St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church - November 21, 2021 - St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Parish

St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church - November 21, 2021 - St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Parish
St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church
          November 21, 2021
St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church - November 21, 2021 - St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Parish
                                                                              November 25, 2021
                                                                                 9:00 AM MASS

      Recognizing the King                                           The mere daily act of focusing on our
                                                                   blessings makes us more mindful, more
          When I hear the word ‘king,’ there’s a couple          present to God’s mystery and gifts, and more
familiar connotations come to my mind. First, I think               aware of the needs of others around us.
Hollywood film, and second, British royalty. I think of
Aragorn when he is crowned king after a series of epic
adventures and battles in Return of the King; I think the         You are invited to join us in giving thanks to
king-becoming of Peter in The Lion, the Witch, and the           God for all the blessings He has shared with us
Wardrobe; I think King George III as depicted in the HBO                     at Mass on Thanksgiving.
mini-series, John Adams; I also think of the curious
reason why Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh wasn’t                                           Please accept our
entitled “king” even after he married Queen Elizabeth                                        invitation to begin
II five years before she was crowned.                                                       Thanksgiving Day
        Jesus’ kingship is altogether different.                                        together as a parish family.
       As we enter in this Gospel scene, we find Pilate
in a quandary in this interrogation. St. Cyril of             faith. We prefer to see kings in splendid majesty, and
Alexandria explains: “Having nothing at all of which to       here is Jesus bloodied and bruised. We prefer to see the
accuse him, and none of those crimes to allege against        pageantry of the royal court, and here is Jesus standing
him that normally bring with them just punishment —           alone. We prefer to see our kings with an enchanting
and Pilate persisting in inquiring why they had brought       presence over the crowd, and yet, we see Jesus whose
him — they assert that Jesus had sinned against Caesar in     presence seems to incite a riot.
assuming the dominion that Caesar had acquired over the               And so, when we join our question to Pilate’s —
Jews and in changing the glory of his kingdom to suit his     “then you are a king?” (18:37) — we betray our own
personal aspirations.”                                        blindness to Jesus’ kingship. In the opening scenes of the
         Pilate is unsatisfied with Jesus’ answer, so in an   musical Camelot, we see King Arthur standing in a field
effort to placate the escalating tension in the gathered      dressed in the clothes of a common peasant. To look at
crowd and to assuage the situation in the eyes of Roman       him you would have no idea he was king. In fact, when
hierarchs, Pilate has Jesus scourged (in the following        Guinevere first met Arthur, she didn’t have a clue that he
chapter of the Gospel text). Little did he know that he       was king over all England. Arthur was, in fact, king, but
was preparing Jesus for his royal presentation.               his outward appearance gave no evidence of this. Jesus’
                                                              kingship is hidden in plain sight, he stood literally next to
        In my fascination with the royal throne, I enjoy
                                                              Pilate, who didn’t recognize him.
watching royal coronation ceremonies with all the pomp
and circumstance, the pageantry, the formality. I imagine              Many of us are probably in the same situation as
there’s plenty of assistance given to the royals to prepare   Pilate, unable to recognize the kingship of Jesus: maybe
them for such a momentous day. Jesus’ preparations are        it’s due to a lack of faith, maybe it’s due to unrepentant
much different. Jesus is soon dressed in his royal            sin patterns, maybe it’s due to unforgiveness in
wardrobe, after having been brutally tortured, and then       relationships, or maybe it’s something else. Ask yourself,
