Moreton Bay's Premier All-Year Sailing Series - 2020 Sailing Instructions Powered by Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club.
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2020 Sailing Instructions Powered by Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club. Moreton Bay’s Premier All-Year Sailing Series
Manly Combined Clubs | 2020 Sailing Season Table of Contents 1. MANLY COMBINED CLUBS SAILING COMMITTEE .................................................... 2. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 4 3. CALENDAR ......................................................................................................................................... 4 4. FEES ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 5. 2020 MANLY COMBINED CLUBS RULES ..................................................................................... 5 5.1 Eligibility ..................................................................................................................................... 5 5.2 Race Briefings ............................................................................................................................. 5 5.3 Race Entries ................................................................................................................................. 5 5.4 Race Postponement and Abandonment ....................................................................................... 6 5.5 Rendering Assistance................................................................................................................... 6 5.6 Notices to Competitors ................................................................................................................ 6 5.7 Changes to Sailing Instructions ................................................................................................... 6 5.8 Schedule of Races and Warning Signal Times ............................................................................ 6 5.9 Class Flags on Start Boat ............................................................................................................. 8 5.10 The Courses ............................................................................................................................ 9 5.11 The Start .................................................................................................................................. 9 5.12 The Finish ............................................................................................................................. 10 5.13 Shortened Course .................................................................................................................. 10 5.14 Penalty System ...................................................................................................................... 10 5.15 Time Limits ........................................................................................................................... 10 5.16 Autopilots .............................................................................................................................. 11 5.17 Protests and Requests for Redress ........................................................................................ 11 5.18 Scoring .................................................................................................................................. 11 5.19 Safety Regulations ................................................................................................................ 12 5.20 Equipment and Measurement Checks ................................................................................... 12 5.21 Radio Communication .......................................................................................................... 12 5.22 Prizes and Presentations ........................................................................................................ 13 5.23 Disclaimer of Liability .......................................................................................................... 13 5.24 Insurance ............................................................................................................................... 13 5.25 Divisions ............................................................................................................................... 13 5.26 Handicaps .............................................................................................................................. 14 5.27 Results ................................................................................................................................... 14 Sailing Instructions | Page 2
Manly Combined Clubs | 2020 Sailing Season 1 . MANLY COMBINED CLUBS SAILING COMMITTEE Sailing Group Captain Chris Eades Vice Captain David Moran Secretary Susan Lock Treasurer Lisa Palethorpe Race Officer Mike Mollison Sailing Instructions | Page 3
Manly Combined Clubs | 2020 Sailing Season 2 . INTRODUCTION 2.1.1 The Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club is the organizing authority for the Manly Combined Clubs Series. The series derives its name from the fact that most boats competing in the series belong to the clubs that sail from Manly Harbour. However, the series is not exclusive, and at the discretion of the committee, boats from other Australian Sailing affiliated clubs are welcome to compete. 2.1.2 Boats competing in the race series are quite varied. The series is sailed in 4 divisions with boats ranging from family trailer sailers to Sydney – Hobart competitors. Although many seasoned sailors regularly compete, first time racers and sailors more oriented to cruising are also able to enjoy competing with boats of similar type and speed. 3 . CALENDAR 3.1.1 Race dates are published on the website calendar. . Any updates will also be placed there. 3.1.2 Sailing Committee meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30pm, downstairs at the MBTBC Clubhouse. All welcome to attend. 4 . FEES 2020 SEASON ENTRY All Boats Entry Fee Includes $125 for 2020 Season Entry 11 Race Entries Other Requirements Eligibility for end of race prizes Eligibility for end of season trophies & Evidence of current Australian Sailing Membership prizes (Silver Card) Completed On-Line Entry Payment Details Completed Cat 5 Safety Declaration Current insurance certificate Complete online entry form at (Please arrange Silver Card through your own club ) 2020 CASUAL ENTRY Includes $15.00 per race Eligibility for end of race prizes Eligibility for end of series prizes Other requirements are as per season entry. Sailing Instructions are not provided Sailing Instructions | Page 4
