Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church

Page created by Rose Wheeler
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
                           (Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston, S.C.)
                      5 Saint Teresa Drive, Charleston, S.C. 29407-7297
                                      (Corner of US - 17 & Moore Drive)
               Parish Office: (843) 556-0801              School Office: (843) 766-2128

                                                                     December 1, 2019

    Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone,
            Bishop of Charleston
 Administrator: Rev. Arnulfo Jara Galvez
Senior Parochial Vicar: Rev. Derrick Sneyd
           Permanent Deacons:
              James Moore
               Kurt Herbst
               Jerry White
               Joe Keating

BAPTISM: Parents who wish to have their child/
children baptized should contact the Parish Office for
arrangements. A preparatory session is mandatory
for the proper formation of parents and godparents.
MARRIAGE: Those wishing to enter a sacramental
marriage should contact the Parish Office at least six
months prior to the intended date.
VISITING THE SICK: Please inform the Parish
Office should a relative/friend who is homebound/
hospitalized need a pastoral visit or the Sacrament of
Anointing. A priest will attend to the Sacrament and,
as needed, will arrange for Holy Communion to be
brought to your loved one.
Preparations for the reception of these Sacraments
are taken care of by the Office of Faith Formation.
Please call the Parish Office and your message will be
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
MASSES FOR THE WEEK                                                   FACILITIES CALENDAR
SUNDAY, December 1                                                                  CH = Church / PH = Parish Hall /
9:00 AM              + Anne & Nicholas Scandalious                                     STH = St. Theresa House
11:00 AM             + Deacon William “Bill” Hunt
1:30 PM              (Spanish)                                            SUNDAY:         December 1 - 1st Sunday of Advent
5:00 PM              The Spiritual & Material Welfare of                  10:00 AM        Books Change Lives - (STH)
                     the Parish Community                                 12:15 PM        RCIA - (School)
MONDAY, December 2                                                        6:15 PM         LifeTeen (PH)
8:00 AM              + Dorothy Bendt                                      MONDAY:         December 2
TUESDAY, December 3                                                       6:00 PM         Sign Language Class (STH)
6:30 AM              + Brenda Kinard                                      6:30 PM         Books Change Lives - (STH)
WEDNESDAY, December 4                                                     7:30 PM         Men's Group - (STH)
8:00 AM              + Julie Hardy Santuk                                 TUES:           December 3
THURSDAY, December 5                                                      7:00 PM         Young Adults - (STH)
9:00 AM              + LeRoy Joseph Runey, Jr.                                            Knights of Columbus (PH)
                     (1st Anniv. of Death)                                                NOVENA (CH)
FRIDAY, December 6                                                        WED:            December 4
6:30 AM              + William Kenneth Johnson                            9:00 AM         Women of the Word (STH)
SATURDAY, December 7                                                      6:00 PM         Faith Formation/Edge - (CH)&(PH)
9:00 AM              + Jason Haigler (Anniv. of B-day)                                    Women of the Word (STH)
5:00 PM              + Roy C. Hoffman                                     7:00 PM         NOVENA (CH)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------   7:30 PM         Women of the Word - (STH)
                       MASS IN SPANISH                                    THURS:          December 5
                         Sundays 1:30 PM                                  7:00 PM         NOVENA (CH)
          SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION                                     7:30 PM         Baptism Class in Spanish (STH)
                   Saturdays 3:30 - 4:30 PM                               FRIDAY:         December 6
                                   or                                     6:00 PM         K of C Movie Night (PH)
               Anytime by appt. with a priest                             7:00 PM         NOVENA (CH)
                                                                          SATURDAY:       December 7
                                                                          10:00 AM        Marian Group (PH)
         FOR YOUR INFORMATION                                             7:00 PM         NOVENA (CH)
SANCTUARY LIGHTS: We are thankful to Mr.
& Mrs. Matuskovic who make a monthly
donation for the sanctuary lamp (in loving                                A weekly TELEVISED SUNDAY MASS has
memory of Deputy Sheriff Joseph John                                      begun airing on WCBD, Channel 2. The Mass will
Matuskovic.)                                                              be broadcast both at 5:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
                                                                          every Sunday. When you or someone you know is
ANNULMENTS: Please contact parishioner                                    unable to get to church due to sickness or physical
Tim     O'Connor     for    assistance     at                             impairment, the TV Mass offers spiritual comfort or 843-437-8069. Please                              and inspiration.
call on the weekend or after 5:00 p.m. during
the week.                                                                 DID     YOU       KNOW     THAT     CATHOLIC
                                                                          COUNSELING SERVICES provides psychological
                                                                          services to adolescents, couples and adults. For
                                                                          information, call Dr. Mara Calderon, a Licensed
                                                                          Clinical Psychologist, at 843-402-5417. Services
                                                                          are confidential.

