teacher: Jason Ellerbee. Team Leaders: Durbins, Flanikens, Godwins, Iveys, Pursers. CP & SP: Jason Ellerbee. YOUNG FAMILIES Encounter (E-006) “Sermon on the Mount” Young couples with infants to elementary age children. We’ll be looking at the greatest sermon ever preached and what Jesus’s message means for us today. Teachers: W. Anderson, C. Crawford, M. Hayes, N. Sasse. Team Leaders: Carlisles, Crawfords, Sasses, Welches. CP: Olan Stubbs & Westby Anderson. SP: Jason Ellerbee. Covenant Keepers (E-008) “What in the World is Going On?” Families with infants to elementary age children. What is God’s heart, design, and plan for the Nations? We will search the Scriptures together to learn more about God’s love for the Nations, His strategy to reach the Nations, 5
and Briarwood’s specific engagement with the Nations through our global missions team and our international supported missionaries around the globe. Teacher: Bryan Wintersteen. Team Leaders: Dixons, Jeffs, Moores (Bryant) Pettys. CP: Ryan Leib. SP: Ray Tucker. Growing in Grace (E-005) “Hebrews” Families with infants to middle school age children. The book of Hebrews was written to encourage first century Christians to keep their faith in Jesus while under great persecution. Hebrews reminds them that Jesus is crowned with glory and honor as their great Prophet, Priest and King. Join us as we consider the greatness of our Savior and seek to love Him and serve Him. Teacher: Eric Reebals. Team Leaders: Marshalls, Martins, Thompsons. CP: Eric Reebals. SP: Ray Tucker. Heritage Builders (FH-B) “Illuminating the Darkness” Families with infants to middle school age children. In a world of Darkness, Christ calls us to be light. What does that look like in our day to day lives? This study will look at the practices and principles of illumination. How to pierce the darkness with the light of Christ through the one another imperatives. Teachers: Ray Tucker & Ryan Akers. Team Leaders: Abernathys, Bartons, Bentleys, Bragans, Joneses, Laniers, Lotts. CP & SP: Ray Tucker. SoJourners (E-007) “The Psalms of Lament” Families with infants to middle school age children. Rediscovering the lost language of lament. This will include a study of the Psalms of Lament with an emphasis on praying the language of these Psalms through life’s difficulties. Teacher: Stephen Cloud. Team Leaders: Blacks, Cains, Crowes, McCurdys, Morrises, Pruitts, Stewarts, Thompsons. CP & SP: Benny Youngblood. STUDENT FAMILIES Firm Foundations (E-003) “The Practice of Love” Families with preschool to high school age children. Jonathan Edwards wrote, “All virtue that is saving and that distinguishes true Christians from others is summed up in Christian love.” This will become clear from our study of I Corinthians 13. Teachers: Benny Parks & Christopher Frost. Team Leaders: Everetts, Millers, Russ Ponder. CP: Rob Genin. SP: Michael Wichlan. Growing Together (G-103) “The Study of Scripture” Families with preschool to high school age children. We will spend this quarter exploring together a book of the Bible. Teacher: Bruce Stallings. Team Leaders: Blacks, Clays, Ellers, Iveys, Patrick Jackson, Saunders. CP: John Evans. SP: Michael Wichlan. 6
Next Step (E-010) “Living a Commissioned Life” Families with elementary to college age children. Regardless if it’s the routine of life or the busyness of life, there are many things that work against staying on mission. In this study, we will be looking at Jesus’ sending out of his disciples in Matthew 10 to explore living a “commissioned life.” Teacher: Seth Richardson. Team Leaders: Dodges. CP: Benny Parks. SP: Michael Wichlan. Inside Out (FH-C) “Philippians – A Life Patterned After Christ” Families with children in high school or older. In his prison epistle to the church at Philippi, Paul paints a portrait of the life of Christ for both the early church and us. We are called to “have the mind (or attitude) of Christ.” This means we are to look to Christ as the pattern for our daily living out the Christian life. Teachers: Michael Wichlan & Mike Mungenast. Team Leaders: Harrises, Mungenasts, Reids, Saunders, Summers. CP & SP: Michael Wichlan. Teambuilders (W-203) “Called to Peace” Families with children in high school or older. Biblical Conflict Resolution in Christian Marriage. This course will present critical Biblical instruction on addressing conflict and restoring broken relationships for God’s glory. Teacher: Mark Travers. Team Leaders: Kings. CP: Stephen Cloud. SP: Benny Youngblood. Homefront (M-200) “Honor, Shame and the Gospel” Families with children in high school or older. This quarter we will be gaining insight into the Honor and Shame worldview, how this view affects our culture and how the Gospel of Christ is the answer. Teacher: Andy Cheely. Team Leaders: Carters, Chappells, Oswells, Steelmans. CP: Seth Richardson. SP: Michael Wichlan. Hearts and Homes (A-204) “Living in a Crooked Generation” Families with children in high school or older. How to live and bear fruit in a crooked and perverse generation from Paul’s letters. Teacher: Glenn Draper. Team Leaders: Salmons, Sittons, Smedleys, Smithermans. CP: Bobby Parks. SP: Michael Wichlan. R.E.A.L. Life (W-204) “Psalms” Families with children in college or older. Most of the time when we are dealing with issues that we don’t understand, we go to the Psalms in Scripture. There we find sorrow, joy, victory, defeat and heartfelt emotions as David and others share their hurts and their questions in these 150 chapters. Journey with us this fall, as we unpack a few of these treasures. Teacher: Phil Reddick Team Leaders: Keffers. CP & SP: Dave Matthews. Discovery (FH-A) “Repentance and Forgiveness” A class for all ages and stages in life. In order to be in right relationship with God and with others, we must have a correct, biblical understanding for repentance and forgiveness. Join us in studying these vital topics. Teacher: Mark Travers. Team Leaders: Donaldsons, Towneses. CP: Jim Alexander. SP: Benny Youngblood. 7
