Our Lady Catholic Church - 1550 St. Marys Ln., Festus, MO 63028 - Our Lady Parish

Page created by Edith Perkins
Our Lady Catholic Church - 1550 St. Marys Ln., Festus, MO 63028 - Our Lady Parish
Our Lady Catholic Church
1550 St. Marys Ln., Festus, MO 63028
      Liturgy of Sunday: Saturday - 5:00 p. m.
    Sundays - 7:30 a. m., 9:00 a. m. & 11:00 a. m.
    Weekday Liturgy: Monday - Friday 8:00 a. m.

                                               Our Parish
                                            Mission Statement

                                              “We, the Parish
                                           Family of Our Lady,
                                                nourished by
                                                 God’s Word
                                            and the Eucharist,
                                             strive to meet the
                                            needs of the people
                                                 in our faith
                                                and all those
                                               the Lord calls
                                                 us to serve,
                                               using our gifts
                                                  of TIME,
                                               and TALENT.
                                            We affirm, support
                                           and challenge each
                                                other to truly
                                                 become the
                                               BODY OF
                                                                                              FATHER GREG KLUMP
                     1550 St. Marys Lane                                                          Pastor (Rectory)
                    Festus, MO 63028-1543                                                       gklump@olparish.org
                                                                                           DEACON GLENN POLITTE
Rectory:                         (636) 937-5513                                           Deacon & Parish School of Religion
                                                                                                  (School, Ext. 9)
                                   or 931-4702
School / PSR                    (636) 937-5008                                                   DEACON TIM DUNN
                                   or 931-2963                                                        Deacon
                                                                                             MRS. TRACY KEMPFER
                                                                                           School Principal (School, Ext. 1)
                     FAX and WEBSITE
              PARISH FAX: (636) 933-2230                                                      MS. DAWN MEINHARDT
                                                                                                CRE (School, Ext. 5)
              WEBSITE: www.olparish.org
                                                                                                MR. MARK GRONER
                        SCHEDULE OF MASSES                                                      School Board President
LITURGY OF SUNDAY: Saturday—5:00 p. m                                                               314-560-6106
Sundays: 7:30 a. m., 9:00 a. m. & 11:00 a. m.                                                   MRS. TRACY HOOG
WEEKDAY LITURGY: Monday—Friday 8:00 a. m.                                                     Parish Bookkeeper (Rectory)
HOLY DAY MASSES:: Our Holy Day Mass Schedule varies.                                              thoog@olparish.org
Please see inside of bulletin the week before Holy Day.
        SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION                                                       MRS. MARGARET DITTMANN
SATURDAYS: 4:00—4:30 p. m.                                                                  Parish Secretary (Rectory)
or by appointment                                                                            mdittmann@olparish.org

To register please see Father Greg or an usher after any Mass or come by the rectory anytime.

                                        BAPTISM CLASS: Please call Fr. Greg to arrange for a class.
                                           Parents of infants or pre-school children must attend class.

                                 BAPTISMS: Please confirm dates for Baptism during Baptism class with Fr. Greg

CRY ROOM AVAILABLE: We encourage                                               1ST RECONCILIATION, EUCHARIST
parents to bring children into church and sit up                                     and CONFIRMATION
front where they can see - only use the cry room                      Students must have on-going Archdiocesan approved
when children become upset or unruly - when they                      Religious Education prior to and between the grades these
 settle down bring them back so they learn how to                     Sacraments are offered. First Reconciliation & Eucharist
behave in church.                                                     in 2nd grade and Confirmation in 8th grade. Parents
                                                                      are involved in preparation.
    RECEPTION OF THE SACRAMENTS                                       MARRIAGE PREPARATION: Please contact Fr. Greg
You must be a registered, active member of the                         at the rectory at least 6 months prior to the date you are
Parish family before you begin preparation for any                     considering for your wedding.
of the sacraments. You are encouraged to call the
rectory for further information.                                      RCIA-CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS
                                                                      You are encouraged to call the rectory for information
        ANOINTING OF THE SICK &                                       concerning the process for those who would like to become
       PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK                                      Catholic or learn more about the Church.
            Please call the rectory anytime.
The Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

