Saint Clare of Assisi - 15642 Clayton Road - Ellisville MO 63011-

Page created by Dale Nelson
Saint Clare of Assisi - 15642 Clayton Road - Ellisville MO 63011-
Saint Clare of Assisi
15642 Clayton Road - Ellisville MO 63011 - 636.394.7307 -
Saint Clare of Assisi - 15642 Clayton Road - Ellisville MO 63011-
St. Clare of Assisi   The Baptism of The Lord   January 9, 2022
Saint Clare of Assisi - 15642 Clayton Road - Ellisville MO 63011-
St. Clare of Assisi                           The Baptism of The Lord                                  January 9, 2022

   The Baptism of the Lord

   As we end the Christmas Season today with the
   celebration of the Baptism of the Lord, we are
   reminded how blessed we are to have a God who
   loves us so much that he would send His Son for
   us. The Church recalls Our Lord's second
   manifestation or epiphany which occurred on His
   baptism in the Jordan. Jesus descended into the
   River to sanctify its waters and to give them the
   power to beget sons and daughters of God. The
   event takes on the importance of a second
   creation in which the entire Trinity intervenes.
   Many of the incidents which accompanied Christ's
   baptism are symbolical of what happened at our Baptism. If you don’t know your baptismal anniversary
   date, perhaps look it up. Recall the wonderous day you were given new life in Christ.

   Christmas Thanks & Days Off

                                                 A special word of thanks to all our parishioners who helped make
                                                 our celebration of Christmas so beautiful. There are too many to
                                                 name speciϐically, but members of the Liturgy Committee and
                                                 Music Committee spent many hours ensuring we were able to
                                                 honor our God as we celebrated the birth of His Son. So again,
                                                 thanks to everyone for all you do to make our Parish so
                                                 wonderful! Tomorrow we enter back into ordinary time for a bit
                                                 until Ash Wednesday on March 2!
                                                 At the end of a long Advent and Christmas Season the clergy
                                                 typically take some time off. Over the next few weeks, you’ll see
   some visiting priests assisting at our Parish while Father Auer, Seminarian Joe and I take some days off for
   rest, relaxation, retreat or the pro-life pilgrimage, March for Life. Thanks for praying for us and know of our
   prayers for you always.

   Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children

   January 22 is the anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decisions that legalized abortion throughout our
   nation. Since then, over 60 million lives have been lost. This year, our parish will set aside January 22 as a
   day of prayer and sacriϐice for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life. We will also take
   on a service project and monetary collection to help those in need during a pregnancy or after choosing life
   for their child. Please see the ϐlyer in this bulletin and consider signing up for a time of prayer before the
   Blessed Sacrament. Also, consider bringing in diapers to help support pregnancy resource centers. The
   monetary collection will go to support the Life Line Coalition. Let us continue to pray and sacriϐice for a re-
   spect for all human life.

   Fr. Yates
Saint Clare of Assisi - 15642 Clayton Road - Ellisville MO 63011-
St. Clare of Assisi   The Baptism of The Lord   January 9, 2022
Saint Clare of Assisi - 15642 Clayton Road - Ellisville MO 63011-
St. Clare of Assisi                                       The Baptism of The Lord                                       January 9, 2022

                                        |                               |                            |
“John answered them all, ‘I baptize you with water; but he
who is mightier than I is coming…he will baptize you with the
                                                                                                          D                  18‐19
Holy Spirit... “                                     Luke 3:16
                                                                                           Collection vs Parish Budget
The Catholic Catechism states that “Jesus’ immersion in the
                                                                                  Fiscal Year 22: July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022
water is a sign for all human beings of the need to die to
themselves to do God’s will.” In other words, as baptized                                       Actual        Budget        Over/(under)
Catholics there is only one gift that we need to give to Jesus
– the gift of ourselves. Surrender yourself to God, place                   Weekly Total       $39,648        $31,730          $7,918
your trust in Him and allow the Holy Spirit to work through
you for the greater glory of God.                                           Year To Date
                                                                                               $761,528       $793,250       ($31,722)