                                                                          The SECOND COLLECTION this weekend is for
                                                                          the Church in Africa. The Second Collection next
                                                                          weekend is for the Retired Religious.

                                                                          PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE IN THE MILITARY
                                                                          (POR AQUELLOS EN EL EJERCITO): Aaron
                                                                          Dufficy, Brittanie Ferreri, Melanie Graybill,
                                                                          Nicholas Roberson, and Jose A. Urena, Jr.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
FLOWERS: Two locations on our prop-                             THE HOMEBOUND AND HOSPI-
           erty are fittingly adorned with fresh                           TALIZED: Each month, the Week-
           flowers: the Sanctuary (Church) and                             ly Bulletin will publish the names
           the Adoration Chapel. We are always                             of persons who are in need of spe-
open for donations to adorn the sanctuary and ad-                          cial prayer. If you know of someone
oration chapel. Can you help? Please contact Al-             who should be listed, kindly call the Parish Office
ice Bolchoz (843-766-7202).                                  and inform us. The first weekend of every month
                                                             will list new requests. This is because there are
FLOWERS IN THE CHURCH are for the greater                    times when the persons listed are well again and
honor and glory of God from Veronica (Pieretti)              the callers forget to ask that their names be re-
and Christopher Robinson, who were married at                moved. Let's give the new process a chance to be
Blessed Sacrament Church on Saturday.                        current. Thank you! Virginia Bennett, Mary
                                                             Bevis, Bill Burns, Jerry Burn, Emma Carothers,
**********************************************               John Carothers, Jim Cochran, Jean Ferrara, An-
         READINGS FOR THE WEEK                               derson Kerr, Kathy Kerr, Henry Kuznik, Mary
Monday       Isaiah (Isaias) 4:2-6                           Elizabeth Limehouse, Paul Madden, Eleanor
             Matthew (Mateo) 8:5-11                          Mathewes, Nancy Hiott McCants, Miriam Moya,
Tuesday      Isaiah (Isaias) 11:1-10                         Jeff Parker, James Runey, Margaret Sibbald, Su-
             Luke (Lucas) 10:21-24                           san Stokes, Tim Torongeau, Damian Wofford,
Wednesday Isaiah (Isaias) 25:6-10A                           and Cooper Zeigler.
             Matthew (Mateo) 15:29-37
Thursday     Isaiah (Isaias) 26:1-6                          *********************************************
             Matthew (Mateo) 7:21,24-27                      APOSTOLATE OF PRAYER FOR PRIESTS:
Friday       Isaiah (Isaias) 29:17-24                        Please pray for the following priests.
             Matthew (Mateo) 9:27-31
Saturday     Isaiah (Isaias) 30:19-21,23-26                  Monday        Rev. Stanley Smolenski
             Matthew (Mateo) 9:35-10:1,5A,6-8                              Rev. Jeremi Wodecki
Sunday       Isaiah (Isaias) 11:1-10                         Tuesday       Bishop Victor Galeone
             Matthew (Mateo) 3:1-12                                        Rev. C. Alexander McDonald
**********************************************               Wednesday     Rev. Richard Jackson
                                                                           Rev. Joseph Pearce
ATTENTION YOUNG ADULTS: Please join us for                   Thursday      Rev. Jay Scott Newman
Eucharistic Adoration, praise & worship, and prayer                        Rev. Gary Linsky
with the Sisters. When: Beginning December 12, 2019          Friday        Rev. Michael Okere
and continuing every Thursday from 6:30pm to 7:30pm                        Rev. H. Gregory West
- Optional social from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. Why: To             Saturday      Rev. Philip Gilespie
create a sacred space for deepening your life in Christ.                   Rev. Patrick Cooper
Where: Pauline Books & Media at 243 King Street,             Sunday        All Priests
Charleston (843-577-0175).

