HILTON HEAD PRESBYTERIAN - Palm Sunday - April 10, 2022 - Hilton Head ...

Page created by Deborah Ramsey
Palm Sunday


   April 10, 2022
ORDER OF WORSHIP | April 10, 2022

Today marks a significant day of celebration in the life of the Christian Church - Palm Sunday. On
this day, we celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem just days before His
death and resurrection. The Scriptures tell us that palm branches were placed on the ground and
waved in the air as the crowds greeted Christ with loud shouts of “Hosanna!” Following this
triumphant entry, Christ began His journey to the cross. And though He humbled Himself in such
lowly estate, He reigns as the King of Glory and Mighty Victor over sin and death. As we begin
Holy Week together, it is our hope that you will find today's worship gathering to be meaningful
as we journey with Him towards Calvary.

This morning, we welcome guest preacher Rev. Martin Antoon who serves as Reformed University
Fellowship (RUF) campus minister at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). You can learn
more about the ministry of RUF at SCAD here: https://ruf.org/ministry/savannah-college-of-art-

Giving at HHPC Tithes, offerings and gifts may be placed in the offering basket or submitted
online through our secure giving platform at hiltonheadpca.com/give.

I’m new. How can I get connected to HHPC? We would love to connect with you and share
more about the life and ministry of HHPC! Visit us online at hiltonheadpca.com/sermons to fill out
a digital form of our Connection Card and we will be in touch this week.


“He is both the rest and the storm, both the victim and the wielder of the flaming sword, and you
must accept him or reject him on the basis of both. Either you’ll have to kill him or you’ll have to
crown him. The one thing you can’t do is just say, “What an interesting guy.”

                                                                             — Tim Keller, King’s Cross

“A king who dies on the cross must be the king of a rather strange kingdom. Only those who
understand the profound paradox of the cross can also understand the whole meaning of Jesus’
assertion: my kingdom is not of this world.”

                                                                                — Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“It is a profound political reality that Christ now occupies the supreme seat of cosmic authority…
The universe is no democracy. It is a monarchy. God himself has appointed his beloved Son as the
preeminent King. Jesus does not rule by referendum, but by divine right. In the future every knee
will bow before him, either willingly or unwillingly.“

                                                                                         — R.C. Sproul
Psalm 47:1-2, ESV.
The call to worship can be summed up in one phrase — “God speaks, we respond.” God has
spoken through creation, through His written Word, and through His Son. Everything we do is a
response to His generous revelation of himself, and we respond with adoration and praise.

    Leader: Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy!

    All: For the LORD, the Most High, is to be feared, a great king over all
    the earth.

                                                                                                Music: LOBE DEN
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty                                                                HERREN

    Praise to the Lord the Almighty, the King of creation                                       Lyrics: Joachim
                                                                                                Neander, (1680).
    O my soul, praise Him, for He is your health and salvation
    Come all who hear now to His temple draw near                                               Translator:
    Join me in glad adoration                                                                   Catherine
                                                                                                Winkworth, (1863).

    Praise to the Lord, above all thing so wondrously reigning
    Shelt’ring you under His wings, and so gently sustaining
    Have you not seen all that is needful has been
    Sent by His gracious ordaining

    Praise to the Lord, who will prosper your work and defend you
    Surely His goodness and mercy shall daily attend you
    Ponder anew what the Almighty can do
    If, with His love, he befriends you

    Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him
    All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him
    Let the “Amen!” Sound from His people again
    Gladly forever adore Him
                       Confession is a healthy orientation to reality. As a community, our corporate confession of sin is
                       a three-fold acknowledgement that the world is not the way it was meant to be; I am not the
                       way I was meant to be; and we as a church are not the way we were meant to be. As we
                       acknowledge our failures together, we testify to the world that the gospel is rooted not in our
                       performance, but in the faithful mercy of God.

Corporate prayer of
  confession on this       All: Jesus, our Lord, we shout praises and worship you.
     Palm Sunday.
                           Yet, Lord, we confess that our mouths often deny or defy you.

                           And we confess that our hands that seek to serve You often become
                           clinched fists.

                           Just as the people of Jerusalem did long ago:
                           We sing “Hosanna,” but cry “Crucify” right after.

