ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH OF - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

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ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH OF - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

                        ST. JOHN                THE           BAPTIST
                        FAITH · FAMILY · FRIENDSHIP

                                                      January 2, 2022  The Epiphany of the Lord
We are called together in
fellowship to witness to our
Catholic faith through prayer
and the celebration of the
sacraments. We give testimony
to Jesus Christ by reaching out
with compassion to others.

P.O. Box 201 · 18380 Columbus St
Dayton, MN 55327
Phone: 763.428.2828
Fax: 763.428.6462

 Fr. Timothy Yanta
Business Manager:
 Patti Fodstad-Bouley
Director of Faith Formation:
 Sarah Moylan
Music Director:
 Sharon Williams
Cemetery Manager:
 Steve Bebeau

Lynn Eggert        Russ Ray

Barb Carnes Dan Lefebvre
Lisa Crosby Terry McAlpine
Mike Gilman Marilyn Nordine
Stacy Glass Jake Reining
Mitch Kirk
ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH OF - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
Welcome to the Church of St. John the Baptist, Dayton

                                                                             3   Mon.              No Mass
                                                                             4   Tue.              No Mass
                                                                             5   Wed. 8:00 a.m.    Hilmer Hartman †
                                                                             6   Thu. 8:00 a.m.    Jim Chouinard †
                                                                             7   Fri. 8:00 a.m.    Paul, Eugene and Al Hauan †††
                                                                             8   Sat. 5:00 p.m.    For the Parishioners of
READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                                                                       St. John the Baptist
Sunday:          Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6;          9 Sun.      9:00 a.m. Bev Lahn †
                 Mt 2:1-12
Monday:          1 Jn 3:22–4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25
Tuesday:         1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Mk 6:34-44
Wednesday:       1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13; Mk 6:45-52
Thursday:        1 Jn 4:19–5:4; Ps 72:1-2, 14, 15bc, 17; Lk 4:14-22a
Friday:          1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 5:12-16                           Next Weekend - January 8 and 9
Saturday:        1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30
Next Sunday:     Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10 or                              5:00 P.M.
                 Ps 104:1b-4, 24-25, 27-30; Acts 10:34-38 or Ti 2:11-       Ushers:                    Lynn Eggert
                 14; 3:4-7; Lk 3:15-16, 21-22
                                                                                                       Thomas Bouley
                                                                           Reader:                    Deb Sodman
TODAY’S READINGS                                                            Communion Minister:        Ed Barder
First Reading — Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! The L        shines upon
you and the glory of the Lord appears over you (Isaiah 60:1-6).                                        9:00 A.M.
Psalm — Lord, every nation on earth will adore you (Psalm 72).
Second Reading — The mystery has been made known that the Gentiles          Ushers:                    Melissa and Mason Reining
are coheirs, copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel   Reader:                    Dan Lefebvre
(Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6).                                                    Servers:                   Sydney and Brooklyn Reining
Gospel — Magi from the east arrived, saying, “Where is the newborn          Communion Minister:        Jake Reining
king of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:1-12).
                                                                            Children’s Liturgy:        Lead - Sarah Moylan
