FOUNDATION TRANSITION PROGRAM - Pearson Street Brunswick West VIC 3055 9383 1400 - iimage

Page created by Ashley Jenkins
FOUNDATION TRANSITION PROGRAM - Pearson Street Brunswick West VIC 3055 9383 1400 - iimage
Pearson Street Brunswick West VIC 3055
                     9383 1400

FOUNDATION TRANSITION PROGRAM - Pearson Street Brunswick West VIC 3055 9383 1400 - iimage

           Welcome to the Foundation Transition Program

The staff at Brunswick North P.S. realise the importance of the partnership we share with
you, the parents, in helping your child to grow and reach their potential. We hope that your
association with the school will be a long and happy one. We look forward to seeing you
around the school, participating in your child’s learning journey over the years ahead.

If you require further information about the school or the commencement procedures,
please call the school office and we will be happy to assist you.

The following information will help you to prepare your child for starting school next

The Foundation Team
FOUNDATION TRANSITION PROGRAM - Pearson Street Brunswick West VIC 3055 9383 1400 - iimage


Starting primary school is an important time for children and their families. Children who make a positive
start to school are more likely to feel:
      Comfortable, relaxed and valued
      Good about themselves as learners
      A sense of belonging within the school community

Starting school is not just about the first day, it is a process that happens over time. Our Foundation
Transition Program aims to provide a process that enables Foundation students and their families to make
the most successful transition to Primary School.


The Foundation Transition program includes:

      An invitation for pre-Foundation students to attend a Theatre Performance at the school with the
       current Foundation students

      3 Transition sessions at the school for 1 hour each in which the pre-Foundation students get to
       have experiences in the Foundation classrooms and get to meet the Specialist teachers in the
       Specialist classrooms

       Information for parents including:
       - A Parent Information Handbook
       - A Foundation Transition Handbook
       - A KidsMatter Information Booklet about starting school

      An Information session with the School Principal and Student Wellbeing Coordinator to hear
       about life in Foundation at Brunswick North Primary School

      A morning tea for parents of Foundation students with current parents at the school

      A 40 minute one to one time for students with their classroom teacher during the Wednesday non-
       attendance days during the start of Term 1

      A Parent Information Evening conducted in Term 1
       where parents will receive information that includes:
       - Classroom and Specialist curriculums
       - Parent Helper information
       - Class Timetables

      Parent/ Teacher Interviews conducted at the end of
       Term 1 and Term 2
FOUNDATION TRANSITION PROGRAM - Pearson Street Brunswick West VIC 3055 9383 1400 - iimage

During the Transition Program we invite parents to fill in the ‘Friendship Request’ form in regards to
your child’s friendships if you feel this would help ease your child’s transition. The forms must be
returned to the school office by November the 8th.

The commencement of the 2020 school year for Foundation students is on Thursday the 30th of
January. Foundation students will begin school at 9am.

Beginning school is a very busy and exciting (as well as tiring) time for new students and their families.
The non attendance days assist transition to school and allow us to collect relevant information regarding
your child’s learning needs. During the non attendance days, Foundation students will be given a time to
come to school and complete some assessment tasks with the class teacher. These days are:

                                          Wednesday 5th of February
                                          Wednesday 12th of February
                                          Wednesday 19th of February
                                          Wednesday 26th of February
                                           Wednesday 4th of March

Parents will be given a date and a time preference sheet within the first few days of the term. The
meetings with your child will last for 40 minutes. The Café will be open for waiting parents.

The Foundation classrooms will be located downstairs and based around the school quadrangle.
Foundation classes should have approximately 20 students. All existing specialist areas will continue in
2020 including Library/ICT, Music, Art, Physical Education and Italian.
FOUNDATION TRANSITION PROGRAM - Pearson Street Brunswick West VIC 3055 9383 1400 - iimage
Your child’s class, teacher’s name and classroom location will be posted to you at the end of this school
year. Class lists will not be published.

All students are required to wear school uniform every day. The official school uniform can be purchased
through the school uniform shop located at 133 Bakers Rd North Coburg. The full range of items and
sizes are available, with the exception of the required black school shoes. (Shoes with Velcro are a great
choice for Foundation students.) All other items including hats and school bags are kept in stock at the
Uniform Shop throughout the year.

      The Uniform Shop at 133 Bakers Rd is open from 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

      Orders can also be placed online with purchases delivered to the school and sent home with your

      The Reading Satchel is also an important part of the school uniform in that it is used to bring
       home reading books and notices to and from school.

