Bethlehem Builder Bethlehem Lutheran Church Living God's Word 1375 Grand Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510 516-223-3400

Page created by Elizabeth Soto
Bethlehem Builder Bethlehem Lutheran Church Living God's Word 1375 Grand Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510 516-223-3400
Bethlehem Builder
                                                                                Bethlehem Lutheran Church
                                                                                         Living God's Word
                                                                                       1375 Grand Avenue
                                                                                        Baldwin, NY 11510

                                                                                           June 2021
Greetings and Salutations in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
This past week we celebrated and learned about the functioning of the Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity consists
of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and how they all work together to continue to speak to us in our lives and
help provide that direction in our time of need. The Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible defines the Holy Trinity
as “the coexistence of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the unity of the Godhead (divine nature or essence).
The doctrine of the trinity means that within the being and activity of the one God there are three distinct
persons God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The most distinctive characteristics of the persons of the triune family
is their selfless love for one another. Each esteems and defers to the other in a way that makes the original
family of the trinity a model for the Christian family of believers in the church. The triune family also
cooperate as one in bringing the lost person home again into a redeemed family of believers.” In all three of
our texts that were read this past week it was a call to action and how when we let the Holy Trinity move in our
lives great things can happen and we can all accomplish amazing things.
In Isaiah’s vision he saw and was in the presence of the Holy Trinity. Isaiah recognized his sinfulness and yet
the Holy Trinity called upon him to do the work for the kingdom because they continue to take ordinary people
and do extraordinary things with them. They blotted out his sin and gave him the power to speak the word of
God and Isaiah responded with “Here am I send me”.
In Paul’s letter to the Romans the Holy Trinity moves us from our sinful nature and makes us children of God,
the Holy Trinity testifies with our own spirit to tell us we are children of God, The Holy Trinity tells us we are
heirs of God and co-heirs with Jesus Christ which means we too will inherit the kingdom.
In the Gospel lesson of John, The Holy Trinity moved Nicodemus. Nicodemus came to Jesus, he learned from
Jesus, he defended Jesus, he cared for Jesus after his death, he became a disciple of Jesus all because of the
work being down in his heart and soul by the Holy Trinity.
I also believe that even today the Holy Trinity is working. There are people who are out there that are lost and
they are waiting to be found, there are people who are sinners and need to know they have been redeemed,
there are people who feel as if they don’t have a family and they are looking to be welcomed back home. This
is the work of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Trinity is calling out to us to help creation, to exhibit that selfless love
for one another. As we prepare to physically gather back together once again let us remember the gifts and love
of the Holy Trinity. Let us remember that there are others who are out there that aren’t yet ready to gather
physically but they still belong to the family. They too, share in the gifts of the Holy Trinity and are part of the
redemption. The Holy Trinity says that no matter who you are or where you are from that your diversity is
your inclusivity to the Kingdom and family of the Holy Trinity.

Yours in Christ,

Reverend James Smith
Bethlehem Builder Bethlehem Lutheran Church Living God's Word 1375 Grand Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510 516-223-3400
2021 Monthly Mission Envelope Distribution
   Please indicate on the 2nd or 3rd line ($_____) on your Weekly Church
    Offering Envelope to which mission you wish to donate – either write
  “mission” or the name of the mission. Return our envelope in the offering
    plate or mail it to the church. You can also donate online through the
    website by clicking on the DONATE button in the top of your screen.

