For the whole family FREEplease take - one - Love Dawlish and Love Teignmouth

Page created by Kelly Ingram
For the whole family FREEplease take - one - Love Dawlish and Love Teignmouth
top events and entertain
     for the whole family       FREE
                                please take
For the whole family FREEplease take - one - Love Dawlish and Love Teignmouth
General                                          including jewellery, collectables,
                                                        books, bric-a-brac, DVDs, CDs,
                                                                                                                See event listings for dates and
     Information                                        souvenirs and much more.
                                                        Organised by Teignbridge District
                                                                                                                This vibrant and enjoyable market
                                                                                                                is a fantastic place to meet and
                                                        Council:                     buy from local producers, who
Several of the events listed in                         or 01626 215861.                                        offer a delicious range of foods
the events guide occur monthly,                         .....................................................   such as meat and poultry, fruit
so rather than details being
continuously repeated we have
                                                        Craft and Gift Fairs                                    & vegetables, jams & chutneys,
                                                        Normally held on the 2nd                                breads & buns, fish, plants and
included the main information                                                                                   much more, all from resident local
                                                        Saturday of each month, March to
here. Individual listings will refer                                                                            producers and guest producers
                                                        November (except May)
back to these details where                                                                                     from all over the West Country.
                                                        10am to 3pm
appropriate.                                                                                                    .....................................................
.....................................................   Strand Centre, Dawlish
                                                        A wide range of crafts and gifts                        Dawlish Homecraft
Charity Days on the                                     on sale from local crafters, from                       and Gift Market
Lawn, Dawlish                                           jewellery and jams to teddies and                       See event listings for dates.
Held on the 1st Saturday of the                         trinkets. Find that unique gift                         The monthly home craft and gift
month May to September 10am                             or treat while supporting local                         market brings home crafted items
to 4pm                                                  businesses and charities. The café                      and gifts, with the chance to pick
Stalls from the RNLI and other                          will be run by a local charity on                       up unique hand crafted bespoke
charities, selling a variety of goods                   the day.                                                products from local crafters and
including jewellery, collectables,                      Tel: 01626 889038                                       gift suppliers. With some resident
books, bric-a-brac, DVDs, CDs,                          Mob :07512838124                                        traders and monthly guest traders
souvenirs and much more.                                .....................................................
                                                                                                                this market offers something new
Organised by Teignbridge District                       Dawlish Markets                                         and exciting each month.
Council:                     The Piazza, The Lawn, Dawlish                           .....................................................
or 01626 215861.                                        These two markets are run by
.....................................................                                                           Magpie Antiques
                                                        Emporium Markets –                                      and Vintage Fairs
Charity Days on the Den,                                Ali: 07913 246429
                                                        .....................................................   Usually held on the 3rd Saturday
Teignmouth                                                                                                      of each month – March to October
Held on the 3rd Saturday of the                         Dawlish Artisan, Farmers                                11am to 3pm
month May to September 10am                             & Produce Market                                        Featuring local antique and
to 4pm                                                  The Piazza, The Lawn, Dawlish                           vintage dealers from around
Stalls from the RNLI and other                          10 am to 3 pm                                           the area
charities, selling a variety of goods                                                                           Strand Centre, 32 The Strand,
                                                                                                                Dawlish EX7 9PT
                                                                                                                Chris Cook: 07910 261057
   For more information on any of
   these events contact the
   Tourist Information Centre on
   The Lawn, 01626 215665 or

                   Sponsored by                                                                                                   Sponsored by
                     Dawlish                                                                                                       Teignmouth
                   Town Council                                                                                                   Town Council

          This events guide has been produced in good faith and all events were correct at the time of going to press. If you are making
        a long journey to go to the event please check with the organiser or Tourist Information Centre that the event is still taking place.
           This guide has been sponsored by Dawlish Town Council (logo) and Teignmouth Town Council (logo). It has been compiled
                            by volunteers: Angie Weatherhead (Open DAW and Weatherheads Web) and Ann Leigh.

         FOR MORE EVENTS SEARCH ONLINE FOR LoveTeignmouth AND LoveDawlish
For the whole family FREEplease take - one - Love Dawlish and Love Teignmouth
RNLI Coffee Morning                                     Sunday 1st April                                        Thursday 12th April
and Sale                                                DAWLISH ARTISAN,                                        PEPPA PIG STORY TIME
Held on the last Saturday of the                        FARMERS & PRODUCE                                       SESSIONS
month, March to November                                MARKET                                                  Lady’s Mile Holiday Park, Exeter
(except August)                                         The Piazza, The Lawn, Dawlish                           Road, Dawlish EX7 0LX
TAAG Arts and Community                                 10 am to 3 pm                                           Join Peppa Pig in the clubhouse
Centre, Teignmouth 10am to 1pm                          Full details at front of guide                          throughout the day starting from
                                                        .....................................................   11am as she tells her favourite
Stalls selling collectables, quality
books, bric-a-brac, and RNLI                            Thursday 5th April                                      stories! Free. Event times may vary,
goods and souvenirs. Tea,                               EASTER CRAFTS                                           see:
coffee, homemade cakes and                              Dawlish Library 2.30pm to 3.30pm                        Tel: 01626 863411
                                                        Easter crafts making stained glass                      .....................................................
Contact: Roger Hawkins                                  eggs, flowers and rabbits. Free.                        Saturday 14th April
                                                        .....................................................   TABLE TOP SALE                              Saturday 7th April                                      Shaftesbury Theatre, Dawlish
Facebook: Teignmouth RNLI                               MEGA COFFEE MORNING                                     9am to 1pm
Fundraising Team                                        St Michaels Church, East                      
.....................................................   Teignmouth 10am to 12noon                               .....................................................
                                                        Table top sale, homemade cakes,                         Saturday 14th April
Teignmouth Farmers                                      preserves and plants in season etc.                     CRAFT AND GIFT FAIR
Market                                                  .....................................................   The Strand Centre, Dawlish
Last Saturday of the month.                             Saturday 7th April                                      10am to 3pm
The Triangle, Teignmouth.                               SATURDAY NIGHT IS                                       Full details at front of guide.
10am to 2pm                                             DANCE NIGHT
                                                        The Strand Centre, Dawlish
Various Exhibitions at:                                 7pm to 9.30pm
TAAG Arts and Community                                 An evening of music and dance
Centre, Northumberland Place,                           for you to watch or take part in
Teignmouth TQ14 8DD                                     under the guidance of a qualified                                  instructor. Each month will have
.....................................................   a theme including Bollywood,
Saturday 2nd March to                                   line dancing, ‘Strictly’ and street
Saturday 5th May                                        dance. Refreshments available.                            Waterfowl Talks
EXHIBITION ‘FORGOTTEN                                   01626 889038
WRECKS OF THE FIRST                                     Mob: 07512838124                                              2pm Every Saturday &
WORLD WAR’                                              Single ticket £5, two tickets £8                             Sunday from 31st March
Teign Heritage Centre -                                 .....................................................
Teignmouth and Shaldon Museum.                          Sunday 8th April                                          The waterfowl warden will tell
Open Tuesday to Saturday 10 am                          ARCHANGELS AND                                             you about the black swans,
to 4.30 pm.                                             MERMAIDS                                                    ducks and geese. Children
A touring exhibition which                              St Michaels Church, East                                  may get the chance to hold a
commemorates the often-                                 Teignmouth 4pm                                              duckling in the enclosure.
overlooked conflicts which                              Tickets on the door. Talk by Clive
took place around the coast of                          Cohen followed by tea.
Southern England. For details:                          .....................................................    Then the warden will walk you
01626 777041 or email: info@                            Monday 9th April                                          along the brook and answer Adults £2.50                       FAMILY WORKSHOP - ‘GREAT                                  questions for up to one hour.
children free. Includes museum                          GRANDMA’S SPRING CLEAN’
                                                                                                                  (If you attend the talks and walks
entry.                                                  Teign Heritage Centre -
.....................................................                                                             you must accept responsibility for
                                                        Teignmouth and Shaldon Museum                            your own and your children’s safety
Friday 30th March to                                    10.30am to 12pm.                                         and not hold Dawlish Town Council
Friday 13th April                                       Lots of fun activities for 5 to                                       responsible)
DAWLISH EASTER EGG HUNT                                 10-year olds and their grandmas.
Find the eggs in shop windows                           Find out how mum kept fit and
and enter the competition run by                        the games children used to play.
the Dawlish Chamber of Trade.                           Tickets £3.00 per child. Children
                                                        must be accompanied by an adult.
                                                        For details: 01626 777041 or