CELEBRATIONS OF EUCHARIST:                                                                             Assistant - Kaycee McAlpine
Wednesday thru Friday 8:00 a.m.
Saturday:             5:00 p.m.                                                       KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS . . .
Sunday:               9:00 a.m.                                                          Leroy Bach, Vincent Benassi, Bena Bourgeois, Marie
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION:                                                             Corbin, Mary Ann Croteau, Tammie Dahlheimer, Lucy
Friday:         7:30 - 7:50 a.m.                                                         Durant, Sue Gill, Donna Rivers Hauan, Bob Huss,
Saturday:       4:00 - 4:30 p.m.                                            Joan Job, Arnold LeVasseur, Patrick and Mary Anne McNeil,
Sunday:         8:00 - 8:40 a.m.                                            Nikki Miller, Rita Miller, Alanna Neutgens, Tim Neutgens, Phil
Other times by appointment.                                                 Novack, Anné Otremba, Jodi Playle, Chris Rickart, Ellen Ryan,
                                                                            Dennis and Janice Sack, Catherine Schumacher, Rosemary
OFFICE HOURS:                                                               Steer, Billi Jo Weekley, and Sandi Weekley. Steve Armstrong
Monday - Thursday             9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.                         (brother-in-law of Daniel Fodstad-Bouley), Mary Barnes (sister
Friday                        9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.                        of Darlene Lambrecht), Agnes and Raymond Bernard (sister
BULLETIN DEADLINE:            Monday by 9:00 a.m.                           and brother-in-law of Joan Playle), Scott Blumb (father-in-law of
                                                                            Anna Jordan Blumb), Fran Boyd (sister of Mary Eull), Linda
                                                                            Chase (daughter of Jim and Bonnie Haberle), Jeff Chouinard
We warmly welcome new parishioners and request that
                                                                            (son of Joanne Chouinard), Tammy Courtright (sister of Sue
they register by calling the parish office.
                                                                            Harff), Henri DeNault (great-nephew of Teri Ray), Beatrice and
BAPTISM:                                                                    Nick Eull (daughter and son of Mary Eull), Dana Gillig (friend of
Congratulations! We are excited to help you welcome                         Rick Marion), Lesley Hayft and Nate Hayft (daughter and
your child into the Church. Parents must attend a Baptism                   grandson of Les & Paulette Orr), Wayne Jurmu (father of Barb
Preparation Class prior to their child’s baptism. Please call               Carnes), Cheryl Kerber (sister-in-law of Lynn Eggert), Gregory
the parish office to register.                                              Killian (son of Martha Killian), Roy Lovely (nephew of Mary Eull),
MARRIAGE:                                                                   John Novack (brother of Phil Novack), Rob Rich (friend of Bruce
Couples should contact the parish office as soon as                         Bennett), Becky Sander (sister of Bruce Bennett), Cheryl P,
possible after their engagement is announced. The                           Dwayne, Dan Roach, Debbie Roach, Rachel Roach, Sean Roach
preferred preparation period is 12 months. You must be a                    and Matt Hennen, Maureen Busse and the Moe Family (family
registered parishioner before setting a wedding date.                       members and friends of Kathy Bennett), Mike Tichy (brother-in-
                                                                            law of Mary Dahlheimer), Jackie Valerius (sister-in-law of Don &
 HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE                                                    Jane Lenz), and Ben Wirtz (nephew of Steve Slavik).
ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH OF - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
January 2, 2022

