Page created by Marvin Gonzalez

ABOUT                                                         EVENTS
                                                              Join us for a delicious morning tea in support of the Cancer
people a diverse range of community services, learning
                                                              Council. Wednesday 22nd May 2019.
opportunities and resources for personal development.
CCC has over 1000 participants attending a wide variety       Soul Café ‘World Wednesday lunches’
of services and programs each year, including adult           Every Wednesday (during the term) at 12noon
education, childcare, recreational programs for adults and
                                                              Soul Café “World Wednesday Lunches” welcome everyone in
children and social support groups.
                                                              the community to come and have a culturally themed lunch
CCC is supported by funding from a number of                  together. A team of volunteers from various backgrounds
organisations. These include Adult Community and Further      SǺIVJSSHWJVSQHMǺIVIRXGYPXYVIWWYGLEW(LMRIWI/ETERIWI
Education Board, the Department of Health and Human           Sri-Lankan, French and Egyptian. Lunch is provided for a $5
Services, the Department of Education and Training and        donation. We are always looking for volunteers to join the
the City of Kingston. CCC is one of the largest community     team – no experience or expertise required.
providers of the Adult Migrant English Program.
CCC believes in working in partnership with local agencies,
                                                              For more information contact our friendly customer service
learning institutes and government to provide individuals
                                                              team on 9583 0095 or visit
and the community with quality programs. CCC enjoys a
positive working relationship with Southern Community
Church of Christ to deliver community festivals, improve
facilities for community programs and work on special             Refund Policy – Children’s & Adults’
projects.                                                         Recreational Programs
&PPTVSKVEQWEX(((EVIGSRHYGXIHF]LMKLP]UYEPMǻIH             If withdrawal from a course is made 7 days or more
ERHI\TIVMIRGIHWXEǺ[LMPIKSZIVRERGISJXLI(((MW              prior to commencement, CCC will refund any course
overseen by a volunteer Board of Governance.                      fees paid, less an administration fee of $20. Fees
                                                                  cannot be refunded when the withdrawal is made
                                                                  with less than 7 days notice. In the event that a
                                                                  course has to be cancelled by CCC a full refund will
   Join our Mailing List                                          be paid. If the cost of a course prevents enrolment,
   Sign up to our mailing list to be kept up to date with         please contact centre management to discuss.
   the year. You can sign up at

                                                              Cheltenham Community Centre
                                                              8 Chesterville Road Cheltenham
                                                              CCC is a Registered Training Organisation | RTO No. 6507
                                                              ABN 89 194 090 141 | Inc. No. A0024484L
                                                     | (03) 9583 0095
                                                               Follow us on Facebook
        (26 place Licenced Childcare Centre)
        Childcare subsidy (CCS) may be available in 2019


RSE &Family
        Family Grouping Care is available for children from 6 months
        to 5 years of age. Children from the same family can attend     CHILDREN’S RECREATION
        sessions together.
                                                                        Music for Tots
                                                                        Music for Tots is a program conducted by volunteer parents.
        Pre-Kinder                                                      This fun and interactive program is for children 0-5 years old   FunNet 6-9 year olds (Beginner Netball Skills)
        Pre-Kinder is available for children aged 2 to 4 years. These
                                                                        with their parent, grandparent or carer. Great for improving     Learn how to play netball in this fun program. Develop
        sessions are similar to a 3-year-old pre-school program but
                                                                        the brain and physical development.                              footwork, ball skills and teamwork with an encouraging &
        children can attend from 2 years of age.
                                                                        Monday 9.30am – 10.30am                                          very experienced instructor. Great preparation for joining a
                                                                        Term 1 (4 Feb – 1 Apr, 8 weeks)                                  netball team or learning a team sport.
