Museum's new experience educator has passion for telling history's stories

Page created by Lance Brown
Museum's new experience educator has passion for telling history's stories
Volume 31, Number 6, April 2021

 Museum’s new experience educator has passion
          for telling history’s stories
   Greg Garrett can trace his fas-       everything Texas.”
cination with history to the times          Garrett, who grew up in Lock-
when he would accompany his fa-          hart, headed up the highway to
ther on metal-detecting trips.           Austin after graduating from high
   “I’d hear some of the stories of      school and began a career running
other metal detectorists’ finds,”        kitchens in area restaurants.
Garrett said. “That really rubbed           “It’s hard work. You have to trust
off on me and, eventually, it turned     and have each other’s backs,” Gar-
into a career.”                          rett said of the restaurant industry.
   After 17 years of working in the      “I loved every minute of it, and I
restaurant industry, Garrett ob-         thought it was going be my career.
tained a bachelor’s degree in his-       Then my dad passed away in 2004,
tory from The University of Texas        and I slowly began to realize that I
at San Antonio. He soon went to          kind of needed to solidify things a
work at the Institute of Texan Cul-      little bit.”
tures in San Antonio while acquir-          Garrett had taken classes at Aus-
ing his master’s degree at UTSA.         tin Community College off and on.
In January, Garrett joined Victoria      He earned his bachelor’s degree in
College’s Museum of the Coastal          2010 and began working at the
Bend as its museum experience            ITC as a volunteer. Lupita Barrera,
educator.                                the ITC’s director of research and
   “The great thing about work-          education, noticed Garrett’s enthu-
ing at the Museum of the Coastal         siasm for Texas history and offered
Bend is that I get to focus on one       him a part-time, paid position.
region,” Garrett said. “At the ITC,         “She saw me talking to people        Greg Garrett was hired in January as the museum experience educator at Victoria College’s Museum of the Coastal Bend. Contributed
we had to know a little bit about                           See MUSEUM, pg. 9

Distracted driving continues to plague roadways                                                                                                                                  IN THIS ISSUE
                                                                                    Cell phone use, other distrac-           TxDOT is reminding all Texans
                                                                                 tions cause 1 in 5 traffic crashes          to put their phones down and give             Deputy 3
                                                                                    Sadly, distracted driving is still       driving their full attention when-
                                                                                 near the top of the list when it            ever they are behind the wheel.               Noticias..................... pg 4
                                                                                 comes to crashes on Texas road-               “A serious or fatal crash can
                                                                                 ways, coming in at No. 2 for traf-          happen in an instant,” said TxDOT
                                                                                 fic crash causes. Last year Texas           Executive Director James Bass.                Charlando................. pg 6
                                                                                 roadways saw nearly 1 in 5 crash-           “If you are distracted by your
                                                                                 es caused by a distracted driver in         phone or doing anything else that             Very tacky............... pg 10
                                                                                 which 364 people died and 2,200             takes your focus away from driv-
                                                                                 were seriously injured.                     ing, you are putting yourself, your           La Cocina................ pg 11
                                                                                    April is National Distracted             passengers and everyone else on
Distracted driving. Contributed photo.                                           Driving Awareness Month, and                                     See DRIVING, pg. 10
Museum's new experience educator has passion for telling history's stories
2 — Revista de Victoria, April 2021						                                                                                                               

