Alleluia! - St. Mary Immaculate Parish

Page created by Lorraine Wolf
Alleluia! - St. Mary Immaculate Parish
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord                                                    April 12, 2020

                                    Christ is Risen!

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                                  St. Mary Immaculate Parish 15629 S. Rt. 59, Plainfield, IL 60544-2695
Parish Office: 815-436-2651    School Office: 815-436-3953 Religious Ed. Office: 815-436-4501 Confirmation Office: 815-436-2861
                    .com/StMaryImmaculate                  @SMIPlainfield         @SMIPlainfield
Alleluia! - St. Mary Immaculate Parish
What’s Inside                                                     Please remember the sick and the confined of
                                                                                           our parish community, especially…
The Word from Fr. Pat................................................... 3
La Palabra de Padre Pat ................................................ 4
Słowo od Ojca Pat .......................................................... 5     Rosario Anaya, John Arduino, Margaret Birmingham, Anthony
#We Are Saint Mary’s .............................................. 6-14           Blum, Marsha Bysak, Frank Carino Jr., Luz Contreras, Gloria
   Parish Moments
    SMI Parish School                                                              Cook, Lois Costablile, Pat Cremeens, Patricia Cunningham,
    Religious Education
    Confirmation                                                                   Lynette Dattomo, Mary Dickerson, Megan Dolan, , Maureen
    Youth Ministry                                                                 Dranger, Alexander Dynako, Rick Erwin, Deborah Fadden,
   Adult Formation and FIAT
    Community Outreach                                                             Jean Fiaoni, Sue Flynn, Brandon Franklin, Dana Freund, Paul
    Online Giving                                                                  Gadomski, Frances Galasinski, Wayne Galasinski, Margaret
    Prayer During the Coronavirus Pandemic                                                                     Gee, Steven Gentili, Mary Lou Gist, Avery Gladkowski,
    Intercessions for Life                                                         Janice Gregoire, Jennifer Grimm, Mark Gualberto, Donald
    Word of Life
    Vocations Prayer Calendar                                                      Hahn, Mary Hanna, Erinn Heines, Matt Hoch, Sue Hoch, Ken
Contact Information .................................................... 15        Hood, Pat Hood, Chris Jalove, Joe Jonish, Carmella Justice,
                                                                                   Grant Justice, Michael J. Kelly, Derek Khan, Donna Knight,
                                                                                   Colleen Kowalke, Rita Kowalski, Lenita Krall, Lucille Lamb,
                                                                                   Jeffrey Les, Zachary Loeffler, Rita Maksimik, Diane Markley,
                                                                                   Michael Mardula, Shirley McBride, Margaret McCarthy, Lois
                                                                                   McGowan, Gregory Mendoza, Amparo Mireles, Carmen
                                                                                   Mireles, Elena A. Mireles, Raul Mireles, Benjamin Mollandin,
                                                                                   Erik Mollandin, Kevin Moore, Michael Moravec, Wally
                                                                                   Moskwa, Cheryl Muscato, Betty Nichols, Bob Nichols, Bobby
                                                                                   Nichols, Sr. Roselyn Nichols, Lawrence Nonnie, Steve
                                                                                   Obremski, Emmy Lou O’Connor, Patricia O’Donnell, Maria T.
                                                                                   Olvera, Ella Page, MaryBeth Perkins, Corrine Pieroni, Jim
                                                                                   Ptak, Willard Pristo, Jime Rife, Joel Rivera, Catherine Ryba,
                                                                                   Kathy Schipman, Cathy Schuller, Hayley Schwartz, Rose
                                                                                   Marie Selke, Mya Singh, Tim Slayman, Roseanne Smith, Dan
                                                                                   Sochan, John Szklarski, Maria Tejeda-Ortega, Gerard
                                                                                   Titchenal, Bruce Trevillian II, Al Urban, Keith Urban, Aurora
                                                                                   Vargas-Rubi, Florian (Butch) Zimecki

                                                                                   If you would like to add or remove a name from the prayer cross,
                                                                                   please contact Pat Mander, Pastoral Minister at 815-436-2651 ext

