February 19, 2023 - Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
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February 19, 2023 - Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time 2310 Bedford Street • Johnstown, Pennsylvania, 15904-1127 DIRECTORY Saint Benedict Parish Mission Statement: “To proclaim and live the message of Jesus Christ; through the power of Parish Office ...……….. 814-266-9718 ext. 501 the Holy Spirit, pray and work to build up His Church; and to do the will of Parish Fax …........................... 814-269-4220 the Father always and everywhere.” Parish Website ………... stbenedictchurch.org Parish Mo o: Parish Pastoral Council …………………………. “Ora et Labora” - La n for “Pray and Work” - comes from the Benedic nes who pastoralcouncil@stbenedictchurch.org were the first to staff our Parish. Divine Mercy Catholic Academy ………….. ……………………………….. 814-961-DMCA (3622) PARISH STAFF School Website ………………... dmcatholic.org Rev. David S. Peles, Pastor ………… SBpastor@atlan cbb.net, Ext. 502 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Fr. Antony Sudherson ………… sudhersonantony3@gmail.com, Ext 507 Monday – Thursday 7:30 am - Noon and Deacon Michael Russo …………………………………………………. 814-288-3036 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Friday 7:30 am - Noon. …………………………………………………………… michael.russo@atlan cbb.net Closed Saturday, Sunday and Holidays School Principal ………..…………………………………………...….. 814-961-3622 Sr. Cindy Burns, CCW ………………………. srcindy@stbenedictchurch. org MASS SCHEDULE High School CCD, Confirma on, RCIA ……….….....…………………….. Ext. 301 8:00 am Monday & Friday Mrs. Michelle Roba n, Elementary CCD ……………..………….….…… Ext. 302 9:00am Wednesday School Mass ………………………………………….…………...… mroba n@stbenedictchurch.org 12:05 pm Tuesday and Thursday Mr. Joseph Gaunt, Office of Music & Liturgy ………………… 814-241-1923 5:00pm Saturday Vigil ……………………………………..…………..……..………………… jmg.stb@gmail.com 8:30am and 10:30am Sunday Masses BAPTISM: Parents are to be examples to their children by being registered, ac ve members of the Parish. First me parents are required to a end a Bap smal Prepa- Exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament ra on Class. Please call the Rectory Office to make arrangements. before morning Mass on Monday, MARRIAGE: Couples planning to marry are to make arrangements at least Wednesday and Friday nine months prior to their wedding date. Diocesan Guidelines regarding Marriage Prepara on must be followed. The Catholic party/par es is/are to be CONFESSIONS registered, ac ve members in the parish. Monday and Tuesday following Mass CARE OF THE SICK: Those confined to their homes by sickness or age may Saturday .............................. 3:00 pm arrange to receive Holy Communion by calling the Parish Office at 814-266- 9718 Ext. 501. Our priests and deacon visit all St. Benedict parishioners once a BULLETIN ARTICLE DEADLINE week at Memorial Medical Center or other hospitals as requested. Please e-mail to SBpastor@atlan cbb.net PARISH MEMBERSHIP: New members are always welcome! If you are moving the Wednesday of the week prior. into, within, or out of the Parish please call the Parish Office and let us know.
