June 2021 Volume 12 Number 2 - Sunrise Bay

Page created by Seth Neal
June 2021 Volume 12 Number 2 - Sunrise Bay
June 2021
  Volume 12 • Number 2
                         — BY AND FOR THE RESIDENTS OF SUNRISE BAY —

  PERMIT NO. 211
LAKEwood, NJ 08701
June 2021 Volume 12 Number 2 - Sunrise Bay
SUNRISE BAY HOMEOWNERS                                             News from your HOA
          ASSOCIATION, INC.                                                              Rick Johnson

             BOARD of TRUSTEES                                                                     Some fun facts for
        January 2021- December 2021                                                            the month of June. It is
                                                                                               LGBT & Pride month,
President: Rick Johnson                                                                        Great Outdoors month,
Vice-President: Jim Hughes                                                                     and National Ocean month.
                                                                                               The flowers of June are the
Secretary: Bobbie Jo Rasberger
                                                                                               Honeysuckle and the Rose.
Treasurer: Marty Hochman                                                                       Both flowers are symbols
                                                                                               of all things relating to
Trustee: Mary Ann O’Neill
                                                                                               love, desire, generosity,
Christine Marinaro/      Sunrise Bay HOA Office                                                and affection. If you were
Laura Faronea 		                       812-9595                       born in June, then there is a good chance you will
        Email: sunrisebayhoa@comcast.net                              be a bit of a romantic.
Barbara Drummond Prime Management, Inc.
697 Mill Creek Rd.       Manahawkin,NJ 08050                             Some other important dates in June:
                   609 693 0090                                         • June 6th D-Day WWII
              Sunrise Bay                                               • June 7th National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
         Homeowner’s Association                                          (My favorite)
         2021 Board of Trustees                                         • June 9th Donald Duck Day
      Homeowners Meeting Schedule                                       • June 14th Flag Day
    DATE                                       TIME	                    • June 20th Father’s Day-Ice Cream Soda Day
          Plan for virtual Zoom meetings                                • June 26th Forgiveness Day
    June 2nd                    2:00 PM                                   Now onto the business of SRB...Pool is opened,
                                                                      everyone should be doing their part following the
                                                                      rules so we can remain open.
                                                                          All SRB homes that need attention should be
                                                                      getting that extra TLC to make them look nicer.
* No other meetings or activities are to be scheduled during          Hopefully, many vaccine shots have been given and
Board Meetings    SBHOA         Approved – December 6, 2017           we are resuming our normal day to day activities.
- The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reschedule
meetings as necessary    Board of Trustees      Revised –             Outdoor sports - outdoor activities - walking around
                                                                      the community & nature trail are fun things for all
       The Breeze of Sunrise Bay is the official publication of the   of us to do.
 Sunrise Bay Homeowners Association, Inc. The statements
 and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual               May Your Troubles Be Less and Your Blessings
 contributors and do not represent the opinions or official
 pronouncements of the Sunrise Bay Homeowners Association,            Be More and Nothing but Happiness Walk Through
 Inc. or its Board of Trustees. Publication of an advertisement in
 The Breeze of Sunrise Bay does not constitute an endorsement by      Your Door!!!!
 the Homeowners Association or an assurance that the product
 or service will be approved by the Sunrise Bay Architectural
 Review Committee or the Board of Trustees for use within the
 community. The editorial staff reserves the right to reject, edit,
 or condense all submissions. It will not accept any article or
 advertisement it seems libelous, inflammatory, misleading,
 not factual, or in bad taste. This publication will not be held
 responsible for any misrepresentation by our advertisers. As
 in any publication, despite tedious proofreading, publishing
 errors may occur, but the staff will do its best to avoid them.
       The Breeze of Sunrise Bay is printed by Senior Publications
 (SPC), 1520 Washington Ave., Neptune, NJ 07753 (888) 637-3200.
2    June 2021 The Breeze
June 2021 Volume 12 Number 2 - Sunrise Bay
Local Phone Numbers You May Need                                       Editor of the Month
  Police, Fire, Medical Emergencies................ 911                     Ray Haggerstone
  Police Dept (Non-Emergency).......609-296-3666                                     Staff
  LEH Township Main Office............609-296-7241
  LEH Public Works Dept.................609-296-3600         Bessie French                   Mary Ann O’Neill
  LEH Post Office.............................609-296-3344
                                                             Susan Geldart                   Jerry Maguire
                                                             Marty Hochman                   Mary Salisbury
  LEH Water/Sewer Authority........... 609-296-1168
                                                             Norma Hochman                   Georgette Schenk
  Ocean Co. Library (LEH Branch).. 609-294-1197
                                                             			                             Lee Schmidt
  Sunrise Bay (HOA Office)..............609-812-9595
  Clubhouse Courtesy Phone..........609-812-1045

