CATHOLIC                 Our Mission is to be
                    a Reflective and Active Presence
                   of Jesus Christ in the Community.
                         We are called by God
PARAFIA ŒWIÊTEGO    as the Baptized Community of
    FABIANA             Saint Fabian to Embody
                   the Risen Christ we Experience as

                        Compassionate Lover
                   Embracer of all Cultures and Ages,
                              and Guide

                          United in faith as
                         Daughters and Sons,
                         we live and celebrate
                           God’s Presence
PAGE 2              TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                           SEPTEMBER 29, 2019

                                  From the Pastor
   Wealth in Life or in Spirit?

   The moment of death will come for everyone, and after death there will be no more divisions
   between rich and poor, "believers" and "unbelievers." We will all stand before the Just Judge.
   One must reckon with suffering after death. Lack of mercy on earth will turn against the unmer-

   That is what we have in our conscience to consider when listening to today's readings. What is
   poverty and suffering? Humanly speaking, you can only dream that they will never touch you,
   but often they are the motivations to strive for better goods and to place hope in God. We try not
   to notice people rummaging in the garbage cans, sleeping on the streets, begging, and when we
   do notice, it seems to be the prose of life for us. We treat these people as folklore, a daily image,
   even as an example of life helplessness. But it wasn't always like that, they also had their
   dreams, their life plan; they are now materially poor but are they also spiritually poor?

   Contrary to their appearances, today's readings are not about social groups, the rich, the poor or
   the middle-class. The basis for considering these readings is the problem of our actions when
   traveling on earth, our attitudes we present, whether they are natural or forced by the situation or
   circumstance. The point is for our lives and attitudes to lead us and all of those next to us on the
   path of salvation. As Saint Paul rightly observes when he writes to Timothy: “But as for you,
   man of God, shun all this; aim at righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.
   Fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you
   made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” (1 Timothy 6:11-12).

   In fact, the main gospel theme today is faith in messages. What the Scripture tells us, and then
   priests in sermons, concerns us all, our mortal and eternal life. Listening to them, we often have
   the impression that the words from the pulpit do not apply to us. And yet, if we digest these
   words, we understand that each word spoken during the Liturgy of the Word is intended for
   each of us personally, only that sometimes it will sprout right away, and sometimes - like a seed
   - it will lie until the right situation arises and when given the opportunity, it will be born as
   a word of salvation.
PAGE 3             TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                          SEPTEMBER 29, 2019

                               Słowo Proboszcza

   Bogactwo w życiu, czy w duchu?

   Chwila śmierci przyjdzie na każdego, a po śmierci nie będzie już żadnych podziałów na bogatych
   i biednych, na „wierzących” i „niewierzących”. Wszyscy staniemy przed Sędzią Sprawiedliwym.
   Trzeba liczyć się z cierpieniem po śmierci. Brak miłosierdzia na ziemi obróci się przeciwko

   Właśnie to mamy w sumieniu rozważyć, słuchając dzisiejszych czytań. Czym jest bieda
   i cierpienie? Po ludzku rzecz biorąc, można tylko marzyć, by nigdy nas nie dotknęły, ale często to
   właśnie one skłaniają do starań o lepsze dobra i do pokładania nadziei w Bogu. Staramy się nie
   widzieć ludzi grzebiących w śmietnikach, śpiących na dworcu, żebrzących, a jeśli już zauważamy,
   to jest to dla nas proza życia. Traktujemy tych ludzi jako folklor, obraz codzienny, wręcz jako
   przykład nieporadności życiowej. Ale to nie tak, oni również mieli swoje marzenia, swój plan życia;
   teraz są biedni materialnie, ale czy również duchowo?

   Dzisiejsze czytania, wbrew pozorom, nie traktują o grupach społecznych, bogatych, biednych czy
   średnich. Podstawą do rozważania czytań jest problem naszych działań podczas wędrówki na ziemi,
   naszych postaw, jakie prezentujemy, obojętnie czy w sposób naturalny, czy wymuszony sytuacją,
   okolicznością. Chodzi tu o to, by nasze życie i nasze postawy kierunkowały nas i wszystkich obok
   nas na drogę zbawienia. Jak to słusznie zauważa święty Paweł pisząc do Tymoteusza:
   „Ty natomiast, o człowiecze Boży, uciekaj od tego rodzaju rzeczy, a podążaj za sprawiedliwością,
   pobożnością, wiarą, miłością, wytrwałością, łagodnością! Walcz w dobrych zawodach o wiarę,
   zdobądź życie wieczne: do niego zostałeś powołany i [o nim] złożyłeś dobre wyznanie wobec wielu
   świadków.” (1Tm 6,11-12).

   W zasadzie głównym tematem ewangelicznym jest dzisiaj wiara w przekazy. To, co nam przekazuje
   Pismo Święte, a potem kapłani w kazaniach, dotyczy nas wszystkich, naszego życia doczesnego
   i wiecznego. Słuchając ich, nierzadko mamy wrażenie, iż słowa padające z ambony nas nie dotyczą.
   A jednak, jeśli słowa te przetrawimy, zrozumiemy, że każde słowo wypowiadane podczas Liturgii
   Słowa przeznaczone jest dla każdego z nas osobiście, tyle, że czasami zakiełkuje ono od razu,
   a czasami – jak nasiono – przeleży do momentu zaistnienia właściwej sytuacji i okazji, by narodzić
   się jako słowo zbawcze.
PAGE 4                 TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                  SEPTEMBER 29, 2019