February 19, 2023 Page Two Mass Intentions For This Week Religious and Social Events Mon 8:00am Anniv. 2/19 Emma Hill Knights of Columbus Gob Sale A er (Grandparents) All Masses This Weekend Sun B-day 2/19 Ann M. Wilson 8:30am Mass / stbenedictchurch.org (Husband & Family) 9:00 - 10:15am Elementary CCD 9:00 - 10:15am High School CCD / St. JPII Tues 12:05pm Margaret Brown 10:30am Mass / stbenedictchurch.org (Ron & Carolyn Jaskula) 2:00pm Eucharistic Retreat / Parish Hall Marlin & Anna Yarnell 6:00pm Bell Choir (Dave & Christopher Cox) Presidents’ Day / Parish Office Closed Wed 7:00am William Sipko (Jay & Pat Shaffer) Mon 9:00am Steve, AnnMarie & Robert Solich 7:45 - 8:00am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Gary & Judy Capouellez) 8:00am Mass followed by Confessions 12:05pm Anna Marie Courtney 1:00pm Youth Group Tubing / Hidden Valley (Sharon Chamberlaw) 6:00pm Alpha / Parish Hall & Church 6:30pm Rose Rovida (Mr/s David Rovida) No Eucharistic Day Thurs 12:05pm Barbara Kinley (Cousins) Tues 12:05pm Mass followed by Confessions B-day Kathy Holtzman 1:00 -2:30pm Break Open the Word / JP II / Room # 2 (Husband & Family) 2:00pm Haluski Making for Fish Fry / Kitchen Fri 8:00am Raymond Keating (Tourney Family) 5:00 -6:00pm Pro - Life Holy Hour Tom Novak (Mary Kay Sax) 7:00pm K of C Rosary followed by monthly Sat 5:00pm B-day 2/2 Joan Feyock (Children) mee ng / St. JPII / Chapel Betty Miske Ash Wednesday / Third Fish Fry (Bill & Marianne Newcomer) Wed 7:00am Mass Sun 8:30am Anniv. James Galli 9:00am Mass (Sister: Linda Yeager) 12:05pm Mass Rita Bates (Victor & Kathryn Gartrell) 3:00 - 6:00pm Ash Wednesday Fish Fry / 10:30am Mass for the Parishioners Phone in Orders 266-9718 ext. 206 3:30 - 7:00pm Eat-In Dinners / Dining Room 3:30 - 7:00pm Take-out Dinners READINGS FOR THE WEEK 6:00pm NO RCIA / St. JP II / Room # 2 6:30pm Mass Sunday: Lv 19:1-2, 17-18; Ps 103:1-2, 3-4,8,10, 12-13; 1 Cor 3:16-23; Mt 5:38-48 Thurs 10:00 - 11:30am Adult Ed / St. JP II / Room # 2 Monday: Sir 1:1-10; Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2, 5; 12:05pm Mass Mk 9:14-29 Fourth Fish Fry Tuesday: Sir 2:1-11; Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40; Fri 7:00 - 8:00am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Mk 9:30-37 8:00am Mass Wednesday: Ash Wednesday 1:30pm Stations of the Cross Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 12-13, 3:00 - 6:00pm Phone in Orders 266-9718 ext. 206 14 & 17; 2 Cor 5:20-6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 3:30 - 7:00pm Eat-In Dinners / Dining Room Thursday: Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 & 6; Lk 9:22-25 3:30 - 7:00pm Take-out Dinners 6:30pm Sta ons of the Cross Friday: Is 58:1-9a;Ps 51:3-4,5-6ab,18-19; Mt 9:14-15 Sat 9:30 - 11:30am Bible Study / ZOOM Saturday: Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-2,3-4, 5-6; Lk 5:27-32 3:00pm Confessions Sunday: First Sunday of Lent 5:00pm Mass / stbenedictchurch.org Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7; Ps 51:3-4,5-6, 12-13,17; Sun 8:30am Mass / stbenedictchurch.org Rom 5:12-19 or Rom 5:12,17-19; 9:00 - 10:15am Elementary CCD Mt 4:1-11 9:00 - 10:15am High School CCD / St. JPII 10:30am Mass / stbenedictchurch.org 6:00pm Bell Choir
Page Three February 19, 2023 This Wednesday, February 22nd is Ash Pray For. . . Wednesday when the Church begins the forty day journey . . . the repose of the souls of Robert McGuire (brother of John McGuire) and Rose Walsh (sister of Do Barbera) who have entered toward the Triduum (The eternal life. May Robert and Rose rest in God’s peace and may Three Days) with the annual the comfort of the Lord be with their families. discipline of fas ng, praying and giving alms. Ash Wednes- . . . remember in your charity the homebound, elderly, sick and hospitalized members of our Parish Family, especially John day and all Fridays during Lent are days of fast and Nibert, Beverly Eggert, Patti Krupa, Baby Emily Rose Galasso, Ellie abs nence. Our Masses will be at 7:00 am, 9:00 am, Traversa, Linda Bobkoskie, Mary Ann Hrabosky, Baby Elizabeth Aniela, 12:05 pm and 6:30 pm. Clyde