OUT&ABOUT JULY-DECEMBER 2019 - The best activities in our city for people aged 60 and over - City of Melbourne

Page created by Jessica Schneider
OUT&ABOUT JULY-DECEMBER 2019 - The best activities in our city for people aged 60 and over - City of Melbourne
The best activities in our city
for people aged 60 and over.
OUT&ABOUT JULY-DECEMBER 2019 - The best activities in our city for people aged 60 and over - City of Melbourne
Events            3
Culture           8
Food              18
Lifelong learning 23
Social groups
and activities   30
Wellbeing         51
OUT&ABOUT JULY-DECEMBER 2019 - The best activities in our city for people aged 60 and over - City of Melbourne
Out & About is your essential                 NOT A CITY OF MELBOURNE RESIDENT?
guide to what’s happening in your             Some of the activities in this guide are for
neighbourhood and beyond.                     City of Melbourne residents only. If you’re
Join a meditation session, try a gentle       visiting or live outside the City of Melbourne
exercise class or learn to dance. It’s easy   council area, we suggest you contact the
to participate, either on your own or with    activity organiser to ask if you can attend.
a friend. Call the organiser if you’d like    You can also contact your own local council
more information about any of the events      to find out what’s on in your area.
or activities. We hope you enjoy getting
out and about.                                HIGHLIGHTS IN THIS ISSUE
                                              THE PRODUCTION COMPANY MUSICAL THEATRE
Acknowledgement of
                                              Enjoy complimentary tickets to two final
Traditional Owners                            dress rehearsal performances from The
The City of Melbourne respectfully            Production Company. City of Melbourne
acknowledges the Traditional Owners           residents aged 60 and over may book two
of the land, the Boon Wurrung and             tickets for one show. Due to high demand
Woiwurrung (Wurundjeri) people of             there is a limit of one show per person. This
the Kulin Nation and pays respect to          offer is courtesy of the City of Melbourne.
their Elders, past and present.

                                                                    melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   1
OUT&ABOUT JULY-DECEMBER 2019 - The best activities in our city for people aged 60 and over - City of Melbourne
COMPANY MUSICAL THEATRE:                 Book through Arts Centre Melbourne on
                                         1300 182 183. Please note tickets will no
Thoroughly Modern Millie                 longer be posted to you, but will be available
Take a fun-filled ride into the heart    for collection from the Box Office from one
of the roaring twenties.                 week before the show up until the day
                                         of the show.
Friday 2 August at 2pm at the
State Theatre, Arts Centre Melbourne     Please bring proof of address when
                                         collecting tickets.
A sweeping musical portrait of
early 20th century America.
Friday 1 November at 2pm at the
State Theatre, Arts Centre Melbourne
You can book for both dress rehearsals
from 9am on Tuesday 9 July (no
bookings accepted before this date).

ACTIVITY                               DAY / TIME       COST            ADDRESS / CONTACT

A City of Melbourne                     Tuesday         Free            Melbourne Town Hall
Christmas celebration                   10 December,                    90-130 Swanston Street,
Join an afternoon of music and          2pm to 4pm                      Melbourne
dancing for people aged 60 and                                          Bookings open Tuesday 15 October
over who live in the City of Melbourne,                                 by calling 9658 9190 or emailing
as well as seniors’ groups located                                      healthyageing@melbourne.vic.gov.au
in the City of Melbourne.

Day trip to Bendigo                     Tuesday         All-inclusive   Bookings open on Thursday 1 August
Let’s tiptoe through the tulips         17 September,   cost of         2019. Please call LINK on 1300 546
Experience the renowned annual          9am             $27.50.         528 to secure your spot. If you are
tulip display in beautiful Bendigo.                     Payment         not already registered with LINK
You’ll be transported there to not only                 will be         you will need to register. A short
admire the tulips but also visit the Yi                 taken over      phone assessment is required
Yuan gardens, Guan Buddhist Temple                      the phone       for registration.
and the Golden Dragon museum,                           at the time     Pick up at 9am from Melbourne
which houses a superb Chinese                           of booking      Town Hall, 90-130 Swanston Street,
collection of antiques rarely seen                                      Melbourne. Meet at Bus Zone on
outside of China. Afterwards, enjoy                                     Collins Street.
a two course lunch in the museum’s
tea room.

                                                                                 melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   3
ACTIVITY                               DAY / TIME         COST       ADDRESS / CONTACT

Victorian Seniors Festival                Sunday 6 October Various   Visit www.seniorsonline.vic.gov.au/
Celebrate the Victorian Seniors           to Sunday 13               festivalsandawards for information
Festival through a huge range of free October 2019                   and full program.
and low-cost events and activities
across Victoria for older Victorians.
During the eight days of the festival
you can also explore metropolitan
and regional Victoria with free public
transport, including all V/Line services,
providing you are a Victorian Seniors
Card holder. If you need to travel to
regional Victoria, you need to reserve
your seat on long distance V/Line
trains and some coaches, so book
early and collect your tickets within
48 hours. You can book a return
journey for up to four Victorian
Seniors Card holders.

ACTIVITY                                  DAY / TIME       COST    ADDRESS / CONTACT

Celebration Day                           Sunday 6 October, Free   Federation Square
at Federation Square                      10.30am to 4.30pm        Flinders and Swanston Street,
Enjoy a variety of live music including                            Melbourne
the Footscray Gypsy Orchestra,
Cook Island Dancers, Spectrum,
The Gram O Phonie Brothers and
Tanya Lee Davies and band. Take part
in active living demonstrations, choirs
and ensembles at Deakin Edge, plus
enjoy roving entertainment.

Festival Hub at Melbourne Town Hall       Monday 7 October Free    Melbourne Town Hall
Grab a free cuppa and enjoy daily         to Friday                90-130 Swanston Street,
concerts, exhibitions, presentations      11 October,              Melbourne
and information sessions.                 10am to 4.30pm

Concerts at Deakin Edge,                  Monday 7,        Free    Federation Square
Federation Square                         Tuesday 8 and            Flinders and Swanston Street,
Watch great acts including Dames          Wednesday                Melbourne
& Divas Show, Broderick Smith,            9 October
Salvation Army Red Shield Band
and Legends of Brass.

                                                                            melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   5
ACTIVITY                                DAY / TIME         COST   ADDRESS / CONTACT

ACMI Seniors Film Festival              Sunday 6,          $5     Visit www.seniorsonline.vic.gov.au/
at Treasury Place                       Monday 7                  festivalsandawards for information
                                        and Tuesday               and full program
                                        8 October

Planning ahead                          Wednesday          Free   Library at The Dock
Take part in a simple and interactive   17 July,                  107 Victoria Harbour Promenade
session from Seniors Rights Victoria    12 noon to 1pm
about how to appoint an Enduring
Power of Attorney who can make          Friday 9 August,   Free   South Yarra Senior Citizens Centre
decisions about medical treatment,      1pm to 2pm                Fawkner Park, 65 Toorak Road West,
property and finance on your behalf                               South Yarra
if needed.                                                        9658 9190

ACTIVITY                              DAY / TIME         COST   ADDRESS / CONTACT

Retirement reality – your choices     Thursday           Free   City Library
Join Christopher Kyriacou from        6pm-8pm on the            253 Flinders Lane,
the Financial Information Service,    following dates:          Melbourne
Department of Human Services          7 November                9658 9500
(DHS) at City Library as he                                     library@melbourne.vic.gov.au
de-mystifies retirement, helping      14 November
you to understand superannuation,     21 November
the age pension and your choices.
                                      28 November
Bookings required, open in October.
                                      5 December
• Understanding Your Pension
• Accommodation
  Options in Retirement
• Aged Care - Fees and Charges
• Understanding Superannuation
• Understanding Retirement
  Income Streams

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ACTIVITY                                  DAY / TIME      COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT
Art class                                 Last Monday     Free      Jean McKendry
Learn new skills and techniques as you    of the month,             Neighbourhood Centre
explore your creative side with other     10.30am to                91-111 Melrose Street
like-minded people. Paint, draw, colour   12.30pm                   North Melbourne
and meet new people in a relaxed                                    9658 9190
and supportive environment. All                                     healthyageing@melbourne.vic.gov.au
materials supplied.

