The Bethlehem STAR December 2020 - Bethlehem Lutheran ...
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Bethlehem Lutheran Church and School “We seek to honor and glorify the Triune God by sharing our faith in Jesus Christ as man’s only Savior.” The Bethlehem STAR December 2020 “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth…No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father’s side, he has made him known” (John 1:14, 18). As the pandemic rages on and the alert level remains high, you may be asking, “How in the world are we going to celebrate Christmas this year?” Many of you had a sneak- peak as your families celebrated (or didn’t celebrate) Thanksgiving. Some things were the same. Some things were different. Some things worked well. Other things? Well, hopefully, it’s just for one year. For the first time in at least 10 years, I didn’t go back home to Detroit to celebrate Thanksgiving at my parents’ house. But guess what? We still celebrated Thanksgiving! Our school still closed their short week with Thanksgiving chapel on Tuesday afternoon. Yes, I missed having a full chapel with joyful singing and praises to God together. However, I still looked many 7th and 8th graders in the eye, and told them that this year has been hard. Yet, “God, our God, shall bless us” (Psalm 67). We still had a Thanksgiving Eve service on Wednesday even- ing at church. One highlight was singing “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” together. Unfortu- nately, the Live Stream didn’t pick up the sound very well for that service, so the re- cording on YouTube won’t do it justice. Our family still had more than enough food at the table on Thursday. We also had more than enough reasons to thank God to recall and share. Thursday afternoon included watching the Detroit Lions lose, talking with my sisters on the phone, and looking through ads and ordering a few items on the in- ternet. Another side effect of a simpler Thanksgiving was that I got to sleep in for 3 days in a row! (Note: for me, sleeping in is 7:00am, but it felt MARVELOUS to not wake up before 6:00am.) So, what will Christmas look like? How will we celebrate Christmas during a pandemic? Your families are starting to address these questions. Let your first answer be: “Celebrate the incarnation and birth of my Lord, Jesus Christ!” You can celebrate the birth of Jesus while staying 6 feet apart or while wearing a mask. In fact, as so many Christmas events and traditions are cancelled, you might have more time to focus on the mystery of Christ’s incarnation. What will Bethlehem offer so that you can celebrate a very merry COVID Christmas? We will still observe Advent to prepare our hearts for Christ’s coming. Advent Midweek Ser- vices will be offered on the first three Wednesdays of December at 7:00pm. There’s still room for about 25 more people to attend in person. Please sign up (Advent/Christmas continues on next page
Special Services). The THEME for our special Advent and Christmas worship is “Faithfully Believe the Incarnation of Our Lord Jesus Christ.” I will be teaching and explaining por- tions of the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds and why they’re important for our faith. Christ’s incarnation and birth are extremely comforting for us while we suffer through this pandemic. We will still celebrate Christmas Eve with a candlelight service and worship Christ on Christmas Day. Again, please sign up if you intend to worship in person. There’s still about 25 slots available per service. Be aware, the elders do have a plan for overflow seating if necessary. Besides worship, we will still share the good news of Christ’s birth for all people. We are still Christmas caroling. This year, we will share our singing on our YouTube channel. On Sunday, December 13, 4:00pm, we will gather in church to sing some Christmas hymns together. Please sign up. There’s still plenty of room. Our school will be recording and as- sembling a Christmas program together virtually. (More information to come.) The Bethle- hem LWML group is sponsoring 50 food baskets for assembly and delivery in Fairborn on Saturday, December 19, starting at 10:00am. If you’re able, please come and help. Plus, many of you will be encouraging and visiting one another (in person, virtually, or by phone) in good Christmas fashion. Share the good news—for unto you is born, in the city of David, a savior, who is Christ the Lord. A Blessed (COVID) Christmas, Pastor Witte Fall Festival News The Fall Festival was an online auction