                                                                                         Collection Variance Year‐To‐Date
                                                                            FY21 General                  FY22 General
                                                                                               $738,058                       $761,528
 R                                                      W                   Fund                          Fund
                                                                            $ Variance         $23,470    % Variance            3%
 Monday:    1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-19; Mk 1:14-20
 Tuesday:   1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mk 1:21-28
 Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10;
            Mk 1:29-39
 Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25;                                                        D                  25‐26
            Mk 1:40-45
 Friday:    1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mk 2:1-12                                     Collection vs Parish Budget
 Saturday:  1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21:2-7;
            Mk 2:13-17                                                            Fiscal Year 22: July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022
 Sunday:    Is 62:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-10; 1 Cor 12:4-11;
            Jn 2:1-11                                                                           Actual        Budget        Over/(under)

                                                                            Weekly Total       $66,796        $31,730         $35,066

              M              I                                              Year To Date
                                                                                               $828,325       $856,710       ($28,385)
Monday, January 10
*6:30am Evan Ryder †                                                                     Collection Variance Year‐To‐Date
 8:30am Bernie Shelley †
Tuesday, January 11                                                         FY21 General                  FY22 General
                                                                                               $809,337                       $828,325
*6:30am Patricia Bruno †                                                    Fund                          Fund
+8:30am Tina Stever †                                                       $ Variance         $18,987    % Variance            2%
Wednesday, January 12
*6:30am Curt Stuorry †
 8:30am Kathy Klingel
Thursday, January 13, St. Hilary
*6:30am Bernita Light †
+8:30am Dorothy Strouse †
Friday, January 14
*6:30am Jo D Armstrong †
                                                                                               P          N
 8:30am Patricia Blassi
Saturday, January 15,                                                       2022
*7:30am Kathy Klingel †
 9:00am Bader & Peanick Families
Saturday, January 15, Vigil of the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time              Registration for the 2022 season is now open until
 5:00PM Lodes Family                                                        January 31st.
Sunday, January 16, 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
 6:30am Robert Maloney †                                                    Golf is open to boys and girls 1st through 8th grade,
 8:00am Leo Dollard †                                                       no experience necessary.
10:00am Connie Dowling & Family
12:00pm June Berblinger †                                                   For more details and to register:
 5:00pm Parishioners
+ School/PSR Children at Mass * in Passionist Nuns’ Chapel † Deceased
Saint Clare of Assisi - 15642 Clayton Road - Ellisville MO 63011-
St. Clare of Assisi                                    The Baptism of The Lord                                        January 9, 2022

                B                     |                        |                                  |
  Jan. 15‐16            5:00 PM                 6:30 AM               8:00 AM          10:00 AM           12:00 PM            5:00 PM
                    P Carpio              J Krebs                  B Deemer         E Hamilton          J Karlovich
                    B Peifer              A Hertel                 R Bowron         M Plunkett          M King
                    M Peifer              T Potter                 L Pavia          C Plunkett          M Newberry
Hospitality         J Winkler             J Favazza                B Peters         R Schriever         J Welker
                    B Winkler                                      R Gardiner       S Schriever         V Irwin
                                                                   C Gardiner
                    G Unangst             D Wingertsahn            M Russo          S Mosher            D Casey             D Burton
                    J Unangst             P Wingertsahn            M Russo          C Watters           M Cassani           K Gervascio

                    P Watters(R1)         C Shipman(R1)            D Lally(R1)      P Arsenault(R1)     P Watters (R1)
                    A Mensinger(R2)       C Aranda(R2)             M Hall(R2)       D Schnell(R2)       J Spellmeyer(R2)

                                                                                                                            A Lozano
                    L Brown               G Schwartz               R Poggio         J Corrigan
                                                                                                        E Kijowski          A Pollock
Altar Server        AJ Swengross                                   C Swingle        C Plunkett
                                                                                                        B Zun               J Smart
                    R Swengross                                                     G Watters

Music Assistant     S Mensinger                                    P Johnson        M Newberry          R Leonard

