Librarian - No Boundaries In Sight - Spr ing 2021

Page created by Salvador Thornton
Librarian - No Boundaries In Sight - Spr ing 2021
S p r i n g 2021


  No Boundaries In Sight.
Librarian - No Boundaries In Sight - Spr ing 2021
National Library Week 2021
    Celebrate National Library Week                                                               Online Workshops
                                                                                                                                                    A New Resource to Protect What
                                                                                                                                                    You Love Most

                                                                                                                                                    Braille Institute serves to better the future of
    You are cordially invited to celebrate
                                                                                                                                                    our community — and that starts with you. We
    National Library Week (NLW) with Braille                                                      Monday, April 5, 10a-11am                         are excited to introduce a new resource that
    Institute Library! National Library week                                                      “BARD Workshop” hosted by Bob and Kelly           will support you and your loved ones’ future:
    begins April 4 and ends April 10 and this                                                                                                       a free estate planning tool.
                                                                                                  Learn about BARD, a free braille and
    year’s theme is “Welcome to Your Library.”
                                                                                                  talking book library service for people with
    While we may not be able to celebrate
                                                                                                  temporary or permanent print disability that
    with you in person this year, we do have a
                                                                                                  lets you search for, download and listen to
    special week of virtual activities planned
                                                                                                  audio or read Braille books instantly once
    you can enjoy from the comfort of your                                                                                                          We’ve partnered with FreeWill to help you
                                                                                                  you’re signed up. During this workshop,
    own home!                                      Guest narrators, Laura Ginannarelli and                                                          write a legal will or trust for free. Nearly
                                                                                                  you’ll learn about how to sign up for the
    There will be informative workshops            Mare Trevathan                                                                                   70% of Americans don’t have an updated
                                                                                                  BARD service, what devices you can use to
    throughout the week, and our main event        Brown including Nine Lives to Die                                                                estate plan, despite it being a powerful way
                                                                                                  access BARD, how to download and read
    will take place on April 7 at 2:00 p.m.,       DB 79414, The Roman Spring of Mrs.                                                               to protect the people you love. This resource
                                                                                                  audio books and magazines for free using          makes the process simple, quick, and free.
    broadcast live on our Braille Institute        Stone by Tennessee Williams DB 37632           the BARD service, and what to expect              And you can complete the process in the
    YouTube Channel. Our “Welcome to Your          and hundreds of others.                        when you use the Bard Mobile app.                 comfort of your home.
    Library” program will be an entertaining       Mare Trevathan has led immersive
    and educational hour featuring a guest         theater in Ahmedabad, studied Chekhov          Tuesday, April 6, 3:30p – 4:30p                   Get started at to
    speaker from the National Library Service      in Vladivostok, performed in Barrow,           “Silly Story Time For Kids!” hosted by            create your free plan and get peace of mind
    (NLS), readings from two popular narrators.                                                   Christian                                         for the future.
                                                   and lived in Paris and Tokyo. She has
                                                   recorded about 700 titles for the National     Attention boys and girls and families! Join
     National Library Week begins                  Library Service, Dreamscape, Audible           Christian, The Library Guy, for some silly
                                                                                                                                                  online app for Windows PC users. You
     April 4 and ends April 10 and                 and others. Some of the titles available       fun! We will use Mad Libs to write our own
                                                   through NLS include Little Women by                                                            will also learn how to search for and
          this year’s theme is                                                                    hilarious story, listen to a fun book, and
                                                                                                                                                  download magazines from BARD and
      “Welcome to Your Library.”                   Louisa May Alcott DB 58830, A Family           sing our hearts out with live guitar playing!
                                                   Affair by ReShonda Tate Billingsley,                                                           how to download books using the Online
                                                                                                  Christian will also talk about the Digital
                                                   To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee                                                            Catalog (WebOPAC).
    Stephen Prine is the Assistant Chief of                                                       Talking Book Player and how qualified
    the NLS Patron and Network Engagement          DB 77672, and many more.                       individuals can get one for free. Please        Friday, April 9, 2p-3p
    Division. He will share exciting news and      We will also have a jazz performance           contact Christian at 619-363-0190 or            “Getting Published” hosted by Elena
    updates about the NLS’ plans to enhance        from David Nash and a poetry reading  to register for     with special guest Nate Streeper
    library services.                              featuring the work of our own Braille          this presentation. Please note that
                                                                                                  presentation will be on Microsoft Teams.     The opportunity to self-publish a novel
    You will probably recognize the voices of      Institute staff Debbie Lawrence.
                                                                                                                                               has never been greater. While there is no
    our two guest narrators, Laura Ginannarelli    The program will also be available for         Thursday, April 8, 10a-11a                   single way to go about it, Nate will touch
    and Mare Trevathan. Ms. Giannarelli has        viewing on YouTube after the initial airing.                                                on universal aspects such as: original
                                                                                                  “Easy Tips for Downloading Books
    narrated nearly 1,000 audio books to date      It is FREE and open to all, so spread the
                                                                                                  Workshop” hosted by Siran, Tina and Julius ideas, rough drafts, beta readers, the
    for the Library of Congress (L.O.C.). Titles   word! To register for NLW events, please                                                    editing process, cover design, page-
    narrated include the Award-winning Little      visit our website    Come and learn easy ways to search by title,
                                                                                                                                               setting, online distributors, audiobooks,
    House on the Prairie series, many titles in    events or call 1-800-BRAILLE (272-4553)        author and subject using your BARD Mobile
                                                                                                                                               and marketing strategies. Come away
    the Mrs. Murphy series by Rita Mae             with any questions.                            devices and BARD Express, which is the
                                                                                                                                               feeling inspired to write your own book!
2                                                                                                                                                                                                      3
Librarian - No Boundaries In Sight - Spr ing 2021
JAZZ APPRECIATION MONTH                                                      NATIONAL POETRY MONTH
    Book Recommendations                                                         Book Recommendations
            Giants of Jazz                                                              The Complete Collected Poems
            By Studs Terkel
                                                                                        of Maya Angelou
            Narrated by Robert Sams                                                     By Maya Angelou
            Book DB 60829                                                               Narrated by Gail Nelson
                                                                                        Book DB 42918
            Collective biography of thirteen American jazz greats: Joe
            Oliver, Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith, Bix Beiderbecke, Fats                In this collection of more than 150 poems, Angelou celebrates
            Waller, Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, Count Basie, Billie                  the lives of black people, though many of her poems are
            Holiday, Woody Herman, Dizzy Gillespie, Charlie Parker, and John            universal in their appeal. She uses speech patterns of southern
            Coltrane. Portraits blend musicians’ life stories with information          blacks and of the street-wise hip, the currents of blues and jazz,
            about the evolution of jazz. Includes discography. 1957.                    and the rhythm of rap. The collection includes “Still I Rise” and
                                                                                        “On the Pulse of Morning.”