                                                                TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION
                           ADORATION                                 Over the past century, a desire to recover
                                                                a deep sense of unity among all believers in Christ
                             of the                             has grown. The “ecumenical movement” (from the
                            BLESSED                             Greek word meaning the “the whole inhabited
                                                                world”) began among Protestant Christians, but was
                          SACRAMENT                             given great energy in 1920 with a letter from the
                                                                Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople, calling for
                  Come visit Jesus in the Chapel                closer dialogue and cooperation among Christians.
                   anytime this Monday from:                    In 1960, Pope John XXIII invited Protestant and
                     12:00 Noon to 6:30 p.m.                    Orthodox observers to the Second Vatican Council.
                  Benediction will be at 6:15 p.m.              In 1964, the Council’s Decree on Ecumenism
                                                                named these Christians “separated brethren,”
 “The Church beseeches that we may venerate                     a huge leap forward from the time of labeling them
      Christ in the Eucharist. We show this                     as “outside the Church.” A year later, a new pope,
   “veneration” by going to visit Christ in the                 Paul VI, and the Orthodox Patriarch officially nullified
                                                                the condemnations that walled off East from West
 tabernacle. He dwells there, really present. He
                                                                for nine hundred years.
 who was present in the crib at Nazareth, upon                       The pace and optimism of the 1960s has sadly
  the mountains of Judea, in the supper-room,                   waned, and the signs of progress toward unity are
                 upon the cross.”                               few; yet there are wider agreements on sharing
           Blessed Columba Marmion                              Communion among various Christian denomina-
                                                                tions, and among Protestants agreements regarding
                                                                sharing of ecclesiastical life and ministry. Among the
                                                                success stories of the ecumenical movement are
                                                                greater cooperation among Christian clergy,
                                                                a similar Lectionary for Protestants and Catholics,
                                                                and even experiments in the monastic life and
                                                                common worship. —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


          On the first Sunday of each month, St. Fabian Parish offers a blessing for expectant mothers, fathers and
          their unborn children, immediately following the 9:30 a.m. Mass and we’ll meet in the Chapel. The
          blessing is given to strengthen mothers & fathers during the time of waiting and to pray for the health and
safe delivery of their child. This blessing may be received monthly throughout the pregnancy. ~ Deacon Ron

                                           READINGS FOR THE WEEK
Monday:    Zec 8:1-8; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23;                  [K]eep the commandment without stain or
           Lk 9:46-50                                           reproach until the appearance of our Lord
Tuesday:   Zec 8:20-23; Ps 87:1b-7; Lk 9:51-56                                Jesus Christ.
Wednesday: Neh 2:1-8; Ps 137:1-6, 10-11; Mt                                 — 1 Timothy 6:14
           18:1-5, 10
Thursday:  Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Ps 19:8-11;
           Lk 10:1-12
Friday:    Bar 1:15-22; Ps 79:1b-5, 8-9; Lk
Saturday:  Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Ps 69:33-37; Lk
Sunday:    Hb 1:2-3; 2:2-4; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9;
           2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14; Lk 17:5-10
PAGE 5               TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                            SEPTEMBER 29, 2019

                                                                       Feast Day of Our Lady
                                                                           of The Rosary
                                                                        Monday - 7:00 p.m.
                                                                         October 7, 2019
                                                                          Blessing of the
                                                                        Virgin Mary Statue
                                                                          at the Rectory
 It is well-known that the Church “dedicates” both May and October to the remembrance of the Blessed
 Virgin Mary. May’s commemoration is more general–the Mother of God in all her splendor, whereas
 October’s is quite specific–Mary under her glorious title of “Our Lady of the Rosary.”

 This makes eminent sense. Before we venerate the Madonna, we must first know who she is. Before we
 lift our voices in the prayerful recitation of the Holy Rosary, which is insightfully hailed as “the Gospel in
 miniature,” we must know to whom we turn.

 The Holy Rosary takes on deeper meaning when we come to acknowledge Our Blessed Mother and how
 she is related to her Divine Son and His Chosen Bride, the Church.

 Prayer is a way to help us get in touch with God and to develop a relationship with him. In prayer we not
 only talk with God, but God communicates with us. As we continue to pray, our relationship with God
 grows, and we are transformed more into the people we are meant to be.

 One reason the Blessed Mother asked us to pray the rosary might be because it can benefit anyone at any
 stage of the spiritual life from beginners to advanced. The “Catechism of the Catholic Church” teaches
 about various types of prayer including vocal prayer, meditation and contemplation.

 To sum up, the rosary is a prayer highly recommended by the Blessed Mother herself as well as popes and
 saints. It has very many levels from vocal prayer, to meditation and is also a pathway to contemplation.
 The goal is a greater love for God and union with God.

 The Rosary: The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. The rosary is a devotion in honor of
 Mary. It helps us remember important events in the life of Jesus, with the help of Mary, his mother.
 Beginning on October 1st, we will pray the rosary at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel throughout the Month
 of October.

             Marriage Banns
 I     Jozef Kesek
         Catherine Dybas
PAGE 6                TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                            SEPTEMBER 29, 2019

 SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE…                                    but mine! Let’s move beyond those initial
                                                          inclinations. Let’s focus on a bigger picture, a
                                                          greater possibility. Let us not lament the loss of a
 As we all know there is a shortage of priests in the     priest and therefore the loss of a Mass, rather let
 Archdiocese of Chicago and throughout the United         us deliberately choose to think of how we will
 States. As we as a parish look ahead, we will have       continue to build a thriving parish where people will
 one full time assigned priest and most likely we will    come to know Jesus and seek to serve the Lord.
 not have another priest in the for seeable future.       Some questions to consider:
 Currently, our community gathers seven times
 each weekend to celebrate Mass. For the majority         ♦ When is the most opportune time on Saturday
 of these Masses there are a good number of folks           and Sunday to gather the most people together
 who faithfully participate, but in all honesty none of     to celebrate Mass?
 our seven Masses is completely full. The doors are       ♦ How many times - realistically - do we need to
 open to welcome all, and there is room in the pews         gather for Masses?
 to allow others to worship.                              ♦ Knowing that we all need to make adjustments
 The reality of having one priest means that we will        to our schedules, what sacrifice of time can I
 need to modify our schedule of Masses. While               give to accommodate my brothers and sisters
 Canon Law only permits a priest to preside at two          in faith to join with them for Mass?
 Masses each day, three for good pastoral reasons,        ♦ What are we called to do, by the Lord, as we
 this norm is frequently disregarded; especially            follow His command to “do this in remembrance
 considering when we add a funeral Mass(es) and/            of me” - that is to say, who are we because of
 or wedding(s). And so, the time has come that we           what we celebrate in the Mass?
 must adjust to a sustainable reality. If we don’t
 have an associate, we will rely on the generosity of     Together, we can do what is necessary for all of us
 “helper” priests, for the most part, to assist us in     to encounter Jesus in the Mass. We just have to be
 praying the Mass.                                        willing to open ourselves up to change.
 We are not alone in confronting the challenge of
 fewer priests and its implications on our parishes.
 The Renew My Church process will help in the
 future to revitalize our communities, form
 intentional disciples, create and evangelizing
 culture and re-allocate our resources - particularly          The St. Fabian Mass Time
 our clergy resources. But we, at St. Fabian are               Survey is an insert in this
 faced with a challenge now.
                                                                   week’s Bulletin.
 For the next two weekends, I invite you to share
 your thoughts with me and our staff about a new
 schedule for Saturday and Sunday Masses. While,
 in particular, we are looking at combining our six
 Sunday Masses into five.
                                                                Extra copies are placed
 Please take a moment to fill in the survey inserted
                                                                  on the Narthex table,
 in this week’s Bulletin or on one in the Narthex,              at the Parish and School
 returning them either in the collection basket, the           Offices, and posted on the
 box in the Narthex, at the Parish or School Offices
 during regular hours or by email at www.saint-                         website at                                            
 I am well aware that change is not always easy. I
 also know that often the first question we ask is
 “what is most convenient to me.” Or that we make
 a statement about changing everyone else's Mass
                                                                             September 2019

As we all know there is a shortage of priests in the Archdiocese of Chicago and throughout the
United States. As we as a parish look ahead, we will have one full-time assigned priest and most
likely we will not have another priest in the foreseeable future. The reality of having one priest
means that we will need to modify our schedule of Masses. We would like your input before we
make changes to the existing Mass schedule. The information you provide will help us ensure that
our parish continues to thrive, taking into account the preference, accessibility and convenience of
all who come to worship here. Please note that this is not a vote! The final determination of our
new Weekend Mass schedule will include your - parishioner input, coordination with Mass times at
surrounding parishes, and consultation with our staff and with our Dean.

1. Please CIRCLE the ONE Mass time you currently attend MOST OFTEN:
          Saturday              Sunday
       5:00 pm             6:30 am       8:00 am       9:30 am       11:00 am        12:45 pm         7:00 pm

2. Below are three possible Options for a Saturday and Sunday Mass schedule. Please number the Options
   below from 1 to 3, with 1 being your first preference:

                                                                                             Rate your preferences
                       Possible Weekend Mass Schedules for                                           1 to 3
OPTION    Saturday and Sunday (Yellow = English Mass, Peach = Polish Mass)                    in the boxes below

   A       5:00 pm       6:30 am      8:00 am      9:30 am     11:00 am      7:00 pm

   B       4:00 pm       7:00 am      8:30 am     10:00 am 11:30 am          7:00 pm

   C       4:30 pm       6:30 am      8:00 am     10:00 am 12:00 pm          7:00 pm

3. In the boxes below, you may write your own SIX suggested times for Saturday and Sunday Masses:

           1.              2.             3.             4.             5.              6.
4. Please feel free to add any other comments:



                This Mass Time Survey is included as an insert in the September 29, 2019 Bulletin.
          Additional copies can be found in the Narthex, the Parish Office, on the table in front of the
                            School Office or on the website at
            Completed surveys may be returned: in the box in the Narthex, in the collection basket,
     to the Parish or School Office during regular business hours or via email at
PAGE 8     TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                           SEPTEMBER 29, 2019

                          Attention Pet Owners
                              “The St. Francis Pet Blessing”
                  SATURDAY - October 5, 2019 at 12:00 Noon
                  Blessings on the front Lawn of Church

Vendor Show This Weekend...

            Breakfast on Saturday, October 10, 2019 at  Cost - $35.00 per person (Check to ACCW)
                         THE CARLISLE                            Deadline– October 11, 2019
              435 E. Butterfield Road- Lombard, IL     Please contact Alice DuPraw at (708) 903-9700
                                                                    for more information.
  O F       R E G U L A R
           E V E N T S
AA: Rm. 3, 6:30—8:00 PM
                                                             Sun                     Mon                Tue            Wed                    Thu                  Fri              Sat
Children’s Liturgy: During 9:30 Mass, Rm. 3
Polish Children’s Choir Practice - Church, 5:30
p.m.                                                                                               1             2                      3                    4 First Friday    5 St. Francis
1st: Polish School Student Mass, 12:45 p.m. (in                                                                                                              Confession          Pet Blessing
Church)                                                                                                                                                      6-7pm
                                                                                                                      Religious                                                    at 12:00
1st: Blessing of Expectant Mothers                                      Reminder:                                                                            Mass: 7pm             outside
       after 9:30 Mass (in the Chapel)                                                                                Education
                                                                     “Open Your Bible”                                8th Grade                                                    Church
3rd: Sip of Faith Café , 10-11:30 AM, O’Meara Hall               Bible Study begins after
in January, March, May, October & December only                  9 a.m. Mass in Room 5
                                                                                                                                                                                Religious Ed
                                                                 (October 4, 11, 18 & 25)                                                                                       “A” Session
                   MONDAY                                        ALL ARE WELCOME!