            Christ is risen, and
                  with Him our
                  creative hope
              arises to face the                                                                                      Please keep
                                                                                                                Our Faithful Departed
               problems of our                                                                            and their families in your prayers.
      day, because we know we
         are not alone. #Easter
                                        -Pope Francis @ Pontifex
                                                                                            In Memoriam
Page 2                                                                     One Family in Faith Making Christ Known                     April 12, 2020
Alleluia! - St. Mary Immaculate Parish
The Word from Fr. Pat / La Palabra del Padre Pat / Słowo od Ojca Pat

                              The right hand of the LORD has struck with power;
                                     the right hand of the LORD is exalted.
                                             I shall not die, but live,
                                      and declare the works of the LORD.
                                                 Psalm 118:16-17

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hardly know what to say to you on this Easter Sunday. Even when we began Lent on Ash Wednesday, we
had incredible crowds at all of our Masses and prayer services. It was an incredible beginning to what
promised to be an awesome Lenten retreat for us. And it did become a retreat, albeit a much different one than
any of us expected.

It has been a Lent filled with social distancing, staying in place, worrying about our loved ones who worked in
“essential” jobs, grieving the loss of loved ones. I have been telling people, “Stay well, stay safe, and stay
home.” To be clear, this is not the kind of thing a pastor ever wants to tell his people. So it has broken my
heart that we could not be together, and even more breaks my heart that we cannot celebrate Easter together.
Because this is supposed to be a day of joy and victory. And yet, we are still fighting this thing.

But I think we have to consider the reality of this great feast. Our Lord, who knows our suffering because he
suffered too – greatly – willingly went to the Cross for us and paid the price for our sins. And that those sins
and our death would not be the beginning and end of our existence, on this day, he burst forth from the grave
and flooded the world with grace: the possibility of living forever in the kingdom of heaven. God’s mercy is
never limited by suffering.

And so it will be for us. We will get past this, and when we do, I believe that we will be a people who burst
forth into the world and flood the world with the grace of Christ risen from the dead. And I think we maybe
won’t take our blessings for granted, and maybe we will be kinder to one another, savoring the opportunity just
to be with each other. Please God we will be different – we will have clear priorities and first among them will
be the God who sustains us, and the loved one through whom he shows us his love. Please God let that be so.

During all of this, I have been so taken by your generosity. So many of you signed up for online giving or
mailed in your contributions. Please know that helps us so much. I want to keep paying the wonderful staff
that we have here because they sacrifice so much for the love of the Church and our God each day. And you
are helping me to do that. I’ve also been struck by how many of you have been sending in your capital
campaign pledges and contributions; those will be so important as we look toward accomplishing the work that
needs to be done on our facilities. Thank you so much for the ways that you have supported us: it does not go
unnoticed, and it is very much appreciated.

Please know that I pray for all of you each day. I know how much you’re hurting right now because I am too.
But we are in this together: God gave us each other as an incredible gift, and it’s a gift for which I am thankful
every single day.

Easter is the story of God’s powerful control over life and death. Death is not the end. We know the way to
the Father because we have known Christ our Lord. May he lead us all one day to everlasting life!

Yours in Christ and His Blessed Mother,
Father Pat Mulcahy, Pastor

April 12, 2020                         One Family in Faith Making Christ Known                              Page 3
Alleluia! - St. Mary Immaculate Parish
The Word from Fr. Pat / La Palabra del Padre Pat / Słowo od Ojca Pat

                                     La diestra del Señor lo ha enaltecido,
                                      la diestra del Señor hizo proezas!
                                         No, no moriré sino que viviré
                                        y contaré las obras del Señor.
                                               Salmo 118: 16-17

Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo:
Apenas sé qué decir este domingo de Pascua. Incluso cuando comenzamos la Cuaresma el Miércoles de
Ceniza, tuvimos multitudes increíbles en todas nuestras misas y servicios de oración. Fue un comienzo
increíble para lo que prometió ser un increíble retiro de Cuaresma para nosotros. Y se convirtió en un retiro,
aunque muy diferente de lo que cualquiera de nosotros esperaba.
Ha sido una Cuaresma llena de distanciamiento social, permaneciendo en casa, preocupándonos por nuestros
seres queridos que realizan trabajos "esenciales", lamentando la pérdida de seres queridos. Le he estado
diciendo a la gente: "Manténganse bien, manténganse seguros y quédense en casa". Para ser claros, este no es
el tipo de cosas que un pastor quiere decirle a su pueblo. Por lo tanto, me ha roto el corazón no poder estar
juntos, y aún más me afecta que no podamos celebrar la Pascua juntos. Porque se supone que este es un día de
alegría y victoria. Y aun así, todavía estamos luchando contra esta cosa.
Sin embargo, creo que tenemos que considerar la realidad de esta gran fiesta. Nuestro Señor, quien conoce
nuestro sufrimiento porque él también sufrió, en gran medida, voluntariamente fue a la Cruz por nosotros y
pagó el precio de nuestros pecados. Y que esos pecados y nuestra muerte no serían el principio y el fin de
nuestra existencia, en este día, él salió de la tumba e inundó el mundo con gracia: la posibilidad de vivir para
siempre en el reino de los cielos. La misericordia de Dios nunca está limitada por el sufrimiento.
Y así será para nosotros. Superaremos esto, y cuando lo hagamos, creo que seremos un pueblo que irrumpirá
en el mundo e inundará el mundo con la gracia de Cristo resucitado de entre los muertos. Y creo que tal vez no
daremos nuestras bendiciones por sentado, y tal vez seremos más amables el uno con el otro, saboreando la
oportunidad de estar juntos. Por Dios, seremos diferentes: tendremos prioridades claras y el primero de ellos
será el Dios que nos sostiene y el ser querido a través del cual nos muestra su amor. Por favor, Dios que así
Durante todo esto, me ha cautivado su generosidad. Muchos de ustedes se inscribieron en donaciones en línea
o enviaron sus contribuciones por correo. Por favor, sepa que nos ayuda mucho. Quiero seguir pagando al
maravilloso personal que tenemos aquí porque cada día sacrifican mucho por el amor de la Iglesia y de nuestro
Dios. Y me están ayudando a hacer eso. También me ha sorprendido cuántos de ustedes han estado enviando
sus promesas y contribuciones de campaña capital; eso será tan importante a medida que busquemos lograr el
trabajo que se debe hacer en nuestras instalaciones. Muchas gracias por las formas en que nos ha apoyado: no
pasa desapercibido y es muy apreciado.
Por favor, sepa que oro por todos ustedes cada día. Sé cuánto están sufriendo en estos momentos porque yo
también sufro. Pero estamos juntos en esto: Dios nos dio el uno al otro como un regalo increíble, y es un
regalo por el que estoy agradecido todos los días.
La Pascua es la historia del poderoso control de Dios sobre la vida y la muerte. La muerte no es el fin.
Conocemos el camino al Padre porque hemos conocido a Cristo nuestro Señor. ¡Que nos guíe a todos un día a
la vida eterna!
Tuya en Cristo y su Santísima Madre,
Padre Pat Mulcahy, Párroco
Page 4                                 One Family in Faith Making Christ Known                     April 12, 2020
Alleluia! - St. Mary Immaculate Parish
The Word from Fr. Pat / La Palabra del Padre Pat / Słowo od Ojca Pat

                                       Prawica Pańska moc ukazuje;
                                    prawica Pańska wyskoko wzniesiona.
                                          Nie umrę, ale żyć będę
                                          i głosił dzieła Pańskie.
                                                 Psalm 118

Drodzy Bracia i Siostry w Chrystusie,

Nie wiem co powinienem powiedzieć w tę niedzielę wielkanocną. Jeszcze kiedy zaczynaliśmy Wielki Post w
Środę Popielcową, mieliśmy niesamowite tłumy wiernych na wszystkich naszych Mszach i nabożeństwach
modlitewnych. Był to wspaniały początek nadchodzących rekolekcji wielkopostnych, które przecież odbyły
się, chociaż zupełnie inaczej niż sobie to wyobrażaliśmy.