June–Koinonia                                        September-Lutheran Counseling Center
Koinonia has been serving Lutheran campers           LCC has six counseling sites that offer health,
and their friends since 1962. The camp provides      hope, and wholeness by promoting faith-based
a stunning backdrop for year-round indoor and        individual and family psychotherapy. LCC also
outdoor activities, to provide you with a positive   provides ongoing programs for various needs
learning environment and a memorable spiritual       and expertise in counseling disaster victims.
experience for you and your family or group.
                                                     October-Thanksgiving/Christmas Baskets
July-ELCA                                            Jesus commands us to feed the hungry. Much of
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,          the year we accomplish this through various
Metro New York Synod, is the larger                  charities but at Thanksgiving we deliver baskets
organization of which Bethlehem is a member.         of food directly to families we know are in need
The ELCA provides organization and support to        of support.
its member churches.                                 November-Christmas Angel Tree Shopping
                                                     Jesus commands us to care for the poor. The
August-Shepherd Fund                                 youth of the congregation, adult drivers, and our
The pastor receives requests for help and this       pastor shop at the beginning of December for
fund provides money for direct help not              families in need. The money collected funds their
otherwise available to persons with an               shopping.
immediate need.
                                                      December - ELCA
                                                      The Metropolitan New York Synod, our synod, is
                                                      the regional expression of the Evangelical
                                                      Lutheran Church in America. They endeavor to
                                                      provide support, resource pooling, and
                                                      educational services to the over 200
                                                      congregations across Long Island, New York
                                                      City, and in seven upstate counties. The Rev.
                                                      Paul Egensteiner is the Bishop.

                              Bethlehem’s Leaders
                  2020-2021 Bethlehem Lutheran Church Council
       Officers                                  Council Members
Pamela Dye President                             Barbara Brown
Vacant            Vice President                 Doris Lucas
Greg Pietrzak     Treasurer                      Martha Meyer
Kathy Spatz       Financial Secretary            Celeste Pietrzak (1 yr)
Marret Arfsten    Council Secretary              Laura Szenczewski
Bethlehem Builder Bethlehem Lutheran Church Living God's Word 1375 Grand Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510 516-223-3400
2021 Events Calendar
 6     BLC-Start in person worship
14     Finance Meeting
15     Council Meeting
17     Virtual Book Club-7:00 pm
20     Virtual Coffee Hour-11:30 am

Fall 2021
Garage Sale, Pumpkin Social, Bake Sale

21  Congregation Meeting

                                                   Sonora delivered presents to handicapped
                                                   fathers, boys from the YMCA wore fresh-cut
           Who’s the Richest
                                                   roses (red for living fathers, white for the
                                                   deceased), and the city’s ministers devoted their
He is the richest man in the esteem of the         homilies to fatherhood.
WORLD who has gotten the most. He is
the richest man in the esteem of HEAVEN            The widely publicized event reached
who has given the most.                            Washington, D.C. where in 1916 President
                                                   Woodrow Wilson and his family observed the
                                                   day. Eight years later, President Calvin Coolidge
                                                   signed a resolution in favor of Father’s Day “to
 The History of Father’s Day                       establish more intimate relations between fathers
The first known Father’s Day service occurred in   and their children and to impress upon fathers
Fairmont, WV on July 5, 1908 thanks to Grace       the full measure of their obligations.”
Golden Clayton. The service was to honor all
fathers, especially those hundr3eds who were
killed during a devasting mine explosion in
Monongah (near Fairmont) the previous year,
however the observance did not become an
annual event and very few outside the local area
knew about it.

In 1909, Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, WA
was inspired to create a holiday honoring
fathers. Her father, William Jackson Smart was a
farmer and Civil War veteran who raised 6
children after his wife died in 1898. While
attending a Mother’s Day church service in 1909,
Sonora came up with the idea.

Sonora convinced the Spokane Ministerial
Association and the YMCA t set aside a Sunday
in June; the ministers chose the 3rd Sunday so
they would have enough time after Mother’s Day
to prepare their sermons. On June 19, 1910,
Bethlehem Builder Bethlehem Lutheran Church Living God's Word 1375 Grand Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510 516-223-3400
Alert: On Sunday, June 6th BLC will reopen its doors for worship at 10:30 a.m.! Please
note the guidelines below for attending the service in the sanctuary.

