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EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD—APRIL 4, 2021 OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE We are a community of believers, proclaim- We will be offering daily masses on Monday, Tuesday, ing that Jesus is Lord. We come together Thursday and Friday at 9am. Wednesday is reserved as Catholics to celebrate the Sacraments, only for our school children. People will not have to sign especially the Eucharist, to hear and be up in advance, but you will need to wear a mask while transformed by the Word of God, to bring in the building and all the other Archdiocesan Covid -19 Christian values and love into our world, protocols will be enforced. Please plan to park and enter and to live and share the teachings of the church on the Sioux Avenue side. The Hiawatha Jesus. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we strive Avenue lot will not be open for weekday masses. as a parish family to further the Kingdom of God, making God’s presence felt and WE LOOK FORWARD TO WELCOMING YOU extending the caring spirit of Jesus . BACK INTO CHURCH. HAPPY EASTER! Streamed daily masses are available on our new St. Mary of the Woods YouTube Channel link: http://bit.ly/3r5vCpJ FAT H E R R I C H A R D J. JA K U B I K , PA S T O R St. Mary of the Woods Parish I 7033 N. Moselle Ave., Chicago, IL 60646 I 773-763-0206 I www.smow.org Page 1 St. Mary of the Woods - April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord www.smow.org
LETTER FROM OUR PASTOR Dear SMOW Community, Alleluia! Christ is risen! Unlike the past year, our churches are now open and we can celebrate together in smaller groups, Jesus’ resurrection. God is faithful and Easter happens in whatever the circumstances of our life and world might be. It did back then and it does now. Easter happens. We celebrate in faith that day when the stone was rolled back from Jesus’ tomb. The day when two women showed up for Easter, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary. Jesus’ Easter message is pretty simple and straight forward. “Greetings! Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers and sisters to go to Galilee; there they will see me.” That’s what he told the two women that day. And it’s what he tells us today whether we are by ourselves, with another person, or with our family. It’s the same Easter message we hear every year, “Greetings! Do not be afraid…. Go to Galilee; there you will see me.” “Go to Galilee.” That’s where the disciples were from. It’s their hometown. He could just as well have said, “Go home; there you will see me.” Where might we see Jesus today, tomorrow, the next day, and the day after that? In the people who are most familiar to you? In a stranger standing six feet away? In a masked face? In a meal shared with only two or three? In the turmoil of your life? In the familiarity of your own home? In your marriage? In your parenting? In your caregiving for a parent? In your suffering and sickness? In your fear of death? In those moments of love when you risk intimacy and vulnerability? In your loneliness and isolation? In the hell of a broken heart? In the struggle to turn your life in a new direction? In your hopes and dreams? In your successes and failures? In the beauty of creation? In the wonder of life? In your gratitude and thanksgivings? I have come to believe over the years that the Easter story is less about explaining, understanding, making sense of Jesus’ resurrection, and more about experiencing what that day means in terms of promise, hope and call. These three words describe what I think this story means for all of us. First, it means a promise. It promises a future. And the force of the future is to prevent the present from closing in on us, from closing us up. The promise means we can never say about our life, “This is it,” “This is all there is,” or “This is how it will always be.” Our resurrection is not just a future event, something yet to happen. It is a present and every- day reality, that promises us a future and the chance that this moment will be transformed and changed. Alleluia! Christ is risen. Second, it means we have hope. It means we have hope for our lives and the lives of those we love. We have hope “for something absolutely new, a new birth,” a new life. We have hope that our lives matter. It means we have hope in the midst of our doubts and uncertainties, despite the riskiness of life, and when nothing makes sense and the odds are against us. This hope means that we live with great openness to the future. We hope against hope for the unexpected possibility of the impossible. Alleluia! Christ is risen. Third, it means a call. The resurrection is a calling on our lives. And this call awaits our response. We are being called to “believe in life because life is precious beyond belief.” We are being called to appreciate