2017 TRADE SHOW DIRECTORY - FRIDAY NOVEMBER 3 Exhibit Hall A Scotiabank Convention Centre

Page created by Jordan Hodges
2017 TRADE SHOW DIRECTORY - FRIDAY NOVEMBER 3 Exhibit Hall A Scotiabank Convention Centre
                FRIDAY NOVEMBER 3
                            Exhibit Hall A
             Scotiabank Convention Centre
2017 TRADE SHOW DIRECTORY - FRIDAY NOVEMBER 3 Exhibit Hall A Scotiabank Convention Centre
    SCHEDULE                                   TRADE SHOW FLOOR
     8 a.m. to   Trade Show hours                               ENTRANCE
        3 p.m.

     8 to 9:30   Breakfast
          a.m.   Sponsored by Rogers
                 Connected for Success
                 Delegate bag pick-up

    11:30 a.m.   Lunch and wellness break
            to   Lunch sponsored by Encasa
        1 p.m.   Financial Inc.
                 Massage break sponsored by
                 Rogers Connected by Success
     1 to 2:30   Public hours                        area

     2:30 to 3   Coffee break
         p.m.    Sponsored by:                                 SEATING AND
                 Appliance Canada                              BUFFET AREA
                 Coinamatic Canada Inc.
                 Infrastructure Ontario
                 Prize draw announcements

                         Pick up your
                         Passport at the
                         Trade Show                            SEATING AND
      PASSPORT           entrance for                          BUFFET AREA
                         your chance
                         to win a free
                         registration to
                          ONPHA’s 2018
                                               Best Deals partners Platinum sponsors Gold sponsors

2           2017 ONPHA TRADE SHOW
EXHIBITOR                   BOOTH                     EXHIBITOR               BOOTH
Accent Building Sciences Inc.               208      Legend Power                             506
Alterna Savings                             226      Lumenix                                  302
Appliance Canada                            403      McIntosh Perry                           103
Arcori Istcl Group Inc.                     406      Miller Waste Solutions Group             325
Building Up                                 305      Mitsubishi Electric Sales Canada Inc.    139
Canada Mortgage and Housing                          Morneau Shepell                          425
Corporation (CMHC)                                   MTE Consultants                          109
Canadian Housing and Renewal Association             Municipal Property Assessment
                                            432                                               115
(CHRA)                                               Corporation (MPAC)
Canlight Management                         304      Newtech - Vaportek Canada                428
Chamberlain Architect Services              427      NewViews                                 409
Coinamatic Canada Inc.                      119      Ontario Energy Board                     209
Collins Barrow Toronto                      434      Onyx-Fire Protection Services            133
Community Housing Management                         PlayPower Canada                         117
                                                     Plumbers Specialty Supply Plus           416
Community Services Benefits Trust           225
                                                     Practica                                 410
Compliance Sync                             203
                                                     Prentice Yates & Clark, Chartered
ComVida Corporation                         414                                               300
                                                     Professional Accountants
CORCAN                                      137      Pretium Anderson Burlington Inc.         135
Demtroys Technology Inc.                    303      Protect A-Bed                            308
Dome Services Group                         324      Public Services Health & Safety
Dulux Paints                                306      Association (PSHSA)
DX13                                        510      Reliance Home Comfort                    407
ECNG Energy                                 426      RentSmart Ontario                        500
Economical Select                           126      RespondPlus                              327
Enbridge Gas                                102      RMI Fire Safety Solutions                502
Encasa Financial Inc.                       104      Safety Media                             405
Enerplan Building Consutltants              113      Servpro Industries                       206
First General Canada                        408      Shaw Direct Satellite TV                 504
First National Financial                    326      SmartBurner™ by Pioneering Technology    204
FirstOnSite Restoration                     107      Smoking & Health Action Foundation       418
Go Time Lighting Solutions                  404      Sparkle Solutions                        412
Grand HVAC Leasing                          207      Strone                                   121
Great Northern Insulation                  200/301   Terminix Canada                          309
GreenSaver                                  227      The DMS Group                            101
H&S Building Supply                         424      Union Gas                                100
HD Supply                                   202      Ventilation Maximum Ltd.                 307
Healthcare Accounting                       123      Vipeq Canada                             508
Housing Services Corporation (HSC)         106/108   Warren's Waterless Printing Inc.         224
Iler Campbell LLP                           124      Water Matrix                             430
Infrastructure Ontario                      129      WINMAR Property Restoration              400
Institute of Housing Management (IHM)       131      WSP Canada Inc.                          205
K3D                                         402      Yardi Canada Ltd.                        201
Accent Building Sciences Inc. 		                        208   Arcori Istcl Group Inc. 				                         406
Accent Building Sciences is a Canadian engineering firm       Are you in need of a better solution for your housing
with three decades of building science experience with        portfolio management? Come to the Arcori Istcl Group
large, complex projects in both the public and private        Inc. (AIG) booth to see how their innovative software
sector. Founded in 1997, our professional team helps          solutions can help you achieve your strategic and
property managers and building owners replace or              operational goals. Arcori Property Management and the
repair building envelope systems (roofs, walls, windows,      Integrated Housing System can be your answer.
balconies) before a failure in the system leads to costly
repairs.                                                      Contact: Nicole McCourt
                                                              Phone: 1-807-683-0908 x 201
Contact: Bob Marashi                                          Email: NMcCourt@arcori.com
Phone: 905-474-9569                                           Website: www.arcori.com
Email: bob@absi.ca
Website: www.absi.ca                                          BEST DEALS
                                                               Building Up 					305
    BEST DEALS                                                 Building Up is a non-profit social enterprise that
    Alterna Savings 				                                226    provides training and employment in the trades
    Alterna Savings and Credit Union Ltd. is a member-         to workers from disadvantaged communities. Our
    owned union with more than 100 years' experience in        experienced tradespeople and trainees collaborate to
    putting people and community first. Alterna provides       provide residential buildings with energy and water
    what larger financial institutions don't – unique          efficient retrofits, reducing utility expenses and waste.
    products and services designed specifically for non-
    profit housing providers.                                  Contact: Marc Soberano
                                                               Phone: 647-993-5507
    Contact: Heather Simpson 		                                Email: marc@buildingup.ca
    Phone: 416-213-7900 x 7651                                 Website: www.buildingup.ca
    Email: heather.simpson@alterna.ca
    Website: www.alterna.ca                                   GOLD SPONSOR
                                                              Canada Mortgage and Housing 		                    401
    BEST DEALS                                                Corporation (CMHC)
                                                              CMHC has been helping Canadians meet their housing
    Appliance Canada			                                403
                                                              needs for more than 70 years. As Canada’s authority
    Appliance Canada’s Best Deals program offers gifts
                                                              on housing, we contribute to the stability of the
    to ONPHA members when purchasing Appliances.
                                                              housing market and financial system, provide support
    Take advantage of this great program! In addition,
                                                              for Canadians in housing need, and offer unbiased
    employees can also receive discounted prices for
                                                              housing research and advice to Canadian governments,
    personal appliances.
                                                              consumers and the housing industry. Prudent risk
                                                              management, strong corporate governance and
    Contact: Fred Mansoub
                                                              transparency are cornerstones of our operations.
    Phone: 905-660 -2424 x 2275
    Email: fmansoub@appliancecanada.com
                                                              Contact: Angelina Ritacco
    Website: www.canadianappliance.ca
                                                              Phone: 416-218-3320
                                                              Email: aritacco@cmhc-schl.gc.ca
                                                              Website: www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en