              Blessed Sacrament has an "ANGEL
              TREE" this year to support local charities
              and families in need. Please consider
              taking a tag (or two) from the tree located
              in the church. The tag will indicate the
              age/gender of the gift recipient and
              requested gift. The tag will note whether
gifts should be wrapped or unwrapped. Tags should be
attached to the gift and returned during weekend
Masses on Dec. 7/8 or Dec. 14/15. If you know of a
Blessed Sacrament church or school family who would
not otherwise be able to provide gifts for their children,
please contact Lori Roberson in the parish
office. Requests are confidential and must be received
by December 4, 2019.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
                                                     PREPARATION: If you have not handed in paper-
                                                     work, it is imperative that you take care of this as
                                                     soon as possible. December 4th we will be sending
                                                     letters to those who have not handed in paper-
                                                     CONFIRMATION REMINDER: There is a Confir-
                                                     mation meeting on December 4th from 6:00-
                                                     7:15pm in the parish hall (no sponsor). Commit-
                                                     ment Rite is Sunday, January 12, during the 11
                                                     o'clock Mass.
                                                     SPECIAL SACRAMENTS I (for those enrolled in
                                                     Faith Formation in 3rd-8th grades who are prepar-
                                                     ing for First Reconciliation): Meet Wednesdays
                                                     (December 11 & 18 and January 9, 15, 22 & 29)
                                                     6:00pm-6:30pm in the school art room.
                                                     FIRST RECONCILIATION: Saturday, February
                                                     1, beginning at 10:00 am in the church (lasts about
                                                     1 1/2 hours)

PLACEMENT TEST will be given on Saturday,
January 11, 2020, at 8:00 am to all 8th and 9th
graders applying to Bishop England for the 2020-
2021 school year. There is a $70 non-refundable
fee for this test. The Placement Test registration
form is available on the school's website, > ADMISSION > testing. Deadline
to register for the testing is December 3, 2019.
The online application must be submitted BE-
FORE registering for the admissions testing.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church

Be patient with me please … I must answer your question with many sub-statements. So …

A Church wedding is a SACRAMENT (a sacred sign of the Presence of Jesus). We hold a total of
seven such sacred signs (7 SACRAMENTS). Jesus is present in every one of them.

A Church wedding is a union of two persons (man and woman subsequently referred to as
husband and wife) each pledging to the other total fidelity, a permanent union and an
openness to bring new physical life (children) into the world. I must add here – this is how
you and I came into this world: our individual parents, in cooperation with the plan of God, left
themselves open to new life, and ‘YOU’ and ‘I’ are here. “Openness to children” does not mean
that every married couple MUST have children. “Openness” means leaving the possibility of
conception to happen. When conception is impeded, blocked, stopped, it is not an ‘openness’;
it is against openness, it is contraception. Life is a gift from God. To be open to life is to do
God’s will; to be closed (contraception) to life is to go against God’s will. A SACRAMENTAL
CHILDREN. God’s Holy Word, in Sacred Scripture, has numerous references to these

Now this husband and wife may be of the same religious tradition (both Catholics) or perhaps
of different religious traditions (one Catholic, the other of a different tradition). This latter is
called an Interfaith Marriage. As a Catholic priest (in the Name of Jesus and the Church) I will
witness to either of these wedding forms. In either instance the couple will reflect together,
with the Priest/Deacon, on the sacredness of the union being planned and most certainly, if the
couple intends what Jesus intends, then the Priest/Deacon will be the official witness of the
Church. Think about it this way: “Would you witness to something that is against your faith
convictions?” This means: the parties to the marriage and the priest must be on the same
wavelength as Jesus! A Church Marriage is a Faith Marriage! Just like you, I too must place my
head on my pillow at night and sleep with a clear conscience!

