PALM SUNDAY APRIL 10, 2022 - Immaculate Conception ...

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PALM SUNDAY APRIL 10, 2022 - Immaculate Conception ...
PALM SUNDAY APRIL 10, 2022 - Immaculate Conception ...
PALM SUNDAY APRIL 10, 2022 - Immaculate Conception ...
   On Thursday, Dine with Jesus!
                                                                           Be here on Thursday night as we recall the events of
                                                                  the Last Supper and the wonderful gift of the Eucharist that
                                                                  Jesus gave to his disciples and to us. Be present to the real
                                                                  presence that Christ offered to us in Holy Communion.
                                                                           Holy Thursday is one of those few times in the year
• Welcome to Holy Week!                                           when we as a parish family can gather around the table of
                                                                  the Lord. It is a time to be united in our faith, even with all
                                                                  the diversity that is very much a part of our two parishes.
                                                                  Holy Thursday allows us to appreciate the faith we share as
                                                                  we carry on the mission and ministry of Jesus, who gave us
                                                                  the Great Commandment to love and serve one another. We
                                                                  are called to do today what he did for us long ago.

                                                                  • Step into a Church on Good Friday!
                                                                            On Good Friday, make sure you step into a church,
                                                                  even if it’s just for five minutes of quiet prayer. If you are
          Holy Week is here! For Christians around the world,     out of town traveling on the road with your family this
this is the most important week of the whole liturgical year      Good Friday, pull off the road and find a church to visit. Say
as we profess our faith in the life, death and resurrection of    a simple prayer together and remember what happened on
Jesus Christ.                                                     the cross.

        Church is the place to be during Holy Week. This is                 When a loved one dies in our family, we are
our main event! This is why we have been praying, fasting         compelled to go to their wake and pay our respects. We
and doing works of charity for the past 40 days of Lent.          wouldn’t think of missing it. Well, in the same way, Good
                                                                  Friday is the day to pay our respects to Jesus, who gave His
         I sincerely hope that you and your family will be        life for us on the cross. That is why we personally venerate
able to participate in the beautiful liturgies that will occur    the cross on Good Friday.
these next several days here at Immaculate Conception and
St. Joseph Parish. Our Pastoral Staff, liturgical ministers and           The big question on Good Friday is always, “Were
musicians have been working hard to prepare for these             you there when they crucified my Lord?” May our response
solemn events that are the best expressions of our worship        this Good Friday be, “Yes, Lord. Here I am.”
and prayer.
                                                                  • On Saturday, Come and See the Light!
         There is so much you don’t want to miss during
Holy Week. These days are packed with powerful rituals and                 The Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday has it all…fire,
beautiful symbols of our Catholic faith that speak volumes        lights, water, joyful alleluias, the best scripture stories from
to what we believe as followers of Jesus, and the faith we try    our ancestors, those being received into the Catholic faith
to live and profess each day.                                     through Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, and the re-
                                                                  newal of our baptismal promises.
          Every Catholic should at least once in their lifetime
experience all that the Triduum — meaning the three days                   If you come to the Easter Vigil, you certainly won’t
of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil — have         be bored. If fact, you will be in awe of all that takes place.
to offer. To experience them in their entirety is a unique        The liturgy, even though it is long, is filled with so much
spiritual experience.                                             that represents the heart and soul of our Catholic faith.
                                                                  Come and enjoy the Easter Vigil. Be proud to be Catholic!
         Maybe this is the year for you to make it happen? If
you do, I promise that you will have a whole new under-
standing and appreciation of Holy Week for the rest of your
life having made the prayerful journey through these three                                              Continued on the next page
consecutive days.
                                   VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.ICSJPARISH.ORG | PAGE 3
PALM SUNDAY APRIL 10, 2022 - Immaculate Conception ...
We are blessed this year to have 12 adults who will               Thank you to all who donated to various charities as
be fully initiated into the Catholic church at the Easter Vigil.   part of your alms giving during the season of Lent. I am
They have been part of the RCIA (the Rite of Christian             grateful for all of the grocery bags of food that we have re-
Initiation for Adults) program since September and have            ceived for our Food Pantry.
been learning each week about the beliefs and practices of
our Catholic faith.

