Intouch News of ministries - The most dangerous countries to be a Christian in 2022 - Affinity

Page created by Janice Barton
Intouch News of ministries - The most dangerous countries to be a Christian in 2022 - Affinity
Issue 23

                                                        Spring 2022

                                                      News of ministries
                                                      within the
                                                      Affinity Family

The most dangerous
countries to be a
Christian in 2022
How Africa Inland Mission   A conversation with the
is responding with you to   Free Church of Scotland
God’s call 04               07
Intouch News of ministries - The most dangerous countries to be a Christian in 2022 - Affinity
Affinity is a growing network
of 1,200 Bible-centred
churches and Christian
organisations throughout
Britain and Ireland. We
declare and demonstrate
the unity of Christ’s Church
for the advancement of
Christ’s kingdom.
Intouch News of ministries - The most dangerous countries to be a Christian in 2022 - Affinity
Director’s Desk
Since our last edition, we have substantially   We are grateful for every opportunity,
emerged from two years of Covid restrictions    however hostile the environment, please
which have affected us all in some way or       pray for us every time we speak up. We
other and has been a very challenging time      would love to have more interviews on a
for churches and church leaders. We pray for    wider range of topics.
churches to be united to be re-energised in
gathering, praising God and serving together    Already this year we have had the joy of
under Christ.                                   welcoming new members to Affinity, one
                                                of whom, London City Mission, is featured
Europe had hardly caught its breath from        in this edition. Also featured is one of
Covid when Russia started a war in Ukraine.     our oldest members – in fact, a founding
We’ve witnessed on our TVs and newsfeeds        member of Affinity – the Free Church of
a brutal war with large scale destruction       Scotland. I had the privilege of speaking
in cities, resulting in many casualties and     with Andrew and David about their aim
displaced people. Many of our churches are      for ‘a healthy gospel church for every
involved in prayer, material support and in     community in Scotland’. We also have
some cases offering homes to refugees. If       articles from two Affinity mission partners,
you have any stories of your connections        Africa Inland Mission and Barnabas Fund.
and support of Ukrainians we would love to
hear from you.                                  We trust you will find this edition of InTouch
                                                encouraging and informative and we would
We know pandemics and conflicts are all         love to hear from you with any comments
part of living in the last days before Christ   or questions.
returns so it is no surprise and should
make us more dependent on God and               Wishing you God’s richest blessing
eager to spread gospel hope with others. I
think for many of us the pandemic has not
prompted the spiritual hunger we hoped it
might but we pray on for fruitfulness on our
front lines.                                       Graham
Affinity and our partners have continued to
speak up in the public square with many
interviews on radio and TV. We have been
at the forefront of making representations
to the government about the proposed ban
on so-called ‘Conversion Therapy’. We
deplore any abusive, violent or coercive
behaviour but we believe that explaining
what God’s word says about sexuality and
gender and encouraging people to follow it
is not abusive or harmful.

Intouch News of ministries - The most dangerous countries to be a Christian in 2022 - Affinity
                                  with you to God’s
                                  call in Africa
                                                           127 years ago Africa Inland
                                                           Mission’s (AIM) founders
                                                           set out from Mombasa on
                                                           the East African coast with a
                                                           vision to establish mission
                                                           stations all along the way
                                                           to Lake Chad and take the
                                                           gospel to Africa’s unreached
                                                           ‘inland’ peoples.

                                                           Today, it’s estimated
                                                           some 48% of the African
                                                           population claims the label
                                                           of Christian and the growth
                                                           of the church in much of
                                                           sub-Saharan Africa is a cause
                                                           of praise to our God who
                                                           loves to save and will see
                                                           his glory made known across
                                                           the whole earth.

Africa Inland Mission serves
and partners with churches
to fulfil the Great Commission
and advance the gospel
among Africans who have the         Join us in praying
least opportunity to hear about     for more people in
Jesus. Find out more about AIM      North Africa to be
                                    open to the Spirit’s
by visiting:          leading.