4              2017 ONPHA TRADE SHOW
Canadian Housing and Renewal Association             432       Collins Barrow Toronto				                          434
The Canadian Housing and Renewal Association (CHRA)            Collins Barrow Toronto is one of Canada's fastest
is a national housing organization which works to ensure       growing accounting, tax and advisory firms, combining
all Canadians have an affordable, secure and decent            a pragmatic and flexible business approach. With an
place to call home.                                            entrepreneurial mindset, we pride ourselves in the
                                                               company we keep and the value we create.
Contact: Mark Hughes
Phone: 613-594-3007 x 22                                       Contact: Maddi Thompson
Email: mhughes@chra-achru.ca                                   Phone: 647-726-0745
Website: chra-achru.ca/en                                      Email: methompson@collinsbarrow.com
                                                               Website: www.collinsbarrow.com
Canlight Management				                               304
Canlight is a full service property management company         Community Housing Management Network                105
providing comprehensive services including non-profit.         The Community Housing Management Network offers
We are an ONPHA member and our staff has deep                  day-to-day management services to clients in Ontario and
industry knowledge and education including rent-geared-        Nova Scotia. We have been providing service since 2009
to-income. They are trained to appreciate the sensitivities    and pride ourselves on being dedicated and honest with
of working within the non-profit environment.                  a focus on your community.

Contact: Gino Sisera                                           Contact: Kim Weiman
Phone: 905-625-1524                                            Phone: 905-853-5823
Email: Gsisera@canlight.com                                    Email: kweiman@thenetwork.coop
Website: canlight.com                                          Website: thenetwork.coop

Chamberlain Architect Services		                         427   Community Services Benefits Trust		                      225
Chamberlain is expert in the provision of architectural        In 2002, eight Executive Directors were looking for the
and construction management services, offered both as          ideal benefits plan for agencies in social services. It didn’t
stand-alone services or integrated for clients that want       exist… so they built it themselves. Community Services
a single source of responsibility for their projects. We       Benefits Trust is now the biggest of its kind in Canada,
specialize in the design of social/affordable housing.         serving over 700 agencies and 25,000 employees within
                                                               the social services sector.
Contact: Michele Camacho
Phone: 905-631-7777 x 237                                      Contact: Debra Tod
Email: mcamacho@chamberlainipd.com                             Phone: 604-542-7518
Website: www.chamberlainipd.com                                Email: debra.tod@csbt.ca
                                                               Website: www.csbt.ca
                                                               Compliance Sync			                                     203
  Coinamatic Canada Inc.			                           119
                                                               A free service that makes it easy for organizations to
  Coinamatic Canada Inc. is the leading provider of
]                                                              establish due diligence when hiring contractors by
  vended laundry equipment and related services to
                                                               automating the collection, tracking and management of
  the non-profit housing industry in Ontario providing
                                                               documentation to each client's own standards to ensure
  a variety of innovative payment solutions designed
                                                               contractors remain properly qualified, insured and third
  specifically for the convenience of your residents.
                                                               party verified.
 Contact: Susan Reynolds
                                                               Contact: Fernando Persia
 Phone: 905-755-1946 x 2711
                                                               Phone: 647-361-1505
 Email: sreynolds@coinamatic.com
                                                               Email: fpersia@compliancesync.com
 Website: www.coinamatic.com
                                                               Website: www.compliancesync.com

