May 15, 2022 Fifth Sunday of Easter - WEEKEND MASSES -

Page created by Betty Morales
May 15, 2022 Fifth Sunday of Easter - WEEKEND MASSES -
May 15, 2022 • Fifth Sunday of Easter
                                        WEEKEND MASSES
                                  Saturday 5:00 pm, 7:00 pm (Spanish)
                                         Sunday 9:00 am, 11:00 am
                                                   4:00 pm (at Holy Cross Mission)
      Masses are recorded and live-streamed on Saturday evening at 7pm and Sunday morning at 9am.
Saint Peter’s 70 Lady’s Island Drive, Beaufort, SC 29907 • Holy Cross Mission 83 Seaside Road, St. Helena, SC 29920
                     843.522.9555 • •
May 15, 2022 Fifth Sunday of Easter - WEEKEND MASSES -
Worship Guide
             Processional Hymn                                                                                                 Profession of Faith (Nicene Creed)
Alleluia, Sing to Jesus (CCH#444, vs. 1 & 4)                                                                 I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of
                                                                                                             heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I
Alleluia! sing to Jesus!                                                                                     believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son
His the scepter, his the throne;                                                                             of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from
Alleluia! his the triumph,                                                                                   God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten,
His the victory alone;                                                                                       not made, consubstantial with the Father, through him
Hark! the songs of peaceful Zion                                                                             all things were made. For us men and for our salvation,
Thunder like a mighty flood;                                                                                 he came down from heaven, (all bow) and by the Holy
Jesus out of ev'ry nation                                                                                    Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.
Has redeemed us by his blood.                                                                                For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he
                                                                                                             suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the
Alleluia! King eternal,                                                                                      third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended
You the Lord of lords we own;                                                                                into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
Alleluia! born of Mary,                                                                                      He will come again in glory to judge the living and the
Earth your footstool, heav'n your throne:                                                                    dead, and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the
You, within the veil, have entered,                                                                          Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from
Robed in flesh, our great high priest;                                                                       the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son
Here on earth both priest and victim                                                                         is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the
In the eucharistic feast.                                                                                    prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic
                                                                                                             Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
                                                                                                             and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and
                                  Penitential Act                                                            the life of the world to come. Amen.
I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and
sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in                                                                                     Prayer for Vocations
my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed
to do, (striking their breast, they say) through my fault,                                                   Lord Jesus, thank you for calling us to be your disciples.
through my fault, through my most grievous fault; there-                                                     Help us to love you and follow you with all our heart.
fore, I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and                                                     Bless us with holy marriages, families, priests, deacons,
Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me                                                     sisters, and brothers. May our parish bear fruit in many
to the Lord our God.                                                                                         vocations to the priesthood and religious life; touch the
                                                                                                             hearts of our young people and help them to respond
                                                                                                             to your call. Work through us to serve those in need
                                        The Gloria                                                           and to share your good news, that we may be a light for
                                                                                                             Beaufort. Amen.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people
of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you,                                                                                            Offertory Hymn
we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory,
Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord                                                                 You, Lord Are, Both Lamb and Shepherd
Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God,
Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world,                                                      You, Lord, are both Lamb and Shepherd.
have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world,                                                       You, Lord, are both prince and slave.
receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of                                                      You, peacemaker and sword-bringer
the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy                                                     Of the way you took and gave.
One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High,                                                    You, the everlasting instant;
Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the                                                  You whom we both scorn and crave.
Father. Amen.                                                                                                You, who walk each day beside us,
                                                                                                             Sit in power at God’s side.
Readings may be found at #558 in the pew hymnal.                                                             You, who preach a way that’s narrow,
                                                                                                             Have a love that reaches wide.
                            Liturgy of the Word                                                              You, the everlasting instant;
                                                                                                             You, who are our pilgrim guide.
                        First Reading: Acts 13:14, 43-52
          Psalm: We are his people, the sheep of his flock.
                                                                                                             Worthy is our earthly Jesus!
   Michael Guimont, © 1994, GIA Publications, Inc. Reprinted and Broadcast under #A-715698.   Worthy is our cosmic Christ!
                      Second Reading: Rev 7:9, 14b-17                                                        Worthy your defeat and vict’ry.
                                                                                                             Worthy still your peace and strife.
                                    Gospel Acc: Alleluia                                                     You, the everlasting instant;
                                                                                                             You, who are our death and life.
                                   Gospel: Jn 10:27-30
                                                                                                             Text: Christus Paradox, Sylvia Dunstan, 1955-1993, © 1991, GIA Publications, Inc. Reprinted and Broadcast under
May 15, 2022 Fifth Sunday of Easter - WEEKEND MASSES -
Worship Guide
                                           Holy, Holy, Holy                                                                                                       Communion Hymn
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. Heaven and                                                                                                      Shepherd of Souls (CCH#447)
earth are full of your glory. Hosanna! Hosanna in the
highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the                                                                                 Shepherd of souls,
Lord. Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest.                                                                                              refresh and bless
                                                                                                                                    Your chosen pilgrim flock
                                                                                                                                    With manna in the wilderness,
                                                                                                                                    With water from the rock.
                              Memorial Acclamation
                                                                                                                                    We would not live by bread alone,
We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your                                                                                    But by your word of grace,
Resurrection until you come again.                                                                                                  In strength of which we travel on
                                                                                                                                    To our abiding place.