Intouch News of ministries - The most dangerous countries to be a Christian in 2022 - Affinity
From holding AK47s to leading
bible study groups

This is not the end of the       care has to be exercised.       some teaching from a local
story of the spread of           Looking to engage in            Muslim religious leader.
the gospel across Africa’s       conversations that point        My sister is very good at
people. A few years ago, a       to the real hope that is        asking questions or making
group of South Sudanese          found in Jesus, with those      comments, and these
men, from the Laarim             who become friends              have in the past caused
people group, sat watching       over time, is how our           disagreement with the lady
the Jesus video with AK47s       workers spend their days.       who teaches.
across their laps and were       It’s a long hard slog to
astounded that Jesus rose        learn the local language        ‘Recently the lady stopped
from the dead. This was          and build relationships         teaching. After some
something they had never         with individuals and            time, she approached my
heard before. Today, Laarim      families – often alongside      friend to discuss the fact
believers are leading bible      professional work or            that she had been having
study groups among their         running businesses that         dreams, some of which
villages as the gospel has       enable us to be in-country.     she was being told to stop
taken root and the Holy          This is interspersed with       teaching as she was not
Spirit has given new life.       wonderful accounts of           speaking the truth. My
This is just one of the many     the Holy Spirit working in      friend has delighted in
unreached people groups          unexpected ways, brave          speaking to and directing
to be found in sub-Saharan       local believers boldly          her colleague to Google
Africa that is moving            confessing Christ in their      certain phrases, which has
towards being reached            communities, and Jesus          led to her reading portions
– having a viable church         meeting people in their         of Scripture of her own
established that can reach       dreams to draw them to          seeking and returning
out to its own people –          himself. He is building his     to my friend with more
despite the resistance and       church but generally, our       questions.’
enmity from those who            work is slow and hard.          >> Continues on next page
hold fast to their traditional
animistic religion and           One of our workers in North
                                                                 Angelo is a Laarim man who
beliefs.                         Africa recently shared,         has accepted Christ, and who
                                 ‘I meet for fellowship          is sharing the gospel within his
Move into the almost             regularly with a local sister   community.
entirely unreached Islamic       who has been a believer
world of North Africa,           for many years. She has a
where a group of men             great knowledge of the
or women sitting down            Bible, especially Jesus’s
to watch the Jesus video         words, and a determined
together is a rare and           conviction to live out these
risk-laden occurrence and,       words. In her workplace,
if it does happen, great         each day begins with

Intouch News of ministries - The most dangerous countries to be a Christian in 2022 - Affinity
every community in Scotland
Together we can help take the gospel

                                                                 A healthy gospel church for
to the remaining 1,000 unreached
African people groups
AIM is privileged to still       a relatively well-off western
be involved in sharing           church to work alongside
the gospel in Africa, with       an African worker whose
some 700 missionaries            church members simply
across 25 African countries      don’t have the finance to
and diaspora – the spread        support their pastor, let
of people beyond their           alone a missionary? Who
homeland – ministries            has the power in such a
beyond the African               relationship and how do
continent. The world has         we honour the work and
changed and the church in        ministry of all? How do we
Africa has grown since our       keep our historical and
Anglo-American founders          cultural baggage from
first followed God’s call.       getting in the way?
Listening to and keeping
in step with the Holy Spirit     The effort is worth it. Jesus
as he raises up workers          calls us all to serve and
from all over the globe –        share in his mission to
particularly from Africa         build his church and make
– is increasingly shaping        his salvation and glory
and restructuring our            made known to the ends
organisation. The church         of the earth. This call to
of Jesus Christ is glorious      his mission is not primarily
in its diversity and to          to AIM, or other mission
reflect that in the make-up      agencies, but to the church
of our teams of workers          – God has simply raised up
contending together for          organisations like AIM to
the faith among unreached        serve and support churches
peoples is a powerful            to realise their call to go
demonstration that we are        and make disciples of all
his disciples, as we love one    nations.
another over and above
our cultural and racial          Together, in partnership
differences.                     with churches across Africa
                                 and other places, we can
Pray for us in this, it’s not    help take the gospel to the
easy, but it’s right to do.      remaining 1,000 unreached
Not just on a theoretical        African people groups.
level but practically too: for
example, how do we deal
with placing a worker from
Intouch News of ministries - The most dangerous countries to be a Christian in 2022 - Affinity
How did the FCoS begin and tell us a little bit
                                                 about its history up until now?