At this stage in the explanation, it is good to inject another thought … marriage is the only
Sacrament where the parties to the marriage are the CELEBRANTS; the priest is only the
official witness of the Church, not the Celebrant. Awesome!
If the NUPTIAL CELEBRATION, WEDDING CELEBRATION is incorporated into the Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass, the priest is the Celebrant of the Mass, the couple are the Celebrants of the
Nuptials, of the Marriage. The two Sacraments are celebrated together each with its own
sacramental character.
(A little humor … I have met persons whose marriage I witnessed and the bride proudly
announces in company that I married her! My response: “Honey, let’s get this straight – I did
not marry you, Tom did. I was just the witness!” A little laughter ensues but you get the

                                      With love,   Fr. Derrick
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Blessed Sacrament
   Hispanic Ministry
Cordially invites you to
 celebrate the Feast of
  Our Lady of
 Guadalupe 2019

      Tuesday, December 3 - Wednesday, December 11
                        7 - 8 p.m.       Novena
          Rosary in the church led by different families every day

                     Thursday, December 12
                          5 a.m.      Serenade
                     Morning Song (Las Mañanitas).

                      7 p.m.       Solemn Mass
             Starts with a Procession of children with Flags
              from their native countries, and Aztec Dance

            Reception to Follow at the Parish Hall
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
MISAS DE LA SEMANA                                               CALENDARIO DE ACTIVIDADES
DOMINGO, 1ro de diciembre                                                           IG = Iglesia / SP = Salón Parroquial /
9:00 a. m.           + Anne & Nicholas Scandalious                           CST = Casa de Sta. Teresa / SC = Salón del Colegio
11:00 a. m.          + Deacon William “Bill” Hunt                           SUNDAY:        1ro de diciembre
1:30 p. m.           Varias intenciones                                     6:15 p. m.     Grupo jóvenes LifeTeen (SP)
5:00 p. m.           Por el bienestar espiritual y material                 MARTES:        3 de diciembre
                     de la Comunidad Parroquial                             7:00 p. m.     Novena Virgen de Guadalupe (IG)
LUNES, 2 de diciembre                                                       MIÉRCOLES 4 de diciembre
8:00 a. m.           + Dorothy Bendt                                                       Oficina Parroquial cerrada
MARTES, 3 de diciembre                                                      6:00 p. m.     Formación de Fe (IG, SP y SP)
6:30 a. m.           + Brenda Kinard                                        7:00 p. m.     Novena Virgen de Guadalupe (IG)
MIÉRCOLES, 4 de diciembre                                                   JUEVES         5 de diciembre
8:00 a. m.           + Julie Hardy Santuk.                                                 Oficina Parroquial cerrada
JUEVES, 5 de diciembre                                                      7:00 p. m.     Novena Virgen de Guadalupe (IG)
9:00 a. m.           + LeRoy Joseph Runey, Jr.                              VIERNES        6 de diciembre
                     (1er Aniversario de fallecido)                         7:00 p. m.     Novena Virgen de Guadalupe (IG)
VIERNES, 6 de diciembre                                                     SÁBADO         7 de diciembre
6:30 a. m.           + William Kenneth Johnson                              7:00 p. m.     Novena Virgen de Guadalupe (IG)
SÁBADO, 7 de diciembre
9:00 a. m.           + Jason Haigler (Aniv. cumpleaños)                                PARA SU INFORMACIÓN
5:00 p. m.           + Roy C. Hoffman
  -----------------------------------------------------------------------   OFICINA MINISTERIO HISPANO:
         SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACIÓN                                       Lunes y miércoles de 8:30 a. m. - 2 p. m. y
              Sábados 3:30 - 4:30 p. m. (Inglés)                            jueves de 8:30 a. m. - 1 p. m.
           Domingos 12:45 - 1:15 p. m. (español)                            Puede dejar mensaje a Patricia a cualquier hora:
    Para otro horario puede hacer cita por la oficina                       teléfono: (843) 556-0801 - Correo Electrónico:
BAUTISMO: Los padres que deseen bautizar                                    CRITERIO PARA EL «ESTATUS DE FELIGRÉS
a sus hijos deben contactar la Oficina                                      ACTIVO»: *Participación semanal en el culto a
Parroquial para hacer los arreglos. Una                                     través de la asistencia a la Misa del fin de semana
sesión preparatoria es obligatoria para los                                 evidenciada por su sobre semanal en el ofertorio ,
padres y padrinos.                                                          *y participación activa en un ministerio de la
MATRIMONIO:         Aquellos con deseos de                                  parroquia - o el colegio, *y participación en la
entrar al Sacramento del Matrimonio deben                                   ofrenda con gratitud y sacrificio. Si usted da su
contactar la Oficina Parroquial al menos seis                               ofrenda por internet, por favor entregue su sobre
                                                                            en la Misa marcando «I give online.» Gracias. El
meses previos a la fecha deseada.
                                                                            no usar los sobres por tres meses colocará a la
VISITA A LOS ENFERMOS:               Por favor
                                                                            persona o la familia como inactiva.
informe a la Oficina Parroquial si un familiar
