South Western Synod E-news: July & August 2021

Page created by Felix Woods
South Western Synod E-news: July & August 2021
South Western Synod
                                          E-news: July & August 2021
                                 Cornwall Devon Somerset Bristol Swindon Wiltshire

                                        We welcome Diane Phillips…...
I joined the URC South Western Property Team on 1st June so thought it would be a good
idea to introduce myself to you. I will be working with Raoul Hewitt until his retirement
in March 2022, by which time I hope to be fluent with the various processes and
procedures of the SW Synod Property & Trust.
Obviously as we come out of the various Covid-19 regulations there may be property
issues which arise, especially H&S issues as the buildings are once again opened up,
ensuring the gas safety, electrical certificates etc and various risk assessments are up to
date and, where for instance systems may have been drained down, ensuring the
buildings are in safe working order once again. If you have any concerns or issues please
contact the property office by email: and we will do our best to answer any
queries you may have.
I will have some busy months ahead but hope to arrange visits to as many churches as possible as it will be good
to meet you all face to face. I will probably arrange these visits geographically to get to know the areas too and
to understand the property issues you have.
I was born in Leicester and became a chartered surveyor in 1993. Since that time I have worked for various local
authorities, including Leicester, Peterborough, Poole, Woking, Buckinghamshire and latterly Oxford. In addition, I
have also worked in private practice. This is the first time I have worked for a church property team.
I have two married children, a son Chris and daughter Victoria, both of whom have two children each – 2 girls and
2 boys. My son is a church minister currently serving with the Church in Wales. I divorced in 2010 and for the
past 11 years have enjoyed the company of my various cats and friends/family. I currently have two rescue cats
(one Ragdoll and the other being half Ragdoll and Norwegian Forest cat cross) and I support the New Start Cats
rescue charity.
I am a Christian serving as a licensed lay minister (LLM) in my local church. I became an LLM in 2009, studying
under the Salisbury Diocese. I am now in the middle of a house move from Wiltshire to Somerset. My parents
and grandparents were Methodists so I have always known a Christian family environment as a child growing up.
I became an Anglican when I married. I enjoy a variety of worship styles from Celtic to New Wine, traditional to
Spring Harvest and everything in between. Whilst I am unable to play a musical instrument, I have been a former
choir member and Sunday School teacher too.
In my spare time I also enjoy gardening, painting landscapes, upcycling and researching my family history with my
son. I also enjoy cooking and going out with family and friends for meals, walks and just being in their company.
Additionally, I support the National Trust, English Heritage and the RSPB. Until the end of May 2021, I also served
as a local parish councillor at Wroughton which included serving on different committees including Planning &
Highways, Community Assets and various working parties/groups. I am looking forward to eventually meeting and
working with you all in the South West.
Yours in Christ,
Property & Trust Officer, SW Synod

South Western Synod E-news: July & August 2021
                Tell others here what is happening in your church – encourage, inspire and support.

                Thornbury URC post-lockdown
 Severn Vale Art Trail had asked if they could use our building
  for one of their annual art displays over a long weekend, as
           other venues were not available this year.
 So on Trinity Sunday, our second Sunday worshipping back in
  the church, we were surrounded by a wonderful display of
                         local artwork.
 We enjoyed it, and the Art Trail were very enthusiastic about
 our building - especially as one of the exhibitors apparently
                sold £4,500 worth of paintings!

                                                       Book Club
Revd Henriette Wentink, Synod Racial Justice Advocate writes:
                            There is an opportunity to discuss together on Zoom the book ‘Being interrupted…’
                            written by Al Barrett and Ruth Harley.
                            The book deals with issues of privilege and how privilege is constructed in ways that
                            make us oblivious to it. The writers discuss current issues and look at the role of church
                            within certain structures.
                            This is a timely piece of writing and in my opinion a must-read for anyone in ministry.
                            The Book Club runs every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 9.30 - 10.30 am
                            Initially it is for ministers and local church leaders, but if there is enough interest it will
                            also run for the wider church.
                            To register your interest please email Henriette on to
                            receive the Zoom link.