Był to Wielki Post podczas którego martwiliśmy się o naszych bliskich pracujących w służbie innym,
staraliśmy się utrzymać ‘social distancing’, pozostając w miarę możliwości w domach. Często powtarzałem
ludziom: „Bądź zdrowy, bądź bezpieczny i zostań w domu”. Szczerze mówiąc, żaden pastor nie lubi mówić
takich rzeczy swoim wiernym. Krwawi moje serce na samą myśl, że nie możemy być razem, a jeszcze
bardziej gdy pomyślę, że nie możemy wspólnie świętować Wielkanocy. Ponieważ to ma być dzień radości i
zwycięstwa, a my wciąż walczymy z wirusem.

Myślę jednak, że musimy wziąć pod uwagę rzeczywistość tej wielkiej uroczystości. Nasz Pan, który zna nasze
cierpienie, ponieważ również cierpiał - bardzo - chętnie idąc za nas na Krzyż płacąc wysoką cenę za nasze
grzechy. I że te grzechy i nasza śmierć nie są początkiem i końcem naszej egzystencji. W tym Wielkim Dniu
powstał z grobu i zalał świat ogromną łaską dając nam możliwość życia wiecznego w królestwie niebieskim.
Miłosierdzie Boże nigdy nie jest ograniczone cierpieniem.

I tak będzie z nami. Przetrzymamy trudności, a kiedy to zrobimy, wierzę, że będziemy ludem, który zaleje cały
świat łaską Chrystusa zmartwychwstałego. I myślę, że docenimy Boże błogosławieństwa zsyłane na nas i
będziemy dla siebie milsi, ciesząc się że znów jesteśmy razem. Prosimy Cię Panie , będziemy inni - będziemy
mieli wyraźne priorytety, a wśród nich będzie najpierw Bóg, który nas wspiera, oraz bliscy przez których
okazujesz nam Swoją miłość. Proszę, Boże, niech tak się stanie.

Niech Dobry Pan wynagrodzi waszą hojność. Tak wielu z was zapisało się na ofiarę online lub wysłało ją
pocztą. Pamiętajcie, że to nam bardzo pomaga. Chciałbym utrzymać nasz wspaniały personel. Wszyscy
każdego dnia tak bardzo poświęcają się dla miłości Kościoła i naszego Boga. Dziekuje Wam za pomoc w tym.
Zdumiało mnie również to, jak wielu z was przesłało swoje obietnice i wkład w kampanię kapitałową;
będziemy dążyć do wykonania prac i projektów tak ważnych dla naszej parafii. Dziękuję za to wsparcie które
nie pozostaje niezauważone.

Proszę wiedzcie, że modlę się za was wszystkich każdego dnia. Wiem jak bardzo cierpicie teraz, bo mnie też
jest ciężko. Ale jesteśmy w tym razem: Bóg dał nam siebie jako niesamowity dar i jest to dar, za który jestem
wdzięczny każdego dnia.

Wielkanoc to historia potężnej mocy Boga nad życiem i śmiercią. Śmierć nie jest końcem. Znamy drogę do
Ojca, ponieważ poznaliśmy Chrystusa, naszego Pana. Niech poprowadzi nas wszystkich do życia wiecznego!

Wasz w Chrystusie i Jego Najświętszej Matce,
Ojciec Pat Mulcahy, Pastor

April 12, 2020                          One Family in Faith Making Christ Known                        Page 5
Alleluia! - St. Mary Immaculate Parish

Page 6   One Family in Faith Making Christ Known   April 12, 2020
Alleluia! - St. Mary Immaculate Parish

        Regist ation                                              #
        for the 20-21                                             S
         school year                                              M
           is open

                                Voted Best
                             Preschool 3 Years
                                 in a Row
April 12, 2020          One Family in Faith Making Christ Known       Page 7
Alleluia! - St. Mary Immaculate Parish

  Our Religious Education
  st dents continue to g ow in
  their relationship with Jesus
  through Sacraments, Prayer
  and Communit . All are welcome. Won’t you
  please join us nex year? Regist ation is ongoing
  and our March 31st deadline has been ex ended.
                                                           Our fiſth g aders are enrolled in the
                                  Jesus is                         Brown Scapular
                             waiting for YOU!

         Jesus had 12 best f iends—                         Mrs. Higgins teaches her first g aders
           we can be his f iend too!                          that creation is a gif f om God.

