Westover Hills Presbyterian Church - Third Sunday of Lent A Service of Word and Sacrament March 20, 2022 10:30am
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Westover Hills Presbyterian Church Third Sunday of Lent A Service of Word and Sacrament March 20, 2022 10:30am
Westover Hills Presbyterian Church A Service of Word and Sacrament We Gather at God’s Invitation Welcome and Opportunities for Discipleship Dr. Robert Lowry, Pastor Prelude In Christ Alone, My Hope Is Found David Austin, Organ Keith Getty Mary Lois Stanfield, Piano *Call to Worship Eileen Joyce, Liturgist Who is this who enters the doors of our temple, who overturns the tables, strews silver and gold on the floor, frees the sacrificial doves from gilded cages? Listen, as they rise, the beating of their wings is a song of loud hosanna. It is Jesus of Galilee, the Son of God, who comes to cleanse the great temple, to restore its subverted chambers to a house of hallowed prayer. Then let us open the doors of our hearts even wider, so he can cast out the thieves who would take what is sacred and tender and turn it hard as gold in a fist. May the temple within us be a refuge where doves of peace roost in the rafters. May it be a garden that bears the fruits of a generous spirit. Oh Lord, take what is corrupt and withered and let it break forth in beauty. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. *Opening Prayer *Opening Song of Praise #450 O Day of Peace JERUSALEM Call to Confession Prayer of Confession Truth be told, Jesus, There are lots of tables that need overturning in our lives; Beneath the veneer of respectability the tidy rows and neat regulations hide dark addictions and angry judgements hungry greeds and heartless rejections We know the pain—and so do those around us—
of keeping up the facade; What a relief it would be to have it all upset, smashed, scattered, destroyed. So, perhaps, Jesus, today you could pay us a visit and help us to radically rearrange the furniture of our lives *The Gloria Patri *The Peace of Christ The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ which passes all understanding be with you all. And also with you. We Proclaim God’s Word Gospel Reading John 2:13-25 The gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Praise to you, O Christ. Sermon The Presence of Justice Dr. Lowry *Hymn of Response #420 God of Grace and God of Glory CWM RHONDDA
*Affirmation of Faith The Barmen Declaration Jesus Christ, as he is attested for us in Holy Scripture, is the one Word of God which we have to hear and which we have to trust and obey in life and in death. We reject the false doctrine, as though the church could and would have to acknowledge as a source of its proclamation, apart from and besides this one Word of God, still other events and powers, figures and truths, as God’s revelation. As Jesus Christ is God’s assurance of the forgiveness of all our sins, so in the same way and with the same seriousness is he also God’s mighty claim upon our whole life. Through him befalls us a joyful deliverance from the godless fetters of this world for a free, grateful service to his creatures. We reject the false doctrine, as though there were areas of our life in which we would not belong to Jesus Christ, but to other lords—areas in which we would not need justification and sanctifica- tion through him. We Respond to God’s Word Minute for Ministry Offering Offertory The Doxology Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debt- ors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the pow- er, and the glory, forever. Amen
*Parting Hymn #374 Lord, Make Us Servants of Your Peace DICKINSON COLLEGE *Charge & Benediction *Postlude RATHBUN arr. G. Young +++++ Worship Notes WORSHIP LEADERS TODAY Pastor Robert Lowry, Music Director David Austin, and Liturgist Eileen Joyce. THE AFFIRMATION OF FAITH is adapted from the Theological Declaration of Barmen. Written during the early years of National Socialism’s rise in Germany in the 1930’s, the text is a profound reminder that the church is answerable to the ethic of Jesus rather than the whims of the world. Martin Niemoller, a supporter of the declaration and leader of the resisting pastors to Nazi influence, was eventually imprisoned at Sachsen- hausen and later Dachau. Karl Barth, the primary author, was expelled from his teaching position in Bonn for his refusal to swear allegiance to Hitler and eventually returned to Switzerland and the University of Basel where he taught until his death in 1968. SUNDAYS DURING LENT Robert is doing a Lenten sermon series on the gifts of the spirit listed by Paul in the book of Galatians. Each week the bulletin will contain a prompt for reflection on that week’s focus gift as well as a short prospective note about the topic for