this year. The PTO thanks all the people who placed bids and congratulates the high bidders who won. The PTO earned about $2400 for the items at the auction. While we couldn’t elbow each other out of the way for final bids, I did see some ‘elbowing’ done online. All profits will be used to cover reoccurring costs (One Call Now, FastDirect, contest en- trance fees, class field trip expenses, etc.) and PTO special projects. School Geographic Bee Students in grades 4-6 participated in the School l Geography Bee on Tues- day, November 24. Congratulations to School Geography Bee winner, Na- thaniel Witte (grade 6). Also, congratulations to school runner-up, Josiah Smith (Grade 6) and 3rd place winner, Elizabeth Lindsey (grade 5). Our school winner will receive a trophy. The Bethlehem STAR Page 2
Christmas Program: Luke 2:1-20 The birth of Jesus is as important to us this year as at any time in our past. The birth of Jesus is something to share and celebrate. The difficulty was determining a way to in- volve students in the telling of the birth of Jesus in a group setting that was safe. With masking and distancing in place, we have decided to have the stu- dents prepare and record their group efforts as a way to share with you the birth of Jesus. Each class is taking a piece of the Christmas story as found in Luke 2:1-20. Students will be using their skills, talents and joy to share with you. We will be taping by December 14 to give us some time for splicing and editing. Once the pro- gram is ready for viewing, a note will be sent out to you so you can rejoice once more in the message that “Jesus is born!” The band concert will also be available once it has been taped. Christmas Chapel The students and teachers of Bethlehem will have a special Christmas chapel on Friday, December 18 at 11:00 pm. We will re- joice together at the birth of our Savior before leaving for Christmas vacation. We invite you to join us ( and celebrate the fact that Jesus came to the world for us. Christmas Vacation Bethlehem Lutheran School will be closed for Christmas vacation from Friday, Decem- ber 18 at 11:30 am through Sunday, January 3, 2021. School resumes on Monday, January 4 with regular hours for Extended Care and school. The phone will be set to record messages but the school office will be mainly empty during this time period. Considering a Gift to School? The charitable tax break for IRA owners is permanent. Individuals who are age 70½ and older can transfer up to $100,000 annually from their IRA directly to charity at any time during the year. You don’t need to wait until year-end to see whether you can take advantage of this. These transfers count as part of your yearly required minimum distri- bution. There are several tax benefits of these direct IRA payouts to charity. The distributions aren’t taxable and thus won’t cause you to have extra income that could cost you itemized deductions or personal exemptions, or trigger more tax on your Social Security benefits. Of course, you can’t also deduct the donation. This might be a way for you to gift the ministry of God through a school in this community. Since the November 2019 Voters’ meeting, no further funds will be drawn from the En- dowment for a period of time to allow the Endowment Fund to grow. Your gift will see the future of Bethlehem Lutheran School protected. The Bethlehem STAR Page 3
Christmas Worship and Activity Schedule Wednesday, December 2nd Saturday, December 19th Worship Service 7 pm Christmas Food Basket Dispersal 10 am Sign up using signupgenius & online Sunday, December 20th Sunday, December 6th Fourth Sunday in Advent Second Sunday in Advent Divine Service 8, 9:30 & 11 am Divine Service 8, 9:30 & 11 am Sign up using signupgenius or online Sign up using signupgenius or online Adult Bible Class (on Zoom) 6 pm Adult Bible Class (on Zoom) 6 pm Youth Catechism Class (on Zoom) 7 pm Thursday, December 24th Worship Service 5 & 7 pm Wednesday, December 9th Sign up using signupgenius or online Worship Service 7 pm Sign up using signupgenius or online Friday, December 25th Divine Service 7 pm Sunday, December 13th Sign up using signupgenius or online Third Sunday in Advent Divine Service 8, 9:30 & 11 am Sunday, December 27th Sign up using signupgenius or online Divine Service 8, 9:30 & 11 am Christmas Caroling 4 pm Sign up using signupgenius & online Sign up using signupgenius Thursday, December 31st Wednesday, December 16th Divine Service 7 pm Worship Service 7 pm Sign up using signupgenius or online Sign up using signupgenius or online To attend service in person, please register at (see next page) Friday, December 18th To attend Zoom class, please see next page School Chapel (online) 11 am To watch a service online, please go to School Dismissal 11:30 am until January 4, 2021 The Bethlehem STAR Page 4
