Preparing UK Electricity Networks for Electric Vehicles Report

Page created by Audrey Hansen
Preparing UK Electricity Networks for Electric Vehicles Report
Preparing UK
Electricity Networks
for Electric Vehicles
Preparing UK Electricity Networks for Electric Vehicles Report
    Executive summary                                    4
    1   Introduction                                     8
    2   Pace of change                                   12
        2.1   UK Government policy                       14

        2.2   Automotive market trends                   16

        2.3   International EV landscape                 20

        2.4   Changing vehicle ownership models          21

        2.5   EV forecasts                               22

    3   EV impacts on Electricity Networks               24
        3.1   The parts of our network                   26

        3.2   Impact on the home                         28

        3.3   Impact on the street                       30

        3.4   Impact on the town                         33

        3.5   Impact on the region/city                  34

        3.6   The scale of infrastructure requirement    37

    4   Enabling the transition                          38
        4.1   A shared ownership of demand forecasting   40

        4.2   Implementation of smart solutions          41

        4.3   Investment in our networks ahead of need   45

    5   Recommendations                                  50
    References                                           52

2                                                             3
Preparing UK Electricity Networks for Electric Vehicles Report
Executive summary
    The UK Government published its
                                                                                                                     "If these challenges are
                                                            Energy Systems Catapult considers that no single
                                                            technology is the answer to decarbonisation, and
    “Clean Growth Strategy: Leading

                                                                                                                      not addressed, the uptake
                                                            that a “whole energy systems approach” is the
    the way to a low carbon future” on                      most effective way to reduce emissions. The use of
    12 October 2017. It outlines how the                    EVs will be a key part of this approach and could

                                                                                                                      of EVs will impact the UK’s
    UK plans to lead the world in cutting                   potentially have significant implications for the
    carbon emissions to combat climate                      support infrastructure including the transmission
                                                            and distribution networks.
    change while driving economic growth.
    Integral to the strategy is accelerating the shift to
                                                            The purpose of this report is to highlight the
                                                            effects of EV uptake on the electricity network           electricity networks as they
                                                                                                                      were not designed to cope
    low carbon transport, including ultra low emission
                                                            and recommend how to avoid network capacity
    vehicles (ULEVs), the vast majority being plug-in
                                                            constraints impeding the roll-out of EVs. It is likely
    hybrid electric vehicles or pure electric vehicles.
                                                            that the uptake of EVs1 will cause local shortfalls

                                                                                                                      with these additional,
    The UK Government is supporting the transition          in electricity network capacity without investment2
    to EVs through funding and policy. This includes        within the RIIO2 Transmission and Distribution

                                                                                                                      and significant, demands."
    a proposed ban on the sale of petrol and                price controls. However, the current regulatory
    diesel cars from 2040 and a range of financial          environment combined with investor pressure
    incentives to kickstart the transition. In parallel,    can curb transmission and distribution network
    the automotive industry is bringing out a number        operators’ ability and desire to invest.
    of electrified vehicles which will cater to a wide
    range of consumer preferences and needs, thus
    further driving demand. Several major automotive
    manufacturers have announced that all of their
    vehicles will be electric or hybrid by 2020.

                                                                                                                     Home                              Street                            Town
                                                                                                                     Households with off-street        A proportion of our low voltage   Our high voltage networks
                                                                                                                     parking (about two-thirds of      networks will be overloaded       will need upgrading to avoid
                                                                                                                     UK housing stock) will have       without action, potentially       reliability issues as fault resilience
                                                                                                                     the capability to charge at       leading to power outages.         will potentially be severely
                                                                                                                     home and be suitable for          The main solutions offered are    impacted without action.
                                                                                                                     most consumers' needs –           smart charging and upgrading
                                                                                                                     the headroom provided by          the cables and transformers       Region
                                                                                                                     the existing household fuse       at significant expense and        Our transmission networks may
                                                                                                                     rating means that individual      disruption.                       need significant investment
                                                                                                                     householders can charge                                             to ensure that they are fit for
                                                                                                                     their EVs without the need for                                      purpose.
                                                                                                                     further reinforcement. This may
                                                                                                                     become an issue if fast charge
                                                                                                                     rates, such as those offered by
                                                                                                                     Tesla Models S and X, become
                                                                                                                     the norm.

                                                                                                                     As households with off-street parking are expected to make up most
                                                                                                                     short to medium term adopters of EVs, this report focusses on this
                                                                                                                     scenario. Home-based charging, from analysis of travel patterns, property
                                                                                                                     characteristics and electricity system dynamics2, is very conducive to
                                                                                                                     providing the core of charging needs and evidence to date supports this.

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 5
Preparing UK Electricity Networks for Electric Vehicles Report
"A key issue in rolling out
     new capacity is the lead
     times taken to construct
     and commission new

                                                The key recommendations are to:
    In the rapidly changing environment         Adapt demand forecasting arrangements:             Develop a regulatory framework
                                                Forecasting future demands carry considerably      to enable investment:
    that EVs will bring, it will be necessary
                                                more uncertainty than in previous decades,         Network operators can be reluctant to invest in
    to improve forecasting through              impacting the planning and financing of            new infrastructure where they face forecasting
    better demand data and network              electricity networks. It will be necessary to      risks, exacerbated by the fixed periods of the
    asset information, deploy smart             improve forecasting arrangements, including        regulatory price reviews. Additionally, they may
    system solutions to defer or avoid          the co-ordination between parties, in particular   also face the risk of asset stranding. The key risk
                                                Distribution Network Operators (DNO) and           to the system and the smooth uptake of EVs is
    the need for investment, upgrade            Transmission Network Operators (TNO), and the      that capacity gaps form which cannot be filled
    policy and regulations to achieve           automotive sector.                                 with new infrastructure in a timely manner, as the
    timely investment through appropriate                                                          lead times can be extensive. It is recommended
                                                Progress with roll-out of smart systems:
    incentivisation and risk sharing, and       It is recognised that smart systems, including
                                                                                                   that a regulatory framework is developed based
                                                                                                   on consistent and comprehensive distribution
    adopt a more whole systems approach.        smart meters, smart charging and energy            network asset data and better demand
                                                storage, could reduce the overall level of         forecasting. This will improve network capacity
                                                required investment and allow time for capital     forecasts. If necessary, policy and regulations
                                                intensive/physical solutions to be deployed.       could be updated to provide appropriate risk
                                                However, there remain barriers to adoption         sharing across all stakeholders and make it easier
                                                centred around standards and interoperability      to commit to and implement investment decisions
                                                of systems. It is recommended that standards to    ahead of potential capacity gaps emerging.
                                                promote co-ordination of systems, recognising      Coupled with this the sector needs to take a
                                                the specific, and often local, requirements of     whole energy system approach, with its portfolio
                                                electricity network operators, are developed and   of options for clean energy, to best serve the
                                                implemented.                                       needs of consumers.

6                                                                                                                                                        7
Preparing UK Electricity Networks for Electric Vehicles Report
1. Introduction

                                      Electric Vehicle
                                      (EV) Terminology
                                      In this report, we define an EV as any
                                      light duty vehicle that can plug into the
                                      electricity network.
                                      This includes pure electric vehicles (battery), plug-in hybrids
                                      (combined battery and petrol/diesel engine) and range-
                                      extended electric vehicles (battery with petrol/diesel top-up).

                                      Ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEVs) are also referred to. These
                                      may be EVs or alternatives that are virtually zero tail-pipe
                                      emission, for example, hydrogen fuelled.