the opportunities of every moment given us and to neither waste nor take for granted a single one. We are being called to live more fully alive and take the risk that there is always more life awaiting us even when it is unimaginable, unforeseeable, and seemingly impossible. The resurrection is wooing and calling us into life, more life, a new life. It is God’s yes to us and it asks us to answer, to act, to respond and take the beautiful risk of say- ing, Yes to life. Yes, to new life. Yes, to all of those and the thousands of others places where you will see him. Easter is happening, and if we can’t see Jesus in our ordinary everyday life, we surely won’t find him in the alleluias, lilies, hymns, icons, shiny brass, the paschal candle, the bread and the wine, or the beauty of our church. Easter always happens in the ordinary and everyday stuff of life. Do not be afraid. Go to Galilee. There you will see him. That’s the Easter promise to you and me. Easter happens, and it is already happening in the Galilee of your lives. Alleluia! Christ is risen! Let these words echo through your life and home, like they might in an empty tomb. On behalf of myself, Fr. Bob, Fr. Don, and the parish staff, have a blessed Easter! Resurrection Prayer: Dear God, thank you that you make all things new. Thank you for the victory and power in your Name. Thank you that Jesus was raised from the grave, paving the way for us to have new life with you. We ask that you renew our hearts, minds, and lives, for the days ahead. Keep your words of truth planted firm within each one of us, help us to keep focused on what is holy and right, give us the power to be obedient to your holy word. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Blessings, Father Rich Page 2 St. Mary of the Woods - April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord www.smow.org
PARISH LIFE St. Mary of the Woods Directory St. Mary of the Woods Parish Family, RECTORY SCHOOL 7033 N. Moselle Ave. 6959 N. Hiawatha Ave. 773-763-0206 773-763-7577 please pray for those serving RESOURCECENTER /CHURCH 6955 N. Hiawatha Ave. 773-763-1603 in our Military: St. Mary of the Woods Parish Staff Quartermaster 2nd Class Robert Ahms REV. RICHARD JAKUBIK, Pastor rjakubik@smow.org United States Navy REV. BOB HEINZ, Associate Pastor bheinz@smow.org Private First Class Liam Clancy REV. DONALD J. HEADLEY, Resident United States Marine Corps djhsanmig@comcast.net DEACON CHUCK THOMPSON, Deacon Kent Curry cthompson@smow.org United States Marine Corps MS. KRISTINE HOMAN, Business Manager khoman@smow.org MRS. AMANDA THOMPSON, Coordinator of Faith Formation Lance Corporal Ryan J. Garcia athompson@smow.org United States Marine Corps MRS. LAURA MCTHAY, Religious Education Assistant lmcthay@smow.org 1st Lt. Joseph Hagerty MS. SUE DUDEK, Special Project Coordinator United States Marine Corps sdudek@smow.org MRS. MARY ANNE EICHHORN, Music Director maeichhorn@smow.org Private George Kemper MRS. ALEDA DOWNS, Accounting Office United States Army adowns@smow.org MRS. GERALYN LAWLER, Principal Lance Corporal Rory J. Maloney glawler@smowschool.org United States Marine Corps MRS. KATHY KAMINSKI, Parish Secretary kkaminski@smow.org Technician Petty Officer Neil R. Murphy MRS. JOYCE SOPKO, Administrative Assistant jsopko@smowschool.org United States Navy MRS. TINA NORTON, Coordinator for Liturgy, Worship cnorton@smow.org Captain Roy Irving Peregrine, III MRS. MARIANNE STRUMBERGER, Bulletin Editor United States Army bulletineditor@smow.org MS. MARY DOSEK, Stewardship & Database Associate Chief Petty Officer Derrick Stephen Schoo mdosek@smow.org United States Navy MR. HARRY COMERFORD, Athletic Director hcomerford@smow.org MR. STEFAN JUMATATE, Maintenance Supervisor Private Justin Shannon maintenance@smow.org United States Army BAPTISM: We joyfully welcome all children to the St. Mary of the Woods 2nd Lt. Shawn Stachula community. A Baptism preparation session is required. Please call Tina Norton at the Rectory (773)763-0206 either prior to the birth of your child United States Army or after. WEDDINGS: Those considering marriage should consult one of the Lieutenant Samuel Stearney priests at least six months before the wedding. United States Navy THE SICK: The parish office should be notified about anyone who is seriously ill at home or in a hospital. Due to privacy laws, hospitals and Airman, Joed Tabano nursing homes are unable to contact us. United States Navy FAITH COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP: Catholics who wish to become members of our parish are asked kindly to introduce themselves to one of the priests and register at the rectory. Please contact the Parish Office at 773-763-0206 to have the names of your Even if you are not Catholic you are most welcome at our worship services. Should you wish to inquire into the Catholic Faith, please family members, serving in our military, contact Tina Norton at the Rectory. listed in our weekly bulletin. MOVING? When moving in or out of St. Mary of the Woods Faith Or, email your names directly to: Community, please notify the Parish Office. bulletineditor@smow.org. Page 3 St. Mary of the Woods - April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord www.smow.org