                                                                     NOVEMBER 3        . NIAGARA FALLS                     5

ComVida Corporation			                                  414   Dome Services Group			                           324
ComVida’s Employee and Financial Management                   We are a general contracting firm, offering a wide array
Software empowers your organization to streamline             of services, including emergency restoration, apartment
processes, automate your workflow and achieve                 renovation, building envelop, windows and doors
significant savings. Utilize our human resources, staff       installation project.
scheduling, time and attendance, payroll, general
ledger, payables, invoicing, receivables, and trust           Contact: Ray Tehailia
your accounting software to make complex decisions            Phone: 905-415-1851
efficiently. COMVIDA, SOLUTIONS THAT GROW WITH                Email: ray@domeservicesgroup.com
YOU.                                                          Website: www.domeservicesgroup.com

Contact: Shai Sakal                                           BEST DEALS
Phone: 1-866-666-1140
Email: ssakal@comvida.com                                      Dulux Paints					306
Website: www.comvida.com                                       Dulux Paints is a manufacturer and distributor of
                                                               architectural coatings and supplies.
CORCAN			                                             137
CORCAN is a key rehabilitation program of the                  Contact: Martin Wolf
Correctional Service of Canada (CSC). It contributes           Phone: 416-523-0923
to safe communities by providing offenders with                Email: martin.wolf@ppg.com
                                                               Website: www.dulux.ca
employment and employability skills training while
incarcerated in federal penitentiaries, and for brief
periods of time, after they are released into the             DX13       		            			                       510
community. CORCAN's work supports the social policy           TADA Distributing supplies DX13, a chemical free
of the Government of Canada to safely reintegrate             bedbug killer. Anyone can easily spray the 400g
offenders into society in a way that promotes their           aerosol can. DX13 provides continuous protection for
success as Canadian citizens.                                 a minimum of 21 days without harm to humans or pets.

Contact: Jean-Philippe Bourgeois                              Contact: Jerome Skara
Phone: 613-995-2006                                           Phone: 905-746-8134
Email: Jean-Philippe.Bourgeois@csc-scc.gc.ca                  Email: sales@dx13.ca
Website: www.csc-scc.gc.ca                                    Website: dx13.ca

Demtroys Technology Inc.		                         303         BEST DEALS
Demtroys offers a leading heat control system and
                                                               ECNG Energy				                                     426
monitoring solution for the social housing market,
                                                               ECNG Energy Group is Canada’s largest and longest
combining energy savings and tenants comfort. Our
                                                               standing provider of energy management solutions
wireless technology saves from 10% up to 40% (average
                                                               for commercial, industrial and institutional markets.
25%) for an 18 months to 5 years payback period
                                                               With more than 30 years in the industry, ECNG has
                                                               developed a wide range of products and services that
Contact: Jean-Sebastien Cyr
                                                               provide measurable value to clients every day.
Phone: 819-780-4272
Email: jscyr@demtroys.com
                                                               Contact: Matt Honchar
Website: www.demtroys.com
                                                               Phone: 905-635-3265
                                                               Email: mhonchar@ecng.com
                                                               Website: ecng.ca

6            2017 ONPHA TRADE SHOW
Enerplan Building Consultants			                       113
                                                             ENERPLAN BUILDING CONSULTANTS enjoys the
 Economical Select				126                                    reputation of providing non-profit housing clients with
 Economical Select provides exclusive, discounted            quality, post construction engineering and building
 rates on car and home insurance to ONPHA members            science consulting services since 1980. Services include
 and their employees. Call for a quote and your              building condition assessments/reserve fund studies;
 chance to win with our Select Sweepstakes. Visit,           Remedial Measures Actions Plan™; energy management
 selectsweepstakes.com for more information. 1-866-          plans; specification design; and project management.
 247-7700.                                                   ENERPLAN's services are designed to facilitate optimal
                                                             building and site performance.
 Contact: Raymond Doobay
 Phone: 519-570-8500 x 43351                                 Contact: Michael Doiron
 Email: raymond.doobay@economical.com                        Phone: 416-252-7259 x 104
 Website: www.economicalselect.com                           Email: Mike@enerplan.ca
                                                             Website: www.enerplan.net
 PLATINUM SPONSOR                                            First General Canada				                                408
 Enbridge Gas					102                                        First General Canada is your full service, 80 location,
 Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. has a more than              2000 employee, 30-year-old North American contracting
 165-year history and is Canada's largest natural gas        network. Our trained technicians respond immediately
 distribution company. It is owned by Enbridge Inc., a       to your fire, water escape and sewer or drain backup
 Canadian-based leader in energy transportation and          emergencies, 24/7/365. We specialize in stabilizing and
 distribution. Enbridge has ranked as one of the Global      thereby minimizing the initial damage and providing an
 100 Most Sustainable Corporations for the past seven        immediate detailed quotation for any repairs.
 years and was also named as one of Canada's Top
 100 Employers in 2015. Enbridge Gas Distribution and        Contact: Michelle Turner
 its affiliates distribute natural gas to over two million   Phone: 416-665-6680
 customers in Ontario, Quebec, New York State and            Email: michelle.turner@firstgeneral.ca
 New Brunswick                                               Website: www.fgsna.com