                                                                                                                                    Be known to us in breaking bread,
                                                                                                                                    But do not then depart;
                                                 Lamb of God                                                                        Savior, abide with us, and spread
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,                                                                                   Your table in our heart.
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,                                                                                   Lord, sup with us in love divine;
have mercy on us.                                                                                                                   Your Body and your Blood,
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,                                                                                   That living bread, that heav'nly wine,
grant us peace.                                                                                                                     Be our immortal food.

                                   Communion Hymn
           Like a Shepherd He Feeds His Flock                                                                                                                     Recessional Hymn
                                                                                                                                                                   Easter Alleluia
Like a shepherd he feeds his flock and gathers the
lambs in his arms, holding them carefully close to his                                                                             Refrain:
heart, leading them home.                                                                                                          Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Come unto Him if you are heavily burdened,                                                                                         Glory to God who does wondrous things,
and take his yoke upon your shoulders,                                                                                             Let all the people God's praises now sing,
He will give you rest.                                                                                                             All of creation in splendor shall ring:
                                                                                                                                   Alleluia! (Refrain)
Like a shepherd he feeds his flock and gathers the
lambs in his arms, holding them carefully close to his                                                                             Call us, Good Shepherd, we listen for you,
heart, leading them home.                                                                                                          Wanting to see you in all that we do,
                                                                                                                                   We would the gate of salvation pass through:
The Lord God will shepherd them,                                                                                                   Alleluia! (Refrain)
for others have led them astray.
The lost He will rescue and heal their wounds and                                                                                  Text: Marty Haugen, b.1950, © 1986, GIA Publications, Inc. Reprinted and Broadcast under

pasture them, giving them rest.                                                                                                    #A-715698.

Like a shepherd he feeds his flock and gathers the
lambs in his arms, holding them carefully close to his
heart, leading them home.
Text: Isaiah 40:9ff, Ezekiel 34:11, Matthew 11:28ff; Bob Dufford, SJ, b.1943, © 1976, Robert J. Dufford, SJ, and New Dawn Music.
Published by OCP Publications. Reprinted and Broadcast under #A-715698.
May 15, 2022 Fifth Sunday of Easter - WEEKEND MASSES -
Weekly Update
                                                                        May 1, 2022
                                                                  Sunday of Divine Mercy
                                                     Attendance: 1,354                                     Online
                                               Saturday    Sunday		                                       Viewing
                                               5:00pm - 340      9:00am - 402 4:00pm (HCM) - 89              236
                                               7:00pm - 160     11:00am - 363                             Households