             Bethlehem Lutheran Church
                                   Living God's Word
1375 Grand Avenue, Baldwin, NY 11510
Phone: (516)223-3400
Email:                                                 Rev. James D. Smith

We are excited to announce that we will resume worshipping together on Sunday, June
6th, 2021 at 10:30am. Please help us do so safely by abiding by this guide for

For In-Person Worship at Bethlehem Lutheran Church
  •   If you are not feeling well, please stay home and join us virtually.
  •   Before/after worship, you are invited to gather and socialize outdoors to greet
      each other at this time.
  •   When indoors please ensure and encourage adequate spacing (6ft+) from those
      outside of your family unit/pod.
  •   Upon entering the Sanctuary and throughout worship, wear your mask so that it
      covers both your nose and mouth at all times. Children under 2 are exempt from
      this rule.
  •   Hand Sanitizer is available on the               to reduce the need for touching and
      tables at the rear of the sanctuary;             cleaning of shared surfaces.
      use is encouraged upon entering the          • Please sit in open pews; some have
      building, and if you choose to                   been roped off to ensure spacing.
      receive Holy Communion on your                   We ask you to assist us to maintain
      way out.                                         adequate distancing between
  •   Temperature checks and contact                   people/families/pods.
      tracing will be completed by                 • An offering plate will be stationed in
      volunteers as you enter; please be               the rear of the sanctuary, not passed
      kind and patient as we make sure                 between people during worship.
      we are doing our part to keep you
      safe.                                     Please show Love for One Another by
  •   Anyone with a temperature higher          remembering that everyone has different
      than 99°will be asked to leave the        definition of comfortability at this time;
      building and encouraged to seek           consent is key, please respect each other’s
      medical attention.                        personal boundaries so we may all worship
  •   Paper Bulletins will be available,        in Peace.
      please dispose of these at the end of
                                                Worship will continue to be streamed live
      worship. Our hymnals have been
                                                via Facebook for those who prefer to join
      removed from the pews at this time
                                                us virtually.
Bethlehem Builder Bethlehem Lutheran Church Living God's Word 1375 Grand Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510 516-223-3400
doesn’t receive the grant this
The MetroNY Synod is offering             important ministry is a
churches within the ELCA                  welcome event in the near
community the opportunity to              future.
apply for an “Open Doors”
grant to support their
ministries as in-person worship               Bethlehem Book Club
and gatherings resume.
Specifically, how can we meet
new people, stay connected
with our current members, and
leverage new faces who have
joined for online worship?
                                   Join us for a virtual book club meeting on
BLC has submitted its              Thursday, June 17th at 7 pm.
application for a program to       The Book Club will be reading An Elderly
have a (quoted from the grant
                                   Lady Is Up To No Good by Helene Tursten.
                                   Let Martha Meyer (516-379-7505) know that
application) “Share Table to
                                   you would like to attend so the Zoom
serve our community and            information can be forwarded to you.
continue our mission of
outreach as an ongoing             Enjoy your favorite beverage and snack –we
ministry. By providing essential   always eat-as we discuss the book and catch up
items to those in need, with       with one another.
minimal contact, we will project
a caring response to the                         Father’s Day Quotes
unkindness and harshness           “A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall
within our current pandemic        you grow.”
environment.” The table would      Author unknown
include non-perishable foods,      “My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let
household items, toiletries,       me watch him do it.”
toys, adult and children’s         Clarence Budington Kellard, American
books, and family board            Author
                                   “His heritage to his children wasn’t words or
The grant awards will be           possessions, but an unspoken treasure, the treasure of
distributed at the beginning of    his example as a man and a father.”
June. Even if Bethlehem            Will Rogers, Jr., American politician
     Third Sunday of the Month
             11:30 AM