         Meet Sharma, Fox Moeller and
Nicholas DeBrunner will be baptized at the Easter Vigil.
Olena Temple, Molly Pfister, Cristina Kovacas,
Jenna Warren, Rachael Bates, and Victoria Policello are
already baptized in another Christian denomination, and will                As we approach Easter Sunday, please be mindful
make a Profession of Faith, expressing their desire to             that our Easter collection is a significant part of our parish
become Catholic. Kathryn Swiecichowski, Lindsay Barrios            income that goes toward balancing our Operating Budget. I
and Alexandra Aldave are already baptized Catholic and will        thank you for your constant generosity and support that
receive their Confirmation and Holy Communion.                     helps us to do the good things that we do.

        We are so happy and proud of them. They are a                      God has blessed us in many ways. How fortunate
great addition to our community of faith.                          we are to be able to share these blessings so that the mission
                                                                   and ministry of Jesus continues on, in and through us.
• Easter Hospitality
         Let us together make our Easter Sunday celebra-
tions a joyful and rewarding experience for all, especially
those who will be visiting our parish this year. May we offer
them a gracious and warm welcome, and especially to those
who may be returning to the Catholic Church after a long
absence. May we help all our brothers and sisters feel at
home and know how glad we are to have them join us in
prayer this Easter.

         Today’s bulletin and our parish website contain all
of the events that will take place, day by day, practically hour
by hour, during Holy Week. Please refer to them often and
continue to pray for one another as we journey through
these sacred days.

• Thank You for Your Lenten Donations

                                                                           Matthew David Bloom & Mary Arleen Schaefer
                                                                                   Married Saturday, April 2nd
                                                                                        St. Joseph Church
                                                                                 Rev. Lawrence Lisowski presided

                                    VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.ICSJPARISH.ORG | PAGE 4
PALM SUNDAY APRIL 10, 2022 - Immaculate Conception ...
Sign up for eGiving
                                                     eGiving is a secure and convenient way of giv-
                                                     ing to Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph
                                                     parish. It is eco-friendly and cost-saving. Just
                                                     click HERE and to make your one-time,
                                                     weekly, or monthly donation.

                                                     If you have questions, please contact Nancy
                                                     Gies at or call her at
                                                     (312)787-7174 ext 5.

                                                     Get Involved
                                                     Check out all the opportunities here at ICSJ
             Madison Lynnmarie Wise                  parish, click HERE. Or let’s set up a coffee so
            Baptized, Saturday April 2nd             we can get to know each other, your talents and
               David & Lauren Wise
                  Brother Grayson                    strengths and where they might be used best
                                                     here at ICSJ. Email Elly Rodriguez at
                                            or Angela Gore at

                                                     Ministry of Care
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are                      Do you know someone in need of prayer?

obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for
Catholics. In addition, Fridays during Lent are       ·Do you know someone homebound, in a
                                                     nursing home, or hospital who would like a
obligatory days of abstinence.                          visit and receive Holy Communion?

    For members of the Latin Catholic Church,              ·Do you know someone who may need a
                                                                       ride to mass?
the norms on fasting are obligatory from age
18 until age 59. When fasting, a person is           If you, or a parishioner you know are in need
permitted to eat one full meal, as well as two       of these services, or if you would like to
smaller meals that together are not equal to a       become a Minister of Care, please contact Elly
full meal. The norms concerning abstinence           at the parish office.
from meat are binding upon members of the            (312)787-7174 x 3
Latin Catholic Church from age 14 onwards.
                             VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.ICSJPARISH.ORG | PAGE 5
PALM SUNDAY APRIL 10, 2022 - Immaculate Conception ...
Welcome RCIA 2022
                            At ICSJ Parish this year we are blessed to have twelve
                          candidates and catechumen who will be received into the
                            Catholic Church. Each week we highlight two RCIA.