                                                                    Weekly Offertory
                                                              May 9          Month to Date            Fiscal YTD
                                               Offertory:     $38,033           $85,654               $1,650,361
                                               Budgeted:      $33,000           $66,000               $1,526,001
                                               Difference:     $5,033           $19,654                 $124,360
                Our Mission
    Invite people to encounter Christ,
   Invest in their spiritual growth, and
Inspire them to share Christ with others.                                      Mass - Envelopes $14,965
                                                                               Mass - Loose $3,754
                                                                               Mail/Dropbox $9,106
                Our Vision                                                     Online $19,796

   Hearts aflame with love for Christ,
    we will be a light for Beaufort.
                                                              Tithe since 7/1/21: $161,233
    Our Five Areas of Growth                    We tithe 5% of our collection each week to serve those in need and
                                               5% to share the faith, as part of our efforts to be a light for Beaufort.

                                                        Thank You for Your Generosity!
                                               We thank you for your continued generosity during these
                                               difficult times. We count on everyone contributing as they
                                               are able, sacrificially thanking God for all they have received.
  Community                    Small Faith     Please consider mailing in your offering or dropping it off
     Life                       Groups         at the drop-box in front of the parish office. You can also
                                               sign up for online giving on our parish website; simply go to
                                      and click on “online giving.” Thank you
                                               so much!

  Eucharistic                 Saint Peter’s
                                                      We Thank God This Week:
  Adoration                  Catholic School        For all who received Confirmation this
                                                    weekend, and for Bishop Guglielmone
                                                     coming to celebrate the sacrament