returned to Pilate and the gathered crowd.                    “What would change if I really did recognize Jesus’
                                                              kingship over my life? Might things be better off? Same?
        The paradoxical sight stuns them all, as it does us
                                                              Or worse?”
yet today. We are confused at the sight of the King in his
royal wardrobe precisely because we tend to view Jesus’                                        Br. John-Marmion Villa
kingship with human eyes instead of through the lens of
St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church - November 21, 2021 - St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Parish
Prayer Requests                                                    Parish News
  The following persons have requested prayers
           from our parish community:                                     Baptism
Joanne Monroe     Beth Smith           Spencer Mehr                       St. Mary of Gostyn Parish Family welcomed
                                                                          the following children to the Catholic Faith
Madison Smith     Mary Ellen Oliver    Carmela Martini
                                                                          through the Sacrament of Baptism recently:
Susan Conrad      Kathy O’Keefe        Jim Murawski
                                                                          Beckett Wayne Olason,
Bonnie Pearsall   Bernadette Zinzart   Rudolph Spacal                       Son of Scott & Tamara Olason
Nicole Moyer      Lois Bach            Joseph Leto                        Riley Scott Olason,
Gary Berberich    Dolores Mendoza      Charles E. Zezulak, Sr               Son of Scott & Tamara Olason
Hugh Toner        Arlene Kucaba
                                                                    EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AT ST. MARY’S
                        In Sympathy
          Our deepest sympathy to the family of                  FULL-TIME BUSINESS OFFICE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT
  Nancy Sterr, mother of Chris Walsh & Mary Beth Albian         Primary Function: We are seeking an individual to aid the
                                                                Business Manager and Pastor in managing the financial
                                                                business of St. Mary of Gostyn Church and School. The
                                                                candidate must have the ability to work independently and
          Religious Education                                   maintain strict confidentiality.
                                                                Qualifications and Skills:
                                                                 Experience in Microsoft Office, Google Docs, and
               RE Calendar                                         accounting software
Nov 24/25 - No RE - Happy Thanksgiving                           Bachelor’s Degree and Bookkeeping experience are a
Dec 1/2 - RE Classes                                               plus
          Advent Reconciliation for both
                                                                A more detailed description can be found on our website at
           Wednesday sessions
Dec 8/9 - RE Classes
                                                                  Please send Resume and cover letter to Valerie Bava at
           Advent Reconciliation for Thursday session only
Dec 15/16 - Advent Mass for all RE Sessions
Dec 17 to Jan 4th - No Religious Ed - Christmas Break             PART TIME MAINTENANCE/HANDY PERSON OPENING
    SERVICE OPPORTUNITY ~ FLEECE BLANKET DRIVE                  As we continue to rev up the activities going into the
 C3 is collecting Fleece blankets to give to Cancer patients    Advent Season, we are in need of a part-time maintenance/
                   undergoing treatments.                       handy person to augment our current staff. This position
   You can donate a JoAnn Fabrics gift card to buy the          will be three to four days a week, with flexible hours on
  material for the blanket, you can donate the material to      those days. The person will work in both the School and
  make a blanket or you can donate a completed blanket.         the Church. This is a great opportunity for someone who is
            For more information, please go to:                 looking for 15-25 hours a week.
                                                                A more detailed description can be found on our website at
              ~Parish Office Hours ~                                   