   Our six h g aders may be “all tied up” but it is
    only momentar because they know Jesus is                      Xavier celebrates his First Reconciliation
        always there to show them the way.                            with his Mom and his teachers.
Page 8                                One Family in Faith Making Christ Known                           April 12, 2020
Alleluia! - St. Mary Immaculate Parish

                                                         Preparing for the Sacrament of
                                                                 Confir ation

                                                           Year 1 Ret eat
    Prog amming is for 7th and 8th g ade st dents.
   Alter ative prog amming also available for Special
            Needs and High School st dents.
    Regist ation is now open for September classes.

        Parent / Teen Classes
                                                            Feed My Star ing Children
                                                                                            Cooking for Funeral Luncheon
                                     Daybreak Shelter
                                                            Components of the Prog am include:
                                                           • Ret eats to ex lore living out the teachings of Jesus and the
                                No. Illinois Food Bank         Catholic Church
                                                           • Perfor ing Works of Mercy ser ice projects to be Christ to
                                                           • Ex loring script re and prayer to bet er understand God’s
                                                               Divine Plan in light of the life and teachings of Jesus.

       Making Rosaries

                                                            Reverence for Life Crosses

April 12, 2020                        One Family in Faith Making Christ Known                                        Page 9
Alleluia! - St. Mary Immaculate Parish

Page 10   One Family in Faith Making Christ Known   April 12, 2020

April 12, 2020   One Family in Faith Making Christ Known   Page 11

                      Giving Tree Donations f nd Mobile Food Pant
                        Helping feed the hung in our communit
  Advent Giving Tree Donations f nded a Mobile Food Pant containing meats, esh its and vegetables,
  as well as non-perishable items such as canned food and cereals. In conjunction with Catholic Charities
  out each, the mobile pant reaches out to those in
                   need. During the summer months,
                   it is especially appreciated by
                   families with children who no longer
                   have school lunches to help feed
                   their children.
                   Ever 1 in 7 people in Nor her
  Illinois are food insecure (not sure where their nex
  meal is coming om). The Nor her Illinois Food
  Bank can supply enough food to make sure that
  ever neighbor is able to put a meal on the table and
  are g atef l to our aid in helping those in our local communit .
  Anyone in need can visit these mobile pant ies; no ID is required. A listing of where the
  nex pant will be can be found at

                                          March For Life
                                        Bus Trip to Chicago
                                          Januar 2020

Page 12                             One Family in Faith Making Christ Known                    April 12, 2020

                                                                Please Consider Signing up for
                                                                        Online Giving
     To sign up, go to and follow the simple
     instructions to set up your own account and choose any/all funds for which the
                                  parish has envelopes.

A Prayer to Combat the Coronavirus Pandemic
             Most Merciful and Triune God,
            We come to You in our weakness.
              We come to You in our fear.
              We come to You with trust.
              For You alone are our hope.
 We place before You the disease present in our world.
         We turn to You in our time of need.
             Bring wisdom to doctors.
          Give understanding to scientists.
 Endow caregivers with compassion and generosity.
         Bring healing to those who are ill.
         Protect those who are most at risk.
  Give comfort to those who have lost a loved one.
Welcome those who have died into Your Eternal Home.
                 Stabilize our communities.
                Unite us in our compassion.
             Remove all fear from our hearts.
           Fill us with confidence in Your care.
  (mention your particular concerns and prayers now)
                    Jesus, I trust in You.                                                SIGN UP FOR FREE ON
                    Jesus, I trust in You.
                    Jesus, I trust in You.                                                  SMIP.FORMED.ORG

                            Knights of Columbus Good Shepherd Council #5573
                  Intercessions for Life                                                     Intercesiones por La Vida
For those mourning the loss of a loved one: May they find peace in             Por los que lloran la pérdida de un ser querido: Que encuentren
the hope of the Resurrection and Christ’s promise of eternal life;             paz en la esperanza de la Resurrección y en la promesa de Cristo
                                                                               de vida eterna;
                                                        We pray to the Lord
                                                                                                                                        Roguemos al Señor

