Parallel Sessions overview - Kiel Institute for the World Economy

Page created by Louis Schultz
Parallel Sessions overview
Time                    Room 1             Room 2                 Room 3             Room 4
27th September
10.50h –    Session 1   Labour market      Field experiments in   Cooperation        Incentive structure
12.10h                                     developing
13.10h -    Session 2   Honesty            Social preferences     Finance and risk   Firms
14.30h                                                            preferences
14.50h -    Session 3   Gender             Health and             Markets            Time preferences
16.10h                                     environment
28th September
9.00h -     Session 4   Fairness           Risk preferences       Education          Social distance
10.20h                                     and prediction
10.40h -    Session 5   Decision making    Social preferences     Innovation         Gender
12.00h                  and context        and group identity
13.00h -    Session 6   Discrimination     Inequality             Moral              Information

Parallel sessions 1                                                     Time
Time                                                                    10.50h-11.10h   A meta-analysis on social dilemmas: Cooperation in
                  Labour market                                                         62 Public Good and Common-Pool Resource field
10.50h-11.10h     Firms Resistance to Unionism and its Determinants:                    experiments - Adrian Pourviseh ( Lund University)
                  Evidence from a Field Experiment - Patrick Nüß (      11.10h-11.30h   Intergenerational Cooperation: an Experimental
                  University of Kiel )                                                  Study of Ageism in Trust and Exploitation - Dennis
11.10h-11.30h     Minimum Wages and Fairness Perceptions: Evidence                      Alexis Valin Dittrich ( Touro College Berlin)
                  from Field and the lab - Levent Neyse ( German        11.30h-11.50h   Intergenerational renewable resources management
                  Institute for Economic Research)                                      experiment with and without social institutions -
11.30h-11.50h     Working until you drop: Image concerns or prosocial                   Marco Persichina ( Centre for Environmental and
                  motives? - Hande Erkut ( WZB Berlin Social Science                    Resource Economics)
                  Center)                                               11.50h-12.10h   Dynamic efficiency in experimental emission permits
11.50h-12.10h     Under Pressure: Influence of Depression on Group                      under imperfect compliance - Lidia Vidal Meliá (
                  Performance - Martin Vollmann ( Heidelberg                            Jaume I University)

Time                                                                                    Incentive structure
                  Field experiments in developing countries             10.50h-11.10h   Gift Exchange in a Natural Work Environment:
10.50h-11.10h     A Framed Field Experiment to Understand Land                          Dissociating types and actions - Katharina Lima De
                  Division - Cesar Mantilla ( Del Rosario University)                   Miranda ( Kiel Institute for the World Economy)
11.10h-11.30h     Cooperation, social networks and punishment:          11.10h-11.30h   Private vs Public incentives: an experiment on
                  results from small-scale societies of papua New                       motivation crowding and social trust - Pietro
                  Guinea - Gianluca Grimalda ( Kiel Institute for the                   Guarnieri ( University of Pisa)
                  World Economy)                                        11.30h-11.50h   The Aversion to Monetary Incentives for Behavioral
11.30h-11.50h     Role Models, Aspirations and Collective Action in                     Change - Viola Ackfeld ( University of Cologne)
                  Rural Settings: A Framed Field Experiment in Zambia   11.50h-12.10h   The Power of Peers - How social relationships and
                  - Christina Martini ( Heidelberg University)                          audiences shape payment decisions in the American
11.50h-12.10h     Institutional trust and economic decision makings:                    Museum of Natural History - Elisa Hofmann (
                  Experimental evidence from Ethiopia - Halefom                         University of Jena)
                  Nigus ( UNU-MERIT)
Parallel sessions 2                                                       Time
                                                                                          Finance and risk preferences
Time                                                                      13.10h-13.30h   Contagion and return predictability in asset markets:
                  Honesty                                                                 An experiment with two trees - Andreea Victoria
13.10h-13.30h     It wasn't me - Shifting the responsibility - Torben                     Popescu ( Tilburg University)
                  Kölpin ( University of Vechta)                          13.30h-13.50h   Deposing the Disposition Effect: Experimental