                                                 David: I could be cheeky and say it began
                                                 in Acts 2! Currently, the Free Church
                                                 of Scotland is the largest evangelical
                                                 Presbyterian denomination in Europe. We
                                                 have about 115 churches spread through
                                                 six presbyteries in Scotland and one in
                                                 North America. We essentially split from the
                                                 Church of Scotland, the main Presbyterian
                                                 denomination, in 1843 in an event called
                                                 ‘the disruption’. A robustly reformed
                                                 evangelical denomination was formed and
                                                 the ‘free’ bit means free from state control.
At the beginning of this year the Free Church
                                                 We talk about the FCoS in terms of three
of Scotland, a founding member of Affinity,
                                                 C’s: we are confessional – we subscribe to
launched their new vision. Their primary
                                                 the Westminster Confession of Faith; we
aim for each church in Scotland is not simply
                                                 are complementarian – we only appoint
to grow the number of churches or church
                                                 males to public leadership positions; we’re
members but that they might be thriving
                                                 contemporary – we like to engage with
                                                 culture. And of course, dominating it all, I
                                                 hope that we are Christ-like.
We spoke with Andrew Giffen, CEO, and
David Meredith, Mission Director, with the
purpose of digging into this vision statement,
we asked why even write one and what it
practically looks like.

Intouch News of ministries - The most dangerous countries to be a Christian in 2022 - Affinity
Tell us more about this vision the FCoS has
just launched and help us to understand its

Andrew: Our vision is: ‘a healthy gospel
church for every community in Scotland’
and although we’re launching it as our
focus this year I would hope you could say
this is something we’ve been committed
to before and something we will hopefully
be engaged in for many years to come.
Launching it this way is a reminder that
we’re concentrating on seeking spiritual
health in Scotland. There’s been a lot of talk
over the last while about physical health
and mental health but we want to promote
spiritual health and we want to grow
healthy gospel churches that are a blessing
to the communities around them. It helps
to focus again on seeking God’s will and
direction for us as a church.

It’s really a call to say, actually, what would it
mean for us to grow in health, whether it’s          What does a ‘healthy church’ look like?
individuals growing in spiritual health or as
whole congregations? What could we do                Andrew: A healthy gospel church is
to improve our health and be that bit more           one where the word of God is faithfully
effective in advancing God’s kingdom and             proclaimed and explained, where people
following his leading for what he wants to           are growing in their relationship with
accomplish in Scotland? And it’s not just            God and where people are coming to
about us growing healthy FCoS church                 faith. We want to see God glorified in our
congregations, we want to partner with               worship together and be intentional about
other denominations and networks.                    mission and evangelism and a little more
                                                     intentional in our conversation with people
David: There are three strands to what we’re         around us. We also want to see exemplary
hoping to achieve: we’re aiming to plant 30          leadership developed so we’re making it a
new churches by 2030, we want to revitalise          priority to train leaders well, helping them
congregations and have 20-25 churches                to be good leaders for the future.
that are intentionally trying to refresh. We’ve
also revamped our global mission.

Intouch News of ministries - The most dangerous countries to be a Christian in 2022 - Affinity
How can we pray for the Free Church of

                                                Andrew: Please pray for people to join us,
                                                whether it’s church planters, ministers in
                                                training or experienced church leaders.
                                                Pray also for the finances involved, planting
                                                churches is not cheap and training
                                                ministers is not cheap but actually, it’s
                                                money well spent in terms of kingdom

                                                Pray also that there would be that sense
                                                of God moving by his Holy Spirit to bring
What is the Free Church of Scotland doing to    people to faith and grow people in their
help support healthy churches?                  relationship with him. Pray that we faithfully
                                                proclaim the gospel message and that we
Andrew: There is a group who are looking        see lives transformed and communities
for new opportunities and identifying           blessed as a result of that. It has to be God
people who can lead church plants so            at work, therefore please join us in praying
we work with the Board of Ministry and          for God to do all that he intends in this land.
particularly with Edinburgh Theological
Seminary to train our own ministers. We’re      David: Join us in praying that we see a
also bringing training to ministers and         movement of God and our hearts will burn
Christian leaders throughout Scotland           within us as we get excited about Jesus. We
using a new ministry training model             want to be God’s ambassadors taking his
that combines theological study with            word into every community in Scotland.
placement in a church throughout their
entire time at seminary. So by the time         Well, Andrew and David, thank you
they get to the end of their studies they are   very much.
better equipped and ready to help build
healthy churches. We also have in place
central financial support structures.