        3 Year Old Activity Group                                       Term 2 (29 Apr – 24 Jun, 8 weeks)                                Thursday 4.15pm – 5pm
        3 Year Old Activity Group is a play-based group. The program    Term price $30 child, $40 family                                 Term 1 (7 Feb – 4 Apr, 9 weeks) $90
        provides a great introduction to and preparation for 4-year-
                                                                        Casual price $4 child, $5 family                                 Term 2 (2 May – 27 June, 9 weeks) $90
        old kindergarten. This session also includes a Jolly Phonics
                                                                        Wednesday 9.30am – 10.30am                                       Cheltenham Secondary College - Indoor Court
        session introducing children to letter sounds through
        phonics, stories and songs.                                     Term 1 (30 Jan – 3 Apr, 10 weeks)                                Book and pay online at
                                                                        Term 2 (24 Apr- 26 Jun, 10 weeks)
                                                                        Term price $30 child, $40 family                                 CCC Bolts Netball Club
        Sessions                                                        Casual price $4 child, $5 family                                 Join a great community grass roots
        Childcare sessions run for 48 weeks of the year
                                                                                                                                         netball club to make new friends while
        >    Family Grouping 3 hour program                             Kids Dumplings Making Workshop                                   KIXXMRKǻXERHLEZMRKJYR
             Monday/Wednesday/Thursday                                  A fun and hands on dumpling making workshop for kids             Season 1 – February - June
             9am – 12pm                                                 8—12 years old. Learn the art of making and cooking
             Monday /Thursday                                                                                                            Games are played at Kingston Districts Netball Association
             12pm – 3pm                                                                                                                  – Dales Park – 570 Warrigal Road South Oakleigh.
                                                                        Saturday 9 Feb, 11am-1pm, $20
        >    5 hour program                                                                                                              Weekly training sessions are conducted at various local
                                                                        Book and pay online at
             Monday/Wednesday/Thursday                                                                                                   school netball courts.
             EQƳTQ ǼI\MFPILSYVW[MXLMRXLMWXMQI                                                                               Please see for more information.
        >    3 Year Old Activity Group 5 hour program                                                                                    Sponsored by:
             Tuesday 9.30am – 2.30pm                                        Holiday Activities
        >    Pre-Kinder                                                     For Primary School Children .
             3 hour Pre-Kinder Wednesday 12pm – 3pm                         >   January School Holidays
             5 hour Pre-Kinder Friday 9.30am – 2.30pm                       >   April School Holidays
        #   4GGEWMSREPSRISǺGEVITIVLSYV                        >   July School Holidays
             (subject to availability)                                      >   Sept / Oct School Holidays
        All programs are planned according to children’s interests,         Book and pay online at
J A N Uincluding
        A R Y group
                 T O Jstory
                        U N& E  2 sessions.
                             song 019
ADULT EDUCATION                                                                                                                                        ADULT RECREATION
                                                      Pre-Accredited                                    Wise Programs                                                                                       Pilates
                                                                                                                                                           Lifestyle Packages
    (IVXMǻGEXI                                       Courses                                           The Wise Programs are designed for                                                                  2EX5MPEXIWMWEREPPPIZIPWGPEWWXLEXSǺIVWJYPP
                                                                                                                                                                                                            body strength and conditioning as an exercise         Fermentation Workshop
                                                                                                        students with mild intellectual disabilities       These are new packages            NEW
    Courses                                                                                             and are comprised of four units –                  designed for people in the                       program that promotes a feeling of physical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  At this workshop you will learn, why gut
                                                      Grammar, Conversation & Writing                                                                      community who are looking                        and mental well-being and also develops
                                                                                                        Computer-wise, Money-wise, Food-wise                                                                                                                      health is so important for overall health &
                                                      (3 Levels available)                                                                                 to make friends and get social.                  inner physical awareness. Pilates is helpful in
    22483VIC - Course in English as an                                                                  and Retail-wise. Each unit is 20 class hours                                                                                                              wellbeing. The simple ways to improve your
                                                                                                                                                           Each day is structured to include,               preventing and rehabilitating injuries, improving
    Additional Language                               Build your English language skills in grammar,                                                                                                        TSWXYVIERHMRGVIEWMRKǼI\MFMPMX]GMVGYPEXMSR     gut health and how to create pro-biotic rich
                                                                                                        and runs over 8 weeks. Individual units can        transport, an activity and lunch before
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and balance.                                          fermented foods at home. Take home your
    For students beginning their English              conversation and writing. This course will        also be studied as standalone units.               returning home.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  own sauerkraut or kim-chi & a scoby to make
    language learning journey. Includes               provide hands on, practical activities to                                                            8LIWITVSKVEQWGSYPHFIWYTTSVXIH               Tuesday 7pm - 8pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  kombucha. All ingredients provided.