                                                                          Electricity Network
    "To deliver on the government’s                                       There are two types of electricity
     Clean Growth Strategy the UK                                         networks: transmission and distribution.

     must make decisions about its
                                                                          Transmission networks carry electricity long distances around
                                                                          the country at high voltages. Distribution networks run at lower
                                                                          voltages and take electricity from the transmission system into

     energy infrastructure by the
                                                                          homes and businesses.

                                                                          Transmission Network Operators (TNO) are responsible

                                                                          for running transmission networks, and Distribution Network
                                                                          Operators (DNO) are responsible for running distribution networks.

8                                                                                                                                              9
Preparing UK Electricity Networks for Electric Vehicles Report
The purpose of this
     report is to highlight
                                                                                                                 In December
                                                                                                                2017 there were                                          In line with this,
                                                                                                                132,000 EVs                                                National Grid

     the effects of EV uptake
                                                                                                                (both pure electric                                    scenarios show that
                                                                                                               and plug-in hybrid)                                      nine million
                                                                                                              in the UK3 equating                                       vehicles could be

     on electricity networks,
                                                                                                               to around 2% of                                         electric5 by 2030.
                                                                                                                  new car sales.

     and recommend how to
                                                                                                                                           This growth, coupled
                                                                                                                                             with the long-term
                                                                                                                                         UK Government targets6

     avoid network capacity
                                                                                                                                         for all new cars and vans
                                                                                                                                         to be zero emission
                                                                                                                                          by 2040, will lead to

     constraints impeding
                                                                                                                                           increased pressure on
                                                                                                                                         our electricity networks.

     the roll-out of EVs.
                                                                                                                    The UK’s
                                                                                                                Committee on                                              Bloomberg New
                                                                                                            Climate Change advise                                    Energy Finance forecast
                                                                                                             that, by 2030, 60%2                                      that by 2040, 54% of
                                                                                                            of vehicle sales should                                  new car sales and 33%
                                                                                                              be electric to meet                                      of the global car fleet
                                                                                                               the fifth Carbon                                           will be electric8.

     This report discusses the potential   The move away from Internal Combustion Engines        This report highlights the current situation
                                           (ICE) to EVs is real, and the UK is                   regarding network demand forecasting, scrutinises
     rate of change of EV uptake
                                           ideally placed to capitalise on this market growth.   the current infrastructure investment and
     by considering the national           In parallel, it is incumbent on industry sectors to   regulatory environment for our network operators,
     carbon/air quality landscape and      work together to ensure that the electricity system   and provides recommendations for the ways in
     government drivers, as well as        can accommodate the additional demand.                which the whole system will need to co-ordinate,
     looking at market signals from the    Our electricity network operators – three TNOs
                                                                                                 flex and adapt to allow investment in the networks         Research shows
                                                                                                 to cope with the rapid changes ahead. It focuses
     automotive industry. The primary      and six DNOs – hold the responsibility to ensure      on the impacts of EVs, particularly for homes with         that the number
     focus is on households with off-      that the networks are not a barrier to the uptake
     street parking (about two-thirds of   of low carbon technologies such as EVs. While a
                                                                                                 off-street parking.
                                                                                                                                                            of EVs in the UK
     UK housing stock) who are likely
                                           range of projects and initiatives are underway to
                                           research ways to reduce network reinforcement
                                                                                                 To deliver on the government’s Clean Growth
                                                                                                 Strategy the UK must make decisions about its              is rising rapidly.
     to make up the majority of short      spend, such as Energy Technologies Institute (ETI)    energy infrastructure by the mid-2020s, including
     to mid-term adopters of EVs. The      (2018) Consumers, Vehicles and Energy Integration     for domestic electricity, heating and transport.
     report draws on existing published    project9, My Electric Avenuev10, Smart EV11 and       Emissions from heating appliances and other forms
                                           Electric Nation12, and the Future Power System        of transport are also a significant contributor to UK
     material only, pulling together       Architecture (FPSA13) programme, this report          carbon emissions. To address this, Energy Systems
     disparate sources to review the       focuses on the benefits, limitations and enablers     Catapult (ESC) believes that a whole energy
     impact EVs will have on the UK        needed for smart solutions and conventional           systems approach14, with its portfolio of options
     Electricity Networks.                 network reinforcement.                                for clean energy, will best serve the needs of
                                                                                                 consumers. The approach will further endorse the
                                                                                                 need for flexible and adaptable electricity networks
                                                                                                 as proposed in this report.

10                                                                                                                                                                                               11
Preparing UK Electricity Networks for Electric Vehicles Report
2. Pace of change

                                   Key take-aways
                                   •   The UK Government plans      •   Automotive manufacturers         •   The UK is not alone, many
                                       to end the sale of all new       are investing billions into          countries are introducing
                                       petrol and diesel cars and       new EV models and some               policies and incentives to
                                       vans by 2040. This goal          have announced that all              promote ULEV adoption.
                                       will not be met if issues        of their vehicles will be            Automotive manufacturers
                                       such as network capacity         at least partly electric by          develop products for a
                                       requirements are not             2020. These vehicles are             global market.
                                       addressed.                       being developed with lower
                                                                        upfront costs to appeal          •   There are a number of
                                   •   National Grid’s “two             to consumers and drive               plausible scenarios for
                                       degrees” Future Energy           demand. It’s reasonable to           the rate of EV uptake, but
                                       Scenario is based upon           assume that consumers will           there are also uncertainties.
                                       7.3 million EVs, or around       become disenchanted if               This uncertainty makes it
                                       30% of vehicles, by 2030.        useability is compromised            imperative that preparations
                                                                        by poor home charging                are made for what might
                                                                        availability or long delays          happen. There is the very
                                                                        before home chargers can             real prospect of high uptake
                                                                        be connected, or be put              of EVs, and it might be
                                                                        off by bad experiences of            faster than many expect.
                                                                        others. This may undermine
                                                                        ambitions to decarbonise,
                                                                        improve air quality or realise
                                                                        industrial strategy goals.

     "The government will end
      the sale of all new petrol
      and diesel cars and vans
                                                                                                                      NOT FOR SALE

      by 2040."

12                                                                                                                                           13
Preparing UK Electricity Networks for Electric Vehicles Report
2.1 UK Government policy
     The transport policy to promote EVs
                                                                                                                 "From September 2020 an
                                                         It should be noted that the funding is not directed
                                                         at ensuring the energy system can cope with
     was initially driven by climate change

                                                                                                                  Ultra-Low Emissions Zone will
                                                         the uptake of EVs, this responsibility lies with the
     objectives, influenced by the Kyoto/                network and system operators.
     Paris agreements and international

                                                                                                                  be created requiring all cars,
                                                         The 2017 Queen’s Speech introduced the
     carbon reduction targets. The policy                Automated and Electric Vehicles Bill 2017-
     to meet these objectives was set in                 201917, which is currently at Committee stage in
     the 2008 Climate Change Act15. More
                                                                                                                  motorcycles, vans, minibuses,
                                                         Parliament. This would allow the government to
     recently, the UK government has                     mandate charge point provision in public places,
                                                         enact minimum standards to enable mass smart
     published the Clean Growth Strategy16

                                                                                                                  coaches and heavy goods
                                                         charging and provide common information
     which supports the adoption of EVs                  on charge point availability. This is intended to
     mainly through:                                     remove some of the key consumer barriers to

                                                                                                                  vehicles to meet strict
                                                         adopting EVs.
     •   Spending £1bn on supporting uptake,
         including overcoming the upfront cost of EVs.   Also, the Department for Business, Energy and

                                                                                                                  emission standards or pay a
                                                         Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Committee has recently
     •   A commitment to develop one of the best EV
                                                         launched an inquiry into electric vehicles18,
         charging networks in the world.
                                                         recognising that “the arrival of electric vehicles on

                                                                                                                  daily charge."
     To help smooth the transition, government           the mass market creates substantial challenges for
     incentives are directed towards provision of        the electricity grid”.
     charge points (e.g. Office for Low Emission
     Vehicles (OLEV) HomeCharge for domestic
     charge points) and the Plug-in Car Grant to
     help counter the higher purchase cost of EVs
     compared with their ICE equivalent.