                           We often want to rule our own lives rather than bow before you.

                           Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
Music & Lyrics:
By Thy Mercy                                                       James John
                                                                   Cummins, (1839).
  Jesus, Lord of life and glory
  Bend from heaven Thy gracious ear
  While our waiting souls adore Thee
  Friend of helpless sinners, hear

  From the depth of nature’s blindness
  From the hardening pow’r of sin
  From all malice and unkindness
  From the pride that lurks within

        Chorus: By Thy mercy, O deliver us, good Lord (2x)

  When temptation sorely presses in the day of Satan’s pow’r
  In our times of deep distresses
  In each dark and trying hour

  When the world around is smiling
  In the time of wealth and ease
  Earthly joys our hearts beguiling
  In the day of health and peace (Chorus)

  In the weary hours of sickness, in the times of grief and pain
  When we feel our mortal weakness
  When all human help is vain

  In the solemn hour of dying, in the awful judgment day
  May our souls, on Thee relying
  Find Thee still our Rock and Stay (Chorus 2x)
                       The assurance of grace we find in the gospel of Jesus Christ is a reminder that God has heard
                       us, and in Christ, He’s forgiven us. This, friends, is the sweet, sweet relief of the gospel! And
                       because we’ve been given much, we’re invited to give much in response.

Romans 10:11-13,          Leader: For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be
                          put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the
                          same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him.

                          All: For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

 Giving baskets will
   be passed around
         as we sing.

  Music & Lyrics:
  Ben Fielding &
                       Who You Say I Am
 Reuben Morgan,
          (2017).          Who am I that the Highest King would welcome me
                           I was lost, but He brought me in — oh, His love for me
                           Oh, His love for me

                                   Chorus 1: Who the Son sets free, oh is free indeed
                                   I’m a child of God — yes I am!

                           Free at last, He has ransomed me — His grace runs deep
                           While I was a slave to sin, Jesus died for me
                           Yes, He died for me (Chorus 2)

                                   Chorus 2: Who the Son sets free, oh is free indeed
                                   I’m a child of God — yes I am!
                                   In my Father’s house, there’s a place for me
                                   I’m a child of God — yes I am!

                           I am chosen, not forsaken — I am who You say I am
                           You are for me, not against me — I am who You say I am (2x)

                           Chorus 2 (2x)
The community of the church thrives on us being at peace with God and each other. There is no
room for quarrels, schisms, or conflicts. The peace of Christ reigns in our community (Matthew

    Leader: The peace of the Lord be with you!

    All: And also with you!


                                                                                                 During the 9:00 AM
MINISTRY MOMENT                                     Commissioning The Gambia Team                Worship Gathering
                                                                           Joan Buchanan
                                                                               Roy Chiulli
                                                                              Jan Hoaglin
                                                                          Frank Imbarrato
                                                                          Donna Simmons


                                                                                                 Children in grades
COVENANT KIDS DISMISSAL*                                                                         K-2 are dismissed
                                                                                                 at this time.
                                                                                                 *10:45 AM only

                                                                                                 Acts 9:1-23, ESV.

    Reader: This is the Word of the Lord.

    All: Thanks be to God!

                                                                                                 Acts 9:1-23, ESV.
SERMON                                                                Rev. Martin Antoon

                          A True Encounter with a True King
Words & Music:
Joel Sczebel, (2013).
                        Grace and Peace
                          Grace and peace, oh how can this be?
                          For lawbreakers and thieves, for the worthless, the least
                          You have said that our judgment is death
                          For all eternity — without hope, without rest

                                Chorus 1:
                                Oh, what an amazing mystery!
                                What an amazing mystery!
                                That Your grace has come to me!

                          Grace and peace, oh how can this be?
                          The matchless King of all paid the blood price for me
                          Slaughtered Lamb, what atonement You bring
                          The vilest sinner’s heart can be cleansed, can be clean
                          (Chorus 1)

                          Grace and peace, oh how can this be?
                          Let songs of gratefulness ever rise, never cease
                          Loved by God and called as a saint
                          My heart is satisfied in the riches of Christ
                          (Chorus 1)

                                Chorus 2 (2x):
                                Oh, what an amazing love I see!
                                What an amazing love I see!
                                That Your grace has come to me!
Music & Lyrics:
What a Beautiful Name                                                                              Ben Fielding &
                                                                                                   Brooke Ligertwood,
   Death could not hold you! The veil tore before You!                                             (2016).
   You silence the boast of sin and grave!
   The heavens are roaring the praise of Your glory!
   For You are raised to life again!

