Prophecy Now - Pennsylvania Conference of SDA

Page created by Lloyd Wright
Prophecy Now - Pennsylvania Conference of SDA
Pennsylvania Conference

                          June 7-15, 2019
                            Blue Mountain Academy
                                     Hamburg, Pa.
Camp Meeting 2019

                          Join us for a week of dynamic Bible teaching
                          as we explore prophecy and our world today.
                          Speakers include Mark Finley, John Bradshaw,
                          John Earnhardt, Chef Mark Anthony, Chris
                          Matts, and DeeAnn Bragaw with special
                          musical guest, Naomi Jackson.
                                  Learn more at
                               Watch Sabbath and evening worships at
Prophecy Now - Pennsylvania Conference of SDA
Welcome to this year’s camp meeting. Our theme, Prophecy Now, is extremely
relevant for the times in which we live. While others may be concerned about
global problems, God’s Word fills His children with abundant hope because
Jesus is coming again!

We have an exciting line up of speakers and seminars who will bless us this
week. Elders Mark Finley and John Bradshaw will inspire us with God’s Word
each evening and Sabbath. Pastor John Earnhardt, early morning speaker and
seminar presenter, will both equip you to share Bible truth and show you how
Revelation is filled with positive messages from Jesus. Speaking of seminars,
you will want to attend Chef Marc Anthony’s cooking seminar and taste some of
his amazing recipes. DeeAnn Bragaw will present a practical seminar on deep-
ening your walk with God. You will learn from Chris Matts, an expert in online
marketing, how to attract people to your church using simple online methods.
Finally, be sure to visit Dr. Al and Bonnie Navarro’s seminar to learn how to save
money, taxes, and advance God’s work. Add to all this the special Sunday fun
fest, beautiful music, and meaningful fellowship—and you are
sure to have a very blessed camp meeting experience! It is my
earnest prayer that the Holy Spirit will abundantly bless you
this week!

                                                     Gary Gibbs

                                    “…How beautiful are the feet of those
                                    who preach the gospel of peace, who
                                    bring glad tidings of good things!”
                                                             Romans 10:15
More than 6,300 pairs of feet have joined Faith for Family in
communities across Pennsylvania sharing the good news of the gospel of
Jesus Christ since we began in 2015!

Save the Date: Southeast Pennsylvania churches invite you to join them
on Sabbath, September 14, 2019, as they walk door-to-door sharing
literature and offering prayer!

Register today at our Faith for Family booth or your local church!
Check out our resources at
Follow us at
Prophecy Now - Pennsylvania Conference of SDA
…Behold, I say to you, lift up your
eyes and look at the fields, for they
are already white for harvest!
                                      John 4:35

Jesus assures us that there is a large harvest of
people longing to know the way of salvation.
Your evangelism offering will find those who
are ready to be gathered into the kingdom.

• We have doubled the evangelistic
   meetings conducted in 2019 planned,
   which means more resources going to the
   local churches
• 14 Bible instructors are being hired for the
   southeast region
• Training is made available to equip
   members and leaders to use their spiritual
   gifts and talents to reach souls
• And this year we are instituting the “pray
   and plant” initiative to foster new church

As we step out in faith, we invite you to join
us as we unite together to fulfill the mission
through evangelism by helping us meet our
camp meeting evangelism offering faith goal
of $250,000! Together we hope to ensure that
no one is left waiting to hear the good news of
God’s salvation.

Every dollar you contribute to the evangelism
offering will continue to be used to assist
churches reach souls in your community ready
to accept the gospel. One of those people
might be a friend, co-worker or member of
your family for whom you’ve been praying!
Prophecy Now - Pennsylvania Conference of SDA
June 7-8, 2019 Sabbath Worship
Evenings, June 7-10, 2019 at 7:00 pm in the Gym
Sabbath, June 8, 2019 at 10:45 am and 4:00 pm in the Gym
                 Pastor Mark Finley, Assistant to the President of the Gen-
                 eral Conference, has presented more than 200 evangelistic
                 campaigns around the globe in about 100 countries with
                 the resulting baptisms numbering in the thousands. Author
                 of more than 100 books, he has used his preaching and
                 evangelism gifts to teach others in seminars, field schools
                 and evangelism institutes. He directs an evangelism training
                 center in Haymarket, Virginia, teaching pastors and church
                 leaders Biblical principles of evangelism and church growth.

Sabbath School Lesson Study, June 8, 2019, at 8:15 am in the Chapel
Bring your Sabbath School Quarterly and join Pastor Buddy Goodwin as we
explore this week’s lesson, “Little Times of Trouble.”

Feature: Education Evangelism, June 8, 2019, at 9:15 am in the Gym
                 Satan is thrilled when young people grow up and they don’t
                 enter into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Satan is
                 okay when young people are led into a saving relationship
                 with Jesus but aren’t trained to work for Him. Satan may
                 have lost one, but he won’t lose more. Satan is terrified
                 when we lead people to Jesus AND train them to be
                 Christ’s missionaries. That does Satan the most harm. That
                 accomplishes the mission of the church.

                 This is the goal for Adventist education in Pennsylvania as a
                 whole, and for Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) specifically.
                 To lead students into a saving relationship with Jesus and
                 train them to be Christ’s missionaries to the world around
                 them. Join Education Superintendent Jeremy Garlock (above
                 left) and BMA Principal Burney Culpepper (left) as they
                 share how our Pennsylvania schools are preparing an army
                 of youth, rightly trained, to carry the message of a crucified,
                 risen, and soon-coming Savior to the whole world!