         FOR MORE EVENTS SEARCH ONLINE FOR LoveTeignmouth AND LoveDawlish
For the whole family FREEplease take - one - Love Dawlish and Love Teignmouth
Saturday 14th April to                                  to ‘walk and draw’, dog walks                           If you live in Dawlish and want
Friday 20th April                                       and local history. Visit www.                           to get to the start and then
EXHIBITION – PAINTINGS,                        or                             walk back, Dawlish Community
POTS AND PRESENTS                                       Facebook @dawlishwalkingfestival                        Transport will be providing a
TAAG Arts and Community                                 .....................................................   15/16 seater bus from their office
Centre, Teignmouth. Every day                           Saturday 21st April                                     in Barton car park at 9:45am to
10am to 5pm. Free.                                      SCOTT RICHARDS COAST                                    Teignmouth. Seats are free but
Contact details at front of guide.                      PATH WALK                                               must be pre-booked on
.....................................................   Part of the Dawlish Walking                             01626 888890.
Saturday 14th April to                                  Festival. A walk from the Scott                         .....................................................
first week June                                         Richards office in Teignmouth                           Saturday 21st April
DAWLISH IN BLOOM                                        along the coastal path to                               MAGPIE ANTIQUES AND
Open to entries from mid April                          Dawlish and then on to Dawlish                          VINTAGE FAIR
to first week of June (to be                            Warren. It will be a celebration                        Strand Centre, Dawlish
confirmed). Judging approx.                             of the beautiful and wildlife rich                      11am to 3pm
last week of June. Dawlish in                           coastline. The walk will leave Scott                    Full details at front of guide.
Bloom 2018 returns, following                           Richards at around 10.30am.
on from the successful re-launch
of Dawlish in Bloom as a simple
competition in 2017, encouraging
publicly visible displays of flowers,
creating a buzz and focus around
the town, and celebrating the
horticultural skills and talent of the
people in Dawlish.
Contact: Cllr Alison Foden,
Free entry.
Sunday 15th April
The Piazza, The Lawn, Dawlish
10 am to 3 pm
Full details at front of guide
.....................................................                          10
Tuesday 17th April to
Saturday 21st April
SPIRIT LEVEL - a ghostly
comedy by Pam Valentine
Shaftesbury Theatre, Dawlish
Doors open 7pm start 7.30pm                                                                                                      6
Friday 20th April to
Sunday 29th April                                                                                                            3

                                                            1    Waterfowl Enclosure                              6    Shopmobility
                                                            2    Shaftesbury Theatre                              7    Manor House & Play Park
                                                            3    Dawlish Museum                                   8    Harrisons Amusements
Lots of walks for all ages and
                                                            4    Mini Golf                                        9    Library
abilities – see leaflet for full details.
Lots of free walks from strolls,
                                                            5    Beach                                            10   The Riverside Centre

         FOR MORE EVENTS SEARCH ONLINE FOR LoveTeignmouth AND LoveDawlish
For the whole family FREEplease take - one - Love Dawlish and Love Teignmouth
Saturday 21st April to                                  Saturday 21st April                                          vintage and classic cars and
    Friday 27th April                                       JJ’S YOUTH ROCK BANDS GIG                                    light commercials organised by
    “MAKE IT THURSDAY”                                      The Strand Centre, Dawlish.                                  Crashbox and Classic Car Club of
    COMMUNITY GROUP                                         7pm to 9.30pm                                                Devon. Part of a national event
    EXHIBITION                                              An evening of youth rock music                               and run on a drop-in basis.
    TAAG Arts and Community                                 presented by JJ’s Arts Academy.                              Free. Tel: M. Fenner 07890833851
    Centre, Teignmouth. Every day                           This is a fundraising event for                              .....................................................
    10am to 5pm. Free.                                      the mental health projects at the                            Saturday 28th April
    Contact details at front of guide.                      Strand Centre. Licensed bar and                              WALKING THE BOUNDS
    .....................................................   refreshments available.                                      OF DAWLISH
    Saturday 21st April to                                  01626 889038                                                 From the railway viaduct in
    Friday 27th April                                       Mob: 07512838124                                             Dawlish at 10am, with registration
    DAWLISH ART GROUP                                       £3 Adult, £2 Child, £5 Family.                               at 9.30am at the Open DAW
    SPRING EXHIBITION                                       .....................................................        at the Methodist Church in
    TAAG Arts and Community                                 Sunday 22nd April                                            Brunswick Place. Registration is
    Centre, Teignmouth. Every day                           DRIVE IT DAY                                                 £3 for adults, free for children
    10am to 5pm.                                            The Lawn, Dawlish 10am to 4pm                                proceeds to Open Daw. A guided
    A selection of artwork from group                       An annual event for veteran,                                 walk of about 5 miles (7.5 Km)
    members, featuring local views,                                                                                      around parts of the old boundary
    landscapes and abstracts. A range                                                                                    of Dawlish. Interesting views
    of styles are on display and you                                                                                     taking in the railway, hills and
    may choose from framed and                                                                                           townscape.
    unframed paintings, prints and
    cards. Free.
                                                                                                                                               to Dawlish
                                                                                                                                                 Warren         Catholic
                                                                                         Strand Hill

                                                                                                                                              (5 min drive)     Church

                                                                                                                          Exeter Road
                               High Street
                   Lawn Hill


                               Post Office

 Taxi             The Strand

        Bowling                                The Lawn                                                      8
         Green                  Bandstand


                    Brunswick Place
                                                                                                                     4                                             5
    2                                                                       Waterwheel

                                                                                                       Bus Stop


            FOR MORE EVENTS SEARCH ONLINE FOR LoveTeignmouth AND LoveDawlish
For the whole family FREEplease take - one - Love Dawlish and Love Teignmouth
Saturday 28th April                                     Saturday 28th April                                     Saturday 5th May
TABLE TOP AND CRAFT SALE                                TEIGNMOUTH FARMERS                                      MEGA COFFEE MORNING
Jo’s room at Dawlish Museum                             MARKET                                                  St Michaels Church, East
from 10.30am to 3pm.
                                                        Last Saturday of the month.                             Teignmouth 10am to 12noon                               Bis
                                                        The Triangle, Teignmouth.                               Table top sale, homemade cakes,
Saturday 28th April                                     10am to 2pm                                             preserves and plants in season etc.
RNLI MAYDAY WEEKEND                                     .....................................................   .....................................................
COFFEE MORNING AND SALE                                 Saturday 28th April to                                  Saturday 5th May
TAAG Arts and Community                                 Saturday 5th May                                        ALL ENGLAND THEATRE
Centre, Teignmouth 10am to 1pm.                         EXHIBITION OF THE TAAG                                  FESTIVAL WESTERN AREA
Free entry.                                             PRINTMAKING GROUP                                       SEMI-FINALS
Full details at front of guide.                         TAAG, Arts and Community                                Shaftesbury Theatre, Dawlish

                                                                                                                                                                         Shaldon B
                                                        Centre, Teignmouth. Every day                 
                                                        10am to 5pm. Free.                                      .....................................................
                                                        The printmaking group meet                              Saturday 5th May
                                                        regularly on Wednesdays and                             DAWLISH CHORAL SOCIETY
                                                        Fridays at TAAG.                                        CONCERT

                                                        .....................................................   St Gregory’s Church, Dawlish.