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. A note on Live Stream: We now have a Again, thank you for all your support for Ali- new camera and computer for son and our family. Thank you for your Live Stream, so the quality of prayers, the help with the services on You Tube rides, the meals, the should be better. Thank you for cards, and gifts. Thank your patience as the technical you for providing difficulties are ironed out. We are still Live health insurance as Streaming the 8:00am service on Sunday part of my compensation. We are very well mornings and all the extra services. You can supported and Bethlehem has been a big watch the services at a later time, but it has part of our support during this difficult time. been taking a few hours for the services to -The Witte family become available as a recording. Specific Links to various meetings and functions: Sign Up Genius: to attend in person worship services or help with music: December Sunday worship: Sunday music help: singing soloists and choirs Advent/Christmas Special worship services: Christmas Caroling (December 13 at 4 pm in sancturary): Zoom meetings: to attend a meeting over the internet (or use your app) Adult Bible Class through Dec 20: The Bethlehem STAR Page 5
Mimi Caraway Christmas Cyclamens Christmas cyclamen plants Jonathan Fiene can now be ordered. Cycla- mens are a hypo- Dale Green allergenic alter- native to the tra- Roger Guernsey ditional poinsetti- Ida Luebke ....................... 1 as (a member of Meghann Martinek Nesta Harris the latex family). Mike Lovejoy .................... 2 The cost is $17 per plant, Mackenzie Holzmann ......... 3 Louise & Bruce Hellickson payable in the offering plate. Doris Humphreys .............. 4 The deadline to order is Sun- Clara Maffett Paula Fiepke ..................... 7 Tom Hitzeman day, December 13th. Ray Saunders ................... 9 We will also sponsor a Annabelle McCarty .......... 13 Doris Humphreys Christmas card shower for Mike Jones ..................... 15 our adopted seminarian, Jer- Jeanne Hooper................ 16 Dave Johanson emy Hanson, a former mem- Bryan Miessler ................ 21 Erik Denlinger ................. 26 ber of the congregation who Charles Martinek ............. 29 is in his second Joyce Casci .................... 30 year of seminary Bill Scheu at Fort Wayne. Jeremy is married with four school age daugh- ters. The deadline for gift cards is Sunday, December 6th. Get your cards to Eileen Bob Koogler Hitzeman, or put them in her box in the narthex. Lauren Elliot ..................... 1 Melita Murphy Ida Luebke Alison Witte ...................... 5 Mary Lou Pannebaker Pat Nowick ..................... 10 Bonnie Fugate ................ 12 Dave Cooper .................. 15 Jean & Dawn Robinson Jeff Hall Joyce Whitt Marilyn Scheu Bradley Hooper ............... 16 Tom Smith ..................... 20 Zola & Thomas Stahl ............. 2 Zola Stahl George Giese .................. 21 Ray & Sue Saunders ........... 18 Jeanne Hooper................ 25 Hans & Betty Marlette ......... 19 Chris Scheu Alison Witte David & Carol Benoy ........... 24 Paula Fiepke ................... 27 John & Michelle Zulfer ......... 27 Zora Griffith ................... 28 Arah-Dean Wolaver Ken & Jodi Crosby ............... 31 Zola Stahl The Bethlehem STAR Page 6
The Bethlehem STAR December 2020 Bethlehem Lutheran Church & School 1240 S. Maple Avenue, Fairborn, OH 45324 The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Rev. Keith F. Witte, Pastor Christmas Eve Worship Service December 24 at 5 & 7 pm Christmas Day Divine Service December 25 at 10 am Please us Church Office Phone: (937) 878-0651 FAX: (937) 878-4794 Email: Web Page— School Office Phone: (937) 878-7050 Email: Web Page— Mrs. Beth Landon, Principal Sunday Worship Services at 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Classes at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study at 9:30 a.m. Advent/Lenten Service at 7 pm “We seek to honor and Thursday glorify the Triune God Chapel Service at 8:45 a.m. (when school is in session) by sharing our faith in Jesus Christ as man’s January 2021 issue deadline: Sunday, December 20th. only Savior.”
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