David: We support church planters through
peer-to-peer support and coaching – we’re
well on the way to getting 20 to 30 of our
ministers into mentoring relationships.
                                                         You can watch the full interview on
We’re also running boot camps where we’re
                                                         the Affinity Youtube channel:
identifying young leaders. We know if we’re
going to have 30 new churches in the next
ten years we need to have at least 70 new
                                                         To find out more about the Free Church
ministers – we’re working hard to reach this
                                                         of Scotland and its vision visit:
ambitious goal.

Intouch News of ministries - The most dangerous countries to be a Christian in 2022 - Affinity
The countries
                       where it’s most
                       dangerous to be a
                       Christian in 2022
Barnabas Fund stands            sources, and affects          severely persecuted, their
alongside our Christian         different Christian           followers incarcerated in
brothers and sisters where      communities in distinctive    harsh labour camps and
they suffer discrimination      ways. This complexity         prisons where sometimes
and persecution by providing    means that it is a rather     they die, while other
aid through their partners      fruitless endeavour to try    Christians face almost no
on the ground encouraging       to rank countries in order    harassment? What about
prayer, telling their untold    of severity of Christian      Nigeria where the violence
stories and speaking out on     persecution. How do you       against Christians in certain
their behalf.                   compare Pakistan, with        parts has been described
                                a Christian community         as a ‘Christian genocide’?
The return of the Taliban to    of about five million,        It is conservatively
power in August 2021 led        living their faith openly     estimated that almost
to Afghanistan becoming         and freely albeit with        10,000 Christians have
an even more acutely            discrimination, where at      been killed by Islamists
dangerous land for its          least four Christians have    since 2015 in the North
Christians, all of whom are     been killed in the last six   and Middle Belt, but in the
converts from Islam or their    months, with Mauritania       South, where Christians
children. Like the Christians   where there have been no      are dominant, there are no
of Somalia, they are being      known deaths of Christians    such incidents?
hunted down by those            in recent decades, but the
who seek to eliminate           tiny number of indigenous     Despite some liberalisation
‘apostates’ from the country    Christians are secret         in other areas of life,
completely.                     believers whose lives         Saudi Arabia – home to
                                would be in grave peril       Islam’s most holy sites,
Anti-Christian persecution      if their faith was known?     Mecca and Medina and
can take many forms,            What about Eritrea where      to ultra-strict Wahhabi
comes from various              some denominations are        Islam – remains extremely

hostile to Christians. The      of Christian converts from
fact of Christmas trees and     Islam has mainly taken the     Barnabas Fund is
decorations openly on sale      form of imprisonment or        thankful to the Lord that
in December 2021 may            internal exile on various      we can provide help to
seem trivial, even irrelevant   pretexts.                      persecuted Christians in
to the real Christian                                          many countries around
faith, but is actually a        Large numbers of               the world. Our aid
momentous move in a             Christians have died at the    has reached suffering
country that previously         hands of the Buddhist-         Christians in more than
banned any public sign          dominated government of        100 countries providing
of a non-Islamic religion.      Myanmar (Burma) in the         food parcels, medical
Conversion from Islam           last six decades. Attacks      supplies, schooling
is still a capital offence      are still being launched by    and higher education,
although no Christians have     the military on the towns      disaster relief, vocational
been executed for apostasy      and villages of Christian-     training and income-
in recent years.                majority ethnic groups.        generation projects,
                                                               practical support for
In Iran, too, the state         Last, but by no means          the victims of violence,
can execute apostates,          least, we must mention         Bibles and other
Rev. Hossein Soodmand           communist North Korea,         spiritual resources, and
was hanged for this in          where Christians continue      support for full-time
1990. In the following          to face imprisonment,          Christian workers
few years, a handful of         torture and death, where       ministering in their
prominent Christian             even praying or reading        own contexts. For more
leaders died in mysterious      the Bible can lead to whole    information, visit
circumstances, but since        families being sent to cruel
then the persecution of the     labour camps, where they       and
rapidly growing number          may die from the hardships