Concert – 2:30 pm in the Gym
Join us for an hour of inspiring music by Pennsylvania musicians.

Page 4                                        
Prophecy Now - Pennsylvania Conference of SDA
Sabbath, June 8, 2019, at 2:30 pm in the Choir Room
     Lay Pastor and Lay Leadership Training
     Have you or someone you know felt the call to improve your
     service in the church? Join Pastor Lance Moncrieffe, Con-
     ference Volunteer Lay Pastor Coordinator, as he shares our
     renewed Lay Leadership Training program that now includes
     elders and other lay leaders, along with volunteer lay pastor
     candidates. Come learn how your spiritual experience and
     leadership can take an inspiring leap ahead!

     What is Your Story?
     Young Adult Worship, June 7-8, 2019
     & June 14-15, 2019
     If someone asked you to tell your story, what would you say?

     You might start with where you were born and how you
     were raised. Maybe you’re proud of your story. You’ve
     survived some challenges. You’ve accomplished some goals.
     Or maybe your life is filled with regret. Regardless of what
     you’ve done (or haven’t done), your future is still unwritten.
     Your story isn’t over, so how will it end? Join Pastor Randy
     Nims, June 7-8, 2019, and Tacyana Nixon, June 14-15, 2019,
     as they explore our stories and our part in writing the
  2019 Pennsylvania Conference Fall Camp Meeting
                                                         Founder and speaker for Belt of
                                                         Truth Ministries, Scott Ritsema

           Last Day                                      is passionate about sharing the
                                                         truth about God, the truth about

                                                         media, and last-day ‘present
                                                         truth’ wherever God leads. Join
                                                         him at fall camp meeting as
                                                         he effectively exposes Satan’s
                                                         last-day strategy to prepare the
September 20-21, 2019                                    world for his final deception. This
Laurel Lake Camp                                         message is vital for everyone to
                                                         hear. It will help you understand
Rossiter, Pa.                                            part of Satan’s strategy in the
                                                         last days, and how to best
                                                         protect yourself, your family and
                                                         find something better in the
Register at                        character of Christ.
Prophecy Now - Pennsylvania Conference of SDA
June 7-15, 2019 Youth Worship
Experiencing God
What exactly does God have to do with your life? Is He real? Does He
care? Can you trust Him? What does He want from you? Is it crazy to
keep following this God I’ve heard about my entire life, but I don’t really
see working in my life or my church?

Join Jeremy Garlock as he tackles these questions and more. Be ready
to experience God in extremely practical and relevant ways as we try to
figure out our place in His plan.

Jeremy Garlock, Pennsylvania Conference Education Superintendent, is
passionate about connecting young people with the gospel. Before join-
ing the Pennsylvania team, he served as New York Conference Education
Superintendent, Associate Youth Director and Communication Direc-
tor. Jeremy’s love for young people and his gift for making the gospel
understandable for people of all ages has been evident in his career as
teacher and principal, and in his involvement in youth and young adult
ministries. He has planted a church and spoken frequently for churches,
camp meeting, and other events.

Youth Schedule
  Friday, June 7
                     7:00 pm        Worship
  Sabbath, June 8
                     9:30 am        SS
                     10:30 am       Worship Service
                     4:00-5:00 pm   Afternoon Activities
                     7:00 pm        Worship
  Sunday, June 9
                      10:00 am      Summer Fun Fest
                      7:00 pm       Worship
  Monday – Friday, June 10-14
                      10:30 am      Activities:
                                      Monday – Ozzy’s
                                      Tuesday – Lake Afternoon
                                      Wednesday – Pool
                                      Thursday – Lake Afternoon
                                      Friday – Outdoor Games
                     7:00 pm        Worship
  Sabbath, June 15
                     9:30 am        SS
                     10:30 am       Worship Service
                     4:00-5:00 pm   Afternoon Activities
                     7:00 pm        Worship
Page 6                                                  
Prophecy Now - Pennsylvania Conference of SDA
Sunday Summer Fun

                            Fun Fest
                         Sunday, June 9, 2019
                          10:00 am - 2:00 pm
                       Blue Mountain Academy
                         2363 Mountain Road
                             Hamburg, Pa.

     Obstacle Course           Bring your            Fire Trucks
        Petting Zoo               family           Police & EMTs
      Bounce House                to this           Food Booths
  Interactive Health Fair      free event!       Games & Activities

Movie – 10:00 am in the Chapel
ALL SAINTS is based on the inspiring true story of salesman-turned-pas-
tor Michael Spurlock (John Corbett), the tiny church he was ordered to
shut down, and a group of refugees from Southeast Asia. Together, they
risked everything to plant seeds for a future that might save them all.                          Page 7
Prophecy Now - Pennsylvania Conference of SDA
Weekday Worships
Early Morning Worship, June 10-14, 2019 at 6:30 am in the Chapel
               Bible Marking and Bible Memory
                   John Earnhardt, a full-time evangelist in the Carolina
                   Conference and chaplain for five NASCAR tracks, will be
                   presenting our early morning worship at camp meeting,
                   focused on Bible marking and Bible memory. He will use
                   his book, “Bible Marking,” as the curriculum for this series
                   focusing on how to mark and memorize your Bible in ways
                   that make giving Bible studies to others easier.