                                                        Sunday 29th April                                       7.30pm
                                                        WEDDING FAIR AT BITTON                                  Programme to include Haydn’s
                                                        HOUSE, TEIGNMOUTH                                       ‘Nelson’ Mass and other choral
                                                        11am to 3pm                                             classics.
     Enclosure                                          Bitton House is hosting its first
                                                        wedding fair. Free entry – free
                                                                                                                Ailsa Spackman 01626 891584
                                                        Goodie Bag – free refreshments.
                                                        Contact Teignmouth Town                                 Saturday 5th May
                                                        Council: 01626 775030                                   SATURDAY NIGHT IS DANCE
                                                        .....................................................   NIGHT
                                                        Tuesday 1st May                                         The Strand Centre, Dawlish. 7pm
                                                        DAWLISH MUSEUM OPENS                                    to 9.30pm
                                                        Open today then to 30th                                 An evening of music and dance
                                                        September, from Wednesday to                            for you to watch or take part in
                                                        Friday 10.30am to 5pm. Saturday                         under the guidance of a qualified
 The Brook in Dawlish has been                          and Sunday 2pm to 5pm. Last                             instructor. Each month will have
 home to the Black Swans since                          entry 4.15pm. Open every day in                         a theme, including Bollywood,
 the early 1900’s. There are also                       August.                                                 line dancing, “Strictly” and street
                                                        New this year – The history of                          dance. Refreshments available.
 other Waterfowl such as Chinese
                                                        childhood in Dawlish – from                             01626 889038
 and African Geese that can
                                                        Victorian times to the present day.                     Mob:07512838124
 be seen enjoying this tranquil                         Loads of stuff for the kids to have                     Single ticket £5, two tickets £8
 space. Within the Waterfowl                            a go.                                                   .....................................................
 enclosure you can see various                          .....................................................   Sunday 6th May to
 species incluyding Caroline                            Saturday 5th May                                        Friday 18th May
 Ducks, Crested Bantam Ducks,                           CHARITY DAY ON THE LAWN,                                TEIGNMOUTH
 Call Ducks, Bahama Pintail                             DAWLISH                                                 INTERNATIONAL ART FORUM
 Ducks, Mandarin Ducks and                              10am to 4pm                                             Teignmouth and its twin town
 Black East Indies. The breeding                        Full details at front of guide.                         Perros-Guirec alternate the
                                                        .....................................................   organisation and location of
 season starts in March and
                                                        Saturday 5th May                                        exhibitions and in 2018 it is at
 chicks are usually available to
                                                        TEIGNMOUTH IN BLOOM                                     TAAG.
 see in the viewing window from                         GARDENING WORKSHOP                                      TAAG Arts and Community
 March - September.                                     The Triangle, Teignmouth                                Centre, Teignmouth. Every day
                                                        10am to 1pm                                             10am to 5pm.
   YOU CAN SPONSOR A                                    A gardening workshop to                                 Contact details at front of guide.
   BLACK SWAN, GOOSE                                    encourage people to get green
                                                        fingered as part of the Teignmouth
       OR DUCK...
                                                        in Bloom competition. Free.
   Phone 01626 863388 or
                                                        Contact: Teignmouth Town
                                                        Council 01626 775030

         FOR MORE EVENTS SEARCH ONLINE FOR LoveTeignmouth AND LoveDawlish
For the whole family FREEplease take - one - Love Dawlish and Love Teignmouth
rmosa Road


                       First Ave


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Den     Office

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                                             The Stand





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                                                                                       ne              rad                                                                                                              1     Pavilions / TIC
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2     The Ice Factory (Theatre)
                         y                  Road                   Homeyards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3     Lido
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        4     Railway Station
                                                                                                          ne                 Pitch & Putt
                                                                                                 Horse La                                                                                                               5     Smugglers Tunnel
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                                                                                                                                   1   Area                                       The
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              Sunday 6th May                                                                              Anglo Championship Wrestling                                                              Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am
              DAWLISH ARTISAN,                                                                            group during the day, timings to                                                          to 4.30pm.
              FARMERS & PRODUCE                                                                           be confirmed. Free. Times may                                                             George Perkins Ward and Thomas
              MARKET                                                                                      vary, see:                                                            Pike founded the Pike Ward
              The Piazza, The Lawn, Dawlish                                                               Tel: 01626 863411                                                                         Shipping Agency in Teignmouth
              10 am to 3 pm                                                                               .....................................................                                     which is still in business today.
              Full details at front of guide                                                              Friday 11th May to                                                                        This exhibition explores the Ward
              .....................................................                                       Saturday 30th June                                                                        family and in particular Pike Ward,
              Monday 7th May                                                                              EXHIBITION ‘PIKE WARD AND                                                                 Icelandic adventurer.
              WRESTLING                                                                                   TEIGNMOUTH – THE STORY                                                                    For details: 01626 777041 or
              Lady’s Mile Holiday Park, Exeter                                                            OF THE WARD FAMILY’                                                                       email
              Road, Dawlish EX7 0LX                                                                       Teign Heritage Centre -                                                                   uk Adults £2.50 children free.
              Live wrestling entertainment from                                                           Teignmouth and Shaldon Museum                                                             Includes museum entry.

                               FOR MORE EVENTS SEARCH ONLINE FOR LoveTeignmouth AND LoveDawlish
For the whole family FREEplease take - one - Love Dawlish and Love Teignmouth
Saturday 12th May                                       funds for Rowcroft Hospice.                             Friday 25th May
CHRISTIAN AID COFFEE                                    Details and entry cost at: www.                         THE NEW JERSEY BOYS: OH
MORNING & TABLE TOP SALE                                                           WHAT A NIGHT – THE MUSIC
Strand Centre, Dawlish.                                 .....................................................   OF FRANKIE VALLI
10am to 1pm                                             Tuesday 15th May to                                     Shaftesbury Theatre, Dawlish
A fundraising event by the Strand                       Saturday 19th May                                       Doors open 7pm, show starts
Church on behalf of the Churches                        HALF A SIXPENCE                                         7.30pm.
in Dawlish for Christian Aid.                           Shaftesbury Theatre, Dawlish                            Ticket prices: £16.50 adults,
01626 889038                                            Doors open 7pm Show starts                              £15.50 concessions.
Mob:07512838124                                         7.30pm.                                       
Free.                                                   To celebrate their 60th year,                           Saturday 26th May to
.....................................................   Dawlish Musical Theatre Company                         Saturday 2nd June
Saturday 12th May                                       are presenting the wonderful                            DAWLISH ARTS FESTIVAL
TABLE TOP SALE                                          musical comedy, Half a Sixpence.                        Various events around the town.
Shaftesbury Theatre, Dawlish                            Box office open daily from 7th                          For more info: www.
9am to 1pm                                              May between 10am and 12noon                                                         (not Sundays)                                           .....................................................
.....................................................                                      Saturday 26th May
Saturday 12th May                                       .....................................................   SUMMER STREET MARKET
ANNUAL PLANT SALE                                       Saturday 19th May                                       AND FAMILY FUN DAY
St Michaels Church, East                                PLANT SALE OUTSIDE THE                                  The Strand and the Lawn, Dawlish
Teignmouth 10am to 1pm                                  STRAND CENTRE                                           11am to 4pm
Advice and refreshments.                                Organised by the Dawlish Garden                         A day of family fun with
.....................................................   Society.                                                something for everyone to enjoy.
Saturday 12th May                                                      Browse the stalls in the street
TEIGN CHORAL SOCIETY                                    .....................................................   market on the Strand and then
MAY CONCERT                                             Saturday 19th May                                       come on to the Lawn to enjoy the
St Michaels Church, East                                MAGPIE ANTIQUES AND                                     entertainment on the bandstand.
Teignmouth 7.30pm to 9.30pm                             VINTAGE FAIR                                            Free face painting, Punch and Judy
Karl Jenkins’ “The Peacemakers”                         Strand Centre, Dawlish 11am to                          and lots more. Contact: Alison
will be performed to                                    3pm. Full details at front of guide.                    Holmes 01626 863388.
commemorate the Armistice of                            .....................................................   .....................................................
1918 and subsequent peace-                              Saturday 19th May                                       Saturday 26th May
making efforts. To applaud and                          CHARITY DAY ON THE DEN,                                 RNLI COFFEE MORNING
give thanks for the sacrifice, often                    TEIGNMOUTH                                              AND SALE
the ultimate sacrifice, of people in                    10am to 4pm                                             TAAG Arts and Community
wars, the choir and audience will                       Full details at front of guide.                         Centre, Teignmouth. 10am to
sing medleys of songs from both                         .....................................................   1pm. Free.
World Wars.                                             Saturday 19th May to                                    Full details at front of guide.
£8 from Teign Music (Carlton                            Friday 25th May                                         .....................................................
Place), £10 at the door. Include                        SHALDON ARTISTS                                         Saturday 26th May
refreshments.                                           EXHIBITION                                              TEIGNMOUTH FARMERS
Tel: 01626 773286                                       TAAG Arts and Community                                 MARKET
.....................................................   Centre, Teignmouth. Every day                           The Triangle, Teignmouth.
Saturday 12th May                                       10am to 5pm. Free.                                      10am to 2pm
THE COLOUR RUSH                                         An exhibition featuring lots                            .....................................................
                                                        of different styles created by                          Saturday 26th May to Friday
                                                        local artists who are part of the                       1st June
                                                        Shaldon Artists group run by Dee                        EXHIBITION BY
                                                        Holdsworth.                                             BISHOPSTEIGNTON ART
                                                        .....................................................   GROUP
                                                        Sunday 20th May                                         TAAG Arts and Community
                                                        DAWLISH HOMECRAFT                                       Centre, Teignmouth. Every day
                                                        & GIFT MARKET                                           10am to 5pm. Free.
                                                        The Piazza, The Lawn, Dawlish                           Contact details at front of guide.
                                                        10 am to 3 pm
                                                        Full details at front of guide
Teignmouth Beach. Start 9am
5K paint run. Live music. Raising