                                                                 Please send Resume and cover letter to Terri O’Dekirk at
      The Parish Offices will close at 12:00 Noon on
               Wednesday, November 24th.
 The offices will also be closed Thursday, November 25th,
 and Friday, November 26th for the Thanksgiving Holiday.

                                                                                          November 21, 2021         Page 3
St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church - November 21, 2021 - St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Parish
Our Catholic Faith with Fr. Keith:
                                                                           The fourth deck of King Hall at Naval Station
                                                                           Newport is painted with many murals in each wing. The
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2021                                                  graduating classes of officers design the murals to depict
 6:00 PM - Marguerite Weiss req. Jim & June Burke                          their time in training with encouragement for the classes
                                                                           in the future. I spent many days reflecting on one in
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2021                                                 particular which simply said “Home is wherever my
 9:00 AM - Philip Vena req. Moira & Bruce Barker                           country needs me.” The long days of training were
                                                                           physically and mentally exhausting to complete the
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2021                                               various evolutions from firefighting, saving a sinking
 9:00 AM - Deceased Members of the Metzger                                 ship, drill, inspections, marching, and leadership. I was
          & Stenner Families
                                                                           consoled by offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass each
                                                                           day. The sailors in my wing became my parishioners
                                                                           and the barracks became my parish. Living in and
 9:00 AM - People of the Parish
                                                                           among the sailors while ministering to them was an
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2021                                                  experience of priestly ministry in its purest form. Jesus
  9:00 AM - Jerry Papievis req. Mary Ann Papievis                          lived with his disciples. He accompanied them along
            Rita Blaney req. Martens Family                                their journey. And, most importantly, he was leading
                                                                           them home. His home is the Kingdom Heaven, that far
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2021                                                distant shore to which we all sail. Home, in this sense,
 4:00 PM - James Splawski req. Jim Splawski                                is wherever God needs us. These last five weeks were
                                                                           challenging in many ways, especially being away from
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2021                                                  family, friends, and the parish. Yet, I felt like a mission-
  8:00 AM - Nancy Miriani req. Jan Miriani                                 ary even in the experience of homesickness. At the end
 10:00 AM - Marlene Schurr req. Mary Toth                                  of this Liturgical Year our readings from the Lectionary
 12:00 PM - Thomas McRickard req. St. Mary Parish & Staff                  focus on the end of all things: apocalypse, revelations,
            Robert Earley req. Brian & Noreen Kordzinski                   Parousia, and the Second Coming. Perhaps, as this year
  6:00 PM - People of the Parish                                           draws to a close, we should reflect on where we have
                                                                           been and where we are headed. Our true home is
                                                                           heaven, where we will all be in eternal residence by
                                                                           resting with the angels and saints. There, in the celestial

                     Stewardship                                           homecoming, we will receive the love of God in a com-
                                                                           plete manner. Many Americans will gather together with
                                                                           their family and friends for Thanksgiving this week.
                                                                           Spend some time giving thanks to God for the many
                                                                           blessing we have received, and, as you enjoy your
   A CALL TO STEWARDSHIP                                                   earthly houses, remember our heavenly home.

   Weekly Collection 11/14/2021                              $27,033.50
                                                                               CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT
   Weekly Goal (Fiscal Year 2021/2022)                       $28,000.00
                                                                                           Please be generous in this week’s special
   Goals to Date
    Sunday Goal to Date                                     $560,000.00
                                                                                           collection for the Catholic Campaign for
                                                                                           Human Development. In the United States,
   Collections to Date
    Sunday Collection to Date                               $549,994.40
                                                                                           one in eight people lives in poverty. With
                                                                                           this collection, you support programs that
   Total (Short of) Goals to Date                           ($10,005.60)
                                                                           address the root causes of poverty and provide a sustainable
                                                                           future for those struggling across the country. In addition,
               Thank you for your support and generosity!                  25% of the funds we collect remain in our diocese to fund
                                                                           local anti-poverty projects. Please prayerfully consider how
   For your convenience online donations can be made by going to:          you can support this collection and those working on the
                                                                           margins. More information about the Catholic Campaign for
                                                                           Human Development can be found at
Page 4     Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King                     cchd.
St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church - November 21, 2021 - St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Parish