                                            A Reflection for                   SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR
                                                                               ELECTIONIC GIVERS
                                            The Epiphany
                                                                                 St. John the Baptist parish would like to
                                              of the Lord                        thank the 37 families who are currently
                                                                                 giving electronically. You may not see
                                                               these fellow parishioners place an envelope in the bas-
                A GIFT FOR THE WISE MEN                        ket every week, but their consistent giving does not go
                                                               unnoticed in our parish office. Each week/month our
A rather liberal priest was teasing one of the women of
                                                               parish receives a steady and predictable stream of in-
the parish, asking, “How do we know the Wise Men
                                                               come from those donors who have made the commit-
weren’t Wise Women?” She answered, “If they were,
                                                               ment to give to God first by having a designated contri-
they’d have brought bottles, diapers, and a bassinet,
                                                               bution automatically transferred to our parish through
instead of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” Maybe they
                                                               our Automatic Withdrawal Program. If you would like to
were wise enough to know that Mary could have bought
                                                               learn more about this easy, safe and secure way of giv-
a lot of diapers with the gold.
                                                               ing, please call the parish office at 763.428.2828.
The gifts, of course, are symbols of who Jesus is: a king
who is both God and human. And I wonder what our                          STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION
gifts to the Lord say about our faith in him. Remember                    “…They prostrated themselves and did him
the song about the little drummer boy, who had no gift                    homage. Then they opened their treasures
to bring but his ability to play the drum? Or the parable                 and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense
of the woman who brought two small coins to donate at                     and myrrh.”                  - Matthew 2:11
the temple (Mark 12:42)? They both remind us that a
person who gives all they have, no matter how little it        What gifts do you give to the Lord? Pope St. Gregory
seems, is the most generous.                                   said that these three gifts represent what we should give
                                                               God every day. Gold – we should reflect Christ’s wisdom
So what do we bring to the newborn king? I can give            in all our relationships. Frankincense – represents our
my time by coming to church for the feast of Epiphany          daily prayer and adoration to God. Myrrh – is a symbol of
and actually paying attention. How often do I sit in the       our daily sacrifices that we unite with Jesus for the sake
pews, answer the prayers by heart, and suddenly realize        of others.
that I can’t remember what the first reading was, or
what the homily was about? Just making the effort to
listen to the words of scripture, to hear what God may                         CHURCH
be trying to tell me, could be a great gift. Or I could                                         SUPPORT
bring someone in our family, or a friend, who doesn’t go
to church very much.                                                  OFFERTORY • DECEMBER 26, 2021
Now let’s not forget the meaning of “epiphany.” In an-           Adult Envelopes (36)                       $     2,132.00
cient times it meant the appearance or manifestation of          Plate and Non-Parishioners                         250.00
a divine being. In the early church the feast included           Holy Day Offerings (3)                              35.00
the baptism of Christ (with the voice of the Father and          First Offering (4)                                 309.00
the Spirit as a dove) and the miracle at Cana, as well as        Automatic Deposits (15)                            673.00
the visit of the magi. So what we celebrate is not so            TOTAL RECEIVED                             $     3,399.00
much our gifts or those of the Wise Men, as it is a gift
                                                                            OFFERTORY • CHRISTMAS
from God, manifest in Jesus. Maybe a way to celebrate
the Epiphany is to reflect on how God has been made              Adult Envelopes (66)                       $ 10,100.00
known to me. Simple things, like a hug from a friend or          Plate and Non-Parishioners                    1,256.10
an answered prayer, or major events like a wedding,              TOTAL RECEIVED                             $ 11,356.10
the birth of a child, or a funeral, can all be ways to ex-       Amount Needed Last Week                   $      8,838.00
perience the Lord. The Wise Men received the gift of an          Received Last Week                              14,755.00
epiphany by following a star. May the light of Christ lead       Amount Needed to Date                          135,088.00
you to him also.                                                 Amount Received to Date                        112,837.00
Tom Schmidt, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
                                                                 Deficit Tracking - Last week               $ 28,168.00
NEW IN THE COMMUNITY? WE WELCOME YOU!                                               This week                 22,251.00
If you would like to become a member of our parish
family, please call the parish office at 763.428.2828.
ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH OF - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
Church of St. John the Baptist