St. Mary of the Woods Parish 2020 Capital Campaign Target Goal of $200,000! $175,000 $150,000 $125,000 $100,000: Halfway to our $ 101,674.06 target goal as of $75,000 $50,000 $25,000 Page 4 St. Mary of the Woods - April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord www.smow.org
PARISH LIFE REST IN PEACE Monday, April 5 9:00 am - All deceased parishioners Tuesday, April 6 9:00 am - Anne Hack Wednesday, April 7NN 8:30 am - Rosa A. Giudice / Lillian Freko Dorothy Nagode, mother of Linda Wickey and grandmother of James, Thursday, April 8 Thomas, Matthew, and Ashley 9:00 am - Robert Brieske Friday, April 9 9:00 am - Josephine Gemskie For all those around the world who have died this week Saturday, April 10 from diseases, starvation, 9:00 am - All deceased parishioners violence, abandonment 4:30 pm - Fred Wehrenberg / Bob Corcoran / Adele LeGere / Helen Lechowicz / or depression... S. I. for Murphy, Reddy-Landauer and Walton families Sunday, April 11 7:30 am - Lucille Weaver 9:00 am - Terry O’Brien / Marty LeBaron / Zac Plantz Marilyn Markiewicz / Primitiva Lucchesi 11:00 am - Patrick King / Frances Grillo / David Kelly / Lawrence Faxel CONFESSION: We will offer Saturday Baptism Preparation confessions from 3:30- 4:00 pm. You no longer Program for 2021 need to sign up, but just come to the church dur- If you are expecting a child or ing that time. Confes- already have a new addition to sions will be held in your family and have NOT been church, and one person at a time will be permitted in to receive the sacra- through the preparation program , ment, first come, first served. You will need to please call Father Richard Jakubik receive hand sanitizer and wear your mask the or Tina Norton in the Rectory at entire time, and we ask that you exit the building 773-763-0206 to sign up. when your confession is done. Page 5 St. Mary of the Woods - April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord www.smow.org
PARISH LIFE A Prayer for Our Country Holy Cards In these troubling times, prayers for our country and world are needed. Cards are available outside on the bulletin cart, or at the Rectory front door. Please consider saying this prayer daily to help our country heal. Parking Lot Mass. Please join us in the Hiawatha Street lot at 11am on Sundays and receive communion in your car. When you arrive, tune in to 89.7FM to hear the Mass. Please consider this option, if you are not com- fortable coming into Church. We look forward to seeing all of you at the Mass of your choice. CRISIS PREGNANCY HOTLINE: 800-400-4205 Post Abortion Healing 888-456- HOPE (4673) Domestic Violence Ministry WINGS Hotline and Counseling Service 24 Hours (847) 221-5680 . Page 6 St. Mary of the Woods - April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord www.smow.org
STEWARDSHIP - THOUGHTS ON GIVING St. Mary of the Woods Collection Information WEEKLY OFFERING FOR WEEK OF 3-21-2021 Families Donation % of Donations Receiving Envelopes Families This Donation Dropped of Week Envelopes This Week Sunday Offering Envelopes Used 1004 78 8% $3,597 Sunday Loose Offerings $3,342 Weekly Commitment to ‘To Teach Who Christ Is” Campaign ($1,700) Families EFT % of Enrolled Donations This This Week Families Week Donations Electronic Donation Faith Direct 474 276 58% $7,115 Total for this Sunday $12,354 Weekly Budget for Sunday Collections $15,202 Difference ($2,848) YEAR TO DATE—COLLECTIONS vs BUDGET - 38TH SUNDAY OF THE FISCAL YEAR Year to date Sunday ………………………………………………………………………………………….. $459,579 Year-to-date Budget for Sunday Collection ………………………………………………………….………. . $577,684 Difference ……….……………………………………………………………………………………………..($118,105) THANK YOU! THANK YOU! We are grateful to those who respond prayerfully in stewardship, gratitude and generosity to the call of faithful support of the missions and ministries of St. Mary of the Woods. TODAY’S SECOND SEPARATE COLLECTION St. Mary of the Woods depends on your donations to continue our ministry. IS FOR THE HOLY LAND When the world was brought to a standstill by COVID-19, people continued to turn to our parish ministries for help. Recurring gifts sustained our parish and ensured that we were there for those who needed us, and eGiving provides a way forward now as those in our community continue to face uncertainty. To help those who are counting on us, St. Mary of the Woods depends on online donations from caring individuals like you. We prayerfully request that you consider signing up for eGiving and setting up your recur- ring donation. You can use eGiving from your computer, smartphone, or tablet for recurring and one-time gifts. Sign up today by visiting faith.direct/IL336, or text ‘Enroll’ to (Text-to-Give Number). Page 7 St. Mary of the Woods - April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord www.smow.org