May 15, 2022 Fifth Sunday of Easter - WEEKEND MASSES -
Pastor’s Post
              Parish Office Hours                                           A "Holy Spirit Moment"
Monday – Thursday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm(Closed for Lunch
   from Noon to 12:30 pm) Friday 8:00 am to Noon        On Monday evening, we had a “Gathering the Flock” event out on Bray’s
                                                        Island. As I came up Ribaut to turn in front of city hall, I saw about fifty people
                                                        gathered to protest against the repeal of Roe v Wade. They were standing
              Parish Clergy                             along the road, holding handmade signs for the rush hour traffic, with the
                Rev. Andrew Trapp                       typical sort of slogans celebrating abortion.
                 Rev. Agustin Torm                      Stopped at the light right across from them, it struck me that this was a mirror
                Priest-in-Residence                     opposite of our prayerful “Life Chain” each October, in which I join many of
             Deacon Michael Beeler                      you and others in our community to pray in the same spot for the respect for                life. But the atmosphere here was much different—there was not any prayer,
            Deacon Daniel Carrera                       some people were dressed up in garish costumes—and my heart broke to see                people so confused, hurt, or misled.
             Deacon Gene Kelenski               As I began to drive away, I felt the urge to turn back, get out, and pray the
                                                        rosary for those there. But I was already running late to the gathering! I
                                                        struggled interiorly, remembering the homily that I had just given last Sunday
               Parish Staff                             about the Holy Spirit. I shared that we should have a relationship with the
                 Parish Manager
                                                        Holy Spirit, who is not a dove or an “energy” like The Force in Star Wars, but
         Willard Fosberry | 843.522.6501                the third person of the Blessed Trinity. He is not a something but a Someone,                the infinite love shared between the Father and the Son, whom we experience
           Director of Evangelization                   as “God in us.” He cares about us and wants to guide us in our Christian
         Nancy Compton | 843.982.6240                   journey, just as he guided the Apostles in the early Church.
             Pastor’s Assistant/RCIA                    If we invite the Holy Spirit into our daily lives, we can become more aware
           Leslie Tibbitt | 843.982.6241                of the ways that he gently “nudges” us to guide us in a particular situation.              These can be called “Holy Spirit moments.” We have to discern: is this the
                 School Principal                       Holy Spirit, or just something I am coming up with, or perhaps a temptation or
            Ann Feltner | 843.522.2163                  distraction from the evil one? The Holy Spirit would never guide us to evil or                 in ways contrary to our Catholic faith.
                 Youth Minister
            Dana Fisher | 843.522.6518                  So I thought, “Well, certainly this is not Satan tempting me to turn around
                    and pray; he would like me to keep going. And I don’t think it is me, because
                Hispanic Ministry                       actually I am a little apprehensive and I don’t particularly WANT to turn
         Sr. Monica Gomez | 843.473.0478                around, and I bet the food at the gathering will be really good and I’m kind                of hungry!” Having worked through that, and some other prudential matters,
                    Parish Life                         I concluded that it probably was a nudge from the Holy Spirit. Meanwhile,
     Charlene Williams | 843.522.9555 ext 287           every moment my car was getting further and further away. But I eventually                 concluded, “Andrew, you can’t just preach about these things and then not do
                 Pastoral Associate                     it yourself!” So a few minutes down the road, I turned back around.
         Sally Leyda | 843.522.9555 ext 572                 I parked and knelt in the grass at one end of the line, about twenty-five feet
           Director of Music Ministries                 away from the nearest protesters, and prayed five decades of the rosary
          Leslie Gereghty | 843.522.6508                with my eyes closed, lifting the whole group up to God. It was some of my
                    most heartfelt praying in a good while. I was nervous walking up, and a little
          Communications Coordinator                    apprehensive that some might come and harass me. But they left me alone,
         Anna Sudomerski | 843.982.6242                 with the exception of one man who had quietly come and stood behind me
                   with a pro-choice sign. (I was annoyed when I saw it, but now I kind of smile
                  Database/IT                           and think, “Well-played, sir!”)
           Maria Carrera | 843.522.6500
                     I left grateful for a little opportunity to pray for the unborn, and hope that my
                  Bookkeeper                            presence there might have been helpful for someone in the group or passing
          Theresa Smiley | 843.982.6237                 by. I arrived at the gathering an hour late, but thankfully everyone seemed to                 be pretty understanding, and there was even some food left!
Robert Widenhouse/Brian Wegmann/Rosa Canales            I wanted to share this with all of you, as an example that hopefully will                 encourage you to be on the lookout for Holy Spirit moments, and to try to
                                                        listen even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone!
                                                                                                                        - Father Andrew
May 15, 2022 Fifth Sunday of Easter - WEEKEND MASSES -
Worship & Prayer
                   Daily Mass Schedule                                                     Mass Intentions
                    Monday: 8:30am
                    Tuesday: 8:30am                                                              Saturday | May 14
            Wednesday: Noon at Historic Church                                  5:00 pm (Confirmation Mass) • For all who are making
                   Thursday: 8:30am
                                                                                                 their Confirmation
                     Friday: 8:30am
                                                                             7:00 pm (Sp) • Catherine DeLorenzo (Happy 85th Birthday)
 Saturday: 9am at Historic Church (First Saturday only)
                                                                                                  by Jeanette Brady

                                                                                                 Sunday | May 15
                          Confessions                                            9:00 am • William David Rice † by the Columbiettes
                                                                               11:00 am • Patricia Schad † by Roy and Valerie Lehman
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered on Saturdays
from 11am to 1pm in the main church.                                         4:00 pm (Holy Cross Mission) • For the people of the parish

                                                                                                 Monday | May 16
                                                                                     8:30 am • Amanda May † by Elizabeth Lewis

                   Anointing of the Sick                                                         Tuesday | May 17
                                                                            8:30 am • Josephine Duffy (Special Intention) by Celine Sayers
To receive the anointing of the sick, please call the
church office at 843.522.9555. This sacrament is available                                     Wednesday | May 18
to the chronically ill, the elderly, those facing serious
surgical procedures, and those in danger of death.                               12:00 pm (Historic Church) • Deacon Bill Lacombe †
                                                                                                  by Pat Musgrave

                                                                                                Thursday | May 19
                          Perpetual Adoration                                  8:30 am • Tracy Walsh † by Michele and Richard Swilpa