                                              Worshipping on-line
Flavel Church, Dartmouth; zoom service for adults at 10:30 am every Sunday. They also provide a children's Sunday
School called Word Warriors at 09.30 every Sunday (children's work has to be local to Dartmouth as resources are
distributed in advance). Email: for Zoom codes.
Furrough Cross URC, Babbacombe, Torquay; Zoom service at 10.30am every Sunday. Email for details about how to join.
Glenorchy URC, Exmouth; For recorded services visit their website
Malmesbury URC, Wiltshire; offers a weekly digital mix of video, audio and written worship. Visit their website for
more information or access their back catalogue on YouTube
Ottery St Mary URC, Devon; Zoom services are held each Sunday. Email for details
Pilgrim Church, Plymouth; recorded services available on YouTube
Redland Park URC and New Brunswick URC, Bristol; live services on Zoom - details on how to join can be found on
their website
Thornbury URC, South Gloucestershire; visit their website for details on how to join their streamed acts of worship.
Printed material is also available for those not online
Trinity-Henleaze URC, Bristol; visit their website for details on how to join their streamed acts of worship. Printed
material is also available for those not online

South Western Synod E-news: July & August 2021
Are you a Transformer?

                                                       The South Western Synod is looking for a Transition Minister
                                                           (50% scoping) to help the churches in the Bristol Area
                                                         transform for the future as changes in current leadership
                                                                        take place over the next 2 years.

                                 The successful candidate will be one who can offer:
                                                  inspiration and vision

                                               focus for leadership of Elders
                                                   enabling of others
                                                 being outward facing
                                       theological reflection on a future direction
                          For more information see the details on the website click here

If you are interested in applying for the post please apply either by email to or in
writing to The Synod Clerk, South Western Synod, The Synod Office, Taunton URC, 18 Paul Street, Taunton TA1
The closing date for applications is Friday July 23rd 2021. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted after that date
and invited for an interview in the week beginning August 16th (if holidays dates do not permit, this is negotiable).

The United Reformed Church (URC) has launched a new fortnightly podcast, that explores the denomination’s
focus on Christian discipleship, mission and what it means to be Walking the Way of Jesus today.

The podcast will explore what it means to be a disciple across all aspects of
our lives, as we respond to the concerns, issues and topics that we
encounter. New episodes will be published every other Wednesday.

Simon Peters, Walking the Way Project Manager, said: “As followers of Jesus,
we need to help each other figure out what it means to truly see and serve
God through everything around us. This podcast will share different voices and perspectives on what this means as
we explore the big questions and issues life throws at us.”

In the first series, topics to be discussed include climate justice, Christians at work, coronavirus a year on, Walking
the Way, money, and racism.

Francis Brienen, URC Deputy General Secretary (Mission), added: “This podcast series takes a fresh look at
everyday discipleship and connects it with the issues of today. It is accessible, engaging and it will make you
think….and act! Don’t miss it.” The podcast is available on Anchor, Spotify and all major podcast platforms.
Listen here.

South Western Synod E-news: July & August 2021
Following the relative success of the URC Buildings Forum Conference on 19 April 2021,
it was agreed that future conferences should be held around three times each year. The
Steering Committee has recently met and agreed the date of 21 July 2021 for the next
conference, starting at 11.30am and finishing around 1.00pm.
The conference will explore the vision and mission context for URC buildings and assets,
including whether we need a building to be ‘church’ in the 21st Century. For this part of
the conference, we are pleased to be able to welcome Martin Haywood, the convenor
of the Mission Enablers Network and the Southern Synod Mission Officer. We also hope to hear from two separate
places of worship about how they have creatively used their buildings - one in a rural community and the other in a
multi-cultural community.
                             Please email to sign up for this event.
The third and final conference for 2021 is being planned for 14 October from 7.00pm to 8.30pm. The conference
will focus on environmental issues for church buildings, including Eco-Church and Eco-Congregation.

URC Buildings Forum Steering Group
David Skipp, David Tatem, Clifford Patten, Steve Summers

 Helping local churches after the Pandemic lockdown
 Dick Gray, Synod Treasurer, writes:

 It seems a good time to remind churches of the help that the Synod can offer as we all begin to adapt to
 whatever the new normal might look like.
 We can offer advice on all property matters by phone on 01823 275470 or by e-mail at
 There are grants and loans to help to maintain or adapt churches as needed in the new situations in which many
 churches find themselves. These can be the usual Facelift and 5% or 10% Property Grants. Full details about how
 to apply can be found on the Synod web pages at

 We also recognise that the changes over the last year have
 brought home to some churches the opportunity that may
 exist for them to reach out into their communities by
 offering services to those unable or unwilling to come into
 a church building.