Smith, Linda Hiteshew, Maria Naylor, Vie Kelly, Nina Debias, Tony, Mary Burns, Robert Pallilo, Cindy, Jo Ann Philibin, Eric Spinger, Kevin & Jody Calverley, Joann Reiser, Edna Glass, Jennifer Lorre, Martin Staley, Our Eucharis c Day is cancelled for this week so Linda Edwards, Mark Trostle, Regis, Janet Custer, Lois Derenak, Karen that we can prepare our beau ful church for Ash Jaspar, Bob Kamler, Kim & Erik Johns, Kathy Rouzer, Mary Bertino, Sandy Wednesday. Our Pro-Life Holy Hour will also be can- Seaman, Margaret Kulback, Jean Huck, Dave, Linda Deitle, Jeff Pribulsky, celled. We will return to our regular schedule next Arlene Ryan, Slim Jordan, Mrs. L, Steven Warner, Albert Keith, Sr., Kevin week. Yaste, Robbie Brosig, Alice McCue, Christopher, Bill Fritz, Sharon, Nina Love, Kathy McVicker, Douglas Greig, Edward, Myra Willet, Danielle Gleason, Ruth Villa, Norma Jean Simmons, Bob Ronan, Dave Lubinsky, Our Knights of Columbus will be selling delicious Marilyn Peles, Becky Petrosky, Frank Arcurio, Joyce Motter, Jennifer L., gobs this weekend, February 18th Bob Mihalik, Jean Edwards, Twin Baby Girls: Lucia and Palmer Santichen, Richard, Mary Magro, Bernard & Patricia Paruch, Florence Nagle, Patty and 19th a er all Masses. Our Mainhart, Brittney Diveley, Heather, Maryann, Kelsey, Steve Ulanowsi, featured flavor will be double choc- Dave Ellis, Ernie Esposito, Sandy Kloo, Paul Harnish, Arthur Munjone, olate. We will also have our original Michelle Herdman, Mary Ann, Tracy Mowery, Sandy & John Hunsinger, Fr. Chuck Bridges, Pat Mikulsky, Ian McCue, Evelyn Maria Zubak, Rick Novel- chocolate gobs. la, Noah Latronica, John Schultz, Robbie Wright, Nancy Russo, Dorothy Our monthly mee ng will be held this Tuesday, Katcher, David Grigg, Linda Bettle, Evelyn Yost, Paul Yeager, Linda Urban, February 21st in the St. JP II / Chapel. The Rosary Judy Furfari, Chris Smith, Joyce Stephens, Eric Tipton, Michelle Ku- ruzovich, Michelle Smith, Margaret, Richard, Frederick, Bill Eggert, Joel will begin at 7:00 pm followed by the mee ng. Rivera, Robin Sorch, Carolyn and Donna Markum, Mary Ann Barnes, Dan Delp, Jimmy Brothers, Maurene Romano, Sylvia Latchney, Mary Ann Ed- Our next Fish Fry will be sall, Jackson Kneib, Irene Zankey, Angie Naskali, Christopher Norton, held this Wednesday, Mary & Bob Goas, Penelope Sopich, Lynn Lubinsky, Austin Birus, Mark Williams, Bobby Cates, Rose Cale, Bryson Miller, Stella Neuder, Rosemary February 22nd (Ash Wednes- Stump, Helene Barron, Margaret Riederer, Eileen Leuser, Ruth Boes, Gary day) from 3:30 - 7:00 pm and Single, Brett Greenhill, Jeffrey Hope, Baby Ashlyn, Joan Parks, Doris Pep- then again on Friday, Febru- ple, Cindy Rummel, Ashley Bassette, June Shaw, George Lulos, Frank Fratrich, Jan Seitz-Molchany, Barry Vill, Nina Roman, Lee Herdman, Chris ary 24th in our Parish Hall. Please see our com- Howie, Doug Osborne, Kay Gorczycki, Basil Constantino, Ron Rayman, plete menu in today’s insert in the bulletin as well as Kathleen Hennessey, Patricia Renaud, Ken Julian, Krista Walker, Rudy phone and online ordering information. Lapid, Justine, Darin Roles, Jim Stem, Charles Donald Jacobs, Kathy Kohan, Joe Walbeck, Harry Gorman, Jonathan W., Mark, Braden Schofeld, David Mark your Calendar! Our Annual Dabbs, Danielle Sopich, Betty Horner, Gia Bucci, Bob Bark, Derek Bro- Reunion will be held on Friday, July zozowski, Antonia Ramirez, Lance Hupkovich, Janet S., Regina Hoover, John Orlosky, Sean Aveni, Rebecca Boring, Brayden Yorchak, John Glenn, 28th, Saturday, July 29th and Sunday, Theresa Balon, Bryan Mahon, Nicole Mickolick, John William, Douglas July 30th. Shaffer, Jacqueline Beltz and their courageous families who are caring for them. May they be united in a special way with the suffering Christ. Thanks to our adver sers who . . . also, Lord, please watch over the men and women serving in our armed forces, and also those civilians whose work sponsor this bulle n puts them in harm’s way. . . . and also, for more voca ons to the priesthood, Martella’s Pharmacies Permanent Deacons, Religious Life, all our volunteers and all the ministries.