                                                           As you can see with the financial reporting for our
                                                           fiscal year 2020-21, we have been fortunate to have
                                                           weathered the storm of lower than usual collections
                                      November, 2021       due to the lower than usual attendance at Masses, yet
                                                           to still have a good financial report for the Parish.
Dear Parishioners,
                                                           We have also been fortunate to be able to continue
        For the Christian steward, fall brings a renewed   on our quest to maintain, repair, and improve the
sense of commitment. Many of us make our                   buildings and grounds for our campus. It has been a
commitment of time and resources to our parish             busy year for the maintenance team.
during November or soon after. Stewardship renewal
brings a sense of excitement to the parish as we invite    In the Church, we added automated doors at the
you to join in supporting the opportunities of service     parking lot entrance to help those who have need
both at our liturgies and in our outreach. Our Catholic    assistance to enter the building. We replaced the air
school and our Children and Adult Faith Formation
                                                           conditioning system in Apostles Hall, the Adoration
programs inspire hope and enthusiasm in renewing
our Church.                                                Chapel, and the priests’ vesting room. The air condi-
                                                           tioning units serving the Business Office and the
        I am proud to present our Parish Annual            priests’ quarters in the Rectory were also replaced.
Report for the fiscal year July 1, 2020, to June 30,
                                                           We re-paved the crumpling concrete apron at one of
2021. Mrs. Val Bava, our Business Manager/
Bookkeeper, has been with us for 13 years. Her             the entrances to our Church parking lot. Lastly, we
commitment to St. Mary of Gostyn Parish expresses          converted half of the lower level of the Parish Center
her faith and love for this community. She has kept us     to a pre-Kindergarten all day program classroom,
fiscally sound and mission-driven to be Christ to          allowing us to still host a half day pre-school program
others. She will be retiring in January, 2022. I want to
                                                           in the LRC.
thank her for the many years of service to the priests,
deacons, and parishioners of St. Mary's. Blessings, Val,   Across the street at School, we replaced the middle
on your retirement, and I look forward to you
                                                           school windows. Now all the windows in the main
continuing to be a parishioner of our parish.
                                                           school are new and energy efficient, as well as allow-
                                                           ing easier exit access if needed. Our boiler in the
        Our parish faith community has been through
almost two years of dealing with the Covid-19              east side of the school was also replaced. We re-
pandemic. Yet, we have continued to stay connected,        arranged and re-purposed the furniture and fixtures in
built upon our relationships based on our shared           our upper level of the LRC to make way for two new
values and sacramental life.                               learning spaces for our STEAM lab first phase initia-
                                                           tives. We now have a Robotics/tech space as well as
       Your Stewardship of Time, Talent, and               a construction Makerspace. We demo’d the house
Treasure has assisted us in continuing the Mission of      north of the school and expanded our playground
the Church during unusual and challenging times.
                                                           area, allowing our students to have recess there in
                                                           lieu of the Church parking lot.
        I thank you for your prayers and support and
look forward to the coming year                            All of these improvements, repairs and changes are
                       Sincerely in Christ,                possible due to your generosity and support for our
                                                           Parish. We are truly grateful for all that you do for St.

                       Rev. James A. Schwab
                                                                                    November 21, 2021       Page 5
St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church - November 21, 2021 - St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Parish
St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church - November 21, 2021 - St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Parish

Throughout the Book of Psalms, we hear the words, “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever.” As
I write my last Stewardship Report, these words have particular meaning for me. I am so grateful to the Lord for the oppor-
tunity to have worked and served the community of St. Mary of Gostyn for the last thirteen years, and I am thankful for all
of you and your commitment to this parish. More importantly, thank you for your support and generosity this past fiscal
year. We weathered the COVID challenges, safety requirements, and reservation system. We gathered for Mass in person
or by live streaming, and our faith remained strong. We thank all of our employees for their dedication and willingness to
keep the church and school open, sanitized, and functional this past year. And to finish this unusual year, St. Mary was the
beneficiary of two unique blessings: a generous bequest of $441,000 from a former parishioner; and forgiveness on our
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan of $522,000. Without these two extraordinary occurrences, we would have oper-
ated at a deficit instead of a surplus of over $700,000!
      Our combined Sunday, Easter, Christmas and Holy Day collections ended the year $57,000 under budget.
      Our CMAA Diocesan rebate totaled over $35,000, which helped offset the collection shortage.
      We added $200,000 to our Maintenance Reserve for future projects and we paid off almost $300,000 on the
        Activity Center loan.
      The Religious Education program functioned throughout the year in a hybrid model with 343 students in
      The School operated classes during the year with an in-person, half-day hybrid model or fully remote learning. We
        completed the year with 422 K-8 students and 38 Preschool students. Teachers, students, and parents all deserve
        special thanks for their flexibility and commitment to teaching and learning in this unconventional manner.
      School and Parish fundraisers brought in almost $150,000 despite the challenges posed by COVID restrictions.
      Favorable school results due to an increase in enrollment allowed us to re-invest the $75,000 Endowment
        distribution taken in July 2020, renovate half of the Underground to house our new PreK 4 program in 2021/2022,
        and accrue for new Jr. High window replacements. Expenses of $81,000 were accrued for the School playground
        expansion from funds raised at the 2020 Blue and Gold Gala.

