Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 -

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 -
January 16, 2022
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 -
The Catholic Community of Northbrook • Northbrook, Illinois                                                     2

                                               Mass Intentions
                          Monday, January 17, 2022 (ONLINE and in SN church)*
                                         8:15 AM † John Hurley

                        Tuesday, January 18, 2022 (ONLINE and in SN church)
                 8:15 AM † Mary Ann Cronin, † Joan Christ, † Marilyn Lading, † Lois Osman

                                       Wednesday, January 19, 2022
                            8:15 AM † Marilyn Archibald, † Kathi Clarey (ONLINE)
                         12:00 PM † Marilyn Archibald, † Kathi Clarey (in SN church)

                          Thursday, January 20, 2022 (ONLINE and in SN church)
                                        8:15 AM † William Leiser

                           Friday, January 21, 2022 (ONLINE and in SN church)
                                      8:15 AM † Baby Henry Schaefer
                                        Saturday, January 22, 2022
                          8:15 AM (ONLINE and in SN church)) † Christine Hennig
                5:00 PM (ONLINE and in SN church) † Marie Podraza, † Edward Haig Gregory,
                     † Camille Marie Turnbull, † John Hurley, † John King, † Jim Rohleder,
                      † Rev. Joseph O’Donnell, † Julia & Peter Szponder, † William Kelly
                                  Sunday, January 23, 2022 (In SN church)
                                       7:30 AM † Edward Haig Gregory
                        9:30 AM † Camille Marie Turnbull, † John Hurley, † John King,
                       † Rev. Joseph O’Donnell, † Julia & Peter Szponder, † Jim Rohleder
                                           5:00 PM †William Kelly

                           Or *
                     Or and click on the link for Live Streams

                                           Please Pray for Our Sick
   Pam Callahan                Vincent Sansonetti          Al Pisterzi                 Hope McGowan
   Karen Nelson                                            Barbara Kaplan              Cathy Kalina
   Dave Fipp                                                                           Gerald Byrne
   William Johnson
   Robert Paschke                                                                      All the Homebound

Contact Amy at (847) 513-6715 to have a name added to or removed from the list.
When calling, please leave your contact information and relationship to the sick person. You may call to renew if need-

                                                       Rest in Peace
         We assure the families of our departed loved ones of our prayers and support at this difficult time. May their
         souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 -
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time • January 16, 2022                                                                                  3

    Coming into our own

Jesus stepped out in today’s Gospel reading. He turned wa-
ter into wine at the wedding feast in Cana. This event is
known as the first sign that showed His glory in the Gospel
of John. His mother asked Him to help at the wedding, and
showing His humanness, He doubted himself. He argued
with his mother that His time had not yet come, but Mary
knew He was ready.
It takes a mother, father, friend, or teacher to push us along
when we feel unready. These people see us through our
good and bad times, and many have a keen awareness of
when we are holding back or not quite confident enough to
step out. Like Mary, they push AND stand by us when it is
time for us to take a risk and come into our own.
As people of faith we are called to be a support to one an-
other. In the second reading, Paul describes the spiritual
gifts, how people receive different ones, and how they all
originate from the same Spirit. We are each given spiritual
gifts, and it is our responsibility to recognize and cultivate
these in ourselves, as well as help others do the same. We are able to come into our own precisely
because a supportive community of friends and family members are on our faith journey with us.
Our catechists and small group facilitators in our Faith Formation program, as well as the teachers in
St. Norbert School, are helping guide our students as they learn about our faith and grow more
deeply in their relationship with Jesus. They are helping our children come into their own.
Our second graders are preparing to make their First Reconciliations on January 22 and 29. Going to
confession for the first time can be scary. Please keep our second graders in your prayers as they
prepare for this important sacrament of their faith journeys.
Our 7th and 8th graders are also at an important stage in their faith journeys as they prepare for
Confirmation. On Sunday, February 6 they will hear Father Michael Sparough, from Bellarmine Jesuit
Retreat House, speak on discernment and how we discern (or figure out) God’s will for our lives.
Please pray for them, their sponsors and their families too.
Knowing that we are on this Christian journey together, we are inviting the entire parish to view Fa-
ther Michael’s talk on discernment on Sunday, February 6 beginning at 6:30 pm. Our young people
(7th through 12th graders) will be able to gather in person for the talk in the church and will receive
information from Faith Formation and The Vine Youth Ministry. The 7th and 8th graders at St. Norbert
School will watch the recorded program during class time. The rest of the parish can watch online

JoEllen Cattapan

                                        Collection for the Church in Latin America
                                                         January 23
Next week we will take up the Collection for the Church in Latin America. For many in Latin America and the Caribbean, a rising
secular culture, difficult rural terrain, and a shortage of ministers all present obstacles to practicing the faith. Your support for the
collection provides lay leadership training, catechesis, priestly and religious formation, and other programs to share our Catholic
faith with those who long to hear the Good News of Christ. To learn more, visit Envelopes are in the
church entrances.
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 -
The Catholic Community of Northbrook • Northbrook, Illinois                                                                                                    4