Rosary              R Keys

                                                                       Richard Utt            Monica Melroy           Mimi Titus
              Jamie McCarthy, on Cla Ter Ri Drive                      Carol Utt              Mary Ann Schreiber      Kathleen Tipple
                                                                       Mary Ellis             Bob Kockler             Michael Bammann
                                                                       Joe Penn               Trish O’Brien           Bob Noonan
                                                                       Charles LaGarce IV     Tracey Littlepage       John Rocco
                                                                       (son of Charlie        Marie Burtelow          Michael Hartman
                                                                       LaGarce)               Terry Randle            Marion Russo
  Lillian Sicola Madras, daughter of Tim and Alessandra                Theresa Bussen         Cristina Vidal          Mary Jo Ament
                         Madras                                        Cecilia Rachenmacher   Kathleen Goeller        Joy Ann Venverloh
                                                                       Kathy Burge            Bill Stadnyk            Mary C. Loughman
                                                                       Chuck Anderson         Beau Parker             Carmela Liberto
                                                                       Mary Maple             Louie Rollins           Edwin Arnold
                        to our Nonagenarians and Centenarians!!        Dave Winslett          Pat Krebs               Brandon Ronning
                                                                       Jim Ludewig            Marney Kockler          Gina Corley
                  Carol Ferrara, 90 on Jan. 14                         Rick Wilhelm           Mary Jo Bezdek          Leah Chilton
                                                                       Sheila Jarasek         Bob Griesbauer          Bob Coleman
                                                                       Rosemary Butler        Steve Dunning Sr.       Mark Wrozier
                         (50th, 55th or 60 years plus)                 Cheryl Johnson         Richard Grojean         Marcia Blake
                                                                       Isabelle McLaughlin    Tarra Henry             Carol Flickinger
        Bill & Donna Bauer, 51 years on Jan. 14                        Pat Durbin             Vicki Sczepanski        Cathy Blake
        Milton & Flora Ross, 50 years on Jan 15                        Don Venverloh          Theresa Schonscheck     Dustin Ashby
       Ken & Donna Friedhoff, 51 years on Jan. 16                      Amy Speck              Emily Warzycki          Gloria Unangst
      Howard & Christine Stone, 51 years on Jan. 16                    Richard Farbaniec      Maureen England         Kim Cohen
                                                                       Jerry Wills            Christine Porter        Jerry Weisbrod
                                                                       Jon McDaniel           Jesse Chilton           Gloria Schnell
                                                                       Pete Zimmerman         Gene Mueller            Stephanie Walker
                                                                       Joe Salerno            Theresa & Brandon       Lindsey Maloney
            Maureen Crowley, wife of Jerry                             Shirley Lunny          Karen Wening            Mary Ann Mulligan
    Bob Maloney, husband of Susan and father of Ellen                  Cannan Pytlinski       Mary Virginia Renick    Peggy Finan
      Kathy Klingel, wife of Russ and mother of Jack                   Harry Van Dyke         Jenny Hushion
                   Marsha Hummel                                       Vincent Pavia          Robyn Lyster
                                                                       Adam Kaemmerer         Joyce Berry
           Dorothy Strouse, mother of Sandy
Saint Clare of Assisi - 15642 Clayton Road - Ellisville MO 63011-
St. Clare of Assisi                           The Baptism of The Lord                                January 9, 2022

              B                 |                        |                           |

                                Baby food puches—canola oil—mustard—kleenex

Your generosity is so appreciated by our neighbors in need that rely on our food pantry to get by in their time of
need. We thank you for your continued prayers and support. God bless you, St. Vincent de Paul Society.

(Please note that we cannot distribute outdated items)


Your St. Vincent de Paul Society would like to thank all the people and organizations that made it possible to
serve our Neighbors in Need during this past Christmas season. We apologize if we are leaving someone out but
there were so many wonderful contributions, such as:

 All our parishioners who were so generous in fulϐilling our Advent Tree Ornament requests and making
     donations to us either in the Sunday collections or the Poor Box
   The Men’s Club in providing lots of food and a gift card for Christmas to many of our Neighbors in Need
     families. Below is a picture of the men at work
   Judy Urbas and her dedicated group of bakers who made Christmas tins and baggies full of delicious cookies
     for our Neighbors in Need
   Advance Training and Rehab of Ellisville for holding a food drive for our pantry and collecting $1,400 worth of
     food to help alleviate food insecurity in our area
   The Fountains for also collecting food for our pantry, as well as adopting two of our Neighbor in Need families
     at Christmas time
   Our Secret Santa Christmas Jar family who brightened the lives of two of our Neighbors in Need families
   The Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus for donating a portion of the proceeds from their Butter
     Braid fundraiser
   The St. Clare of Assisi school for donating proceeds received from the blood donor drive earlier this fall
   Ms. Sargent’s SCA’s 3rd grade class for collecting 1,600 items worth $800 for our Blessing Bags
   The St. Clare of Assisi PSR students for their wool socks, hat and glove drive which helped us give 150 of our
     Blessing Bags to the homeless at Christmas time. Below are some pictures of what 150 Blessing Bags, hats and
     gloves look like loaded in to the cars that delivered those items to St. Vincent de Paul parish which distributed
     them to the homeless in their area