SPRED, Rms. 7-8, 7 PM                                                                                                                   Polish School          Polish School    Polish School
Eucharistic Adoration Chapel: 12 Noon - 6:30 PM
Polish Choir: Church, 7:00 p.m.
1st: Teachers, O’Meara & All Rooms, 6:30 PM
2nd & 4th: K.C.’s, Room 9, 7:30 PM
                                                      6                         7                  8             9                      10                   11                12
4th: Coordinators, Rm. 4, 6:30 PM                                                                                    NO Religious                             Confirmation
4th: St. Vincent DePaul Food Pick-up:                                                                                 Education                                7:00 p.m.
                                                           Expectant                Spred “A”                         8th Grade
              10AM-12 Noon                                 Mother’s
                                                                                                                                        Senior’s Group
                                                                                                                                         O’Meara Hall
                                                           After 9:30
                   TUESDAY                                                                                                                12:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                     Confirmation                                                Religious Ed
R.C.I.A., O’Meara Hall, 7-8:30 PM                                                                                     Rehearsal                                                  “B” Session
Baptism Prep., Kash Hall, 7:30 PM                                                                                     7:00 p.m.
1st: K.C. Officer Meeting, Rm. 3, 7:00 PM                                                                                                                                       Polish School
                                                      27th Sunday in Ordinary                                                               Polish School       NO Polish
1st: Women’s Club Board, Rm. 8, 6-8PM                 Time
2nd: Polish Rosary Group, Rm. 6, 6-9 PM
4th: Baptism Bib Ladies, Rm. 4, 9:30-11 AM
                                                      13                        14                 15            16                     17                   18                19
                WEDNESDAY                                                           Spred “B”
                                                                                                                      Religious         Women’s Club
Religious Ed, 8th Grade: 7-8:15 PM, Rooms                                                                             Education          7:00 p.m.
6,7,8,9,10                                                                                                            8th Grade         O’Meara Hall
A.A., Rooms 2 &. 3, 8 PM                               K.C. Spaghetti
4th: Eliz. Ministry Core Group                             Dinner                                                                                                                Religious Ed
                                                      3:30 p.m. - Kash                                                                                                           “A” Session
                                                       28th Sunday in           Parish Offices                                          Polish School          Polish School    Polish School
Polish School: Rooms 1,2,3, 7, 8 & Kash, (Grades       Ordinary Time
5 to H.S.) 5-9 PM (1st, 2nd & 4th Rms. 9 & 10 also)                                Closed
Children’s Vocal Choir: Church, 4:30 - 5:30 PM
Adult Choir: Church, 6:00 p.m.
3rd: Women’s Club, O’Meara, 7 PM                      20                        21                 22            23                     24                   25                26
                                                                                    Spred “A”
2nd & 4th: Senior’s, O’Meara Hall, Noon                  Sip of Faith
Last: Elizabeth Ministry, Rm. 1, 10:30-Noon                 Café                                                      Religious             Senior’s Group
                                                          O’Meara Hall,                                               Education              O’Meara Hall
                                                           10-11:30 AM                                                8th Grade               12:00 p.m.
“Open Your Bible” Bible Study, Rm. 5 after the                                                                                                                                   Religious Ed
9:00 a.m. Mass (Begins September 20th)                                                                                                                                           “B” Session
Polish School, All Rooms, 5-9PM (Grades K to 6)
Polish School Children’s Choir, Rm. 3, 4 - 5PM
                                                       29th Sunday in
N.A.: O’Meara Hall; 9:30 AM - 12:00 Noon               Ordinary Time                                                                    Polish School          Polish School    Polish School
1st: Eucharistic Day Adoration
       9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon (Devotions and
Adoration in the Chapel, Benediction at 12 noon)
1st: First Friday Confession, 6-7 pm
                                                      27                        28                 29            30                     31                   Nov. 1            Nov. 2
1st: First Friday Polish Mass, 7pm (7:30 PM on                                      Spred “B”
Friday’s during Lent)                                                                                                 Religious
                                                                                                                      8th Grade
                                                                                  St. Vincent de                                                              English Mass:
Religious Ed., “A” & “B” Sessions                                               Paul Food Pantry                                                              9am & 6pm
                                                                                                                                                                               English Mass:
                                                                                                                                                                               9am & 5pm
All Rooms 8:45—10:45 AM.                                                              Pick-up                                                NO Polish        Polish Mass:     Polish Mass:
Polish School, All Rooms, 11:30AM-3:30 PM             27th Sunday in Ordinary   10 a.m.– 12 noon                                              School          10:30 & 7:30pm   10:30 & 7:00pm
(Grades pre-K to 8)
1st: Saturday Devotions: 7 AM, Chapel
3rd: Our Lady of Ludżmierz Mass, 7 PM
4th: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena, 9:30                                                                  St. Fabian Catholic Community
AM, Church
                                                      Sunday - November 17th - Catholic/                         8300 S. Thomas Ave.
                                                      Muslim Dialogue Tea                                        Bridgeview, IL 60455
                                                      Tuesday - November 26th - Our Lady of
                                                      Guadalupe Committee Meeting
                                                      Thursday - November 28th           -                       Phone: 708-599-1110
                                                      Thanksgiving!                                              Fax: 708-599-0673
PAGE 10              TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                    SEPTEMBER 29, 2019

              Weekly Collection                           ~ Quips from Deacon Charlie ~
                                                     Prayer for the Week:
                                                     Thank You for the peace You give
       July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020                  me as I turn to You, Jesus. Help me
        Weekly Goal: $11,250.00                      to stay very close to You today!

