TGIF BOOKLET 2012 FCBC ZeoGen Version

Page created by Stanley Obrien
TGIF BOOKLET 2012 FCBC ZeoGen Version
 FCBC ZeoGen Version

TGIF BOOKLET 2012 FCBC ZeoGen Version
Planning Schedule                                                                   4
Actual Day Preparations                                                             7
Programme Outline                                                                   8
Debrief                                                                             9
Appendices                                                                          10

Prayer Point Anchors, please note the following for the ZeoGen TGIF parties run in your
prayer points:

   -   Synchronized day and timing.
       The prayer point TGIF parties will run at a synchronized timing, 6th April, Fri,
       11am-1.30pm, in order to de-conflict with your cell TGIF parties.
   -   Claims for TGIF parties.
       Please compile receipts (paste all the receipts neatly on an A4 Paper and pass to
       Cheryl (West)/Lance (Central)/ Meiyunn (East). Claims are at $5/per person at the
       party (includes prayer point members), for food and logistics. (For e.g. 20 at party,
       Subsidy- 20 ($5)= $$100). In the case that you spent more than the subsidy, you
       are encouraged to bless your friends and chip in as a prayer point. Submit receipts
       latest by 15th April.

       Have Fun!

TGIF BOOKLET 2012 FCBC ZeoGen Version
Before the Party

Weeks   Date         What to Do                                                          Remarks/
left                                                                                     Materials
4       4 Mar-   1   Prayer
        0 Mar             Faith goal: Each member 10 friends.
                          Ask God for 10 friends. Record in FCBC TGIF prayer cards.
                          Share the names with one another and start praying for
                            them during cell meeting/prayer point weekly.                Set up
                          Assign different people to send out prayer points weekly      Cell/School
                            specifically for your TGIF party. (Via FB/SMS)               FB group
                     Outreach                                                            FCBC/ZeoGe
                          Invite your friends to the party using the invitation cards   n Invites
                            provided. (You can choose the FCBC/ZeoGen invites
                            based on suitability)
                          Assign roles for TGIF within school/cluster.
                            Fill in ZeoGen TGIF 2021 Details form. (Item 1)              TGIF
                            (To be submitted at 3:16 congre meeting on 31March)          Booklet-
                                                                                         Item 1
3       11 Mar-17    Prayer
        Mar               Synchronized prayer for our friends 3 times a week.
                     Outreach                                                            FCBC/ZeoGe
                          Continue inviting friends and follow up with friends you      n Invites
                            have invited.
                          Update group leader on progress of invitation.
                          Decide on games to play.
                          Begin compiling logistics list
                          Every member to prepare and present testimony at
                            meeting. Choose 1/2 testimony sharers. Testimony
                            sharers to refine testimony and work on presentation.
2       18 Mar-24    Prayer
        Mar               Continue to pray for our friends and fast daily for them
                          Continue inviting friends and follow up with friends you
                            have invited.
                          Update group leader on progress of invitation.
                     Preparations                                                        TGIF
                          Set up TGIF event page for individual JC/Poly/ITE + main      Booklet-
                            event page to further invite friends and to create buzz.     Item 1
                          Testimony sharer to share at meeting and others to give
                            feedback                                                     School/Cell
                          Members to report number of friends they are bringing         FaceBook
                          Choose a day for dry run of party                             event page
                          Practise presenting John 3:16
                            (Use John 3:16 template given by FCBC).                      FCBC John
                            Training will also be conducted at 3:16 congre meeting.      3:16


Weeks     Date      What to Do
left to
1/0       25 Mar-   Prayer
          5Apr          Synchronized prayer for our friends everyday
                        Fast daily
                        Continue inviting friends and follow up with friends
                           you have invited.
                        Update group leader on progress of invitation.
                        Group leader can share target met and compare
                           with the faith goals set.
                        Do a last surge of invitations.
                    Preparations                                                   Item 2-
                        Inform Ps Mel (via cluster group chat)/YN 12 on           Logistics List
                           estimated number of guests
                        Finalize all logistics (item 2) and preparation
          6 Apr     Actual Day preparations (refer to Thank God it’s Friday doc)
                    Run TGIF at 11am-1pm.