         FOR MORE EVENTS SEARCH ONLINE FOR LoveTeignmouth AND LoveDawlish
Sunday 27th May                                         of fun for all the family. Supported                    Thursday 31st May
RAISE THE ROOF WITH SONG                                by Lady’s Mile Holiday Park                             FAMILY FUN AND FICTION
St Gregory’s Church, Dawlish                                                       DAY
4pm-5pm                                                 01626 863411                                            The Lawn, Dawlish
Part of the Dawlish Arts Festival.                      .....................................................   12noon to 4pm
Free. Songs from the musicals                           Tuesday 29th May                                        Lots of family fictional fun today,
sung by three combined choirs,                          FAMILY WORKSHOP - ‘VIKING                               where Dawlish meets Hollywood.
and a selection of music sung by                        WARRIORS AND SHIELD                                     Join us for a Paddington Bear
Dawlish primary school choirs.                          MAIDENS’                                                and Teddy Bears picnic, enjoy
.....................................................   Teign Heritage Centre -                                 the storytelling tent, join in the
Sunday 27th May                                         Teignmouth and Shaldon Museum                           dancing, meet the magical bubble
DAWLISH FREE OF PLASTIC                                 10.30am to 12noon.                                      fairy, take part in a hunt around
STRAWS                                                  Learn how the Vikings lived back                        the lawn to find film and story
The Lawn, Dawlish from 11am                             in 1001AD when they sailed up                           book characters, and get the
Inflatable straw monster and                            the Teign in their longboats to                         whole family involved helping
workshop by the Marine                                  raid Kingsteignton. Fun activities                      to build a giant Peter Rabbit!
Conservation Society.                                   for children aged 5 to 10 years.                        Contact:
.....................................................   Tickets £3.00 per child. Children                       Alison Holmes 01626 863388
Sunday 27th May                                         must be accompanied by an adult.
DAWLISH CYCLE AND                                       For details: 01626 777041 or
HERITAGE DAY                                            email
The Strand and The Lawn, Dawlish
11am to 4pm
Vintage bycycles touring the town,
motorbikes on display, live music
from bands of the arears and a
special display from the Arrow                                TEIGNMOUTH TO SHALDON FERRY
Barroes, free face painting. It’s
vintage, it’s fun and it’s not to be
missed! Contact Alison Holmes
Tel: 01626 863388.
Monday 28th May
The Lawn, Dawlish 11am to 4pm
Sit back and relax on the Lawn
to the summer sounds of the
Panatical Steel Band. Whilst on
tour from Hampshire the band will
be playing on the bandstand for
your enjoyment. Contact:
Alison Holmes: 01626 863388
Monday 28th May
Dawlish Warren Beach
11am - 3pm
Celebrating 20 Year’s of Blue Flag                                The Teignmouth & Shaldon Ferry is Britain’s
Award at Dawlish Warren beach                                  oldest passenger ferry and operates a continuous
with a sandcastle competition, live
entertainment, beach games, lot’s                               daily service providing an essential link between
                                                              Teignmouth and the picturesque village of Shaldon.

         FOR MORE EVENTS SEARCH ONLINE FOR LoveTeignmouth AND LoveDawlish
Friday 1st June                                             Saturday 9th June                                       Horowitz play.
ALL ABOUT ART                                               TABLE TOP SALE                                          The Ice Factory Theatre, Somerset
The Lawn, Dawlish                                           Shaftesbury Theatre Dawlish                             Place, Teignmouth
12noon to 4pm                                               9am to 1pm                                              7.30 pm daily with 2.30pm
A celebration of local artists and                                                      Matinee on Saturday 16th June.
an opportunity to join in and have                          .....................................................   Borrowing its template from
a go. There will be lots of free                            Saturday 9th June                                       what used to be called the
activities for the children to take                         CRAFT AND GIFT FAIR                                     “psychological thriller” Mindgame
part in, including the popular Miss                         The Strand Centre, Dawlish.                             is a relentlessly clever and witty
C’s Graffiti Academy workshops.                             10am to 3pm                                             comedy with many twists and
Tel: Alison Holmes 01626 863388                             Full details at front of guide.                         turns to intrigue the audience.
.....................................................       .....................................................   The Teignmouth Players - 01626
Saturday 2nd June                                           Saturday 9th June to                                    778991
CHARITY DAY ON THE LAWN,                                    Friday 22nd June                                        Box Office open 10.00am to 12.00
DAWLISH                                                     EXHIBITION BY NEWTON                                    noon daily except Sunday
10am to 4pm                                                 ABBOT ART GROUP                                         or on
Full details at front of guide.                             TAAG Arts and Community                       
.....................................................       Centre, Teignmouth. Every day                           Tickets £10
Saturday 2nd June to                                        10am to 5pm. Free.                                      .....................................................
Friday 8th June                                             Contact details at front of guide.                      Tuesday 12th June to
DEVON TAPESTRY WEAVERS                                      .....................................................   Saturday 16th June
TAAG Arts and Community                                     Saturday 9th June                                       ANYONE FOR BREAKFAST?
Centre, Teignmouth. Every day                               SATURDAY NIGHT IS                                       a comedy by Derek Benfield
10am to 5pm. Free.                                          DANCE NIGHT                                             Shaftesbury Theatre, Dawlish
Contact details at front of guide.                          The Strand Centre, Dawlish.                             Doors open 7pm start 7.30pm
.....................................................       7pm to 9.30pm                                 
Saturday 2nd June                                           An evening of music and dance                           .....................................................
MEGA COFFEE MORNING                                         for you to watch or take part in                        Saturday 16th June
St Michaels Church, East                                    under the guidance of a qualified                       MAGPIE ANTIQUES AND
Teignmouth 10am to 12noon                                   instructor. Each month will have                        VINTAGE FAIR
Table top sale, homemade cakes,                             a theme, including Bollywood,                           Strand Centre, Dawlish
preserves and plants in season etc.                         line dancing, “Strictly” and street                     11am to 3pm
.....................................................       dance. Refreshments available.                          Full details at front of guide.
Sunday 3rd June                                             Tel: 01626 889038                                       .....................................................
DAWLISH ARTISAN,                                            Mob: 07512838124                                        Saturday 16th June
FARMERS & PRODUCE                                           Single ticket £5, two tickets £8                        CHARITY DAY ON THE DEN,
MARKET                                                      .....................................................   TEIGNMOUTH
The Piazza, The Lawn, Dawlish                               Tuesday 12th June to                                    10am to 4pm
10 am to 3 pm                                               Saturday 16th June                                      Full details at front of guide.
Full details at front of guide                              MINDGAME                                                .....................................................
                                                            Live theatre production by                              Sunday 17th June
                                                            Teignmouth Players of an Anthony                        ARMED FORCES DAY

                         The                                               Helping you to
                                                                             find the right

     Open Daw
      Dawlish Community
                                     Information Cen
                                                                           information or
                                                                             organisation.                          The Den, Teignmouth
                                                                                                                    10am to 5pm
                                            Registered Charity – 1113482
                                                                                                                    An array of activities to mark
                                                                                                                    Armed Forces Day including a
            Free weekly surgeries with different agencies.
                                                                                                                    1940s roadshow, craft workshop,
Open 10-12 Mon to Fri in the foyer of Dawlish Methodist Church.                                                     music, climbing wall and more.
                                                                                                                    Contact: Teignmouth Town
                               Tel: 01626 867722                                                                    Council 01626 775030