Spring is Farmers’ Market’s busiest season
by Meridth Byrd, manager of Farmers’   sight – trees with buds, wildflow-   local farmers who had to protect       en, turkey and
Market                                 ers popping up and adding a rain-    their animals as well as crops from    lamb all raised
                                       bow of color to the landscape.       the extreme cold temperatures.         on farms lo-
  Signs of spring are a welcome        February’s freeze was hard on        As a direct result of the freeze,      cated in Victo-
                                                                            the farmers’ market did not have       ria and DeWitt
                                                                            much produce to speak of during        counties.
                                                                            March and into April, especially          Pastured
                                                                            compared to previous years.            eggs and meats
                                                                            Spring vegetables are being har-       have a higher
                                                                            vested                                 nutrient con-
                                                                               Never fear, things are looking      tent, particu-
                                                                            up! Our farmers havereplanted          larly vitamin E
                                                                            their gardens and the first harvests   and omega-3
                                                                            are starting to come in: zucchini,     fatty acids, than Spring vegetables are back. Contributed art.
                                                                            yellow squash, radishes, and ev-       meat from ani-
                                                                            eryone’s favorite – homegrown to-      mals raised on                             businesses set up booths at the
                                                                            matoes. As the weather warms up,       factory farms. Vitamin E is essen- farmers’ market. We have tables
                                                                            our weekly offerings will include      tial for good vision and a healthy full of the homemade foodsyou
                                                                            peppers, sweet corn, okra, and wa-     immune and central nervous sys- would expect to see – pickles,
                                                                            termelons.                             tem. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce salsa, jellies, breads, and pastries
                                                                               Growing a garden is extremely       the risk of heart disease and blood – as well as an array of foods that
                                                                            rewarding and so good for the          clots, inhibit plaque buildup in the might take you by surprise such
  Zinc Resources LLC, se ha registrado con la Comisión de Calidad
                                                                            soul. We know that many of our         arteries, and slows the rate of tri- assauerkraut, barbecue sauce,
  Ambiental de Texas (TCEQ o Texas Commission on Environmen-
                                                                            customers enjoy planting their         glyceride formation in the liver.          mustards, marinara sauces, brittle,
  tal Quality) para el Permiso por Reglamento de Calidad de Aire
                                                                            own gardens, so the farmers bring      Local honey                                candies,wines, coffee, and season-
  Núm. 164399, el cual autorizará la construcción de una instalación
                                                                            all sorts of garden starter plants        Raw, unprocessed honey is one ings. All foods at the market are
  de reciclaje de polvo de horno de arco eléctrico ubicada en 1750
                                                                            – tomatoes, squash, peppers, and       of the most sought-after foods at homemade by the farmers, bakers,
  Farm-to-Market 1432, Victoria, Condado de Victoria, Texas. Esta
                                                                            a large assortment of herbs. Not       the farmers’ market. The color and and vendors themselves and they
  solicito se está procesando de manera expedita, según lo permitido
                                                                            only can you fill your garden with     flavor of honey varies from season take great pride in offering cus-
  por las reglas de la comisión en Título 30 Código Administrativo
                                                                            healthy vegetables, you can get        to season, location to location, and tomers high quality foods at fair
  de Texas, Capitulo 101, Subcapítulo J. Información adicional con-
                                                                            gardening advice straight from the     even from hive to hive. In addition prices. Come out and see for your-
  cerniente a esta solicitud puede encontrarse en la sección de anun-
                                                                            experts who make it their way of       to its use as a sweetener, both the self every Saturday in the parking
  cios públicos de este periódico.
                                                                            life.                                  American Academy of Pediatrics lot of the Pattie Dodson Center on
                                                                            Heart healthy meats and eggs           and the World Health Organiza- Navarro.
                                                                               Fruits and vegetables are typi-     tion recommend honey as a natural             Meridith Byrd manages the Vic-
                                                                            cally the images that pop into         remedy for coughs.                         toria Farmers’ Market held every
                                                                            mind when you think of a farmers’      Support small farms and local Saturday at the Pattie Dodson
                                                                            market, but do not forget about our    businesses                                 Public Health Center. Contact her
                                                                            farm fresh eggs and meats. Each           Each Saturday, anywhere from at 361-218-9246 or mbyrd@food-
                                                                            week we have pork, beef, chick-        12 to 15 local farms and small
Museum's new experience educator has passion for telling history's stories						                                          Revista de Victoria, April 2021 — 3

Deputy sheriff files for school
board trustee, District 2

Kenneth Wells. Contributed photo.

   It is with great pride that I an-   your tax dollars are being spent.
nounce I am running for VISD             I am asking for your support
School Board Trustee District 2.       in the upcoming election May 1,
   I am a lifelong resident of Vic-    2021.
toria, a father of an East freshmen,
and 23 years law enforcement of-
   I was fortunate to spend 15
years in the classroom teaching the
D.A.R.E and G.R.E.A.T programs
to our elementary and middle
school students. It was there that
I would see many of our teacher’s
passion to educate students.
   It is my goal to bring that type
of passion to the school board. If
elected, I would work with the
other trustees to get our students
out of the bottom 12 percent in
Texas with STAAR testing.
   I would also look for other ways
to get our teachers out of the bot-
tom 27 percent pay-wise in Texas.
   I am against the bond that is
on the ballot on May 1, 2021. I
believe many households are still
having financial problems related
to COVID-19 and raising taxes
is not a way to ease the burden of
hard-working families.
   I will work together with the
other trustees with the current bud-
get on being accountable, respon-
sible, and accessible with where
Museum's new experience educator has passion for telling history's stories
4 — Revista de Victoria, April 2021						                                                                                                          