the coming Sunday. The Worship and Arts Committee members will be providing the prompts for reflection as an opportunity to continue our worship reflection into the week and carry the overall theme through the season of Lent. The Life of the Church THESE DAYS DEVOTIONAL BOOKS are now available to pick up during the week in the office. WHPC MISSION AND ADVOCACY continues to collect items for the homeless. We request cooler weather wear be donated and dropped off in the foyer in the church office, where a clearly marked sign indi- cates “The Box.” Place donations inside the box, which routinely is emptied and distributed for use by the homeless. You can drop off anytime throughout the year, as The Box will be an ongoing ministry. Suggested donations include for now: blankets, hats, underwear, T shirts, pants, socks (especially for women), and sun- screen. If you need donations picked up, please call Eileen Joyce 501-350-3949. Pastoral Care PLEASE INCLUDE IN YOUR PRAYERS these members and friends of Westover Hills Presbyterian: Tri- cia McCool (critical care from car accident where husband died– Brenda Lelansky’s friend); Jane Estes (undergoing tests); Ellen McEwen (tests/ medical procedures); Chriztina and the people of Ukraine (in-country contact for water project that WHPC PW supported in 2013 - for safety and assurance of God’s presence); Lju- bica and Stanislav Radovic (Volleyball coach Tanja Eckart’s parents, who live in Croatia - anxiety over nearby war); Zach Dobbs (Leukemia– Kathy Balkman’s friend); Linda & Les Carnine (Les recovering from stroke-
now in Edmond, OK); Alice Catherine Nolen (newborn granddaughter of Carmen Stokes); medical students & practitioners (fatigue); Leslie (cancer– Shirley Garlington’s friend); Mauney Family (COVID); Susan Mauney (recovery from knee replacement); Kade (T-Cell Lymphoma treatment– Pastor Robert Lowry and Brian Smith’s 3 year old great-nephew); Mike Limbird (cancer– friend of Ann Patterson & Max & Scout Snowden); Susan & Malcolm Campbell (Susan cancer/Hospice- Rev. Don Campbell’s daughter-in-law & son, & Don K. Campbell sister-in-law & brother); Brandon Felkins (cancer– Ann Patterson’s Godson); Christiana Eseme-Kuwong’s family in war torn Cameroon; Andrea Campbell; Pastor Robert; TLC members; church staff; preschool kids, families & staff; the people of Ukraine. TO ADD A NAME TO THE PRAYER LIST or to remove or update a prayer concern, please contact the church office at office.westoverhills@gmail.com or 501-663-6383. All members and friends are invited to in- clude prayers on the list. The prayer list is printed in the Sunday bulletin and also in Monday’s CareLine. Con- cerns remain on the prayer list until the office is notified to remove it or at the periodic review of the list. Names of the families of the deceased are included appear for two weeks. DEACONS FOR MARCH are Ann Bell and Laura Whitmore.
CALENDAR The Church Office is open Monday-Thursday 9-2 unless otherwise indicated. Prayer on the 9’s is observed each weekday at 9:00am. Join together for a moment of contemplation and prayer as we interrupt the hurry of the day for a moment of peace and shalom. Sunday, March 20 Sunday school (Zoom) 8:45am Worship in sanctuary 10:30am Worship & Arts C. (Zoom) 1:30pm Sunday, March 27 Sunday school (Zoom) 8:45am Worship in sanctuary 10:30am Membersh & Com C. (Zoom) 1:30pm Church Leadership and Staff Elders Deacons Class of 2022 Carolyn Nash Alice Ahart Bill Smith David Stricklin Nancy Blackstone Ann Bell Nancy Passini Mary Lois Stanfield Courtenay Jackson Adrienne Kulousek Class of 2023 Marcey Berry John MacLeod Laura Whitmore Shirley Garlington Betty Glenn Eileen Joyce Julie Naylor Bob Quinn Rosemary McGinnis Brenda Lelansky Class of 2024 Candice Misenheimer Tammy Pflug Ray Stephens Liz Branch Staff Ministers The Whole Church! Pastor Robert Lowry Choir Director/Organist David Austin Administrative Assistant Jane Estes Pre-School Director Shawn Mittledorf Church Treasurer Tammy Pflug Custodian Ulysses Neyland
Gifts of the Spirit Lenten Reflections Sunday March 20 PEACE Peace has been front and center in our minds and hearts these weeks as we have watched and read about what is happening in Ukraine. 1. Where do we humans find or create peace when one country attacks another without provocation? 2. Where is God and what is God doing when this happens? Week 4 Patience Have you ever heard that “patience is a virtue?” Well, according to Paul, it is a spiritual virtue. Patience is more than waiting around for something to happen. Patience, real holy patience, is the practice of orienting ourselves toward God’s promised kingdom and having confidence in that promise that exceeds the persuasiveness of the distractions in this world.
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