                        Olena Temple
                        I was born in Kharkiv, Ukraine and came to the US ten
                        years ago. I have one adult son Dennis who is going to be
                        married and a daughter Veronica who is in 3rd grade at ICSJ.
                        Veronica got me started on this journey to convert
                        to Roman Catholic as I was baptized in the Russian Ortho-
                        dox Church. Veronica will be receiving her First Commun-
                        ion this Spring. I always thought "church is church" but my
                        experience going to Mass at ICSJ has been life-changing.

                        Cristina Kovacs
                        I was born in Bucharest and baptized Romanian Orhodox,
                        but I grew up in Chicago. I am converting to Roman Catho-
                        lic as part of my journey to grow in a relationship with God.
                        I did not grow up in a religious household so I have learned
                        a lot in the RCIA process. I work as a software engineer and
                        I love to read and play video games in my free time.

PALM SUNDAY APRIL 10, 2022 - Immaculate Conception ...
PALM SUNDAY APRIL 10, 2022 - Immaculate Conception ...
Easter: Our Homecoming

It is quite remarkable that none of the stories of the resurrection of Jesus actually recount his coming out
of the tomb and how he was raised by God from the dead. But, we do have stories about what happened
to his disciples. Easter created in them a sense of belonging and the awareness that instead of living for
themselves, they were being called to a mission that would be nothing less than changing the course of
history. This is a story we need in our time. Today, many people question the meaning and purpose of
life and their identity as human beings. They live with the feeling of alienation, being disconnected from
others, a community or past traditions. They feel abandoned in a world of hostile challenges and aimless

Easter offers an antidote to these feelings of malaise. It provides a resounding answer to the questions
about our meaning and purpose in life by drawing us out of our isolation and inviting us to live within the
story of God’s love for us – a love that knows no bounds. The message of Easter is simply this: Even
though we killed the Son of God, God has not abandoned us. On the contrary. God raised Jesus so that
he could come back from the dead to be with us, reminding us that we too are God’s sons and daughters.
God never abandons us and we should never abandon one another. Easter is our coming home to be
God’s family.

As we celebrate Christ coming back from the dead to be with us, there is a special joy in being able to
return to our parish communities this year after two years of separation due to the pandemic. I urge you
to experience that joy. It is the joy the first disciples experienced in being reunited with each other after
being scattered in fear and division with the death of Jesus. It was a homecoming in which Christ, who
first brought them together along the shores of Galilee, was now calling them to be with him and with
each other in a new way.

I invite you to look upon this Easter as new homecoming after being separated by the pandemic. This
Easter, discover once again the presence of Christ as your parish community gathers for the Eucharist.
Let Easter be a new opportunity to share with your fellow parishioners the experience of having a
common purpose, identity and call to leave behind fear and death and make a difference in the world.
Take up with fresh energy the task of making disciples, building community and inspiring witness through
service in a Church that acts as a field hospital in a suffering world. We need to come together to
encounter Christ anew and to rediscover who we are as an Easter People who make a difference in the
world. It is in making a difference in the world that we find the answers to the questions about the
meaning and purpose of life and our identity. And we do this together, as the disciples of Christ who are
raised from the death of fear and isolation to live in relationship with each other, in community. Our
parishes depend on each of us to make the personal commitment to form that community of disciples that
acts as field hospital for one another and the world. So, as I urge you to return to your parish for in-
person worship beginning this Easter, think of it as a homecoming, in which we gather to celebrate Christ
rising from the dead because we too have risen from the dead. Happy Easter.