 Contact: Jennifer Cittadini                                 First National Financial 			                         326
 Phone: 416-495-5466                                         First National Financial L.P. is a Canadian-owned
 Email: Jennifer.Cittadini@enbridge.com                      mortgage services company with almost $100 billion
 Website: www.enbridgegas.com/homes                          dollars of mortgages under administration. We provide a
                                                             full range of mortgage products and services to providers,
Encasa Financial Inc.			                             104     individuals, investors and developers.
Encasa Financial Inc. manages the Social Housing
Investment Program, which offers housing providers           Contact: Daniel Bragagnolo
investment funds and tools to help you take an active        Phone: 416-597-5460
role in maximizing your investments.                         Email: daniel.bragagnolo@firstnational.ca
                                                             Website: www.firstnational.ca
Contact: John Osmond
Phone: 416-488-3077
Email: josmond@encasa.ca
Website: encasa.ca

                                                                  NOVEMBER 3        . NIAGARA FALLS                    7

FirstOnSite Restoration			                            107     Great Northern Insulation		                      200/301
FirstOnSite is the leading Canadian full-service emergency    Over the past 35 years Great Northern Insulation has
restoration company serving the commercial, residential       increased the comfort, energy efficiency and durability
and industrial sectors and the US large loss and              of buildings and homes throughout Ontario. There is
commercial market.                                            a difference that quality makes. Contact us today and
                                                              experience what a true professional contractor can do for
Contact: Tara Morissette		                                    you
Phone: 416-526-3054
Email: tmorissette@FirstOnSite.ca                             Contact: Mandy Clark
Website: www.firstonsite.ca                                   Phone: 1-800-265-1914 x 1265
                                                              Email: mclark@gni.ca
Go Time Lighting Solutions			                           404   Website: www.gni.ca
Go Time Solutions (GTS) provides excellent savings,
energy-efficient lighting and government rebates. The         GreenSaver					                                      227
best of LED technology and a significant resume in non-       GreenSaver is Ontario’s oldest not-for-profit energy
profit speaks to our professionalism. No charge audits,       efficiency organization. We deliver conservation and
solid installations and rebates processing, plus turn-key     demand management programs in an effort to reduce
service makes your upgrade a smooth process.                  energy consumption, lower costs and reduce our
                                                              collective environmental footprint.
Contact: Mark Lang
Phone: 705-795-1093                                           Contact: Tom Wynn
Email: mark@gotimesolutions.com                               Phone: 416-203-3106
Website: www.gotimesolutions.com                              Email: tom.wynn@greensaver.org
                                                              Website: www.greensaver.org
Grand HVAC Leasing 				                               207
Grand HVAC Leasing specializes in providing custom            H&S Building Supply				                                424
heating, cooling and water heating upgrade solutions          H&S Building Supplies Ltd. is one of Ontario's premier
to multi-family housing providers across North America.       maintenance supply wholesalers. We specialize in the
Grand HVAC Leasing provides a no-capital solution             multi-unit residential space; providing quality products,
that includes worry-free parts and labour protection,         competitive prices, on-time delivery, and product
bundled with regular maintenance. Over 5,000 units            knowledge second to none. We exist to service and
converted and housing providers enjoy new equipment,          supply the property management industry.
cash incentives, energy savings and continued
protection.                                                   Contact: Amit Shanghavi
                                                              Phone: 800-207-8325
Contact: Jordan Colby                                         Email: amit@hsbuild.com
Phone: 855-754-0530                                           Website: www.hsbuild.com
Email: jcolby@grandhvacleasing.ca
Website: www.grandhvacleasing.ca                               BEST DEALS
                                                               HD Supply					202
                                                               Count on HD Supply Facilities Maintenance to provide
                                                               you with the best MRO products, fulfillment, support
                                                               and services.

                                                               Contact: Heather Swift
                                                               Phone: 858-931-2127
                                                               Email: Heather.Swift@hdsupply.com
                                                               Website: www.hdsupplysolutions.ca