           This Week’s CCN Calendar                                   TODAY’S READINGS
                                                                      First Reading — As a bridegroom rejoices in his bride,
Monday, January 17                                                    so God rejoices in the chosen Zion and Jerusalem
OFFICE CLOSED                                                         (Isaiah 62:1-5).
8:15 AM Mass Online and in SN church*                                 Psalm — Proclaim his marvelous deeds to all the na-
7:00 PM Men’s Club                                                    tions (Psalm 96).
Tuesday, January 18                                                   Second Reading — All the varied gifts and talents
8:15 AM Mass Online and in SN church                                  found in the Christian community are products of the
                                                                      same Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4-11).
Wednesday, January 19                                                 Gospel — At a wedding festival in Cana, Jesus changes
8:15 AM Mass Online                                                   water into wine at his mother’s request (John 2:1-11).
12:00 PM Mass in SN Church                                            The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
                                                                      International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
7:00 PM Seminar: Dementia Caregiving
Thursday, January 20                                                  READINGS FOR THE WEEK
8:15 AM Mass Online and in SN church                                  Monday: 1 Sm 15:16-23; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17,
Friday, January 21                                                              21, 23; Mk 2:18-22
8:15 AM Mass Online and in SN church                                  Tuesday: 1 Sm 16:1-13; Ps 89:20-22, 27-28;
Saturday, January 22                                                            Mk 2:23-28
8:15 AM Mass Online and in SN church                                  Wednesday: 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51; Ps 144:1b,
10:00 AM Funeral: Winters                                                       2, 9-10; Mk 3:1-6
12—1 PM Reconciliation                                                Thursday: 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7; Ps 56:2-3, 9-13;
                                                                                Mk 3:7-12
1:30 PM First Reconciliation                                          Friday:   1 Sm 24:3-21; Ps 57:2-4, 6, 11;
5:00 PM Mass Online and in SN                                                   Mk 3:13-19
Sunday, January 23                                                    Saturday: 2 Sm 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27; Ps 80:2-3,
7:30 AM Mass in SN                                                              5-7; Mk 3:20-21, or any of a number
9:30 AM Mass in SN                                                              of readings for the Day of Prayer
11:30 AM Baptism: Vale et al                                          Sunday:   Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; Ps 19:8-10, 15;
5:00 PM Mass in SN                                                              1 Cor 12:12-30 [12-14, 27]; Lk 1:1-4;                                               4:14-21
                                                                      SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES
                                                                      Sunday:   Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                      Monday: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
                                                                      Tuesday: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
                   Sunday Offertory                                   Wednesday: Julian Calendar Theophany
                         Jan. 9, 2022                                           (Epiphany)
                                                                      Thursday: St. Fabian; St. Sebastian
     St. Norbert and Our Lady of the Brook *                          Friday:   St. Agnes
                      $5995                                           Saturday: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection
             CHRISTMAS to DATE:                                                 of Unborn Children
    $142,912 Budgeted: $165K; last year: $161K
                                                                      COMMUNION IN YOUR CAR
 Thank you for your generosity and continued support of our parish!
                                                                      We offer Communion in your car for those who are
   Does not include electronic giving; reported once a month.
                                                                      uncomfortable attending Mass in church. It is after
     Giving is even easier! Text to Give!                             SUNDAY 9:30 am Mass, in the school par king
                  1-847-558-7333                                      lot. Please line up at 10:30 am and remain in your
         Text SUNDAY to make weekly offering                          car

Join our weekly E-Newsletter mailing list! Just send your
request to and we’ll get                Our facility is hearing loop equipped.
               you started! Our Website:                              As a reminder, please turn on your t-coil to
                                                                      access, or find a volunteer to grab a receiv-                                     er to listen in to the loop.
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 -
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time • January 16, 2022                                                                    5