            Satchmo: My Life in New Orleans                                             Leaves of Grass
            By Louis Armstrong                                                          By Walt Whitman
            Narrated by Chuck Young                                                     Narrated by Alexander Scourby
            Book DB 63277                                                               Book DB 73834
            Autobiography of jazz legend Louis Armstrong (1900-                         Digital restoration of the American Foundation for the Blind’s
            1971 ) chronicles his early years in New Orleans. Describes                 1961 recording of the first version of Walt Whitman’s major
            Armstrong’s home life and his foray into the music scene,                   work, narrated by Alexander Scourby and Kevin McCarthy.
            playing in bars with the biggest names in New Orleans until                 Although revised by the poet many times during his life, the
            his 1922 departure to Chicago. Includes 1986 introduction by                core content remained. Introduction by Malcolm Cowley. 1855.
            Dan Morgenstern. 1954.

                                                                                        Devotions: The Selected Poems of
            Lady Sings the Blues
                                                                                        Mary Oliver
            By Billie Holiday
                                                                                        By Mary Oliver
            Narrated by Dawn Ursula
                                                                                        Narrated by Eva Wilhelm
            Book DB 83025
                                                                                        Book DB 94183
            Memoir of the famous jazz and blues singer, written in
                                                                                        Collection of more than two hundred poems by Pulitzer
            1956, just three years before her death at forty-four. She
                                                                                        Prize-winning author of Upstream (DB 87127) and Felicity
            shares details of her Baltimore youth, her rise to fame in
                                                                                        (DB 84944) originally published between 1963 and 2015.
            the jazz world, and the struggles she experienced with
                                                                                        Curated by Oliver herself to highlight poems that she
            racism and drug addiction. Some strong language. 1956.
                                                                                        thought best represented her work in observing the
                                                                                        natural world. 2017.
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Librarian - No Boundaries In Sight - Spr ing 2021
Patron Spotlight:
                                                                                                  Karen Arcos
                                                                                                  Throughout my time as a Braille
                                                                                                  Institute Library (BIL) patron, it
                                                                                                  continues to play an important
                                                                                                  role in my life as a Latina who is
                                                                                                  totally blind. BIL was key for me in
                                                                                                  developing my love of reading
                                                                                                  thanks to its braille and audio
                                                                                                  book collection.