ArtPlay                                   Open for        Various   ArtPlay
Grandparents, come with your              enquiries       prices    Birrarung Marr, Batman Avenue
grandchildren to create innovative        Wednesday                 Melbourne
art experiences that encourage            to Sunday,                9658 7880
self-expression and playful exchange.     10am to 4pm.              artplay@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Check website for schedule of events.                               melbourne.vic.gov.au/artplay

ACTIVITY                                DAY / TIME    COST       ADDRESS / CONTACT

Melrose art group                       Monday,       $5         Jean McKendry
Take part in weekly painting and        10am to 3pm   annual     Neighbourhood Centre
craft activities for seniors from all                 membership 91-111 Melrose Street,
cultural backgrounds.                                            North Melbourne
                                                                 9328 1665 or mobile 0403 443 021
                                                                 instagram: Melart3051

Painting and drawing                    Tuesday,      $150       Kensington Neighbourhood House
Discover and explore a range of         1pm to 3pm    per term   89 McCracken Street,
techniques suited to your interests                   concession Kensington
in a relaxed and informal setting.                               9376 6366

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 ACTIVITY                                 DAY / TIME      COST   ADDRESS / CONTACT

 Any Book book club                       First Tuesday   Free   East Melbourne Library
 Share your love of reading and           of the month,          122 George Street,
 get inspiration about what to read       10.30am to             East Melbourne
 next. No set books – each person         12 noon                9658 9600
 shares what they are reading at                                 read@melbourne.vic.gov.au
 the moment.
 Book and movie group                     Second Monday   Free   Kensington Neighbourhood House
 Join in lively discussions about books   of the month,          89 McCracken Street,
 and movies. Take turns choosing and      7pm to 9pm             Kensington
 leading the discussion. New members                             9376 6366
 always welcome.                                                 info@kenhouse.org.au

 Chinese book club                        Second          Free   Library at The Dock
 Enjoy morning tea, meet other            Thursday of            107 Victoria Harbour Promenade,
 readers, and find some new Chinese       the month,             Docklands
 books, magazines or DVDs to borrow.      9.30am                 9658 9998
                                          to 12 noon

ACTIVITY                                   DAY / TIME      COST   ADDRESS / CONTACT

eAudiobook club                            Third Tuesday   Free   Kathleen Syme Library
Download, listen and discuss just          of the month,          and Community Centre
like in a regular book club, but with      6pm to 7pm             251 Faraday Street,
great eAudiobooks selected and                                    Carlton
discussed once a month.                                           9658 7300
Home library service                                       Free   9658 9600
Get library materials delivered to your                           hls@melbourne.vic.gov.au
door for free on a set day every four                             melbourne.vic.gov.au
weeks. This is for eligible residents in
the City of Melbourne who are unable
to visit their local library.
Japanese book club                         Third Tuesday   Free   City Library
Get together other Japanese                of the month,          253 Flinders Lane,
speakers and chat about your               2pm to 3pm             Melbourne
favourite reading materials.                                      9658 9500
No need to book, just drop in.                                    read@melbourne.vic.gov.au

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 ACTIVITY                               DAY / TIME      COST   ADDRESS / CONTACT

 Melbourne book club                    First Tuesday   Free   City Library, Group Study Room
 Join other readers to discuss a wide   of the month           253 Flinders Lane,
 variety of fiction and non-fiction     until Tuesday          Melbourne
 chosen by book club members.           12 November,           9658 8305
                                        6pm to 7pm             read@melbourne.vic.gov.au

 North Melbourne book club              Third Monday    Free   North Melbourne Library
 Expand your literary repertoire        of the month,          66 Errol Street,
 and discuss current books in           6pm to 7pm             North Melbourne
 a friendly atmosphere.                                        9658 9700
 Queer book club                        Fourth Monday   Free   City Library, Activity Space
 Read and discuss all manner of         of the month           253 Flinders Lane,
 books with lesbian, gay, bisexual,     until Monday           Melbourne
 transgender, intersex or queer         25 November,           9658 9500
 characters and themes.                 6pm to 7pm

ACTIVITY                                   DAY / TIME    COST        ADDRESS / CONTACT

Koorie Heritage Trust exhibitions          Daily,        Gold coin   The Yarra Building
Experience, learn and connect              10am to 5pm   donation    Levels 1 and 3 Federation Square,
with Aboriginal culture, heritage                        welcome     Melbourne
and histories of Victoria at exhibitions                             8662 6300
at the Koorie Heritage Trust.                                        info@koorieheritagetrust.com
Melbourne Museum                           Open daily.   Various     Melbourne Museum
Gain a rich and inspiring insight          10am to 5pm               11 Nicholson Street,
into life in Victoria through a variety                              Carlton
of exhibitions and activities.                                       13 11 02

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 ACTIVITY                                DAY / TIME        COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

 NGV International                       Open daily,       Free      NGV International
 Be awe-inspired by the gallery’s        10am to 5pm       general   180 St Kilda Road,
 extensive art collection from Europe,                     entry     Melbourne
 Asia, America and Oceania.                                          8620 2222

 Creative writing                        First Wednesday   $14 per   Kensington Neighbourhood House
 Explore a different aspect of writing   of the month,     class     89 McCracken Street,
 each month in this introduction         10am to 12 noon             Kensington
 to the craft.                                                       9376 6366

ACTIVITY                              DAY / TIME         COST         ADDRESS / CONTACT

Tuesday movie night for women           Second Tuesday   $5           Kensington Neighbourhood House
Join in a night at the movies every     of the month,                 89 McCracken Street,
month at the Sun Theatre in Yarraville. 5.30pm to 9pm                 Kensington
Free community transport for those                                    9376 6366
living in Flemington, Kensington and                                  info@kenhouse.org.au
North Melbourne.