13.30h-13.50h     Collective Honesty? Experimental Evidence on Group                      Evidence from Professional Traders - Benno
                  Nudging - Menusch Khadjavi ( Kiel Institute for the                     Guenther ( London School of Economics and Political
                  World Economy)                                                          Science)
13.50h-14.10h     It’s Time to Cheat! - Alessandro Bucciol ( University   13.50h-14.10h   Savings Contracts for Naive Agents - Tomasz Sulka (
                  of Verona)                                                              University of Edinburgh)
14.10h-14.30h     Motivated motive selection in the lying-dictator        14.10h-14.30h   Upfront premiums in exchange for future coverage:
                  game - Roel van Veldhuizen ( Lund University)                           Evidence on intertemporal aspects of insurance -
                                                                                          Gregers Nytoft Rasmussen ( University of
                  Social preferences
13.10h-13.30h     Communication of a helper is effective only if the      Time
                  information about helping is not revealed - some                        Firms
                  people anticipate non-existing effects of               13.10h-13.30h   Cooperation in a Company: A Large-Scale
                  communication when the information is revealed                          Experiment - Christiane Schwieren ( Heidelberg
                  and help less - Marianne Stephanides ( University of                    University)
                  Vienna)                                                 13.30h-13.50h   Effects of dialogue meetings - Karen Hauge ( The
13.30h-13.50h     The effect of a leniency rule on cartel formation and                   Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research)
                  stability: experiments with open communication -        13.50h-14.10h   Repeated Praise: Evidence From A Field Experiment -
                  Jana Friedrichsen ( German Institute for Economic                       Maria Cotofan ( Erasmus University Rotterdam and
                  Research)                                                               the Tinbergen Institute)
13.50h-14.10h     Making and Breaking Coalitions: The Influence of        14.10h-14.30h   Hidden costs of control: Field evidence. - Christian
                  Myopia and Prosociality - Manuel Schwaninger (                          Zihlmann ( University of Fribourg)
                  University of Vienna)
Parallel sessions 3                                                      Time
Time                                                                     14.50 -h5.10h   Endogenous Mergers, Mavericks and Tacit Collusion:
                  Gender                                                                 Experimental Evidence - Frederic Schneider (
14.50 -h5.10h     Gender discrimination in responsibility - Sebastian                    Cambridge University)
                  Fest ( University of Stavanger)                        15.10h-15.30h   Guilt in Mulit-Agent Games - Lisa Lenz ( University of
15.10h-15.30h     How Do Beliefs about the Gender Wage Gap Affect                        Cologne )
                  the Demand for Public Policy? - Sonja Settele (        15.30h-15.50h   Value creation and value appropriation in strategic
                  University of Copenhagen)                                              partnerships: an experimental study of co-opetition -
15.30h-15.50h     A Note on Overconfidence, Gender and Feedback -                        HUANREN ZHANG ( University of Southern Denmark)
                  Simone Haeckl ( University of Vienna)                  15.50h-16.10h   The third theorem of welfare economics: report from
15.50h-16.10h     How does relative performance feedback affect                          a fictional field study - KARINE NYBORG ( University
                  beliefs and academic decisions? - Catalina Franco (                    of Oslo)
                  Norwegian School of Economics )

                  Health and environment                                 Time
14.50 -h5.10h     Do Financial Incentives in a Health Setting Have a                     Time preferences
                  Dark Side? Experimental Evidence from Zambia -         14.50 -h5.10h   Excuse-Driven Present Bias - Marc Kaufmann (
                  Benjamin Chibuye ( University of Kiel )                                Central European University)
15.10h-15.30h     Herd immunity and Vaccine uptake - Lauri Sääksvuori    15.10h-15.30h   Self-Control: Determinants, Life Outcomes and
                  ( National Institute for Health and Welfare and VATT                   Intergenerational Implications - Daniel Kamhöfer (
                  Institute for Economic Research)                                       University of Düsseldorf)
15.30h-15.50h     Role of information in stimulating consumer demand     15.30h-15.50h   You Can Win by Losing! Incentivizing Motivation and
                  for aflatoxin safe maize products in Kenya - Sarah                     Self-Control Preferences: Evidence from DietBet
                  Wairimu Kariuki ( Wageningen University and                            Weight Loss Program - Linda Hirt-Schierbaum (
                  Research)                                                              Technical University of Dortmund)