  La Casa Blanca – Fauci prevé        El principal experto de enfer-     contra el coronavirus: sus benefi-
que la vacunación con Johnson      medades infecciosas del Gobierno      cios siguen siendo mayores a sus
& Johnson contra el COVID-19       afirmó también que duda “muy se-      riesgos.
se reanude esta semana, posible-   riamente” que se decida paralizar        El principal experto en enferme-
mente con alguna limitación        del todo el uso de la vacuna de J&J   dades infecciosas del Gobierno,

                                                                                                               Dr. Anthony Fauci. Contributed photo.

                                                                                                               Anthony Fauci, dijo este domingo        recibirán un pago de estímulo
                                                                                                               que estaría “muy sorprendido” si        complementario esta semana
                                                                                                               los reguladores de Estados Unidos       mientras el Servicio de Rentas
                                                                                                               no anunciaran medidas para reanu-       Internas (IRS, por sus siglas en
                                                                                                               dar el uso de la vacuna contra el       inglés) continúa procesando las
                                                                                                               COVID-19 de Johnson & Johnson           declaraciones de impuestos corre-
                                                                                                               la próxima semana.                      spondientes a 2020, dijo la agencia
                                                                                                                  En su opinión, es posible que se     este miércoles.
                                                                                                               adopten restricciones o adverten-          Estos pagos, a los que el IRS
                                                                                                               cias más amplias después de que         se refiere como ‘plus-up’ o adi-
                                                                                                               hubo informes de un número muy          cionales, serán enviados a los
                                                                                                               reducido y extremadamente raro          contribuyentes que recibieron un
                                                                                                               de casos de coágulos de sangre in-      tercer cheque de estímulo basado
                                                                                                               usuales en personas que recibieron      en sus ingresos de 2019, pero cali-
                                                                                                               la vacuna.                              fican para más dinero en función
                                                                                                                  Fauci habló en una serie de ent-     de sus declaraciones de 2020.
                                                                                                               revistas en programas de noticias.         La agencia estima que enviará
                                                                                                                  Estados Unidos – El IRS envi-        más de 1,200 millones de dólares
                                                                                                               ará pagos de estímulo adicionales       en     pagos      complementarios,
                                                                                                               a quienes ya declararon impuestos       muchos de los cuales deberían
                                                                                                               y califican para un cheque mayor.       haber llegado a las cuentas bancar-
                                                                                                               Más de 700,000 estadounidenses          ias para el 14 de abril.
Museum's new experience educator has passion for telling history's stories						                                                                                         Revista de Victoria, April 2021 — 5

It’s time
                                                          the quality of edu-     tells us who we are becoming. It is
                                                          cation, improve our     now time for you to tell us who we
                                                          financial standing,     are becoming in this community.
                                                          and increase com-            It is no secret we are in the
                                                          munity      involve-    midst of a bond campaign. The
                                                          ment. These have        bond is simply a question our
                                                          been our guide-         community is asking of itself. This
                                                          posts for the work,     bond vote is a chance for feed-
                                                          and again, our suc-     forward not just for the education
                                                          cess is yours to        of our students, but for the future
                                                          own.                    of our community. It is a chance
                                                             At a recent board    to weigh in on who we are becom-
                                                          meeting, the Trust-     ing. Every person over the age
                                                          ees and I were lov-     of 18 has an opportunity to make
                                                          ingly called “feed-     their voice heard. We have come
                                                          back beggars.” I        so far together, and you have made
                                                          do not think a nicer    your voice heard at so many points
                                                          thing has ever been     along the way. I sincerely hope
                                                          said to me! It is       you will make the extra effort to
Dr. Quintin Shepherd. Contributed photo.
                                                          true, we do beg for     ensure your voice is heard on this
                                                          feedback; it is the     especially important decision. Ear-
by Dr. Quintin Shepherd, VISD Super-                      only way we know        ly voting starts April 19 and the fi-
intendent                                  if we are moving in the right direc-   nal day to vote is May 1.
                                           tion. While we ask for feedback a         It has been my humble honor to
   For three years, I have been ask-       lot, we also ask for feed-forward.     serve as your superintendent these
ing for your feedback on countless         I hope someday someone comes           past three years, and I am grateful
questions and ideas. You have re-          to a Board meeting and calls us        for the opportunity to bring this
sponded every time and for that I          “feed-forward beggars.” Feedback       question to you.
am eternally grateful. I have writ-        tells us who we are. Feed-forward
ten before that schools work best
when we keep the public at the
forefront of Public Education. I
am dedicated to this type of leader-
ship and hope my actions over the
past three years have evidenced
my commitment. I have asked for
your voice in many ways, and the
past three years are proof that to-
gether there is nothing we cannot
   We have secured nearly $10 mil-
lion in grant funding to build new
learning pathways, we have forged
a partnership to open a revolution-
ary Early Childhood Center, we
have more than doubled the num-
ber of students identified as gifted,
we have more students than ever
in dual-credit, dual-enrollment,
and Advanced Placement courses
and all those students are perform-
ing better.
   But I do not think for a second
that this is something I have done.
This is something WE have done.
It was your voice that pointed us
in this direction. It was your voice
that “steered the ship.” When there
were impossibly tough decisions
to make as a community, it was
you who stepped up to make your
voices heard by serving on a task
force or sharing your thoughts in
person or online. When I joined
this community three years ago,
you gave me a charge to improve
Museum's new experience educator has passion for telling history's stories
6 — Revista de Victoria, April 2021						                                                                                                         

