August 8, 2021 Catholic Youth Summer Camp 2021!!! Our parish's first group of 17 youth experienced a transformative week of high adventure fun and ...

August 8, 2021 Catholic Youth Summer Camp 2021!!! Our parish's first group of 17 youth experienced a transformative week of high adventure fun and ...
August 8, 2021
  Catholic Youth Summer Camp 2021!!! Our parish’s first group of 17 youth experienced a
transformative week of high adventure fun and faith! Stay tuned for 2022 CYSC registration
                              details beginning this October!
August 8, 2021 Catholic Youth Summer Camp 2021!!! Our parish's first group of 17 youth experienced a transformative week of high adventure fun and ...
Pastoral Staff
Deacon Ronald Adkins……………………………………………………………………………………… Deacon
Mrs. Allison Capella………………………………………………………………………….Volunteer Coordinator
Deacon Daniel P. Clavin …………………………………………………………………………………….Deacon
Mr. Kevin Donahue…………………………………………………………………….Music Ministry Coordinator
Ms. Maureen Dowd………………………………………………………………………………Pastoral Associate
Reverend Eric Garris………………………………………………………………………………...Parochial Vicar
Deacon Robert Grgic………………………………………………………………….Deacon/ Pastoral Associate
Mrs. Paula Haumesser…………………………………………………………….……..Administrative Secretary
Mrs. Alicia Henrikson ……………………………………………………………………….Marketing Coordinator
Miss Linda Hlebak……………………………………………………………… …………….. Business Manager
Mr. Paul Kelly……………………………………………………………………………………. Pastoral Associate
Mr. Robert Kumazec………………………………………………………………………………..School Principal
Reverend Frederick F. Pausche …………………………………………………………….…………… …Pastor
Mrs. Ann Silvester……………………………………………………………….Learning Loft Preschool Director
Reverend David Stavarz…………………………………………………………………………….Parochial Vicar
Mr. Michael Ulrich ……………………………….……… ..Supervisor of Maintenance, Buildings and Grounds

Parish Phone Numbers                                    Marriage:
Parish Office ………...(440) 352-8282                      Diocesan policy directs couples to arrange for
School Office ……….(440) 352-6169                        marriage at least six months prior to the intended
PSR Office …………..(440) 354-7551                         wedding ceremony. Please call the priest or deacon
The Learning Loft …...(440) 354-7574                    of your choice for an appointment to make arrange-
Parish Fax …………...(440) 354-7558                        ments.
Website ………………
                                                        Holy Orders and Vowed Religious Life:
                                                        Anyone interested in ordained or vowed religious
New Parishioners:                                       life is invited to talk to one of the parish priests,
Welcome to our parish! Please call the Parish           pastoral staff members or Fr. Michael McCandless,
Office for an appointment to register.                  Director, Diocesan Vocation Office (440-943-7660).
Baptism:                                                Hospitalized and Homebound Parishioners:
Parents are required to attend a preparation class.     In case of emergency, call the Parish Office
Next dates at St. Gabriel: Nov. 10, 2021. Please        immediately. If you or someone you know would
call the parish office or visit our website             like a friendly visit and/or communion brought to the
(Sacraments/Baptism page) to register. During           hospital or home, please call the parish office.
January, May, and September the classes are
held at St. Mary Church in Chardon, 401 North           Funerals: Please call the Parish Office to make
Street. Call 440-285-7051 for times and to              arrangements before any publication in the
register.                                               newspaper.