               C.R.O.S.S. FOOD SHELF NEWS                            FAITH FORMATION NEWS
                Monthly Collection - This weekend is
                our regular time to contribute non-          TLC KIDS - THIS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5
perishable food and dry good items to the local food         This Wednesday evening our Faith Formation students
shelf. Please place your donation of items one of the bins   will have TLC Kids from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
located at the exits. Monetary donations and/or Scrip gift
cards may be placed in a specially marked envelope and       CHILDREN'S CHOIR PRACTICE JANUARY 9
dropped in the regular Sunday collection basket.             The Children's Choir will have practice again next Sun-
                                                             day, January 9 at 10:00 a.m.
Adventures in Matthew - The King and His Kingdom
                                                                           CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL
In this study of Matthew’s Gospel, we will learn how Je-
sus is challenging and empowering us to a new level of
holiness and shows how we must be thoroughly im-                             The 2022 Catholic Services Appeal will
mersed in the kingdom of heaven on earth, the Church,                        soon kickoff! These 20 Collective Ministries
to live it. No prior bible study experience is necessary.                    of the Archdiocese, serving the poor, the
Please join us Monday evenings from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.                         marginalized, and the needy, participate in
beginning January 17, 2022. Please let Sheila Long           and are supported by your generosity:
                                                                  Abria Pregnancy Resources
know if you are interested so materials can be ordered:
                                                                  American Indian Ministry
763.428.4539 or
                                                                  Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW)
WE REMEMBER                                                       Campus Ministry – Newman Center
Francis Raymond Chouinard                                         Campus Ministry – Saint Paul’s Outreach
May 25, 1938 - December 15, 2021                                  Catholic Charities
                                                                  Deaf Ministry
Your prayers are requested for fellow parishioner Francis
                                                                  Elementary Schools Subsidies & Scholarships
Chouinard who passed away recently and for his family.
                                                                  Evangelization and Catechesis
A funeral Mass for Francis took place here at St. John’s          High School Scholarships
on Thursday, December 30. Burial was in St. John’s                Hospital Chaplains
Cemetery. Francis is survived by his wife, Patricia               Latino Ministry
(McAlpine) Chouinard; children, Timothy (Kristin) Choui-          Marriage, Family and Life
nard, Kimberly (Steven) Ach, and Kelly (Bret) Bjerken;            Parishes
grandchildren, Amanda (Scotty) Weeklund, Blaine                   Prison Chaplains
(Maria) Ruttledge, Hayley Ruttledge, Ryan Ach, Alex               Rachel’s Vineyard Twin Cities
Ach, Courtney Chouinard, Benny Bjerken and Natalie                Saint John Vianney College Seminary
Chouinard; three great grandchildren; eight siblings; and         The Saint Paul Seminary
many nieces, nephews, friends and dog Winston. A cele-            The Society of St. Vincent de Paul - Twin Cities
bration of life will be scheduled at a later date.                Venezuelan Mission
May Francis rest in eternal peace. We extend our sincere     Please begin to prayerfully consider your upcoming gift
condolences to his family and friends.                       to the Catholic Services Appeal. Visit the CSAF’s website
                                                             at to learn more about the over 200
CHRISTMAS DECORATION TEAR DOWN                               programs of the Ministries and the many thousands in
The Christmas decorations will be taken down next Sun-       need who are served.
day (January 9) beginning at approximately 10:00 a.m.
                                                             Did you know? - Rachel’s Vineyard – Twin Cities
We need lots of help to complete this job - come for as
                                                             was established in 1999 and became its own 501(c)(3)
little or as long as you can stay.                           non-profit in 2010. RVTC offers the Catholic version of
HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTION FOR                           Rachel’s Vineyard retreats where women and men of all
                                                             faiths are welcome to attend. These retreats bring heal-
THE MONTH OF JANUARY                                         ing, hope, and forgiveness to those who have experi-
For true human fraternity: We pray for all those suffering   enced the loss of a child through abortion. Since the first
from religious discrimination and persecution: may their     retreat in November of 1999, RVTC has offered more
own rights and dignity be recognized, which originate        than 50 retreats in the Twin Cities area, served 515+
from being brothers and sisters in the human family.         women and men, and have remembered over 890 babies
                                                             at their memorial services. Team members of RVTC are
                                                             passionate about its mission and the retreats, knowing
                                                             from personal experience that this healing process works.
ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH OF - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
January 2, 2022