February 19, 2023 Page Four During the Lenten Season we will be having an evening Mass every Tuesday at 6:30 pm followed by Confessions. (February 28th - March 28th). Stations of the Cross will be held every Friday at 1:30 pm and 6:30 pm beginning this Friday, February 24th. The Sta ons of the Cross One of the most powerful ways to enter into the Passion and death of Jesus is to pray the pious devo on we call the Sta ons of the Cross. The custom of walking and praying the Sta ons of the Cross came into usage in the fi eenth century. Pilgrims to the Holy Land developed a custom of visi ng the places sanc fied by Christ’s early life, par cularly the path he took on Good Friday from His trial at Pilate’s house to Golgotha, where He was crucified and then on to the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. Praying the Sta ons of the Cross is a powerful way to contemplate and enter into the mystery of Jesus’ gi of Himself to us. In praying the sta ons of the Cross, we come to experience the love Jesus has for us as His faithful followers and for each one of us individually as we draw ourselves closer to Him through devel- oping a deeper love and apprecia on for His gi of salva on for us all. You can walk that pilgrimage of Jesus’ final journey as He carried His cross to Golgotha, the place of His crucifixion every Friday a ernoon at 1:30 pm and every Friday evening at 6:30 pm during Lent. Just a reminder that all Fridays during Lent are days of abs nence. FASTING refers to only one full meal, with two small meals and no ea ng otherwise for the day. ABSTINENCE refers to not ea ng meat at all throughout the day. All those who have reached their 14th year are obliged to ABSTAIN. The Church directs the holy FAST to all un l their 60th (Canon 1252). Children’s Lenten Reunion Tree is Back Once Again - The tree will be located in the back of the church. As the price of prizes for the St. Benedict Reunion con nue to increase, we are asking for Lenten dona ons of gi cards and cash. In the spirit of “almsgiving” please consider taking a cross from the tree, purchase the appropriate gi card and return it to the Parish Office or drop it in the collec on basket. Please be certain that the cross is a ached to the gi card. Gi cards range in amounts of $5.00 to $25.00 and are from stores where children’s prizes can be purchased for the prize redemp on booth. As an added bonus, you can purchase gi cards through our scrip program for parish credit. Please help give the children awesome quality prizes. Thank you for considering this program! Just a reminder that we will not be mailing out Lenten folders for adults this year, however children’s boxes will be mailed out. Adults will find an envelope in your offertory box for your Lenten dona on. Remember that all dona ons collected through the Lenten envelopes will be suppor ng Deacon Michael’s Foreign Missions as it was for Lent 2022. Thank you in advance for your support! Just a reminder that you can drop off your old palm from last year in the box located in the ves bule. Thank you! Our Fish Fry Committee is still looking for flour donations to make our haluski. You can drop all donations off at the Parish Office during regular business hours. Thank you in advance for your generosity! The Church of the Transfiguration and Fr. Bob Hall will be offering a delicious Swiss Steak Dinner. TAKE OUT ONLY next Sunday, February 19th from 10:00 am— 2:00 pm at the School Hall, 209 Third Street, Conemaugh. Dinner includes delicious Swiss Steak in its own gravy, green beans, mashed potatoes, dinner roll, salad and dessert. Cost is only $13.00. They go fast so come early!!