                                                              Architectural Review Committee
  Landscaping and Snow Removal Information                   Steve Gondelman 609-294-8042 Chairperson
   http://MeticulousLandscaping.Blogspot.com                 Conrad Zabinski   609-812-1310 Regular
                                                             Harry Volker		     609-294-8083 Regular
                                                             Jim Ingelsby		     609-238-3537 Regular
      ACTIVITIES     BREEZE MEETING                          Frank McArdle      609-857-5577 Alternate
       MEETING         THURSDAY,                             Gary Gowesky       609-879-5419 Alternate
   ATTHECLUBHOUSE                                            Mary Ann O’Neill – Board Liaison to Committee
      SUNROOM                                                        Monthly meetings are on the first
                     WEBSITE MEETING                                 Tuesday of each month at 10AM.
      Thursday      TO BE DETERMINED
   JUNE 24TH 1:00PM
                                                                          Deadline for the
                                                                         July 2021 paper is
          *Activities meeting will always be the
                last thursday of the month
                                                                         June 6th at noon.
                                                                            Email to:
            ALL ARE WELCOME
                                                                 Or give to Chris or Laura in the office

                  Cover Story
                       Rick Johnson                                      Are you in need of a Notary?
                                                                The following individuals have volunteered their
                                                                       services to Sunrise Bay Residents:
                                                                      Wendy McKeel-Chandler 294-0926
                                                                   Laura Faronea Sunrise Bay HOA Office
     Please be sure to inform the on-site management
office (609-812-9595) of any changes to your home phone
                                                                     The Breeze is Available On-Line!
number. It is important to have the current number when                     http://sunrisebayleh.com
we send out information messages to the community and        Click the “Breeze Monthly News” button on the left menu
also in case of an emergency.                                                 to view the latest issue!
     Thank you for your cooperation.         Sunrise Bay
Homeowners Association

                                                                                             The Breeze June 2021      3
June 2021 Volume 12 Number 2 - Sunrise Bay

                                Regular Hours: Mon. 10-10:30 AM & Wed. 7-7:30 PM
    PLEASE NOTE: Sale of tickets for most events will be limited to three days of the sale - 2 Mondays and 1 Wednesday.
    Tickets are sold at Box Office only during regular hours. Important Reminder: Tickets sales are purchased at box office
                               using a personal check only. No cash or credit cards are accepted.
No Ticket Sales

                                              Upcoming Events
                (Mark Your Calendars – Dates may be subject to change)
    Auto show 		                     June 9th 		                     5. P.M.

             LAWNCARE                         LLC

                LAWN MAINTENANCE
                                                                      United Real Estate Assoc.
                                                                              1/4, color

          • MULCH
        • LANDSCAPE

4    June 2021 The Breeze
June 2021 Volume 12 Number 2 - Sunrise Bay
2020 POINTS TO PONDER                                            DID YOU KNOW?
             Submitted by Frank Davide                        Submitted by Ray Haggerstone (internet)