                                                                                                                 Alongside this, some local authorities      Outside London, cities such as Nottingham,
                                                                                                                                                             Oxford, Milton Keynes and Bristol have been
                                                                                                                 have already taken a lead towards
                                                                                                                                                             awarded Go Ultra Low city status21, with funding
                                                                                                                 the adoption of ULEVs. Greater              support to introduce initiatives to encourage the
                                                                                                                 London operates a Low Emission              adoption of ULEVs. Devolution and the election of
                                                                                                                 Zone and has recently introduced the        local regional Mayors is likely to further accelerate
                                                                                                                 Toxicity Charge, requiring drivers of       this trend.

                                                                                                                 affected vehicles to pay an additional
                                                                                                                 daily surcharge to drive around most
                                                                                                                 of Greater London. From September
                                                                                                                 2020 an Ultra-Low Emissions
                                                                                                                 Zone19 will be created requiring all
                                                                                                                 cars, motorcycles, vans, minibuses,
                                                                                                                 coaches and heavy goods vehicles
                                                                                                                 to meet strict emission standards or
                                                                                                                 pay a daily charge. In advance of
                                                                                                                 these requirements, all private hire
                                                                                                                 taxi vehicles licenced for the first time
                                                                                                                 from 1 January 2018 must be zero
                                                                                                                 emission capable20.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                   15
Preparing UK Electricity Networks for Electric Vehicles Report
2.2 Automotive market trends
     The automotive industry has
                                                                                                        "EVs are increasingly being
     responded to the long-term steer by
     various Governments internationally,                                                                developed with lower upfront
     and invested heavily in EVs.
     2.2.1 Automotive market trends
                                                                                                         costs to appeal to consumers."
     Many automotive manufacturers have
     acknowledged that the future is increasingly
     electrified, including Volkswagen Group,
     BMW, Jaguar Land Rover and Volvo22, 23, 24, 25.

     A recent string of announcements
     highlighting manufacturer expectations
     of a strong EV market include:

                                                            Combined, the automotive industry is
       May                          July                    investing tens of £billions in EV-related
                                                            research and development (R&D) to
        2017                         2017                   bring new models to the market and
                                                            support mass manufacturing. In the
     Volkswagen Group            Volvo announced
     announced that              that from 2019 they
                                                            UK, we are seeing rapid changes in EV
     it was increasing           will stop producing        availability: in 2011 choice was limited
     its investment in           vehicles powered by        to less than ten models, in 2015 there
     alternative drive           internal combustion        were 32 types of EVs available and
     technologies to nine        engines alone and
                                                            by September 2017, there were 59
     billion euros over the      that the move to the
     next five years and will    electrification of their   models of plug-in cars or vans on the
     be rolling out more         vehicles will be at        market3 from a wide range of major
     than ten new electrified    the core of its future     automotive manufacturers.
     models by the end of        business.
     2018. The company
     announced “The future
     is electric. We intend
     to be the No. 1 in                                                                                 2.2.2 Cost and useability
     e-mobility by 2025”.
                                                                                                        A key consumer influencing factor is cost. EVs are   UBS research shows that the cost of EV ownership
                                                                                                        currently more expensive to purchase than their      is likely to reach parity with ICE equivalent as
                                                                                                        ICE equivalents (recent studies26 have shown that    soon as 2018. ING further forecasts that the
                                                                                                        upfront costs are a greater driver of demand than    cost of manufacturing EVs will reach parity with
       Aug                          Sept                                                                lifetime costs). However, economic predictions       ICE vehicles around 2027, coupled with lower
                                                                                                        based on the falling cost of batteries and other     servicing and fuelling/energy costs, EVs will
                                                                                                        reductions in manufacturing costs from the Dutch     therefore be significantly cheaper to run. EVs are
        2017                         2017
                                                                                                        investment bank, ING27, as well as from UBS28,       increasingly being developed with lower upfront
                                                                                                        suggest a rapid transition from ICE vehicles. ING    costs to appeal to consumers. Additionally, it’s
     BMW Group, who              Jaguar Land Rover
                                                                                                        states that pure electric cars could “become the     reasonable to assume that consumers will become
     market nine different       announced that all
                                                                                                        rational choice for motorists in Europe” between     disenchanted if useability is compromised by poor
     electrified models,         vehicles will be either
                                                                                                        2017 and 2024 and that they could account for all    home charging availability or long delays in the
     announced that              hybrid or all-electric
                                                                                                        vehicle registrations by 2035.                       connection of their home charger or be put off by
     sales of its EV ranges      from 2020.
                                                                                                                                                             bad experiences of others. This may undermine
     increased by 74.8% to
                                                                                                                                                             ambitions to decarbonise, improve air quality or
     50,711 worldwide over
                                                                                                                                                             realise industrial strategy goals.
     the first seven months
     of 2017.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                17
Preparing UK Electricity Networks for Electric Vehicles Report
Electric Vehicle Battery Capacity David J. Bricknell

                                                                                                                                                            BMW iNext

                                                                                                                                                                             Hyundi Genesis

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  VW Buzz

                                                                                                                                               Ford SUV


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hyundi A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  VW ID Cross

                                                                                                                                   Lucid Air
                                                                                                                                               Audi eTron
                                                                                                                                                            Jaguar I-Pace

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 BMW i3 120

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Hyundi Ioniq 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  VW I.D.
     2.2.3 EV range and charging rate

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mini E
                                                                                                                                                                                 Merc EQ EV
     The range (i.e. distance of travel before the

                                                                                                                                                                                              BMW 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Hyundi Kona
     battery needs re-charging) of pure EVs (i.e.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Tesla 3
     battery only) is seen by the automotive industry
     as a key barrier to adoption. As the industry

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Tesla 3 LR
     addresses the issue, assisted by falling battery



                                                                                                                                                                                              Tesla S 75

     costs, EV range is increasing, as illustrated in


     Figure 1. As affordable EVs enter the market with
     larger range, this will allow consumers that drive

                                                                                                                      Tesla S100


     longer distances to make the transition, and the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              3 94

     impact of charging on the electricity network will
     be higher.

                                                                                                                                                  Tesla S90

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tesla S70
                                                                                                                   ES 210



     In high-end vehicles, lithium ion batteries can now
                                                           2.2.4 Hydrogen fuelled vehicles
     match conventional petrol vehicle ranges of 300

     miles or more, but still cannot compete in terms of   There is the prospect that hydrogen fuelled

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Mercedes B

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ford Focus VW e-golf
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Kia Soul


     charge times. To address this, many £billions are     vehicles will form part of the future, but the
     being invested in R&D programmes to develop           technology is less mature, and so their future
     solid state car batteries which have the potential    is even more uncertain and likely to take shape

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     BMW | 3.60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Zinoro 1E

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      VW e-up
     to both double the range of lithium ion batteries     over a longer timescale than EVs. Work by the

     and also dramatically shorten recharge times to a     Committee for Climate Change expects that EVs
     matter of minutes. For example, Sir James Dyson29     will dominate4, however, looking further out to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Roewe E50
                                                                                                                                                                            Tesla S 85

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tesla S 60

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tesla S 40
     has committed £2billion to produce an electric car    2050, hydrogen fuelling could feature particularly



     powered by solid state batteries by 2020.             if it is aligned with hydrogen infrastructure and
                                                           carbon capture to support decarbonisation of
                                                           heat. This view is underpinned by the Automotive

                                                           Council’s suite of roadmaps which show fuel cell

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Leaf MidiEV
                                                           vehicles coming to the market later than EVs. Any
                                                           infrastructure solution would need to take account



                                                           of the prospect of hydrogen refuelling and the

                                                           potential for change to power.