A story                                        One in three people in London is unlikely to have
                                                    a Christian friend. During their lifetime, they are
                                                    unlikely to be invited to church or to hear the best

     about three                                    news ever – the life-giving gospel of Jesus. This is
                                                    a tragedy.

     people.                                        At London City Mission (LCM), we want to reach
                                                    everyone in communities least likely to hear the
                                                    gospel. Everyone living on estates, everyone

     And three                                      from other religious backgrounds, everyone who
                                                    is homeless and on the margins of society, and

                                                    every young person.

                                                                                                Ann and

     Giving church a go
     Ann has lived on the same estate in                Ann kept coming. Sundays became her
     London for more than 30 years. She’s               favourite day of the week, and she started
     known as ‘the mum of Vauxhall’ –                   to read the Bible with Shane. ‘Jesus went
     everyone knows her, and she loves                  through so much torture, all for me. I felt
     getting to know everyone. ‘I always                like he really wasn’t asking much, so I
     believed in God, but I never felt                  gave my life to him. Jesus is my life now!’
     connected to God or the church,’ said
     Ann. ‘After a while, I didn’t even want            Now Ann can’t keep quiet about her
     anything to do with the church.’                   new life, ‘God’s helping me to get out
                                                        and speak to people about him. Even if
     Then Ann met Shane, an LCM missionary,             I’m on the bus, I chat about Jesus,’ says
     and a friendship grew between them.                Ann. ‘And I pray others will do what I have
     Conversations often turned to life’s bigger        done and turn to Jesus.’
     questions and one Sunday, Ann took a
     big step. ‘I was sitting in my flat, looking       Ann’s story is unique. But there are
     at the clock and saw it was 11 o’clock,            millions of people like her across London.
     I decided I’d give church a go. If I’m             People who unlikely to have a Christian
     being honest, I was so nervous. But they           friend, and unlikely to hear the saving
     greeted me with so much warmth.’                   news of Jesus.


                                                      Building friendships
                                                      with people
                                                      Every Friday morning, Christians from
                                                      Journey Church Harrow have been
                                                      visiting the local estate with missionary
Is the task too big?                                  Emmanuel Gill. ‘We’ve been knocking
Imagine if everyone in London was                     on people’s doors and just offering
invited, personally and lovingly, in a                prayer,’ says Rob, a church member.
language they understood, to enjoy                    “Coming out of COVID, people really
an eternal, life-giving relationship with             want to talk. We’re getting to know
God. It would mean reaching one in                    people, and we’re becoming friends.
three people, in one of the biggest                   The first time I went out, I was nervous.
cities in Europe. At LCM we believe                   But this is what we’re commanded to
this can be achieved by building up                   do – go and make disciples.’ Rob and
and equipping the most precious                       Emmanuel met Angela.
and powerful thing on earth, the local
                                                      ‘I don’t remember ever praying when
                                                      I was growing up,’ says Angela. ‘So,
There are hundreds of gospel-                         when people from the church asked
proclaiming churches across London                    what I believed, I said: the universe – I
and hundreds of thousands of                          send out what I want to get back.’
Christians with the potential and desire              Angela started studying the Bible
to share their faith. The problem is that             with Rob and Emmanuel. ‘I realised
sometimes we don’t feel confident                     my life hasn’t been great without
or equipped to speak about Jesus,                     Jesus,’ said Angela. ‘At church, I can be
particularly with people who are                      myself. I can be at ease. If something
different to us. But imagine what                     worrying is happening, like a doctor’s
would happen if all these churches                    appointment, the whole church will
across London were motivated to                       pray for me, which is amazing!’
lovingly and confidently share the good
                                                      We long to see more stories like that
news of Jesus with those around them.
                                                      of Angela, of Ann and of ordinary
Those who hear this good news will
                                                      Christians like Rob being used in their
start telling people around them about
                                                      weakness to build God’s church.
it, just like Ann is doing, and the gospel