PARISH LIFE The Confirmation Students connect to Catholic Social Teaching through service: Charlotte Kroll For my service for Confirmation, I chose to write cards to nuns and make hygiene kits. I chose to make cards for nuns because I know that with COVID-19 the nuns are not allowed to see anyone, especially since they are very vul- nerable to the virus. I know that when you never see anyone it is very tough and lonely, so I decided to write them cards to help cheer them up. The other thing I chose to do was make hygiene kits. I chose to do this because hygiene is very important, and some- times people don’t have money or access to personal hygiene products, so I decided to make them to help people stay clean and healthy. Writing cards to nuns connects to the Catholic Social Teaching of Call to Family, Com- munity, and Participation. This connects to this Social Catholic Teaching because when you write cards to the nuns you are connecting to them in your community and helping them cheer up. Making hygiene kits connects to the Catholic Social Teaching of Option for the Poor and Vulnerable. This connects to the Catholic Social Teaching because many poor and vulnerable people don’t have access to hygiene products, so making the kits for them will help them get what they need to stay clean and healthy. Katherine Mahoney For my community service, I decided to shovel my elderly neighbor’s drive- way, steps, and backyard each time it snowed this winter. My parents and other neighbors in previous years would shovel her property. Yet this year I chose to take on this opportunity as I would be able to see my neighbor Vivi- an, and be able to safely socialize with her. As I know Vivian does not get a variety of chances to interact with many people. As COVID-19 is still a large factor in her and everyone’s life. Taking the time throughout the past 3 months to shovel for my neighbor was and is important to me as I had the opportunity to connect my actions to The Catholic social teaching of, Rights and Responsibilities, as it is defined as a, “tradition that teaches that human dignity can be protected and a healthy community can be achieved only if human rights are protected and responsi- bilities are met.” I know I have connected with this social teaching as each time I shoved my neighbor Vivian’s driveway I would recall her telling me she is a retired crossing guard. Which I know required a vast amount of time outside, in all weather conditions. Now that Vivian does not have as much mobility as she uses to, I am able to make her life easier by completing chores for her that used to be done regularly. I am able to make her life easier as she used to make life easier for others. This is why, I know I have connected with the Catholic social teaching, “Rights and Responsibilities”. Page 8 St. Mary of the Woods - April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord www.smow.org
QUESTIONS OR ANSWERS? FR. DON HEADLEY Resurrection Sunday Mark 16: 1-8 Mark’s narrative of imagination. Jesus' passion is filled with In Mark's narrative, details about the people discipleship requires a certain around him; this is Jesus’ last understanding of the world we great lesson to his disciples. live in. Our world demands Jesus is not on trial, but change. It has been turned rather life's ritualistic and upside down and inside out by legal components, all the non- sin, death, and injustice. Ac- creative elements that perme- cording to Mark’s apocalyptic ate our society. We are cer- view, the world we know must tain as we hear the centurion's end and something new begin, words at Jesus’ death that not out of power or wealth, everything has ended; the the manipulation of the poor, world and its prophet has the division of communities died. Joseph of Arimathea and nations, but rather be- God has brought upon our comes by only to sweep up af- cause the God who created our world. Until today, death was ter the cataclysm. home and our peace is even total and victorious; now, it is Mark's narrative brings now at the door (Mk.1:12-13; only one more factor to be con- us to the perfect ending which Lk.4: 1-12). Mark begins his fronted as we come to a com- then becomes the most spec- gospel telling us that our time plete and shared life which we tacular of beginnings. Mark's is up, that we must change, call God's gift. Sin was the history of the Resurrection is and that God's Reign is at division that ruled the world, like the Resurrection itself; hand (Mk.1:15). Our world, making of one people the pow- nothing will ever be the same seemingly normal in its cor- erful who conquered and of