  September 22, 2019           $10,309.93
        5:00 p.m.              $1,482.43
        6:30 a.m.              $ 779.00
        8:00 a.m.              $1,292.00
        9:30 a.m.              $3,198.50
        11:00 a.m.             $1,497.50
                                                    REMEMBER THE SICK OF OUR PARISH IN YOUR PRAYERS
        12:45 p.m.             $1,151.50
                                                    Luz Acevado                Wilma Hudson                Andrzej Pawlica
                                                    Joseph Aniol               Stephanie Huskey            Chester Perczynski
        7:00 p.m.              $ 909.00             Frankie Annel              Marilyn Jaborski-Borowy     Virginia Petri
                                                    Betty Armstrong            Walter Jachec               Dolores Polkow
                                                    Elizabeth “Lee” Ascensio   Denise & Richard Jandura    Marie & Richard Pollak
        Mailed in:             $      .00           Katie Aston                Eugene F. Janus             Ken Porter
                                                    Jerolyn Auton              Elmer Javier                Cindy Poynter
                                                    Bud, Theresa & Christina   Anita Jelcic                Millie Purpura
                                                    Baldwin                    Nora Kazmierczak            Iracema Galvani Quinete
        Total:                 $10,309.93           David Bender               Marybeth Kennedy            Meg A. Radcliff
                                                    Joan Berquist              Roman Klepczarek            Adam Raj
                                                    Fr. Ted Bojczuk            Kim Kirchoff                Mary Margaret Riccio
        Weekly Deficit:        $    940.07          Ron Boyce                  Madeline & Richard Kirn     Irena Rolak
                                                    James Burian               Bernadine Kolodziejczak     Terry J. Scott
                                                    John Ciciora               Daniel Kobylarczyk          Justin Sewers
   Year-to-date Deficit:       $27,326.07           Sam Clanton                Velta Kopacek               Mary Sherman
                                                    Matthew Coughlin           Muriel Kowalski             Michael Patrick Shilney
                                                    Mary Jane Crowhurst        June Krzyston               Alfred Skrobot
                                                    D’Agostino Family          Lorraine Kubal              Rose Szumal
                                                    Mary Daniels               Theresa Kulpa               Vivian Spanczak
                                                    Judy Davis                 Joseph Lubas                David Sterling
  PRAY FOR OUR FRIENDS AND RELATIVES                Carmen Di Miele            Angela Lukanus              Joyce Stover
                                                    Cathy Duska                Bill & Whitney Luke         Lillian Stricker
            IN THE MILITARY                         Mary Anne Dyer             Eileen & Michael McMillan   George Sylvester
                                                    David & Robert Dziedzic    Christine Madera            Mary Tadda
     Jonathon Aguirre, Kenneth W. Annel,            Raymond Figura
                                                    Nicholas Fillion
                                                                               Thomas Mahon
                                                                               Debra Major
                                                                                                           Julie Teninty
                                                                                                           Barbara Thomas
       Junior Browren, Lauren Gardner,              Carol Fiore                Graeniel Lance Manuel       Judy Venard
                                                    Michael Fox                Joseph Martinez             Maci Villareal
  Anthony Gonzalez, Maria Gross, Troy Gryga,        Karen Fulton               Maria C. Martinez           Alice Wagner
       Joseph Klaus, Thomas Hummel,                 Jim Galemb
                                                    Rosalio Garcia, Sr.
                                                                               Selva Martinez
                                                                               Kate Meade
                                                                                                           Denise Warda
                                                                                                           Jack Wasielewski
                Michelle Klaus,                     Patricia Gardner           Grace Medina                George Wasinski
                                                    Gilbert Garza              Robert J. Mercurio          David Weaver
      Christopher Koutsis, David Leyden,            Eric Gefvert               David Michaels              Iza Weisenritter
     Patrick Leyden, Wayne G. Lewen, Jr.,           Geri Gestaut
                                                    Eric Ginther
                                                                               Stacey Misicka
                                                                               Dennis & Denise Murphy
                                                                                                           Joan & Chester Wiczek
                                                                                                           Melanie Williams
      David Malinowski, Kevin McEnaney,             Karen Gleasner             Ron Mystek                  Robert Wilson
                                                    Joanna Glow                Paola Navarrete             Pamela Wojdyla
       Ryan McHeffy, Michael Michalek,              Jose Gomez                 Joyce Netecke               Patrick J. Woods
  Heather Quinlan, Mike Snee, Anthony Spear,        Irene Graff
                                                    Nancy Granato
                                                                               Linda Norcutt
                                                                               Carmella Smiley - Norvell
                                                                                                           Benedict Yerkes
                                                                                                           Jerome Zaccaro
     Richard Stone, Christopher Thomas,             Beverly Hadley             Danuta Nowak                Ronald Zajac
                                                    Randall Harding            Margareta Odehmal           Helena Zeglin
 Melanie Thomas, Steve Williams, Joel Winter,       Rusty Harding              Erik Oller                  Tom Zielinski
           Robert Wnek, Cody Wolin                  Michael Herbert
                                                    Jay Higginson
                                                                               Joan Ormins
                                                                               Steve Otten
                                                                                                           Rachel Zimmer
                                                                                                           Tommy Zimmer
                                                    Rachel & Thomas            Mary D. Owens
 LORD, HOLD OUR TROOPS IN YOUR LOVING HANDS. PRO-   Hernandez                  Linda Panos
                                                    Bob Horstmann              Gladys Patterson
 TECT THEM AS THEY PROTECT US. BLESS THEM FOR THE   Natalie Horvath            Eileen M. Pawlak
    SELFLESS ACTS THEY PERFORM FOR US. AMEN         Edward & Janina Hosaniak   Michael A. Pawlak
PAGE 11                          TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                        SEPTEMBER 29, 2019
 SACRAMENTAL SCHEDULE                                                              RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 4:00 – 4:45 PM
                                                                                                      First Friday: 6:00—7:00 PM
 SUNDAY EUCHARIST:                                                                 MARRIAGE: Call the Parish Office 6 months in advance.
 [English] 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM (Saturday 5:00 PM)                                 BAPTISM: English - 1st Sunday at 3p.m.;
 [Polish] 6:30 AM, 12:45 & 7:00 PM                                                 Polish - Every Sunday at 12:45 Mass. No Exceptions.
 DAILY EUCHARIST: 9:00 AM (Monday - Friday)                                        Call the Parish Office to schedule. Parents must attend preparation session.
 HOLY DAY EUCHARIST: Scheduled prior to the holy day.                              ANOINTING: Call the Parish Office when serious illness occurs.