Page Five February 19, 2023 The St. Benedict Finance Council is responsible for monitoring the financial health of our parish. We believe it is important to keep our parishioners informed of how we are doing. To help with this goal, we have been pos ng financial data on a quarterly and annual basis. Below is a lis ng of monthly income and expenses for the fourth quarter 2022. Items marked with *** are those that occur infrequently and can have a significant effect on the month which they take place. Thank you all for your con nued support of St. Benedict Church! Church Financial Report 4th Quarter 2022 OCT 2022 NOV 2022 DEC 2022 Income: OFFERTORY COLLECTIONS $106,583 $84,319 $108,373 *** CHRISTMAS 1,246 2,865 37,670 *** IGIVECATHOLIC 14,913 8,097 Total Income 107,829 102,097 154,140 Expense: OPERATIONS EXPENSES 45,920 40,684 43,972 RECTORY & CHURCH OFFICE 11,222 5,763 10,280 ALL OTHER SEPARATE BUILDINGS 1,300 0 536 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 5,837 5,623 5,726 GENERAL EXPENSES 22,316 16,967 13,116 *** CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 28,406 0 DIOCESAN ASSESSMENT PAYMENT 17,500 17,500 17,500 SCHOOL ASSESSMENT 20,200 20,200 20,200 Total Expense $152,701 $106,737 $111,330 Net Income (Loss) ($44,872) ($4,640) $42,810 *** The capital expenditure in October included sealing and pain ng of our parking lots and drain repairs. Collec ons included five Sundays for October and four Sundays for November and December. Thank you all for your prayers and con nued support of the financial needs of our parish.
Page Six February 19, 2023 The weekly Bible Study will be held via the ZOOM program on Saturday from 9:30 - 11:30 am. The weekly schedule is as follows: February 25th; March 4th, 18th and 25th; April 1st, 22nd and 29th; May 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th. Please watch the bulle n for further details. Please contact Deacon Mike if you have any ques ons or need addi onal informa on: 814-288-3036 or michael.russo@atlan cbb.net. Our next Fish Fry will be held on Ash Wednesday, February 22nd and then again on Friday, February 24th from 3:30 - 7:00 pm in our Parish Hall. Sit down Dinners and also Take - Out Or- ders will be available from 3:30 - 7:00 pm. Online ordering will be available for our parishioners and friends with computer access. Please see insert in today’s bulletin for our complete menu and ordering instructions. Our remaining dinners will be Friday, March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st. Hope you are able to join us! Reunion News - Our Reunion Committee is looking for two new chair persons. Our “Parish Arts and Crafts Booth” formerly Ladies Work Shop is in need of a chairperson. The second chairperson is needed to ice cakes, cut and package for our Chicken and Waffle Dinner. This chairperson and volunteers will be needed on Thursday evening to prepare for Friday’s chicken and waffle dinner and then again on Saturday morning to prepare for Sunday’s dinner. If you have an interest in either one of these please contact our Parish Office at 814-266-9718 ext. 501. 2023 Reunion Dates are Friday, July 28th, Saturday, July 29th and Sunday, July 30th. LENTEN RESOURCES: The season of Lent begins this Wednesday, February 22nd. As we have in the past, the parish is provid- ing the Word Among Us books for your Lenten use. This daily medita on book has all the readings from Masses during Lent, commentary on the readings, and faith building ar cles. Also, the parish is providing “The Li le Black Book” containing medita ons on the Passion of Jesus according to St. Ma hew. Please help yourself to one or both of these resources. BREAK OPEN THE WORD will meet on Tuesday, February 21st from 1:00 – 2:30 pm in Room # 2 of the St. JP II. This group discusses the Sunday readings each week. Please feel free to join us! If you cannot come in person, we also offer class on Microso Teams. If you would like to join electronically, contact Sr. Cindy to have the link sent to you. Call 814-266-9718, Ext. 301 or email srcindy@stbenedictchurch.org. THURSDAY ADULT ED: will meet on Thursday, February 23rd , from 10 -11:00 am in Room # 2 of the St. JP II. All are welcome. If you cannot come in person, we also meet online through Microso Teams. Contact Sr. Cindy at 814-266-9718, Ext. 301 or srcindy@stbenedictchurch.org. STUDENT VOLUNTEERS FOR FISH FRIES: Students from Grades 5 - 12 are needed to help with the fish fries. Students are needed for sea ng guests, serving, cleaning up tables, etc. Time served can be used as Service Hours for those students who need service. Please contact Sr. Cindy at 814-266-9718, Ext. 301 or email srcindy@stbenedictchurch.org. Please reserve your spot to volunteer by Thursday of the week you wish to volunteer. Available shi s are 4:00 - 6:00 pm, 5:30 - 7:30 pm and 7:00 - 8:00 pm. The last shi is devoted to clean up. This parish event can only work if we all pitch in. Please help! UPCOMING CONFIRMATION EVENTS: Freshman Bap sm Retreat: Saturday, March 4th from 1:30 – 4:30 pm in the This is the 2nd and final opportunity for this retreat. Students and at least one parent are asked to a end. Anyone who a ended the first opportunity in January need not a end this one. Confirma on Sessions: Sunday, March 5th from 8:45 – 10:15 am in St. JP II. Students from all three grades who did not a end on February 5th need to a end; parents are not required. Sophomore Gi s of the Holy Spirit Retreat: Saturday, March 18th from 1:30 – 4:30 pm in the Parish Hall. This is the 2nd and final opportunity for this retreat. Students and at least one parent are asked to a end. Anyone who a ended the first oppor- tunity in February need not a end this one.