                                         BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS 2021/2022

      Sunday collections are budgeted for $28,000 per week. Christmas, Easter, and Holy Day collections were based
        on actual levels from 2019/2020 due to unusual activity in 2020/2021 and the pandemic.
      Parish and school staffs were budgeted for a 2% salary increase.
      The Religious Education program is budgeted for 400 students.
      A part-time Director of Youth Ministry is included in the budget.
      As a celebration of our school-home partnership, we froze tuition rates for 2021/2022 at the same levels as
      We are offering a new full day PreK 4 program (filled to capacity!) in addition to our half day preschool programs.
      We budgeted for 400 K-8 students, 20 full day PreK 4 students, and 45 students in our half day 3 & 4 year old
      This year’s small Endowment distribution of $19,200 will be used to help fund our new STEAM Lab improvements.
      Parish fundraisers are budgeted to raise $122,500, net of costs, which is a decline from prior years. The Gala is
        back in February, 2022, but the golf outing was not budgeted due to timing uncertainty.
      A full-time Interventionist and part-time Math and Reading Resource teachers will continue to collaborate and
        provide Student Support Team resources to students outside the classroom, most of which is funded by a generous
      Over the summer our Learning Resource Center and School library were redesigned to allow for a STEAM (Science,
        Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) Lab to expand our program and develop new skills. Robotics activities
        include drawing, programming, and coding, and Makerspace activities feature chemistry and science.
      The average cost to educate one child (K-8) in 2021/2022 is budgeted at approximately $6,300 vs. the tuition rate of
      The parish Investment in Education (subsidy) is budgeted at $420,000 for the school ($1,050 per child and 17% of
        the Elementary School’s operating expenses) and $88, 327 for Religious Education and Youth Ministry.
Best regards,
Valerie Bava
Business Manager
St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church - November 21, 2021 - St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Parish
School News

              November 21, 2021   Page 9
Adult Faith

Page 10   Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King
St. Mary of Gostyn Parish
                          445 Prairie Avenue, Downers Grove, IL 60515 ~ 630 - 969 - 1063
NEW PARISHIONERS: We are happy to welcome new members to our                     SACRAMENT of ANOINTING: Due to Covid restrictions, you will need to
community, and encourage you to register either in person at the                 make arrangements by contacting the parish office.
Parish Office, or register online through our website,                                                            FUNERALS: Arrangements are usually made by the Funeral Home or by a
                                                                                 family member. A member of our Bereavement team will meet with you
BAPTISMS: St. Mary of Gostyn offers baptismal preparation sessions on a
                                                                                 to plan the Funeral Liturgy. Eulogies can be given at the Wake Service,
monthly basis. If this is your first child, you will need to participate in a
baptismal preparation session before you can receive a date for your baby’s      Interment at the Cemetery or at the Funeral Luncheon, but not at the Mass
Baptism.                                                                         of Christian Burial.
  Parents are the first and primary educators in the practice of the Faith.      MARRIAGES: Arrangements should be made at least six months in
Godparents play an important role in the faith life of your child. While         advance to provide ample time for preparation of this sacrament.
considering godparents for your child, be aware that at least one must be a
baptized and confirmed Catholic who is active in his/her faith. Please call      RECONCILIATION: Confessions are heard Saturday, 8:30 to 9:30 AM in
the parish office at 630-969-1063 to register for a preparation class and to
                                                                                 church. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is also available by appointment.
schedule a baptismal date.
                                                                                 Please call the Parish Office (630-969-1063) to arrange to have your
BECOMING A CATHOLIC: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)           confession heard by a priest.
is a process of welcoming and preparing adults for the Sacraments of
Initiation - Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation - for full membership in the   ANNULMENTS: We are available to help anyone who is in need of
Catholic Church. Unbaptized adults, adults baptized in another Christian         information about how to apply for an annulment. Please contact the
faith, and baptized Catholics with little or no formal religious education are   Parish Office at (630)969-1063.
invited to participate. Please call the Parish Office for further information.
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