                            Sharing Ministry
                                                              Caregiver Seminar: Dementia Symptoms
                      Right now it’s pretty easy to                         and Resources
                      choose items for the Sharing Min-               Wednesday, January 19
                      istry—It’s so cold that we instinc-             at 7:00 pm in Grace Hall
                      tively think of hot foods—soups
                      and chilis; canned dinners and pas-    Parishioner John Higgins will discuss the symptoms of, re-
                      tas; mac and cheese; rice and pota-    sources for, and journey of those within the Dementia spec-
                      to mixes; coffee, tea, and cocoa;      trum. This is an opportunity for those who are caregivers or
oatmeal . . . .                                              who may become one to listen to John’s experiences—both
                                                             personal and professional—and be better prepared for what
And since COVID remains dug in for the moment, masks         may come.
and disinfecting supplies will be very welcome.
                                                             John’s presentation will pro-
                                                             vide caregivers with infor-
Finally, please remember the clients of Catholic Charities
                                                             mation so that they can be
in your prayers.                                             aware and prepared for the
                                                             elements of the disease, and
                        If not us, who?                      discover resources available to
                        If not now, when?                    provide loving, Christian care
                                                             for our loved ones. No reservations are required.
                     Save the Date
         Women’s Day of Reflection
          Saturday, February 26
             9:00 am to noon
All women are invited to a half day of reflection on                              Wedding Banns
Saturday, February 26th, 9:00 am - noon. Let’s               During the month of September the following couple will
begin the season of lent meditating on the courage           promise to love one another as Christ has loved them.
and faith of the women who helped shape the story            This generous vow, including the willingness to live to-
and the history of the People of God. How have               gether till death parts, to be faithful to one another, to give
their stories influenced the direction of Salvation          each other the right to children, God willing, gives us a
History? Is God still using women to continue the            vague, shadowy glimpse of what the divine love for us
story of God’s love and vision for the present and           must be like.
the future? What is God saying to us through the
lives of these holy and heroic women?                        Blair Ellis & Emily Vaughan I

The presenter for this half day of
reflection is Anne Madsen, Teacher,
Scripture Scholar, Theologian and
Speaker. She has been teaching
scripture for the past two years in
the Adult Education Program at Ho-
ly Family Parish in Inverness. The cost is $10 for pre
-registration for the morning and includes refresh-
ments. The cost is $15 for those who come the
morning of the presentation and are not pre-
registered. Please make checks out to Guild 77 and
mail to: Barbara Perley, 2502 Farnsworth Ln.,
Northbrook, Il 60062. Pre- registration checks must
be received by Wednesday, February 23.

This day of reflection is sponsored by Guild 77 and
its purpose is to bring women together, to get to
know one another, and to bond.
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 -
The Catholic Community of Northbrook • Northbrook, Illinois                                    6

                              CINCO de
                                Hosted by St. Norbert Women’s Guild 213

                                        Thursday, January 27
                                         7:00pm Grace Hall
               Bring your friends for a lot of fun!
Entrance fee: $10 in advance or $15 at the door plus a wrapped White
Elephant prize
Includes 2 game cards, Margaritas, wine, soft drinks & snacks
Extra cards available for $1 each
                                     PRAYER OF THE WEEK
                                 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Almighty ever-living God, who govern all things, both in heaven and on earth, mercifully hear the
pleading of your people and bestow your peace on our times.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spir-
it, God, for ever and ever.

                             Keep your eyes open… Annual
                           Giving Statement coming via Email
                   For cost containment and efficiencies, we will be sending an-
                   nual giving statements via email this year. Your statements
will be send by the end of January. If you don’t have an email on file, we will
mail your statement.
If you would like to add an email or check the email we have on file for you,
please contact Tracy Nelson, Parish Office Manager (email tracy@north or phone 847-272-7090) to update your parish profile.
We would appreciate receiving any updates by January 21.
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 -
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time • January 16, 2022                                              7

                                                                       OUR LADY
                                                                    OF PERPETUAL HELP
                                                                   RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY

                                                                      Adoration for
                                                                 Protection of the Unborn
                                                                       Friday, January 21
                                                                       9:00 am to 4:00 pm
                                                                          OLPH Church
                                                                             of the
                                                                       Blessed Sacrament

                                                               Help to end abortion and create a
                                                               greater respect for all human life by
                                                               spending time in prayer before the
                                                    Blessed Sacrament on this, the Eve of the Na-
Baptism January 9, 2022                             tional Day of Prayer for the unborn. Join us for
                                                    five minutes or make a holy hour. Exposition fol-
Life in Christ through Baptism began for Antho-     lowed by the Most Holy Rosary will begin after
ny John Coppin, son of Mark and Allyson             8:30 Mass. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy and
(Bankowski) Coppin. Godparents: Frank Har-          Stations of the Cross
alambakis and Rita Jacobs. Pictured with Dea-       begin at 3:00 pm. Reposi-
con Jim and big sister Addison.                     tion of the Blessed Sacra-
                                                    ment is at 3:45 pm
                       The Parish Family wish-
                       es to congratulate the
                       parents and godparents.      It is good for us to spend
                       We as a parish family        time before the Tabernac-
                       pledge our support and       le, to feel the gaze of Je-
                       prayers as they grow         sus upon us.       ~Pope
                       with us in living out the    Francis
                       Christian message.