                                                       London City Mission is equipping local
                                                       churches to step out in faith, build
                                                       connections with the communities
                                                       around them and lovingly share the
                                                       amazing news of the grace found in
                                                       Jesus Christ. To find out more about
                                                       how you can partner with London City
                                                       Mission, go to:

                                             Angela                                               13

                                           REVIEW BY
                          Tim Dieppe, Christian Concern

               Christian Focus Publications, 2021, 208pp, £3.99 10ofThose

     This review was originally published in our Social Issues Bulletin, Issue 49 - March 2022.
In today’s upside down, topsy-turvy,               In the chapter on religious freedom, we
confused, and increasingly anti-Christian          are reminded of the biblical basis for the
culture, people actually believe Christianity      separation of church and state, and the
has been bad for the world. Not only do they       role that Christians played in establishing
believe it, but they actively teach it to our      the principles of freedom of conscience
children.                                          and freedom of religion. In the chapter
                                                   on justice, James explains the biblical
Christianity is taught as outdated,                foundations for Magna Carta, with a helpful
backward, superstitious, discriminatory and        table showing how biblical teaching is
dangerous. It is believed that Christians are      reflected in this historic charter of freedom
obviously on the wrong side of history. As         (p64-66). A chapter on the dignity of
a consequence, Christians often feel like          women shows how much Christianity
they are on the back foot, having to defend        improved the rights and freedoms of
the track record of the church or making           women, and how various Christians
excuses for what Christians have done.             campaigned for women’s rights through
                                                   church history. The advance of Christianity
Sharon James turns all this on its head            dispelled sexual slavery, but now that we
and the right way round in this handy little       are turning away from our Christian roots,
book. Christians have a lot to be proud            this trade is increasing again (p98).
of when it comes to what the church has
done for society. Christians should not be         Christians founded hospitals, hospices, care
on the back foot, but on the front foot            for the mentally ill, schools, universities,
when it comes to the track record of their         and all sorts of charities and philanthropic
religion. Far from being on the wrong side         organisations. There are lots of helpful stats
of history, we are very much on the right          and quotes in the book. One that stood
side.                                              out for me is the appalling track record of
                                                   Marxism, killing nearly 110 million people
The book contains ten short chapters               between 1917 and 1987. This compares with
covering topics like freedom, religious            all the domestic and foreign wars of the
liberty, justice, protecting life, philanthropy,   twentieth century which were responsible
and education for all. James explains that         for around 35 million deaths (p24). James
‘the liberties and rights that we value in free    also brings the various subjects right up
societies are to a great degree based on the       to date with contemporary examples and
biblical conviction that all humans, made          cases like that of Dr Mackereth who lost his
in God’s image, are equal in dignity (Gen          position for his belief that sex is immutable
1:26-7)’ (p22). She reminds us that ‘Where         (p53-54).
no God is acknowledged, the State can all
too easily “become God”, with appalling            Each chapter has recommendations for
consequences.’ (p23). Only in Christianity, for    further reading, and there is also a list of
example, did the idea develop that slavery         further resources at the end of the book.
was sinful and must be abolished. All other        There is a foreword by Baroness Cox who
cultures, with all sorts of other worldviews       warmly commends the book. I join her
and religions, accepted slavery as justified.      commendation. The message of this book
                                                   is one that Christians of our generation and
                                                   the next desperately need to hear. I hope it
                                                   gets a wide readership.


Theological                          CONTACT
                                     Graham Nicholls, Director


                                     Joel Upton,
                                     Executive Assistant


                                     PO Box 905
                                     Haywards Heath
                                     RH16 9TJ
8-10 March 2023
King’s Park Conference
Centre, Northampton
                                     InTouch is the biannual magazine of
                                     Affinity, it is edited by Joel Upton.

Theme:                               © 2022 Affinity. All rights reserved.
                                     Reproduction of this publication
‘A Firm Foundation’                  is prohibited without written
                                     permission from the Editor.
Priorities for the                   It is assumed that contributors are in

Rising Generation                    sympathy with the aims of Affinity.
                                     However, the views expressed in
                                     this magazine are strictly those of
                                     individual contributors and do not
                                     necessarily reflect the opinions of
                                     the Editor or of the Advisory Council
                                     of Affinity.

More information will be announced
over the upcoming months.
You can also read