                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Battery Capacity - kWhrs

                                                                                                                Figure 1 – Chart depicting vehicle battery capacity trends over time (source: EV author David J. Bricknell)

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        19
2.3 International EV landscape                                                                    2.4 Changing vehicle
                                                                                                       ownership models
     The UK is not alone, many countries are introducing
     policies and incentives to promote ULEV adoption.                                                 There is potential for vehicle ownership                However, despite the uncertainty, there are some
                                                                                                                                                               sound assumptions that can be made:
     Automotive manufacturers develop products for a                                                   to change in the decades ahead, with
     global market.                                                                                    the prospect of new models becoming                     •   Most EVs, whether autonomous or not, will
                                                                                                       the norm. Technology is making this                         still need to be charged from our electricity
     UK Government policy should be seen alongside                                                                                                                 networks. This includes vehicles powered by
                                                                                                       change possible in the form of today’s
     those of other countries. The list below includes                                                                                                             solid state batteries which will increase the
                                                                                                       app-based taxi services and car clubs,                      potential demand at each charge point as a
     headline policies from worldwide and European
                                                                                                       to tomorrow’s autonomous “self-                             result of rapid charging requirements.
                                                                                                       driving” vehicles.                                      •   Consumers will still require transport services,
                                                                                                       The UK Government has stated that it will facilitate        whether they own the vehicle or not.
                                                                                                       trials of autonomous vehicles and there is support
                                                                                                                                                               •   The future trend is for a greater dependence
                                              France                                                   for such in the Autonomous and Electric Vehicles
                                                                                                                                                                   on our electricity networks for transport,
                                         announced a ban                                               Bill. Some estimates are that autonomous vehicles
           European countries                                                                                                                                      although factors such as ownership models
                                    on the sale of petrol and                                          could be on our roads as early as 203031.
         including Norway and                                          Norway has set a goal of                                                                    and vehicle autonomy are likely to affect the
        France have announced       diesel cars by 2040, and          100% sales of zero emission      Regarding the electricity network there is much             extent to which network adaptation is needed
        goals to accelerate the    Paris is considering an end         capable vehicles by 2025        uncertainty:                                                and where it is needed.
            adoption of EVs.      to diesel cars by 2024 when
                                       it hosts the Olympic                                            •   Ownership could shift away from the
                                              games.                                                       household and towards fleet operators. Fleet
                                                                                                           vehicles will potentially be connected to the
                                                                                                           electricity network in out-of-town depots.

                                                                                                       •   Vehicle ownership models and usage profiles
                                                                                                           are likely to significantly affect both where and
                                           California,                                                     when EVs are charged.
                                       which accounts for
             Germany and             35% of US car sales, has
         The Netherlands are      adopted strict regulations to

                                                                                                       "Some estimates are that
       expected to make similar    reduce car emissions which
        policy announcements.     are expected to be adopted

                                                                                                       autonomous vehicles could be
                                     by up to a dozen other
                                            US states.

                                                                                                       on our roads as early as 2030."
                                                  California’s regulatory approach is being mirrored
                                                  by China. India’s government has stated a desire
                                                  to be pure electric by 2030.

                                                  Even the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
                                                  Countries (OPEC) believes that there will be 235
                                                  million electric cars worldwide by 2040, revising
                                                  its forecast upwards, by a factor of five, from 46
                                                  million in just one year30.

                                                  As automotive manufacturers develop products
                                                  for a global market, almost regardless of UK
                                                  Government policy, petrol and diesel vehicles
                                                  will be gradually phased out of the supply chain,
                                                  based on economics, consumer needs and
                                                  international policy.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                    21
2.5 EV forecasts                                                                                        UK EV Market

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Figure 2 illustrates the key events forecast to significantly impact EV uptake up to 2050.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Car Ownership

                                                     Today, the number of EVs in the UK is rising rapidly.
     There are a number of plausible

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Two Degree
                                                     By the end of 2017 there were over 100,000 EVs
     scenarios for the rate of EV uptake,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Hgh EV
                                                     registered in the UK32, and EVs now represent 1.7%
     but there are also uncertainties. This          of the total new car market in the UK.

                                                                                                                                      Degrees (most likely
                                                                                                                                      scenario) only pure
                                                                                                                                       National Grid Two

     uncertainty makes it imperative that

                                                                                                                                         EV's for sale
                                                     The Committee for Climate Change (CCC)33
     preparations are made for what

                                                     scenario in which the UK could achieve the legally
     might happen. There is the very real            binding fifth carbon budget by 2030, estimates
     prospect of high uptake of EVs, and it

                                                     that 60% of new car sales need to be ULEVs by
                                                     this date. The CCC expects these to be EVs rather
     might be faster than many expect.
                                                     than alternatives such as hydrogen fuelled.

     This is aligned with National Grid’s work on
     Future Energy Scenarios34, particularly their
     ‘Two Degrees’ scenario, where:

                                                                                                                                          Ban on sales of new

                                                                                                                                           petrol and diesel

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ING - Plug in vehicles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            could account for all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             new vehicle sales

     There are nine million               Most cars are pure           There will be no new
     EVs, around 30% of                   electric with few            sales of hybrids after
     all cars.                            hybrids (only 6%).           2045 as hybrid EVs
                                                                       contain combustion
                                                                       engines (meaning that
                                                                       they are also emitters).

                                                                                                                                                                                  Go Ultra Low suggest
                                                                                                                                                                                  half vehicles sales will

                                                                                                                                        scenario assumes sales
                                                                                                                                        of ICE and hybrids will
                                                                                                                                        National Grid High EV
                                                                       By 2045 there are only

                                                                                                                                                                                        be electric
                                                                                                                                             have ceased

                                                                       pure EVs for sale.


                                                     Further to this, analysis undertaken by Go Ultra

                                                                                                                                                                                               Ultra low Emmission
                                                                                                                                                                                               Zone introduced to
                                                     Low in 2016 suggested that more than half new

                                                     car registrations could be electric by 202735.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ING - Plug in vehicles to become
                                                     All forecasts carry uncertainty and a key question

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            'rational choice for motorists'
                                                                                                                                                        Volvo to stop producing
                                                     is how the network operators should be enabled
                                                     to manage and mitigate the risks, and how

                                                                                                                                                              ICE vehicles

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2017 – 2014
                                                     discussions between the relatively separate

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1.7% of new vehicle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              vehicles registered.
                                                                                                                                                                                               must be zero emission

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 116,000 plug in
                                                                                                                                                                                                vehicles in London
                                                     electricity networks and automotive sectors can

                                                                                                                                                                                                 New private hire

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   July 2017
                                                     be facilitated.