               Each moment that you spend in His Eucharistic Presence
                will increase His Divine life within you and deepen your                          Friday | May 20
                     personal relationship and friendship with Him.                 8:30 pm • James Bartley † by Elizabeth Lewis
                 You are invited to spend time with Jesus in the
                 Blessed Sacrament at the chapel located at the
                                                                                                 Saturday | May 21
                back of the main church anytime or at our Historic
                Church from 12:30pm - 6:00pm on Wednesdays.                  9:00 am (Historic Church) • Patricia M. Sheehan (Birthday) †
                                                                                                  by Bob Sheehan
At this time, adorers are especially needed for these hours:
                                                                                5:00 pm • Kate and Patrick McCaffery † by their family
                       Main Church                                               7:00 pm (Sp) • Anna Sudomerski (Special Intention)
                     Tuesday 4-5am,                                                                by Celine Sayers
                   Wednesday 12-1am,
                      Friday 1-2pm,                                                              Sunday | May 22
             Saturday 3-4pm, 5-6pm, 9-10pm,                                     9:00 am • Madison Klepesky † by Saint Peter's Parish
                  Sunday 1-2am, 3-4am                                                  11:00 am • For the people of the parish
                                                                                    4:00 pm (Holy Cross Mission) • Cara Groman †
   How can I sign up for an hour with Jesus?                                              by David and Rosemary Gardner
To sign up for a weekly hour with Jesus at the chapel, please
go to . Just click "Weekly                                    Save the Date!
Commitment" and then select one of the available hours. To sign
                                                                            Our Diaconate Ordination Mass of Paul Lacombe will
up at Historic Church, please call Anna at 843.922.9555.
                                                                            be celebrated on Friday, May 20, 2022 at 6:00pm at the
*If you need to bring a cushion, please take it home with you as well. Do   main church. Bishop Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS will be
not leave in chapel.* - Thank you.                                          the celebrant.
May 15, 2022 Fifth Sunday of Easter - WEEKEND MASSES -
Parish Mission
Mark your Calendars!
May 15, 2022 Fifth Sunday of Easter - WEEKEND MASSES -
Parish Life
                   Congratulations to all students
                   who are making their Confirmation
                   this weekend. May the Holy
                   Spirit continue to guide you and
                   strengthen you!

Ryan Joseph Bertagna
Diana Michael Benavidez Benavides
Katherine Watts Dymphna Brown
Margaret Grace Philip Neri Brown                                      Executive Director
Sophia Elizabeth Theresa of Avila Brown                 Lowcountry Outreach, a ministry of Saint Peter’s
Bianca Rosa Rosa Carrera                                Catholic Church, is seeking candidates for a paid,
Emmanuelle Michael DonJuan                              part time Executive Director. The ideal candidate
                                                        will have experience leading community service
Britney Therese of Lisieux Donjuan Martinez             programs, managing and leading a team of
Stefany Joshlyn Thomas Aquinas Donjuan                  volunteers and have a strong desire to serve the
Sheiry Madarlin Virgin Mary Figueroa Castanon           community in a compassionate way.
Tjay Rodrigo Michael Figueroa Castanon                  Basic responsibilities will include establishing
Paige Marie Elizabeth of Hungry Fosberry                and maintaining relationships with various
Benjamin Devon Luigi Scrossoppi Gambla                  existing service organizations, organize and
                                                        manage volunteer staff on site, and establish
Lauren Elizabeth Vitus Grice                            administrative policies and procedures for day to
Miguel Angel Maximillian Kolbe Hernandez                day Center operations.
Ethan Francis of Assisi Kelch
                                                        To be considered or obtain additional
Diego Juan Diego Loza
                                                        information regarding this position, please
Jesus Alexander Francis of Assisi Malpica Bartolo       submit an email with your contact information
Mary Carlyle Francis Xavier Musselman                   to or leave a
Juletf Our Lady of Guadalupe Muyulema                   message at 843.441.1587.
Keylani Virgin de Carmen Nava
Alejandro Francisco Sebastian Paz Cuellar                        Outreach Core Volunteers
Elder Yahir Michael Perez-Pedro
                                                        Lowcountry Outreach is looking for five people
Adison Reese Elizabeth Elizabeth Potter                 who will work 3-4 hours each week as the core
Cameron Riley Olivia Olivia Potter                      volunteers assisting the Executive Director in all of
Kaitlyn Janet Virgin Mary Recinos                       the work behind-the-scenes. If you are interested,
                                                        please reach out at the contact information above.
Jeff David Michael Rivera Lopez
Maria Guadalupe Our Lady of Guadalupe Trejo-Rodriguez
Luis Angel Jude Trejo-Rodriguez                                Dragonboat with the Knights
Brandy Catalina Romero-Flores
                                                        Paddlers are needed (especially women)! The
Katelyn Margaret Teresa of Avila Schoener               Knights of Columbus have sponsored a coed team
Lilyan Mary Mary Scoggins                               at the Dragonboat Beaufort Race Day on June 25 at
Harold Hermann Luke Scott                               Waterfront Park. The mission of this organization is
                                                        to assist cancer patients and survivors in Beaufort
Natally Sebastian Soliz Camposeco                       County. See for more
George Rafael Rafael Vidal                              info and call Tom Eibel 815 321-2659 if interested in
Dylan Jude Wegmann                                      paddling with the team.
May 15, 2022 Fifth Sunday of Easter - WEEKEND MASSES -
Our New Stained Glass Window!
     Peter Walks on Water
We are excited to have the first of
our two round stained glass windows
installed. It is in above the Saint
Michael statue, in the transept to the
right of the altar.