Featured Musician – Naomi Jackson
Evening Worship at 7:00 pm, June 11-15, 2019, in the Gym
& Sabbath worship at 10:45 am & Sabbath Concert at 2:30 pm
With a voice that will keep you intrigued, Naomi Jackson’s music meshes her
                    classical training with inspiring Christian songs. Known
                    for her warm, smooth voice, and “making it look so easy,”
                    Naomi’s performances elevate the thoughts toward the
                    matchless charms of Jesus as revealed in nature and God’s
                    Word. Each song is a challenge to her listeners and to herself
                    to live a life of surrender and true purpose. Over the years,
                    Naomi has been privileged to sing at conferences like GYC
                    and ASI. She has also performed for a General Conference
                    Session, the Inter-American Division, camp meetings, and
countless churches in Latin America, Europe, and the United States. She can be
seen sharing her music on 3ABN and 3ABN Latino. And by God’s grace, Naomi is
entering her fifth year as an It Is Written Partnership musician.

Family Worship, June 10-14, 2019 at 8:30 am in the Chapel
                                    Jesus invites us to “hike” with
                                    Him, then takes us on an amazing
                                    journey. Hear from those who
                                    have hiked with Him before. Join
                                    Ranger Burney Culpepper as we
                                    hit the trail and develop survival
                                    skills, learn what to do when you
                                    get lost, and hear a few campfire
                                    stories as we explore what it
                                    means to hike with Jesus.

Page 8                                          
Prophecy Now - Pennsylvania Conference of SDA
Sabbath Worship, June 15, 2018
Sabbath School Lesson Study, June 15, 2019, at 8:15 am in the Chapel
Bring your Sabbath School Quarterly and join Pastor Lynnwood Spangler as we
explore this week’s lesson, “Families of Faith.”

Sabbath Feature: Faith in Action, June 15, 2019, at 9:15 am in the Gym
Over 630 people joined a Pennsylvania Conference church in 2018. This is more
than a number. These are lives changed as a result of the gospel and evangelism
here across our state. Join John Bradshaw and Tim Bailey, Conference ministrial
director, as they share stories of how God is moving across our state as we unite
together to fulfill the mission and reach everyone, everywhere for Jesus.

Evening Worship, June 11-15, 2019 at 7:00 pm in the Gym
Sabbath Worship, June 15, 2019 at 10:45 am in the Gym
Pastor John Bradshaw, speaker/director for It Is Written, has
held more than 100 evangelistic series across six continents,
impacting thousands of lives in hundreds of cities. From
working internationally on evangelistic projects, to speaking
at conferences and events, to authoring books, to working at
his home base in Chattanooga, Tennessee, John continues to
energetically lead the It Is Written ministry team and impact
the world for Christ and His soon return.

Reaching Everyone, Everywhere, June 15, 2019 at 4:00 pm in the Gym
The mission of the Pennsylvania Conference is “reaching everyone,
everywhere.” That’s a big task. It will take all
of us, united together, to fulfill the mission.
How will we share the gospel across our state?
What are our priorities? What are the best
tools for the days we live in? Join Conference
leaders for this annual report and our five year
strategic plan that includes growth initiatives
designed to help us reach our communities
through prayer, evangelism, and social media, revitalizing churches, discipling
youth, building our education ministry, and creating new opportunities for
supporting God’s mission right here in Pennsylvania.

Watermelon Feast, June 15, 2019 at 5:30 pm on the cafeteria lawn
Bring your family and friends, bring a blanket or lawn chairs, and enjoy the
summer afternoon sun, watermelon, and connecting with friends old and new.                                    Page 9
Prophecy Now - Pennsylvania Conference of SDA
Seminars 10:00 am & 2:00 pm
Monday-Friday, June 10-14, 2019
Finding Jesus in Prophecy and Revelation
                  John Earnhardt in the Chapel
                   Join John Earnhardt, a full-time evangelist in the Carolina
                   Conference and chaplain for five NASCAR tracks, as he
                   explores, “Finding Jesus in Prophecy and Revelation.” Topics
                   include, “The Revelation of Who?”, “Revelation of the Word”,
                   and “Revelation of the Bible.” Each seminar is repeated
                   morning and afternoon.

Anchored: A Solid Guide to a Deeper Walk
                DeeAnn Bragaw in Room 3
                   Many of us sense that our relationship with God could
                   be improved, and yet, the "how-to" can seem daunting.
                   Join DeeAnn Bragaw as she shares practical ways to spend
                   dynamic time in Bible study and discover how to move
                   beyond a laundry list of prayer requests to a prayer life that's
                   DeeAnn serves Rocky Mountain Conference as Prayer
                   Coordinator and Director of Women’s Ministries. She has a
background in education and leadership development, holds an MA in Pastoral
Ministry, and loves to answer the question “How do I do that?”

Church Marketing Secrets: How to Experience Rapid Church Growth
with Online Advertising!
                Chris Matts in Room 2
                   In this seminar, Chris Matts will unveil the exact online
                   marketing strategy he has used to increase his commercial
                   client’s revenue by over $100,000.00. You will learn how this
                   strategy can be used to reach your local community and pack
                   your next evangelistic series!
                   After joining the Adventist church in 2016, Chris Matts has
                   been using his six years of online advertising experience to
                   help pave the way as Adventism enters the digital era. He
believes that although God has blessed us with the most profound truth, we are
in desperate need of a modern method of distributing truth to the masses.