8            2017 ONPHA TRADE SHOW
Healthcare Accouting 				                            123      Institute of Housing Management		                    131
The Healthcare Accounting team has the skills and             The Institute of Housing Management (IHM) is a
experience needed by Ontario's non-profit housing             professional association and educational body dedicated
providers. Before hiring your next finance employee,          to promoting and enhancing the knowledge and skills
engage us instead! We will provide your organization with     of individuals in the property management industry.
the innovative accounting support that it deserves.           Established in 1976, our association is now over 40 years
Contact: Jon Irwin
Phone: 416-561-3724                                           Contact: Laura Fairley
Email: jon.irwin@hacompany.ca                                 Phone: 416-493-7382
Website: www.hacompany.ca                                     laura@associationconcepts.ca
                                                              Website: ihmcanada.net
Housing Services Corporation (HSC)                  106/108
Housing Services Corporation (HSC) focuses on the             K3D						 402
long-term health of Ontario's social housing asset. Our       K3D’s management system is an efficient, dependable
services help providers improve building efficiency and       and patented energy-saving, comfort-improving solution
reduce utility costs; support practical and cost-effective    for multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs). Independent
risk management; and help maximize capital dollars via        case studies by Union Gas and Stantec have verified
effective asset and data management.                          annual savings on heating up to 40-60%. And tenants
                                                              keep their windows closed!
Contact: Simone Ramtahal
Phone: 416-594-9325 x 251                                     Contact: Glen Doe
Email: sramtahal@hscorp.ca                                    Phone: 905-979-1664
Website: www.hscorp.ca                                        Email: glen.doe@k3d.ca
                                                              Website: k3d.ca
Iler Campbell LLP				                                   124
Iler Campbell is a full-service law firm with deep roots      BEST DEALS
in the non-profit housing sector. Call us for help with
tenant issues, employment matters, financing, real estate,     Legend Power					506
contracts, governance matters or litigation. 416 598           Electrical energy saving – uncover hidden savings in
0103 or visit our website at ilercampbell.com.                 your operation.

Contact: Fraser Page                                           Contact: Mark Bunker
Phone: 416-598-0103                                            Phone: 416-903-0709
Email: fpage@ilercampbell.com                                  Email: mbunker@legendpower.com
Website: www.ilercampbell.com                                  Website: legendpower.com

Infrastructure Ontario				                         129
Infrastructure Ontario's Loan Program provides
affordable, long-term financing to public sector
clients enabling them to modernize and renew their

Contact: Anthony Pizans
Phone: 519-869-2615
Email: Anthony.Pizans@infrastructureontario.ca
Website: www.infrastructureontario.ca

                                                                   NOVEMBER 3       . NIAGARA FALLS                   9

 BEST DEALS                                                      Mitsubishi Electric Sales Canada Inc.		                 139
                                                                 For over 30 years, Mitsubishi Electric Heating and Cooling
 Lumenix 					302                                                has enhanced people's lives by improving comfort,
 Lumenix is the trusted leader for LED retrofits in              conserving energy, and promoting environmental
 Canada with over 1700 successful installs. Our full             sustainability. Mitsubishi Electric Sales Canada is the
 service includes a free onsite audit, customized                Canadian division of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, a
 proposal and energy saving analysis, maximum rebate             leading manufacturer of variable refrigerant flow (VRF)
 processing, professional installation with a real-time          zoning and split-zoning heating and air-conditioning
 inventory, and post-install services.                           systems for both commercial and residential installations.
                                                                 VRF systems, which can dramatically cut energy costs, are
 Contact: Mehtab Virk                                            one of the fastest growing segments of the Canadian
 Phone: 855-586-3649                                             air-conditioning and heating market.
 Email: mehtab.virk@lumenix.com
 Website: lumenix.com                                            Contact: Clive Carr
                                                                 Phone: 905-475-3220
McIntosh Perry					                                  103         Email: clive.carr@mesca.ca
McIntosh Perry provides a full range of engineering and          Website: mitsubishielectric.ca
technical solutions that encompass every stage of a
project. With a team of more than 500 engineers, project          BEST DEALS
managers and technical experts, we find an innovative
                                                                  Morneau Shepell				425
solution to any problem, regardless of project size.
                                                                  Morneau Shepell is the leading provider of employee
                                                                  and family assistance programs, the largest
Contact: Greg Devine
                                                                  administrator of retirement and benefit plans and the
Phone: 905-856-5200
                                                                  largest provider of integrated absence management
Email: g.devine@mcintoshperry.com
                                                                  solutions in Canada. Morneau Shepell helps reduce
Website: www.mcintoshperry.com
                                                                  costs and increase employee activity.
Miller Waste Solutions Group			                            325
                                                                  Contact: Catherine Singzon
Miller Waste Solutions Group (WSG) is Canada's leading
                                                                  Phone: 416-445-2700
full-service waste management and service/repair
                                                                  Email: csingzon@morneaushepell.com
company. We manufacture, service, maintain and clean
                                                                  Website: www.morneaushepell.com
garbage chutes, compactors, containers and automated
recycling systems. Excellent customer service for waste and
recycling collection servicing all of Ontario with offices in    MTE Consultants				                                   109
Toronto, Ottawa and London, providing 24-hour service.           MTE Consultants is an employee-owned firm with
                                                                 250 employees in Burlington, Kitchener, London
Contact: Jason Tower		                                           and Stratford. Our engineering and environmental
Phone: 416-744-9183                                              professionals help resolve building and site needs,
Email: jason.tower@millergroup.ca                                including: hazardous material requirements, indoor
Website: www.millergroup.ca                                      air quality concerns, building condition assessments,
                                                                 building and structural repairs and more.