Reconciliation:                                         Catholic Information and Referral Service:
The sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated           (CIRS) refers persons to the Catholic and Commu-
every Saturday from 3:45 - 4:30 pm, or by               nity services that best respond to your church,
appointment.                                            personal, or life crisis needs. “Help is just a call
                                                        away” 1-800-869-6525
August 8, 2021 Catholic Youth Summer Camp 2021!!! Our parish's first group of 17 youth experienced a transformative week of high adventure fun and ...
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My Sisters and Brothers,                                                    more information on how to register. There is no cost. Alpha can
Last week, it was the Israelites “grumbling”. God wasn’t answering          definitely light the fire of faith in you.
their prayers their way and apparently on their timeline—now. This
week, it is Jesus’ contemporaries “murmuring”. The teachings of             Speaking of lighting the fire of the Holy Spirit, this past Wednesday
Jesus apparently were not to their liking, and they clearly missed the      we celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation for another group of
point of what He was calling them to believe. It seems that there is        young adults that we were not able to celebrate at the usual time
always a lot of grumbling and murmuring going on—often for the              with the bishop last year. We have two more similar sized groups to
same reasons. One might even be tempted to blame God. You can               celebrate, so I ask your prayers and support on all these good young
tell a lot about a person, I think, by what they are grumbling or           people, as well as the new group who will be confirmed by Bishop
murmuring about. It says a lot about their faith, what is really            Malesic in February. Also, we are nearing the end of celebrating the
important to them, as well as a whole lot of other rather uncompli-         First Holy Communion of our soon to be third graders. I think it
mentary traits. This past Monday at the Alpha gathering, our guest          has gone very well and we have received many positive comments
speaker was Miguel Chavez, the Diocesan Director of the Office for          from the families as well as the community. Most importantly, I
Missionary Discipleship. To be honest, I had never met him before           pray that the children will have been touched by the love of God for
and was anxious to hear him—especially since I have heard so many           them, feel very special, and will continue growing in their faith.
good things about him. He was phenomenal, off the chart, and lifted         Speaking of celebrating faith, I just want to remind everyone that the
my spirits with so much hope, joy, enthusiasm for the faith, and            FEST is this Sunday beginning at noon and culminating with
what truly matters. To be honest with you, sometimes all the                Mass at 8 pm. The location is new—Brookside Reservation—and
grumbling and murmuring can get me down. But, when God sends a              there are some changes (like limited $10 admission tickets), but it
messenger, a prophet (and that is precisely what I and many                 serves the same purpose—to ignite the faith of people in our diocese
experienced), it changes things dramatically. It renews your spirit;        and beyond. It is actually far more than a “spark”. Please keep the
affirms what is really important; re-energizes and empowers you to          FEST in your prayers and give it your support.
see more clearly the greatness of God, the abundance of God’s Love,
and the need to spread the Good News. So, you tell me, what is more         Speaking of igniting the faith of our community, our team of Key
valuable? That kind of faith that focuses on the love of God and the        Parish Leaders, who represent the var ious aspects of our
Good News of the Gospel message. Or all the grumbling and                   community, met last week to begin analyzing the data from the DMI
murmuring that can sometimes throw a wet blanket over what really           (Disciple Maker Inventory) to help us discern where the Spirit is
can be so good—the Goodness of God, the Good News of the                    leading our community in the future in order to make genuine
Gospel, the good news of being called to share our faith and to reach       disciples for the Lord. It was an excellent meeting, and there is so
out to others as missionary disciples. That is what real evangelization     much more to do. Your prayers and your input are so important. I
is all about, and evangelization is the work of the entire community.       was so inspired by the depth, and quality of thinking and planning
So, let’s stop the grumbling and murmuring, and share the Good              that is going into this. There was no grumbling or murmuring, just
News by how we live and what people experience in us. Miguel was            sincere servant-leaders, genuinely committed to helping our parish
a great speaker. However, what touched me the deepest was his joy-          to grow. Praise God.
filled, faith-filled, and passionate spirit for Christ. “It only takes a    Although we weren’t speaking of this topic, it really is a matter of
spark to get a fire going.” How can you be that spark that ignites the      faith and good stewardship. Our Finance Council is meeting this
faith of others?                                                            week to take a look at this past fiscal year, and also to look toward
Speaking of Alpha, the spark has been turning into a glowing and            doing our part this Fall to share in the diocesan Heart of the
significant fire of the Spirit. In my opinion, Alpha is truly a Pentecost   Shepherd Campaign. J ust briefly, I will say that we are doing
experience. Thus far, over 500 people have participated in                  OK with our own financial situation, although working very hard to
Alpha, and the feedback has been so positive. Like the description of       contain costs and spend wisely. Thank you for your generosity. A
the first Pentecost, there were all sorts of different people there—        full year-end financial report will be coming. The Heart of the
mostly from here, but definitely from other parishes, other non-            Shepherd Campaign is primarily for major seminary renovations, as
Catholic faith communities, and even from some who are struggling           well as a couple other important diocesan needs. Hopefully we can
with faith issues. God does amazing things if we allow Him to. I            all do our part. God is so good to us, and the more thankful we are,
strongly encourage you to share in an Alpha course this fall. Hope-         the more generous we will be in sharing God’s gifts.
fully we will be in person, and follow the same simple but powerful         Have a great week. Be “missionary disciples” who spread the Good
pattern of a shared meal, a very interesting and practical video that       News. The world needs to experience
addresses the most fundamental questions of our faith and life and          the Good News, and it can transform
invites a very non-threatening table conversation where people can          you. May God’s love, blessings and
just share whatever they like, or just listen in. It typically begins at    peace be with you.
6:30 and is over by 8:30 pm. We have an excellent team of leaders
who guide the process, and are constantly looking for new ways to           In God’s love,
reach out and help ignite the flame of faith in others. The next
session begins in September. Stay tuned, and check the website for
August 8, 2021 Catholic Youth Summer Camp 2021!!! Our parish's first group of 17 youth experienced a transformative week of high adventure fun and ...
Page Four

     Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                August 8, 2021

MONDAY - August 9—Weekday
 7:00AM Janice Sason—Zappitelli Family
11:00AM John Kaleal—Mary Ann Kaleal

TUESDAY - August 10—St. Lawrence, Deacon and                            Sat. Aug. 7th – 5 PM
          Martyr                                                           Mia Schneider
 7:00AM Marcy Bohn—Richard
 7:00PM Kenneth Coyle—Sue

WEDNESDAY - August 11—St. Clare, Virgin
 7:00AM Larry Martis—Pioch Family
 10:00AM No Mass
THURSDAY - August 12—Weekday
 7:00AM For the Intention of Taylor Shelton—T. Link
 7:00PM Margaret Connelly—Schneeberger Family
FRIDAY - August 13—Weekday
 7:00AM Margaret Gergely—Heavenly Dusters
11:00AM Joseph Paolucci—Paolucci Family
SATURDAY – August 14—St. Maximilian Kolbe, Priest
            and Martyr                                        St. Gabriel Community welcomes
 8:30AM Steve & Rose Rico—Family                                  Kyle William Castile, Jr.
 5:00PM Marie Gasser—Kyle & Sylvia Trimboli                         Elliott James Puccini
                                                             Anna Claire McQuiston Hrusovsky
SUNDAY –August 15—The Assumption of the Blessed                  into our parish Community.
        Virgin Mary
 7:30AM Margie Deak—Husband
 9:30AM Wilma Hanna—Steve & Carrie Hermelin
11:30AM For the Health & Well Being of Our Parish
5:00PM Rose L. Gundelach – Richard & Carol Gundelach

                                                              II. Collin Hamrick & Alexandria Paolucci
                                                                  II. Mark Maxwell & Ashley Ragan

Please remember Anthony Armao and his family in your

                                                                 Join us Thursdays in the Chapel

                                                       Come join us Thursdays from 10-10:45am in the Chapel
                                                       to pray the Miraculous Medal Novena, Divine Mercy
                                                       Chaplet, and Rosary.
August 8, 2021 Catholic Youth Summer Camp 2021!!! Our parish's first group of 17 youth experienced a transformative week of high adventure fun and ...
Page Five