                                                      improve your English in a wide variety of         Introduction to Computers                          by your Home Care Package.                       Term 1 (29 Jan – 2 Apr, 10 weeks) $150
    alphabet, pronunciation and numbers
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Term 2 (23 Apr – 25 Jun, 10 weeks) $150               Saturday 16 March, 1pm-3pm, $55
    as well as speaking and reading simple            everyday situations.                                                                                 Wednesday morning- Gentle Exercise,
                                                                                                        This course is for people with little to                                                            Casual attendance $17
                                                                                                                                                           10am-1.30pm, $25                                                                                       Book and pay online at
    sentences.                                                                                          no experience with computers. Topics
                                                      Everyday Conversation                                                                                Wednesday afternoon- Chi Yoga,                   Book and pay online at
                                                                                                        covered include:                                   11am- 2.30pm, $25                                                                                      Sourdough Bread Workshop
    :.((IVXMǻGEXI.MR*RKPMWL              (Beginner/Intermediate and Advanced)                                                                                                                  Mums & Bubs Pilates
                                                                                                        –   becoming familiar with Windows icons           Friday morning, Zumba Gold,
    as an Additional Language                         This English as an Additional Language                                                               10am- 1.30pm, $25
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  During this hands on workshop you          NEW
                                                                                                            and the Start Menu
                                                                                                                                                                                                            2SHMǻIH5MPEXIWQEXGPEWWIW            NEW
    (Access)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      will learn how to create and look
                                                       *&1(SRZIVWEXMSRGPEWWSǺIVWEJYRERH                                                           Book and pay online at            designed for Mums and Mums to
                                                                                                        –   how to create a document using a                                                                be. Focuses on preparation and                        after your own Sourdough starter
    A course for students starting to learn           friendly way to improve your everyday English                                                        au/seniors or by phone 9583 0095
                                                                                                                                                                                                            recovery for Mums with abdominal                      culture, and all the tips and tricks to get the
                                                      listening and speaking skills. Small group            word processing program
    English or who have had minimal                                                                                                                                                                                                                               best nutrition and results from your bread. You
                                                                                                                                                                                                            separation recovery and strength, pelvic
    exposure to English. Students will learn          HMWGYWWMSRW[MXLHMǺIVIRXXLIQIWXSTMGW          Ƴ HIZIPSTMRKǻPIQEREKIQIRXWOMPPW                                                                strength, endurance and function, lower body,         will also be able to enjoy some sourdough at
    reading, writing, speaking and listening          each week including Australian idioms, slang,        ERHWEZMRK]SYVǻPIWXSE9'WXMGO         Gentle Yoga                                          back strength and movement, upper body                the end of the Workshop.
    skills for personal and social needs.             culture and grammar. Learn everyday English       Thursday 9.30am - 12pm                         Gentle Yoga is a slower-paced yoga class that        mobility, education about your changing body
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Saturday 4 May, 2.00pm-3.30pm, $45
                                                      in a relaxed atmosphere.                                                                         facilitates deep relaxation and breathing in order   and care in recovery. Mums with babies from 6
                                                                                                        Term 2 (9 May – 27 Jun, 8 weeks)                                                                                                                          Book and pay online at
                                                                                                                                                       to restore, renew and heal the body. This class      weeks to moving age welcome. Obstetrician’s
    :.((IVXMǻGEXI..MR*RKPMWL                                                                $48 Concession | $80 Non Concession            will gradually strengthen your core and build        clearance required, complimentary assessment
    as an Additional Language                         Improve your Reading & Writing
                                                                                                                                                       your outer and inner balance.                        available                                             Beginners’ Mosaic Workshop
    (Access)                                          Improve your literacy and numeracy as a           Computers – The Next Step                      Monday 6.15pm - 7.15pm                               Wednesday 10.45am – 11.45am                           Learn the beautiful art of Mosaics with