  6TH APRIL 2012

Thank God it’s Friday! (6 April 2012)
Preparations before…

Time      What to Do                                          Logistics Required

2         Pray and worship                                    Guitar, worship leader
hours         Pray for God’s Presence to fill the room
before        Pray for our friends by name
              Pray that everything will run smoothly
              Pray for the people in charge of logistics,
                 sharing testimonies, emcees, food etc.

          Set up the venue                                    FCBC Response
              Prepare the food                               Slips/John3:16 sharing Tool
              Ensure that video is working (or any other     (for visitors)
                 electrical appliances eg. projector)
              Ensure that you have the following items:      Item 3- Ice-breakers
                      o Response slips                        instructions
                      o Computer/player to play video         Item 4- Suggested Décor for
                      o Camera                                place
              Set up stations for murder mystery
              Decide on crime that took place by
                 drawing cards randomly. Write what
                 occurred in a blank piece of paper in case
                 file and seal it.
              Decorate place (Item 4)
              Prepare items required to present John

15-30     Release everyone to pick their friends up.
          Emcees to be prepared.

During the party

Time         What to Do                                                                   Logistics Required
15-20 min         Buffer time for guests to arrive.                                           Nametags
                  Write names on nametags provided.
                  Find 3 people around the room that you don’t know and
                     introduce yourself
                          o Name, school, CCA/schools
                          o Tell 2 truths about yourself and 1 lie. The other party
                              is to guess which is the lie.
                  Divide people present in party into 3-5 groups
60 min            Play Murder Mystery (refer to item 3)                                        Item 3
                  Reveal answer
             Transition to video
                  We attempted to solve a mystery case of a victim’s death
                     earlier on. At this point, we would like to watch a video of
                     another very significant death that took place 2000 years ago.
                     Someone by the name of Jesus died. This video will show us
                     the events that happened leading up to His death. As we
                     watch it, another mystery that you might want to ponder
                     about is “Who caused His death” So, let’s watch the short
15 min       Play Video                                                                         DVD
                                                                                                Video
20 min       Transition to testimony

                      You know, from the first look of it, it might seem like the
                       Roman soldiers who crucified Him were the murderers or
                       maybe His murderers were the Pharisees who schemed for
                       His death, as they were envious of Him.
                      However, the truth is, you and I are the real cause of the
                       death Jesus. Yes..We are the reason why He has to die.
                      Well, like me, you may be shocked to know this and you may
                       wonder why. You need to understand that Jesus isn’t just any
                       teacher or kind person who lived 2000 years ago. Jesus is the
                       Son of God. And if He had wanted to escape from the death,
                       He could have easily commanded the angels to rescue Him
                       and even take vengeance on those who hurt Him. Yet He
                       didn’t and the reason is because He made the choice to die on
                       the cross for us. He had to die for our sins in order for us to
                       live. So what held Him on the cross was His love for us.
                      But the bigger mystery in that death was not how He died, but
                       that He rose again on the third day of His death.
                      You know God loves each and every one so much that He sent
                       Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. This is why we celebrate
                       Good Friday. Because of His work on the cross for us 2000
                       years back, we can live and we can walk in freedom.

   We will now hear how the work of Jesus on the cross has
                impacted and transformed the lives of some of our friends
                among us.

        Sharing of testimony

5 min   Altar call                                                                      Play some
             Isn’t that amazing? God can do so much in a person’s life. You             music/guitar
                know, some of you may wonder if God can do the same for                  in the
                you. I am standing here today to tell you that yes, God can              background
                indeed bring changes to your life too. Some of you may be                softly
                struggling with your studies, or you may be struggling with
                family problems. Your parents seem to not care about you;
                nothing good seems to come out from their mouths. It seems
                that all they know is to nag at you. You feel like no one cares
                for you, and you wished someone cared more. I am telling you
                that God cares for you. God cares about every single detail in
                your life. God loves you. He loves you even before you know
                Him. In John 3:16, it is said that for God so loved the world
                that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes
                in Him shall not perish but lead an eternal life. Or maybe
                some of you feel that your life is so sinful, you do many bad
                things, and you wonder if anyone will accept you if they found
                out the real you. You try so hard each time to not do
                something, but somehow, you cannot control and keep doing
                the same bad things. Remember we said earlier on that the
                mystery in Jesus’ death was how He really rose again? Today, I
                want you to know that when Jesus rose from His death, He
                has overcome every sin in your life. You do not have to live
                under sin anymore! Today, we want to do something simple.
                We want to offer you a chance to invite Jesus into your life. In
                a moment I am going to lead you in a word of prayer. I want
                everyone to close your eyes and bow your heads now. The
                invitation is simple. If you want to receive Jesus into your life,
                follow this prayer after me, line by line and Christians, please
                follow after me.
                Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for your love. Thank you for dying
                for my sin. Lord, I am sorry that I have sinned against you. I
                am sorry that I have lived my life without you. Please forgive
                me. As of this day, I put my faith in Jesus Christ. I believe that
                He rose again from the dead for my sin. Dear Jesus, come into
                my life and forgive my sins/ give me eternal life. Thank you for
                the forgiveness of sin. Thank you for making me a child of
                God. Help me to live for you for the rest of my life. Amen.