an- again. The Resurrection goes ruption because we have never other the oppressed and en- beyond its own moment, lived in any other, must be slaved. It is our grace as par- transforming all relationships subverted if we follow God’s ticipants in Mark's history to and whole societies. The ear- agenda. ask each other what decision ly Christians would chip away We can ask ourselves we may have made, where we at the walls guarding privi- what this means on the basis stand and what consequences to lege between Jew and Greek, of Mark’s proclamation of the Jesus' life, death, and Resur- men, and women, enslaved Resurrection. The announce- rection we are disposed to acti- and free. The resurrection ment only provokes questions vate in our own lives. tells us that we give life to in the three faithful women others only by dying; Mark’s who do not understand. They narrative says that we can will learn, only through their begin again only after a com- own confusion and conversa- plete and permanent ending. tion that, by accompanying What we call the Gospel, the God's action in history, noth- Good News of the Lord, ing is impossible for us who brings us to the door of a new share Christ's risen life in the creation. What we thought Spirit. was the end is the beginning If we have believed un- and what we were sure was til now that the homeless will complete and total death is never have homes or that chil- only the opportunity to live dren cannot be educated or fully. that the elderly must die We all deserve a histo- alone. Mark’s story of the ry. We have roots and our own Resurrection tells us that we experiences of life. Yet, if have been lied to. Our confu- these are our only tools, we sion is really a new begin- shall eventually become apa- ning. thetic and bored. Cultural What we are today and identity or the way we relate what we wish to become cannot and earn a living reveals our live side by side in God's true possibilities only as the Reign. We are now a people starting point for dreams and challenged by the change that Page 9 St. Mary of the Woods - April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord www.smow.org
PARISH LIFE AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that lets you enjoy the same shopping experience as on Amazon.com, but with a benefit to St. Mary of the Woods. When you shop on AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com), the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of your eligible Amazon purchase to our parish when you shop Amazon via https://smile.amazon.com/ch/36-2252370. Utilize our Text-to-Give option during commitment weekend. Together, we can raise extra money for our parish while making your regular Amazon purchases! Using a mobile device, open your text message application; Here are some steps you can take to ensure donations are made to the St. Mary of the Woods Enter the phone number 345345 in the via your Amazon purchase: to: section; 1. Bookmark the link to AmazonSmile so Type the keyword ACA2021 (not case that you can support us every time you sensitive) in the message of your text shop application; https://smile.amazon.com/ch/36- 2252370 Hit the send button; 2. Shop online at AmazonSmile like you A test reply to your phone will give you normally do! a hyperlink to a secure online giving form; 3. Share this link with family and friends: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/36- Complete your gift by filling out the 2252370 form and submitting, making sure to select St. Mary of the Woods as your parish designation; On the form, do not select the “Donate” Remember, only purchases made at button at the top; you are already in the smile.amazon.com will result in right form through the text message hyperlink; donations. You can also visit our Giftswill be processed by the Annual website or Facebook to find Catholic Appeal. the link to our account. Thank you for your continuing generosity to the Annual Catholic Appeal and to St. Mary of the Woods Parish. Page 10 St. Mary of the Woods - April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord www.smow.org
BEYOND PARISH LIFE Support the Pope’s Missions this Lent and help bring food and medical care to families around the world severely impacted by COVID-19 Need resources to fight COVID-19, Pope’s Missions This past year may have felt like an endless Good Friday, as we suffered the loss of a loved one or livelihood, or struggled with illness, isolation, food insecurity, and general uncertainty due to COVID-19. And this reality extended most especially to our brothers and sisters in the Pope’s missions, ever more vulnerable amidst a global pandemic. Drought and violent ethnic conflicts, along with natural disasters and now exposure to the coronavirus, have made starva- tion a real threat. But there is hope. Local priests and Sisters are responding through food pro- grams and with pastoral care. They continue to be, for so many, the frontline workers. In many places where medical care is scarce, the clergy and religious congregations are the doctors and nurses that treat and cure patients with the resources at hand. Through their efforts, they, also bring the comforting presence of the Lord, Who also knew suffering, and the reminder that no one who suffers is ever abandoned by God. This Lent, you can send them life-saving hope. 100% of your donation will help these Sisters and Priests. https://www.missio.org/project/19748/Need-resources-to-fight-COVID19-Popes-Missions?localization=EN Page 11 St. Mary of the Woods - April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord www.smow.org