Austral Salon recital                 Fourth Monday      Membership   St Peter’s Eastern Hill
Listen to music by talented young     of the month.      fees apply   Main Hall, 15 Gisborne Street
musicians and make new friends.       Refreshments       as well as   (opposite St Patrick’s Cathedral),
Bring your own lunch. Tea, coffee     at 11.45am.        entry fee    Melbourne
and cake provided.                    Recital from       for some     0449 727 910
                                      12.30pm to         events

                                                                               melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   15
 ACTIVITY                                DAY / TIME      COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

 Kensington community choir              Wednesday,      $50        Kensington Neighbourhood House
 Practice and relish in song with this   7.30pm to 9pm   per term   89 McCracken Street,
 choir that’s open to all ages and                       concession Kensington
 abilities. No need to audition.                                    9376 6366
 Monthly melodies                       Last Friday      Free      South Yarra Senior Citizens Centre
 Spend a social and musical afternoon of the month,                Fawkner Park,
 among friends. Enjoy musical           1pm to 2pm                 65 Toorak Rd West, South Yarra
 performances from a mix of artists in                             9820 2760
 a relaxed and social atmosphere. Have
 a cuppa, chat or sit and look out over
 beautiful Fawkner Park.                                           melbourne.vic.gov.au

ACTIVITY                                 DAY / TIME        COST   ADDRESS / CONTACT

St Michael's Thursday                    Thursday          Free   St Michael’s Uniting Church
lunchtime organ recitals                 at 1pm                   120 Collins Street,
Revel in bold sounds as the grand                                 Melbourne
organ comes to life every Thursday                                9654 5120
for a free 30 minute recital.                                     office@stmichaels.org.au
Sunday Lounge                            Sunday 30         Free   Kathleen Syme Library
Delight in an intimate, musical affair   June, Sunday             and Community Centre
with tunes from diverse musicians        28 July, Sunday          251 Faraday Street,
and styles including jazz, folk, world   25 August and            Carlton
music and classical.                     Sunday 29                9658 7310
                                         3pm to 4.15pm

Western suburbs organ club               Second            $8     Kensington Neighbourhood Centre
Join in special organ concerts and       Wednesday                18 Anthony Street,
supper in a friendly atmosphere.         of the month,            Kensington
                                         7.45pm                   9380 9616

                                                                           melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   17
 ACTIVITY                                 DAY / TIME        COST        ADDRESS / CONTACT

 Carlton Farmers' Market                  First and third   Gold coin   Carlton North Primary School
 Buy your meat, fruit and vegetables      Saturday of       donation    Corner Canning and O'Grady Streets,
 as well as nuts, eggs and cheese –       the month                     Carlton North
 all while supporting ethical and local   8am to 1pm                    9499 3400 or 0429 146 627
 growers and producers. Enjoy a                                         mfm.com.au
 hearty breakfast or an early lunch
 while you’re there.
 Carlton Neighbourhood                    Thursday,         $5          20 Princes Street,
 Learning Centre community lunch          12.30pm                       Carlton North
 Meals and social gathering.              to 1.30pm                     9347 2739
 Church of All Nations                    Tuesday and       $2          180 Palmerston Street,
 community lunch                          Wednesday,                    Carlton
 Tuck into lunch in a social setting      11.30am to 1pm                9347 7077
 each Tuesday and Wednesday                                             austin.byard@cancarlton.com.au
 (except public holidays) in the                                        carlton-uca.org
 drop-in centre. Enter from the rear
 (north side) of the church.

ACTIVITY                                DAY / TIME    COST    ADDRESS / CONTACT

Community lunch                         Monday,       $7.90   Jean McKendry
Eat a nutritious and affordable         12 noon               Neighbourhood Centre
lunch in the company of others at                             91-111 Melrose Street,
this North Melbourne community                                North Melbourne
centre. You must book first through                           9328 1665 or 9372 1482
the centre. Please note a small price                         healthyageing@melbourne.vic.gov.au
increase from $7.90 in September.
Community lunch                         Monday,       $7.90   South Yarra Senior Citizens Centre
Eat a nutritious and affordable         Wednesday             Fawkner Park
lunch in the company of others          and Friday,           65 Toorak Rd West,
at this South Yarra community           12 noon               South Yarra
centre. You must book first through                           9820 2760
the centre. Please note a small price                         healthyageing@melbourne.vic.gov.au
increase from $7.90 in September.

                                                                      melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   19
ACTIVITY                               DAY / TIME      COST    ADDRESS / CONTACT

Community lunch                          Wednesday,    $7.90   Kathleen Syme Library
Eat a nutritious and affordable lunch in 12 noon               and Community Centre
the company of others at this Carlton                          251 Faraday Street,
community centre. Book first through                           Carlton
the centre. Please note a small price                          9658 7305
increase from $7.90 in September.                              healthyageing@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Community morning tea                  Third Monday    Free    Kathleen Syme Library
Join in this relaxed monthly           of the month,           and Community Centre
community get-together. Share sweet    10.30am                 251 Faraday Street,
and savoury treats like homemade       to 11.30am              Carlton
scones and enjoy singalong songs                               9658 7310
from ukulele band The Flukes. Catch                            kathleensymecentre@melbourne.vic.gov.au
up with friends or meet new people
from your local community.

ACTIVITY                              DAY / TIME        COST         ADDRESS / CONTACT

Drop in morning tea                   First Tuesday     $5           The Centre
Enjoy a cuppa and healthy snacks      of the month                   58 Errol Street,
with a friendly group of people       excluding                      North Melbourne
from different backgrounds.           school and public              9328 1126
                                      to 12 noon                     centre.org.au

Healthy living and learning program   Thursday during   Various      The Community Hub
Learn to cook healthy two-course      school terms,     fees         94 Ormond Street,
meals (and then eat them) or join     11am              (low cost)   Kensington
in a planned weekly activity like                                    9371 2000
gardening, tai chi or dancing. All                                   dwilson@unison.org.au
meals are low cost to make and can
be easily replicated at home. For
senior residents of Kensington
public housing.

                                                                             melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   21
ACTIVITY                                 DAY / TIME    COST    ADDRESS / CONTACT

Social lunch and bingo                   Wednesday,    $8      Kensington Neighbourhood House
Enjoy a two-course meal and the          12.30pm               89 McCracken Street,
company of this friendly social group.                         Kensington
Weekly lunches alternate with a bus                            9376 6366
trip once a month.                                             info@kenhouse.org.au
The Community Grocer                  Friday,          Free    The Community Grocer
Buy local organic produce picked from 8am to 12 noon   entry   478 Drummond Street,
the Carlton Primary School garden,                             Carlton
plus other handmade goods.                                     thecommunitygrocer.com.au
Join workshops too.

ACTIVITY                                 DAY / TIME        COST   ADDRESS / CONTACT

English for Chinese seniors              Tuesday,          Free   Kensington Neighbourhood House
Build confidence with your English       1.30pm to                89 McCracken Street,
language conversation skills and         3.30pm                   Kensington
improve fluency, pronunciation                                    9376 6366
and vocabulary.                                                   info@kenhouse.org.au
ESL reading group                        Thursday          Free   North Melbourne Library
Join this free, fun reading program      from 25 July to          66 Errol Street,
to improve your English reading skills   19 September,            North Melbourne
and practice pronunciation. Both         1pm to 2.30pm            9658 9700
native English and ESL speakers                                   library@melbourne.vic.gov.au
welcome. No bookings necessary.
Light refreshments available.