                        Word of Life                                                                Palabra de Vida
“Those who die in God’s grace and friendship live forever with                    “Los que mueren en la gracia y amistad de Dios viven para
Christ. Heaven is not an abstract idea, but a true and lasting                    siempre con Cristo. El cielo no es una idea abstracta, sino una
relationship with God that is beyond all earthly description and                  relación verdadera y duradera con Dios que está más allá de
understanding. We look forward to the resurrection of the dead                    toda descripción y entendimiento terrenal. Esperamos la
and everlasting life by preparing now, in hope, for our passage                   resurrección de los muertos y la vida eterna preparándonos
from this life into eternal life.”                                                ahora, en la esperanza, para nuestro paso de esta vida a la vida
                                  - USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities      eterna” .
                           “Catholic Considerations for Our Earthly Passing”                               - Secretariado de Actividades Pro-Vida de la USCCB
                                                                                                    “Consideraciones católicas para nuestra partida a la otra vida”

April 12, 2020                                        One Family in Faith Making Christ Known                                                          Page 13

                                                                                                      Vocations are born in prayer and from
                                                                                                       prayer; and only through prayer can
                                                                                                          they persevere and bear fruit.
                                                                                                                                 - Pope Francis

                                                                                                    God our Father, You made each of us
                                                                                                    to use our gifts in the Body of Christ.
                                                                                                    We ask that You inspire young people
                                                                                                    whom You call to priesthood and
                                                                                                    consecrated life to courageously
                                                                                                    follow Your will. Send workers into
                                                                                                    Your great harvest so that the Gospel
                                                                                                    is preached, the poor are served with
                                                                                                    love, the suffering are comforted, and
                                                                                                    Your people are strengthened by the
                                                                                                    sacraments. We ask this through
                                                                                                    Christ our Lord. Amen
                                                                                                                         Prayer for Vocations
                                                                                                                             by Pope Francis

                                                                                                    For an increase of vocations to the
                                                                                                    priesthood, diaconate and religious life,
                                                                                                    especially in the Diocese of Joliet, we pray
                                                                                                    to the Lord.
                                                                                                                          Lord, hear our prayer.

                                                      Events This Week
  MONDAY                 TUESDAY           WEDNESDAY          THURSDAY             FRIDAY             SATURDAY                 SUNDAY
   April 13               April 14           April 15           April 16           April 17             April 18                April 19
     9:00 AM                9:00 AM            9:00 AM            9:00 AM            9:00 AM               9:00 AM               9:00 AM
       Mass                   Mass               Mass               Mass               Mass                  Mass                  Mass
 live stream only       live stream only   live stream only   live stream only   live stream only      live stream only      live stream only
 (SMI Facebook)         (SMI Facebook)     (SMI Facebook)     (SMI Facebook)     (SMI Facebook)        (SMI Facebook)        (SMI Facebook)
                                                                                                                                 10:45 AM
   Go Green!                                                                                                                   Spanish Mass
                                                                                                                             live stream only
                                                                                                                               (SMI Facebook)

  Please recycle this
  paper when done.

Page 14                                          One Family in Faith Making Christ Known                                       April 12, 2020
Contact and General Information
                    PARISH GENERAL NUMBER: 815-436-2651 815-436-5017—FAX
                      WEB SITE WWW.SMIP.ORG E-mail:
              RELIGIOUS ED. Pre-K through 6th Grade 815-436-4501 Confirmation 815-436-2861
                               PARISH SCHOOL OFFICE 815-436-3953

                                                                                         Spiritual Director: Laura Lies, MS—896
                                                                                         Staff: Joan Lopina, LCPC—815-919-2847