         FOR MORE EVENTS SEARCH ONLINE FOR LoveTeignmouth AND LoveDawlish
Sunday 17th June                                        Centre, Teignmouth 10am to 1pm.                         and prints of Wellington Street,
DAWLISH HOMECRAFT                                       Free.                                                   Teign Street and Fore Street. Come
& GIFT MARKET                                           Full details at front of guide.                         and see how the shops and street
The Piazza, The Lawn, Dawlish                           .....................................................   scenes have changed over three
10 am to 3 pm                                           Saturday 30th June to                                   centuries.
Full details at front of guide                          Friday 6th July                                         For details Tel 01626 777041 or
.....................................................   JOANNA GOSLING AND                                      email
Friday 22nd June to                                     ISABELLE JOURDAN                                        uk Adults £2.50 children free.
Sunday 24th June                                        TAAG Arts and Community                                 Includes museum entry.
TEIGNMOUTH FOLK FESTIVAL                                Centre, Teignmouth 10am to 5pm.                         .....................................................
The festival takes place at a                           Free.                                                   Saturday 7th July
number of different venues in the                       Following on from a successful                          CHARITY DAY ON THE LAWN,
town. For more information visit:                       exhibition these two weavers are                        DAWLISH                                back to demonstrate their craft.                        10am to 4pm
.....................................................   Contact details at front of guide.                      Full details at front of guide.
Saturday 23rd June                                      .....................................................   .....................................................
ROTARY JUMBLE SALE                                      Saturday 30th June                                      Saturday 7th July to
Strand Centre, Dawlish                                  TEIGNMOUTH FARMERS                                      Friday 13th July
10am to 2pm                                             MARKET                                                  SANDRA LISSENDEN
Jumble sale and amusements for                          The Triangle, Teignmouth. 10am                          A welcome return by this popular
children with a local magician!                         to 2pm                                                  local artist.
Free entry. Organised by Dawlish                        .....................................................   TAAG Arts and Community
Water Rotary Club raising funds                         Saturday 30th June                                      Centre, Teignmouth. Every day
for the local community.                                ARMED FORCES DAY                                        10am to 5pm. Free.
.....................................................   The Lawn, Dawlish                                       Contact details at front of guide.
Saturday 23rd June to                                   12noon to 9pm                                           .....................................................
Friday 29th June                                        Supporting our armed forces. A                          Saturday 7th July
IN NATURE’S COLOURS                                     family fun day with entertainment                       MEGA COFFEE MORNING
Exhibition reflecting the many                          for all. Free.                                          St Michaels Church, East
colours and shapes of nature                            Contact: Alec Fewings Dawlish                           Teignmouth 10am to 12noon
TAAG Arts and Community                                 Royal British Legion.                                   Table top sale, homemade cakes,
Centre, Teignmouth 10am to 1pm.                         .....................................................   preserves and plants in season etc.
Free.                                                   Sunday 1st July                                         .....................................................
Contact details at front of guide.                      ARMED FORCES                                            Saturday 7th July
.....................................................   BOWLING DAY                                             CREAM TEA
Saturday 23rd June                                      Starts at 10am at Dawlish Bowling                       Church House, Church Street,
BBQ AT ST MARY’S CHURCH                                 Club. Teams of four.                                    Dawlish EX7 9QR, organised by
HALL, DAWLISH WARREN                                    .....................................................   Dawlish Choral Society
5pm. Tickets £6 to include hot                          Sunday 1st July                                         2.30pm to 5pm
dog or beef burger. Entertainment                       DAWLISH ARTISAN,                                        Contact: Ailsa Spackman
by ACE, the wonderful voices of                         FARMERS & PRODUCE                                       01626 891584
Vanessa and Beth etc. Come along                        MARKET                                                  .....................................................
and have some summer fun, bring                         The Piazza, The Lawn, Dawlish                           Saturday 7th July
your own drink and glasses, and                         10 am to 3 pm                                           RIVER TEIGN GIG REGATTA
if you want some nibbles, but                           Full details at front of guide
tea, coffee and cake on sale too.                       .....................................................

                                                                                                                 NEW for 2018
Tickets from: 01626 864537.                             Tuesday 3rd July to
.....................................................   Sunday 9th September
Wednesday 27th June to                                  TEIGN HERITAGE CENTRE

Sunday 1st July                                         SUMMER EXHIBITION
‘WINDOWS ON OUR TOWN’                                   ‘STREETS OF TEIGNMOUTH
FLOWER FESTIVAL                                         ACROSS THE YEARS’.
St Michaels Church, East
Teignmouth 10am to 6pm daily
                                                        Teignmouth and Shaldon Museum
                                                        Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am
                                                        to 4.30pm.
                                                                                                                MINI GOLF
Saturday 30th June                                      Teignmouth and Shaldon Museum                              Fun for all the family.
RNLI COFFEE MORNING                                     Celebrates 40 years - 1978 to                            Close to the seafront and
AND SALE                                                2018.
TAAG Arts and Community                                 This year we are showing photos                             The Lawn, Dawlish.

         FOR MORE EVENTS SEARCH ONLINE FOR LoveTeignmouth AND LoveDawlish
Saturday 7th July                                       final Saturday, Men’s singles final                     Saturday 21st July
SATURDAY NIGHT IS                                       on the Sunday. Contact:                                 OPEN DAY – RCH BRIDGE
DANCE NIGHT                                             Alison Holmes 01626 863388                              HOUSE, DAWLISH
The Strand Centre, Dawlish.                             .....................................................   10am to 1pm
7pm to 9.30pm                                           Saturday 14th July                                      Summer fete celebrating their
An evening of music and dance                           SNOOKY FEST                                             centenary. Stalls, refreshments, live
for you to watch or take part in                                                                                music and entertainment.
under the guidance of a qualified                                                                               .....................................................
instructor. Each month will have                                                                                Saturday 21st July
a theme including Bollywood,                                                                                    CHARITY DAY ON THE DEN,
line dancing, “Strictly” and street                                                                             TEIGNMOUTH
dance. Refreshments available.                                                                                  10am to 4pm
Tel: 01626 889038                                                                                               Full details at front of guide.
Mob:07512838124                                         Warren Farm, Warren Road,                               .....................................................
Single ticket £5, two tickets £8                        Dawlish 10am to 10pm                                    Saturday 21st July
.....................................................   Tickets:                              MAGPIE ANTIQUES AND
Saturday 14th July                                      snookyfest                                              VINTAGE FAIR
BARHAM CUP RELAY                                        Facebook @snookyfest                                    Strand Centre, Dawlish
ROWING RACE                                             .....................................................   11am to 3pm
A relay race in which teams of two                      Sunday 15th July                                        Full details at front of guide.
or four compete to win their class.                     DEVON AIR AMBULANCE                                     .....................................................
A BBQ awaits the rowers and their                       MOTORCYCLE RIDE OUT                                     Saturday 21st July to Friday
supporters. For more info: http://                      The Den, Teignmouth – finish line.                      27th July                             Ride starts at 10.30am and event                        INSPIRED IMAGES
.....................................................   on the Den at 12 noon. Raising                          TAAG Arts and Community
Saturday 14th July                                      funds for Devon Air Ambulance                           Centre, Teignmouth. Every day
TABLE TOP SALE                                          and promoting road safety,                              10am to 5pm. Free.
Shaftesbury Theatre, Dawlish                            approximately 1000 motorcycle                           A group of local artists return to
9am to 1pm                                              riders take part in the annual ride                     TAAG for this exhibition.                                      out. Starting at Trago Mills and                        .....................................................
.....................................................   Bideford a route of 80-85 miles                         Sunday 22nd July to
Saturday 14th July                                      will bring them to Teignmouth for                       Sunday 2nd September
CRAFT AND GIFT FAIR                                     live music and a family fun day                         SCULPTURE TRAIL 2018
The Strand Centre, Dawlish.                             on the Den. Contact: Devon Air                          Sunday 22nd July is the day
10am to 3pm                                             Ambulance 01392 466666. £5 to                           when all the sculptures have
Full details at front of guide.                         take part in the ride – register at                     been installed and are now ready
..................................................... The event on the                           to be seen on the Teignmouth
Saturday 14th July to                                   Den is free to all.                                     Seafront. Come down and look,
Friday 20th July                                        .....................................................   take photos and vote for your
FUSION                                                  Sunday 15th July                                        favourite sculpture. Free. For more
TAAG Arts and Community                                 40th ANNIVERSARY DEVON                                  information visit:
Centre, Teignmouth. Every day                           COASTAL RUN                                   
10am to 5pm. Free.                                      9.30am to 2.30pm                                        .....................................................
An interesting exhibition by a                          The Historic Transport Club will                        Tuesday 24th July to
group of artists under the name                         visit Dawlish as part of their Devon                    Saturday 28th July
‘Fusion of Art’.                                        Coastal Run bringing over 200                           DAWLISH ART GROUP
.....................................................   cars, light vehicles and larger                         SUMMER EXHIBITION
Saturday 14th July and                                  vintage vehicles to the Lawn and                        Strand Centre, Dawlish
Sunday 15th July                                        Strand in Dawlish. There will also                      10am to 4pm
WIMBLEDON FINALS                                        be live music to entertain the                          Even if you have never been to an
The Lawn, Dawlish                                       drivers and visitors on the day.                        art exhibition why not pop in and
12noon to 5pm                                                          take a look? It includes our latest
Come and relax on the Lawn,                             .....................................................   artwork – including many local
bring a picnic, enjoy some                              Sunday 15th July                                        views – in a friendly and informal
strawberries and cream, and                             DAWLISH HOMECRAFT                                       atmosphere. You may find an
watch the finals on the giant large                     & GIFT MARKET                                           original souvenir to brighten up a
screen. Come and be part of a                           The Piazza, The Lawn, Dawlish                           corner of your home. Free entry.
fantastic atmosphere to watch this                      10 am to 3 pm                                 
much-loved event. Ladies’ singles                       Full details at front of guide