              10-05-19           10-06-19                10-06-19             10-06-19             10-06-19               10-06-19              10-06-19
              5:00 PM            6:30 AM                 8:00 AM              9:30 AM              11:00 AM               12:45 PM              7:00 PM
Lector 1      M. Urbanek         I. Slota                J. Vojtanek          L. Barnes            J. McGuire             J. Mateja             A. Cison

Lector 2      J. Tipperreiter    T. Wroblewska           R. Kavales           V. Bosworth          J. Frydrychowski       A. Swietoslawski      J. Stafiera
Lector 3                         E. Jedynasty                                                                             A. Kulach
Host 1        D. Meldazis        E. Jedynasty            R. Kavales           S. Salinas           H. Deneen              K. Tylka              J. Stafiera
Host 1A       A. DuPraw          I. Slota                                     J. Pawlicki          C. Golesz              A. Swietoslawski      A. Cison
Host 3        M. Beliveau                                J. Macias            C. Shubert           D. McGuire             M. Bobek
Host 4        M. Carpenter                               K. Surwillo          P. Swiatkowski       J. Poynton
Wine 1        D. Fierke                                  L. Sheehan           J. Salinas           Y. Dugic
Wine 1A       M.A. Moisan                                                     T. Bosworth          D. Pospishil
Wine 2        Deacon                                     Deacon               Deacon               Deacon
Wine 3        J. Dokey                                   L. Guerrero          T. Paluch            P. Kroll

Wine 4        J. Schultz                                 M. Guerrero          J. Latona            A. Cortes

              T. Hotzfield                               P. Kroll             P. Kroll             G. Cichore
                                                         V. Maka              A. Michalik          A. Cichore

                                                                              A. & D. Toczek       A. Nedza

                                                            MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK

Sunday, September 29, 2019                                                         Friday, October 4, 2019
6:30     AM   Edward Dlugopolski, Jozef Obrochta, Stanislaw Styrczula,             9:00     AM    Marlene Wiercioch
              Stanislaw Komperda i Syn Stanislaw Komperda, Michalina i Felix       7:00     PM    Julia i Wladyslaw Tomczyk, Fr. Andrzej Gorski (Jesuit)
              Lesnicki, Franciszek Lesnicki, Leopold i Maria Komperda, Taduesz
              Kantor, Andrzej Wnek, Leopold i Ludwika Luszczek
8:00     AM   People of The Parish, Daniel Hermosillo (Birthday Blessings)
                                                                                   Saturday, October 5, 2019
9:30     AM   Deceased Members of the Sroka Family, Ellen & Patrick Fitzgerald,
              Nora & Austin Leyden, Matthew Lukaszczyk                             1:00     PM    Dwulatek—Mysliwiec Wedding
11:00 AM      For Those on Our Parish Sick List, Anita & Egidio Jelcic (Health &   5:00     PM    Norman & Imelda Kaminski (60th Wedding Anniversary),
              Blessings), Mario Grela                                                             Neal M. Bennick, James T. England
12:45 AM      Pawel Lojek, Robert Janik, Franciszek Mendala, Jan Szuba,
              Ryszard Swiedrych, Jozef Klikuszowian, Wladyslaw Skubisz, Aniela
              Rafacz, Cierpiace Dusze w Czysccu, Zofia i Jakub Mateja (20th
                                                                                   Sunday, October 6, 2019
              Wedding Anniversary)                                                 6:30     AM   Edward Dlugopolski, Jozef Obrochta, Stanislaw Styrczula, Maria
7:00     PM   Jozefina i Augustyn Albertusiak, Stefan i Maria Mazanka                            i Franciszek Lesnicki, Maria Tylka, Tadeusz Kantor, Maria
                                                                                                 Kazimierz i Andrzej Drozdowski, Elzbieta i Marian Miodonski
                                                                                   8:00     AM   Maria & Czeslaw Harwatek, Zenon Cholewa
Monday, September 30, 2019                                                         9:30     AM   John Mularski, Matthew Lukaszczyk, Cosmo Mana
                                                                                   11:00    AM   Albert Flakus, Michael Morgan, Zofia Niemyjski
9:00     AM   Lenny Kobilka (Health & Blessings), Safe Operation for Helen         12:45    PM   Pawel Lojek, Helena, Jan i Stanley Maka, Robert Janik, Franciszek
                                                                                                 Mendala, Cierpiace Dusze w Czysccu, Anna i Wieslaw Stoklosa,
Tuesday, October 1, 2019                                                                         Antonina i Jan Hryc, Anna i Stanislaw Sieczka, Jan Szuba, Aniela
                                                                                                 Kwak, Maria Famulka, Miroslaw Niziol, Jan Jarosz, Natalia Budz,
9:00   AM     Alixx Lanik                                                                        Wladyslaw Gil
                                                                                   7:00     PM   Jozefina i Augustyn Albertusiak, Stefan i Maria Mazanka, Tadeusz
Wednesday, October 2, 2019                                                                       Kozubal
9:00   AM     Dorothy Harvey