                                                                                                                                                                                               Vehicles (millions)

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         23
3. EV impacts on
     electricity networks

                                 Key take-aways
                                 •   Our distribution and           •   The current approach to        •   The infrastructure spend
                                     transmission networks              forecasting of electricity         to prepare our electricity
                                     were not designed for              network capacity and               networks is likely to run to
                                     EV demand from homes               associated investment may          tens of £billions but this is
                                     with off-street parking and        not be fit for purpose in          still a modest proportion of
                                     potentially we do not have         the event of very rapid            consumers’ bills.
                                     sufficient network capacity        EV uptake. The current
                                     for mass-uptake.                   investment process has         •   The impact is highly
                                                                        been designed to meet              dependent on the charging
                                 •   It takes time to realise new       economic growth, rather            profiles adopted: off-peak
                                     capacity, and gaps could           than changes in modes              charging has a much lower
                                     emerge that would lead             of transport driven by             impact than on-peak.
                                     to power outages or other          consumers. To mitigate
                                     constraints unless action                                         The pace of change in adoption
                                                                        this, more co-operation        of EVs is rapid. We now look at
                                     is taken.                          is required between the        the impact this will have on the
                                                                        TNOs, DNOs and the             electricity network.
                                                                        automotive industry. This
                                                                        is in line with the approach
                                                                        proposed by the FPSA

     "The focus of this report
      is home charging for
      households with
      off-street parking."

24                                                                                                                                         25
3.1 The parts of our network
                                                                                                               "It should be noted that if EV
                                                                                                               charging increases national
     The focus of this report is home
     charging for households with off-street
     parking. In this context, our electricity
     networks can be described in four parts:
                                                                                                               peak demand, then this will
                                                                                                               require a potentially significant
                                                                                                               additional generating plant,
                                                                                                               which could make other costs
     1        The Home: the individual electricity
              usage of a single household, including
                                                              2   The Street: the “local” electricity assets
                                                                  that connect multiple homes (i.e. the low
                                                                                                               look modest."
              those with two EVs                                  voltage distribution network)

     3        The Town: the assets supplying power            4   The Region/City: the assets supplying
              to conurbations (the high voltage 		                bulk power to regions of the UK (the
              distribution network)                               electricity transmission network)

     It is necessary to consider each part to better
     understand the impact that EVs will have on our
     electricity networks. It should be noted that if EV
     charging increases national peak demand, then
     this will require a potentially significant additional
     generating plant, which could make other costs
     look modest.

     At all levels, as network operators have no control
     over EV uptake, planners face a huge challenge
     to ensure that future network capacity remains
     adequate. There is a real risk the uptake of EVs is
     potentially much faster than the investment cycles
     within which network operators operate.

26                                                                                                                                                 27
3.2 Impact on the home                                  Electricity use in our homes

     Most households with off-street
     parking will have the capability to
     support EV charging. The impacts of
     charging can be managed within the
     confines of the home.                                              Lightbulbs
                                                                (Traditional - 60W) (CFL -
     Within the isolated context of a single house, in the                 8W)
     UK, a typical household is permitted to use around
     20kW (80 – 100 amps) at any time, as defined
     by the fuse rating entering the property and the
     connection terms. This is enough power for most
     appliances to be used at the same time – a kettle,
     for example, typically uses 13 amps. An EV charger
     typically draws a maximum of 32 amps.

     It is possible, and in some cases likely, that
     households would breach the service fuse rating                Electric Shower
     where an EV charger is used along with multiple                    (8.5kW)
     other high-load appliances (e.g. electric shower
     and kettle, or even a second EV charger). In
     these cases, the fuse would blow, the lights
     would go out and the householder would need
     to call the DNO to fit a new fuse. To prevent
     further incidents, the householder would need to
     ensure that the demand is managed within the                          TV
     household by, for example, either remembering                     (CRT - 1kW)
     to un-plug the car before showering or fitting an                (LCD - 200W)
     inexpensive device which automatically curtails
     the EV charging rate when the load of the                                                                                                              Clothes Dryer
     household exceeds the fuse limit. Alternatively,                                                                                                           (5kW)
     systems to automatically manage household loads
     from discrete devices will shortly be available.
                                                                      WiFi Router             EV chargers are very different to other high-load
                                                                          6W                  appliances in the household. Whereas a kettle
                                                                                              may take three minutes to boil, or an electric                  'Cutout' fuse
                                                                                              shower used for 5-10 minutes, to recharge an EV                    80-100A
                                                                                              after a 40-mile trip would take around two hours.            (good for 20-30kW)
                                                             Figure 3 – Household appliance   However, most households with the ability to
                                                             electricity usage                charge a car will be able to use a dedicated home
                                                                                              EV charger to recharge their vehicle.

                                                                                              Wider system benefits could be provided through             Electric Hob & Oven
                                                                                              EV charging schemes. For example, due to the                        (10kW)
                                                                                              relatively large amount of electricity required for
                                                                                              vehicle charging, typically with significant flexibility,
                                                                                              consumers can save money through systems
                                                                                              that both manage household loads and enable                    Electric Kettle
                                                                                              charging at financially advantageous times or                      (3.5kW)
                                                                                              even through participation in the energy flexibility
                                                                                              markets (e.g. National Grid’s Short Term Operating
                                                                                              Reserve). Set against this, in affluent areas where
                                                                                              finance is less of a consideration, there may be
                                                                                              constraints issues due to fast charging of high-
                                                                                              end EVs such as Teslas.

28                                                                                                                                                                              29
3.3 Impact on the street                                                                                       Residential and EV charging demands

     In areas with off-street parking, EVs
     will ultimately double the load on the
     local distribution network during peak

     periods of demand as penetration

                                                                                                                                                                                      02 :50 :38 :26 :14 :02 :50 :38 :26 :14 .02 :50 :38 :26 14 :02 :50 .38 :26 :14 .02 :50 :38 :26 :14 :02 :50 :38 :26 :14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23
     reaches one EV per household,
     which will lead to localised power
     outages unless either the networks are

     pro-actively upgraded or extensive
     demand management (e.g. smart
     charging) is implemented.

     When looking at street level, the effects from
     individual households are multiplied. A typical
     residential street will have a cable running
     underneath it, with individual connections to each
     property. Each cable can supply anywhere from
     one to 150 properties. There are also devices
     that convert high voltage to low voltage called
     transformers. Each transformer may supply a few
     streets, up to around 500 consumers.

     The cables buried underneath our streets will
     be heavily impacted by EVs. In residential areas,
     peak local electricity demand is in the evenings

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Time of Day
     and is particularly high on cold, dark winter ’s
     evenings. Research conducted using charging
     data from hundreds of EV drivers10 have shown

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Figure 4 – The (residential) demand (in kVA) by time on a typical winter weekday
     that unmanaged EV charging demand also peaks

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        10 11
     in the evening. This is illustrated in Figure 4.
                                                          The ultimate result is a doubling of peak demand
                                                          at distribution street level as EV penetration

                                                          rates reach 100%. It should be noted that this is

                                                          in today’s energy market, where most residential
                                                          consumers pay a flat rate for electricity regardless

                                                          of whether the system is at peak load or not.
                                                          Using different tariffs, i.e Time of Use (ToU) tariffs,

                                                          where consumers would be charged more for

                                                          using electricity at peak times may help offset a
                                                          proportion of the local peak, but it is unclear how

                                                          effective this would be. Additionally, ToU tariffs

                                                          aren’t the only option for managing charging
                                                          or providing a signal to manage charging.

                                                          Technology to enable remote management of
                                                          charging has been shown to reduce local peaks

                                                          and there is initial evidence to support that this is

                                                          acceptable to customers.