                                                                                                  Braille institute was also helpful for me learning assistive
                                                                                                  technology using JAWS screen reader. More recently, I
                                                                                                  was fortunate enough to receive Orientation and Mobility
                                                                                                  training through Braille Institute during my time as an        The Librarian newsletter
                                                                                                  undergraduate at the University of Southern California         is published in large print,
    Five Easy Ways to Order Your Books                                                            and while earning my Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience
                                                                                                  with an emphasis in Chicano/Latino Studies at the
                                                                                                                                                                 braille, and audio formats
                                                                                                                                                                 to share information about
    Here are a few ways for you to order your library books:                                      University of California, Irvine.                              Braille Institute programs
                                                                                                  Using braille and JAWS was critical during my science          and services with our
          1. BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download): You can download titles using            program researching the roles of memory and the senses         clients and community
             BARD on your mobile devices or through BARD Express on your Windows PC;              in adults who are blind and sighted. Thanks to the BIL         of partners. It is also
                                                                                                  allowing me to collect details from participants there, I      available on our website,
          2. TELEPHONE: You may phone in with your book orders by calling 323-906-3154,          completed a study, which I am submitting for publication,
             1-800-BRAILLE, or 1-800-808-2555;                                                    in a Psychology journal.                                       and on the Telephone
                                                                                                                                                                 Reader Program. Braille
          3. EMAIL: You may email your book requests to;            The number of visually impaired adults pursuing                Institute is a nonprofit
                                                                                                  Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)              providing free programs
          4. USPS MAIL: You may write to us with your requested titles and send it via           fields is very low, in part because scientists typically       and services to people
             Free Matter for the Blind. If you receive the printed Talking Book Topics catalog,   convey information visually using charts and figures.          with vision loss since 1919.
             you may also use the form at the end of the catalog to make                          To all those interested in starting or improving your          For more information
             selections and mail that form to the Library. Our mailing address is:                careers, I recommend learning relevant skills, putting         about the Librarian
                                                                                                  them into practice, and finding a community of supportive      newsletter, or about library
            Braille Institute Library Services                                                    individuals. Patiently educate them along the way about        services, please call
            741 North Vermont Ave.                                                                accommodating your needs while remembering to be               1-800-808-2555.
            Los Angeles, CA 90029                                                                 yourself and to do you.

          5. ONLINE CATALOG: If you use the online catalog on our website (WebOPAC),             Again, I am grateful to Braille Institute Library and
             you can add books to your request list or you can download titles directly           look forward to continuing to be involved as I develop
             from the catalog. Our website is:           a research project as a Postdoctoral Scholar at
                                                                                                  UC Santa Cruz!
6                                                                                                                                                                © 2021                          7
Librarian - No Boundaries In Sight - Spr ing 2021
Library Services                    Free Matter
                                             741 N. Vermont Avenue                 For The
                                             Los Angeles, CA 90029                  Blind

Braille Institute Notice regarding             facility, we are taking precautionary
CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)                         measures to eliminate risk by suspending
With the extended “Stay-at-Home” order,        in-person service at all of our centers.
Braille Institute is now offering remote       However, you can continue to download
services with online workshops, classes        books digitally using BARD.
and virtual sessions while our centers         If you need assistance with BARD, please
remain physically closed. We will continue     email or
to monitor and follow local guidelines.        call 1-323-906-3154. We will respond to
Meanwhile, online and phone support            you as quickly as possible. Updates on when
also remain available Monday-Friday.           we will reopen will be provided via email,
We’re still here for you! Call                 on our website ( and
1-800-BRAILLE (272-4553)                       social media channels. You can also feel
While there have been NO reported              free to call 1-800-BRAILLE (272-4553).
coronavirus cases at a Braille Institute
Librarian - No Boundaries In Sight - Spr ing 2021 Librarian - No Boundaries In Sight - Spr ing 2021 Librarian - No Boundaries In Sight - Spr ing 2021 Librarian - No Boundaries In Sight - Spr ing 2021
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