o amigo que está confinado en casa u                                        USO DE LOS SOBRES: Por favor, no ponga la
hospitalizado necesita una visita pastoral o el                             ofrenda de los adultos en los sobres de los niños.
                                                                            Los niños no reciben estado de contribución para
Sacramento de la Unción. Un sacerdote
                                                                            los taxes al final de los años.
asistirá al Sacramento y, según sea necesario,
coordinará que la Santa Comunión le sea                                     FLORES: Dos espacios de nuestra propiedad
llevada a su ser querido.                                                   están adecuadamente adornados con flores
                                                                            frescas: el Santuario (Iglesia) y la Capilla de
                                                                            Adoración. Siempre estamos abiertos a sus
CONFIRMACIÓN: La preparación para la
                                                                            donaciones para adornar el Santuario y la capilla
recepción de estos Sacramentos es llevada a                                 de adoración. ¿Podría usted gentilmente ayudar?
cabo por la Oficina de la Formación de Fe. Por                              Por favor llámenos a la oficina ¡Gracias!
favor llamar a Patricia a la oficina parroquial
para mayor información. Para este año ya se                                 PRESENTACIÓN DE NIÑOS - Si desea presentar
                                                                            a su niño o niña, por favor anotarse con la Sra.
cerraron las inscripciones para la preparación
                                                                            Carmen Rivera en la sacristía una o dos semanas
sacramental, pero puede inscribirse en las                                  antes del domingo deseado.
clases de religión.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
QUINCEAÑERAS - Los padres interesados
deben llamar a la oficina 5 meses antes de la                                   El martes,
fecha estimada para hacer los arreglos. La                                                         tendremos
quinceañera debe haber recibido la Confirmación                                 nuestro
o estar inscrita en su preparación.
                                                                                     . Esta preparaci n
                                                                        espiritual es apropiada al
            F ormación de F e                        acercarnos al tiempo de Navidad. Un cora n
                                                     limpio es una se al de bienvenida a es s para
   NO HABRÁ CLASES DE FORMACIÓN DE FE el            que Na ca en nosotros mientras no hay una
    miércoles anterior al Día de Acción de           habitaci n para l en medio del ruido del mundo
    Gracias, miércoles, 27 de noviembre.             secular y comercial. Sacerdotes invitados
                                                     ayudar n con las confesiones individuales.
   CLASE ESPECIAL DE CONFIRMACIÓN :                 Ap ntelo en el calendario familiar.
    miércoles, 4 de diciembre a las 6 p.m. en el
    salón parroquial.
 SACRAMENTOS ESPECIALES 1 (Para                                                 iernes, de diciembre
                                                                            :      p. m. - Sal n arroquial
    aquellos inscritos en la Formación de Fe
    del 3.º al 8.º grado que se están preparando
    para la Reconciliación) - Las clases serán
    1l 11 y 18 de diciembre y enero 9, 15, 22 y
    29 de 6 a 6:30 p.m. en el salón de arte del
    colegio.                                           H o r a r i o M i s a s d e Nav i d a d
                                                         24 de diciembre - Noche de Navidad
    febrero a partir de las 10 a. m. en la iglesia
                                                          4 p.m. - Misa deNiños - Coro de Niños
    (dura como 1 hora y media).
                                                      7 p.m. - Vigilia de Navidad - Coro de Adultos
                                                                       10 p.m. Misa en español
Por los últimos 35 años, ha sido nuestro
privilegio contar con la CAPILLA DE
ADORACIÓN PERPETUA . El permiso para                                                      25 de diciembre
continuar con este espacio de oración depende de                                             9 a.m. - Misa
que la parroquia pueda mantener un horario
                                                                                             11 a.m. - Misa
completo de adoradores. Patti Brassington se
encarga de eso. Hay varias horas disponibles,
                                                         Iglesia Católica Blessed Sacrament
¿usted consideraría anotarse para una hora? Por
favor, llame a Patti Brassington al (843) 901-
9467. Si prefiere hablar en español, llame a             Ma rí a
Patricia a la oficina parroquial (843) 556-0801         Madre de
                                                          Di o s
DECRETO DE         NULIDAD:      Por favor
                                                      Martes 31
comuníquese con Patricia para ayuda en el
proceso de Nulidad al (843) 556-0801 o al             5 p. m.
                                                      Miércoles 1 ro
                                                      9 a. m.
Se ofrece servicios psicológicos para
adolescentes, parejas y adultos. Para más
información llame a la Dra. Mara Calderón,
licenciada en psicología clínica: (843) 402-5417.
                                                             Iglesia Católica Blessed Sacrament
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church