                                                          Each cable usually has some spare capacity,
                                                          but very rarely enough to cope with a two-fold

                                                          increase in demand. There is also the prospect

                                                          of the voltage to consumers’ homes being lower




                                                          than statutory levels.
                                                                                                                                                 Average Demand (kVA)

30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             31
"It will become an increasing
                                                                                                                     challenge to maintain reliability
                                                                                                                     standards on our high voltage
                                                                                                                     networks due to EVs."
                                                                                                                     3.4 Impact on the town
                                                                                                                     It will become an increasing challenge to maintain     Smart charging, again, has a role to play. At high
                                                                                                                     reliability standards on our high voltage networks     voltage, demand levels are larger, but smoother
                                                                                                                     due to EVs. Mass smart charging and substantial        and less subject to minute-by-minute variations.
                                                                                                                     investment in new capacity will be required when       As a result, smart charging would be activated for
                                                                                                                     EV uptake becomes significant.                         longer durations, more frequently and involving
                                                                                                                                                                            more EVs, however the aggregation effects will
                                                                                                                     Our towns and villages are supplied with               reduce the requirement for any individual EV. This
                                                                                                                     electricity by an array of high voltage overhead       level of curtailment, and its acceptability, has not
                                                                                                                     lines and underground cables, fed from a series        yet been explored using real consumers.
                                                                                                                     of large transformers. A crucial design aspect of
                                                                                                                     our high voltage network is that each area is fed      In such circumstances, it may be necessary
                                                                                                                     from two or more supplies – in the event of a          for consumers to be financially incentivised to
                                                                                                                     fault, power can be transferred through a different    participate, for example, through sharing in the
                                                                                                                     route until restoration. This means that latent        savings they are helping to realise.
     It will be necessary to:                                 While DNOs are accustomed to reinforcing
                                                                                                                     spare capacity exists in our high voltage networks
                                                              networks (mostly at higher voltages) to facilitate                                                            There are a range of solutions that may be
     •   Proactively upgrade local networks where                                                                    that is only used during faults or maintenance.
                                                              load growth or new connections, the prospect of                                                               appropriate to alleviate capacity constraints
         spare capacity is limited; and                       reinforcing even a modest proportion would be                                                                 on high voltage networks, not just traditional
                                                                                                                     The impacts of EVs are varied. For networks
     •   Enable the extensive roll-out of smart solutions     on a different scale to their conventional levels of   that supply mostly residential areas, then the         reinforcement through new networks or asset
         that can alleviate network stress, such as smart     capital investment activity.                           same doubling of demand that will be seen on           replacement. Energy storage and industrial/
         charging and home storage, also allowing                                                                    low voltage networks will be apparent on high          commercial demand side response have been
                                                              Given the time it can take to deliver new capacity                                                            tested by the DNOs and may prove more
         DNOs to take control when necessary (i.e.                                                                   voltage networks. For networks supplying business
                                                              for EVs, it is suggested that the electrification of                                                          cost-effective in some network areas.
         on those cold, dark winter evenings where                                                                   districts or town centres, then the impacts of EVs
                                                              other high carbon energy sources, such as gas
         demand is uncommonly high).                                                                                 would be a result of public or business charging
                                                              for heating, is considered alongside EV uptake
                                                                                                                     points and the situation will be more complex.
     It should be recognised that apart from the costs,       impact. The benefit of smart solutions is they can
                                                                                                                     These connections usually require an application
     upgrading local networks is disruptive, typically        help prevent outages due to overloads. In some
                                                                                                                     to the DNO, who then has the opportunity to
     involving road closures and civils works (e.g. digging   cases this may resolve the issue, while in others it
                                                                                                                     upgrade the network in advance. However,
     cable trenches). Also, it takes time to plan and         will buy time while more permanent solutions are
                                                                                                                     a key issue will be the time taken to provide
     deliver new networks. This is before consideration is    planned and deployed.
                                                                                                                     connections and there is a possibility that public
     given to the cost and potentially long lead times to                                                            EV charging would be held back waiting for
     install any associated new generation capacity. A key                                                           additional capacity.
     issue in ensuring the local network can cope with
     EV charging, is the scale of the problem; there are                                                             There is the prospect of utilising the capacity
     around one million cables supplying households in                                                               built into networks for fault resilience. This could
     our streets in the UK.                                                                                          release substantial capacity for EV charging
                                                                                                                     quickly, but at the detriment of reliability,
                                                                                                                     increasing the frequency and duration of power
                                                                                                                     outages that consumers experience, requiring
                                                                                                                     transformers to rely on cooling fans and pumps
                                                                                                                     that normally operate very rarely and driving up
                                                                                                                     network losses.

32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 33
3.5 Impact on the region/city
                                                                                                                       "A crucial design aspect of
                                                              The load carried by transmission assets is highly
                                                              aggregated and therefore consists of a mix of
     Our transmission networks will
                                                                                                                       our transmission network is
                                                              residential, business and industrial demands.
     need investment due to increased                         Whereas distribution level assets that supply
                                                              towns and villages may see a doubling of peak
     peak demand across the system.

                                                                                                                       that each area is fed from
                                                              demand due to EVs, the diversified consumer
     A key issue is the lead time for                         base across transmission assets will act to limit the
     commissioning new capacity, and the                      overall percentage change.

                                                                                                                       two or more supplies – in the
     need for better forecasting and cross                    There is sensitivity towards the dominant charging
     sector collaboration.                                    mode. Should domestic charging continue to

                                                                                                                       event of a fault, power can be
                                                              dominate, then National Grid anticipate a large
     Transmitting power across the country from
                                                              (potentially double) addition to peak demands as a
     region to region is achieved through our
                                                              worst-case scenario on transmission assets serving

                                                                                                                       transferred through a different
     electricity transmission network. This infrastructure
                                                              predominantly residential areas. However, a higher
     consists of large bulk supply power transformers
                                                              ratio of public and business charging, coupled
     and large overhead power lines spanning the

                                                                                                                       route until restoration."
                                                              with mass smart charging, will result in a smaller
     country. The assets are large, expensive and take
                                                              contribution to peak transmission demand.
     time to deliver.
                                                              In the optimistic case that smart charging is prolific
     As discussed in 3.4, a crucial design aspect of our
                                                              and aggressively exercised (requiring considerable
     transmission network is that each area is fed from
                                                              consumer buy-in), National Grid modelling shows
     two or more supplies – in the event of a fault, power
                                                              that the contribution to peak demand could
     can be transferred through a different route until
                                                              be kept to 8%5. In addition to peak capacity,
     restoration. This means that latent spare capacity
                                                              load factors of equipment and their associated
     exists in our transmission networks that is only used
                                                              ratings (e.g. 12hr, 6hr and 20 minutes ratings for
     during faults or maintenance. This is potentially
                                                              summer and winter) will need to be considered
     available for use at times of peak load resulting from
                                                              to ensure that the networks can provide the
     the charging of EVs, and could mitigate congestion
                                                              necessary capacity throughout the year, e.g. when
     issues, at least until more permanent solutions
                                                              equipment ratings are lower in the summer, during
     are put in place. Similar to high voltage networks,
                                                              maintenance outages or where high utilisation
     this would be at the detriment of reliability and
                                                              levels are experienced for several hours.
     potentially system stability.