  por Santos Raya y contribuidores
Gabriel Luna pasa de ‘Termina-        compartirá escenas con el también                                                                               y Bella Ramsey y estoy orgulloso
tor’ a ‘The last of us’               hispano Pedro Pascal y con la jo-                                                                               de meterme en esta aventura con
  El actor latino se une a la adap-   ven Bella Ramsey, que en febrero                                                                                ellos como Tommy,” añadió este
tación televisiva del videojuego      fueron anunciados como protago-                                                                                 actor que también ha aparecido en
que está preparando HBO. Luna         nistas. En un mensaje publicado en                                                                              la serie Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. o la
                                                                                                                                                      película Transpecos (2016).
                                                                                                                                                         Johnny Depp: “Creo que los
                                                                                                                                                      fotógrafos se dejan parte del
                                                                                                                                                      alma en cada foto.” Interpreta
                                                                                                                                                      a Eugene Smith, uno de los foto-
                                                                                                                                                      periodistas más venerados de la
                                                                                                                                                      segunda guerra mundial. El ac-
                                                                                                                                                      tor estadounidense Johnny Depp,
                                                                                                                                                      que ha presentado este viernes en
                                                                                                                                                      Barcelona su última película, El
                                                                                                                                                      fotógrafo de Minamata, cree que,
                                                                                                                                                      como el personaje real que inter-
                                                                                                                                                      preta, Eugene Smith, “los fotógra-
                                                                                                                                                      fos también se dejan parte de su
                                                                                                                                                      alma en cada foto que hacen, en
                                                                           Gabriel Luna. Contributed photo.                                           cada clic.”
                                                                                                                                                         La cinta, que se proyecta en el
                                                                           Twitter, Luna se mostró “orgullo-     de HBO. “Me gusta muchísimo el
                                                                           so” de incorporarse a este proyecto   trabajo que han hecho Pedro Pascal                  See CHARLANDO, pg. 7
Museum's new experience educator has passion for telling history's stories						                                           Revista de Victoria, April 2021 — 7

Johnny Depp. Contributed photo.

                                      periodistas más venerados de la
CHARLANDO, from pg. 6                 Segunda Guerra Mundial, Eugene
BCN Film Fest, el festival interna-   Smith, atraviesa un momento de
cional de cine de Barcelona-Saint     crisis y se siente desconectado de
Jordi, arranca en el Nueva York       la sociedad y de su carrera después
de 1971, donde uno de los foto-       de los días de la contienda.
Museum's new experience educator has passion for telling history's stories
8 — Revista de Victoria, April 2021						                                        