                                                                           melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   23
ACTIVITY                                    DAY / TIME         COST          ADDRESS / CONTACT

Italian class                               First and third    Free          South Yarra Senior Citizens Centre
Come along and learn to speak               Friday of the                    Fawkner Park,
Italian via Skype and stay for              month,                           65 Toorak Road West,
lunch at the centre.                        11am to 12 noon                  South Yarra
                                                                             9820 2760
Technology training                         Wednesdays on      Free for      South Yarra Senior Citizens Centre
Stay intellectually stimulated and          the below dates,   concession/   Fawkner Park,
socially connected and increase your        1.30pm to 3pm:     pension       65 Toorak Road West,
technology confidence and skills by         3 July             card          South Yarra
taking part in these ReadyTechGo classes.   17 July            holders.      9820 2760
– Apple training                            7 August           Non
                                            21 August          concession
– Android training                                                           melbourne.vic.gov.au
                                            4 September        $5
– Apple training continued                  18 September
– Android training continued
– Apple training continued
– General computer training

ACTIVITY                                 DAY / TIME       COST          ADDRESS / CONTACT

North Melbourne Language                 Monday to Friday, Various      North Melbourne
& Learning                               various times     fees         Language & Learning
Take part in computer classes and a                                     Ground Floor,
range of activities that help to build                                  33 Alfred Street,
the local community, with a focus                                       North Melbourne
on engaging and connecting our                                          9326 7447
culturally and linguistically diverse                                   enquiries@nmll.org.au
(CALD) communities.

U3A courses and classes                  Various days,    Membership    Courses at various locations
Learn from a range of year-long          hours            fees apply.   in the City of Melbourne
to short courses. Topics include                          Free for      Main office at Greek Centre,
bridge, botanical art, philosophy and                     members       Level 5, 168 Lonsdale Street,
languages. There’s more than 80                           of U3A        Melbourne
classes to choose from.                                   New           9639 5209
                                                          members       citymelb@u3a.org.au
                                                          welcome       u3amelbcity.org.au

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ACTIVITY                                DAY / TIME        COST       ADDRESS / CONTACT

Federation Square                       Monday to         Free       Meet near the Australian, Indigenous
Learn about the history, unique         Saturday, 11am               and Torres Strait Islander flags in
architecture and engineering marvels                                 the Swanston Street Forecourt.
that make Fed Square one of the                                      Melbourne
city’s great contemporary icons.                                     9655 1900
Melbourne Town Hall tour                Monday,           Free       Melbourne Town Hall
Learn about the architectural, social   Wednesday,        Bookings   90-130 Swanston Street,
and political significance of this      Thursday and      required   Melbourne
impressive building.                    Friday, 11am to              9658 9658
                                        12 noon and
                                        1pm to 2pm

ACTIVITY                                   DAY / TIME          COST   ADDRESS / CONTACT

Victorian Parliament House tour            Weekdays when       Free   Parliament House
Explore and learn all about Parliament     parliament is not          Spring Street,
House. Public tours of Parliament          sitting excluding          Melbourne
House take place at various times          public holidays.           9651 8568
between 8.30am to 5.30pm on days           Various times.             tours@parliament.vic.gov.au
when parliament is not sitting. Full and                              parliament.vic.gov.au
express tours available. Garden and
architectural tours also available.

Out & About                                Monday to           Free   9663 2474 or mobile 0466 218 921
If you’re an eligible lesbian, gay,        Thursday during            outandabout@switchboard.org.au
bisexual, transgender, or intersex         office hours.              switchboard.org.au
(LGBTI) person living at home or in
aged care in Victoria, Out & About is
a free service that can connect you
with friendly LGBTI volunteer visitors.
Eligibility criteria applies.

                                                                               melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   27
ACTIVITY                                DAY / TIME       COST   ADDRESS / CONTACT

Seniors Information Victoria            Monday, Tuesday, Free   Level 4, 533 Little Lonsdale Street,
Get independent advice on a             Thursday and            Melbourne
range of issues of interest to          Friday 9.30am           1300 13 50 90
older Victorians.                       to 1pm and              cotavic@cotavic.org.au
                                        1pm to 4.30pm

ESL conversation club                   Monday,          Free   City Library
Take part in informal English           Tuesday,                253 Flinders Lane,
conversation practice, meet             Thursday                Melbourne
new people and improve your             and Friday.             9658 9500
English language skills. All sessions   Various times.          library@melbourne.vic.gov.au
are free and facilitated by a
native-speaking volunteer.
ESL conversation club Library           Monday,          Free   Southbank Library at Boyd
Take part in informal English           6pm to 7pm              Ground 207 City Road,
conversation practice, meet                                     Southbank
new people and improve your                                     9658 8314
English language skills. All sessions                           boyd@melbourne.vic.gov.au
are free and facilitated by a
native-speaking volunteer.

ACTIVITY                              DAY / TIME         COST   ADDRESS / CONTACT

ESL conversation club                 Tuesday and        Free   Kathleen Syme Library and
Take part in informal English         Wednesday,                Community Centre
conversation practice, meet new       5pm on Tuesday            251 Faraday Street,
people and improve your English       and 3pm on                Carlton
language skills. All sessions         Wednesday                 9658 7300
are free and facilitated by a                                   library@melbourne.vic.gov.au
native-speaking volunteer.
Existentialist Society                First Tuesday of   Free   Unitarian Church Hall
Join in this monthly lecture series   the month 8pm             110 Grey Street,
that explores concepts related                                  East Melbourne
to existentialism.                                              9467 2063

                                                                         melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   29
ACTIVITY                              DAY / TIME        COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

Ethiopian Seniors Group - Carlton     Saturday,         Various   Community Room
Neighbourhood Learning Centre         6pm to 9pm        fees      Ground Floor,
Share meals, information and social                               510 Lygon Street,
activities with other like-minded                                 Carlton
women. This is a women-only event.                                9347 2739

St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church      Friday, 12 noon   Various   St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church
Share meals and information and       to 1.30pm         fees      5 Epsom Road, Kensington
take part in planned and social                                   0406 887 884
activity groups, as part of this                                  hisvine.com/church/25/St-Mary-Church
social support program for Coptic
older people.

ACTIVITY                              DAY / TIME         COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

St Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox       Tuesday,           Various   St Nicholas Antiochian
Church - senior citizens group        10am to 2pm        fees      Orthodox Church Hall
Share meals and information and                                    176 Simpson Street,
take part in social activities.                                    East Melbourne
                                                                   9417 2266


Indo China Ethnic                     Other activities   Various   Ross House
Chinese Association                   on various         fees      247-251 Flinders Lane,
Take part in activities including     days, hours                  Melbourne
sharing community meals. The                                       0408 358 139
community meal is held on the third                                hquach@ames.net.au
Tuesday of the month.

                                                                            melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   31
ACTIVITY                                DAY / TIME        COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

Chinese Community Health                Friday,           Various   Multicultural Hub
Advisory of Australia                   1pm to 3.30pm     fees      506 Elizabeth Street,
Join in community activities for                                    Melbourne
Chinese seniors including information                               9658 9190
sessions, physical exercise, meals                                  healthyageing@melbourne.vic.gov.au
and outings.