         FOR MORE EVENTS SEARCH ONLINE FOR LoveTeignmouth AND LoveDawlish
Wednesday 25th July                                     Centre, Teignmouth. Every day                           Sunday 5th August
PUNCH AND JUDY                                          10am to 5pm. Free.                                      RNLI TEIGNMOUTH LIFEBOAT
Dawlish Warren Green.                                   One of TAAG’s popular open                              OPEN DAY
12 noon, 2pm and 3.30pm.                                exhibitions – any artists wishing to                    The Point, Teignmouth
Traditional seaside fun. Free                           take part can exhibit some of their                     10am to 4pm
.....................................................   artwork for a very reasonable rate.
Thursday 26th July to                                   Contact details at front of guide.
Sunday 29th July                                        .....................................................
FLOWER FESTIVAL                                         Tuesday 31st July to
St Mary’s Church, Cofton                                Saturday 4th August
                                                        THE ENQUIRY - a drama by
                                                        Charlotte Hastings
                                                        Shaftesbury Theatre, Dawlish
                                                        Doors open 7pm start 7.30pm
The theme is some favourite                   
                                                        .....................................................   See the lifeboat and meet the
hymns of the congregation.
                                                        Wednesday 1st August to
                                                                                                                crew and other volunteers.
Church open 26th/27th/28th
                                                        Friday 31st August                                      View the air and sea rescue
11am to 3.30pm and on 29th
                                                        DAWLISH MUSEUM OPEN                                     demonstration on the front beach
from 2pm to 4pm. Refreshments
                                                        EVERY DAY IN AUGUST                                     near the pier starting at 11am.
will be available. Free entry but
                                                        Monday to Friday 10.30am to                             Also at the lifeboat station there
donations welcome.
.....................................................   5pm. Saturday and Sunday 2pm to                         will be a family fun day and fete
                                                        5pm. Last entry 4.15pm. New this                        with entertainment, games, stalls,
Saturday 28th July
                                                        year – The history of childhood in                      tea, coffee, homemade cakes and
                                                        Dawlish – from Victorian times to                       refreshments served throughout
                                                        the present day.                                        the day. Email: katetomneville@
TAAG Arts and Community
                                                        Loads of stuff for the kids to have           
Centre, Teignmouth 10am to 1pm.                                                                                 .....................................................
Free. Full details at front of guide.                   a go.
.....................................................   .....................................................   Sunday 5th August to
                                                                                                                Sunday 12th August
Saturday 28th July to                                   Wednesday 1st August
                                                        PUNCH AND JUDY                                          TEIGNMOUTH REGATTA
Saturday 4th August
                                                        Dawlish Warren Green.                                   Mostly based around the Den and
                                                        12 noon, 2pm and 3.30pm.                                beaches.
                                                        Traditional seaside fun. Free                           An annual event since 1773. Join
The Den, Teignmouth
                                                        .....................................................   us to celebrate over 240 years of
Start approx. 10am
                                                        Thursday 2nd August                                     Regatta fun.
and finish at 11pm
                                                        ROTARY CLUB OF DAWLISH                                  A week of fun for all the family.
An 8 day festival. Mainly free
                                                        COMMUNITY FAIR                                          Under 16s are FREE to enter.
events. Highlights include It’s a
                                                        The Lawn, Dawlish                                       Treasure hunt, kayak and paddle
Knockout, tribute bands, local
                                                        10am to 4pm                                             board races, rowing, races,
bands, Teignmouth’s got Talent,
                                                        An opportunity for local and                            sports, quiz, sandcastle building,
afternoons of choirs, Services Day,
                                                        national charities to raise funds                       pavement art, crab catching and
Children’s Day, Carnival Procession
                                                        and awareness of their work.                            much more!
and the Grand Fireworks.
                                                        Contact: Colin Timms on 01626                           For more info: http://www.
Rowlands Fair too. Email:
Facebook: Teignmouth-Carnival                           .....................................................
Devon                                                   Saturday 4th August

                                                                                                                   THE LIDO
.....................................................   CHARITY DAY ON THE LAWN,
Saturday 28th July                                      DAWLISH
TEIGNMOUTH FARMERS                                      10am to 4pm
                                                                                                                   An open-air heated public
MARKET                                                  Full details at front of guide.
                                                        .....................................................      lido at Eastcliff Walk,
The Triangle, Teignmouth.
                                                        Saturday 4th August                                        Teignmouth. Opened in
10am to 2pm
.....................................................   MEGA COFFEE MORNING                                        1976, Teignmouth Lido has
Saturday 28th July to                                   St Michaels Church, East                                   a heated pool measuring 25
Monday 6th August                                       Teignmouth 10am to 12noon                                  x 12.5m. Open to the public
TAAG SUMMER OPEN                                        Table top sale, homemade cakes,                            during the summer months.
EXHIBITION                                              preserves and plants in season etc.                        Charges for admission.
TAAG Arts and Community