30min          Break into small groups, 3-5 per group (same group as games             FCBC
                group) and share John 3:16                                               John3:16/
               Get them to fill response card                                           Response
               Invite them to Easter service                                            Card
               Eat together!

After the party…

Time         What to Do                                                           Logistics Required
15 min                 TGIF debrief with Committee                                      Item 5-
                      Everyone to share thanksgiving. One person is to be a             Thanksgiving
                       scribe and fill in thanksgiving form (item 5).                    form
                      Anchor to submit form to cluster ICs (to scan and email)         Party Report
                      Anchor to SMS cluster ICs number of salvations and                given by FCBC or
                       rededications. Fill up the report for party                       ZeoGen
                      Compile receipts                                                  Committee (TBC)

                      Clean up
Post TGIF             Submit receipt compilation, report and thanksgiving form
follow up              to the following ICs.
(Latest by             West (Cheryl) / Central (Lance) / East (Meiyunn)
15 April)



                    ZEOGEN TGIF 2012 DETAILS
School/Cluster: ________________________________________________________________________

Number of people in prayer point: _________________________________________________________

Faith goal for number of visitors per person: _________________________________________________

Details of Overall IC
Overall IC
Contact No.

Party Details

Committees                                   Person-in-Charge
Logistics +

Choice of video: _______________________________________________________________________

Adaptations Made to Games (if applicable)


Committee        Item     Action by





- Split the people present into groups of 3-5.

Note: The group should be a mix of FCBC members and visitors. It is important to group the people who
are comfortable with each other together. The FCBC members are to be taking care of the visitors in the
same group as them. This is important in ensuring effective follow up and consolidation.

- Prior to the start of party, determine the crime. Decide (i) who the murderer was, (ii) what weapon was
used to kill and (iii) where the murder took place. Put it into case file (an envelope).
The objective is to find out who the murderer was, what weapon was used to kill and where the murder
took place by completing the tasks given at three stations.

- The suggested suspects are:
Tom, Dick, Harry.
The weapons are: Banana peel, pineapple, plastic bag
The locations are: toilet, USS, casino

- There will be a total of 3 stations in Murder Mystery. At each station, each group is to attempt to finish
task given.

    -   If they are able to complete the challenge, the station master will tell them to correct clue to
        either (i) the weapon used to kill (station 1), (ii) who the murderer was (station 2), (iii) the
        location of the murder (station 3).
    -   If they are unable to complete the challenge, the station master will tell them the wrong clue to
        either (i) the weapon used to kill (station 1), (ii) who the murderer was (station 2), (iii) the
        location of the murder (station 3).

- To set up, assign one station master to each station. Alternatively, there can be no permanent station
masters, but FCBC members following each group will be the station master for that station. Station
masters are to read out the story in each station and facilitate the challenge. At the end of the station,
they are to reveal to the group either the correct answer or the wrong answer, depending on whether
they managed to complete the challenge.

The suspects, weapons and locations are merely suggestions. Cells are free to change them. Also, the
following games provided can be changed, based on your own discretion. Refer to Add Ons for more
ideas on games.

Also, you can do up the logistics for the games- for e.g. Make the name tags in the theme of cluedo, CSI/
Design the case file (big brown envelope) or design your own suspect/weapon/location card for the

At the end when you reveal the crime details you can make it more interesting by coming up with an
interesting narrative of the crime.