It’s not too late! Did you get your raffle tickets! Hurry! You don’t want to miss out!
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 -
The Catholic Community of Northbrook • Northbrook, Illinois   8
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 -
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time • January 16, 2022                                                                     9

                    Help Is Available                            Domestic Violence                 Help with your healing
                                                                    Awareness                      journey...
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-
                                                              Remember, you are not                 If you are a victim of
TALK [8255]) is a US-based suicide prevention network                                               sexual abuse by any
of 161 crisis centers that provides a 24/7, hotline availa-   alone…
                                                                                                    Archdiocese of Chica-
ble to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress        If you are a victim of domestic       go personnel including
                                                              violence, or know someone who         clergy, the Office for
Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide (LOSS) is a non       is, and need help, please contact:    Assistance Ministry
                                                                                                    would like to help you
-denominational program that supports individuals who                                               on your healing jour-
are grieving the loss of a loved one by suicide. LOSS of-        * WINGS 24 hr. Hotline and
                                                              Counseling Services and Emer-         ney. Please contact us
fers a safe, non-judgmental environment where survivors       gency Shelter at (847) 221-5680       for more information.
of suicide can openly talk about feelings and experiences.       * National Domestic Violence
                                                                                                   Thomas P. Tharayil
We help survivors to find community, direction and re-        Hotline 24 hr. (800) 799-7233
                                                                                                   LCSW, BCD – Director
sources for healing.                                             * National Sexual Assault Hot-
                                                                                                   Ruth Robinson – Assistant
How we Help:                                                  line (800) 656-4673
                                                                 * National Dating Abuse Help-
We provide a warm, nurturing network of other survivors.      line (866) 331-9474
                                                                                                   Office of Assistance Minis-
We educate members about the grieving process.                                                     try
                                                                 *Helpline for MEN
We support your unique struggle to regain hope and                                                 P O Box 1979
                                                                                                   Chicago, IL 60690-1979
strength.                                                        * In an Emergency dial 911
LOSS Program Office: 721 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL                                                312-534-8267 or 8256
60654 (312) 655-7283 For a list of programs for Adults,                                            866-517-4528 (toll-free)
Children and Veterans, go to:                                                            
                                                                                                   assistmin@ archchica-
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - January 16, 2022 -
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Saturday/Sunday Masses
                                                            5:00 PM ONLINE and in St. Norbert
                                                            7:30 AM, 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM in St. Norbert

  St. Norbert and Our Lady of the Brook Office              Daily Masses
     1809 Walters Avenue, Northbrook, IL 60062              8:15 AM Monday through Saturday ONLINE, and in
        (847) 272-7090 Fax: (847) 272-7771                  SN church. Wednesday 8:15 am Mass is NOT open to
    E-mail:          the public during the school year.
                     Noon Mass Wednesday only.
     Catholic Community of Northbrook Staff                 Saturday 12-1 pm
Rev. Christopher M. Gustafson, Pastor                           Baptisms
                                                            Sunday at 11:30 AM. To register, contact the parish of-
Rev. Ismael Garcia, A ssociate Pastor                       fice. (Baptism Preparation Class for first-time parents is                          the 4th Thursday of every month at 7 PM in parish office).

Rev. Laurence J. Dunn, Resident                             Marriages                           Arrange with priest at least six months in advance
Rev. Bob Heinz, Rev. Richard Sztorc, Rev. Tom Moran,        Call 847-272-7090, Fr. Ismael and Mike Ward will assist
Pastors Emeriti, St. Norbert & Our Lady of the Brook        your family
Dcn Peery Duderstadt,       New Parishioner Registration
Dcn Jim Fruge,                              All new families can register by calling the parish office
                                                            or by going to our website at www.northbrookcatholic.
Michael Ward, Director of Music & Liturgy                   church under the “About>Welcome” tab.                              Communion for the homebound                           For homebound, please call 847-272-7090 and they will
                                                            contact the Ministry of Care.
JoEllen Cattapan, Director of Evangelization & Catechesis
                                                                                   Liturgy & Devotions
Mona Lukas, Director of Ministers of Care                                          A Prayer Ministry of                                             St. Norbert & Our Lady of the Brook

Karen Spooner, Director of Finance
                                                                       Rosary: Available after Daily Mass
                                                                       Eucharistic Adoration First Fridays, 12 to 1 pm,
Irene Riggilio, Bookkeeper & School administrator                      1st Saturday: Devotion to Immaculate Heart of                                               Mary; Rosary and 15 minute meditation
                                                                              after 8:15 am Mass.
Maggie Bruce, Y outh Ministry Coordinator (847) 687-7696

Dev Kennedy, Ministry Coordinator

Tracy Nelson, Office Manager                                                   St. Norbert School                            1817 Walters Avenue, Northbrook, IL 60062
                                                                     (847) 272-0051 Fax: (847) 272-5274
Amy Principi, Communications Manager and                         
Bulletin Editor:                             Principal Eric Gallagher
      Faith Formation & Religious Education
Phone: (847) 272-3086
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