Chinese Social Centre                   Monday and        Various   North Melbourne Community Centre
of North Melbourne                      Thursday at       fees      49-53 Buncle Street,
Join in a range of activities from      North Melbourne             and at 49 Canning Street,
gentle exercise and tai chi, lunches,   Community                   North Melbourne
karaoke, bus trips, camps, and events   Centre and                  9376 9088
like Chinese New Year, the autumn       Wednesday at
festival and Christmas celebrations.    Canning Street,
                                        9am to 2pm
                                        on Monday
                                        and Thursday.
                                        9am to 3pm on

ACTIVITY                                 DAY / TIME        COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

Kensington Chinese Friendship Group      Monday and        Various   Community Hub
Take part in meals, mahjong, table       Thursday at       fees      94 Ormond Street,
tennis, pool, walking groups, craft      9am to 5pm.                 Kensington
and outings.                             Tuesday at                  9658 9190
                                         9.30am to 11am.
North Melbourne                          Wednesday,        Various   North Melbourne Community Centre
Chinese Association                      9am to 4pm        fees      49-53 Buncle Street,
Have fun with line and social                                        North Melbourne
dancing, mahjong, cards, gentle                                      9658 9190
exercise, table tennis, lion dancing                                 healthyageing@melbourne.vic.gov.au
and qigong. If you’re interested, come
on the day and speak to volunteer
committee members.
North Melbourne Recreation               First Wednesday   Various   76 Canning Street,
Group - cohealth                         of the month,     fees      North Melbourne
Enjoy meals, social activities and       10.30am to 1pm              9448 5537
take part in Information sessions.                                   margaret.yung@cohealth.org.au

                                                                             melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   33
ACTIVITY                          DAY / TIME        COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

Uniting Church, Gospel Hall       Fortnightly on    Various   Wesley Church (School House)
Melbourne (Yee Hong)              Sunday, 11.15am   fees      148 Lonsdale Street,
Join in meals, outings and                                    Melbourne
social activities.                                            9663 6822

Victorian Elderly Chinese         Monday            Various   187-189 Victoria Street,
Welfare Society                   to Friday         fees      West Melbourne
Come to this planned activity     various times               9329 2258
group to enjoy outings, meals,                                vecwslow@hotmail.com
yum cha, Chinese television and
magazines. Includes transport
to and from activities.

ACTIVITY                               DAY / TIME        COST       ADDRESS / CONTACT

Melbourne Line                         Every Tuesday      Various   South Yarra Senior Citizens Centre
Dancing Group                          from 11am to 5pm fees        Fawkner Park
Join in Chinese dancing                at the South Yarra           65 Toorak Road West on
and exercises.                         Senior Citizens              Tuesday and at the
                                       Centre and every             Atrium at Federation Square
                                       Thursday at the              on Thursday
                                       Atrium, Federation
                                                                    0430 409 386
                                       Square from
                                       9am to 2pm                   joanna1398@hotmail.com


78 Seniors                             Various days,     Annual     Community Hub
Enjoy meals, outings and celebratory   times and fees.   memb.      94 Ormond Street and
events for residents who live at 78    Contact organiser $12        Community Room
Clifford Terrace and surrounds.        for information.             78 Clifford Terrace,
                                       Celebratory                  Kensington
                                       events free.
                                       small fee

                                                                             melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   35
ACTIVITY                                 DAY / TIME        COST   ADDRESS / CONTACT

Cards group                              Monday,           Free   South Yarra Senior Citizens Centre
Enjoy playing cards and having fun       10am to 12 noon          Fawkner Park
with friends? Join in this relaxed       and 1pm to 3pm           65 Toorak Rd West,
South Yarra cards group.                                          South Yarra
                                                                  9820 2760
Carer support group                    Various days        Free   Kathleen Syme Library
Share and receive information, support and times                  and Community Centre
and experiences with other local                                  251 Faraday Street,
carers in a welcoming environment.                                Carlton
                                                                  9658 9989
Church of all Nations drop-in centre     Tuesday,          Free   180 Palmerston Street,
Take part in a range of activities       Wednesday                Carlton
and conversation in the warm and         and Thursday,            9347 7077
welcoming company of other low-          10am to noon             austin.byard@cancarlton.com.au
income people in your community.
Enjoy light refreshments, daily papers                            carlton-uca.org
and access to the internet.

ACTIVITY                              DAY / TIME        COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

Mahjong                               Wednesday,        Free      South Yarra Senior Citizens Centre
Join in for a game involving skill,   10.30am to                  Fawkner Park
strategy, calculation and a degree of 12 noon                     65 Toorak Road West,
chance. Relax and enjoy the company                               South Yarra
of others every Wednesday as you test                             9820 2760
your skills, sharpen your mind                                    healthyageing@melbourne.vic.gov.au
and improve your memory.
Melbourne Men's Shed                  Mondays at        $55       Federation Square
Learn new skills, build friendships   10am to 2pm.      annual,   Level 1 car park,
and improve your health in a safe     Tuesdays at       joining   corner Flinders and Russell Streets,
environment. Activities include       10am to 2pm and   fee $30   Melbourne
walking, woodworking, cooking,        5pm to 9pm.                 9650 9491
photography, social activities        Wednesdays at               info@melbournemensshed.org
and volunteering.                     5pm to 9pm                  melbournemensshed.org
                                      and on third
                                      Saturday of the
                                      month from
                                      1pm to 4pm.

                                                                           melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   37
ACTIVITY                                DAY / TIME        COST         ADDRESS / CONTACT

Melbourne Sunrise Probus Club           First Thursday    Current      Library at The Dock
Take part in a range of activities      of the month,     annual       107 Victoria Harbour Promenade,
including golf, walking, book clubs,    9.30am for        memb. is     Docklands
mahjong, bowls, pilates, cinema         a 10am start.     $50 plus     mspc.docklands@gmail.com
and photography.                                          a joining
                                                          fee of $15
Older Person’s Highrise Support         Various days      Various      94 Ormond Street,
Program Kensington (cohealth)           and times.        fees         Kensington
Enjoy morning tea, tai chi, swimming,   Contact organiser              9448 5515
outings, healthy lunches and get        for information                cohealth.org.au
information from the residents’
advisory group (residents only).
Older Person’s Highrise Support         Various days      Various      530 Lygon Street,
Program Carlton (cohealth)              and times.        fees         Carlton
Enjoy morning tea, Chinese group        Contact organiser              9448 5515
activities, women’s group activities,   for information.               cohealth.org.au
healthy lunches, exercise movement,
plus get involved in the community
garden and get information from
the residents’ advisory group
(residents only).
ACTIVITY                                 DAY / TIME       COST    ADDRESS / CONTACT

Social Support Group                     Monday to        Fees    Kathleen Syme Library
Access support for adults with           Friday 9.30am    apply   and Community Centre
additional needs who’d like to           to 3.30pm                251 Faraday Street,
participate in social activities and                              Carlton
engage with their community.                                      My Aged Care 1800 200 422
Indo-Chinese, Italian and Spanish                                 myagedcare.gov.au
speaking groups available.
Eligibility criteria apply and
assessment required.
Support in Public Housing                Various days      Free   Community Hall
(Salvation Army)                         and times.               159 Melrose Street,
Take part in meals, outings, cultural    Contact organiser        North Melbourne
events, and get involved in gardening.   for information          9328 5361
For people over the age of 50 that                                adultservices@aus.salvationarmy.org
resides on the North Melbourne
housing estate.