1. The dumbest thing I ever bought was a 2020            Beer reduces the risk of developing kidney stones
   planner.                                              by 40%
2. 2019: Stay away from negative people. 2020: Stay      Octopuses have copper-based blood instead of iron-
   away from positive people.                            based blood, which is why their blood is Blue rather
3. The world has turned upside down. Old folks are       than Red.
   sneaking out of the house & their kids are yelling    Hugs that last over 20 seconds release chemicals in
   at them to stay indoors!                              your body called “Oxytocin” that makes you trust
4. This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her cat.     some one more.
   It was obvious she thought her cat understood her.    The world’s quietest room is -9 decibels, quiet enough
   I came to my house & told my dog.... We had a         to hear your blood flow.
   good laugh.                                           If the human eye was a digital camera, it would have
5. Every few days try your jeans on just to make sure    576 megapixels.
   they fit. Pajamas will have you believe all is well   Crocodiles have no “lip” and can hold their breath
   in the kingdom.                                       for an hour.
6. Does anyone know if we can take showers yet or        A tiger’s tongue is so rough, it can lick the paint off
   should we just keep washing our hands?                buildings and strip the skin from the bones of an
7. I never thought the comment, “I wouldn’t touch        animal.
   him/her with a 6-foot pole” would become a            The NSF estimated that our brains produce as many
   national policy, but here we are!                     as 12,000 to 50,000 Thoughts per day depending on
8. I need to practice social-distancing from the         how deep a thinker you are.
   refrigerator.                                         Banana is a happy fruit, eating one can help you relieve
9. I hope the weather is good tomorrow for my trip       irritable emotions, anger or depression.
   to the Backyard. I’m getting tired of the Living      Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.
                                                         Humans have more empathy for dogs than they do
10. Never in a million years could I have imagined I     for other humans.
    would go up to a bank teller with a mask on and
    ask for money.                                       Without your Pinky finger your hand would lose 50%
                                                         of it’s strength.

                                                                                       The Breeze June 2021     5
June 2021 Volume 12 Number 2 - Sunrise Bay
6   June 2021 The Breeze
June 2021 Volume 12 Number 2 - Sunrise Bay
                                                 by Susan Geldart

   Don’t we all love it when something exceeds our
expectations? We had that experience in April when
we took a friend’s advice and made a trip to Holland
Ridge Farms in Cream Ridge, NJ for their annual
U-Pick Tulip extravaganza.
    It’s hard not to use superlatives when describing this
event. Picture yourself surrounded by acres (literally
millions) of gorgeous tulips. Visitors grab a bucket,
then freely roam through the rows choosing the most
enticing blooms (only $1.00 a stem). I counted at least
10 different colors, some solids, others multicolored.
We got 2 of each color so we could give a bouquet to
friends. As I write this article 6 days later, I still have
8 tulips left in the bouquet that look perfectly fresh. (At
Bessie’s advice, I put an ice cube in the water each day.)
   Holland Farms is a photographer’s paradise. Of
course, the “You can’t take a bad picture here” saying
applies especially since the owners have provided
props throughout to enhance the results.
    Wait, there’s more!
    If your feet get tired, hop on a hayride and learn
about tulip farming. Also, visit their souvenir shop as
well as a small museum where you can see traditional
Dutch tulip planting artifacts. There is also the Animal    You must have a ticket to be admitted. These can
Cracker barn for their farm animals and, on weekends, be obtained online. There are 3 time periods per day:
a petting zoo.                                           9-12, 12-3, and 3-6. Tulip season is April and early
    Hungry? No problem. Their bakery has an array May. We will buy our tickets next year early as many
of delicious pastries and there are also food trucks for days get sold out.
something more hearty. Enjoy your treats at one of the    In addition to tulips, the farm has a U-Pick
many picnic tables available.                          sunflower event beginning in September. We will be
    Portopotties abound. Parking is almost limitless there. Do check out their website for tickets dates and
but do take note of the number of your row.            availability.

                                                                                     The Breeze June 2021   7
June 2021 Volume 12 Number 2 - Sunrise Bay
Discovering Spring Beauty
                          by Sandie A Campanell

  Even though I have been a homeowner at SRB for
almost two years, it was when I retired last July and
began my full-time living here that I discovered
Spring Beauty. The plants that are blooming on
my property are such a gift. And as I walk around
the neighborhood the flowering trees and bulbs and
blooming plants abound. It truly fills my spirit.
  This past year has been a very long and challenging
time for all of us. But as the season warms up, I see
my neighbors and they have lifted me up and given
me hope for this new season.
  Friendships are beginning to grow and blossom
just like the trees and plants around me. And I am
adding to the beauty of my property with flowers
and many chairs to sit and chat and share meals on                     Happy Birthday
my porch. So please come visit at 26 Pier Point and              Barbara Haggerstone June 29th.
celebrate the Hope of Spring together.