           SCRIPTURES OF THE DAY                                             LITURGICAL ROLES
                                                                                 (February 2-3)
NEHEMIAH 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10 They read from the             Saturday 5:00 p. m.
book of Law and they understood what was read.            Lector: Debbie Temperato
1 CORINTHIANS 12:12-30 Together you are Christ’s          Ministers of the Eucharist: 1-Peggy Steppleman, 2-Judy
body, but each of you is a different part of it.          Zoellner, 3-Wayne Zollner, 4-Charles Hunt, 5-Mary Hunt,
LUKE 1:1-4, 4:14-21 The scriptures were fulfilled on      6-Betsy Ortmann, 7-Mary Skaggs
this day.                                                 Servers: Joseph Bookstaver, Benjamin Ortmann
                                                                   & Harper Gass

                                                          Sunday 7:30 a. m.
                                                          Lector: Beth Peyton
                                                          Ministers of the Eucharist: 3-Jill Filer, 4-Carey Filer, 7-Kay
                (January 28-February 3)                   Reiter
                                                          Servers: P. J. Krodinger, Zach & Max Partney
Mon. 1/28/19       8:00 a. m.    Communion Service
Tues. 1/29/19      8:00 a. m.   † Virginia Nanney         Sunday 9:00 a.m.
Wed. 1/30/19       8:00 a.m.    † Michael & Vincent       Lector: Dennis Holdman
                                  Coleman                 Ministers of the Eucharist: 1-Sandy Kraus, 2-Dirk Lupien,
Thurs.1/31/19      8:00 a. m.   † Susie Picarella         3-Rosie O’Shaughnessy, 4-Tim Patterson, 5-Raymond
Fri. 2/1/19        8:00 a.m.    † Hortense Williams       Politte, 6-Kathy Politte, 7-Ruth Richardson
  THE 8:00 A.M. MASS)
                                                          Servers: Gus Herrell, Paige Cuddihee & Sarah Loucks

                LITURGY OF SUNDAY                         Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Sat. 2/2/19        5:00 p. m. † Lodyce Dittmer            Lector: David Smock
Sun. 2/3/19        7:30 a.m. † Raymond & Joan             Ministers of the Eucharist:: 1-Rose Propst, 2-Jill Smock,
                                Rosener                   3-Phil Vogt, 4-Sue Vogt, 5-Barb Bayer, 6-Jan Gebhardt,
                   9:00 a.m. † Chester & Louise           7-Jeannette Hanewinkel
                                Patterson                 Servers: Adam, Jonah & Elijah Bishop
                   11:00 a.m. Our Lady Parish family
                                                                            Paul Williams, Mary Ann Schwent,
                                                                            Matt Ryan, Marilyn Himmelberg, Jay
                                                                            Moore, Ryan Rudolph, Michael Martin,
                                                                            Michael Milfelt, Erin Redfield McClin-
                                                                            tic, John Stuart, Gwen Caputo, Hayden
                                                                            Dean Hunt, Dorothy Boettger, Sister Pat
                                                                            Murray, Dominic Gibson, Jean Pusateri,
Monday:   Heb 9:15, 24-28; Ps 98:1-6; Mk 3:22-30          John Langelier, Florence Hopkins, Alan Steinman, Jean
Tuesday:  Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40:2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10,            Schiermeier, Beverly Holdman, Charles Hake, Dave
          11; Mk 3:31-35                                  Welker, Mary George, Pat Pierce, Joann Logaglio, Nancy
Wednesday: Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 4:1-20            Logaglio, Rita Skaggs, Cole Hardin, Ann Weik, Marilyn
Thursday: Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24:1-6; Mk 4:21-25             Juncker, Preston Wallace, Mary Harris
Friday:   Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40;
                                                          Please remember to pray for all who are suffering with cancer
          Mk 4:26-34
                                                          and various other chronic illnesses, those in nursing homes,
Saturday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18;             those who are hospitalized, and those who are struggling with
          Lk 2:22-40 [22-32]                              life-changing injuries. Also, please pray for all those in our
Sunday:   Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17;            parish who are pregnant, that they have a safe delivery and a
          1 Cor 12:31 -- 13:13 [13:4-13]; Lk 4:21         healthy baby. Reminder: All names on our sick list in the
          -30                                             bulletin will remain for one month. After that month if you
                                                          wish their name to be in the bulletin again you will need to call
                                                          the rectory office at 636-937-5513 or contact our parish secre-
                                                          tary by e mail at mdittmann@olparish.org Thank you!
January 27, 2019

                                   Good people of Our Lady,

                                  Today we begin our annual celebration of Catholic Schools Week. During this
                                  week we highlight and take stock in the great gift that the Catholic parochial
                                  school system has been for the Church in the United States. To grow in our faith
                                  is a wonderful and remarkable thing. It is, however, never complete until we
                                  pass it on. In my experience, there is no one I have met who has had a great ex-
perience of God and conversion who did not want to share it and the new found joy they have found in their life.
To teach, share, or hand on our faith is both a privilege and responsibility of a disciple of Jesus Christ. Regarding
the faith formation of children, parents are always the primary educators. Catholic schools and parish schools of
religion are meant to supplement and support parents in their mission.