                                                                           melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   39
ACTIVITY                                     DAY / TIME          COST        ADDRESS / CONTACT

The Carlton Gardens Probus Club              Monthly meeting     $50         The Clyde Hotel
Listen to regular speakers and take          at 10am on the      annual      385 Cardigan Street
part in cultural excursions and various      first Tuesday of    and a $20   (corner of Elgin Street),
interest groups including coffee             the month at        joining     Carlton
club, dine out group, golf, bocce and        the Clyde Hotel,    fee         0423 467 391
mahjong plus internet workshops.             followed by
                                             lunch. Interest
                                             based groups at
                                             various locations
                                             and times
The Probus Club of Carlton Parkville         Regular meeting     Various     Graduate House
Join in weekly, monthly and one-off          on second           fees        220 Leicester Street,
activities including bridge, creative art,   Tuesday of the                  Carlton
walking and cycling, movies, music           month, 10am                     probuscarltonparkville@gmail.com
and the arts plus science, technology,       to 12 noon
engineering and mathematics
related activities.

ACTIVITY                                  DAY / TIME       COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

U3A Let's Do groups                       Various days,    Various   Greek Centre,
Take part in special interest social      hours. Usually   fees      Suite 1, Level 5, 168 Lonsdale Street
groups including Let's Do Lunch,          free for members           (corner of Russell Street),
Let's Do Music, Let's do Movies, Let's    of U3A                     Melbourne
Do Galleries, Let's Do Theatre, Let's                                9639 5209
Do Walks, and Let's Do Cycling.                                      citymelb@u3a.org.au
Register for any of these by contacting
Melbourne U3A. New members are
welcome and encouraged to make
suggestions for activities or to
volunteer to run a group.

Enjoy meals and social activities         First Monday     Various   Kensington Neighbourhood Centre
with Australian Greek and Cypriot         of the month,    fees      18 Anthony Street,
Senior Citizens of Melbourne.             10am to 2pm                Kensington
                                                                     0413 546 708

                                                                               melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   41
ACTIVITY                                DAY / TIME        COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

Elderly Greek Club of                   Frida, 12 noon   Various    Kensington Neighbourhood Centre
Kensington and Flemington               to 4pm           fees       18 Anthony Street,
Share in meals and social activities                                Kensington
with other older Greek neighbours. If                               9658 9190
interested please attend on the day and                             healthyageing@melbourne.vic.gov.au
speak to volunteer committee members.

Harari Women’s Group (Carlton           Saturday evening, Various   Community Room
Neighbourhood Learning Centre)          5.30pm to 8.30pm fees       38 Elgin Street,
Share in meals, information, forums                                 Carlton
and social support. Women only.                                     9347 2739

Circolo Pensionati Italiani             Tuesday and      Various    Kensington Neighbourhood Centre
di Kensington                           Thursday,        fees       18 Anthony Street,
Enjoy meals, tombola and other          11am to 4pm                 Kensington
social activities.                                                  0466 870 554
ACTIVITY                               DAY / TIME       COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

Circolo Pensionati Italiani            Wednesday,       Various   San Marco in Lamis Social Club
di San Marco in Lamis                  11.30am to 4pm   fees      149 Canning Street,
Enjoy meals, outings                                              Carlton
and bus trips.                                                    0402 026 116

Association of New Elderly             Various days     Various   0425 766 485
Take part in a variety of activities   and times        fees      anenonprofit@gmail.com
in the central city.                                              ane.org.au

Victorian Lithuanian                   Second           Various   Lithuanian House
Pensioners Association                 Wednesday        fees      44 Errol Street,
Enjoy meals, outings and               of the month,              North Melbourne
social activities.                     11am to 2pm                0431 109 687

                                                                           melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   43
ACTIVITY                                DAY / TIME     COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

Chinese Arts Association                Friday,        Various   Jean McKendry
of Melbourne                            10am to 3pm    fees      Neighbourhood Centre
Share in a range of activities from                              91-111 Melrose Street,
singing, dancing, tai chi and Chinese                            North Melbourne
drumming, plus meals and other                                   9658 9190
social events.                                                   healthyageing@melbourne.vic.gov.au

The Federation of Chinese               Various days   Various   Suite 6, Level 4,
Associations (seniors group)            and hours      fees      20 Collins Street,
Take part in community meals                                     Melbourne
and other social activities in this                              9650 6468
Chinese seniors group.                                           f.c.a.victoria@bigpond.com

Happy Seniors Life                      Monday,        Various   Community Room
Take part in community activities       9am to 5pm     fees      Ground Floor, 480 Lygon Street,
and volunteering opportunities.                                  Carlton
                                                                 0431 771 949

ACTIVITY                         DAY / TIME       COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

Australian Romanian Community    Tuesday,         Various   Church Hall
Welfare, Health and Services     12 noon to 4pm   fees      55 Melrose Street,
Association of Victoria                                     North Melbourne
Take part in meals and                                      9348 9066
planned activity groups.                                    arc@ausromwelfare.net.au

Slavic Welfare Association       Thursday,        Various   Jean McKendry
Women’s Group ‘Nase Zene’        9am to 4pm       fees      Neighbourhood Centre
Share in meals, celebrations,                               91-111 Melrose Street,
outings, information, friendly                              North Melbourne
visiting and socialising.                                   0402 903 713

                                                                     melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   45
ACTIVITY                                 DAY / TIME       COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

Australian Somali Women’s                Various days     Various   Jean McKendry
Healthcare and Community                 and hours        fees      Neighbourhood Centre
Foundation                                                          91-111 Melrose Street,
Join in activities including sewing,                                North Melbourne
cooking, festival dancing, singing,                                 9658 9190
exercises and education. Women only.                                healthyageing@melbourne.vic.gov.au
East African Elders Association          Sunday,          Various   Kensington Neighbourhood Centre
Join in meals, outings and social        1pm to 7pm       fees      18 Anthony Street,
activities. If interested in attending                              Kensington
please come on the day and speak                                    9658 9190
to volunteer committee members.                                     healthyageing@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Men only.
Somali Senior Women’s                    Thursday,        Various   Community Hall
Group (cohealth)                         12 noon to 2pm   fees      Ground Floor, 510 Lygon Street,
Enjoy meals and share information                                   Carlton
and activities including walking and                                9349 7302
outings, plus social support.                                       maria.ibrahim@cohealth.org.au
Women only.