    This course will help students focus              pathway to further study or employment.           Refresh your memory on how to use your         Term 1 (4 Feb – 1 Apr, 8 weeks) $96                  Term 1 (6 Mar – 27 Mar, 4 weeks) $60                  experienced teacher Helen Harman. During
    on the development of their English                                                                 computer. Topics covered include a basic       Term 2 (29 Apr – 24 Jun, 8 weeks) $96                Term 2 (8 May- 29 May, 4 weeks) $60                   this four week course you will complete a small
    language, speaking. listening and                 Learn for Life                                    introduction to Word, PowerPoint and
                                                                                                                                                       Casual attendance $15 per class                      Book and pay online at               garden paver or wall hanging using ceramic
    reading skills to satisfy their own               ,VS[]SYVGSRǻHIRGIMQTVSZI            NEW                                                     Book and pay online at                                                                    tiles. You will learn about design, cutting, tools,
                                                                                                        Excel, computer terminology, software,                                                              Gentle Exercise
    simple everyday transactional and                 your self-esteem and change                                                                                                                                                                                 the history of mosaic art, suitability of materials,
                                                                                                        ǻPIQEREKIQIRXIQEMPMRXIVRIXEGGIWW        Hatha Yoga                                           3SQEXXIV]SYVEKISVǻXRIWWPIZIPKIRXPI
    social needs.                                     your life. Students will gain practical                                                                                                                                                                     using glues and how to grout. Please bring a
                                                                                                        and searching. Designed for beginners          This class is designed for those new to yoga and     I\IVGMWIGERTVSZMHIQER]FIRIǻXW8LMWGPEWW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  pair of safety glasses or your reading glasses
                                                      strategies, techniques and methods, which         who have already completed basic               at all levels who want to learn better alignment.    uses carefully designed movements to deliver
    :.((IVXMǻGEXI...MR*RKPMWL                                                                                                                                                                   MRGVIEWIHǼI\MFMPMX]QSFMPMX]ERHQYWGPI            and wear closed toe shoes for safety.
                                                      will develop skills that will enable them to      computer literacy. Fluency in English and      .HIEPJSVMQTVSZMRK]SYVWXVIRKXLERHǼI\MFMPMX]
    as an Additional Language                                                                                                                                                                               strength in a social and comfortable setting.         Thursday 2.30pm – 4.30pm
                                                      explore further study, their community, work      basic literacy skills an advantage.            Wednesday 5.45pm – 6.45pm
    (Access)                                                                                                                                           Term 1 (30 Jan – 3 Apr, 10 weeks) $120               Wednesday 11am - 12pm                                 Term 1 (7 Mar- 28 Mar, 4 weeks) $115
                                                      and career development opportunities.
                                                                                                        Thursday 12.30pm - 3pm                         Term 2 (24 Apr- 26 Jun, 10 weeks) $120               Term 1 (30 Jan – 3 Apr, 10 weeks) $8 per class
    This course will improve English                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Book and pay online at
                                                                                                        Term 2 (9 May – 27 Jun, 8 weeks)               Casual attendance $15 per class                      Term 2 (24 Apr- 26 Jun, 10 weeks) $8 per class
    language skills to assist with students’          Literacy for Living
                                                                                                        $48 Concession | $80 Non Concession            Book and pay online at                                                                    Cooking with Culture
    social needs, requirements of                     A life education program for adults with a                                                                                                            Zumba® Gold
    everyday situations and preparation for                                                                                                            Advanced Yoga                                        Especially designed for active older adults.          Learn the art of cooking international cuisine.
                                                      mild intellectual disability covering literacy,   iPads, Tablets & More
    employment in Australia.                                                                                                                                                                                Enjoy dancing and moving to the hypnotic Latin        A hands on and interactive cooking workshop.
                                                      numeracy and social interaction.                                                                 This is a powerful and energising class with
                                                                                                        Learn how to use your iPad, Android tablet                                                          rhythms and music with easy-to-follow moves.          Find out where to source the ingredients, the
                                                                                                                                                       challenging poses to elevate the heart rate and
                                                                                                        or phone. Discover the world of Facebook,      create strength in the body. It is a condensed       Friday 10.45am – 11.45am                              techniques used and have lots of fun!