When speaking with couples during baptismal preparation classes or marriage preparation classes I stress this very
much for a couple of reasons. First, children in their first few years of life learn through absorption. They absorb
every bit of stimulus from their environment, such as taste, sound, texture, color, and yes, behavior of parents. Par-
ents need to know that they are always teaching (for better and for worse) by their daily example. So, it is impor-
tant for parents to nurture their own relationship with God and with their spouse. When children see these things
modeled by parents, they will naturally be drawn to them as well. Secondly, there is a bond of trust that children
share with their parents. No matter how poorly skilled a parent may be, never on my best day as a teacher can I, or
any other teacher for that matter, compare with a parent on their worst day. This bond of trust cannot be manufac-
tured or duplicated. It develops even during the pre-natal stage of life on through the first few years of parents car-
ing for their children. So it bears repeating that Christ calls parents to be faithful to this mission of being the pri-
mary educator of the faith. For when this occurs then the supplemental teaching we give at the parish level can
help both children and parents become more firmly rooted in the life and mission of Jesus.

As a “first time parent” myself (pastor of a parish with a school), I want to express my gratitude to Mrs. Kempfer,
our principal, along with our faculty and school staff for their hard work and great job they are doing at our school.
It has been a wonderful experience getting to know our teachers and see first-hand, the work they are doing with
our students. I have had an occasional opportunity to visit some of the classrooms and find the students engaged
by what they are learning. I have also added something new this year for our fourth grade students. I have made it
a requirement that all fourth graders learn how to be altar servers even though not all will chose to become a regu-
lar altar server. This has been a great opportunity to teach them about the Mass and Eucharist which are at the
heart of Catholic worship. I will also be visiting our second and eighth grade students as well as they prepare to
deepen their relationship with the Lord through the reception of Holy Communion and Confirmation. These op-
portunities along with others help our children to recognize that while we teach them the regular courses of Math,
English, Science, Social Studies, etc., everything we learn is connected to our life in Christ.

In his second letter to the Christians at Corinth, Paul speaks beautifully about how each of us, seemingly different
as we are, are all part of the living body of Christ. We are many parts. Each of us has so many talents to build
upon and share. So I want to conclude by thanking our parents and parishioners for supporting Catholic education
here at Our Lady and over at St. Pius X High School. It can only happen if we give our time, talent, and treasure. I
thank you for your generosity of the past and encourage you to keep investing in this mission of Catholic educa-
tion. It certainly is not easy financially to keep schools operating these days, but it is not impossible either. A num-
ber of years ago, the Guardian Angels Fund was established at Our Lady as a means of tuition assistance from our
parishioners to families who are having difficulty meeting the cost of tuition. If you are able to assist in this area,
envelopes are available in the back of church or you can put an offering in an envelope and label it Guardian Angel
Fund at any time and place it in the collection. Thank you for your prayers and all your support you give.

God bless you, and have a great week!

    Weekly collections Jan 19th & 20th, 2019                  Due to the Our Lady Dinner/Auction, Mass on
                                                              Saturday, February 9, 2019 will be at 4:00 p.m.
Envelopes                                       8,176.00      Confessions that day will be from 3:00-3:30 p.m.
Loose checks                                      945.00
Loose Cash                                        298.00                           The Very Capable Our Lady Fish Fry
Children                                           20.00                           Committee has scheduled a prepara-
Capital Donations (pink envelopes)                150.00                           tion meeting for 7:00 p.m. on
Total Weekly Collection                         9,589.00                           Wednesday, January 30 in the rec-
                                                                                   tory meeting room. They are always
YTD Total                                    385,022.23       looking for additional help and ideas and any and all pa-
YTD Budget                                   402,000.00       rishioners are invited. It’s a great way to get involved in
Collections over/ (under) budget              (16,977.77)     the parish and meet some really good folks and a few iffy
Holy Day
 Solemnity of Mary                                  2.00

1st Offering                                       55.00
                                                              Volunteers are needed to help at Our Lady School cafete-
St. Louis Review                                  861.00      ria on Fridays during the school year. If you would be
                                                              interested please contact Kathy Jercinovic at the school at

                                                              Please note: All volunteers who work with the children of
                                                              Our Lady School must be in compliance with the Archdi-
                                                              ocesan Safe Environment Program which includes attend-
                                                              ing a “Protecting God’s Children” workshop, registering
                                                              with the MO Family Care Safety Registry and filling out
                                                                          the necessary paperwork for a background
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2019                                                check.