The need for assistance has been great these last 12 months but as always, the St. Clare family has risen to the
occasion and for this, our Neighbors in Need cannot thank you enough. God Bless.
Saint Clare of Assisi - 15642 Clayton Road - Ellisville MO 63011-
St. Clare of Assisi                          The Baptism of The Lord                                January 9, 2022

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                                                           All women of the parish are invited to join the Ladies
                                                           on Tuesday, January 18 at 7:00pm in the Assisi House.
                                                           Our main function is working with our Knights in
                                                           charitable activities and having fun along the way.
The Knights of Columbus, throughout our state, are         Come see what we are all about. Our meetings include
holding the Annual Roses for Life campaign focused         food, refreshment and fun.
on safeguarding the integrity of the unborn child. Due
to COVID we are not distributing actual roses.                  For more information contact: Jo Ann Jost at
However, the ϐight to save all unborn children is very                        636-346-3943
much ongoing.
Letters of appreciation will be sent to our U.S.
Senators, House Representatives, our Governor, State                               ,        !
Senators and Assembly Members who have continued           Prayer
their support pro-life legislation.
The legislative battle to defend life from conception to   We hear in this week’s Gospel about how Jesus visited
natural death is ongoing. The Knights of Columbus          John the Baptist and was baptized with water. We also
actively support these efforts.                            hear that after His baptism, Jesus took time to pray.
We ask each parishioner to continue praying for the        Jesus was commissioned by God for a large and vital
defense and sanctity of life.                              mission, and He knew that He only had three short
                                                           years to accomplish it! His example shows us that no
                                                           matter how busy we are or how much we have to do it
                                                           is vital that we take time to pray. In fact, the examples
                   If you have an urgent prayer            shown by Jesus and many of the saints teach us that
                   request, please call one of the         the need to take time to pray grows with the busyness
                   captains of the phone chain. The        of our lives. Please, Jesus, instill in all of us the desire
                   members of the phone chain and e-       to build a deeper relationship with you through
                   mail chain will then offer their        prayer. Amen
prayers for your request.
Kathy Knox 636.394.3226                                                                   
Saint Clare of Assisi - 15642 Clayton Road - Ellisville MO 63011-
St. Clare of Assisi       The Baptism of The Lord                               January 9, 2022

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                                        LET US PRAY FOR PEACE THROUGHOUT OUR WORLD.
                                        WE PRAY FOR ALL WHO DEFEND THE CAUSE OF
                                        FREEDOM. The daughters and sons of our parish in the
                                        military are:

                                        Lt Eric Adkisson               MAJ Michael Murray
                                        LTC Jarrod Aranda              2ndLt Karen Nightingale
                                        PO2 Jeff Belcher               Lt Col Ryan Olish
                                        *SPC Christopher Coco          CDR Nate Olish
                                        SPC Christopher DiCarlo        SSgt Brian Petersen
                                        Capt Matt Finan                CPT Rick Phillips
                                        1SG Frank Gervascio            COL John Popiak
                                        LCDR Cole Greenhouse           PO1 Bryan Reading
                                        Lt Jack Hummel                 1LT Neal Ryan
                                        LCDR Mike Jendrycki            LT Kevin Schrodt
                                        LT Chris Jendrycki             Capt Tom Stortz
                                        2LT Thomas Kazmierczak         Lt Col Aaron M. Stumpf
                                        2LT Lydia Keipp Kazmierczak    SSgt Brian Swatske
                                        LT Mark Krebs                  LT Jack Taiclet
                                        LCDR Mark C. Mueller           *EOD1 Nick Welegala
                                        Maj Meredith Mueller           PO3 Becca Westerheide
                                                                        * = deployed

                                              IF THERE ARE ANY UPDATES TO THIS LIST PLEASE
Saint Clare of Assisi - 15642 Clayton Road - Ellisville MO 63011-
St. Clare of Assisi                      The Baptism of The Lord                              January 9, 2022

                                                       Thanks to the Conϐirmation Class who came to serve
                                                       the homeless poor at the Meals Program at Sts. Peter
                                                       and Paul Church Hall Tuesday night. They fed with
                                                       food and nourished with enthusiasm and conversation
                                                       and respect. They went the extra mile—or a lot of
                                                       extra miles—to care for Christ in the poor among
                                                       us. Thanks also to their teachers and parents who
                                                       accompanied them.