Thursday, October 3, 2019
9:00   AM     Deceased Parishioners and Their Families
PAGE 12                 TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                            SEPTEMBER 29, 2019

                                          CZYTANIA NA NIEDZIELÊ
                                         DRUGIE CZYTANIE                      „¯y³ pewien cz³owiek bogaty, który
 PIERWSZE CZYTANIE                                                            ubiera³ siê w purpurê i bisior
                                         1 Tm 6,11-16 Zachowaæ                i dzieñ w dzieñ œwietnie siê bawi³.
 Am 6,1a.4-7 Lekkomyœlnoœæ               przykazanie nieskalane a¿ do         U bramy jego pa³acu le¿a³ ¿ebrak
 bogaczy                                 przyjœcia Chrystusa                  okryty wrzodami, imieniem
 Czytanie z Ksiêgi proroka               Czytanie z Pierwszego listu          £azarz. Pragn¹³ on nasyciæ siê
 Amosa                                   œwiêtego Paw³a Aposto³a do           odpadkami ze sto³u bogacza; nadto
                                         Tymoteusza                           i psy przychodzi³y i liza³y jego
 To mówi Pan wszechmog¹cy:                                                    wrzody. Umar³ ¿ebrak i anio³owie
 „Biada beztroskim na Syjonie            Ty, o cz³owiecze Bo¿y, pod¹¿aj za    zanieœli go na ³ono Abrahama.
 i dufnym na górze Samarii. Le¿¹         sprawiedliwoœci¹, pobo¿noœci¹,       Umar³ tak¿e bogacz i zosta³
 na ³o¿ach z koœci s³oniowej             wiar¹, mi³oœci¹, wytrwa³oœci¹,       pogrzebany.
 i wyleguj¹ siê na dywanach; jedz¹       ³agodnoœci¹. Walcz w dobrych         Gdy w Otch³ani, pogr¹¿ony
 jagniêta z trzody i cielêta ze œrodka   zawodach o wiarê, zdob¹dŸ ¿ycie      w mêkach, podniós³ oczy, ujrza³
 obory. Fa³szywie œpiewaj¹ przy          wieczne: do niego zosta³eœ           z daleka Abrahama i £azarza na
 dŸwiêkach harfy i jak Dawid             powo³any i o nim z³o¿y³eœ dobre      jego ³onie. I zawo³a³: »Ojcze
 obmyœlaj¹ sobie instrumenty do          wyznanie wobec wielu œwiadków.       Abrahamie, ulituj siê nade mn¹
 grania. Pij¹ czaszami wino              Nakazujê w obliczu Boga, który       i poœlij £azarza; niech koniec
 i najlepszym olejkiem siê               o¿ywia wszystko, i Chrystusa         swego palca umoczy w wodzie
 namaszczaj¹, a nic siê nie martwi¹      Jezusa, Tego, który z³o¿y³ dobre     i och³odzi mój jêzyk, bo strasznie
 upadkiem domu Józefa. Dlatego           wyznanie za Poncjusza Pi³ata,        cierpiê w tym p³omieniu«. Lecz
 teraz ich poprowadzê na czele           a¿ebyœ zachowa³ przykazanie          Abraham odrzek³: »Wspomnij,
 wygnañców, a zniknie krzykliwe          nieskalane bez zarzutu a¿ do         synu, ¿e za ¿ycia otrzyma³eœ swoje
 grono hulaków”.                         objawienia siê naszego Pana,         dobra, a £azarz przeciwnie,
 Oto S³owo Bo¿e.                         Jezusa Chrystusa. Uka¿e je we        niedolê; teraz on tu doznaje
                                         w³aœciwym czasie b³ogos³awiony       pociechy, a ty mêki cierpisz.
 PSALM RESPONSORYJNY:                    i jedyny W³adca, Król króluj¹cych    A prócz tego miêdzy nami a wami
                                         i Pan panuj¹cych, jedyny, maj¹cy     zionie ogromna przepaœæ, tak ¿e
 Ps 146,6c-7.8-9a.9bc-10                 nieœmiertelnoœæ, który zamieszkuje   nikt, choæby chcia³, st¹d do was
                                         œwiat³oœæ niedostêpn¹, którego       przejœæ nie mo¿e ani stamt¹d do
 On wiary dochowuje na wieki,
                                         ¿aden z ludzi nie widzia³ ani nie    nas siê przedostaæ«. Tamten rzek³:
 uciœnionym wymierza
                                         mo¿e zobaczyæ: Jemu czeœæ i moc      »Proszê ciê wiêc, ojcze, poœlij go do
                                         wiekuista. Amen.                     domu mojego ojca. Mam bowiem
 chlebem karmi g³odnych,
                                         Oto S³owo Bo¿e.                      piêciu braci: niech ich przestrze¿e,
 wypuszcza na wolnoϾ
 uwiêzionych. Pan przywraca                                                   ¿eby i oni nie przyszli na to
                                         ŒPIEW PRZED                          miejsce mêki«. Lecz Abraham
 wzrok ociemnia³ym,
 Pan dŸwiga poni¿onych,
                                         EWANGELI¥:                           odpar³: »Maj¹ Moj¿esza
 Pan kocha sprawiedliwych,                                                    i Proroków, niech¿e ich s³uchaj¹«.
                                         2 Kor 8,9                            Tamten odrzek³: »Nie, ojcze
 Pan strze¿e przybyszów. Ochrania
 sierotê i wdowê,                                                             Abrahamie, lecz gdyby kto
                                         Jezus Chrystus, bêd¹c bogaty, dla
 lecz wystêpnych kieruje na                                                   z umar³ych poszed³ do nich, to siê
                                         was sta³ siê ubogim,
 bezdro¿a.                                                                    nawróc¹«. Odpowiedzia³ mu: »Jeœli
                                         aby was swoim ubóstwem
 Pan króluje na wieki,                                                        Moj¿esza i Proroków nie s³uchaj¹,
 Bóg twój, Syjonie, przez pokolenia.                                          to choæby kto z umar³ych powsta³,
                                                                              nie uwierz¹«”.
                                         EWANGELIA:                           Oto s³owo Pañskie.