APRIL 4, 2021 - EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD REJOICE AND BE GLAD SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES During the first three or four centuries of Christianity, if Sunday: Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the you asked a Christian to name the feast days of the church, Lord; your answer would have been a puzzled stare, for there was Julian Calendar Palm Sunday only one feast: the Resurrection of the Lord. Every Sunday Monday: Monday within the Octave of Easter was a feast celebrating the one great feast. Even though our Tuesday: Tuesday within the Octave of Easter calendar now has many beautiful and holy feasts, we must Wednesday: Wednesday within the Octave of Easter continually be called back to the fact that all these other Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance feasts exist because of the feast of Christ’s Passover from Day) death to life. The psalm today proclaims this message well: Thursday: Thursday within the Octave of Easter “This is the day.” It is not one of many days, but it is the day Friday: Friday in the Octave of Easter; of all days, the one that gives all the others their origin, pur- Julian Calendar Good Friday pose, meaning, and destiny. Listen carefully to Peter’s Saturday: Saturday within the Octave of Easter speech in Acts with its recollection of the Passion, to the words of the apostle Paul, and to the account of Mary Mag- FEAST OF FAITH dalene, John, and Peter finding the empty tomb, and you will The Eucharist: Food for Resurrection hear the many wonderful works that God has done for us How do we celebrate Easter, the greatest of our through Christ. Rejoice and be glad! Christian feasts? By doing what we do every Sunday Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. and every day: celebrating the Mass. On the first East- TODAY’S READINGS er, as the heartbroken disciples walked the road to Em- First Reading — Peter is an eyewitness: The Lord is risen maus, the Lord was with them but they did not realize (Acts 10:34a, 37-43). it. They only recognized him “in the breaking of the Psalm — This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice bread” (Luke 22:35). and be glad (Psalm 118). It is the same for us. In the Mass—the breaking of (1) Second Reading — All who are baptized, set your hearts the bread—we meet the risen Lord together. We meet in heaven (Colossians 3:1-4) or him in each other—for by our baptism into his death (2) Second Reading — Christ our Passover is sacri-ficed; and resurrection, we have become members of one therefore let us celebrate (1 Corinthians 5:6b-8). body, the Body of Christ. We meet him in his word— Gospel — Three witnesses, Mary, Peter, and John; each re- in the liturgy the scriptures are proclaimed to us, that sponds to the empty tomb (John 20:1-9) or they might take root and grow in us. And we meet him Mark 16:1-7 (or, at an afternoon or evening Mass, Luke in a special way in the Eucharist, the sacrament of his 24:13-35). Body and Blood, which is food for resurrection: The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. “whoever eats this bread will live forever” (John 6:51). The Lord is risen indeed, and it is the Risen One READINGS FOR THE WEEK who truly presides at this and every Eucharist. Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; —Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; NEW BORN Jn 20:11-18 For I remember it is Easter morn, Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 And life and love and peace are all new born. Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 —Alice Freeman Palmer Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27a; Jn 21:1-14 EASTER PEOPLE Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-15ab, 16-21; We are Easter people and Alleluia is our song! Mk 16:9-15 —St. Augustine Sunday: Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31 Easter Sunday April 4, 2021 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lඈඋൽ. — Psalm 118:17 Page 12 St. Mary of the Woods - April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord www.smow.org
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