         FOR MORE EVENTS SEARCH ONLINE FOR LoveTeignmouth AND LoveDawlish
Sunday 5th August                                       Sculpture TRAIL on the sea front.                       Saturday 19th August to
DAWLISH ARTISAN,                                        Entries have to be on a recycling                       Monday 27th August
FARMERS & PRODUCE                                       theme or be made mostly from                            SHALDON REGATTA
MARKET                                                  recycled material.                                      Over 130 events for all the family
The Piazza, The Lawn, Dawlish                           .....................................................   happening on the “Ferry Beach”
10 am to 3 pm                                           Wednesday 15th August                                   and the estuary. Come and take
Full details at front of guide                          PUNCH AND JUDY                                          part or just watch the fun on
.....................................................   Dawlish Warren Green.                                   and off the water. The events
Wednesday 8th August                                    12 noon, 2pm and 3.30pm.                                include; sandcastle competition,
THE NEW JERSEY BOYS: OH                                 Traditional seaside fun. Free                           King Canute, pillow fight, tug
WHAT A NIGHT – THE MUSIC                                .....................................................   o war, beach cricket, football,
OF FRANKIE VALLI                                        Thursday 16th August                                    duck race, swimming, rowing,
Shaftesbury Theatre, Dawlish                            PUNCH AND JUDY                                          sailing treasure hunt by boat, and
Doors open 7pm, show starts                             Dawlish Warren Green.                                   much more. From 10am for a
7.30pm                                                  (12 noon, 2pm and 3.30pm)                               full day. For the full programme:
Ticket prices: £16.50 adults,                           Children’s activities! Free.                   or Ray
£15.50 concessions                                      .....................................................   Edworthy 07833704614 All events                                      Friday 17th August                                      free for under 16s and £1 for
.....................................................   GRAND CARNIVAL PARADE                                   adults.
Wednesday 8th August                                    DAWLISH                                                 .....................................................
PUNCH AND JUDY                                                                                                  Wednesday 22nd August
Dawlish Warren Green.                                                                                           PUNCH AND JUDY
12 noon, 2pm and 3.30pm.                                                                                        Dawlish Warren Green.
Traditional seaside fun. Free                                                                                   12 noon, 2pm and 3.30pm.
.....................................................                                                           Traditional seaside fun. Free
Saturday 11th August                                                                                            .....................................................
FLOWER SHOW AT THE                                                                                              Wednesday 22nd August
STRAND CENTRE                                                                                                   THE NEW JERSEY BOYS: OH
                                                        Dawlish Celebrates Carnival’s
Organised by the Dawlish Garden                                                                                 WHAT A NIGHT – THE MUSIC
                                                        fantastic parade around the
Society. More info:                                                                                             OF FRANKIE VALLI
                                                        town. Not to be missed. Come                                                                                 Shaftesbury Theatre, Dawlish
.....................................................   along to the after party too on
                                                                                                                Doors open 7pm show starts
                                                        the Lawn. Approx. 7pm start
Saturday 11th August to                                                                                         7.30pm
                                                        from John Nash Drive. www.
Friday 17th August                                                                                              Ticket prices: £16.50 adults,
DAWLISH CELEBRATES                                                                                              £15.50 concessions
A fun filled week with lots to see                                                                              .....................................................
and do for all the family. Lots of                                                                              Saturday 25th August
free events. Come on down to                                                                                    TEIGNMOUTH FARMERS
the Lawn to see what is going on!                                                                               MARKET
Events at other venues around                                                                                   The Triangle, Teignmouth.
                                                        Saturday 18th August
the town and Dawlish Warren                                                                                     10am to 2pm
                                                        CRAFT AND GIFT FAIR                                     .....................................................
during the week. Programmes
                                                        The Strand Centre, Dawlish.
available end of July. www.                                                                                     Saturday 25th August
                                                        10am to 3pm                                                                                 MAGPIE ANTIQUES AND
.....................................................   Full details at front of guide.
                                                        .....................................................   VINTAGE FAIR
Saturday 11th August                                                                                            Strand Centre, Dawlish
                                                        Saturday 18th August
TABLE TOP SALE                                                                                                  11am to 3pm
                                                        CHARITY DAY ON THE DEN,
Shaftesbury Theatre, Dawlish                                                                                    Full details at front of guide.
                                                        TEIGNMOUTH                                              .....................................................
9am to 1pm
                                                        10am to 4pm                                                                                              Wednesday 29th August
.....................................................   Full details at front of guide.
                                                        .....................................................   PUNCH AND JUDY
Saturday 11th August to                                                                                         Dawlish Warren Green.
                                                        Sunday 19th August
Thursday 6th September                                                                                          12 noon, 2pm and 3.30pm.
                                                        DAWLISH HOMECRAFT
INSIDE TRAIL                                                                                                    Traditional seaside fun.
                                                        & GIFT MARKET
TAAG Arts and Community                                                                                         Free
                                                        The Piazza, The Lawn, Dawlish
Centre, Teignmouth. Every day
                                                        10 am to 3 pm
10am to 5pm. Free.
                                                        Full details at front of guide
The inside equivalent of the annual

         FOR MORE EVENTS SEARCH ONLINE FOR LoveTeignmouth AND LoveDawlish
Saturday 1st September                                  Friday 7th September to                                 Tuesday 11th September to
CHARITY DAY ON THE LAWN,                                Sunday 23rd September                                   Saturday 3rd November
DAWLISH                                                 DEVON OPEN STUDIOS                                      EXHIBITION ‘TEIGNMOUTH
10am to 4pm                                             TAAG Arts and Community                                 IN WW1’
Full details at front of guide.                         Centre, Teignmouth. Every day                           Teign Heritage Centre -
.....................................................   10am to 5pm. Free.                                      Teignmouth and Shaldon Museum
Saturday 1st September                                  The TAAG galleries turn into                            Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am
MEGA COFFEE MORNING                                     studios for several local artists,                      to 4.30pm. This year we celebrate
St Michaels Church, East                                most of whom will be working in                         the end of the Great War, bringing
Teignmouth 10am to 12noon                               their studios so you can come and                       together the stories of the men
Table top sale, homemade cakes,                         see them at work and discuss their                      and women of Teignmouth who
preserves and plants in season etc.                     artwork with them.                                      fought in the war from 1914 to
.....................................................   .....................................................   1918 and those who worked on
Sunday 2nd September                                    Saturday 8th and                                        the home front.
DAWLISH BIKE AND TRIKE                                  Sunday 9th September                                    For details: 01626 777041 or
SHOW                                                    HERITAGE OPEN DAYS                                      email
                                                        Teign Heritage Centre -                                 uk Adults £2.50 children free.
                                                        Teignmouth and Shaldon Museum                           Includes museum entry.
                                                        Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am                           .....................................................
                                                        to 4.30pm                                               Saturday 15th September
                                                        Explore the museum free as part                         CHARITY DAY ON THE DEN,
                                                        of the national open days event.                        TEIGNMOUTH
                                                        The Museum tells the story of                           10am to 4pm
                                                        Teignmouth and Shaldon through                          Full details at front of guide.
                                                        the years. The Sea Gallery                              .....................................................
                                                        explores the maritime history                           Saturday 15th September
                                                        of the Teign Estuary, including                         MAGPIE ANTIQUES AND
                                                        the cod fishing between Devon                           VINTAGE FAIR
                                                        and Newfoundland. The Shore                             Strand Centre, Dawlish
                                                        Gallery showcases the growth of                         11am to 3pm
The Lawn, Dawlish 10am to 4pm                           Teignmouth as a seaside resort,                         Full details at front of guide.
                                                        the coming of Brunel’s railway and                      .....................................................
The event is a bike and trike show
                                                        the aerodrome on Haldon.                                Saturday 15th September
to raise funds for the Armed
                                                        The museum is fully accessible                          FISH AND CHIP SUPPER AND
Forces Bikers, a registered charity
                                                        with toilets and baby changing                          QUIZ NIGHT
primarily comprised of current and
                                                        facilities. For details:                                The Strand Centre, Dawlish 7pm
former members of the armed
                                                        01626 777041 or email                                   In aid of Open DAW. For tickets
forces whose aim is to support ex-
                                                                             contact: Open DAW (Dawlish
colleagues and their families who                       .....................................................   Community Information Centre)
are in need. This is a family friendly
event which provides interest                           Saturday 8th September                                  on: 01626 867722
to both the local community                             TABLE TOP SALE
and visitors alike! Contact: Mike                       Shaftesbury Theatre, Dawlish
                                                        9am to 1pm
.....................................................                                         THE DEN PLAYPARK
                                                                                                                   One of the most popular open
Sunday 2nd September
DAWLISH ARTISAN,                                        Saturday 8th September                                     space destinations in the
FARMERS & PRODUCE                                       CRAFT AND GIFT FAIR                                        Teignbridge District, offering
MARKET                                                  The Strand Centre, Dawlish.
                                                                                                                   an award winning children’s
The Piazza, The Lawn, Dawlish                           10am to 3pm
                                                        Full details at front of guide.                            play area, a multi use games
10 am to 3 pm
                                                                                                                   area, adventure golf course
Full details at front of guide
                                                                                                                   facility and food kiosk.