Archbishop of Chicago
PALM SUNDAY APRIL 10, 2022 - Immaculate Conception ...
2022 Holy Week Schedule
March 2022
                                                                                                                                                                    Palm Sunday
                                                                                                                                               SUNDAY, A PR IL 10 T H ~ M A S S OF T HE LOR D ’ S PA S SION

                                                                                                                                       (Saturday) 5:00 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Church (Fr. Larry McBrady)
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,                                                                                                                8:00 a.m. at St. Joseph Church (Fr. Larry Lisowski)
                                                                                                                                            9:30 a.m. at Immaculate Conception Church (Fr. Larry McBrady)
                                                                                                                                                    11:00 a.m. at St. Joseph Church (Fr. Larry Lisowski)
What are you hoping for right now?
                                                                                                                                                                  Holy Thursday
Are you waiting for the pandemic and the winter to completely end? Do you wish that you were healthier? Are                                   T HUR SDAY, A PR IL 14T H ~ M A S S OF T HE LOR D ’ S SUPPER
you searching for love, or looking for forgiveness? Do you wish you could just put the past behind you and                                   7:00 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Church (Fr. Larry Lisowski)
move on with your life? What we hope for often points us in the direction that we want our life to go in the                                                   Adoration until 9:00 p.m.
future. Without hope we begin to wander, and we can easily get lost.
                                                                                                                                                                    Good Friday
Luckily, hope is here!                                                                                                                F R IDAY, A PR IL 15 T H ~ SER V ICE OF T HE LOR D ’ S PA S SION A ND DE AT H

                                                                                                                                            12:00 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Church (Fr. Larry McBrady)
As we approach the beginning of Holy Week, we are reminded of the hope that Jesus brought to the world.                                            7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Church (Fr. Larry McBrady)
He showed us how life can be filled with compassion, understanding and mercy. That is the heart of the Good                                         Holy Communion will be distributed at these services
News that he preached. If we place our hope in God, we will never be disappointed.
                                                                                                                                                                  Holy Saturday
                                                                                                                                                                   S AT UR DAY, A PR IL 16 T H
Hope is right here in our community of faith! Come and see for yourself! I invite you, your family and friends
                                                                                                                                             Blessing of the Food Baskets: 12:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Church
to join us for our Holy Week services and Easter celebrations. Allow the Risen Lord to once again step into
                                                                                                                                          Easter Vigil Mass: 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Church (Fr. Larry Lisowski)
your life through the beauty of our prayer, worship and song. We welcome especially those who are new to our                                                    Fulfills Sunday Obligation
parish and those who might be visiting us during these important holy days. Our complete Mass schedule is
fearured on the opposite page.                                                                                                                                     Easter Sunday
                                                                                                                                                                    SUNDAY, A PR IL 17 T H
Our Holy Week services will also be available for viewing and participation live on our parish Facebook page                                        8:00 a.m. at St. Joseph Church (Fr. Larry McBrady)
at; these Masses remain on the page for viewing at any time.                                                     9:30 a.m. at Immaculate Conception Church (Fr. Larry Lisowski)
                                                                                                                                                   11:00 a.m. at St. Joseph Church (Fr. Larry McBrady)
I also encourage you this Lent to take advantage of the opportunities to celebrate the Sacrament of
Reconciliation. Going to confession offers us the wonderful gift of healing and peace that our loving God                                         Sacrament of Reconciliation
longs for us to have. Our Lenten confession schedule is included in this mailing. You can also schedule an                          W EDNE SDAY, M A RCH 3 0 T H                                            S AT UR DAY, A PR IL 9 T H

individual time for confession. Feel free to contact me at, or Fr. Larry McBrady at        7:00 p.m. Reconciliation Prayer Service with Individual Confessions                   12:00 noon at St. Jospeh Church
                                                                                                                 St. Michael Parish in Old Town | 1633 N. Cleveland Ave., Chicago                4:00 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Church to set-up an appointment.
                                                                                                                                       These Masses will also be broadcast live on our Facebook page at
Know that you remain in my prayers,