 Every Sq. Ft. priced to Sell! Once
 a year we offer huge markdowns
 on every floor. This spring sell off
 means massive savings for you.                             WATERPROOF               CORETEC
                                                             FLOORING                FLOORING               DIY’ers:
                                                             starting at             starting at
                                                                                                             Buy at
                                                             3.99 sf
                                                             $                          $
                                                            Installed               Material Only           Wholesale
                                                             Not to be combined
                                                             with other offers or
                                                                                     Not to be combined
                                                                                     with other offers or

                         601 RT. 72 EAST • MANAHAWKIN
                           609-622-1741LIC# 13VH11392600

      GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICING                                                                                    ads-4232

 8      June 2021 The Breeze
June 2021 Volume 12 Number 2 - Sunrise Bay
A Scary Sight
                                             Submitted by Don Rasile

                Threatening clouds from his porch.

                                      Preserving the Past...
                                        A Little Nonsense...by Don Rasile

    Most all of us drive a car today. Years ago, weren’t know that this novice was me! Don’t ask me how,
we all anxious to get our permits? Then, practice but,somehow, I learned enough to pass my test. Whew!
and practice until we earned the coveted Prize...our Lookout world!!
Driver’s License! Just Wow!                                  MY first car, (hot stuff, right?) had the classic “four
    The Path from Practice to Prize for many on the floor” (4 speeds, with a floor mounted lever). By
entailed something known as SHIFTING GEARS!! then, I was fairly adept at going from 1st to 4th. Since
Remember??                                               then, “stick shifts” have ALWAYS been part of my
    I learned the “rules of the road” on my dad’s ‘55 driving experience. 15 of my cars over the years have
Plymouth. It had the proverbial “three on the tree”. been “3 pedal”models! (Brake, gas, clutch) You could
                                                         rightly call me a throwback, and not hurt my pride.
    (A 3-speed transmission with the selector mounted
on the steering column) You can probably guess how           The number of gears may have since risen to five,
many times I heard the phrase...”hey, grind me a         now  to six, but, the thrill of being involved with shifting
pound”, as I cringed, when those screeching sounds of has always stayed with me. So much so in fact, that I’m
mistakes made changing gears could be heard a block now a member of the Manual Gearbox Preservation
away. Ouch!                                              Society.
    I certainly didn’t want any of my friends to             Vroom!

                                                                                           The Breeze June 2021     9
June 2021 Volume 12 Number 2 - Sunrise Bay
                                           Submitted by Joan Dale

                                     Toni and Joe Vono moved into our community on Pelican Lane in October
                                   2020. They are originally from Staten Island and have lived in Freehold,
                                   and on eight acres in Jackson.
                                     Toni started visiting Mystic Island with her family at nine years old,
                                   so she is familiar with our area. She and Joe were going to move there at
                                   retirement, but they lost their home to Sandy, unfortunately.
                                     The couple has three daughters and 11(!) grandchildren ranging in age
                                   from 4 to 19 years old. They also have two dogs.
                                     Joe has been retired for five years now. He worked for many years in the
                                   family’s Italian restaurant in Brooklyn, and as a operating engineer for the
                                   New York City Board of Education. Toni retired in February. She was a
                                   R.N. at CentraState Medical Center in Freehold.
                                    Toni likes crocheting (idea for a club in our sunroom, maybe), ballroom
dancing, and baking. Joe loves fishing and golf (and presumably ballroom dancing). They also enjoy going
to Florida where they have a home.
 Toni said she can’t wait for the clubhouse and pool to open so she and Joe can meet more of their neighbors.
 Welcome to our friendly Sunrise Bay community, Joe and Toni!