                                                       Fr. Bruce H. Forman
                                                       Sts. Peter and Paul Church

Sun., January 9                                                          Wed., January 12
 Masses at 6:30am, 8am, 10am, 12noon &                                    7:45am Confessions-Church
 5:00pm                                                                   8:30am Mass-Church
10:00am RCIA-Library                                                      9:15am Bible Study-AH
10:00am Welcoming Committee-Cafeteria                                     9:30am Walking with Purpose-Rectory
 1:00pm CYC Basketball-Gym                                                1:00pm Walking with Purpose-AH
 6:00pm Life Teen-Church                                                  4:00pm Basketball-Gym
 6:30pm Boys Scouts-Cafeteria                                            Thu., January 13
Mon., January 10                                                          7:45am Confessions-Church
 7:45am Confession-Church                                                 8:30am Mass-Church
 8:30am Mass-Church                                                       9:30am Walking with Purpose-AH
 4:00pm Basketball-West side Gym                                          4:00pm Basketball-Gym
 5:30pm Fall PSR                                                          7:00pm Walking with Purpose-Cafeteria
 5:40pm Legion of Mary - AH                                              Fri., January 14
 7:00pm Liturgy Committee-GS                                              7:45am Confessions-Church
Tue., January 11                                                          8:30am Mass-Church
 7:45am Confessions-Church                                                5:30pm Basketball-Gym
 8:30am Mass-Church                                                      Sat., January 15
 9:30am Walking with Purpose-AH                                           8:00am Kindergarten Basketball-Gym
 4:00pm Basketball-Gym                                                    9:30am CYC Basketball-Gym
 7:00pm Endow Women’s Group-Library                                      11:00am Funeral-Church
                                                                         12:00pm Father Daughter Dance-Cafeteria
            AH = Assisi House                                             5:00pm Mass Church
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  Say Good-bye to Clogged Gutters!
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                                                                                   Call during this program & receive a                                                                                                                  is guaranteed never to
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                                                                              Consumer Disclosure/Award Rules: All participants who attend an estimated 60-90 minute in-home product
                                                                              consultation will receive a $50 gift card. No purchase is necessary. Retail value is $50. Offer sponsored by LeafGuard
                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Seamless, one-piece system keeps out leaves, pine
                     75% OFF
                                                                              Holdings, Inc. Limit one gift card per household. LeafGuard procures, sells, and installs seamless gutter protection.
                                                                              This offer is valid for homeowners over 18 years of age. If married or have a life partner, both cohabitating persons
                                                                              must attend and complete presentation together. Participants must have a valid photo ID, understand English, and
                                                                              be legally able to enter into a contract. The following persons are not eligible for this offer: employees of LeafGuard
                                                                                                                                                                                                          needles, and debris
                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Eliminates the risk of falling off a ladder to clean
                                                                              or affiliated companies or entities, their immediate family members, previous participants in a LeafGuard in-home
                                                                              consultation within the past 12 months and all current and former LeafGuard customers. Promotion may not be
                                                                              extended, transferred, or substituted except that LeafGuard may substitute a gift card of equal or greater value if it
                                                                              deems it necessary. Gift card and terms and conditions (
                                                                                                                                                                                                          clogged gutters
                  Offer does not include cost of material. Discount applied
                                                                              of such gift card will be mailed to the participant via first class US Mail within 21 days of receipt of promotion form
                                                                              provided at consultation. Not valid in conjunction with any other promotion or discount of any kind. Offer not            • Durable, all-weather tested system not a flimsy
                       by representative at time of contract execution.       sponsored or promoted by Darden Restaurants and is subject to change without notice prior to reservation. Offer
                                   Offer ends 12/31/2021.                     ends 12/31/2021. **FOR BALT/DC GIFT CARD AMOUNT IS $25**                                                                    attachment
                                                                                                                                                       *Guaranteed not to clog for
  Call today for your FREE estimate and in-home demonstration                                                                                        as long as you own your home,
                                                                                                                                                    or we’ll clean your gutters for free.

   CALL NOW 314-549-8449                                                                                                                                                                                            Get it. And forget it.®
512868 St Clare of Assisi (A)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-855-685-5703
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