It is vital that your child attends school regularly and is at school on time every day. If for some reason
your child is unable to attend, we ask you to report the absence to the school office by 9.30am on the day
of the absence or via the skoolbag Ap. Of course, if your child is sick we trust your judgement as to
whether they are able to attend school or not.

Please note that according to the school’s SUNSMART policy, all children are required to wear a hat for
all outdoor activities from September to April or when the UV rays are 3 and above.

School Council and SUNSMART approved hats are available for sale through the uniform shop and it is
expected that all students will wear a school uniform hat.

Students will be asked to keep their hat at school to wear during PE and play times. They may like to
have another hat in their bag to wear to and from school.

If students forget or misplace their hats they will be asked to play in an undercover/sheltered area within
the playground until they are wearing their hat again. Please label your child’s hat.

Some parents also like to provide their child with some sunscreen. The roll–on sunscreen can be easier to
use and is not as likely to leak as easily. It is a good idea to get your child to practise using and applying it
if you choose to send sunscreen.

Camp Australia run the OSHC at Brunswick North P.S. They run a fully accredited program and parents
are eligible to claim the childcare rebate.
Please collect an information brochure from the Out of School Hours Care Program room or from the
school office. Applicants register online at and you can contact Camp
Australia on      1300 105 343.
FOUNDATION TRANSITION PROGRAM - Pearson Street Brunswick West VIC 3055 9383 1400 - iimage
Our main form of communication to the wider community is the weekly newsletter and school website.
The newsletter is full of the latest information about school programs, student activities and community
events. It contains important diary dates, photos, sports reports and samples of student work.

All communication will be sent through the Skoolbag App (see the installation instructions at the end of
this Parent Information Booklet) including the newsletter.

If you require a paper copy of the newsletter, please contact the office.

Information on education costs and payment methods will be distributed and include the following:

Essential student learning items for Foundation Students

 Item                   Specifications                                                              Cost
                        This amount covers all items that your child needs to participate in the
                        classroom program. These items include classroom education items
                        such as exercise books, pens, pencils, photocopying, craft supplies and
                        other stationery items. The school will place a bulk order to ensure that   $120
                        we obtain the most competitive price for our families. Each child will
                        receive a “Back to School” pack with the Essential Education Items
 Stationery Pack
                        required to commence the new school year.
                        In line with the Department of Education & Training’s policy, families
                        may choose to make arrangements to independently purchase Essential
                        Education Items; however, we seek your support to purchase through
                        the school supplier to ensure all children have all requirements
                        consistent with their needs.
                        This payment goes towards the cost of exciting additional activities
                        such as theatre groups, visiting performers, Life Education Van and a
 Excursion/                                                                                         $120
                        range of excursions across the school year.
 Incursion              An upfront payment will cover the cost of activities for the year, with
                        the exception of the Year 5/6, Year 3/4 and Italiano school camps
 Payment                which are additional. This is a much cheaper option than paying for
                        individual activities, which are often $15 to $25 at a time.

 Health & PE            This payment goes toward the cost of providing additional sports            $40 for
                        activities across the school year.                                          Foundation- Year
                                                                                                    2 students
                              Specialist Health and or Coaching Programs (Prep – Year 4).
                              Participation in interschool sport (Years 5 – 6) and district        $60 for Year 3-6
                               athletic meetings including cost of bus hire.                        students
 Spellodrome,           This amount will allow the school to provide a range of online learning     $30 per student
                        environments, both at school and at home, at a lower cost to families.
 Reading Eggs,
                        The school funds that would otherwise be spent on these items can now
 Mathletics Levy        be directed to other curriculum needs.

Voluntary financial contributions
 Item                                                                                   Amount (please nominate how much
                                                                                        you would like to donate)
 School Nurse
 Employment of a highly qualified, fully registered nurse to provide first aid, staff   $ __________
 & community health education, OH&S, liaising with different health bodies to
 provide current and up to date information on health. $30 per student (capped at
 $80 per family).

 Library Fund (Tax deductible)                                                          $___________

 Building Fund (Tax deductible)                                                         $___________

 Voluntary Grounds improvements (not tax deductible)                                    $___________
FOUNDATION TRANSITION PROGRAM - Pearson Street Brunswick West VIC 3055 9383 1400 - iimage

Families might like to try a few of these tasks to help with the transition to school:

      Talk about coming to school. How you will get there, people you may know, how you, as a
       parent, may help at school.

      Practice sitting down and eating out of a lunch box; opening and closing lunch boxes and drink
       bottles. (This will give you an idea of what your child can open easily and independently).

      Allow your child to wear his or her school uniform a few times in the days before school starts.