                                                                 Contact: Tania Krysa
                                                                 Phone: 905-639-2552
                                                                 Email: tkrysa@mte85.com
                                                                 Website: www.mte85.com

10           2017 ONPHA TRADE SHOW
Municipal Property Assessment 		                        115    BEST DEALS
Corporation (MPAC)
MPAC is the largest assessment jurisdiction in North           Onyx-Fire Protection Services			                      133
America, responsible for accurately assessing and              Since 1988 Onyx-Fire Protection Services Inc. has
classifying more than five million properties in Ontario in    been your premier partner in the service, repair and
compliance with the Assessment Act and regulations set         installation of all fire safety equipment and systems.
by the Government of Ontario.                                  We ensure your equipment is maintained by the most
                                                               experienced technicians and fitters, provide a best-in-
Contact: Jason Hagan                                           class customer service experience, and do it all for a
Phone: 289-315-0555                                            competitive price.
Email: jason.hagan@mpac.ca
Website: www.mpac.ca                                           Contact: Stephen Otulakowski
                                                               Phone: 416-674-5633
Newtech-Vaportek Canada			                             428     Email: sotulakowski@onyx-fire.com
All natural odour control and disinfection products to         Website: www.onyx-fire.com
remediate residential and environmental odours (pets,
urine, smoke, marijuana, cooking and musty smells). No        PlayPower Canada				                                     117
ozone. No synthetic chemicals. Safe. Simple. Effective!       Complete solutions for your park and play area needs, our
                                                              extensive line features high quality play structures, theme
Contact: Diane Wilson                                         products, outdoor exercise equipment, sports equipment,
Phone: 905-632-0921                                           and a wide selection of benches, picnic tables, shelters,
Email: diane@vaportek.ca                                      cooking grills and other park amenities.
Website: www.vaportek.ca
                                                              Contact: Elaine Tully
NewViews					                                         409     Phone: 519-770-5330
NewViews has been the go-to accounting software for           Email: elaine.tully@playpower.com
non-profit housing providers in Canada for decades.           Website: playpowercanada.ca
NewViews NPH adds sector-specific functionality like work
order management, unit maintenance tracking and an RGI        Plumbers Specialty Supply Plus (PSS) 		              416
calculator, along with a streamlined interface.               PSS is a Canada-wide wholesale distributor of high
                                                              quality plumbing, hardware, heating and electrical parts.
Contact: Kirk Lyn		                                           We have been in business coast to coast for over 35 years
Phone: 905-946-9460                                           and have a solid reputation based on quality products,
Email: lyn@qwpage.com                                         competitive pricing and superior customer service.
Website: newviews.com
                                                              Contact: Cathy Chin
Ontario Energy Board (OEB) 			                        209     Phone: 519-624-4050
The OEB is Ontario’s independent energy regulator. We         Email: cathy@plumbss.com
protect the interests of all energy – current and future.     Website: www.plumbss.com
Our job is to promote a viable sustainable and efficient
energy sector that serves the public interest and
provides consumers with cost-effective, reliable energy

Contact: Mandy Usprech
Phone: 416-544-5176
Email: mandy.usprech@oeb.ca
Website: www.oeb.ca

                                                                   NOVEMBER 3        . NIAGARA FALLS                       11

Practica					                                      410      Protect A-Bed					                                     308
Urban pet populations are growing and dog waste is          Protect-A-Bed (P-A-B) is a globally recognized
a messy problem for property managers. Our pick-up          manufacturer of bed protection products. P-A-B’s
bag dispensers and waste bins promote responsible pet       products assist in shaping the future of healthy vibrant
ownership, and keep your property clean!                    non-profit housing. Waterproof, pest proof, and allergy
                                                            reducing benefits of protectors and encasements will
Contact: Dan Tully                                          extend the life of a mattress and box spring. These
Phone: 519-624-9001                                         products create a healthier sleep environment for
Email: dan@practica.ca                                      the tenant and cost effective protection for program
Website: practica.ca                                        directors.

 PLATINUM SPONSOR                                           Contact: Brenda James
                                                            Phone: 416-833-5166
 Prentice Yates & Clark, Chartered 		              300      Email: Brenda.James@protectabed.com
 Professional Accountants			                                Website: www.protectabed.com
 Prentice Yates & Clark, Chartered Professional
 Accountants is a full-service firm serving and             Public Services Health & Safety 		                     125
 supporting the non-profit housing sector in Ontario        Association (PSHSA)
 since 1973.                                                Public Services Health & Safety Association (PSHSA) works
                                                            with Ontario's public and broader public sector workers
 Contact: J.J. Pauze, CPA, CA, LPA                          and employers, providing occupational health & safety
 Phone: 416-366-9256 x 230                                  training, resources and consulting to reduce workplace
 Email: Jj.Pauze@pyc.net                                    risks and prevent workplace injuries and illnesses. Our
 Website: pyc.net                                           consulting approach focuses on establishing long-term
                                                            strategic relationships to meet your unique needs.
Pretium Anderson Burlington Inc.		                    135
Pretium Anderson is a professional engineering firm         Contact: Jason Lobo
that provides high quality, evidence-driven services        Phone: 416-250-2098
including building envelope and structural restoration;     Email: jlobo@pshsa.ca
property condition assessments and capital planning;        Website: www.pshsa.ca
energy performance; and more. Information on all of our
services is available on our website.                       Reliance Home Comfort			                              407
                                                            Reliance is one of the largest home comfort providers
Contact: Jennifer Hogan		                                   in Canada with over 1.7 million customers, and a large
Phone: 905-333-6550                                         network of trained and licensed technicians to respond
Email: jennifer.hogan@pretiumanderson.com                   to our customers' home comfort needs 24/7/365. Our
Website: www.pretiumanderson.com                            mission is to be the destination of choice for Canadians
                                                            wanting warmth in the winter, cool air in the summer
                                                            and an endless supply of hot water.