Mountain View (A-209) “Parables” A class for all ages and stages in life. We will be studying select parables of Jesus and how they can be applied to our everyday lives. Teacher: Mark Cushman. Team Leaders: Adamses, Blackmons, Goebels, Carol Gould, Lindsays, Woods. CP & SP: Dave Lewis. ADULT FAMILIES Abundant Life (G-101) “New Testament Lessons” Empty nesters and grandparents. Teachers: Larry Childs, Rick Neel. Team Leaders: Cartwrights, Mullises, Yanceys. CP: Phil Reddick. SP: Dave Lewis. Deeper Life (Chapel) “Seeds of Faith” Empty nesters and grandparents. A biographical history of the Christian church. This study explores God’s providence in history through examining the lives of special saints whom He has raised up throughout the ages. Teacher: Rob Genin. Team Leaders: Charles Atwater, Majorie Birdsong, Al Black, Bill & Judy Black, Bill Fox, Rick Lathem, Lee McCarty, Bill Moulton, Bill Rudd, Richard Stracner, Greg Wolchock, Charlie Woodall. CP: Chuck Morgan. SP: Dave Matthews. Kingdom Builders (FH-D) “One Another Passages: Living as One in Christ” Empty nesters and grandparents. We are called to love one another, honor one another, encourage one another, serve one another and pray for one another – all for His glory and that the world may believe that Jesus is the Christ and Lord of all. We will study the “one another” passages in order to learn how to live as one in Christ and to bear His fruit in our lives. Teacher: Benny Youngblood. Team Leaders: McRaes, Zachows. SP & CP: Dave Lewis. Homestead (FH-E&F) “Disciplines of a Christian Life” Empty-nesters through great-grandparents. This class covers the major external and internal disciplines of the Christian life. If you’ve ever wondered how you will respond in extraordinary circumstances, just look at your ordinary circumstances. The discipline you develop now, is the discipline you use in times of trial. Join us to learn more! Teacher: Ike Reeder. Team Leaders: Dickinsons, Huffs, Morgans, Whaleys, Whitts. CP & SP: Dave Lewis. Joyful Hearts (A-105) “Psalms” Empty-nesters through great-grandparents. The book of Psalms expresses worship. Throughout its many pages, Psalms encourages its readers to praise God for who He is and what He has done. We will peek into God’s majestic nature and apply the principles of God’s Word to our worship of the Triune God. Teacher: Walter Leveille. Team Leaders: Hulls, Mujumdars, Shaws. CP & SP: Mark Cushman. 8
WOMEN Faithful Followers (Bride’s Room) “James” Women of all walks and stages of life. Journey with us as we walk through the book of James. In this small book we are called to live out a steadfast faith in the midst of perilous and challenging times. As Warren Wiersbe states, “James ‘pull no punches’ approach to spiritual maturity and the preference for actions over words makes his text the perfect backdrop for how to grow in faith.” Let us grow in Steadfast faith together. Teacher: Kristie Harrick. Team Leaders: Kathleen Bishop, Carolyn Campbell, Susan McCollum. CP: Chris Thompson. SP: Dave Matthews. Women Impacting the World (A-205) “Revelation 1–3” Women of all walks and stages of life. This quarter we will continue looking at chapters 1-3 of Revelation. These chapters contain God’s messages to the seven churches of Asia. See how His messages recorded by John so long ago still speak to the church today. Teacher: Vicki Portis. Team Leaders: Donna Arrington, Tricia Corbett, Vicki Portis. CP & SP: Dave Lewis. INTERNATIONAL International (E-218, School Library) “Knowing God” English-speaking Internationals. True peace is to have peace with God. Join us as we read through stories of the Bible. We will learn about God’s character, as well as take an honest look at our human nature – all while discovering how to have peace and relationship with God. Teacher: Taylor Barnes. Team Leaders: Taylor Barnes, Entrekins, Kelsos, Ann Lindsey, David Morgan, Neills, Miriam Rueger. CP: Taylor Barnes. SP: Bryan Wintersteen. International Sunday Services Japanese Worship Service: 1:30 p.m., G-101 and Zoom, CP: Kotaro Hamamatsu. Korean Worship Service: 11:20 a.m., 2209 Rocky Ridge Road, CP: Seongmin Im. Hispanic Worship Service and Sunday School: 10:30 a.m., 5521 Double Oak Lane (Highway 119) and streaming, CP: Joel Acevedo. 9
Abbreviations Used CP: Community Pastor Serves alongside a Shepherding Team to provide shepherding care, class leadership, and biblical training for a Sunday School Community. SP: Shepherding Pastor Serves as a Community Pastor in one or more Sunday School Communities and coordinates the work of other Community Pastors within his group of Communities. Building: A: Administration Mtn. View: Mountain View Building C: Children’s Wing M: Ministry Wing E: Educational Building N: Nursery Wing FH: Fellowship Hall S: School Wing G: Gym Wing W: Worship Center
2200 Briarwood Way, Birmingham, AL 35243 205.776.5200 •
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