WEEKEND SCHEDULE                                                  MARRIAGES: Please contact the Parish Office when planning a
  Saturday Evening Mass: 4:00 PM                                     marriage. Weddings should be scheduled at least six months
                                                                     in advance according to Diocesan norm. A wedding date
   Spanish Mass: Saturday 5:30 PM (Church) &                         cannot be guaranteed or added to the parish calendar until
      Sunday 12:15 PM (Cana Hall)                                    you have met with one of our priests to begin your
   Special Needs Mass: 2nd Sunday of Month 10:30 AM                  paperwork. (Weddings are not scheduled on Sundays
      (Cana Hall)                                                    unless during a regular Sunday Mass.)
   Polish Mass: Sunday 9:00 AM (Cana Hall)                        BAPTISMS: Parents are required to attend a Baptism Class and
WEEKDAY MASSES                                                      be registered parishioners for at least six months, prior to
   Monday through Saturday: 7:30 AM                                 setting a date for the Baptism of their child. We encourage
HOLY DAY & CIVIC HOLIDAY MASS TIMES                                 parents to attend the class before their child is born. Baptisms
   Please consult the bulletin or call the Parish Office.           are held two Sundays a month at 2:00 PM or during a
                                                                    weekend liturgy. Please contact Margaret O’Leary at the
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION                                         Parish Office, 815-436-2651 ext. 803 for further details.
   English: Saturday 3:00-4:00 PM (Church Confessionals)
   Spanish: Saturday 4:30 PM (NWA) (when a priest is available)   REGISTRATION: WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS AND
   Polish: Sunday 8:30 AM (FSR,HR)                                  NEW MEMBERS! Please introduce yourself to one of our
   Or by appointment with the priests.                              priests and to those around you. If you would like to register
                                                                    as a parishioner, you may either join our Welcome Gathering
CHAPEL HOURS: Continuous exposition of the Most Blessed             in the Gym on the 2nd Sunday of most months at 10:15 AM,
   Sacrament from Sunday 7:00 PM through Friday 9:00 PM             come to our parish office during the weekdays when we are
   except on First Fridays when exposition continues overnight      open, or go to and complete our online
   to Saturday 7:00 AM. Contact Connie Sanfilippo at 815-603-       registration form.
   2350 or for questions.            Please Note: You must be a registered parishioner for SIX
ANOINTING OF THE SICK                                               months, prior to scheduling a Baptism or receiving a
  Contact Parish Office or priests when sickness occurs.            Sponsor/Godparent letter. Within that period you will need
R.C.I.A.: Anyone seeking information about joining the Catholic     to attend one of the offered Welcome Gatherings or contact
   Faith should contact the Parish Office.                          the parish office for a tour of the parish campus. Contact
                                                                    Laura Van Ham at or 815-436-2651 ext.
ST. MARY IMMACULATE CEMETERY is located at 14313 S.                 887 with any questions.
   Naperville/Plainfield Road, Plainfield, IL 60544
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                                           Peter Muraglia, D.D.S.                                                                                                 Planning                                                                                            Daniel R.
                                                Tom Peck, D.D.S.                                                                                                • Wills                                                                                               Flaherty
                               William P. Madison, D.D.S., FAGD                                                                                                                                                                                                       Managing
                                                                                                                                                                • Trusts                                                                                              Attorney
      Treating St. Mary Parishioners                                    ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad”                                                                                                                   
                                                                           and Present It The Next Time You
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Suite 201C, Plainfield
                               15210 S. Rt. 59                           Thank you for advertising in
                                 Plainfield                                  our church bulletin.
                                                                        I am patronizing your business
                                              because of it!
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000837 St Mary Immaculate Church (C)                                                                                                                                                      For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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000837 St Mary Immaculate Church (B)                                                                                         For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170

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                                                                                                                                                         105 W. Jefferson st. Shorewood, IL 60404                  630.904.4951
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439-8000                    Since 1958                          please call the Parish Office.                                                                            (815) 577-2500

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                                                                                                                        or Overman Jones FH
                                                                                                                                                         SHOREWOOD ANIMAL HOSPITAL                                 McAnally’s Religious
       815-733-6025                                                                                        815-436-2600                           Kenneth Overmeyer, D.V.M.
                                                                                                                                                          504 Brookforest Ave. (Rt. 59)
     15412 S. Route 59                                                                                                             South of Black Rd.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Catholic Books
     Like us on Facebook                                                                                                  15205 S. Rte 59                              Shorewood, IL
                                                                                                                             Plainfield                  Hrs. By Appointment:      815-744-2082
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                                                                                                                                Call/Text 630.738.0081                (815) 436-7201
                                                                                                                           Whether buying or selling a home,       15936 S. Lincoln Hwy. (Rt. 30)
                                                                                                                      put 25+ years of experience to work for you!
                                                                                                                          Special program for fellow SMI Parishioners                                              1 mile west of I-55, Plainfield
000837 St Mary Immaculate Church (A)                                                                                                                                   For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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