                                      7 - 8 p. m.        Novena
                      Rosario en la iglesia dirigido por diferentes familias cada día

                                        5 a.m.        Serenata
                                             Las Mañanitas

                                     7 p.m.       Misa Solemne
                                Procesión de banderas y Danza Azteca

                       Seguidamente recepción en el salón parroquial

Si deseas ayudar de algún modo, avísanos ¡eres bienvenido(a) y te necesitamos!

La NOVENA comienza el 3 de diciembre. Si deseas dedicarle un Rosario a nuestra Madre anota a tu fa-
milia con la Sra. Victoria Salcedo: (843) 330-2197.
Para el día de la Misa tendremos la PROCESIÓN DE LAS BANDERAS, donde niños y jóvenes llevan las
banderas latinoamericanas. Si tus hijos están interesados habla con la Sra. Juanita (843) 813-5823.
Para participar en la DANZA en honor a la Virgen, llama a la Sra. Isabel (843) 302-2985.
W          w     ft                  W       F
F    …                  …                         W  w                w G ’                   w
              ‘G -        ’ ft                 ti           ti               w                      ti
    G           EVERY ING
To be a steward is to be a caretaker         w           w     ;G         ti     w     A        k
          w                 ’                          w         k
O                     z                                   /w       ti     w    w       ?W        k
          W          k G          ti     time                ;w         k G       ti        talent
            ;w            k    G      ti       treasure                A w     w              regular,
consistent manner w                  w               k

                        STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE … WEEK OF NOVEMBER 17, 2019
                      A                                     $14 106 50
                      EF O    G                             $ 5 005 00
                                                            $ 279 61
                                                            $ 1 750 27
                      TOTAL                                 $21,141.38
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