2020 Blair School Summer Reading - An International Baccalaureate

Page created by Regina Carpenter
2020 Blair School Summer Reading - An International Baccalaureate
2020 Blair School Summer
                                                  An International Baccalaureate
                                              Incoming 6th grade DLIP, Spanish

                                                                                    August 26th

English Required Reading:
  ✓ Hello, Universe by Erin Entrada Kelly AR 4.7, 6 points

Selecciona un libro
   ✓ Un caballo llamado libertad por Pam Munoz Ryan
   ✓ Las cronicas de Narnia: el león, la bruja y el ropero de C.S. Lewis
   ✓ Luciana por Erin Teagan
   ✓ Cuentos de buenas noches para niñas rebeldes por Elena Favilli y Francesca

   Esta lista es una sugerencia de libros que recomiendo. Sin embargo, tu puedes escoger un
   libro que te interese. Debe de tener entre 60 y 100 páginas y puede ser del género de tu
   gusto. Lo importante es disfrutar de un libro en español este verano.

                             Prerequisite for Honors English
If you are enrolled in an Honors English class for the 2020-2021 school year, you are required to
complete the summer reading assignment. It is a privilege and a great achievement to be enrolled in
Honors. Your placement in the class is contingent upon successful completion of the summer
reading assignments. If you do not complete the summer assignments and pass the AR reading quiz
with at least a 70%, you may not be allowed to continue in Honor English.

How to Gain Access to Books:
These books are available for purchase on Amazon, Vroman’s, and at other bookstores. There are
currently several websites offering free access to ebooks and audiobooks during the Stay at Home
order. Below is a list of a few you will want to investigate as soon as possible as many offers will
expire soon. Your local library may also have ebooks and audiobooks available. You may want to
also reach out to Blair students who read these books last year. They may have a copy they can
loan you.

2020 Blair School Summer Reading Assignment – Incoming 6th grade DLIP, Spanish
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•   https://www.getepic.com/
   •   http://esl-bits.net/
   •   https://www.juniorlibraryguild.com/

Should you have trouble locating a copy of any book, contact Miss McLaughlin via email at
mclaughlin.christine@pusd.us and she will assist you.

Completing the Assignments:

All work must be completed using your PUSD Google account. If you do not have a PUSD Google
account, please complete the work in a personal Google account. Do not use your previous school
account as you will need to have access to your work when school resumes. Your English
Language Arts teacher will provide you with a way to turn in your assignment when school
resumes. Do not share or email the assignment. Contact your teacher or Miss McLaughlin if you
have difficulties completing the assignment electronically.


   •   Identities and relationships – An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values;
       personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families,
       friends, communities and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.

Aread IB: Enseñanza y aprendizaje en un contexto global:

   •   Identidades y relaciones: Una búsqueda hacia la naturaleza propia; valores y creencias;
       personales, físicas, mentales, sociales y salud espiritual; relaciones humanas incluyendo
       familias, amistades, comunidades y culturas; derechos y responsabilidades ; el significado
       de ser humano
   •   Igualdad y desarrollo: Una búsqueda hacia los derechos y responsabilidades en la lucha de
       compartir recursos limitados con otras personas y otros seres que viven en la tierra;
       comunidades y las relaciones entre y a través de ellas; acceso a oportunidades equitativas;
       paz y resolución de conflictos

ASSIGNMENT Instructions for Hello, Universe:
Essential Question to consider:
   •    What insights can we gain from the character we read about, and how might those insights
        guide our own choices?
Instructions: As you are reading this novel, answer the following questions on a separate sheet of
paper. Answer your questions in complete sentences. Restate the question in your response. Explain
your answers.

To earn full credit for this assignment, questions need to be answered fully and completely. At
least a paragraph for each question is suggested in order to do a good job:


2020 Blair School Summer Reading Assignment – Incoming 6th grade DLIP, Spanish
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1. What clues does the book cover give you about the story?
    2. After reading the first paragraph, what do you predict will happen?
    3. How does the author try to pull you into the story? Does it work?

    1. Describe the setting (the place, time, and location) of the story and the time period.
    2. Does the setting remind you of anywhere you have been?
    3. Do you think the setting fits the story? Why?

   1. Who are the main characters?
   2. Who is your favorite character? What makes this character your favorite?
   3. Do you think the character(s) fit(s) the story? Why?

    1. Conflict: What does the character want or need? What are they struggling to get? How are they
    2. How would you solve these problems? Please explain.
    3. Does this story plot remind you of any other story you’ve read? Discuss.

   1. Did the ending make sense to you? Why?
   2. If you could change the ending, how would you change it?
   3. If you could write a sequel, what would happen next?