                    COMMUNITY EVENTS                                       THE WEEK AT A GLANCE
SERVE AS A TOTUS TUUS MISSIONARY! The Archdi-                    Sunday, January 2
ocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis is in need of college-         8:00 a.m. Confessions (till 8:40 a.m.)
age men and women with missionary hearts who are                   8:00 a.m. Adoration
committed to their Catholic faith and feel called to share         8:40 a.m. Rosary
it with the youth around the Archdiocese. This is a two-           9:00 a.m. Mass
month commitment (June 3 – July 30), which includes                          Food Shelf Collection Weekend
one week of training and one week break for Independ-             10:00 a.m. Children’s Choir Practice
ence Day. Missionaries receive a $2,520 stipend for the
                                                                 Tuesday, January 4
summer, and meals and lodging are provided. Apply at
                                                                   7:00 p.m. 4th Degree Knights of Columbus Meeting or contact the Totus Tuus Co-
ordinator at 651.291.4489                 Wednesday, January 5
                                                                   8:00 a.m. Mass
OPERATION ANDREW DINNER - Monday, January 17,                      6:00 p.m. TLC Kid’s Night (till 7:30 p.m.)
6:00 - 8:00 p.m., Archdiocesan Catholic Center, Saint                        No Confirmation Class
Paul. Archbishop Bernard A. Hebda and Fr. David Blume,
                                                                 Thursday, January 6
Director of Vocations, invite men, ages 16 and older, who
                                                                   8:00 a.m. Mass
are discerning their vocations, to join them for dinner and
conversation about priesthood and religious life. Typically,     Friday, January 7
guests invite their pastor, youth minister or a religious          7:30 a.m. Confessions
brother to join them. Online registration is required -            9:00 a.m. Mass
please visit                                 Saturday, January 8
MIRIAM DINNER - New Date: Tuesday, February 1, 6:00 -              4:00 p.m. Confessions (till 4:30 p.m.)
8:00 p.m., Archdiocesan Catholic Center, Saint Paul. Arch-         4:30 p.m. Rosary
bishop Bernard Hebda invites women, ages 16-35, who are            5:00 p.m. Mass
discerning consecrated life to join him for dinner and con-        7:00 p.m. REVIVE Youth Event at St. Michael
versation. Sister Mary Joseph, a Handmaid of the Heart of                       (till 10:00 p.m.)
Jesus Sister, will help lead the dinner program that will in-    Sunday, January 9
clude consecrated women sharing their vocation testimo-                      Baptism of the Lord
nies, stories of consecrated life and discernment tips. Online     8:00 a.m. Confessions (till 8:40 a.m.)
registration is required - please visit        8:00 a.m. Adoration
                                                                   8:40 a.m. Rosary
FEAST OF FAITH - Remembering                                       9:00 a.m. Mass with Children’s Choir
When Jesus broke the bread on the night before he
died, he told his disciples, “do this in memory of
                                                                 SUPPORT OUR LOCAL ADVERTISERS
me” (Luke 22:19). Christians have been faithful to that          Please show your support for your parish by also sup-
solemn command. Our eucharistic remembering is not               porting our advertisers. They enable us to bring you the
nostalgia, nor is it merely historical, recalling events and     bulletin at no extra cost to the parish. Please encourage
facts of long ago. In the liturgy, remembering is action.        and remind others to show their support and shop local!
“Do this,” Jesus said. In the Eucharist, we remember by
doing. And as we remember, the sacrifice of Jesus is
                                                                               SCRIP NEWS
renewed, truly made present, no longer then, but now.                           SCRIP isn’t just for the Holidays - We
After the consecration, each of the Eucharistic Prayers                         would like to remind you to purchase
includes a section called the anamnesis, a Greek word            SCRIP on a regular basis for your weekly gas, grocery and
that means “remembering.” In this part of the prayer,            household needs as well as for birthdays, weddings, anni-
“the Church, fulfilling the command that she received            versaries and other gift-giving occasions throughout the
from Christ the Lord through the Apostles, keeps the me-         year.
morial of Christ, recalling especially his blessed Passion,      Kohl’s charge card payments - Did you use your
glorious Resurrection, and Ascension into heav-                  Kohl’s charge card for Christmas shopping? Don’t forget
en” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 79e). We           that Kohl’s allows you to use Scrip gift cards to pay on
pause and call to mind the whole paschal mystery,                your charge account. Place your order early enough to
Christ’s dying and rising. “We celebrate the memory of           allow time to meet your payment schedule.
his death and resurrection” (Eucharistic Prayer for Recon-       Scrip Sellers for Next Weekend:
ciliation II). Obeying Christ’s command, we remember.               Jan. 8 5:00 p.m. Steve and Kelly Slavik
- Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
                                                                         9 9:00 a.m. Linda McAlpine & Pam Jordan
ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH OF - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