                                         £k 16,19-31

                                         Jezus powiedzia³ do faryzeuszów:
PAGE 13             TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                           SEPTEMBER 29, 2019

                                                                       Œwiêto Matki Bo¿ej

                                                                   Poniedzia³ek - 7:00 p.m.
                                                                     7 paŸdziernika 2019r.

                                                                       Poœwiêcenie figurki
                                                                        Matki Bo¿ej przy
 Jak wszyscy wiemy, Koœció³ „poœwiêca” miesi¹ce maj i paŸdziernik B³ogos³awionej Maryi Dziewicy. W
 maju czcimy Matkê Bo¿¹ w ca³ej Jej okaza³oœci, natomiast w paŸdzierniku pod Jej chwalebnym tytu³em –
 Matki Bo¿ej Ró¿añcowej.

 Ma to g³êboki sens. Zanim oddamy czesæ Madonnie, musimy najpierw dowiedzieæ siê kim Ona jest.
 Zanim wzniesiemy swój g³os, podczas pe³nej recytacji Ró¿añca Œwiêtego, który jest nazywany „miniatur¹
 Ewangelii”, musimy wiedzieæ do kogo siê zwracamy.

 Ró¿aniec Œwiêty nabiera g³êbszego znaczenia, kiedy uznajemy nasz¹ B³ogos³awion¹ Matkê i Jej zwi¹zek
 z Boskim Synem i Jego wybran¹ oblubienic¹, Koœcio³em.

 Modlitwa jest sposobem, aby pomóc nam skontaktowaæ siê z Bogiem i nawi¹zaæ z Nim wiêŸ.
 W modlitwie nie tylko rozmawiamy z Bogiem, ale Bóg komunikuje siê z nami. Gdy siê modlimy nasza
 relacja z Bogiem roœnie i coraz bardziej stajemy siê ludŸmi, którymi mamy byæ.

 Jednym z powodów, dla których B³ogos³awiona Matka poprosi³a nas o odmawianie ró¿añca, jest to, ¿e ta
 modlitwa mo¿e przynieœæ korzyœæ ka¿demu, na ka¿dym etapie ¿ycia duchowego, od pocz¹tkuj¹cego do
 „Katechizm Koœcio³a Katolickiego” uczy o ró¿nych rodzajach modlitwy, w tym o modlitwie wokalnej,
 medytacji i kontemplacji.

 Podsumowuj¹c, ró¿aniec jest modlitw¹ wysoce rekomendowan¹ przez sam¹ B³ogos³awion¹ Matkê, a tak¿e
 papie¿y i œwiêtych. Ma on wiele poziomów modlitwy, od modlitwy g³osowej, po medytacjê, a tak¿e jest
 drog¹ do kontemplacji. Celem jest wiêksza mi³oœæ do Boga i zjednoczenie z Bogiem.

 Ró¿aniec: miesi¹c paŸdziernik jest poœwiêcony modlitwie ró¿añcowej. Ró¿aniec jest nabo¿eñstwem ku
 czci Maryi. Pomaga nam pamiêtaæ wa¿ne wydarzenia z ¿ycia Jezusa, z pomoc¹ Maryi, Jego Matki.

 W naszym koœciele, w miesi¹cu paŸdzierniku, bêdziemy codziennie odmawiaæ ró¿aniec o godzinie
 7 wiczorem, w kaplicy.

                                 ADORACJA NAJŒWIÊTSZEGO SAKRAMENTU
                 PrzyjdŸ odwiedziæ Jezusa w kaplicy w ka¿dy poniedzia³ek od godz: 12:00 p.m. do 6:30 p.m.

                                           B³ogos³awieñstwo o godz.   6:15 p.m.
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                                               St. Fabian Catholic Community
                                                    Pastor: Rev. Gregory Warmuz
                                               8300 S. Thomas Avenue - Bridgeview, IL 60455
                          Parish Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (Closed from 1-2 p.m. for Lunch)
                                                 Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Closed Sundays)

Parish Office      708-599-1110                                       Religious Education             708-458-6150
Parish FAX         708-599-0673                                       Religious Education FAX         708-458-2698
Music Director     708-594-7540                                       Polish School                   708-458-9120

                                                                        Ministry of Care - Director - Paula Daley 708-458-2562
Pastor - Rev. Grzegorz Warmuz

                                                                        Religious Education :
Weekend Associate: Rev. Marek Smolka
                                                                        English Program - Coordinator - Cindy Schlesser
                                                                        (M-W-F 9:00 am - 3:30 pm)
Diaconal Ministry - Deacon Ron & Pam Zielinski
                    Deacon Tom & Rhonda Hyde                            Polish Program - Director - Rev. Grzegorz Warmuz
                    Deacon Joe & Linda Stalcup                          Administrator: Maria Pocica
                    Senior Deacon Charles & Janet Tipperreiter          (Czwartek & Piatek 5:00 - 9:00 pm; Sobota 11:30–3:30 pm)

                                                                        Music Ministry – English & Polish
                                                                        Director - Grazyna Bogutyn
Secretary - Mary Harvey
Office & Business Manager - Monica Lassak
Receptionist - Bozena Swiatek                                           Maintenance
                                                                                Ramon Plascencia
Night Crew - Ewelina Soltys, Kasia Nowak

RCIA - (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
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