      Come to the school during the holidays and walk around; play on the equipment in the

      Practice packing things away.

      Practice packing and unpacking the school bag.

It is very exciting and a little nerve wracking for both students and parents on the first day of school.
Foundation students will start school at 9 am on Thursday 30th of January 2020. On the first day the
Foundation students can take their school bags and wait with their parents in the quadrangle until the bell
goes. When the bell goes they will go with their class teachers to hang their bags up outside their
classroom door and enter the room ready to start. Students will have a special area to line up and be
collected from in the quadrangle each day. Students will line their bags up at their meeting area in the
quadrangle before school and play outside until the bell goes. They will meet their teacher in the
quadrangle where they line up when the bell goes. This will be the same place they are collected from at
the end of the school day.

      On the first day of school please take your child to the quadrangle to meet their teacher at
       9am. It is a good idea on the first day to arrive at school no earlier than 8.50am as students can
       get quite nervous if they have to wait for too long.

As your child settles into the new school environment, our Foundation classroom program aims to make
them feel comfortable, secure and establish routines to best help them with their learning.

We do this in the following ways:

      For the first few weeks of school the Foundation teachers will be ensuring there are plenty of toilet
       and drink breaks. Children beginning school often need to be reminded to go to the toilet and
       drink enough fluids.

      Students have scheduled eating times within the classroom but for the Foundation students we
       provide extra time. You may find that your child does not eat as much of their food as normal in
       the first few weeks. This is very normal due to their new change in routine and the hot summer
       weather. (It is a great idea to have snacks ready for them after the school day).
FOUNDATION TRANSITION PROGRAM - Pearson Street Brunswick West VIC 3055 9383 1400 - iimage
   Foundation students are taken out into the playground during play and lunch times and will have
       special areas of the playground to play in for the first few weeks until they become comfortable
       and familiar with the school grounds.

      Foundation students will be shown where to line up before school so that they can place their bags
       in a line in the quadrangle and join the rest of the students at the start of the day in the quadrangle
       and school yard.

To help your child make the transition to school it can help to do the following things.

      On the first day you will want to make sure your child feels comfortable at school. The classroom
       will be set up initially for students to come in and play some activities. It will give parents some
       time to ensure their child is settled and then say goodbye and leave.

      A short and reassuring goodbye to your child encourages independence and helps to settle your

      Tell your child you are leaving and that you (or whoever the person who is picking up your child)
       will be collecting them at the end of the school day.

      Tell your child that you are looking forward to hearing about their day when you collect them at
       home time.

      It is often easier for students when parents say a short goodbye and then leave without staying
       around the classroom.

      When your child lines up in the quadrangle at the start of the day it is best to say goodbye before
       they enter the school building.

      You may find it helpful to let your child know what you will be doing during the day as they may
       wonder if you are ok while they are at school.

      Make sure there is a change of clothing in the school bag, just in case.

      During the first few weeks we will also collect and keep a change of socks and underwear in the
       classroom in case of accidents.

      Label all clothing with your child’s name as young children can easily misplace clothing. A ‘Lost
       Property’ box is located near the stairs outside the Multi-Purpose Room.

      Please don’t forget to label hats – they are generally the most misplaced item of clothing.

      Lunch and a morning snack can be brought from home or ordered through the café. However, for
       the first few weeks we advise that all food is brought from home.

      Your child will need both a morning snack and a lunch meal - ensure that your child knows which
       one is which. Because there are students attending school with food allergies we have a ‘No
       Sharing Food’ policy and ‘No Nuts’ policy. We reinforce that it is important for children to eat
       the food that their parents have given them.
   During the morning teaching block students will be given a ‘Brain Food Break’ where they can
       enjoy some fresh fruit or vegetables from their lunch boxes, whilst they continue learning in the

      Please provide foods that your child can independently open and eat, with labelled containers
       where possible.

      As part of our ‘No Sharing Food’ policy we also ask parents not to provide cakes or food treats
       for birthdays. We celebrate the children’s birthdays within the classroom. If you do wish to
       provide something, things such as stickers or balloons can be handed out at the end of the day.

If children need to have money at school, please ensure that the exact money is brought in a sealed
envelope and given to the class teacher. Sometimes parents like to include some money for students to
buy a treat at the cafe (separate to their lunch.) Small children often have some difficulty understanding
the value of money and the need to keep it safe. If your child is to purchase items it is really helpful to
talk to them about keeping their money safe, maybe in a special purse or wallet to keep in their bag and if
possible, please have the correct money available for them. It is helpful not to give money to Foundation
students for the first couple of weeks. Also, because of our ‘No Sharing Food’ policy we do not want
students to use their money to purchase food items for their friends.