34                                                                                                                                                       35
Nonetheless, in all cases, investment is needed                                                                 3.6 The scale of
     in our transmission infrastructure to facilitate the
                                                                                                                     infrastructure requirement
     transition to EVs and there is much uncertainty
     in the costs, benefits and limitations of smart                                                                 At this stage it is difficult to develop
     solutions. The level of transmission investment will
     be highly dependent on the charging behaviour
                                                                                                                     estimates of the expenditure required
     over the national peak. Key issues are the lead                                                                 in our network infrastructure because
     time for commissioning any new capacity and the                                                                 of the significant uncertainty. However,
     adoption rates of smart charging.                                                                               various estimates show that it is likely
     To ensure that network investment is undertaken                                                                 to be a few tens of £billion1,2.
     in a timely and cost-effective manner that
                                                                                                                     This is potentially a significant spend, and
     delivers optimal benefit to consumers, greater
                                                                                                                     although it is spread across the national consumer
     co-operation is required between stakeholders
                                                                                                                     base and long asset lives, it still represents a
     including TNOs, DNOs and the automotive
                                                                                                                     modest proportion of consumer expenditure
     industry (and their customers). Additionally, the
                                                                                                                     compared to existing fuelling costs and the
     investment process, visibility of the rate of EV
                                                                                                                     investment in the vehicles themselves.
     uptake and its impact on the entire network, and
     future EV growth forecasts need to be considered.

     Energy Systems Catapult also believes that a            As the assets take time to construct, it is necessary
     whole energy systems view would be beneficial           to forecast future load growth many years ahead
     to all stakeholders – for example looking at the        and it is risky to assume that other solutions, such
     impact on the generation portfolio (peak charging       as smart charging, would achieve the required
     is likely to call on gas fired generation, limiting     levels of performance, in terms of de-loading
     carbon benefits), cost optimisation across the          assets, within the constraints of consumer
     whole transmission and distribution network,            acceptability. Flexibility is needed.
     evaluating true carbon costs and the overall
     financial costs to the consumer.                        Other solutions may prove more cost-effective
                                                             than traditional reinforcement in the future. For
     ETI analysis1,2 across a range of scenarios indicates   example, energy storage could alleviate capacity
     more modest costs for the transmission network          constraints on transmission and distribution
     to support EVs when compared to the distribution        assets, but is expensive when used to mitigate
     network and other electricity supply costs.             network constraints. Demand side response
     Equally, savings offered by smart solutions for the     (contracting with companies to reduce demand
     transmission network are found to be noticeably         on request) may be used more extensively to
     smaller than for distribution networks and for          de-load transmission assets in the future, however,
     system balancing.                                       there are challenges as the transmission asset
                                                             owner requires a long-term commitment from
                                                             demand side response service providers.

                                                             A typical major scheme to bring new capacity
                                                             online takes five years of planning and delivery,
                                                             sometimes longer, and is often dependent
                                                             upon local sensitivities (e.g. visual amenity or
                                                             heritage concerns). This places a large emphasis
                                                             on forecasting and forward planning. It is often
                                                             necessary to take a long-term view, sometimes
                                                             decades ahead, to ensure that new capacity is
                                                             adequate for future demands. It is also essential
                                                             that the TNO works with the DNO to develop an
                                                             integrated solution, and that the DNO provides
                                                             early visibility of EV driven demand to the TNO.

36                                                                                                                                                                        37
4. Enabling the transition

                                   Key take-aways
                                   •   A rapidly changing             •   Policy and regulatory           •   There is an asymmetry to
                                       environment means that             changes are potentially             the risk. Delivering capacity
                                       there are increased risks          needed to make it easier            a short time ahead of need
                                       associated with demand             to agree and implement              carries only the cost of
                                       forecasting. It will be            investment decisions ahead          the rate of return for that
                                       necessary to adapt the             of need, in order to allow          period, while late delivery
                                       current arrangements so            greater flexibility in long-        could disrupt the networks
                                       that the risks are better          term investment in major            and deployment of EVs.
                                       understood, through                infrastructure for EV-related
                                       improved distribution              demand.                         •   So far, we have concluded
                                       network data and                                                       that for the UK to
                                       information, and granularity   •   Smart charging has the              facilitate the transition to
                                       of EV uptake forecasts.            potential to reduce costs           EVs, electricity network
                                                                          but there are a number              investment is required at all
                                                                          of enablers that must               levels of the system, from
                                                                          be realised soon such as            low voltage through to
                                                                          standards to promote                transmission. This section
                                                                          technical interoperability          draws out the actions
                                                                          and coordinated                     needed in the next few
                                                                          commercial offers.                  years to facilitate this.

     "The pace of change in EV
      uptake is rapid. Given the
      lead times to commission
      new capacity, traditional
      forecasting methods may
      no longer be appropriate."

38                                                                                                                                            39
4.1 A shared ownership of                                                                                   4.2 Implementation of
     demand forecasting                                                                                          smart solutions
     The pace of change in EV uptake                                                                             There is a range of smart solutions
     is rapid. Given the lead times to                                                                           that could benefit consumers through
     commission new capacity, traditional                                                                        reduced bills and ultimately improved
     forecasting methods may no longer                                                                           reliability of the electricity system.
     be appropriate. Consideration should                                                                        However, there remains critical
     be given to a risk-based approach to                                                                        uncertainties on how and whether
     network infrastructure investment.                                                                          these solutions will proliferate;
     At present, network operators are responsible
                                                                                                                 and considering the government
     for their own demand forecasting and they                                                                   mandated scale and rate of change of
                                                          We are entering a period of immense change                                                      4.2.1 Smart meters
     are obliged to consult with stakeholders over        in demand patterns and given the lead times to         our transition to EVs, smart solutions
     their plans. The TNOs are largely reliant on         commission new capacity, traditional forecasting       will not prevent the long-term need to   Regarding benefits to our electricity networks,
     the forecasts from DNOs to understand future                                                                                                         all new smart meters have three important
     demand, and cannot enhance their networks
                                                          methods are no longer appropriate. The FPSA            invest in our network infrastructure.
                                                          programme has identified this as an innovation                                                  capabilities:
     until they know the DNO's plans for increased        area of focus. Consideration should be given to        The front running new technology         •   Consumers can view their electricity usage in
     transmission network exit capacity. A key issue is
     that due to the regulatory mechanisms, DNOs
                                                          a risk-based approach to network infrastructure        and commercial offerings that have           real-time, which can raise awareness and in
                                                          investment whereby the risk of inaccuracy is better
     make significant efforts to produce detailed         understood and shared. This should be supported
                                                                                                                 the prospect of significantly altering       limited cases also reduce demand. Data from
     forecasts to justify investment business plans up    by more effective data collection and more             power flows are smart meters, smart          smart meters can help better understand
                                                                                                                                                              network capacity issues, potentially in near
     to eight to ten years ahead of when investments      comprehensive asset information at the network         charging and energy storage, and             real-time, and help mitigate congestion issues
     might be made. Since the TNO regulatory
     period is two years earlier than DNOs, but the
                                                          level. At the core of this is improved information     associated market arrangements               resulting from EV uptake.
                                                          on the existing state of networks, including network
     forecasting/investment mechanisms are very                                                                  and business models. Each is briefly
                                                          capacities and the potential for reinforcement.                                                 •   Enable ToU tariffs that could incentivise
     similar, they are exposed to a misalignment of       Improved demand forecasting, in co-operation           discussed here with a view of the            consumers to use less electricity during peak
     their own forecasts with those of the DNOs.          with the automotive industry and other relevant        enabling actions required to better          times. In most cases it is expected that this
                                                          stakeholders, and a better understanding of what       assist electricity networks.                 process would be automated.
                                                          might be achieved by ToU charging and/or smart
                                                          charging are also required, including potentially                                               •   Potential control of domestic appliances
                                                          new market arrangements and business models.                                                        such as freezers, electrical heating and EV
                                                                                                                                                              chargers, to defer their operation away from

     "We are entering a period of
                                                                                                                                                              peak times.