                                                                                                In today’s Second Read-
                       INTENTIONS FOR FRIDAY                                                    ing we hear St. Paul tell
                            ADORATION                                                           the Ephesians that they
                                                                                                should not grieve the
  We continue to encourage you to come and pray during                                          Holy Spirit. All bitter-
  our time of Eucharistic Adoration on Friday mornings.                                         ness, fury, anger, shout-
  Every Friday we have a particular intention that we will                                      ing and reviling must be
  silently offer our prayer for. On August 13, we will                                          removed, along with all
  pray for all caregivers. Please take advantage of this                                        malice. They need to be
  prayerful, peaceful time.                                    kind to one another and imitate God by demonstrating
                                                               love, just as Christ loved us and handed himself over to
                                                               us. (Eph.4:30-5:2) This Second Reading speaks so much
                                                               to what we experience today. While so many in today’s
                         GIFT BEARERS                          society seeks to judge and separate us, as Christians we
                                                               need to demonstrate love. God himself forgives, so if we
                         We encourage people to sign-up        refuse to forgive or fail to demonstrate God’s love to
                         to bring up the gifts at one of our   each other, are we not putting ourselves above God? As
                         weekend liturgies. The sign-up        Christians, before we judge others, we need to look in
                         sheet is in the Gathering Area.       the mirror and be sure we truly demonstrate the love and
                         We encourage families, singles,       compassion of others that God shows to us. God loves
                         and couples to sign up to bring       everybody, as we have all been created in His image,
the chalice and hosts to the priest during the Preparation     and He’ll forgive everybody who comes to Him.
of Gifts. What a blessing!

                                                                                     DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE
                                                                                     WHO HAS THOUGHT ABOUT
                                                                                     BECOMING CATHOLIC?

                                                                                     Probably all of us know someone
                                                                                     who has thought about the Catholic
                                                               Church. Many times, it is a simple invitation that gets
                                                               them to inquire. If you know of someone who has
                                                               thought about it, please encourage that person to contact
                                                               Maureen Dowd at 352-8282 or .
                                                               We evangelize one person at a time. Give that little
                                                               nudge of encouragement to someone!
August 8, 2021 Catholic Youth Summer Camp 2021!!! Our parish's first group of 17 youth experienced a transformative week of high adventure fun and ...
Page Six

                                                 BACKPACK BLESSING

                                                 At all of the Masses on the weekend of August
                                                 21/22, we will have a special backpack blessing for
                                                 students returning to school and their families.
                                                 Students are encouraged to bring their backpacks.
                                                 A special blessing will be given at Mass and back-
                                                 pack blessing cards will be given to students
                                                 attending any school.

RSVP for playgroup at! Join us!
August 8, 2021 Catholic Youth Summer Camp 2021!!! Our parish's first group of 17 youth experienced a transformative week of high adventure fun and ...
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  Page Eight

   Youth Faith Formation Registration
Registration is open for all Youth Faith Formation classes
for the 2021-2022 school year. Registration closes on Sep-
tember 1st. The Registration link can be found on the parish
Any questions, please contact Rachel Troha at 440-354-           Confirmation registration is now open for students entering
7551 or                                    the 9th grade for the 2021/22 school year. Our program will
                                                                 begin in September and conclude with Confirmation taking
                                                                 place in late February/early March. Classes are held on
            Youth Faith Formation                                Sunday evenings and will be in-person. Please visit the par-
We are looking forward to a wonderful 2021-22 year of            ish website, to register. If you have any
gathering in person to teach and share our Catholic Faith!       questions, please contact Karen Jubeck, kjubeck@st-
Please consider giving your time to serve Him for the  , or 440-352-8282.
following opportunities below. For Catechists, training and
lesson plans are provided. It is just a matter of looking over
the plan and gathering the materials needed for each week.       Divorce Recovery for Catholics, an 8 Week Support Group
For Assistant Catechists, no prep work is needed. It             designed to meet the needs of those who are divorced or
promises to be a great time of growth and love. For              separated will begin Thursday, August 26th, and conclude on
questions… to hear more… or if you hear the call, please         October 14th, at St. Anselm Parish, 12969 Chillicothe Rd.,
contact Rachel Troha at                    Chesterland. The group meets from 6:30-8:30pm and
                                                                 registration is required. All necessar y pr ecautions will be
                                                                 taken to insure the safety of our participants as well as our
Friends of Jesus: Adaptive PSR                                   facilitator. These have been challenging times, and for many,
We meet on Saturdays from 10-11am. We are looking for:           feelings of isolation and disconnect are common. Our goal is to
                                                                 provide a place where we can share support and encouragement
        Teen Volunteers                                          while offering direction and guidance. Sessions are tailored to
                                                                 meet the needs of the participants and provide the tools for
        Adult Volunteers                                         coping and moving on. For more information or to register,
        Substitutes: Both Adult and Teen                         please call Karen at 440-352-8282 or email kjubeck@st-
                                                        There is no charge for this program, all materials are
PSR Grades 1-8                                                   provided, and it is open to people of all faiths. Registration is
We meet on Wednesdays from 6-7:30pm. The following               open until September 2.
positions are needed:

        Grade 3: 1 Catechist
        Grade 4: 1 Catechist
        Grade 5: 2 Catechists     2 Assistants

        Grade 6: 2 Catechists     1 Assistant
        Grade 7: 2 Catechists     2 Assistants
        Grade 8: 1 Catechist      2 Assistants

Thanks for your consideration!

 If you are struggling with a sickness or ailment in body
 or mind, please consider joining the Healing Prayer
 Ministry in the Chapel after Mass to encounter the
 transformative power of God’s love and mercy.

                   August 20—11:30am
August 8, 2021 Catholic Youth Summer Camp 2021!!! Our parish's first group of 17 youth experienced a transformative week of high adventure fun and ...
Page Eight

                                                                                  August 1, 2021
Music Notes                                                                         SUNDAY
                                                                      YOUR GIFT TO THE PARISH
                                                                                      Last Sunday      Year To Date
                                                           Electronic Giving                  5,243        56,210
                                                           Total Sunday Collection           29,099       151,552
                                                           Operating Budget                  34,231       171,155

                                                           Collection Over/(Under) Budgets   (5,132)      (19,603)

                                                                                      Number           Amount
                                                           Children’s Envelopes         1                1.00

                                                           We trust that God will give us the plans and blueprints to
                                                           continue His work in a fiscally sound manner. We ask
                                                           for your continued support, and humbly ask, if at all
                                                           possible, to increase your contribution, and more
                                                           importantly we ask for your prayers. If we all do a little
                                                           more, it can make a BIG difference! May God bless you
                                                           for your generosity.

  Readings for the week of August 8, 2021                  GriefShare has begun at St. Anthony’s! We meet each
                                                           Monday at 7:00 pm in the upstairs Social Hall of the
 Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:4-8/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [9a]/       main church building. There is an elevator available for
 Eph 4:30—5:2/Jn 6:41-51                                   those who may need it. Anyone is free to join at any
                                                           time. We will not meet on Labor Day, but every other
 Monday: Dt 10:12-22/Ps 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20            Monday until November 1, we’re here for you if you are
 [12a]/Mt 17:22-27                                         hurting. You can find healing in this Christ-centered
 Tuesday: 2 Cor 9:6-10/Ps 112:1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 9 [5]/Jn

 Wednesday: Dt 34:1-12/Ps 66:1-3a, 5 and 8, 16-17
 [cf. 20a and 10b]/Mt 18:15-20

 Thursday: J os 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17/Ps 114:1-2, 3-4, 5-
 6/Mt 18:21—19:1

 Friday: J os 24:1-13/Ps 136:1-3, 16-18, 21-22 and 24/
 Mt 19:3-12

 Saturday: J os 24:14-29/Ps 16:1-2a, and 5, 7-8, 11 [cf.
 5a]/Mt 19:13-15

 Next Sunday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2/Ps
 132:6-7, 9-10, 13-14 [8]/1 Cor 15:54b-57/Lk 11:27-28
 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/Ps 45:10, 11, 12, 16
 [10bc]/1 Cor 15:20-27/Lk 1:39-56
August 8, 2021 Catholic Youth Summer Camp 2021!!! Our parish's first group of 17 youth experienced a transformative week of high adventure fun and ...
Page Nine

 Help meet the memorial scholarship fund                       Here’s a fun way to visit with Fr. Joe!
Our good and generous friends, Kim and Mark Pohovey,
started a memorial scholarship in their son's name, Mat-
thew J. Pohovey. Many St. Gabriel School students have
benefited from this scholarship through the years. Mark is
running a full marathon this fall and is making the scholar-
ship fund his cause! Sponsor Mark and make a difference!
We can double this effort by raising $2000 as Mark and
Kim will generously match that amount! May God bless
you abundantly for your generosity! For more information
on the scholarship, or to make a donation, see link below.