                                                            Contact: Rob Kingshott
                                                            Phone: 416-234-4173
                                                            Email: rkingshott@reliancecomfort.com
                                                            Website: reliancehomecomfort.com/toronto

12          2017 ONPHA TRADE SHOW
RentSmart Ontario				                                    500   SERVPRO Industries				                                206
RentSmart Ontario is a non-profit educational                  Founded in 1967, the SERVPRO® Franchise System is
organization founded by a housing/homelessness support         a leader and provider of fire, water, mould and other
provider consortium. We provide interactive, life skills       specialty cleanup and restoration services.
knowledge for individuals facing housing insecurity
and homelessness. Tenancy rights, responsibilities             Contact: Kathy Farley
and relationships for landlords and tenants are focus          Phone: 615-451-0200
points.                                                        Email: kfarley@servpronet.com
                                                               Website: www.servpro.com
Contact: Sherry Madden
Phone: 289-362-4784                                            Shaw Direct Satellite TV			                          504
Email: sherry@rentsmartontario.ca                              Shaw Direct Satellite TV is a telecommunications
Website: www.rentsmartontario.ca                               company providing its customers with Satellite TV
                                                               solutions for their homes and businesses.
                                                               Contact: Charlotte Kellyman
 RespondPlus					327
                                                               Phone: 905-403-2664
 Flooring products and installations to ONPHA members
                                                               Email: charlotte.kellyman@shawdirect.ca
 for over ten years.
                                                               Website: www.shawdirect.ca/english
 Contact: Melanie Gibbon
 Phone: 905-567-7474                                            BEST DEALS
 Email: mgibson@respondplus.ca                                  SmartBurner™ by Pioneering Technology              204
 Website: www.respondplus.ca                                    Pioneering Technology is a proudly Canadian
                                                                innovation company designing, engineering and
RMI Fire Safety Solutions			                          502       producing state-of-the-art technology to protect
RMI provides consulting services, fire safety plan              people and property from cooking fires by offering
development and staff training across the Province.             high-quality, cost-effective solutions for multi-
Specializing in not-for-profits and care occupancies,           residential markets: Safe-T-element, "plug and play"
RMI has also developed plans for apartment buildings,           SmartBurner and Safe-T-sensor (for microwaves).
churches, golf courses, breweries and food distribution
companies.                                                      Contact: Janice Campbell
                                                                Phone: 519-817-3406
Contact: Ray McGill		                                           Email: jcampbell@pioneeringtech.com
Phone: 705-955-2355                                             Website: www.pioneeringtech.com
Email: rmcgillinspections@rogers.com
Website: rmcgillinspections.ca                                 Smoking & Health Action Foundation 		                 418
                                                               Smoke-free Housing Ontario provides free resources and
Safety Media					                                   405        services to landlords and property managers seeking
Safety Media provides property owners and managers             assistance with the adoption and implementation of no-
with a one-stop-shop for all their fire and life               smoking policies. Smoke-free housing keeps properties in
safety essentials. Our products help you meet and              a state of good repair and offers a healthier environment
exceed fire and building code, and workplace safety            for tenants and staff.
                                                               Contact: Andrew Noble
Contact: Mark Bridges                                          Phone: 416-928-2900 x 23
Phone: 416-675-6675                                            Email: anoble@nsra-adnf.ca
Email: mark@safetymedia.com                                    Website: smokefreehousingon.ca
Website: www.safetymedia.com

                                                                    NOVEMBER 3       . NIAGARA FALLS                     13

Sparkle Solutions				                                 412   The DMS Group 				                                 101
Sparkle Solutions is the industry leader in providing       DMS, the largest private manager of not-for-profit
multi-residential apartment laundry solutions. We supply,   housing, has a team of specialists who, for over
service and manage coin and card operated washers and       30 years, have been dedicated to providing the
dryers, while helping our customers to reduce operating     best of property management services to investor,
cost in their laundry rooms.                                government, private non-profit and co-operative housing
Contact: Maria Mascall
Phone: 416-671-1916                                         Contact: Debra Zalter
Email: maria@sparklesolutions.ca                            Phone: 416-299-0592
Website: www.sparklesolutions.ca                            Email: dzalter@dmsproperty.com
                                                            Website: www.dmsproperty.com
STRONE					                                          121
Established in 1987, STRONE supports insurance,              PLATINUM
residential, and commercial clients with emergency
and property restoration services throughout Ontario,        Union Gas					100
Montreal, and in Calgary. STRONE services include fire,      Union Gas Ltd. is a major Canadian natural gas storage,
water, storm damage restoration; mould and asbestos          transmission and distribution company based in Ontario
abatement; vandalism and vehicle impact damage               with over 100 years of service to customers. Since
restoration; and construction.                               1997, Union Gas Energy Efficiency programs have
                                                             helped Ontario residents and businesses save over 6
Contact: Rob Symons		                                        billion cubic metres of natural gas, and reduce carbon
Phone: 905-829-5707                                          dioxide emissions by the equivalent of 2.1 million cars
Email: rob.symons@strone.ca                                  for a year.
Website: www.strone.ca
				                                                         Contact: Shahid Jiwani
                                                             Phone: 416-495-5318
 BEST DEALS                                                  Email: SJiwani@uniongas.com
 Terminix Canada				309                                      Website: www.uniongas.com
 Providing innovative pest solutions for your building
 property. We have the knowledge and expertise to           Ventilation Maximum Ltd. 			                           307
 deal with pests swiftly and professionally.                Manufacturer of storm proof roof ventilators for attic
                                                            air circulation, eliminating problems such as moisture
 Contact: Mark Thomas                                       condensation and ice damming. Consulting services
 Phone: 416-889-5505                                        available.
 Email: mthomas@terminixcanada.ca
 Website: www.terminix.com/canada                           Contact: Martin Renault
                                                            Phone: 514-895-8216
                                                            Email: mrenault@ventilation-maximum.com
                                                            Website: www.ventilation-maximum.com