Page 10                                          
Simply Incredible Cooking (mornings only)
Chef Mark Anthony at Blue Mountain Elementary (across street)
Join Chef Mark Anthony, an Executive Chef from Las Vegas,
Nevada, in the kitchen at Blue Mountain Elementary
School—just across the street from the girls’ dorm—as he
demonstrates healthy vegan cooking with a flair.
Chef Mark has lost 60 pounds by going on a plant strong
lifestyle and was a caterer to the biggest names in show
business. His passion is to serve and share the strategies
that have helped him get healthy. And now he has done over
1,500 healthy cooking programs in every state of the country.
Don’t miss these exciting programs.

Prophecy for Planned Giving (afternoons only)
Al and Bonnie Navarro in Room 7
Come and learn the Bible prophecy that is essential to your
estate planning success. Miss this (or ignore it) and your Will
could end up as a curse to your family!
Al and Bonnie have been in the estate planning field for the
church more than 20 years, Bonnie is a licensed PA attorney.
Make an appointment to meet with them during the week
to learn how they can help you with estate planning and
creating a lasting legacy.

                                                       June 7, 2019       8:00 am-8:00 pm
                                                       June 8, 2019       9:00-11:00 pm
                                                       June 9-13, 2019    8:00 am-10:00 pm
                                                       June 14, 2019      8:00 am-8:00 pm
                                                       June 15, 2019      9:00 pm-11:00 pm
                                                       June 16, 2019      8:00 am-3:00 pm

Shop for vegetarian and vegan foods, bulk (dried fruits, nuts, seeds, grains,
etc.), gently used and new Bibles, books, and tracks at the BMA Health Food
Store throughout the week. There will be daily surprise specials and a “scaven-
ger hunt” with specially marked items marked down 30% hidden somewhere
in the store. (Look for the special sticker!) Each Saturday night will feature their
own specials and additional discounts.
Children’s Activities
We have been looking forward to camp meeting all year, as we are sure you
have as well. Our programming was planned with your child in mind, and we
pray that it helps him/her to know Jesus better. We look forward to serving you
and your child and pray that this camp meeting will be a spiritual retreat for all.

Each year parents of primary and junior aged children can choose if they
want their child to have a red or green wristband. If a parent chooses a green
wristband, then this indicates to the staff that the child is free to leave inde-
pendently at the end of the program. If they choose a red wristband, then the
staff will keep the children at the tent or final activity until the parent comes to
pick them up. We will, however, encourage your child to stay until the program
is finished. If a child refuses to stay in a program, we will contact their parent
or guardian. For your child’s safety, we do not want young children roaming the
campus unsupervised. All parents are required to pick up their child no later
than 10 minutes after the close of the programs.

A sign-up sheet for the Monday-Friday activities will be available Sunday, 2:00-
4:30 pm, in the pavilion. We will be offering supervised activities such as soccer,
swimming, archery, sandbox time, arts and crafts.

Bus transportation will be provided at designated times to transport children
to and from the pool. For the safety of your children, we encourage parents to
either transport their children or utilize the bus service. Please check the bus
schedule on door of Locating for times.

Primaries and juniors will participate in a community service day on Tuesday,
doing sidewalk and street cleaning in the city of Hamburg. Afterwards, chil-
dren’s ministry will provide pizza at the park for all participants. As a result,
there will be no primary or junior afternoon activities on campus this day.

Parents are encouraged to make sure their children drink plenty of water (mark
their names on their water bottles) and wear sunscreen throughout the week.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the children's programming,
please contact one of the leaders, and we will do our best to assist you. Please
look closely at the schedules and locations of different classes as there may
have been some changes from last year. Please make sure your child attends
the class appropriate for his/her age so that he/she can receive the program-
ming that is planned for your child’s age group. We look forward to serving you
and your child.
Page 12                                           
Schedule for Children’s Camp Meeting Divisions
               Beginner           Kindergarten       Primary/Junior     Earliteen
               Classroom #6       Tent               Tent               Bandroom
Sabbath        9:15-10:45 am      9:15 am-12:30 pm   9:15 am-12:30 pm   9:25 am-12:30 pm
                                  2:30-5:00 pm       2:30-5:00 pm       2:30-5:00 pm
                                  7:00-8:30 pm       7:00-8:30 pm       7:00-8:30 pm
Sunday         Sunday Fun Fest    Sunday Fun Fest    Sunday Fun Fest    Sunday Fun Fest
               10:00 am-2:00 pm   10:00 am-2:00 pm   10:00 am-2:00 pm   10:00 am-2:00 pm
                                  7:00-8:30 pm       7:00-8:30 pm       7:00-8:30 pm
Monday         10:00 am-noon      10:00 am-noon      10:00 am-noon      Lake Day
                                  2:00-4:00 pm       1:45-5:00 pm       10:45 am-5:00 pm
                                  7:00-8:30 pm       7:00-8:30pm        7:00-8:30 pm
Tuesday        10:00 am-noon      10:00 am-noon      10:00 am-noon      10:00 am-noon
                                  2:00-4:00 pm       1:45-5:00 pm       Pool 2:00-5:00 pm
                                  7:00-8:30 pm       7:00-8:30pm        7:00-8:30 pm
Wednesday      10:00 am-noon      10:00 am-noon      10:00 am-noon      Lake Day
                                  2:00-4:00 pm       1:45-5:00 pm       10:45 am-5:00 pm
                                  7:00-8:30 pm       7:00-8:30pm        7:00-8:30 pm
Thursday       10:00 am-noon      10:00 am-noon      10:00 am-noon      Service Morning
                                  2:00-4:00 pm       1:45-5:00 pm       10:00 am-noon
                                  7:00-8:30 pm       7:00-8:30pm        Ozzy’s 2:00-4:00
                                                                        7:00-8:30 pm
Friday         10:00 am-noon      10:00 am-noon      10:00 am-noon      10:00 am-noon
                                  2:00-4:00 pm       1:45-4:00 pm       2:00-4:00 pm
                                  7:00-8:30 pm       7:00-8:30pm        7:00-8:30 pm
Sabbath        9:15-10:45 am      9:15 am-12:30 pm   9:15 am-12:30 pm   9:25 am-12:30 pm
                                  2:30-5:00 pm       2:30-5:00 pm       2:30-5:00 pm
                                  7:00-8:30 pm       7:00-8:30 pm       7:00-8:30 pm