        RSVP online at
August 8, 2021 Catholic Youth Summer Camp 2021!!! Our parish's first group of 17 youth experienced a transformative week of high adventure fun and ...
Page Ten

                    To mask or not to mask?
             As of this writing, the governor has not
             reinstituted a mask mandate and Lake
 County is one of a handful of counties in Ohio still
 categorized as only moderate transmission by the CDC.       Please pray for the ill and hospitalized members of our Parish,
                                                            their families and caregivers. Pray for an end to abortion and for
 Having said that, our COVID daily cases continue to          the respect of all life. God bless our elderly and homebound.
 rise and more stories of fully vaccinated people
 developing symptoms and testing positive for COVID         July, 2021                        February, 2021
 are surfacing. No one wishes to go backwards and           Otis Garner                       Carolyn Kaim
 begin to wear masks when indoors but each currently                                          Barb Brickman
                                                            D. Anderson
 has the right to make the decision for themselves what
 they feel is best. As individuals, there are still basic
 steps to take to protect from contracting the virus.                                         January, 2021
 Being vaccinated is still the best defense against the     June, 2021                        Sam
 virus. Even if you do contr act the vir us, symptoms       Leila Brinton                     Michael Lipphardt
 will likely be much milder. Continue to keep social        Dan Gaskill                       Max Sumer
 distance. Wash or sanitize hands on a regular basis        Dan Doerr
 particularly if returning from a public venue. Monitor     Sharon Wade                       December, 2020
 for symptoms even if you have been vaccinated and if       David Doman                       Larry Dean
 symptoms occur, isolate. Even if fully vaccinated, you
                                                            Nita & Kenny
 may be contagious. Be kind to others whether they
                                                                  Brickman                    November, 2020
 choose to mask or choose not to mask. We are all in
 this together. Here’s to our health! Pam Lewis, Parish     Ron Brickman                      Tony
 Nurse                                                      Monica Maslyar
                                                            Alise Brys                        October, 2020
                                                                                              Evelyn Kiffmeyer
                                                            May, 2021
                                                            Louis Vrhovnik                    September, 2020
                                                            Allen Goryance                    Tim Ryan
                                                            Steve Donnally                    Bill Gallagher
                                                            Charles Joy
                                                            Charles Joy (son)                 August, 2020
                                                                                              Bill Skoch
                                                            April, 2021
Please pray for those serving in the armed forces here      Kathleen Hribar
and abroad including US Ar my Spc. Sean McIntyr e,          Lucia Braca
SSGT Alexander Skorupski, USAF, SSGT Nathaniel              Tim Zmecek
Galecki, USAF, US Army, 2nd Lt. Patrick McDonnell,
US Army, Sgt. William McDonnell, USMC, Captain
Steven Convery, US Army, Lt. Colonel Sean Huss,             March, 2021
USAF, Captain R. Andrew Iafelice, USMC, 2nd Lt Nel-         Kristen Brickman
son Liuzzo, Spc. Nicholas Lemmo, Major Michael                 Graf
Ficzner, Capt. Matthew Convery, US Army Jag Corp.
Sgt. Stephen Calderone, US Army, US Army Jag Corp.          John Canney
William Bruce Speirs, Captain, U.S. Navy, Sgt. Joseph A.    Emelia Hegrat
Wilder, US Army, Private Eric Myllyoski, Maj. Kristine      Mark Nighman
Yearwood CNP, Phd. US Army, US Army, PFC Tim
Lazuka, 1st Lt. William Patterson, US Army, USMC Lt.        Angelica Albek
Col. Kevin Walsh, Sgt. Sebastian Beck, US Army, ME3         John Phelps
Markus Beck, US Coast Guard and First Lieutenant
Jeffery Zivkovic.
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