   New Residents Clubhouse
            Rick Johnson HOA President

  The Board recognizes that over the past year since
we had to close the clubhouse, we have had many new
homeowners move into Sunrise Bay. We welcome all
new homeowners to this beautiful community.
  The Board realize that most, if not all, of our new
homeowners have not been inside our beautiful
clubhouse. So, we would like to do some open house
tours of our clubhouse and what it has to offer.
  If you would like to take a tour, please contact
Christine or Laura at the clubhouse 609 812 9595 with
your information, so that we can set up a schedule. We
will be doing small groups, social distancing, mask
will be required.
  Hope to see and meet as many new Sunrise Bay
homeowners as possible!!!

10 June 2021 The Breeze
First Day of Bocce May 3rd 2021
                              Photo & Description by Mary & Don Salisbury

    On Monday, May 3rd, the Bocce league held its first games. It was great to be back on the courts and we
were happy the weather cooperated. Thanks to the SRB Board for coming up with a way for all of us to enjoy
the Bocce Season. Those in the photo are: (Back Row L-R) Dennis, Phil, and Jerry. (Middle Row L-R) Micky,
Mary, Leslie, Maureen, Betty and (Front Row) L-R Barbara, Mary, Lillian, Anita, and Sandie. Thanks to the
photographer: Don Salisbury. Here’s to a great Bocce season.

                                                                                   The Breeze June 2021 11
Horseshoe Rules

        1) Each player pitches both shoes followed by the opponents two shoes.
        2) In pitching a shoe, the player may not cross the foul line.
        3) When playing teams, half the team throws from one stake and half
           throws from the other.
        4) Games can be played to 40 points in a point limit game or 40 shoes in
           a shoe limit game. In the shoe limit game, the player with the highest
           points wins. If a tie exists then each player can take a half a win or a
           two-inning tie breaker can be thrown.

            1) Any shoe must be within one horseshoe width (measured across
               the outside of the open end of the shoe) of the stake to be
               considered for points. (Official rules call for 6 inches max).
            2) The closest shoe to the stake gets 1 point.
            3) If you have two shoes closer than any of your opponents, you get 2
            4) Ringers are worth 3 points and must completely encircle the stakes
               so the ends can be touched with a straight-edge without touching
               the stake.
            5) If you have the closest shoe and a ringer, it’s 4 points.
            6) If your opponent throws a ringer on top of yours, they cancel and
               no points are scored.
            7) Leaners are worth 1 point and are considered closer than any
               adjacent shoe except ringers.

12 June 2021 The Breeze
FINANCING AVAILABLE                                    Horseshoe Start
                           TOP TREATMENTS
                     CARPETS • HARDWOOD FLOORING
                        WATER PROOF FLOORING

  CUSTOM                                          Custom
 CORNICES                                        Plantation
 AVAILABLE                                        Shutters
                                                 Cafe Style
                           Carpet                     &
                                 sq.ft.          Full Length

                              woven woods
                       Cellular and Roman Shades
    Coretec               wood and Faux Blinds
 $5.99 Installed     Cordless and Motorized Available

                            WOVEN   -WOOD
                             Captain’s Carpet
                               SHADES Service
                               Free Estimates

                                     Call About Our
        DRYER DUCT                   $129 SPECIAL
         CLEANING                     not to be combined w/ other offers

and experience COLOR ME by
Kevin Murphy. Ammonia and
P.P.D. Free. Perfect for sensitive
scalps. We carry a full line of
    color and retail products.
Call today for your appointment!

              Hair loss?
            Come see us!!                                                 Many more photos of the Horseshoe,
                                                                          Bocce and Shuffleboard players in the
  Specializing in hair loss solutions.                                           Web site photo Gallery.