  Our Lady Parish Center/Gym                                              We welcome to our parish family through the
    Doors open at 5:00 p. m.                                              waters of Baptism:
Our Dinner/Auction Committee has begun seeking items
for the upcoming Dinner/Auction. They are seeking             Theo-                                                dore
themed baskets, home & garden items, electronics,             Scott
sports equipment or memorabilia, certificates for ser-
vices and/or events, restaurant certificates, etc. They are
especially in need of bottles of wine, gift cards and me-                             Wensler
dium to large baskets at this time. Creativity is encour-                  son of Scott & Melissa Wensler
aged! Please bring your donations to the back of church
or contact Theresa Eldridge at 314-974-6974. We thank
you in advance for your generosity!

Individual tickets are now available for $60.00 each or       Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls
you may sponsor a table. For more ticket information          of Robert Duvall Sr., husband of Lahoma Duvall
please text Pam Verzola at 314-783-6172.                      and grandfather of Jeremy (Brandi) Duvall and for
                                                              Margie Ervin, mother of Charlie (Brenda) Ervin,
Also don’t forget to purchase your pre-auction 50/50          grandmother of Ben (Beth) Ervin and great-
raffle tickets which were mailed to each household in the
                                                              grandmother of Brennan & Brody Ervin.
parish. Extra raffle tickets are available in the vestibule
of church.
St. Pius X High School Hosts. . .
                                                                     THE CONVERSATION
                                                               A Catholic Perspective on End-Of Life-Issues
                                                                 presented by the Roman Catholic Foundation

                                                                   Saturday, February 9, 2019
                                                                 10:00 a. m. - 2:00 p.m. (lunch provided)
                                                                          St. Pius X High School
                                                                 1030 St. Pius Drive, Festus, MO 63028
         January 27 - February 2, 2019                    Topics Include:
Our Lady School invites you to their Open House this
                                                          • Principles of Catholic Bioethics
Sunday, January 27 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.           • Advance Directives & Estate Planning
Meet teachers, take a tour, receive information con-      • Charitable Gift Planning
cerning financial assistance and the registration proc-   • Funeral & Cemetery Planning
ess. You will also have the opportunity to win atten-
dance prizes. For more information about Our Lady         To register please visit rcfstl.org/the-conversation or
School, please contact the school office at 636-937-      call 314-918-2892
                                                                     CYC golf registration is now open, CYC
Looking for a scholarship for the 2019-2020                          golf is open to all grades 3-8. Season runs
school year? Apply online at TTEF-STL.ORG                            from mid-March to the end of May. Prac-
starting January 28, 2019 for elementary and high                    tices to be held at First Tee driving range
school scholarships. Need based scholarships avail-                  with tournaments held at Joachim Golf
able for: all elementary schools in the Archdiocese of               Course. Please register at ols.siplay.com.
St. Louis, all Catholic high schools, and any private     Registration will close on February 28. Space is lim-
elementary school in the City of St. Louis. Deadline is   ited. Any questions, please e mail one of the following:
February 28, 2019

                                                                   WELCOME TO OUR LADY
                Attention Men                                       CATHOLIC CHURCH
Did you make a spiritual New Year’s resolution? If        If you are not currently registered and wish to join the
so, how is it going? If not, why not?                     parish, please complete the form below and place it in the
                                                          collection basket or bring it to the rectory. We will mail
Join us Tuesday evening, January 29th, and hang out       you a Parish Registration Form. Thank you!
with other men who are determined this year to be-
come better husbands, better fathers, better sons, and    LAST NAME:_________________________________
better neighbors. Take 2 hours for fellowship with                     First Name(s) (Adults)
other like-minded men, share some snacks and drinks,                      _____________________
and come hear what Fr. Huber has to say.
When: Tuesday, January 29, doors open at 6:30 p.m.
                                                          Phone: ______________________________________
       Event starts at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Our Lady Catholic Church Parish Center             Address: ______________________________________

Why: Because God wants you to                                      ______________________________________

For more information feel free to contact Matt Surdyke
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