ACTIVITY                          DAY / TIME        COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

Federation of Spanish Speaking    Thursday,         Various   Ross House
Senior Citizens in Victoria       10am to 6pm       fees      247-251 Flinders Lane,
Join in meals, cultural, social                               Melbourne
and educational activities.                                   9650 1210
Spanish Elderly Group             Tuesday,          $3        Jean McKendry Neighbourhood
of North Melbourne                10am to 2pm       a month   Centre, 91-111 Melrose Street,
Join in meals, art and craft,                                 North Melbourne
toutings and social activities.                               0403 358 346
Spanish Group of the Third Age    Second Saturday   Various   Kensington Neighbourhood Centre
Take part in lunches, afternoon   of the month,     fees      18 Anthony Street,
teas, bus trips and a             11am to 7pm                 Kensington
multigenerational festival.                                   0433 121 448

                                                                      melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   47
ACTIVITY                                  DAY / TIME        COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

African Community                         Tuesday,          Various   Jean McKendry
Elderly Association                       Thursday and      fees      Neighbourhood Centre
Take part in outings, cards, billiards,   Saturday,                   91-111 Melrose Street,
afternoon tea and information.            2pm to 7pm                  North Melbourne
Men only.                                                             9658 9190

Eritrean Men’s Group (cohealth)           Friday,           Various   Community Hall
Take part in cultural events, meals,      2pm to 4pm        fees      Ground Floor, 510 Lygon Street,
information and social activities.                                    Carlton
Men only.                                                             9349 7302
Eritrean Women’s Group (Carlton           Friday evening,   Various   Community Room
Neighbourhood Learning Centre)            8pm to 10pm       fees      Ground Floor, 510 Lygon Street
Join in information, forums, social                                   Carlton
support and family outings.                                           9347 2739
Women only.                                                           cdc@cnlc.org.au
ACTIVITY                               DAY / TIME    COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

Horn of Africa Senior                  Wednesday,    Various   Kensington Neighbourhood Centre
Women’s Program                        10am to 4pm   fees      18 Anthony Street,
Share in meals, outings, information                           Kensington
and planned activity groups.                                   0413 247 004
Women only.                                                    hoaswg@mrcnorthwest.org.au


Carlton Turkish Group (cohealth)       Thursday,     Various   Community Hall
Share in meals, cultural and           11am to 2pm   fees      Ground Floor, 510 Lygon Street,
social events.                                                 Carlton
                                                               9349 7302

                                                                        melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   49
ACTIVITY                              DAY / TIME        COST    ADDRESS / CONTACT

Elderly Vietnamese and                Every second      $25 a   Kensington Neighbourhood House
Indochinese Social Group              Thursday,         year    89 McCracken Street,
Join information sessions, listen     10am to 12 noon           Kensington
to guest speakers and share a meal.                             9376 6366
Alternates with a trip outside                                  info@kenhouse.org.au
of Melbourne.

Indochinese Elderly Refugees          Monthly on        Free    Community Hub
Association Vietnamese                a Wednesday,              94 Ormond Street,
Elderly Social Group                  10am to 2pm               Kensington
Take part in meals and                                          9429 1307
social activities.                                              adminassistant@iera.org.au

ACTIVITY                               DAY / TIME       COST        ADDRESS / CONTACT

Line dancing                           First, second    Free        Kathleen Syme Library
Enjoy an afternoon of moving to        and third                    and Community Centre
music with this fun and interactive    Wednesday                    251 Faraday Street,
session that’s guaranteed to improve   of the month                 Carlton
memory and boost self-confidence.      1pm to 2pm                   9658 7305


Circuit                                Wednesday,       Free for    Carlton Baths
Take part in this resistance-based     5.30pm and       members.    248 Rathdowne Street,
class at your own pace. For all        Thursday, 8.30am Memb.       Carlton
fitness levels.                                         from $11    9347 3677
                                                        per week.
                                                        casual.     carltonbaths.ymca.org.au

                                                                            melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   51
ACTIVITY                                   DAY / TIME       COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

Alive and Active                           Thursday, 1.30pm $3 per    Carlton Neighbourhood
Explore your creativity through            to 2.30pm        session   Learning Centre
movement, voice, art and more.                                        20 Princes Street,
For people of all abilities. This course                              Carlton North
can be taken alone or with the                                        9347 2739
community lunch.                                                      info@cnlc.org.au
Gentle exercise group                      Friday, 9.30am   $20 per   Kensington Neighbourhood House
Improve your stamina, strength,            to 10.30am       month     89 McCracken Street,
flexibility and balance in this                                       Kensington
low-impact class.                                                     9376 6366
Health qigong                           Friday, 8am         Free      Federation Square
Activate your mind, body and soul       to 9am                        The Square, Corner of
with this Chinese system of physical                                  Swanston and Flinders Street,
exercise and breathing control, related                               Melbourne
to tai chi.                                                           9889 9999
ACTIVITY                                  DAY / TIME       COST           ADDRESS / CONTACT

Pilates and older                           Various days   $142       The Centre
adults exercise program                     and times      concession 58 Errol Street,
Strengthen your core muscles and get                       per term   North Melbourne
fit with pilates. Various levels available.                           9328 1126
Prime                                     Monday,          Single-visit   North Melbourne Recreation Centre
Get fit through a focus on resistance     Wednesday        or multi-      204-206 Arden Street,
training and functional strength          and Friday,      visit pass     North Melbourne
activities. Designed for people           10am to 11am     concession     9658 9444
60 and over.                                               passes
Tai chi                                   Thursday,        First          The Deck, Library at The Dock
Experience the calming qualities of       7.30am to 8.30am lesson         107 Victoria Harbour Promenade,
tai chi with a qualified instructor.                       free and       Docklands
                                                           then $10       0407 941 101
                                                           per session

                                                                                   melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   53
ACTIVITY                                  DAY / TIME      COST   ADDRESS / CONTACT

Tai chi and afternoon tea                 Fourth          Free   Kathleen Syme Library
Experience the calming qualities          Wednesday              and Community Centre
of tai chi. This low impact session       of the month,          251 Faraday Street,
will help you maintain harmony in         1pm to 2pm             Carlton
mind and body while improving                                    9658 7305
mobility, balance and mental alertness.                          healthyageing@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Stick around after class for a light
afternoon tea.
Tai chi and morning tea                   Thursday,       $3     South Yarra Senior Citizens Centre
Experience the calming qualities          9am to 10am            Fawkner Park,
of tai chi. Led by one of our highly                             65 Toorak Rd West,
experienced instructors, this low                                South Yarra
impact activity will help you maintain                           9820 2760
harmony in mind and body while                                   healthyageing@melbourne.vic.gov.au
improving mobility, balance and
mental alertness. Head inside after
the session and enjoy a light morning
tea among friends. During inclement
weather, sessions take place indoors.

ACTIVITY                                    DAY / TIME          COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

Tai chi for health                          Tuesday          Free         Federation Square
Experience the calming qualities            7.30am to 8.30am              The Square, Corner of
of tai chi with a qualified instructor.                                   Swanston and Flinders streets,
Please note these sessions are                                            Melbourne
delivered by different providers.                                         9889 9999
Aqua Movers                                 Timetable           Various   Kensington Recreation Centre
Join in simple water-based exercises        is subject to       fees      Corner Kensington Road
designed for individuals of all levels of   change. Please                and Altona Street,
ability and mobility, aged 50 years         contact the                   Kensington
and over.                                   centre for the                9376 1633
                                            latest timetable.