Join us every third Sunday of the month              May Council Meeting Summary
for a virtual coffee hour. Get together
virtually with members to chat and catch          At the May council meeting the
up! Check the website and your email for
login instructions. All are welcome!
                                                  following issues were discussed:
                                                     - Everyone was encouraged to read
The next virtual coffee hour will be                    and comment on the final
Sunday, June 20.                                        Kaleidoscope Institute report so
                                                        the Executive Committee can
                                                        incorporate those comments to
                                                        develop the final document.
 All I really needed to know I learned               - Open Door Grant through the
            from Noah’s Ark                             MetroNY Synod was submitted.
                By Martha Meyer                      - The reopening of BLC for
   1. Don’t miss the boat.                              worshipers was discussed and a
   2. Don’t forget that we are all in the same          date was determined for a meeting
       boat.                                            with the Worship, Music and Arts
   3. Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah           Committee.
       built the ark.
   4. Stay fit. When you’re 600 years old,
       someone might ask you to do something
       REALLY BIG.
   5. Don’t listen to critics, just get on with        To all the Dads –BLC wishes
       what has to be done.                            you a Happy Father’s Day!
   6. Build your future on high ground.
   7. For safety’s sake, travel in pairs
   8. Two heads are better than one.
   9. Speed isn’t always an advantage. The
       snails were on board with the cheetahs.
   10. When you are stressed, float awhile.
   11. Remember that the ark was built by
       amateurs; the Titanic was built by
   12. Remember that woodpeckers inside are
       a larger threat than the storm outside.
   13. No matter the storm, when you’re with
       God there’s a rainbow waiting.
                              Online Bible Study with Pastor James
Joseph Kogan       6/3/03**                   Smith
Ellen Nizich.      6/4
                              Join us every Wednesday (12:00 PM &
David Szenczewski 6/4
                              7:30 PM) as Pastor Smith takes us on a
Joey Nizich        6/5
                              journey of “Jesus’ ethical teachings and
Kato Peragine      6/6
                              provides a behavioral guide for the
Patricia Tucker    6/7
                              ekklesia, the early Christian community”,
Diane Ialenti      6/10
                              that is known as The Gospel of Matthew.
Christopher Nizich 6/14
                              Learn examples of Matthew’s editing of
Lee Streithorst    6/16
                              Markan material and what Matthew
Kimberly Hale      6/26
                              added. This will take us from the Infancy
Laura Szenczewsk 6/27
                              Narrative, the beginning of Jesus’
Dean Smith         6/6/06**
                              proclamation, His instructions to the
                              Church all the way to the Passion Story
WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES         and Resurrection Narrative, the beginning
Kathy & Ray Spatz 6/11        of Jesus’ proclamation, His instructions to
                              the Church all the way to the Passion
                              Story and Resurrection. Learn examples
                              of Matthew’s editing of Markan material
                              and what Matthew added. This will take
                              us from the Infancy Narrative, the
                              beginning of Jesus’ proclamation, His
                              instructions to the Church all the way to
                              the Passion Story and Resurrection.
                              All are welcome to attend! Links for the
                              Online Bible Study are on our website at
Donations to BLC
Thank you to all who continue to make donations and remember their church home
during this time of crisis. Online donations can be made through our website-, click on the blue Donate button and you will be directed
through PayPal or through Vanco by downloading their app from the App Store or
Google Play onto your mobile device. Click here to get the link or go to: You can also mail your check
payable to Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 1375 Grand Ave., Baldwin, NY 11510

                         REMINDER ABOUT WEEKLY SERMONS
Pastor Smith will continue to deliver weekly sermons through his Facebook page using
Facebook Live. Click here to access Pastor’s Facebook Page or you can obtain the
link from our website on the Home page.
Missed the sermon? Go to the website or Pastor’s Facebook page and the archive is
available for listening.

                          STAY CONNECTED WITH US!
      In addition to our website and Facebook Page we are also on Instagram! For
      Instagram photos go to blcbaldwin. Note: there is an Instagram page named
     “Bethlehem Lutheran Church” with our address but it contains photos of various
                    groups who “checked-In” from our Facebook page.
      Please Like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram and visit our website- for updates on BLC news! The Builder is also online on the
            Home page of our website under the section “Bethlehem Builder”!
Starting June 6th services will be in person and streamed on Faceboook Live
    through Pastor Smith’s Facebook Page at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday.
You can also read