                                                 Be Our Light
      Father,                                                  you gave a star as a sign.
      you reveal yourself throughout the ages,                 Be our light.
      showing us the light of your love.                       Fill us with your light
      You said, “Let there be light,”                          that we might light the way to you.
      and there was light.                                     Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
      When you sent your Son to reveal
          yourself most fully,

                                          Sunday, January 2, 2022
Today’s readings: Isaiah 60:1–6; Psalm 72:1–2, 7–8, 10–11,           Scripture tells us that when the star stopped over the
12–13; Ephesians 3:2–3a, 5–6; Matthew 2:1–12. “They            place where Jesus was, the Magi were overjoyed to see it.
were overjoyed at seeing the star.” The Magi had gone to the   Inside the home, they found Jesus with Mary, his mother.
palace because their way of seeking wisdom—following the       They fell down and worshiped him, so overcome were they
natural signs of the world—told them a king had been born.     with joy at what God was doing and at the gift of being
A king whose importance was so great that his birth was        allowed to share in it.
told in the stars. But the king was not in the palace. This          Then the Magi went home by another route. This is, of
birth, so significant as to be marked by a star, was hidden    course, practical, in that they were avoiding Herod. But they
away in Bethlehem, a small town.                               went home a different way because they were themselves
      The Magi were not Jewish. They did not know about        different. They were changed by their joy. What light has
the promise of God that was now being fulfilled. But God       God given you to follow? When have you been filled with
gave them a light to follow. The new thing that God was        joy? How did it change you?
doing—fulfilling the promises of old to bring salvation to
the ends of the earth—included them.
ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH OF - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
This Week at Home                                                                        Thursday, January 6
                                                                                         Fulfilled in Your Hearing
Monday, January 3                                                                        Proclaiming the Scripture from Isaiah, Jesus describes the
                                                                                         messiah and the era he has come to inaugurate. As Christ’s
A Great Light                                                                            hands and feet in the world, we too must live this fulfillment.
“The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light.”
                                                                                         What might it mean to proclaim glad tidings to the poor?
Jesus reveals himself as the light when he preaches the king-
                                                                                         How can you proclaim liberty to captives? Where can you
dom of God and heals those who come to him. One purpose
                                                                                         heal brokenness? The heartbreak that you feel over condi-
of the healing Jesus performed was to return to the commu-
                                                                                         tions is your call to live in the kingdom of God. Today’s
nity those who were separated from society because of ill-
                                                                                         readings: 1 John: 4:19—5:4; Psalm 72:1–2, 14, 15bc, 17;
ness or disability. As Jesus heals, his identity shines forth
                                                                                         Luke 4:14–22.
as clearly as it did in the star of Bethlehem. With each heal-
ing, he also enters into the vocation of the messiah. Today’s
readings: 1 John 3:22— 4:6; Psalm 2:7bc– 8, 10–12a;
                                                                                         Friday, January 7
Matthew 4:12–17, 23–25.                                                                  Carrying the Light
                                                                                         Some people keep their Christmas tree or manger until the
Tuesday, January 4                                                                       traditional date of Epiphany, which was yesterday. There is
                                                                                         also a tradition of keeping some decorations until the Feast
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton                                                                  of the Presentation in the Temple, or Candlemas, which is
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton was the first person born in the
                                                                                         celebrated February 2. It can be beautiful to carry the joy of
United States to be canonized a saint. As a young widow and
                                                                                         Christmas into Ordinary Time by leaving up a few decora-
mother of five, she converted to Catholicism. She founded
                                                                                         tions, possibly some lights to symbolize that Jesus is the
the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph’s, and began the first
                                                                                         Light of the World. Today’s readings: 1 John 5:5–13; Psalm
Catholic girls’ school in the United States. She is the patron
                                                                                         147:12–13, 14–15, 19–20; Luke 5:12–16.
saint of Catholic schools. Today’s readings: 1 John 4:7–10;
Psalm 72:1–2, 3–4, 7–8; Mark 6:33–44.
                                                                                         Saturday, January 8
Wednesday, January 5                                                                     Joy Made Complete
                                                                                         Human beings are prone to conflict. In today’s Gospel, we
Perfect Love                                                                             hear the disciples of John the Baptist perceiving rivalry
“Perfect love drives out fear.” John certainly knew that
                                                                                         between John and Jesus. As a prophet, John knows that
the world was a broken place when he wrote his first letter.
                                                                                         God’s project is healing all such divisions. He knows that he
He had witnessed the crowds turning on Jesus and the early
                                                                                         was called to prepare the way for the messiah, and now that
persecutions, in addition to the daily worries and anxieties
                                                                                         the messiah is come, he feels nothing but joy. Where in your
all human beings experience. John knew that there were
                                                                                         life has unnecessary conflict and rivalry stolen your joy?
many dangers in the world. He does not say that perfect love
                                                                                         How can you be a peacemaker in those situations? John’s joy
causes fear not to arise. He says perfect love drives it away.
                                                                                         comes in seeing with God’s eyes. Can you look at a difficult
This is not about a feeling but about whether we choose to let
                                                                                         situation with new eyes? Today’s readings: 1 John 5:14–21;
fear overwhelm us, or whether we choose a different path.
                                                                                         Psalm 149:1–2, 3–4, 5, 6a, 9b; John 3:22–30.
Do not be afraid, God says. How can you choose love today?
Today’s readings: 1 John 4:11–18; Psalm 72:1–2, 10, 12–13;
Mark 6:45–52.

      © 2021 Liturgy Training Publications. 800-933-1800. Text by Kathryn Ball-Boruff. Illustrated by John McCoy. Scripture
      quotations are from the New American Bible, revised edition. Permission to publish granted by the Archdiocese of Chicago.
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