  Where Did the Children Go?
  In the event of a thunderstorm or inclement
  weather, the children will be moved by
  • Kindergarten moving to Classroom 6
  • Primary moving to the Library
  • Juniors going to the Choir Room

                                  Parents’ Room – Library
                                  Want to enjoy the evening worship but have a
                                  little one who might be squirmy? Parents are
                                  invited to watch the meetings via live stream in
                                  our camp meeting “parents’ room.” Bring your lit-
                                  tle ones and toys and enjoy space to play without
                                  missing the service.                                       Page 13
General Information
Open 9:00 am until 9:00 pm in the office on the parking lot side of the gym.
Register upon arrival for your room, tent, or camping space. Pick up messages.
Drop off mail. Check out our lost and found. Locating phone number is

Campus Guidelines
•   Pets are not permitted on campus or in the camping areas.
•   Children under 18 years of age are not permitted to stay overnight at any of
    the camp meeting facilities unless accompanied by an adult.
•   The use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs is strictly prohibited.
•   Curfew is 10:00 pm. Please respect the people around you by being quiet
    after 10:00 pm. All children should be in their lodging with their parents
    by 10:00 pm. Parents are expected to know where their children are at all
    times and help them to keep all rules of the campus.
•   Please take all trash to the dumpster nearest you.

Medical Assistance
For medical needs, St Luke’s Care Now is located on the corner of Route 61
and Cabela Road. They are open 8:00 am-8:00 pm. Their phone number is
610.628.7200. Call 911 for emergencies.
N                                                 Kamp Keystone
                                          Pennsylvania Camp Meeting
                                          Locating phone number 484-662-7049
                                                                                                                                    W         E

                                                                                                                                                          Grove City
                                                                                                                                                                                         Mountain Road


                                                               Juniors    Primaries    Kindergarten
                                                           N                                                                       Parking
                                                                                         Rm 4             Rm 5
                                                                                         Rm 3             Beginners
                                                  Girls Dorm                                                                    Ad Building
                                                                                         Rm 2
                                           S                                                              Rm 7                                                                         BMA Health
                                                                                                                                                                                       Food Store
                                                                                                                      Chapel                      Gym                                    Snack Bar

                                                                                                                                in Bandroom                                               Hallway

                                                                                          BMA Offices
                                                                                                                               Choir Rm                                                   Parking
                                                                                                                                                                                     Youth Meetings

                                          Boys Dorm Young Adults                                                                                                                    Tennis courts
                                                                                                                                                   Picnic Pavilion
                                                     S                                                                                                               Volleyball

                                                                  Personal Tent Area

Page 15
                                                                                                                                                                     This map is NOT drawn to scale.
Pennsylvania Conference Cam
    Camp Meeting Schedule                                           Prophec
     FRIDAY                 SABBATH                      SUNDAY                MO
     June 7                  June 8                       June 9               Jun
                        SS Lesson Study
                     Pastor Buddy Goodwin
Welcome to
                          8:15-9:00 am
Pennsylvania                 Chapel
   Camp                Education Feature                     Breakfast in the Cafete
                    Missionaries to the World         Summer Fun Fest
  Meeting                9:15-10:35 am               10:00 am-2:00 pm
   2019                       Gym                   Parking lot and field
                       Sabbath Worship             Food available for sale
Registration               Mark Finley                  In the pavilion
                      10:45 am-12:30 pm               Movie: All Saints         10:0
at Locating                   Gym                          10:00 am             Find
   Office                                                   Chapel              Anch
                                                      Paint & Tea Party         Chu
                                                     10:00 am-1:00 pm           Simp
   9:00 am                                             Home Ec Room
     until                                        Pre-registration required
                                Lunch in the Cafeteria 12:00-12:45 pm (purchase Sa
   9:00 pm                  Concert                Pacific Press Book Sale      2:00
                    Blue Mountain Academy               2:00-4:00 pm            Find
If you’re lodging           2:30 pm                          Gym                Anch
   on campus,                 Gym                                               Chu
 please check in     Lay Pastor Orientation                                     Plan
                        Lance Moncrieffe
at Locating upon
                            2:30 pm
                          Choir Room