 There are Enabling Grants which can be used to help
 churches offer streaming services on the internet or to
 record services for delivering to those unable to attend
 church; or maybe make audio-visual enhancements for church services. These Enabling Grants are for 50% (25%
 to united churches) of the costs up to a maximum overall cost of £20,000. You can find the Enabling Grant forms
 on the Synod Web pages at

 The Synod offers Enabling Grants for smaller mission related activities and for major activities. In the first
 instance, please talk to your Synod Pastoral Advisor, who can help you choose the most appropriate channel.
South Western Synod E-news: July & August 2021
You can download the latest materials for the 2021 meeting of
    the General Assembly which is being held via Zoom on
                    9th —12th July 2021

Letter from the General Secretary (PDF | 37kb)

General Assembly agenda
Download the agenda for the 2021 General Assembly (PDF | 37kb)

Letter to from the General Secretary to members of the General Assembly and staff
Download letter from the General Secretary to members of General Assembly and staff in attendance (PDF |

Order of Service for Sunday morning worship on 11 July
Download the Order of Service (PDF | 374kb)

Book of Reports
Download the Book of Reports (PDF | 16mb)

Resolutions (PDF | 101kb)
Virtual Standing Orders (PDF | 91kb)

General Assembly Archive
The Book of Reports and Record of Assembly since the formation of the United Reformed Church in 1972 are
available below.
General Assembly papers (

                                                 The Synod Office
    As restrictions ease, all office staff are working in the Synod Office and from home on a rota basis.

    You will be able to speak someone on the office phone between 10.00 - 14.00 Monday to Friday.
     Outside of these times, if no one is in the office, you can leave a message on the answerphone.

  Remember - contact details of all Synod Office staff can be found in the Synod Year Book and on the
                              Synod website:

                    The next E-news will be published on 1st September 2021
  Please send your articles, at least 3 working days before publication date, to:

        ALSO please keep the Synod Office updated when there are changes at your church by contacting:

South Western Synod E-news: July & August 2021
Bookings are open on from 28 June 2021
and will close on 1 January 2022 so
get your name down now to benefit
      from the Early Bird price.

South Western Synod E-news: July & August 2021
Creation Fest 2021 is running a Big Weekend event this year with loads of special speakers, singers and activities.
                                                          This starts on Thursday 29 July, with the festival kicking off
                                                          from Friday 30 July to Sunday 1 August, departing on
                                                          Monday morning.
                                                          One option is for attendees to arrive on Monday 26 July
                                                          and spend 4 days enjoying the beauty of Cornwall before
                                                          attending the festival.
                                                     The numbers on site have been restricted and camping
                                                     plots spaced to allow for social distancing. There ars
plenty of camping areas which enable camping to be organised safely.
I would like to encourage you to invite members of your church to book via the CF21 website. The message of
CF21 is one of Hope for all.
I must apologise that has it not been possible to allow large church groups to camp as one group, as in previous
years, but this is out of our control. Churches can attend but must camp in a socially distanced campsite and will
be more family bubble -based this time. I am sure you have had the same issues to contend with in your own
fellowships and churches.
So please encourage members of your church to attend the festival and, in particular, to book to camp. Camping
includes a camper van and caravan as well as a tent!
Big Weekend - Creation Fest : Creation Fest

           Science-engaged theology conferences for senior leaders from
            Equipping Christian Leadership in an Age of Science (ECLAS).

•   Building a Universe (Cosmology); Ogden Centre, University of Durham;
featuring Prof Carlos Frenk of the Ogden Centre for Fundamental Physics at
Durham University. The conference will take place at St. John’s College,
Durham 14 -16 September 2021. We look forward to an in-person conference
and hope you can join us for the entirety. Online options will be available as
The conference will provide tools for understanding the latest in scientific cosmology and applying that
knowledge to preaching, mission, and ministry. Presentations and discussion with world-leading scientists will
inform participants about up-to-the minute research on cosmology. Prominent historians and theologians will put
this knowledge into broader context, addressing narratives of humanity’s place in the cosmos including popular
ideas about space, time, origins, and human significance.