                                                                                   melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   55
ACTIVITY                               DAY / TIME       COST         ADDRESS / CONTACT

Low-impact cardio                      Monday,          Casual       Carlton Baths
Get a healthy glow from this           Wednesday        $14.75       248 Rathdowne Street,
aerobic-style class aimed at           and Friday,      Free for     Carlton
older people.                          9am to 10am      members.     9347 3677
                                                        Membership   carltonbaths@ymca.org.au
                                                        from $11
                                                        a week

Melbourne morning exercise group       Monday to        Various      Royal Exhibition Building
Join this welcoming morning exercise   Friday, 9.15am   fees         Museum Plaza
group and feel good for the rest of    to 10.45am                    9 Nicholson Street,
the day. Get to know each other                                      Carlton
through learning and sharing                                         0432 625 876
dances and exercises as well
as regular performances in the
broader community.

ACTIVITY                                   DAY / TIME         COST      ADDRESS / CONTACT

Pryme Movers                               Timetable subject Various    Kensington Recreation Centre
Share in programmed physical               to change. Please fees       Corner Kensington Road
activities with others of a similar age    contact the                  and Altona Street,
to keep you active and motivated.          centre for the               Kensington
                                           latest timetable             9376 1633
Young at Heart                             Timetable          Various   Kensington Recreation Centre
Build strength and mobility while          changes. Please    fees      Corner Kensington Road and
using a combination of bodyweight          contact the                  Altona Street, Kensington
exercises and weights. Designed for        centre for the               9376 1633
individuals of all levels of ability and   latest timetable
mobility aged 50 years and over.

                                                                                melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   57
ACTIVITY                                  DAY / TIME        COST         ADDRESS / CONTACT

Bus trips                                 Fourth Tuesday    Concession   The Centre,
Travel around Melbourne and to            of every month    cost is      58 Errol Street,
country areas within two hours            except school     $32 plus     North Melbourne
of the city.                              holidays and      $15 for      9328 1126
                                          public holidays   lunch

Access recreation facilities and programs Daily.            Casual and Carlton Baths
for people of all ages and fitness levels, Various times    memb.      248 Rathdowne Street, Carlton
whether through memberships or casual                       available 9347 3677
visits, from one of the City of Melbourne
recreation centres.
                                                                         Kensington Community
                                                                         Recreation Centre
                                                                         Corner Kensington Road
                                                                         and Altona Street, Kensington
                                                                         9376 1633
ACTIVITY                                  DAY / TIME       COST       ADDRESS / CONTACT

Access recreation facilities and programs Daily.           Casual and Melbourne City Baths
for people of all ages and fitness levels, Various times   memb.      420 Swanston Street,
whether through memberships or casual                      available Melbourne
visits, from one of the City of Melbourne                             9658 9011
recreation centres.
                                                                      North Melbourne Community Centre
                                                                      49/53 Buncle Street,
                                                                      North Melbourne
                                                                      9320 4700
                                                                      North Melbourne Recreation Centre
                                                                      204-206 Arden Street,
                                                                      North Melbourne
                                                                      9658 9444

                                                                              melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   59
ACTIVITY                               DAY / TIME     COST   ADDRESS / CONTACT

Chair yoga                             Wednesday,     $3     Kathleen Syme Library
Increase mobility and flexibility,     10.30am to            and Community Centre
reduce stress and calm the mind with   11.30am               251 Faraday Street,
guided breathing techniques. Enjoy                           Carlton
the company of others in a social,                           9658 7305
relaxed and supportive environment.                          healthyageing@melbourne.vic.gov.au
Please wear comfortable clothing.
Boyd laughter club                     Tuesday, 6pm   Free   Boyd Community Hub
Immerse yourself in fun aerobic                              207 City Road,
laughter for a natural high, to ramp                         Southbank
up your happiness meter, increase                            0408 552 269
positivity and manage stress. This                           info@laughterclubsvic.org.au
class will enhance your mind, body
and spirit.

ACTIVITY                                   DAY / TIME        COST   ADDRESS / CONTACT

Docks laughter club                        First Saturday    Free   Buluk Park at The Dock
Immerse yourself in fun aerobic            of the month,            (front of library).
laughter for a natural high, to ramp       10am to 11am             107 Victoria Harbour Promenade,
up your happiness meter, increase                                   Docklands
positivity and manage stress. This                                  0431 166 002
class will enhance your mind, body                                  info@laughterclubsvic.org.au
and spirit.                                                         laughterclubsvic.org
Fawkner Park laughter club                 Third Saturday    Free   Fawkner Park, South Yarra.
Get together for a medicinal belly         of the month,            Directions: We meet in a shelter
laugh. Laughter can help to improve        10.30am                  approximately 150 meters from the
physical, mental, emotional, spiritual                              Armadale Street entrance (off St.
                                                                    Kilda Road) - parking is available in
and social health.                                                  Armadale Street.
                                                                    0431 166 002
Federation Square laughter club            First and third   Free   The Atrium, Federation Square
Immerse yourself in fun aerobic laughter   Sunday of the            Melbourne
for a natural high, to ramp up your        every month,             0431 166 002
happiness meter, increase positivity and   11am to 11.30am          info@laughterclubsvic.org.au
manage stress. This class will enhance                              laughterclubsvic.org
your mind, body and spirit.
                                                                              melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   61
ACTIVITY                                DAY / TIME        COST         ADDRESS / CONTACT

Gentle exercise and meditation          First, second    Free          East Melbourne Library
Move with gentle, low impact exercise   and third Monday               122 George Street,
and meditation to improve your          of the month.                  East Melbourne
mobility and suppleness. Experience     10.30am to                     9658 9190
calmness achieved through various       11.30am
breathing and meditation techniques
guided by our experienced instructor.
Gentle Yoga                             1 July to 31       Gold coin   Jean McKendry Neighbourhood
Experience an hour of gentle            August - First and donation    Centre, 91-111 Melrose Street,
stretching, breathing and relaxation    second Monday                  North Melbourne
guided by our expert instructor.        of the month.                  9658 9190
Improve your physical and mental        1pm to 2pm.
wellbeing in a safe and inclusive
                                        2 September to                 melbourne.vic.gov.au
environment. Exercises can be
modified to suit all abilities so       16 September
everyone is welcome.                    – Weekly on

ACTIVITY                                     DAY / TIME         COST       ADDRESS / CONTACT

Meditation                                   Every Thursday     Free       Federation Square, The Atrium
Stay calm in the city, learn how to          (Note: no                     Corner Swanston and Flinders streets.
maintain a peaceful attitude to life         sessions in July              Melbourne
and reduce daily stress.                     or January),                  9655 1900
                                             8am to 8.30am                 admin@calminthecity.org.au
Meditation                                   Monday, 8.10pm     $14.75     Carlton Baths
Learn how to maintain a calm,                to 8.55pm          casual.    248 Rathdowne Street,
peaceful attitude to life and reduce                            Free for   Carlton
daily stress.                                                   members    9347 3677
                                                                from $11
                                                                per week   carltonbaths.ymca.org.au

Meditation                                   Tuesday,           Free       Federation Square
Escape the stress of city life to discover   12.30pm to 1pm                Corner Flinders and Swanston Street,
the peace of meditation for yourself                                       Melbourne
in these free , all-ages 30 minute                                         9670 6369
meditation sessions. Be guided through
simple meditations that relax the mind                                     info@meditateinmelbourne.org
and body, leading to a deep experience                                     meditateinmelbourne.org
of inner peace and contentment.
Beginners welcome. Drop in any week.

                                                                                    melbourne.vic.gov.au/seniors   63
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