                                            School board races – Why
                                            does it always get tacky?
                                                                                     ple running for school board works
                                                                                     as a substitute teacher at VISD and
                                                                                     I think that it is a questionable
                                                                                     policy to have an employee run for
                                                                                     the school board and gives them
                                                                                     an unfair advantage.
                                                                                        Is it possible that person would
                                                                                     hand out her card or literature at
                                                                                     school? If I were a teacher in her
                                                                                     position, I would, it makes sense.
                                                                                     (I have no idea if she has or not!)
                                            Barbara Breazealle. Contributed photo.   But using the Trustees criteria this
                                                                                     would be unethical.
                                            by Barbara Breazealle
                                                                                        Is it unethical that VISD paid for
                                                                                     expensive mailers and campaign
                                                I am so tired of ugly politics.
                                                                                     literature supporting the bond us-
                                            The School Board Trustees filed
                                                                                     ing taxpayer dollars? You be the
                                            an ethics charge against Dale Zuck
                                                                                     judge; I know how I feel about it.
                                            and Kenneth Wells! Why?
                                                                                        The Advocate is pro bond, anti
                                               Several months ago, a person
                                                                                     Dale, and Kenneth. How tacky to
                                            put some flyers about Dale and
                                                                                     put this article about ethics charge
                                            Kenneth, who are running for
                                                                                     front page, close to the headline.
                                            school board, in some teacher’s
                                                                                        This is ugly politics and makes
                                            mailboxes. Dale and Kenneth
                                                                                     me suspect about a lot of things.
                                            did not ask him to do this, did not
                                                                                        People are realizing that this
                                            make the copies, and did not know
                                                                                     election is about the problems in
                                            he did this.
                                                                                     VISD, not just buildings but low-
                                               “Unethical” means not morally
                                                                                     test scores, low teacher pay, low
                                            correct. Is it morally wrong for
                                                                                     graduation rates, etc. Does this
                                            people to hang flyers on people’s
                                                                                     ethics charge a smoke screen to
                                            doors, is it morally wrong to hand
                                                                                     take the microscope off these is-
                                            campaign information to a friend
                                            or coworker? It is immoral for me
                                                                                         Dale Zuck and Kenneth Wells
                                            to write this column and send this
                                                                                     have taken the high road and I
                                            to you when it is unsolicited? (If
                                                                                     hope they keep it up.
                                            you are one of my many sarcastic
                                                                                         Shame on the VISD Board of
                                            friends, do not bother answering
                                               Sorry, but one of four great peo-
Museum's new experience educator has passion for telling history's stories						                                                                                                                                  Revista de Victoria, April 2021 — 9
                                             “I’ve always thought that it’s        museum’s outreach programming,          on-the-Go activities, and the en-      open Tuesday through Saturday,
MUSEUM, from pg. 1                        tough to not like someone when           and establishing the museum as          thusiasm to implement engaging         10 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission to the
smiling, being really passionate          you’ve heard their story,” Garrett       the premiere destination for edu-       lessons that bring history to life,”   museum is pay-what-you-want.
about what I was doing,” Garrett          said. “I feel we often don’t take        cational and interactive field trips    Prudhomme said. “With Greg on             Due to Centers for Disease Con-
said. “And she brought me on fi-          time to listen to a person’s story.      in the Coastal Bend region.             board, we’re looking forward to        trol and Prevention recommenda-
nally for 19 hours a week, and I          I don’t care which side of the aisle        “I feel strongly about the re-       growing audiences and support for      tions, guests to all Victoria Col-
jumped on that.”                          you’re on politically, religiously,      sponsibility that we in the public      the Museum of the Coastal Bend.”       lege facilities are required to wear
  Garrett eventually gained a full-       socially – you have a story. I have      history sector have as a platform         The Museum of the Coastal            a facial covering, have their tem-
time role at the ITC after obtain-        tried to draw on that principle dur-     for all the voices and stories in our   Bend is located on Victoria Col-       peratures taken and pass a health
ing his master’s degree. He led the       ing my professional career.”             community,” Garrett said. “The          lege’s Main Campus at 2200 E.          screening. Social distancing is also
outreach and oral history programs           Now Garrett, whose ancestor,          only way that these stories are re-     Red River Street. The museum is        required.
for the ITC’s Back 40, which was          David Cummings, was one of the           vealed is by building relationships
a section of the museum devoted           “Gonzales 32” to fight at the Ala-       in the community. It is my goal to
to educating visitors on life in the      mo, is excited to tell the stories of    help the Coastal Bend region and
Texas frontier.                           the Coastal Bend.                        its people tell their stories through
  Garrett also enjoys telling                “I want to create an interactive      the medium we provide as public
peoples’ stories in print. He co-         classroom with hands-on objects          historians.”
authored three books in a series          and immersive learning opportuni-           Sue Prudhomme, VC’s execu-
chronicling the history of Mexi-          ties,” Garrett said. “We want chil-      tive director of cultural affairs,
can American baseball in Texas.           dren to step into the classroom and      said Garrett brings an ability to
Garrett was also one of the main          realize that it is an area of explora-   connect with audiences of all ages.
researchers for a Negro League            tion and discovery.”                        “Greg has the knowledge to cre-
Baseball exhibit at the San Anto-            Garrett is actively recruiting        ate innovative programs, such as
nio International Airport.                volunteer staff, re-establishing the     our recent Spring Break History-
                                          Public Information Office. I would       president. Instead, she fulfills the
                                          like to request two corrections for      duties of mayor without holding
                                          your story about Josephine Soliz.        the title).
                                          First, her name was misspelled in
                                          the story; it should be Soliz with a
                                          Z. Also, you stated that she is the
                                          first female and the first Hispanic
                                          to serve as mayor; this is incorrect
                                          because she is serving as acting
                                          mayor, not mayor. (The distinction
                                          is important because a mayor pro
Josie Soliz, Mayor Pro Tem. Contributed   tem does not become mayor upon
photo.                                    the mayor’s death in the same
  Correction by City of Victoria          way that a vice president becomes
Museum's new experience educator has passion for telling history's stories
10 — Revista de Victoria, April 2021						                                                                                                     