  1. Describe a scene in the book that made you laugh. What was funny?
  2. Describe a sad scene. Did it remind you of anything you’ve experienced?
  3. What was the most exciting part of the book? How did it make you feel?


    1. What insights can we gain from the character we read about, and how might those insights
       guide our own choices?

Common Core Standards Addressed:
Reading Standards for Literature: 1 - Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 2 - Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s
plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves
toward a resolution.
Writing Standards: 1- Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
 2 - Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information
through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.

Preguntas esenciales para considerar:
    •     ¿Qué ideas, conceptos, o conocimientos aprendemos del personaje? ¿Cómo podrían estos
          conocimientos guiar nuestros propios pasos o las decisiones que tomamos?

2020 Blair School Summer Reading Assignment – Incoming 6th grade DLIP, Spanish
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•   ¿Qué se revela sobre la gente a través de sus decisiones? ¿Qué causa que la gente tome
       las decisiones que toma?

Opción 1:
Análisis de literatura:

Diario de doble entrada: (Escoge 5 capítulos que abarquen todo el libro)

   •    Dobla un papel alineado a lo largo y haz una línea por en medio. En la parte izquierda escribe
        una cita importante e incluye el número de página.
    • En la parte a la derecha, escribe tu respuesta a la cita. Explica por qué te impactó y que crees
        que pasará próximamente. Además, incluye una conexión personal a la cita: ¿Cómo te
        relacionas con el acontecimiento de la cita en cuanto al tema, un personaje, o escenario?
    • Tu respuesta a la cita debe ser de por lo menos un párrafos.
Trabajo de arte
Tu trabajo deberá estar organizado y guardado en una carpeta o en papel grueso. Como actividad de
arte deberás crear una portada para tu trabajo. En esta portada harás un dibujo que capture una de las
ideas principales del libro. Deberá incluir el título, la autora, y la traductora.

Opción 2


Escribe un resumen y sigue el formato próximo:

Párrafo 1:
1. ¿Es importante el escenario de la historia?
2. Introduce al protagonista.
3. ¿Cómo es el protagonista?
4. Explica los detalles más importantes sobre él o ella.
5. ¿Cuál es el conflicto principal? (Piensa en general ya que el conflicto no es precisamente obvio)
6. ¿Cómo es que el protagonista está involucrado en el conflicto?

Párrafo 2:
1. ¿Quién es el/la antagonista? (ten cuidado ya que no siempre es una persona)
2. ¿Cómo es que el antagonista está involucrado/a en el conflicto?
3. ¿Qué motiva el antagonista?

Párrafo 3:
1. ¿Cuáles son algunas de las escenas más importantes? Describelas.
2. ¿Cómo se resuelve el conflicto? ¿Se resuelve el conflicto? Explica.

Párrafo 4:
1. El tema: ¿Cómo te inspiró? ¿Cómo cambiar tu parecer este libro? Da detalles.
    1. ¿Por qué se debería leer este libro?
Usa tu creatividad artística: Haz un dibujo o un cuadro en el que muestras un tema o una de las ideas
principales del libro. Debe ser una obra hecha con cuidado y con detalle.

Estándares Common Core:

2020 Blair School Summer Reading Assignment – Incoming 6th grade DLIP, Spanish
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Estándares de literatura: 1 - Determina el tema o idea central del texto y analiza su desarrollo a través
del texto; relata un resumen objetivo del texto. 2- Analiza cómo los elementos específicos de una
historia o drama se relacionan (por ejemplo, cómo es que el escenario forma a un personaje o cómo
forma la trama)


    •   The Summer Reading Project is due Wednesday, August 26, 2020
    •   This is a required assignment for both of your 6th grade language arts classes. You will
        submit the English assignment to your English Language Arts teacher and the DLIP
        assignment to your Spanish Language Arts teacher.
    •   This is not an extra credit assignment.
    •   Complete your work in Google Docs and submit electronically. Your teacher will
        provide that information after school starts.
    •   An in-class AR reading quiz will be given after the due date to measure your
        understanding of both required texts from this assignment. This will count as a test
    •   Those students registered during the summer months and/or are new to Blair are still
        required to complete this assignment by the given date. The teacher may make additional
        provisions to this policy if the student entered school after the first day; however, this
        assignment is still mandatory.
    •   This assignment will count as 10% of the first 5-week grading period.


Contact Judith Gonzalez, 6th Grade English Teacher: gonzalez.judith@pusd.us

Comuníquese con la Maestra Najera:                   najerabustillos.eliz@pusd.us

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