                                                                                                                                                          A key driver for ToU tariffs is to lower the total
                                                                                                                                                          cost of electricity supply and this benefit is mainly

     immense change in demand
                                                                                                                                                          derived by allowing an overall lower cost generation
                                                                                                                                                          mix through less reliance on more expensive

     patterns and given the
                                                                                                                                                          peak generation plant. The price signals from the
                                                                                                                                                          generation market however, do not necessarily align
                                                                                                                                                          with the stress on the electricity network.

     lead times to commission
                                                                                                                                                          ToU tariffs should be geared to better serve
                                                                                                                                                          consumers by passing on the benefits from both

     new capacity, traditional
                                                                                                                                                          the generation market and releasing network
                                                                                                                                                          capacity. As previously mentioned, from a whole
                                                                                                                                                          energy system perspective, smart meters enable

     forecasting methods are no
                                                                                                                                                          the opportunity for price signals to be acted upon
                                                                                                                                                          to manage loads and reduce costs.

     longer appropriate."

40                                                                                                                                                                                                                41
"Studies have shown that
     4.2.2 Smart charging

     In the context of this report, smart
     charging refers to deferring the
     charging of EVs away from peak times                                                                                 smart charging can defer
     and towards periods where there is
     spare network capacity and a less                                                                                    investment in network
                                                                                                                          reinforcement, and is
     expensive generating plant available.
     This may be to manage capacity on

                                                                                                                          acceptable to consumers,
     the local cable supplying the street or
     the national transmission network.

                                                                                                                          if it reduces the associated
     Technically, smart charging can be facilitated by         There is also the potential of vehicles back-feeding
     use of a dedicated smart charger, use of in-vehicle       into the electricity system, termed vehicle-to-grid
     systems or using smart meter infrastructure.              (V2G). This involves the charger containing an

                                                               inverter to convert and synchronise the energy
     Studies have shown that smart charging can
                                                               stored in the vehicle battery, so it can act as a
     defer investment in network reinforcement,
                                                               local generator. Compared with average daily
     and is acceptable to consumers, if it reduces
                                                               household electricity usage of around 10kWh per
     the associated upheaval10. It remains a large
                                                               day, EV battery packs are often triple this capacity.
     unanswered question as to whether consumers,
     en-masse, will accept smart charging with the             On this basis V2G is an attractive prospect for
     levels of incentives that make it a cost-effective        the networks, especially at time of peak. The
     solution compared with conventional reinforcement         technology is currently in its infancy and only
     of electricity networks. Smart charging is more           supported by two automotive manufacturers
     likely to be acceptable if the savings are significant,   at present. There remain significant barriers,             There are a number of enablers which    •   Incentivisation for customers to adopt smart
                                                                                                                                                                      charging; and/or
     the consumer has the ability to over-ride if the          not least in terms of technology, commercial               must be put into place to allow smart
     vehicle is needed quickly and priority is given to
     ensuring that all vehicles have a minimum level of
                                                               models and consumer acceptance, however                    charging to proliferate:                •   Technology standards to promote
                                                               it is encouraging that Innovate UK and OLEV                                                            interoperability between smart chargers or
     charge for emergency use.                                 have recently announced funding for a range of                                                         vehicle on-board systems;
                                                               projects to further explore feasibility and enable
     Smart charging can also be used to limit the peak
                                                               demonstrations. V2G could develop into a cost-                                                     •   Those standards to be applied widely, either
     demand for electricity nationally, and hence the
                                                               effective tool to defer network investment, however,                                                   by legislation to enforce the standard or an
     size of the national generation fleet. Given the
                                                               at this stage it is too early to assess its feasibility.                                               alternative measure (e.g. grants based on
     high cost of building, operating and maintaining
     power plants, this could provide a significant
     saving to electricity consumers.                                                                                                                             •   Co-ordination of commercial offerings and
                                                                                                                                                                      back office systems between DNOs, TNO and
                                                                                                                                                                      the System Operator.

                                                                                                                                                                  This should be progressed as soon as possible
                                                                                                                                                                  while the EV penetrations are low to prevent
                                                                                                                                                                  stranded investment such as having to incur
                                                                                                                                                                  the cost of replacing EV chargers with smart
                                                                                                                                                                  equivalents, ultimately at the customer's expense.

42                                                                                                                                                                                                                     43
"Energy storage systems can                            4.3 Investment in our networks

     offer significant benefits to
                                                            4.3.1 The regulatory context

                                                            The regulatory environment has

     consumers and the wider
                                                            served the industry and consumers
                                                            well for many decades during periods
                                                            of slow demand growth, ensuring

     energy system. The costs                               capacity is only built as and when it is
                                                            needed, keeping performance up and

     of the systems continue to                             consumer bills down. However, it can
                                                            mean that the power system struggles

     fall, driven by demand, not
                                                            to keep pace with large-scale changes
                                                            outside of these long timescales –

     least due to the increased
                                                            recently exemplified with challenges
                                                            in the connection of large scale solar
                                                            generation to the distribution network.

     production rate of EVs."

     4.2.3 Energy storage                                                                                        While there have been many changes to

                                                                                           Consumer bills down
                                                                                                                 regulation in the last 27 years, the core set-piece
     Energy storage systems can offer significant                                                                is a time limited Price Control period. In 2013
     benefits to consumers and the wider energy                                                                  Ofgem moved from five-year price control periods
     system. The costs of the systems continue to fall,                                                          in favour of eight years under the RIIO (Regulation
     driven by demand, not least due to the increased                                                            = Innovation + Incentives + Outputs) model.
     production rate of EVs.

                                                            Performance up
                                                                                                                 Critical for network operators are the Price
     The systems can directly benefit consumers in                                                               Control Reviews, where the Regulator sets the
     the future, coupled with ToU tariffs and other                                                              policy, any incentives/penalty mechanisms, and
     means of providing signals to aid management                                                                the allowable revenues of a licensee for the
     of charging, by allowing them to consume less                                                               coming period. Performance against agreed
     electricity during peak price periods. However,                                                             plans and benchmarking of costs are major
     there are other revenue streams including wider                                                             components, with granular analysis taken to agree
     participation in the energy flexibility markets such                                                        all manner of expenditure the network operator is
     as supporting the provision of ancillary services                                                           likely to incur during the period.
     to the system operator. In smart grid technology,
     an ancillary service is anything that supports the                                                          Once investment levels are agreed, the Regulator
     transmission of electricity from its generation                                                             sets an allowable cost of capital, giving the network
     site to the consumer. Services may include load                                                             operator the ability to finance the investment over
     regulation, spinning reserve, non-spinning                                                                  a longer period to the Price Control, more in line
     reserve, replacement reserve and voltage/                                                                   with the life of the assets (typically 40-45years).
     frequency support.                                                                                          The network operator therefore, does not get
                                                                                                                 the investment that might be needed in a given
     The demand flexibility offered by storage systems                                                           price control period, only the ability to fund the
     could form a valuable tool to defer or avoid                                                                associated equity/debt. The network operator still
     network reinforcement in the future. At this stage,                                                         needs to raise the capital either via its investors or
     there are limited studies36 to suggest the volumes                                                          via banks to fund the build.
     of storage systems that may be installed in the
     coming decade and therefore difficult for the
     network operators to plan for its potential.

44                                                                                                                                                                        45
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