                                         COMISIÓN DE CALIDAD AMBIENTAL DE TEXAS                                                                    DRIVING, from pg. 1
                                                                                                                                                   the road at risk. Distracted driving
                                                                                                                                                   crashes are 100 percent prevent-
                                                                                                                                                   able. Driving should be your num-
                                                                                                                                                   ber one priority behind the wheel
                                                                                                                                                   – everything else can wait.”
                                                                                                                                                      TxDOT is re-launching its web-
              AVISO DE SOLICITUD Y DECISIÓN PRELIMINAR PARA UN PERMISO DE CALIDAD DE AIRE                                                          based augmented reality game
                                                                                                                                                   “Dart Those Distractions” to rein-
                                           PERMISO DE CALIDAD DE AIRE NÚM. 164399                                                                  force the importance of paying at-
                                                                                                                                                   tention behind the wheel. Designed
SOLICITUD Y DECISIÓN PRELIMINAR. Zinc Resources LLC, 109 North Post Oak Lane, Suite 415, Houston, Texas 77024-7847, ha                             to be played on a smart phone or
solicitado de la Comisión de Calidad Ambiental de Texas (TCEQ por sus siglas en ingles) el Permiso de Calidad de Aire Número 164399                tablet (but not while driving), the
para autorizar la construcción de una instalación de reciclaje de polvo de horno de arco eléctrico ubicada en 1750 Farm-to-Market 1432,            game increases awareness about
Victoria, Condado de Victoria, Texas. Esta solicito se está procesando de manera expedita, según lo permitido por las reglas de la comisión        the dangers of distracted driving
en Título 30 Código Administrativo de Texas, Capitulo 101, Subcapítulo J. La instalación propuesta va a emitir los siguientes contami-             in an interactive, engaging way.
nantes atmosféricos: monóxido de carbono, contaminantes peligrosos del aire, compuestos orgánicos, óxidos de nitrógeno, partículas que             The game challenges players to
                                                                                                                                                   throw darts at balloons that sym-
incluyen partículas con diámetros de 10 micras o menos y 2.5 micras o menos, plomo y óxidos de azufre.
                                                                                                                                                   bolize driving distractions, such as
                                                                                                                                                   eating, grooming, programming
El director ejecutivo de la TCEQ ha concluido la revisión técnica de la solicitud y ha preparado un permiso preliminar, el cual, si es apro-
                                                                                                                                                   music or checking a navigation
bado, establecerá las condiciones debajo de las cuales el sitio deberá operar. El director ejecutivo ha hecho la decisión preliminar de otor-      system.
gar este permiso. La solicitud del permiso, la decisión preliminar del director ejecutivo, y el permiso preliminar estarán disponibles para           Dangerous distractions include
ser revisados y copiados en la Oficina de la TCEQ, la oficina regional de la TCEQ en Corpus Christi y la Biblioteca Pública de Victoria,           any activity that diverts the driv-
302 North Main Street, Victoria, Condado de Victoria, Texas, comenzando el primer día de la publicación de este aviso. Los archivos del            er’s attention away from safely op-
cumplimiento de las leyes de la facilidad, si existen, están disponibles para la revisión del público en la Oficina Regional de Corpus Christi     erating a vehicle. Research shows
de la TCEQ.                                                                                                                                        that regardless of whether a driver
                                                                                                                                                   uses a voice-to-text program,
COMENTARIOS PÚBLICOS/REUNION PÚBLICA. Usted puede presentar comentarios públicos o solicitar una reunión pública sobre                             hands-free device or a handheld
esta solicitud. El propósito de la reunión pública es el proveer la oportunidad de someter comentarios o hacer preguntas sobre esta solicitud.     one, the distraction will affect the
La TCEQ tendrá una reunión pública si el director ejecutivo determina que hay suficiente interés de parte del público en esta solicitud o si       driver’s ability to drive safely.
es solicitada por un legislador local. Una reunión pública no es una audiencia de caso impugnado. Puede enviar comentarios públicos por               Since September 1, 2017, it has
escrito adicionales dentro de los 30 días posteriores a la fecha de publicación en el periódico de este aviso de la manera establecida             been illegal to read, write or send a
en el párrafo CONTACTOS DE LA AGENCIA E INFORMACIÓN a continuación.                                                                                text while driving in Texas. Viola-
                                                                                                                                                   tors can face a fine up to $200.
RESPUESTA A LOS COMENTARIOS PÚBLICOS Y ACCIÓN DEL DIRECTOR EJECUTIVO. Después del plazo final para som-                                               TxDOT offers these tips to pre-
eter comentarios públicos posteriores el director ejecutivo considerará los comentarios y preparará una respuesta a todos los comentarios          vent distracted driving that can
públicos relevantes y materiales o significativos. Porque no se han recibido peticiones para una audiencia de caso impugnado, el director          lead to a ticket, or worse, a crash:
                                                                                                                                                      • Always give driving your full
ejecutivo aprobará la solicitud para este permiso. La respuesta a los comentarios, junto con la decisión del director ejecutivo sobre
la solicitud, será entonces enviada por correo a todos aquellos que hayan sometido comentarios públicos o que están en la lista de
                                                                                                                                                      • Pull off the road entirely and
correo de esta solicitud, y será puesta electrónicamente en la Base Integrada de Datos de los Comisionados (CID por sus siglas en
                                                                                                                                                   come to a complete stop before
ingles).                                                                                                                                           you talk or text.
                                                                                                                                                      • Put your phone away, turn it
DISPONIBILIDAD ELECTRÓNICA DE INFORMACIÓN. Por medio del sitio web de la Comisión, en la página www.tceq.state.tex-                                off, or use an app or your phone
as/goto/cid, se pueden obtener los siguientes documentos cuando estén disponibles: la respuesta del director ejecutivo a los comentarios y la      settings to block texts and calls
decisión final sobre esta solicitud. Una vez que usted haya obtenido acceso a la CID usando el enlace de arriba, favor de poner el número de       while driving.
permiso de esta solicitud, el cual se encuentra en la parte superior de este aviso. Este enlace a un mapa electrónico de la ubicación general         • Tell friends, family, and co-
del sitio o de la instalación es proporcionado como una cortesía y no es parte de la solicitud o del aviso. Para la ubicación exacta, consulte     workers you will not respond to
la solicitud.                                texts or calls while driving.
                                                                                                                                                      • Remember that all distractions
LISTA PARA ENVÍO DE CORREO. Usted puede solicitar ser incluido en una lista de correo para recibir información adicional con                       are dangerous, so pay full atten-
respecto a esta solicitud. Para ser incluido en una lista de correo, envíe su petición a la Oficina del Secretario Oficial a la dirección que se   tion when behind the wheel.
encuentra a continuación en el párrafo a continuación.                                                                                                TxDOT’s distracted driving
                                                                                                                                                   awareness campaign is a key com-
CONTACTOS DE LA AGENCIA E INFORMACIÓN. Los comentarios públicos se deben presentar a la Oficina del Secretario Oficial,                            ponent of #EndTheStreakTX, a
MC-105, TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, o por el Internet al Ten en cuenta                    broader social media and word-of-
que cualquier información de contacto que proporcione, incluyendo su nombre, número de teléfono, dirección de correo electrónico y                 mouth effort that encourages driv-
dirección física, se agregará al registro público de la agencia. Para más información sobre esta solicitud para permiso o el proceso para          ers to make safer choices while
                                                                                                                                                   behind the wheel such as wearing
permisos, por favor llame a la TCEQ sin cobro al Programa de Educación Pública de la TCEQ, al 1 800 687-4040.
                                                                                                                                                   a seat belt, driving the speed lim-
                                                                                                                                                   it, never texting and driving and
Más información puede ser obtenida de Zinc Resources LLC en la dirección en el primer párrafo o llamando a Sr. Tom Knepper, Vicepresi-
                                                                                                                                                   never driving under the influence
dente Ejecutivo y Gerente de Proyectos al (724) 650-3618.                                                                                          of alcohol or other drugs. Nov. 7,
                                                                                                                                                   2000 was the last deathless day on
Fecha de Expedición: 12 de abril de 2021                                                                                                           Texas roadways.						                                                                                                                             Revista de Victoria, April 2021 — 11