                      Afternoon Worship
                          Mark Finley
                           4:00 pm
                      Supper in the Cafeteria 5:00-5:45 pm (purchase Sabbath mea
                                   Evening Worship
                                      Mark Finley
                                       7:00 pm
mp Meeting, June 7-15, 2019
cy Now!
 ne 10       June 11       June 12       June 13     June 14          June 15
             Early Morning Worship 6:30-7:15 am                   SS Lesson Study
               Bible Marking and Bible Memory                   Lynnwood Spangler
                       John Earnhardt                              8:15-9:00 am
                           Chapel                                      Chapel
eria 7:30-8:15 am (no breakfast served on Sabbath)              Evangelism Feature
                       Family Worship                             United Together
                      Hiking with Jesus                            9:15-10:35 am
                        8:30-9:30 am                                    Gym
                           Chapel                                Sabbath Worship
                                                                  John Bradshaw
00 am – Noon Seminars                                           10:45 am-12:30 pm
ding Jesus in Prophecy & Revelation John Earnhardt Chapel               Gym
 hored: A Solid Guide to a Deeper Walk DeeAnn Bragaw Rm 3
urch Marketing Secrets Chris Matts Room 2                          Haitian Worship
 ply Incredible Cooking Chef Mark Anthony BME                       9:00 am-noon
                                                                     Girls’ Dorm
                                                                    Worship Room
 abbath meal tickets at the BMA Health Food Store before sunset Friday)
0-4:00 pm Seminars                                                     Concert
ding Jesus in Prophecy & Revelation John Earnhardt Chapel           Naomi Jackson
 hored: A Solid Guide to a Deeper Walk DeeAnn Bragaw Rm 3              2:30 pm
urch Marketing Secrets Chris Matts Room 2                                Gym
nning for Eternity Al and Bonnie Navarro Room 7                  Reaching Everyone,
                                                                     Gary Gibbs
                                                                       4:00 pm
                                                                       5:30 pm
                                                                     On the lawn
al tickets at the BMA Health Food Store before sunset Friday)
                                        Evening Worship
                                         John Bradshaw
                                            7:00 pm
Meet our Blue Mountain Academy Team

Ruben Olm, vice principal of finance, and Burney Culpepper, principal, are
both settling into their new positions at Blue Mountain Academy (BMA) and
are excited about providing students the opportunity to form a personal
relationship with Christ, to excel academically, and to grow socially, in a safe,
fun and nurturing environment. “It is my desire that BMA be a distinctly
Adventist center of spiritual, academic, physical, and social strength,” shares
Culpepper. “A place of discipleship, where students are not only being discipled,
but are leading out in it. While our main reason for being here is to serve our
students, it’s my goal to help them learn to focus on Christ, and aspire to work
for God in any capacity He provides for them.”

The Blue Mountain Academy Experience

  imagine yourself here.
         Spiritual. Be challenged to cling to Jesus as your best Friend and
         the true source of wisdom. Learn to be thinkers rather than mere
         reflectors of their peers and worldy influences.

        Practical Skills. Learn to become self-motivated in time management
 The   mission   of Blue
        and life-skills       Mountain
                        in prepartion       Academy
                                      for the            is to provide
                                              future job market           a
                                                                and interpersonal
 Christ-centered Seventh-day Adventist education that
 leads students     Experience a high
                        lives of      quality,for
                                   service     diverse
                                                  God. curriculum   offering
                                                         Blue Mountain
        many alternatives to meet your academic needs and intellectual
 Academy    is a 9th-12th grade school where you can grow in
 your relationship    with JesusJoin
        Community Engagement.       while    getting
                                      in volunteer     a quality
                                                    services,       education
 and build   friendships
        evangelism,        that last
                    and outreach      a lifetime!
                                  ministries while learning skills to serve for a

                            Contact us:
                            484.662.7000 •
                            2363 Mountain Road, Hamburg, PA 19526
Paola Franchini invites you to dinner
                    –and breakfast and lunch
                at the Blue Mountain Cafeteria!

Meet Paola Franchini, Blue Mountain Academy’s Food Services Director.
Paola brings a passion for healthy, colorful and inviting meals partnered with
her experience teaching others how to live healthy, abundant lives in both
the Greater New York Conference and more recently through the ministry of
Adventist WholeHealth Network, Hamburg, Pa. She’s excited about this new
opportunity to transform the cafeteria into an inviting gathering place–a home
away from home for students and visitors with home touches, the aroma of
great food cooking, the beauty of colorful plates of food, and the satisfaction
that a great (and healthy) meal brings. Stop by the Cafeteria and say hello!

Hungry? We have two great meal options on campus.
Cafteria Hours
         Breakfast         7:30-8:15 am (Breakfast is not served Sabbath)
         Lunch		           12:00-12:45 pm
         Dinner		          5:00-5:45 pm
Purchase Sabbath meal tickets at the Blue Mountain Academy Health Food
Store before sunset on Fridays.

Snack Bar
A snack bar, located in the Blue Mountain Academy Health Food Store, will
serve taco salad, vegetarian burgers, and much more Sunday through Friday.

         11:30 am – 1:00 pm
         4:30-6:00 pm
         Saturday, June 15 – 15 minutes after sundown until 10:30 pm
"... He aquí, te digo, levanta los ojos y mira los campos,
¡porque ya están blancos para la cosecha!"
                                                             Juan 4:35
Jesús nos asegura que a nuestro alrededor hay personas que anhel-
an conocer el camino de la salvación. Tu ofrenda de evangelismo
nos permite encontrar a aquellos que están listos para ser reunidos
en el reino.
• Más reuniones evangelísticas realizadas en 2019
• Más recursos disponibles para las iglesias locales
• Más medios disponibles para contratar más Obreros Bíblicos
   para enviar a los distritos de tu iglesia
• Más entrenamiento disponible para equipar a los miembros y
   líderes a usar sus dones y talentos espirituales para alcanzar las
•  Más oportunidades para plantar nuevas iglesias
Este año hemos salido con fe y te invitamos a unirte a nosotros para
cumplir con nuestra Meta de Fe del Campestre, de ¡$250,000 en
ofrendas de evangelismo!
Juntos, deseamos asegurarnos de que nadie se quede esperando por
escuchar las buenas nuevas de la salvación de Dios. Cada dólar que
tú das para la ofrenda de evangelismo se seguirá utilizando para
ayudar a tus iglesias a alcanzar almas en tu comunidad listas para
aceptar el Evangelio. ¡Uno de esos dólares puede ser el que final-
mente se utilice para llegar a su familia y amigos!
N                                                              Kamp Keystone
Campestre Hispano
Número teléfono de Locating 610.562.9482
                                                                                       W         E
                                                                                                                                                   is   c in
                                                                                            S                                                   ap
                                                                                                                                           al                      Piscina
                                                                                                         Grove City
                                                                                                                                                        Mountain Road