                                                                                                                                                   Your continued giving is important.
                                                                                                                      As our parish wrestles with the effects of the pandemic, we are in need of your financial assistance. Vey simply put, we
                                                                                                                        need to pay the bills, and over 90% of our budget comes from your donations. We offer many EASY ways to give.
Rev. Larry Lisowski, Pastor
                                                                                                                          G IVE BY VE NMO                              G IVE ONLINE                                  G IVE BY MAIL
Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph Parish                                                                                Send payments to                       Make one-time or recurring                            ICSJ Parish
                                                                                                             or the          contributions on our GiveCentral page at               1107 N Orleans Street
                                                                                                                        username ICSJ-Chicago                             Chicago, IL 60610
PALM SUNDAY APRIL 10, 2022 - Immaculate Conception ...
ICSJ Parish
                         2022 Lenten Activities
culate Conception
       This Lent, through our prayer, service and charitable giving, we allow Jesus to fill our hearts with the hope he
 St. Joseph       parish
       offers to the world. If we place our hope in God, we will never be disappointed! May these resources for Prayer,
             Reconciliation, Reflection and Almsgiving help fill your heart with hope this Lenten season.
             You can also view these resources online at

                                Daily Mass
                                Morning Mass, as part of your own Lenten devotion and personal commitment to prayer,
                                is a great way to begin your day and keep you focused. It could be your private pilgrimage
                                for the 40 days that takes you to Holy Week and Easter. Yes, Jesus is present to us when
                                we gather to hear the Word of God and share in the Bread of Life.
                                Monday, Wednesday and Friday              Monday thru Friday
                                9:00 a.m. at St. Joseph Church            8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon at St. Michael Church (map)

                                The Stations of the Cross
                                The Stations of the Cross will be prayed on the Wednesdays of Lent at 6:00 p.m. at
                                Immaculate Conception Church. Going from station to station is a great reminder of how
                                Jesus loved us to death.
                                Wednesday Evenings During Lent
                                6:00 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Church

                                Children’s Liturgy of the Word
                                On the five Sundays of Lent, children (4 and older) are dismissed from Mass to the atrium, in the
                                Kindergarten wing of the school, and provided with a simple lesson and activity corresponding to
                                the scripture readings for the day. The children then return to church during the Offertory.
                                Sundays During Lent
                                9:30 a.m. at Immaculate Conception Church

                                Pray with our Prayer Connection Community
                                Join the ICSJ Prayer Connection community as they pray the Holy Rosary and for intentions that
                                have been submitted to the group. The group prays either individually or together during their
                                daily Holy Rosary Zoom gathering. You can participate as little or as often as you’d like.
                                Beginners and those that would like to learn about the rosary are welcome! For more
                                information and to receive the Zoom link, email Angela at

                                 Reconciliation Schedule
                                 The Sacrament of Reconciliation celebrates the reality of God’s forgiveness and hope for us: to be
                                 a forgiving and reconciling people.
                                 Saturday, April 9th                 Saturday, April 9th          Wednesday, March 30th
                                 12:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Church     4:00 p.m. at I.C. Church     7:00 p.m. at St. Michael Church

                                                           continued on next page
       Explore Life, Faith and Meaning with Alpha
       Get a taste of what Alpha is like on Thursday, March 3rd from 7-8:30 p.m. Then, join us Wednesday
       evenings starting March 9th from 7-8:30 p.m. for more! Lent is the perfect time to explore life, faith
       and what it all means! Give it a try and attend when you are able.
       Visit for more information

       Conversion of Heart
       Each week during Lent, here in our weekly parish bulletin, we will feature a resource from Our
       Sunday Visitor magazine entitled “Conversion of Heart” providing thoughtful reflections of the
       Sunday readings, questions to ponder, signs of the season, family activities and prayers. You can
       also view the “Conversion of Heart” reflections in the Reflection section on our 2022 Lenten
       Activities web page at

       Word on Fire
       Word on Fire offers reflections from Bishop Bob Barron who is an author, speaker, and theologian.
       Bishop Barron was born and raised in Chicago and is now serving in the Archdiocese of Los
       Angeles. He has great insights into the Lent scriptures.