                                                                                   toes. In shallow dish large enough     over bunny to about 1-inch from     sired. After serving, store any left-
                                                                                   to hold potatoes in a single layer,    the edges. Sprinkle with coconut.   over cookie, covered, at room tem-
                                                                                   toss potatoes with butter; season      5. Use candies to decorate as de-   perature. Makes 16 to 20 servings.
                                                                                   with salt and pepper. Spread in
                                                                                   single layer. Roast potatoes, un-
                                                                                   covered, for 45 minutes, stirring
                                                                                   once or twice during roasting.
                                                                                   2. Meanwhile, in small dish, stir
                                                                                   together vinegar, maple syrup,
                                                                                   and sliced garlic. Drizzle pota-
                                                                                   toes with vinegar mixture, gently
                                                                                   tossing with a spoon or spatula to
                                                                                   coat. Continue to roast about 10
                                                                                   to 20 minutes more, until potatoes
                                                                                   are fork-tender and glazed, stirring
Peppercorn-roasted ham. Contributed photo.                                         once or twice.
                                                                                   3. To serve, sprinkle potatoes with
PEPPERCORN-ROASTED HAM                       oven; remove foil. Let stand at       green onion, thyme, an lemon
1 (6-to-8-lb.) cooked, bone-in-              least 15 minutes.                     peel. Makes 6 servings.
spiral-sliced ham                            3. Meanwhile, for sauce, in small
1 (12 oz.) jar apricot preserves             saucepan combine reserve apri-        YUMMY BUNNY COOKIE
¾ cup Dijon-style mustard                    cot mixture and snipped apricots.     1 (18-ounce) roll refrigerator
1 to 2 tablespoons whole pink or             If using; heat through. Slice ham,    sugar cookie dough
mixed peppercorns                            serve warm or at room tempera-        2/3 cup canned strawberry or
½ cup snipped dried apricots                 ture with sauce. Garnish with apri-   cherry frosting
Dried Apricots (optional)                    cots and lettuce. Makes 16 to 20      2/3 cup sweetened flaked coconut
Boston lettuce leaves (optional)             servings.                             Assorted candies