Our gratitude goes out to Lucile Hays,
who so generously gifted this window
to Saint Peter's in honor of her father,
Elisha Walker, Junior. She also donated
our tenth window, in which Peter heals
the paralyzed beggar in front of the
Temple. Thank you so much, Lucile!

           A Closer Look
Peter has just started to sink, and Jesus
has clasped his hand and rescued him.
They are sharing a moment of trust
among the crashing of the waves.

In the background, the rest of the
apostles are fighting with the sails and
struggling to stay afloat, as half of the
boat is submerged in the waves.

       Walking with Peter
Peter was able to have enough faith
to trust Jesus and begin walking on              From Concept to Reality
the water towards him. He had already
made it quite a distance! Like Peter, we     Here you can see the concept images
will often have moments where we will        that the artist made for us of both
be called by Jesus to step out in faith.     round windows, currently on display in
And like Peter, we will often take our       the narthax as you enter church. It is
eyes off of Jesus and begin to sink.         amazing how much detail was added
                                             as this window was created in its full
When waves are crashing around us            9-foot size, and how the colors are so
and it looks like we are starting to sink,   rich and vibrant!
we can cry out to the Lord, as Peter did,
"Lord, save me!"                                 Peter Receives the Keys
Are there moments when you have              The opposite round window will depict
stepped out in faith, or when Jesus has      Peter receiving authority from Jesus to
protected you in a time of great trials?     be the leader of the Church. We are still
                                             praying for a donor or group of donors
           Windows 1-6                       to come forward to gift this window to
         Are Almost Here!                    Saint Peter's. If you have been blessed
                                             by God to be able to give such a gift,
We expect the remaining six lower            would you please prayerfully consider
windows to be installed at the start of      it? If you give us a call at the parish
June. We have seen them in production        office, we would be happy to talk with
and they are beautiful!                      you about it and answer any questions!
Prayer & Parish Life
                                                                                                              62nd Annual Fall Bazaar
                            Pray for Our Parish                                                   Planning is underway for the 62nd Annual Bazaar on
                                                                                                  October 1, 2022. We invite you to join us as part of
              • For our parish discipleship and evangelization                                    the Bazaar team. It is a great community-building
                             efforts to bear fruit                                                experience, and it's fun!
             • For the success of our upcoming Parish Mission
                                                                                                  Here is a list of booths and names of leaders. Some
              • For the Holy Spirit to guide our young people                                     areas are open for new leadership or co-leadership.
                      who just received Confirmation
         • For the spiritual fruitfulness of our Alpha Gatherings
                    and "Gathering the Flock" socials                                                              Advertising/Publicity
                     • For all listed on our parish prayer list                                                      Louise Mathews