                                                                                               The Breeze June 2021 13
Request from the Police,
                                              Fire Dept. & EMS
                                              Please place your home
                                            number on both sides of your

                          Answer on pg 18

14 June 2021 The Breeze
WHAT A FANTASTIC                                               UNIQUE & ANTIQUE
       ACCOMPLISHMENT                                                    CAR SHOW
                  by Ray Haggerstone
                                                         The car show at the clubhouse is set for June 9th at
    In May’s Breeze, I had asked for couples married 5 P.M. So why not use this event as an opportunity to
over 50 years, and here are those who were kind enough meet old friends and meet new friends and neighbors.
to respond.                                              Let’s make this happen, time for all of us to get out
They have not only achieved the goal but surpassed it. and enjoy a fun night. We have waited long enough.
    Congratulations and many more too:                   Hot dogs and hamburgers will be served and if you
    Frank & Barbara Davide		           50 years        wish BYOB.!!
    Joe & Arlene Ghizzone		                56
    Jim & Maryann O’Neill
    Pat & Kathy Gardner
    Ann & Dave Batitto		                   60
                                                                 Public Works is now scheduling bulk pickup on the
    Jay & Marilyn Peiper		                 61
                                                               second Monday of each month, as they were doing in
    Bob & Bess Fehring		                   61
                                                               the past. There is no need to call for an appointment
    William & Lois Vivian		                66
                                                               unless you have a large number of items to be picked
                                                               up. The Breeze calendar has been updated and will
           GREEN THUMBS                                        now show bulk pickup on the second Monday of the
                     by Rick Johnson
    Attention all SRB homeowners. As we move                        LITTLE EGG HARBOR
forward we were working with Meticulous on sprucing
up the front of the entrance to the clubhouse. They are
                                                                     SENIOR ADVISORY
just too short handed to do the work.                                    MEETING
    We are looking for anyone that would like to help                       Submitted by Maryann O’Neill
us with planting flowers.
                                                              Our firstPUBLISHING
                                                                          meeting since COMPANY     accepts started
                                                                                           the pandemic     advertisements
                                                                                                                      will be
    We will provide you with whatever is needed to June      and28advertisements    are based  upon  information
                                                                     at 10am at the Little Egg Harbor Community   provided by
make this a fun community project.                            the  advertiser. SENIOR   PUBLISHING      COMPANY     does  not
                                                          Center on Calabrese Way. We hope to have Carol Evans
                                                                independently investigate the accuracy of advertisement
    If anyone is interested please contact Chris or Laura from content
                                                                 the Department
                                                                         and does notof warrant
                                                                                        Public Works,     Earlthe
                                                                                                or represent    Sutton  from
at 609-812-9595.                                          the MunicipalofUtility     Authority
                                                                              the content         and Chief Buzby from
                                                                                          of any advertisement.
                                                          the Police Department.
                                                                   The community center is very large so we should
  PROGRAM GUIDE FOR                                            be able to have enough space to be 6 feet apart.
  OCEAN COUNTY PARKS                                               Come to the meeting and learn what is happening
                                                               in Little Egg Harbor
                                                                 SENIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY accepts advertisements
            Submitted by Maryann O’Neill                         and advertisements are based upon information provided
    Ocean County offers van trips, and programs for              by the advertiser. SENIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY does
children and adults. To get more Information and a               not independently investigate the accuracy of advertisement
program guide call Ocean Count Parks and Recreation              content and does not warrant or represent the accuracy of
                                                                 the content of any advertisement.
at 732-506-9090.
                                                                                                  The Breeze June 2021 15
Crossword Puzzle
                                                50   “Mamma Mia” mamma
                                                53   Fidgety
                                                55   Pursue ardently
                                                56   Ascends
                                                58   Worn out
                                                62   Limb
                                                63   Repast
                                                64   Medical prioritization
                                                65   National boys’ gp.
                                                66   Corrosive
                                                67   Confer
                                                68   Male offspring
                                                69   Directed
                                                70   Fall flowers