Page Seven February 19, 2023 St. Benedict Church 2023 Special Lenten Programs Sunday, March 5th at 3:00 pm in the Church The Via Dolorosa Special slide presenta on of the award-winning book, The Via Dolorosa examines the path Jesus took to the cross, discusses the details and brings out the deeper meaning behind each por on of Jesus's journey to Golgotha. Sunday, March 12th at 3:00 pm in the Church The Shroud of Turin: Is This the Face of Jesus? A dynamic account of the history, science, Passion, and Resurrec on evidence as seen in the Shroud of Turin. The goal of the presenta on is to draw people into the heart of Jesus Christ. Each person can decide for themselves whether the Shroud of Turin is the actual burial cloth of Christ. Sunday, March 19th at 3:00 pm in the Church The Passion of the Christ (Lic. M1315909) Be with Jesus on the last twelve hours of His life on the day of His crucifixion in Jerusalem. Relive Sacred Scripture as you go from the Garden of Gethsemane to the Cross, to the Tomb. Free Admission to All
St. Benedict Church Geistown Fish Fry ln Our Parish Hall Eat-ln 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm Take-out 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm Phone in Orders 266-97L8 ext. 205 from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm Online ordering for our friends with computer access Log into www.stbenedictchurch.org/fishfry and place your credit card order from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm the day of the dinner All Major Credit / Debit Cards and Cash will be Accepted for Payment Fish Dinner s1s.oo EXTRA SIDE ORDERS Senior / Ch:ld Dinner Piece of Fish - (12 & under) smaller portions $a.oo Baked or Fried s10.00 Shrimp Dinner 8 piece Srs.oo Fish Sandwich S1o.oo Crab Cake Sandwich Senior/Childapc (2 Crab Cakes) s1o.oo Shrimp Dinner s8.oo Three Pierogies S4.oo Combo 1/2 pc Fish & 4 pc Shrimp Srs.oo Homemade Haluski s4.00 2 Piece Crab Cake Dinner Srs.oo Macaroni & Cheese s4.oo DINNER INCLUDES 1 Crab Cake ss.oo CHOICE OF TWO SIDES: Macaroni & Cheese, Haluski, French Fries, French Fries s4.00 Stewed Tomatoes, Cole Slaw, or Applesauce Fish FryDates Applesauce $2.00 February 22nd,Ash Wednesday), Cole Slaw s2.oo February 24th, March 3rd, 10th, March L7th,24th and 31st Stewed Tomatoes 52.00 Our Knights of Columbus will be offering their delicious gobs & cakes for purchase.
JOIN US FOR OUR NEXT BREAKFAST! DOING FOR OTHERS IS DOING FOR CHRIST! Join us for breakfast which benefits our own St. Benedict Youth Group Sunday, March srH in our Parish Hall TIME: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm (LAST SEATING FOLLOWING 10:30 am Mass.) Menu includes: Scrambled eggs, bacon, ham, and sausage (choice of two), breakfast potatoes, toast and pancakes with fruit toppings and whipped cream. Mea! includes choice of coffee, tea, milk (white or chocolate) or iuice Baked goods for sale separately cosT: Adults s10.00 - children 5-12 s5.00 BEGINNING lN 2023, families of four or more S30. 5 and under are FREE! .Children PLEASE JOIN US AND BRING A NEW FRIEND! THE GREATER THE ATTENDANCE, THE GREATER THE DONATION TO THIS MINISTRY WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!
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