                                                                                                                       Silent Auction
                           Prayers for the Sick                                                         Martha Eline, Barbara Procida, and Sally Ellis
Chuck Aiken                                       John Kerestesi
Mila Alberto                                      Rita King
Karen Ammons                                      Joe Leapheart                                                         Church Tours
Amanda Bellnier                                   Gail Malott                                                       Father Andrew Trapp
Bill Benedict                                     Joanne Mauritz
Tammy Benedict                                    Barbara McCoy
Robert Bergmann
Betty Bernard
                                                  Meridith McGowan                                                   Craft Beer Garden
                                                  Teri Mikorski
Nicolas Binot                                     Peggy Mohr                                                           Chris Procida
Ardell Brown                                      Gilda Molzow
Sophia Brownlee                                   Liana Moussatos
Bradley Campbell                                  Katie Prince-Mulvihill                                             Crafts/Vendors
Rosa Canales                                      Flo Mucci                                                  Louise Mathews and Teresa Lowe
Brian Carey                                       Brian Murphy
Will Carpenter                                    Lee Nash
Lashawn Carter                                    Karl Nicolai                                                   Entertainment/Announcer
Peggy Cleary                                      Betty Norris                                                          Jack Gannon
Kelley Cochran                                    Evan O'Connell
Kim Coffee                                        Paula O'Donnell
Julius Colucci
Catherine Delorenzo
                                                  Irene O'Neil                                                    International Food Court
                                                  Mary Oenbrink
Paula Docteur                                     Kathy Paulik                                                         Denise Parsick
Robert “Bob”Doyle                                 Bruce Pifel
Marie Dula                                        Karla Rossetti Pippins
Crew Feltner                                      Camille Prince                                                         Kidz Zone
Chandler Firth                                    Teresa Reeves                                             Angie Calvert and Co-Leader needed
Sue Fox                                           Jackie Rice
Mark Garafano                                     John Rita
Pamela Gearheart                                  Linda Sue Robles                                                     Plant World
Dan Gilmour                                       Janice Sagedy                                      Dana Fisher, Youth Group and Co-Leader Needed
Vera Gwin                                         Nancy Schaffer
Linda Hager                                       James Searles
Miquele Haissig
Marcella Hatfield
                                                  Donna Senica                                                       Softer Libations
                                                  Robert Sheehan
Corky Henninger                                   Michael Slaughter                                       Harold Ketcham and Co-Leader Needed
Kathy Henry                                       Virgie Slaughter
Kevin Higgins                                     Shenandoah Smith
Anne Hirschmann                                   Karen Smyth                                                          Sweet Shoppe
Paul Hirschmann                                   Marvin Stanley                                                       Leader Needed
Jean Hoelle                                       Leslie Suda
Pat Hoffman                                       Doris Taylor
Robert Hunter                                     Barbara Van Lehn
Salvatore Inglese                                 Rosita Vega                                     If you are interested in leading, co-leading, or working
Salvador Johnson                                  Rosey Wegmann
Mildred Judenis                                   Kamay Weiskopf                                  in any of the activities or booths, contact Parish Life
Kevin Kane                                        Camilla Wisor                                   Coordinator, Charlene Williams at 843.522.6512 or email
Peggy Kane                                        Michael Woods
Ellen Keith                                       Paul Yearsley                         
Stephanie Kelenski
                                                                                                  We hope to hear from you soon! We also ask that you
Names in bold were added this week. Names stay on the prayer list for 30 days. In case of
chronic illness, please call the parish office to keep a person on the list for a longer time .   pray for the success of the Bazaar. Mark your calendars
                        Prayers In Continuance                                                    for October 1, 2022!
We ask that you continue to pray for all our Health Care Professionals,
First Responders, Nursing Care Personnel, and all who work for the safety
and well being of those affected with virus of any kind.
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