                      Sunset  Campfire Registracion                                 Estacionamiento
                     Canyons Bible Story Round Up
                                          Salón 4 Salón 5
                                          Salón 3 Cuna
          Dormitorio Señoritas
 S                                        Salón 2 Salón 7 Administración
                                                                                                                                                    Tienda de
                                                                          Jóvenes                Auditorio


                                              Oficinas BMA

                                                                              Salón 102

                                                                                     Salón de banda                                        Estacionamiento
                                                                                     Salón de música
                         Dormitorio Varones
                                                                                                      Pabellón                             Cancha de Tenis
                     S                                                                                            Voleibol

                          Carpas Personales

                                                                                                              Este mapa no estrá dibujado a escala.
Edades 4-12
                     1ra Rotación
                     2da Rotación
                     3ra Rotación
                     1ra Rotación
                     2da Rotación
                     3ra Rotación
 Traigan a sus niños a
   participar de esta
 escuela cristiana de
 vacaciones donade                  Edades 0-3
vuestros hijos gozaran
   de un programa
     inspirador de                      Bienvenida y
   fo               y                   cantos
crecimiento espiritual.                 Drama
                                        División en grupo
                                        y visitar diferentes
                                        Video / Movie
                                        Busqueda de
                                        tesoro y merienda
Programa de Jóvenes
Los jóvenes de hoy nos enfrentamos a una paradoja sin precedente en la
historia de la humanidad. Aunque tenemos a nuestra disponibilidad un
sinfín de cosas que comprar o desear para obtener la felicidad, al mismo
tiempo, lamentablemente, nos hallamos ante un vacío existencial que se
acentúa al darnos cuenta que no se puede llenar con cosas materiales o
con filosofías sobre verdades relativas. En medio de esa desesperación
se incrementan los suicidios y las vidas sumergidas en los vicios tanto de
índole física como mental. Por lo tanto, en medio del bullicio de nuestra
sociedad inmediata, hallamos tiempo para encontrar la solitud y gritarle
sin timidez alguna: ¿Quién soy yo?
Es esta pregunta trasnochadora la que buscamos resolver. ¿Qué tiene
realmente Dios que ofrecer ante tan importante interrogante? ¿Podem-
os hallarle sentido a la vida y a nuestro propósito en ella al tener un
encuentro personal con nuestro Creador? Creemos firmemente que el
llamado de los últimos días de dadle gloria a Aquel que hizo los cielos y
la tierra no es mera casualidad. De esta forma, esperamos llevar a nues-
tros jóvenes a encontrar su identidad en Dios como el Creador y Suste-
ntador de sus vidas durante este Campestre Hispano de la Conferencia
Adventista del Séptimo Día de Pensilvania.
Sábado, 22 de junio del 2019
10:00 a. m. - 10:15 a. m. -- Alabanza y adoración
10:15 a. m. - 10:55 a. m. -- Dinámica espiritual
10:55 a. m. - 11:15 a. m. -- Exhibición ministerial (BMA, universidades
adventistas, entre otros)
11:15 a. m. - 12:40 p. m. -- Culto de adoración, Pr. Abdiel del Toro
12:40 p. m. - 3:00 p. m. -- Almuerzo
3:00 p. m. - 3:30 p. m. -- Receso con helados
3:30 p. m. - 5:30 p. m. -- Amores y otros enredos
Domingo, 23 de junio del 2019
9:00 a. m. - 9:15 a. m. -- Alabanza y adoración
9:15 a. m. - 10:00 a. m. -- Devocional, Pr. Abdiel del Toro
10:30 a. m. - 2:30 p. m. -- Torneos deportivos
Domingo de mañana:
9:15-9:30     Alabanza congregacional
9:30-10:30    Ptr. Pedro Simpson
10:40-12:00   Survival
12:00-5:00    Deportes: Baseball, Football, Voleibol, Softball
		            & Football “5”
5:00-6:00     Piñata - Niños en acción
Programa Campestre Hispano 22 – 23 de Junio 2019
Sábado en la mañana:
9:10-9:20     Alabanza			                 Congregación
9:20-9:30     Momentos de poder
9:30-10:00    Seminario 			               Ptr. Pedro Simpson
10:00-10:05   Canto tema			               Congregación
10:05-10:10   Especial Musical		          Felipe Garibo
10:10-10:40   Quiero vivir sano		         Dr. Roel Cea
10:40-10:50   Ministerios hispanos		      Ptr. Saud Elías
10:50-10:55   Alabanza			                 Congregacional
10: 55-11:10 Diezmos y ofrendas		         Dr. Carlos Charnichart