      We will be lining up of a morning and dismissing the Foundation students from the quadrangle at
       the end of the day. At 3.30 pm we will bring the Foundation students out into the quadrangle, near
       their classrooms, for parents to collect them. If the weather conditions are not good we will
       dismiss students from under the quadrangle covered area near the cafe. Please let us know if
       someone different will be collecting your child so we know to look out for them. Students
       attending the Out of School Hours Care program will be taken over to the OSHC room.

      We like to see the person collecting each Foundation student so we ask our “Foundies” to remain
       sitting in their lines at home time until the teacher sights the person collecting them. Sometimes
       “Foundies” get excited and run off to see the person taking them home but we would appreciate it
       if you could remind them to stay where they are until the teacher says goodbye to them. Also,
       please let other people collecting your child (ie grandparents, babysitters) be aware of this routine
       as it helps to keep our students safe.

      During the first few weeks of school it will help your child to settle into school if the person
       collecting your child is on time. A few minutes waiting can seem like a long time when you are 5
       or 6 years old and in a new routine.

      If you are going to be delayed please let the school know so that they can notify the class teacher
       and reassure your child about what is happening.

All books, drawing and writing materials will be provided and organised by the school. But your child
will need to bring the following items to school:

      A change of clothing in case of ‘Accidents.’

      Lunch box and school bag clearly marked with your child’s name.
   Sun hat, clearly labelled with your child’s name. This is the most commonly mislaid item.

      A drink bottle with your child’s name on it to have access to in the classroom.

      We encourage children to leave their toys at home. A bit later in first term when students begin
       having ‘Share Time’ they may bring something on their given day that they will be able to keep
       safe in the classroom. We do not want students bringing anything they consider precious to school
       as breakages or lost items can cause a lot of distress.

      Appropriate footwear for the day’s activities. Parents will be informed of the class timetable
       which will include P.E class days. (Please note that thongs, scuffs, fashion shoes, high heels are
       not part of the school uniform and are not to be worn at school).

      Appropriate school uniform for the weather.

Foundation students will be given a lot of opportunities to go to the toilet during the school day. They will
also be encouraged to go at Morning Play and Lunch times.

At Brunswick North Primary School we have a school nurse that works each day between 11am and 3pm.
The school nurse is based in the office. Foundation students also have the opportunity to be seen by the
Department of Education Regional Nurse during their first year of school.

As part of our Foundation curriculum we subscribe to Spellodrome, Reading Eggs and Mathletics. Our
school subscription enables students to use the program at school and also at home. During Term 1 your
child will receive a username and password should you choose to use these programs at home. The
Spellodrome, Reading Eggs and Mathletics Programs are self-regulating programs that are designed for
students to work independently, at their own pace without assistance.
                       Term 1               Term 2            Term 3                 Term 4

                     Grades 1-6:
                    Wednesday 29th
   Student                                 Tuesday 14th      Monday 13th             Monday 5th
                    January - 9am
Starting Date                              April – 9am        July – 9am            October – 9am
                    Thursday 30th
                    January - 9am

  Student                                  Thursday 25th     Thursday 18th          Thursday 17th
                   Friday 27th March
 Finishing                                     June           September              December
   Date                                       2.30pm            2.30pm                 1.30pm

Curriculum                                  Friday 26th       Friday 19th            Friday 18th
                     Tuesday 28th
  Dates                                                       September               December
                       January                  June
 (Pupil Free

               CURRENT SCHOOL TIMES for Foundation
                Normal hours                               9.00am    to   3.30pm
                Classroom sessions                         9.00am    to   11.20am
                First Session Break (supervised eating)    11.20am   to   11.30am
                (Play outside)                             11.30am   to   12.00pm
                Classroom sessions                         12.00pm   to   1.50am
                Second Session Break (supervised eating)   1.50pm    to   2.00pm
                (Play outside)                             2.00pm    to   2.30pm
                Classroom sessions                         2.30pm    to   3.30pm
                Normal dismissal                           3.30pm


             A written note explaining why your child is absent is required by the
             school. To let the school know of an absence, please complete the Absence
             Form on the Skoolbag App or leave a message on the School Absence
             Line on 9383 1400 prior to 9.30am on the day of the absence.

                            PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: 2020
                      Labour Day                           9th March
                      Good Friday                          10th April
                      Easter Monday                        13th April
                      ANZAC Day                            25th April
                      Queen’s Birthday                     8th June
                      Melbourne Cup Day                    3rd November
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