•   From Reading to Writing Genes (Genetics); Francis Crick Institute, London; 10th -11th January 2022

•   AI and Robotics; University of York; 22nd-24th March 2022
All three conferences will be in-person with ways to participate online. Full invitations for the latter conferences
will follow later in the year. For questions or to reserve a space, feel free to contact Theodora Hawksley at
Thanks to a generous grant from the Templeton Religion Trust, we are able to cover the cost of accommodation
and meals for all in-person participants. We invite you to RSVP using this link:

If you have any questions about the conference, please email Theodora Hawksley at

South Western Synod E-news: July & August 2021
Walking the Way is the United Reformed Church’s focus on whole-of-life
discipleship. It’s not a programme or initiative. Instead, it’s all about
celebrating and sharing existing experience and wisdom about what it
means to empower people to be the presence of Jesus through their
everyday lives, across the denomination, and beyond.

The Walking the Way steering group has a resources page with materials to
help people keep thinking about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus,
including seasonal materials to use throughout the year. There are also
recommended resources on the page from local churches and synods, and a
detailed resource map to browse. However, the main aim is to share inspiring stories of everyday discipleship, and
to help the United Reformed Church consider what else it needs to do to equip whole-of-life disciples.

Stepwise, which is offered as part of Walking the Way, is the United Reformed Church's intergenerational
discipleship development programme, focussed firmly on the needs of each participant and the communities in
which they live and serve.

The first episode of the fortnightly United Reformed Church podcast is available now. This series will look at what
it means to be a disciple of Jesus across all aspects of our lives, as we respond to concerns, issues and topics we
In addition to a new episode every second Wednesday, between podcast episodes being released, I will also be
uploading some video conversations which I have had with various people across the URC in relation to
discipleship. Please look out for these on the URC’s YouTube channel.
If you or someone you know might be interested in featuring in either the podcast or video conversations, please
let me know. The idea is to help audiences consider what it means to be a disciple of Jesus from as many
perspectives as we can highlight.

If you need any further information or have stories to share about whole-of-life discipleship where you are, please
e-mail or call us on 020 7520 2718. We'd love to hear from you!

                                                                            My name is Megan, I am host
                                                                            coordinator for Refugees at Home. We
                                                                            match destitute asylum seekers and
                                                                            refugees with generous hosts with a
                                                                            spare room in their homes.
                                                                            I wondered if any members of your
                                                                            congregation might be interested in
                                                                            finding out more about what we do? If
                                                                            so, might there be scope for us to give a
                                                                            talk or to make some information
We always need to recruit more people who can host, particularly in London, where need for hosting is always
great. Our hosts tell us it is extremely life affirming to be able to directly support destitute refugees and asylum
seekers by welcoming them into their homes and offering them the stability needed to move into more
independence. Length of time hosting varies from a couple of nights to several months, and we offer support
 We could happily get someone to speak about their experiences as a host or guest to your members or church, at
services or elsewhere. We could also provide written or electronic materials or whatever suits.
Megan O'Hanlon Murray
Host Coordinator (Fri-Tue)
M: 07923 230 426                    

South Western Synod E-news: July & August 2021
Journey of the Magi – a festive, light-hearted, joyful event with a moving and profound message.

Following a sell-out year in 2019, Journey of the Magi is back, for churches to host for
Advent 2021. Share the joy and wonder of Christmas with your church and local
community through this exhilarating, critically acclaimed performance. The show offers
a bridge between contemporary life and Jesus’s birth, comparing our own personal
journey to Christmas day with the journey that the wise men took. With sparkle and
songs to keep the children entertained and bags of good humour for the grown-
ups, Journey of the Magi delights audiences of all ages and offers a chance to reflect
and refocus.
Springs is inviting churches to host a performance of Journey of the Magi, which we are
planning to tour nationally in December 2021. If the tour cannot go ahead due to Covid-
19, bookings will be postponed until Advent 2022 or will be fully refunded .
    Further information can be found on the Springs Dance Company website page,