15.50h-16.10h     Who Keeps India Clean? How Local and National          15.50h-16.10h   (Higher Order) Risk Preferences and Patience among
                  Identity Can Induce Pro-Environmental Behavior -                       Adolescents: The Relation with Cognitive Abilities
                  Sören Harrs ( University of Cologne)                                   and Predictive Power for Real-World Behavior -
                                                                                         Sebastian Schneider ( Max-Planck-Institute for
                                                                                         Research on Collective Goods)
28.09.2019                                                                                Economics)

Parallel sessions 4

Time                                                                      Time
                  Fairness                                                                Education
9.00h -9.20h      Divergent choices - Fairness views on inequality        9.00h -9.20h    Getting Headmasters' Involved: On the Challenges of
                  through endogenous effort and risk - Maj-Britt                          Conducting Field Experiments in Education - Valentin
                  Sterba ( Max-Planck-Institute for Research on                           Wagner ( University of Mainz)
                  Collective Goods)                                       9.20h-9.40h     How Do People Trade Off Resources Between Quick
9.20h-9.40h       Ex-ante Heterogeneity, Risk-taking and                                  and Slow Learners? - Ranveig Falch ( Norwegian
                  Discrimination: A Social-choice Experiment - Jan                        School of Economics)
                  Philipp Krügel ( Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg)     9.40h-10.00h    If you could read my mind, love! An Experimental
9.40h-10.00h      Exclusion, responsibility and fairness: An                              Beauty-Contest Game with Children - Henning
                  experimental study - Meike Benker ( Helmut-                             Hermes ( Norwegian School of Economics)
                  Schmidt-University Hamburg)                             10.00h-10.20h   Rabbits and Study Habits: A Field Experiment on
10.00h-10.20h     Redistributive preferences versus efficiency                            Pacesetters and Student Effort - Gert-Jan Romensen (
                  concerns: An experimental study on fairness views in                    University of Groningen)
                  win-win-situations - Elisa Matthewes ( University of
                                                                                          Social distance
                                                                          9.00h -9.20h    Incorporating Social Distances into Economics -
                  Risk preferences and prediction                                         Geoffrey Castillo ( University of Vienna)
9.00h -9.20h      The Devil is in the Details: Risk Preferences, Choice   9.20h-9.40h     Disentangling the Effects of Communication, Social
                  List Design, and Measurement Error - Stein Holden (                     Distance and Group Composition in Social Dilemma
                  Norwegian University of Life Sciences)                                  Situations: Evidence from a Public Good Field
9.20h-9.40h       The (limited) predictive performance of the models                      Experiment - Christian Hoenow ( University of
                  of decision under risk - Thibault RICHARD ( École                       Marburg)
                  normale supérieure Paris-Saclay)                        9.40h-10.00h    Perceived similarity, social distance and the
9.40h-10.00h      Hyperopic loss aversion - Jan Krause ( Kiel Institute                   formation of social preferences - Christoph Schütt (
                  for the World Economy)                                                  Kiel Institute for the World Economy)
10.00h-10.20h     Predicting the Replicability of Social Science Lab      10.00h-10.20h   Physical Warmth, Social Warmth and Social
                  Experiments - Adam Altmejd ( Stockholm School of                        Preferences - Gerrit Nanninga ( University of Kiel )
Parallel sessions 5                                                       Time
Time                                                                      10.40h-11.00h   Managing innovations: using performance and
                  Decision making and context                                             learning goals to foster innovations - Elaine
10.40h-11.00h     Integrating Context Effects into Procedural Decision                     Horstmann ( University of Göttingen)
                  Making - Philipp Wichardt ( University of Rostock)      11.00h-11.20h   Reward crowdfunding and moral hazard: an
11.00h-11.20h     On the economic value of decision rights: An                            experimental investigation - Tobias Regner (
                  experimental test - Christine Meemann ( Helmut-                         University of Jena)
                  Schmidt-University Hamburg)                             11.20h-11.40h   Crowding out effect and overweighting of public
11.20h-11.40h     Is Compensation Fine? Sanction Regimes and their                        information in financial markets: a lesson from the