       Word Among Us Daily Reflections
       The Word Among Us offers daily meditations based on the Mass readings, inspirational essays,
       and stories of the saints. The mission of The Word Among Us is to assist people in reading,
       meditating on and understanding scripture and to provide sound, practical advice for Catholics
       on the living out of the Christian life.

       Lenten Food Drive
       Our parish will be holding a Food Drive for our Parish Food Pantry and for our Sharing Parish,
       Mother of the Americas, located in Little Village. Collect your items, load them into your vehicle,
       and the Knights of Columbus members will be waiting to unload while you remain in your
       vehicle. No physical contact is required.
       Saturday, March 19th           Most-Needed Items
       12:00 to 12:00 p.m.            Peanut butter, jelly, dry breakfast foods (cereal, oatmeal), canned
       I.C. Church Parking Lot        fruits & vegetables, snacks (granola bars, microwave popcorn,
                                      crackers, etc.), canned meats and non-perishable entrees

       Care Bags For The Poor
       Instead of scrambling for leftover food or spare change when you see a homeless person or
       someone in need, hand them a Care Bag! Assembled by Noreen Mayer, a ICSJ 2020 graduate and
       current Sophomore at DePaul Prep high school, Care Bags contain water, socks, trail-mix, and an
       uplifting message of hope. Keep one or more Care Bags handy in your car, gym bag or purse!
       On sale March 12th and 13th
       at Immaculate Conception Church
What’s a “QCD Gift?”
     Jesus told us “whatever you do for
the least of my brothers, you do for
me.” Every day, we have the opportunity
to be the face of Jesus to others. You
can help to support our parish and cover
our increased operating costs by making
a qualified charitable distribution
(“QCD”) gift from your individual
retirement account.

     A QCD gift (a.k.a. IRA charitable
rollover) allows individuals age 70½ or
older to authorize their IRA
administrator to make a direct transfer
of funds from their IRA to qualified
charities, tax-free. This way of giving
does not generate taxable income, which
may lower your annual income level. If
you are age 72 or older, the amount you
transfer may count towards your
required minimum distribution.

     If you would like more
information on how to make a QCD
gift to Immaculate Conception and
St. Joseph Parish please contact:
Nancy Gies at
or contact Krystina M. Campbell, Planned
Giving Officer, Archdiocese of Chicago at
312.534.5404 or

Mass Intentions                                                    What is a
week of April 9- April 15
Saturday, April 9
                                                                   Mass Intention?
5pm at Immaculate Conception Church with Fr. Larry
McBrady: Dick Hyland                                               Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph parish
                                                                   offers the possibility for you to request that a Mass
Sunday, April 10                                                   be celebrated for a particular intention. Requesting
8am Mass at St. Joseph with
Fr. Larry Lisowski: For the health and well being of Mary Clark    a Mass intention means that you are asking that the
                                                                   grace of Christ’s sacrifice in his death and
Sunday, April 10                                                   resurrection be applied for a particular purpose, for
9:30am Mass at Immaculate Conception with Fr. Larry
McBrady: Michael Lopardo, Ernest Peterson, Robert Hernan-
                                                                   example, for a deceased person or a living person
dez                                                                who is ill or in thanksgiving for a favor received.
                                                                   An intention can also be made for an occasion of a
Sunday, April 10                                                   birthday, anniversary or special need, or it can be
11am Mass at St. Joseph with
Fr. Larry Lisowski: Guy Akers                                      directed to a cause, such as an increase of vocations
                                                                   or respect for life.
Monday, April 11                                                   Usually, a single intention is attached to a given
9am Mass at St. Joseph with
Fr. Larry Lisowski: For the parishioners of the ICSJ parish        Mass. But it is also possible to gather several
community                                                          intentions in one Mass with exactly the same effect.
Wednesday, April 13
9am Mass at St. Joseph Church with
                                                                   To request a Mass Intention, please visit https://
Fr. Larry Lisowski: For the parishioners of the ICSJ parish or call
community                                                          Angela at the parish office (312)787-7174 ext 1.
Holy Thursday, April 14
7pm Mass of the Lord's Supper at Immaculate Conception Church
with Fr. Larry Lisowski: For the parishioners of the ICSJ parish   Prayer Request