         FOR MORE EVENTS SEARCH ONLINE FOR LoveTeignmouth AND LoveDawlish
Sunday 16th September                                   from around Devon, Cornwall                             Saturday 13th October
DAWLISH HOMECRAFT                                       and Somerset: a fun singing                             OLD TIME MUSIC HALL
& GIFT MARKET                                           event promoting both new and                            St Mary’s Church Hall,
The Piazza, The Lawn, Dawlish                           traditional shanty songs around                         Dawlish Warren
10 am to 3 pm                                           Teignmouth town in order to                             Tickets will be limited as this will
Full details at front of guide                          raise much needed money for                             be a fun night for all and a great
.....................................................   nominated charities. Free. Contact:                     line-up of entertainers! BYOB
Saturday 22nd September                                 Kevin Booker: 07975 681864/                             and glasses event starting around
BRUNSWICK SINGERS IN                                    01626 774427 Email:                                     7.30pm (to be confirmed).
HARMONY CONCERT                                                              Info: Ruth on: 01626 864537
Dawlish Methodist Church,                               .....................................................   or Vanessa 01626 685499.
2.30pm Tickets £5 in aid of Brain                       Friday 5th October to                                   .....................................................
Tumour Charity.                                         Friday 19th October                                     Friday 19th October –
.....................................................   SOUTH WEST SCULPTORS                                    Sunday 21st October
Monday 24th September to                                ASSOCIATION                                             CHRISTMAS IN OCTOBER
Thursday 4th October                                    TAAG Arts and Community                                 Lady’s Mile Holiday Park, Dawlish
EXHIBITION – DAWLISH AND                                Centre, Teignmouth. Every day                           EX7 0LX
TEIGNMOUTH CAMERA CLUB                                  10am to 5pm. Free.                                      The world famous polar bear
TAAG Arts and Community                                 A group of makers of sculpture                          Bjorn will be visiting Lady’s Mile
Centre, Teignmouth. Every day                           who feel great benefit from being                       over the Christmas in October
10am to 5pm. Free.                                      able to meet others who share                           weekend. Come and learn about
Contact details at front of guide.                      their interest but always seem                          him and interact with his handler!
.....................................................   to have different skills and new                        Santa will also be at Lady’s Mile
Saturday 29th September                                 information.                                            over the weekend in his winter
and Sunday 30th September                               Full details at front of guide.                         wonderland Grotto. You can join
TASTE OF THE TEIGN                                      .....................................................   him for breakfast (£2.95 served
Dates to be confirmed. Food                             Saturday 6th October                                    until 11am) on Saturday 20th
Festival. For more information visit                    CELEBRATING DAWLISH                                     October where a free ticket to
the Taste of the Teign Facebook                         PAST AND PRESENT                                        see Santa will be given with all
page.                                                   The Strand Centre, Dawlish                              children’s breakfasts, or on Sunday
.....................................................   10am to 5.30pm                                          21st October where all children’s
Saturday 29th September                                 Contact: Keith Gibson                                   carveries (£5.95) will also receive a
HARVEST TEA WITH                                        07799601748                                             ticket to see Santa.
ENTERTAINMENT                                           .....................................................   Event times may vary, see:
Dawlish Methodist Church Hall                           Saturday 6th October                          
4pm                                                     MEGA COFFEE MORNING                                     Tel: 01626 863411
.....................................................   St Michaels Church, East
Saturday 29th September                                 Teignmouth 10am to 12noon
RNLI COFFEE MORNING AND                                 Table top sale, homemade cakes,
SALE                                                    preserves and plants in season etc.
TAAG Arts and Community                                 .....................................................
Centre, Teignmouth 10am to 1pm.                         Sunday 7th October
Free. Full details at front of guide.                   DAWLISH ARTISAN,
.....................................................   FARMERS & PRODUCE
Saturday 29th September                                 MARKET
TEIGNMOUTH FARMERS                                      The Piazza, The Lawn, Dawlish
MARKET                                                  10 am to 3 pm
The Triangle, Teignmouth.                               Full details at front of guide
10am to 2pm                                             .....................................................
.....................................................   Saturday 13th October
Saturday 29th September                                 TABLE TOP SALE
and Sunday 30th September                               Shaftesbury Theatre Dawlish
TEIGN SHANTY FESTIVAL                                   9am to 1pm
Teignmouth – various locations                          .....................................................
around the town, mainly pubs                            Saturday 13th October
Saturday 1pm to 11pm,                                   CRAFT AND GIFT FAIR
Sunday 1pm to 5pm.                                      The Strand Centre, Dawlish.
The Festival will bring together                        10am to 3pm
well-known shanty singing groups                        Full details at front of guide.

         FOR MORE EVENTS SEARCH ONLINE FOR LoveTeignmouth AND LoveDawlish
Saturday 20th October                                   Saturday 27th October                                   Saturday 3rd November
RNLI BIG BOOK SALE                                      RNLI COFFEE MORNING AND                                 DAWLISH HOMECRAFT AND
TAAG Arts and Community                                 SALE                                                    GIFT MARKET
Centre, Teignmouth 10am to 4pm.                         TAAG Arts and Community                                 The Piazza, The Lawn, Dawlish
Free.                                                   Centre, Teignmouth 10am to 1pm.                         10am to 3pm
Big sale of 1000 or more books,                         Free. Full details at front of guide.                   Full details at front of guide.
including hardbacks, fiction, non-                      .....................................................   .....................................................
fiction to include a vast range of                      Saturday 27th October to                                Saturday 3rd November
specialist subjects and a dedicated                     Friday 2nd November                                     MEGA COFFEE MORNING
children’s corner with books for                        EXHIBITION BY THE BACK                                  St Michaels Church, East
the young from pre-school to                            BEACH ARTISTS                                           Teignmouth 10am to 12noon
teenage. Tea, coffee, homemade                          TAAG Arts and Community                                 Table top sale, homemade cakes,
cakes and refreshments served                           Centre, Teignmouth Every day                            preserves and plants in season etc.
throughout the day.                                     10am to 5pm. Free.                                      .....................................................
Contact: Mary Watt:                                     Contact details at front of guide.                      Saturday 10th November                                .....................................................   TABLE TOP SALE
.....................................................   Saturday 27th October                                   Shaftesbury Theatre, Dawlish
Saturday 20th October to                                HALLOWEEN MONSTER                                       9am to 1pm
Friday 26th October                                     BASH BALL                                     
EXHIBITION BY SEVERAL                                   Lady’s Mile Holiday Park, Dawlish                       .....................................................
LOCAL ARTISTS                                           EX7 0LX                                                 Saturday 10th November
TAAG Arts and Community                                 Popular Monster Bash Ball is back                       THE GUNS FALL SILENT
Centre, Teignmouth. Every day                           with more screams, scares and                           The Strand Centre, Dawlish
10am to 5pm. Free.                                      freaky goings on than ever before!                      A display all day of the work of
Contact details at front of guide.                      Don’t miss the infamous ghost                           the WW1 Project during 2014-
.....................................................   train which is sure to leave you                        2018, and a performance of
Saturday 20th October                                   spooked... that’s if you make it                        music, readings and poetry at
MAGPIE ANTIQUES AND                                     through the scare maze....                              3pm to commemorate 15 Dawlish
VINTAGE FAIR                                                                                                    servicemen who died in the service
Strand Centre, Dawlish                                                                                          of their country after the Armistice
11am to 3pm                                                                                                     was signed. Information on
Full details at front of guide.                                                                       
.....................................................                                                           .....................................................
Saturday 20th October to                                                                                        Sunday 11th November
Saturday 27th October                                                                                           ARMISTICE DAY AND
DAWLISH PUMPKIN TRAIL                                                                                           REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY
Find the pumpkins in shop                               Attendance at the Monster                               The War Memorial, The
windows and enter the                                   Bash ball is free with fancy dress                      Promenade, Teignmouth 10.30am
competition run by the Dawlish                          welcomed. Tickets for the ghost                         Remembrance Parade and Service
Chamber of Trade.                                       train and scare maze will be on                         Contact: Teignmouth Town
.....................................................   sale on the night at £5 per person.                     Council: 01626 775030
Sunday 21st October                                     See:                                .....................................................
DAWLISH HOMECRAFT                                       Tel: 01626 863411                                       Sunday 11th November
& GIFT MARKET                                           .....................................................   ARMISTICE DAY AND
The Piazza, The Lawn, Dawlish                           Friday 2nd November                                     REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY
10 am to 3 pm                                           TAKE A CHANCE ON US!                                    Dawlish War Memorial 3pm
Full details at front of guide                          ABBA TRIBUTE                                            Remembrance Parade and Service
.....................................................   Shaftesbury Theatre, Dawlish
Saturday 27th October                                   Doors open 7pm start 7.30pm
TEIGNMOUTH FARMERS                                      Tickets £12
The Triangle, Teignmouth.                               .....................................................
10am to 2pm                                             Saturday 3rd November
                                                        CHARITY CARD
                                                        CHRISTMAS SALE
                                                        A sale of Christmas Cards by local
                                                        The Strand Centre, Dawlish.
                                                        10am to 1pm

         FOR MORE EVENTS SEARCH ONLINE FOR LoveTeignmouth AND LoveDawlish
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