   You have no rival! You have no equal!
   Now and forever, God, You reign!
   Yours is the kingdom! Yours is the glory!
   Yours is the name above all names!

            Chorus: What a powerful name it is!
            What a powerful name it is!
            The name of Jesus Christ, my King!
            What a powerful name it is — nothing can stand against!
            What a powerful name it is, the name of Jesus!

   You have no rival! You have no equal!
   Now and forever, God, You reign!
   Yours is the kingdom! Yours is the glory!
   Yours is the name above all names! (Chorus)

   Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!
   Praise Him, all creatures here below!
   Praise Him above, ye heavenly host!
   Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

Our service ends with a benediction, which is a sending blessing. Think of it as a “blessing for
the road.” We invite you to open your hands in a posture of receptivity during the benediction.
   More details and applicable sign up forms for all upcoming events can be found at hiltonheadpca.com/events

We hope you will join us for these meaningful times of Holy Week worship as we journey through
the final week of Christ's earthly life and celebrate His death, burial, and resurrection. More
information about each of our worship gatherings can be found at hiltonheadpca.com/holy-week:
Palm Sunday (April 10th) - 9:00 AM & 10:45 AM
Maundy Thursday (April 14th) - 6:00 PM
Good Friday (April 15th) - 12:00 PM
Easter (April 17th) - 6:30 AM Sunrise at Driessen Beach; 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, & 11:00 AM at HHPC

Please note: there will be no Foundations classes on Palm Sunday (April 10th) for adults, students,
or children. Nursery (birth-pre-K) and Children’s Church (K-2) will be available during both Worship
Gatherings. On Easter Sunday (April 17th), we will not have Foundations classes or Children’s
Church, but nursery will be available for ages birth-pre-K. Families are invited to worship together
at one of our three worship gatherings or our sunrise service.

We celebrate with Children’s Ministry Director Hope Yeung on her completion of the Children’s
Ministry Certificate program through our denomination’s Committee on Discipleship Ministries!
Hope worked for the last 12 months through a theological and practical training program to
better equip her to lead our children’s ministry. Be sure to congratulate Hope, and if you really
want to make her day - volunteer to serve in our Covenant Kids Ministry!

We warmly welcome Leslie Bennett to our staff as Interim Women's Ministry Director, a new
position at HHPC. Leslie will be drawing on over 20 years of experience in leading women’s
ministry to establish a leadership team and develop fresh vision as HHPC seeks to guide women
toward becoming mature and equipped followers of Christ. We're also happy to share that Cathy
Stokes has joined our team as part-time receptionist. A familiar face at HHPC, Cathy has worked
in our children's ministry since 2016, and is now also serving on our admin team! Cathy is typically
in the office on Thursdays- be sure to say hello if you call the office or stop by.

If you’ve been considering church membership, you’re invited to our next Inquirers' Weekend
April 22nd-23rd. We’ll gather together Friday from 6:00-8:30 PM and Saturday from 9:00 AM-1:00
PM to share meals and fellowship with some of the staff and leaders of HHPC, and to share the
vision and values of our church, core beliefs, and what it means to be a member at HHPC.
Childcare is provided. Learn more and sign up online!
        Lead Pastor: Rev. Bill McCutchen, bill.mccutchen@hiltonheadpca.com
        Executive Director: Eric McKiddie, eric.mckiddie@hiltonheadpca.com
            Worship Director: Josh Miles, josh.miles@hiltonheadpca.com
     Children’s Ministry Director: Hope Yeung, hope.yeung@hiltonheadpca.com
     Administrative Assistant: Robin Perkins, robin.perkins@hiltonheadpca.com
      Communications Manager: Karin Curtis, karin.curtis@hiltonheadpca.com

       PH: 843.689.6362 | info@hiltonheadpca.com | www.hiltonheadpca.com
            Church Of ce Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
                    233 William Hilton Parkway, HHI, SC 29926
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