Good Friday, April 15
                                                                   Every month, we receive dozens of prayer requests
9am Mass at St. Joseph with                                        on our website. No matter where you live in the
Fr. Larry McBrady: For the parishioners of the ICSJ parish         world, you are invited to share your needs with
community                                                          those who have committed to pray on your behalf.
12pm Service of the Lord's Passion and Death at Immaculate Con-    Please visit
ception Church with Fr. Larry McBrady: For the parishioners of     prayer-connection to submit a prayer request.
the ICSJ parish community                                          To learn more about our ICSJ Prayer Connection
7pm Service of the Lord's Passion and Death at St. Joseph Church
                                                                   Ministry or to join our daily rosary please contact
with Fr. Larry McBrady: For the parishioners of the ICSJ parish    Angela at or (312)787-7174
community                                                          ext 1.

                                Sacrament of Reconciliation
         Consider taking advantage of celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Going to
        confession is great for one’s soul. Receive the wonderful gift of healing and peace that
                                our God longs for us to have in our life.
              Contact Fr. Larry, at, to schedule a time to meet.
                                   VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.ICSJPARISH.ORG | PAGE 16
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • Seamless, one-piece system keeps out leaves,
                                                                                                                   Promotion available to qualified buyers on approved credit with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       pine needles, and debris
                                       $29.95/Mo. billed quarterly                                                 $99 down payment. Not all buyers will qualify. Higher annual          to enter into a contract. The following persons are not eligible for this
                                                                                                                   percentage rates apply for buyers with lower credit ratings.          offer: employees of Company or affiliated companies or entities,
                                                                                                                                                                                         their immediate family members, previous participants in a Company
                                                                                                                   LeafGuard is neither a broker nor a lender. Financing is provided
                                                                                                                   by third-party lenders unaffiliated with LeafGuard, under terms and
                                                                                                                                                                                         in-home consultation within the past 12 months and all current and          • Eliminates the risk of falling off a ladder to
                                                                                                                                                                                         former Company customers. Gift may not be extended, transferred,
                                                    • One Free Month                                               conditions arranged directly between the customer and such
                                                                                                                   lender, all of which are subject to credit requirements and
                                                                                                                                                                                         or substituted except that Company may substitute a gift of equal or          clean clogged gutters
                                                                                                                                                                                         greater value if it deems it necessary. Gift card will be mailed to the
                                                                                                                   satisfactory completion of finance documents. Any finance terms
                                                                                                                   advertised are estimates only. LeafGuard does not assist with,
                                                                                                                                                                                         participant via first class United States Mail or e-mailed within 30
                                                                                                                                                                                         days of receipt of the promotion form. Not valid in conjunction with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • Durable, all-weather tested system not a
                                                    • No Long-Term Contract                                        counsel or negotiate financing, other than providing customers an
                                                                                                                   introduction to lenders interested in financing its customers.
                                                                                                                                                                                         any other promotion or discount of any kind. Offer not sponsored or
                                                                                                                                                                                         promoted by Amazon and is subject to change without notice prior              flimsy attachment
                                                                                                                   Expires 8/31/2021                                                     to reservation. Expires 8/31/2021

                                                    • Price Guarantee                                                                                                                                                       *Guaranteed not to clog for
                                                                                         Call today for your FREE estimate and in-home demonstration                                                                      as long as you own your home,
                                                    • Easy Self Installation                                                                                                                                             or we’ll clean your gutters for free.

                             Call Today!            Toll Free 1.877.801.8608             CALL NOW 708-462-6373                                                                                                                                                              Get it. And forget it.®

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                                                                           Courtesy of J.S. Paluch Company, Inc.
431800 St Joseph/Immaculate Conception                                                                                                                                                                                      For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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