14          2017 ONPHA TRADE SHOW
Vipeq Canada					                                    508     WSP Canada Inc.				                                    205
Thermal Corkshield™ is a patented thermal barrier            With more than 25 years of experience in building
product created out of granulated cork that is fire          restoration, WSP has a proven track record of delivering
retardant and water resistant, and is applied to the         quality residential projects on-schedule and on-budget.
exterior of buildings and homes much like paint, reducing    We offer a full range of building restoration, property
heating, cooling and maintenance expenses.                   condition assessment, mechanical/electrical, and energy
                                                             audit services.
Contact: Rick MacIntosh
Phone: 905-812-2675                                          Contact: Dave Vella
Email: rick@vipeqcanada.ca                                   Phone: 905-529-4414
Website: vipeqcanada.ca                                      Email: david.vella@wsp.com
                                                             Website: www.wsp-pb.com/WSP-Canada
Warren's Waterless Printing Inc. 		                   224
Warren’s Waterless Printing has reached beyond the            PLATINUM
standard environmental practices to ensure it delivers the
most environmentally friendly and high quality printing       Yardi Canada Ltd.				201
outcomes available. The waterless printing process            Yardi is dedicated to the design, development and
eliminates the use of fresh water and greatly reduces the     support of property management and financial
use of harmful chemical compounds.                            software with comprehensive Canadian social housing
                                                              functionality including automated tools for rent-
Contact: Darren Stuckless                                     geared-to-income administration, waitlist management
Phone: 416-745-8200 x 241                                     and more with platform-wide mobility.
Email: dstuckless@warrenswaterless.com
Website: www.warrenswaterless.com                             Contact: Sam Jaishankar
                                                              Phone: 905-671-0315 x 7337
Water Matrix					                                     430     Email: samyukta.jaishankar@yardi.com
Water Matrix has been a leader in providing unrivaled         Website: www.yardi.com
water conservation solutions to the multi-residential
market over the past 25 years.

Contact: Susan Bermeo
Phone: 905-850-8080 x 244
Email: susanb@watermatrix.com
Website: www.watermatrix.com

WINMAR Property Restoration			                     400
WINMAR is a full service property restoration company
with over 90 locations across Canada. We provide
24-hour emergency service for fires, floods, sewer back
up, trauma scenes, vehicle impact as well as mould
remediation and asbestos removal. 1-866-4-WINMAR.

Contact: Deb Matz
Phone: 519-451-0000
Email: marketing@winmar.ca
Website: www.winmar.ca

                                                                  NOVEMBER 3        . NIAGARA FALLS                   15
Deals you can't miss at the 2017 ONPHA Trade Show:

             COMPLIANCE SYNC — BOOTH 203
             An innovative, new and FREE service to help protect your organization when hiring
             contractors, ensuring they are properly qualified, insured and third-party verified.

 Meet your mortgage experts! Whatever you need, Daniel Bragagnolo and his team have the
 expertise to tailor your financing package to maximize your opportunities.

             GREENSAVER — BOOTH 227
             We've done more turnkey retrofits than any other delivery agent in Ontario! The leaders in
             energy conservation program delivery, ask us how we can help you.

 K3D — BOOTH 402
 Find out how you can reduce your apartment building heating costs by 30-60% with K3D.

             PLAYPOWER CANADA — BOOTH 117
             One day sale! Get a 35% discount on a grand play structure. Valued at $17,760, housing
             providers only pay $11,500.

 Come and talk to our Energy Performance Team! We will show you how energy performance
 can improve your capital projects and save you money.

             Reduce operating costs, free up capital and eliminate water heater and HVAC risks! Get a
             customized property management solution to make your life simpler, one tenant at a time.

  We want to make fire safety accessible to all. Get our newest fire emergency procedure sign
  that incorporates braille and multi-language support.

             SERVPRO — BOOTH 206
             Be disaster ready! We’ll conduct a no-cost assessment of your facility to develop an
             immediate plan of action that minimizes business interruption when disaster strikes.

 Upgrade your equipment and lower your energy bills. Union Gas will cover up to 50% of the
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