11:10-11:20   Mensaje del presidente		    Presidente Gary Gibbs
11:20-11:25   Momento de poder 		         Presidente Gary Gibbs
11:25-11:40   Ministerio de publicaciones Dr. Carlos Charnichart
						Ptr. Leonel Lozano
11:40-11:45   Canto tema		                Congregación
11:45-11:50   Especial Musical		          Felipe Garibo
11: 50-12:35 Culto de Adoración		         Ptr. Peter Simpson
12: 35-3:00   Almuerzo			                 Comunitario
Sábado en la tarde:
3:15-3:30       Alabanzas                  Congregación
3:30-4:20       Ordenación pastoral        Asociación Ministerial
4:20-4:40       Visión GPS vida: 		        Ptr. Ruben Ramos
4:40-4:15       Canto Tema			              Congregación
4:45-5:30       Visión educativa           Prof. Juan Jorge Acuña
5:30-6:00       Seminario de publicaciones Ptr. Leonel Lozano
6:00-7:00       Watermelon                 Ruben Olm – BMA
7:00-8:00       Concierto                  Felipe Garibo
8:00-9:00       Casa abierta			            Departamento de
Hebreos 10:35-37 nos exhorta a ser pacientes a la segunda venida de
Cristo, pues Él vendrá y no tardará. Pero tal vez ya demoró en exceso…
¿qué estamos haciendo mal? ¿Se habrá olvidado Dios de sus promesas?,
Te invito a leer esta cita de Elena G. de White:
“Cristo espera
        espe con un deseo anhelante la manifestación de sí mismo en
su iglesia. Cuando el carácter de Cristo sea perfectamente reproducido
en su pueblo, entonces vendrá él para reclamarlos como suyos.” Eventos
de los últimos días p. 40
Esta medida me parece     humanamente imposible de alcanzar, y hasta
cierto punto, contraria a las Escrituras, pero concuerda perfectamente
con las palabras de nuestro Señor Jesús en la parábola de Marcos
4:26-29: “Así es el reino de Dios, como cuando un hombre echa semilla
en la tierra; y duerme y se levanta, de noche y de día, y la semilla brota y
crece sin que él sepa cómo. Porque de suyo lleva fruto la tierra, primero
hierba, luego espiga, después grano lleno en la espiga; y cuando el fruto
está maduro,
     madu en seguida se mete la hoz, porque la siega ha llegado.”
Jesús está esperando que nosotros, la semilla, maduremos, y tengamos
Su mismo carácter. Es la única manera en que podemos predicar el
evangelio a todo el mundo: con nuestro ejemplo. Y entonces vendrá el
fin. Pero la pregunta es: ¿estamos esperando realmente la venida de
Cristo, o Él nos está esperando a nosotros?
No me gustaría que pasara este año sin que Cristo Jesús ya haya vuelto
para recoger a su pueblo. Hemos fallado en satisfacer las expectativas de
nuestro Redentor, y sin embargo, no se retira de Su pueblo. Necesitamos
llegar a reflejar el carácter de Cristo, ser luz en este mundo, predicar
todos juntos que ¡Cristo viene pronto! Mi deseo es que esta generación
sea la que vea a nuestro Salvador sin haber visto la muerte, y que
podamos decir:
               Saud E. Elias
               Coordinador Ministerio Hispano
               Ministerial Director Associated
               Pennsylvania Conference of
               Seventh-day Adventists
               720 Museum Road Reading, PA 19611
               Phone      (610) 374-8331
               Mobile (443) 538-3047
               Fax       (610) 374-9331
¡Crece! Jesús viene pronto.
Bienvenidos a la inspiradora reunión de campestre de este año. Nuestro
tema, “¡Crece, Jesús viene!”, es más relevante que nunca. El mundo está
en constante alboroto. La gente está cada vez más agitada y dividida.
¡Incluso el Papa está tratando de proporcionar dirección en medio del
caos! Verdaderamente, la profecía indica que Jesús vendrá pronto.
Nuestras iglesias están comprometidas en la misma misión requerida
para esta hora tardía de la historia de la Tierra - creciendo. Jesús ordena
a cada miembro que “Vaya y haga discípulos”. Esta orden se da para
hacer crecer a la iglesia y para crecer personalmente como discípulos de
Cristo. “¡Ve y crece!” es lo que debemos hacer y experimentar.
Durante esta reunión de campestre, disfrutarás de sermones y
seminarios interesantes, música hermosa y de maravillosa hermandad.
Oro para que este momento de inspiración te inspire a regresar a casa
con el nuevo propósito de crecer porque, ¡Jesús viene
                                                 Gary Gibbs
Tienda de Productos Saludables
de la Academia de Blue Mountain
Compre alimentos vegetarianos y veganos, productos a granel (frutas
secas, nueces, semillas, granos, etc.), Biblias nuevas y de poco uso, libros
y música en la tienda de Productos Saludables de BMA el Sábado por
la noche y el Domingo. Habrá ofertas especiales y una "búsqueda de
tesoro" con artículos especialmente marcados con un 30% de descuento
ocultos en algún lugar de la tienda. (¡Busca la etiqueta especial!)
         Junio 21, 2019 8:00 am-8:00 pm
         Junio 22, 2019 9:00-11:00 pm
         Junio 23, 2019 8:00 am-5:00 pm
                             Jesús viene pronto
Ptr. Peter     Dr. Roel   Ptr. Abdiel   Ptr. Ruben Profesor   Felipe
Simpson         Cea        del Toro       Ramos Juan Jorge    Garibo
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