                                                  ‘Church at the Edge’ sessions are hosted by Church Action
                                                 on Poverty and the United Reformed Church’s ‘New Reality,
                                                                    Same Mission’ team.
                                          If you are engaged in community ministry (however you
                                          might chose to interpret that term), need a space to meet
                                          with others, to be open and honest about difficult situations,
                                          and to seek support from each other in living through these
                                          challenging times, then sign up for these monthly hour -long
Zoom sessions, brought to you by Church Action on Poverty and the URC's 'New Reality Same Mission'
group from Children’s & Youth Work, Church & Society, Walking the Way & Church -Related Community
Shermara Fletcher, Principal Officer for Pentecostal, Charismatic and Multi-cultural Relations at Churches
Together in England facilitated the June event. With roots in the Church of God of Prophecy,
Shermara is a dynamic millennial Pentecostal leader with significant experience in community
organising, ecumenical engagement, leadership development and public speaking. She is also
committed to engaging young people and young Pentecostals and Charismatics by creating
opportunities for them to exercise leadership and to enter into service in the public square. In
recognition of her ground-breaking work, Shermara was the recipient of the 2020 Exceptional
Young Woman award from The Wise Women Awards.
Thursday 8th July, 2-3pm, will be led by Eunice Attwood, Church at the Margins Officer for the Methodist church.
Eunice brings over twenty years’ experience of ordained diaconal ministry from a variety of contexts, including city
- and town-centred ministry amongst marginalised and vulnerable communities, where she helped start and grow
many fresh expressions of church. Serving as the Vice-President of the British Conference in 2010-2011, she has
               significant experience of working with diverse groups of people across the Methodist Connexion.

                    Over the last eight years, Eunice has been the Tutor in Pastoral Theology at the Queen’s
                    Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education, Birmingham. She is also one of the launch
                    team leaders for New Inclusive Church Birmingham, a church plant started out of a deep
                    commitment to living out the love of Jesus in practical, unexpected, and transforming ways.

The Zoom link for the session is

Please register at:

South Western Synod E-news: July & August 2021
Lundie Memorial Awards
Do you know a child or young person who is playing their part in the mission of God in their church, synod, local com-
munity or the wider world?

The Lundie Memorial Award is designed to highlight and celebrate such individuals who are using their God-given
skills, time and talent to good effect. Each month for 100 months the Children's and Youth Work Committee are
awarding a medal and certificate to one of the nominated children and young people, along with a financial award of
£100 to be spent to benefit children and/or young people in the church, synod or local community, however the
award winner chooses.

Read about the amazing young people and children nominated for this award and how the recipient chooses to
spend the money.

Remember, you too can nominate someone to receive the award. Read our booklet here (pdf)
and then fill in a nomination form (Word)

**NB: the deadline for the Lundie nominations forms for
      August 2021 to be with the Synod Clerk is 8th July
                   Send to: Synod Clerk

Compliance Officer
Do you have the skills to support the United Reformed Church’s compliance with legislation
and regulation?

A new role working closely with the Deputy General Secretary for Administration and
Resources to ensure the activities of Church House and its staff are compliant. This is a varied role which touches
several areas of the organisation’s life but with common themes of service, support and compliance. Providing
advice, information and training to the wider United Reformed Church and its people is a key feature.

You will play a vital part in ensuring that the Deputy General Secretary is carefully supported in these important
areas, acting as an administrative anchor, balancing a range of responsibilities confidentially and carefully.

You are educated to degree level or equivalent with exceptional attention to detail. An excellent communicator,
you are organised and used to working to deadlines. You have worked in a regulated environment and have
experience of data protection legislation and practice. Legal experience would be a distinct advantage.

We can offer you a flexible and friendly work environment with a comprehensive benefits package.

We are happy to talk about flexible working. If you are interested in working for us and can meet the above
requirements, please contact us/see our website for an application form (noting that we do not accept CVs).

Human Resources, the United Reformed Church, 86 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9RT

020 7691 9871

Closing date for applications: 12 noon, Monday 19 July 2021

Interview date: Tuesday 3 August 2021

Job Description


     Upward Challenge: Global Edition 2021 - Presbyterian-
     Reformed Ministries International (

After a long gap, we are pleased to advise that the Summer 2021 edition of In GEAR is now available on GEAR's
web-site. This latest edition plus numerous back copies can be found at: 

You can download the PDF version by clicking on the relevant front page view.
If you wish to receive a paper copy (or multiple copies), please complete the form on the web page.
You can also read