                                                      Money Matters
                                                                                                        Skype and Pinterest. Note: BYO charged         and dynamic version of Hatha Yoga, which             Term 1 (1 Feb – 5 Apr, 10 weeks) $10 per class        Term 1, 7pm - 9pm
                                                      This course is designed to help those with        iPad/Android tablet and/or phone.              LEWǼS[MRKTSWXYVIWXLEXJSGYWSRFEPERGI          Term 2 (26 Apr – 21 Jun, 10 weeks) $10 per class      Sri Lankan: Thursday 21 Mar               $30
                                                      a mild intellectual disability to improve                                                        WXVIRKXLǼI\MFMPMX]ERHMRZIVWMSR                 10-class- pass $90
                                                                                                        Friday 9.30am - 12pm                                                                                                                                      Term 2, 7pm - 9pm
                                                      numeracy skills, with a particular focus on                                                      Monday 7.30pm - 8.45pm
                                                                                                        Term 1 (15 Feb – 5 Apr, 8 weeks)                                                                    Inclusive Art Class                                   Chinese:     Thursday 16 May              $30
                                                      money handling. Class content will include                                                       Term 1 (4 Feb – 1 Apr, 8 weeks) $120                                                             NEW
                                                                                                        Term 2 (10 May – 28 Jun, 8 weeks)                                                                   This is a weekly inclusive, all                       Russian:     Wednesday 19 Jun             $30
                                                      budgeting and saving, denominations, making                                                      Term 2 (29 Apr – 24 Jun, 8 weeks) $120
                                                                                                        $48 Concession | $80 Non Concession            Casual attendance $18 per class                      abilities art group facilitated by                    Book and pay online at
                                                      change and comparing prices.                                                                                                                          an experienced professional artist.
                                                                                                                                                       Book and pay online at              Adults (over 18 years of age) with disabilities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Baby Steps (for Bub & Mum)
                                                                                                                                                       Chi Yoga                                             are most welcome and the art program will be
                                                                                                            CCC can work with organisations to                                                              tailored to the interests of participants. Family     Laura Morel, Paediatric Physiotherapist will
                                                                                                                                                       (LM=SKEMWMRǼYIRGIHF]8ESMWQERH8EM(LM                                                              facilitate this workshop and covers a range
                                                                                                            design and tailor programs to meet                                                              carers looking for a creative outlet are also
                                                                                                                                                       It focuses on breath control and relaxation to
                                                                                                            the individual needs of their clients.                                                          welcome to attend.                                    of topics to support mums of young babies
                     CCC acknowledges                                                                                                                  integrate the body and mind.
                                                                                                            For further information, contact our                                                            Wednesday 10am - 12pm                                 (0-12 months) in their transition to life with
                     the support of the                                                                                                                Wednesday 12pm - 1pm
                                                                                                            RTO manager.                                                                                    Term 1 (30 Jan – 3 Apr, 10 weeks) $150                a new baby. This workshop will assist with
                     Victorian Government.                                                                                                             Term 1 (30 Jan – 3 Apr, 10 weeks) $120
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Term 2 (24 Apr- 26 Jun, 10 weeks) $150                understanding your baby (baby cues, baby
                                                                                                                                                       Term 2 (24 Apr- 26 Jun, 10 weeks) $120
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Book and pay online at               settling) and discuss baby day outlines, motor
                                                                                                                                                       Casual attendance $15 per class
                      The Adult Migrant English Program                                                                                                                                                                                                           milestones, baby play & activity, strength,
                                                                                                                                                       Book and pay online at              Scrabble Club                                         physiotherapist tips and seeking support if
                      (AMEP) is funded by the Australian
                                                                                                                                                       Join one of the best yoga teachers in Victoria,      Scrabble Club caters for players of       NEW         needed. Throughout this workshop, there will
                      Government Department of                                                                                                         Rita Madou Yi, and learn yoga from the               all abilities. Welcome to join anytime.               be time to support each other & take ‘baby
                      Education and Training.                                                                                                          KVSYRHcYT                                           Thursday 2pm – 4pm                                    steps’ together in this journey of motherhood.
                                                                                                                                                       Some health insurance funds cover yoga               Term 1 (31 Jan – 4 Apr, 10 weeks)
                                                                                                                                                       classes. The rebate amount is dependent on an                                                              Saturday 19 Jun, 10.00am-11.30am, $15
For full course and entry details visit our website at                                                                                                                       Term 2 (2 May – 27 Jun, 9 weeks)
                                                                                                                                                       individual’s health insurance fund.                  Gold coin donation                                    Book and pay online at
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