                  Effects on Deterrence and Trust - Leonie Gerhards (                     lab - Alba Ruiz-Buforn ( Jaume I University)
                  University of Hamburg)                                  11.40h-12.00h
11.40h-12.00h     Who should (not) benefit from affirmative action? -
                  Chi Trieu ( University of Düsseldorf)
Time                                                                      10.40h-11.00h   Gender, willingness to compete and career choices
                  Social preferences and group identity
10.40h-11.00h     Anti-social behavior among natural groups - Gönül                       along the whole ability distribution and across
                  Dogan ( University of Cologne)                                          experimental tasks - Noemi Peter ( University of
11.00h-11.20h     Distributional Preferences Explain Individual
                                                                          11.00h-11.20h   Can simple advice eliminate the gender gap in
                  Behavior Across Games and Time - Daniel Mueller (
                                                                                          willingness to compete? - Roel van Veldhuizen ( Lund
                  University of Innsbruck)
11.20h-11.40h     The Causal Effect of Cultural Identity on Cooperation
                                                                          11.20h-11.40h   DIY or ask someone nice? - Steven Bosworth (
                  - Dietmar Fehr ( Heidelberg University)
                                                                                          University of Reading)
11.40h-12.00h     Group Uncertainty and Social preference - Taha
                                                                          11.40h-12.00h   Do simple biometric data reveal incentive scheme
                  Movahedi ( University of Portsmouth )
                                                                                          preferences? - Marja-Liisa Halko ( University of
Parallel sessions 6                                                      Time
Time                                                                     13.00h-13.20h   Randomization in Social Dilemmas - Anja
                  Discrimination                                                         Bodenschatz ( Technical University of Munich)
13.00h-13.20h     Daycare Choice and Ethnic Diversity: Evidence from a   13.20h-13.40h   Moral Judgement in Probabilistic Dilemmas –A
                  Randomized Survey - Mongoljin Batsaikhan (                             Descriptive Analysis - Hauke Jelschen ( University of
                  Georgetown University)                                                 Kiel)
13.20h-13.40h     Do Minorities Misrepresent Their Ethnicity to Avoid    13.40h-14.00h   Rule Violations and Spillovers - Evidence from the
                  Being Discriminated? Experimental Evidence from                        Lab and Field - Sebastian Goerg ( Technical University
                  Georgia - Nikoloz Kudashvili ( CERGE-EI)                               of Munich)
13.40h-14.00h     Geographical Concentration and Editorial Favoritism    14.00h-14.20h   Self-serving interpretation of conflicting signals –
                  within the Field of Experimental Economics - Janis                     some lie so do I - Lilia Zhurakhovska ( University of
                  Cloos ( Clausthal University of Technology)                            Duisburg-Essen)
14.00h-14.20h     Recognition of needs in a dictator game:
                  Experimental evidence on information-sensitive
                  giving behavior - Fabian Paetzel ( Helmut-Schmidt-
                                                                         Time            Information
                  University Hamburg)
                                                                         13.00h-13.20h   When do people exploit moral wiggle room? An
                                                                                         experimental analysis in a market setup - Katharina
Time                                                                                     Momsen ( University of Innsbruck)
                  Inequality                                             13.20h-13.40h   Information Nudges and Self-Control - Nora Szech (
13.00h-13.20h     Perceived Inequality and Autonomy - Jana Freundt (                     Karlsruhe Institute of Technology )
                  University of Fribourg)                                13.40h-14.00h   Nudging climate-friendly meal choices: evidence
13.20h-13.40h     Relative Wealth Placement and Risk-Taking Behavior                     from field experiments in university canteens -
                  - Marc-Andre Hillebrandt ( University of Hamburg)                      Christine Merk ( Kiel Institute for the World
13.40h-14.00h     Why do the rich oppose redistribution? An                              Economy)
                  experiment with America’s top 5% - Lasse Jessen (      14.00h-14.20h   Protecting the Ego: Information Selection and
                  University of Kiel)                                                    Updating - Alessandro Castagnetti ( Warwick
14.00h-14.20h                                                                            University)
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