1. Preheat oven to 325ºF. Place              MAPLE-GLAZED NEW POTATOES             1. Cut the cookie roll crosswise
ham on rack in shallow roast-                3 lbs. tiny new potatoes              into thirds. On the bottom half of
ing pan. Ten with foil; crimp foil           ¼ cup butter, melted                  a large baking sheet pat 1 portion
to pan edges. Roast for 1 to 1¾              Salt and cracked black pepper         into a 6-inch circle to form the
hours, until internal temperature is         3 tablespoons white balsamic          bunny’s head.
130ºF.                                       vinegar                               2. Position the remaining 2 por-
2. Remove foil from ham. In me-              2 tablespoons pure maple syrup        tions of dough atop head, and pat
dium bowl stir together preserves            3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced        into 8-inch long bunny ears.
and mustard; set aside ¾ cup.                ¼ cup chopped green onions            3. Bake in a 350ºF (175ºC) oven
Brush remaining on top and sides             2 tablespoons chopped thyme           for 13 to 15 minutes or until done.
of ham. Sprinkle with pepper-                1 tablespoon finely shredded          Cool for 2 minutes on baking
corns. Cover cut side of ham with            lemon peel                            sheet.
foil to prevent drying. Roast 20 to                                                4. Transfer to a serving plate or
30 minutes or until internal tem-            1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees    wire rack. Cool about 30 minute
perature is 140ºF. Remove from               F. Halve or quarter any large pota-   before decorating. Spread frosting

                                               VICTORIA COUNTY
                                                   TAX SALE

                                        Tuesday, May 4, 2021
                      Sale of the Victoria County tax deed property online at

                           For Tax Sale Information contact
                             1-(855) 650-5848 (toll free) or
12 — Revista de Victoria, April 2021
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