STATION 1 (weapon cards)

Story: Your assistant, being a new intern, forgot to keep the body in the morgue the previous day. When
you returned to work the next day, you realized that the victim’s body is decomposing fast. However,
you need to hand in your report, which includes finding out what murder weapon was used. However,
there is limited time available as the body is already decomposing fast. In this station, you will be racing
against time and attempting to complete the challenge in one minute. If you complete your challenge
within one minute, you will be able to find out the murder weapon successfully.

Each team has 3 attempts for this challenge. Each team is supposed to send 5 representatives. Each one
is to complete one of the following challenges in succession:
      Read a tongue twister
      Catch 5 M&Ms with his mouth
      Bat a ping pong ball 10 times
      Complete a mathematical sum
      Tie her hair with 3 rubber bands
Note- if your groups are smaller in numbers (less than 5) you can get some to do two challenges or
reduce the number of challengs)

Logistics required:
     M&Ms
     Ping pong bat and ball
     Tongue twister (provided)
     List of mathematical sum (provided)
     3 rubber bands

STATION 2 (suspect cards)

Story: You are informed by other detectives that the suspect likes to eat different kinds of food. In this
station, you will be attempting to find out what they are.

In this challenge, everyone is to be blind folded. Different kinds of food that the suspect likes will be
given to them to taste. They are to guess the food that they are given. To pass this station, only one
incorrect guess is allowed.

Logistics required:
     Prepare 10 different food items (up to your own discretion^^)
     Spoons to feed
     Garbage bag/cloth for blindfold

STATION 3 (location cards)

Story: You will be attempting to find out where the victim was killed in this station.

Challenge 1

In this challenge, each group is to brush their teeth with their fingers until foam is produced. Following
that, they are to spit the foam out in a plastic cup. They are then to repeat this until the level of foam
hits the mark on the cup.

Challenge 2

In this challenge, the group sits in a circle, with a water gun in the middle. One representative from the
group will spin the gun. The objective of this challenge is to spin the gun such that the tip points to the
station master. The group has 3 tries to do so. Note that whoever the tip of the gun points to will be
given a squirt of the water gun!

Challenge 3

In this challenge, each group is supposed to pose for a picture. The picture must contain the following
characters (committee to take down photos with camera/phone camera.):
      A character from Shrek
      A character from Madagascar
      A dinosaur
      A mummy
      A superstar

Logistics required:
     Toothpaste
     Plastic cups with level marked out
     Water gun
     Camera/phone camera.


      Flour pits
In this station, the group must find 5 different items hidden in the flour pit using their mouth only. At
each time, only one member can be at the flour pit looking for the item. No blowing is allowed! They are
to complete this within 90s! Each group has 2 attempts.

      Orange peel!
In this station, each group is to send out 3 representatives. One of them is to peel an orange using his
mouth only while the other two support the orange, using one side of a wooden chopstick each. They
are to complete this within 60s! Each group has 2 attempts.

      Peanuts and cans
In this station, group members are to pair up. One person will be blindfolded. The person who is not
blindfolded will have to crack open a peanut and toss 2 peanuts, one at a time, for the person who is
blindfolded to catch with his or her mouth. One pair will start first, followed by the next pair and so on…
until everyone finishes. When they are done, proceed to build an inverted pyramid. Stack 5 levels of
cans, starting with 1 at the bottom and 5 on the top, inserting a paper plate between each level.

The total time given to complete the peanuts section is 10s multiplied by the number of pairs. The total
time given to build the inverted pyramid is 60s. Each group has 2 attempts.

     Passing Ping Pong
The group is to stand in one line. They are to pass 5 ping pong balls from one end to another using
spoons held in their mouths. To start this game, everyone is blindfolded except the first person in the
group. He is to pass to the next person, who will then take out his blindfold upon receiving the ping
pong ball and so on. Time given for this challenge is 2s multiplied by the number of people in the group.
Each group has 2 attempts.

ITEM 5 (Deco Suggestions)

      Tape house with crime scene tape
      Have a cut out of a silhouette of a dead body. Put cards to mark out evidence around them.
       Evidence based on story set used could be real eg use a real banana skin.

                                         3                       4
                               2         1


                                         z                       z
                     1         z                                            1

                     z                                                     z

                                             8         z

                               9             1
                                                      z               6

                                1                                     z




Number of Guest at party:________           Number of prayer point members at party:_________
Number of Salvations: ________                             Number of rededications: ________

Number of friends coming for Easter service: ________

Submitted by (school/cluster): ___________________________________________________________

You can also read