                                                1    Grotto
                                                2    Are you out ---? (Poker)
                                                3    Nudge
                                                4    Cops in general
                                                5    Intention of
                                                6    Baloney
                                                7    Postal delivery
                                                8    Anticipate
                                                9    Cold comforts?
                  Across                        10   Control board
 1      Statue of Liberty material              11   Aloft
 7      Got together                            12   Burdened
 10     Buddy                                   14   Heptathlete’s specialty
 13     Dry gulch                               20   Little lady
 14     Cab                                     23   Pulverize
 15     Lawyers’ grp.                           25   Lots of things to do
 16     Flower of Rhode Island                  26   Pairs
 17     Rends                                   27   Cuss
 18     Affirmative signal                      28   Former Yugoslav dictator
 19     Call the whole thing off                33   Sires
 20     Very strong winds                       35   Zilch
 21     First lady                              36   --- the crack of dawn
 22     Stand-up guy                            37   Is profitable
 24     “Thanatopsis” poet William --- Bryant   40   Coordinate
 26     Large handbag                           43   Rising current of warm air
 29     Noah’s boat                             47   Each
 30     Dumped in Boston harbor                 50   Gun-barrel cleaners
 31     Homeless child                          51   Trunk
 32     Thick slice                             52   One of the old empire builders
 34     First light                             54   Fast rabbit relatives
 38     Bart Simpson’s driver                   57   Stated
 39     Cheryl --- of “Suburgatory”             59   Deceased
 41     Wine valley                             60   “Prince ---”, Borodin opera
 42     Terse                                   61   Tidings
 44     Aflutter                                64   Uninformative schedule info.
 45     Operation Overlord
 46     Half a Latin dance                                          Answer on pg 18
 48     Wetland
 49     Snitches
16 June 2021 The Breeze
                                              LANDSCAPING, LLC
                                              Licensed & Fully Insured
                                                 FREE ESTIMATES
                                              •   Shrub Trimming
    Please Patronize Our Advertisers          •   Mulch
      For Advertising Contact:                •   Dethatching & Aeration
        Senior Publishing Company
1520 Washington Avenue, Neptune, N.J. 07753
                                              •   Clean-ups

                                                             The Breeze June 2021 17

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     18 June 2021 The Breeze
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   Decks ~ Patios ~ Driveways ~ walkways         Newman’s Car Service
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                                                            Veteran Owned and
    Fully Insured         Free Estimates
www.aquablastnj.com     Aquablastnj@yahoo.com                    Operated
 “Professional Service Makes a Difference”               609-290-5799

     Sunshine Cleaning                              Susan Kane - Sr Asst/

           This Space                                       This Space
            Available                                        Available
            ———                                              ———
       Call 888-637-3200                                Call 888-637-3200
                                                                         The Breeze June 2021 19
June 2021
    SUNDAY                  MONDAY                TUESDAY       WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY             FRIDAY             SATURDAY
                                              1    TRASH        2                      3   RECYCLING    4                     5
                                                                                                                               FOR BULK
                                                                                                                               CALL DPW:

6                       7                     8    TRASH        9                     10 RECYCLING 11                        12

13                     14                     15   TRASH       16                     17 RECYCLING 18                        19

20                     21                     22   TRASH       23                     24 RECYCLING 25                        26
 Father’s Day

27                     28                     29   TRASH       30

                  MONDAY                                            TUESDAY                                      WEDNESDAY
           8am-9:30am Men’s Billiards                                                                       8am-9:30am Men’s Billiards
                                                        8:30am-9:30am Clubhouse Cleaning
     9am-10:30am Aerobics & Dancercize - BR                                                                   9am-10am Aerobics - BR
                                                        6:30pm-7:30pm Line Dancing - BR
               1pm-3pm Canasta                                                                                7pm-10pm Tiles/Pinochle
                                                             7pm-9pm Cards-Pinochle
        7pm-10pm Mah-Jong - Card Room                                                                    7pm-9pm Ladies’ Cards - Craft Room
       7pm-10pm Men’s Cards - Craft Room                                                                   7pm-7:30pm Box Office - Foyer

                THURSDAY                                            FRIDAY
                                                            8am-9:30am Men’s Billiards                     Put trash and recycling
                                                          9am-10am Clubhouse Cleaning
              1pm-4pm Mah-Jong                        9am-10:30am Aerobics & Dancercize - BR
                                                                                                       receptacles to curbside starting
            7pm-10pm Cards/Canasta                        1pm-3pm Canasta - Card Room                       at 4PM night before.
                                                            7pm-9pm Movie Nite - BR
                                                        7pm-10pm Men’s Cards - Card Room

20 June 2021 The Breeze
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