Manly Combined Clubs | 2020 Sailing Season Sailing Instructions are available to download from the website: 5 . 2020 MANLY COMBINED CLUBS RULES 5.1 Eligibility 5.1.1 Most eligible boats for the Manly Combined Clubs Series are on the current register of one of the following clubs: ▪ Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club ▪ Multihull Yacht Club Queensland ▪ Wynnum Manly Sailing Club ▪ Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron ▪ Trailer Sailer Club of Queensland 5.1.2 Entries from other Australian Sailing affiliated clubs may be accepted by the Race Committee. 5.1.3 Boats must be a minimum of 20’ in length, although smaller boats may be accepted at the discretion of the Race Committee. 5.2 Race Briefings 5.2.1 Generally, each morning of a race, a briefing will take place at the Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club under the main deck at 0900 hours. Alternative arrangements will be made for weekend races or when it is impractical to use MBTBC. 5.2.2 A representative from each competing boat should attend briefings to receive advice and details of the day’s race(s). 5.3 Race Entries 5.3.1 All participants intending to race shall pre-pay and enter with a Season Entry or Casual Entry and Cat 5 Safety Declaration and Current Insurance Certificate prior to racing (Entry Form & Safety Declaration available at Failure to pay the required entry fee and/or complete a valid entry and Cat 5 Safety Declaration / Insurance certificate will result in finish times not being taken and the yacht being scored as DNS. 5.3.2 Casual Entries for a race may be in made in writing or verbally, either in person or by radio but must be submitted to the starter at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the race. Verbal entries need to be confirmed in writing to the Sailing Committee no more than 90 minutes after the last boat has finished racing on that particular race day (an email to is acceptable). Sailing Instructions | Page 5
Manly Combined Clubs | 2020 Sailing Season 5.4 Race Postponement and Abandonment 5.4.1 Any decision to race, postpone or abandon racing will be made by the Race Committee. 5.4.2 Racing will not be started if there is a Gale Wind, Tsunami or other severe weather warning current at 0700 hours on race day. 5.4.3 Racing may be started if there is a current Strong Wind Warning depending on the final decision of the Race Committee. 5.4.4 Normally the decision to race, postpone or abandon will not be made before 0900 hours on the day of the race unless circumstances indicate that an earlier decision would be appropriate. 5.4.5 Races may be cancelled after the start. 5.5 Rendering Assistance 5.5.1 All boats shall render assistance to another in peril whenever possible. Boats doing so who are able to rejoin the race may claim a time allowance. Where it is impracticable to rejoin the race, the skipper so inconvenienced may apply to the protest committee for redress. All applications for time allowance or redress shall be submitted in writing to the protest committee. 5.6 Notices to Competitors 5.6.1 Notices to competitors including results will be posted on the Manly Combined Clubs website 5.6.2 Notices to competitors may also be emailed the day before a race. 5.7 Changes to Sailing Instructions 5.7.1 Where possible, any change to the Sailing Instructions will be posted on the website before 0900 hours on the day it will take effect. 5.7.2 Changes to the Sailing Instructions may be communicated verbally at the briefing and/or over the radio. 5.8 Schedule of Races and Warning Signal Times 5.8.1 The schedule of races will be as per the official Manly Combined Clubs calendar as displayed on the official website at 5.8.2 The warning signal times for racing covered by these instructions are as follows: Division Event Warning Signal Division 5 Normal MCC Bay Race not before 11.05AM – LAST to Start Division 3 Normal MCC Bay Race not before 10:35 AM Division 2 Normal MCC Bay Race not before 10:45 AM Division 1 Normal MCC Bay Race not before 10:55 AM Sailing Instructions | Page 6
Manly Combined Clubs | 2020 Sailing Season All Triangles – First race of the day As per Bay Race times above As soon as practicable after All Triangles – Second race of the day completion of the first race. 5.8.3 An orange flag to mark the end of the starting line will be raised with one long sound signal at least four minutes before the warning signal is displayed to alert competitors that a race will start soon. The flag shall be used as follows: (a) Before the first scheduled warning signal of the day (even if the starting procedure will begin on time) and, (b) When there has been a long postponement (more than 10 minutes) and, (c) When more than one race will be held on the same day, the warning signal for the first race and each succeeding race will be made as soon as practicable. Sailing Instructions | Page 7
Manly Combined Clubs | 2020 Sailing Season 5.9 Class Flags on Start Boat 5.9.1 Class Flags shall be: Class Flag Division 1 Numeral Pennant 1 Division 2 Numeral Pennant 2 Division 3 Numeral Pennant 3 Division 5 Numeral Pennant 5 All Divisions Code Flag Q (yellow) Sailing Instructions | Page 8
Manly Combined Clubs | 2020 Sailing Season 5.10 The Courses 5.10.1 Marks and Courses to be sailed are published on the website. 5.10.2 It is requirement of our Maritime Safety Queensland event permits that all boats should keep at least 20m clear of ALL FIXED navigational marks such as Hope Banks. 5.10.3 To achieve a windward start, a buoy (Mark X) may be positioned to windward of the start line in which case the Race Committee Vessel will display Code Flag “W”. The Race Committee Vessel will also display a Green (Starboard) or Red (Port) flag to signal the side on which boats shall leave Mark X on the first leg of a race. 5.10.4 Navigation marks not specifically noted in the published course as marks of the course should be observed where possible at the discretion of the skipper. Boats failing to do so, may not be protested. 5.11 The Start 5.11.1 Races will be started by using rule 26 with the warning signal made 5 minutes before the starting signal. 5.11.2 The starting line will be between a staff displaying an orange flag on the start boat at the starboard end and an inflatable buoy on the port-end starting mark. 5.11.3 Boats in divisions whose warning signal has not been made shall avoid the starting area during the starting sequence for other races. 5.11.4 A short announcement will be made by radio on VHF Ch 72 from the start boat prior to the first warning signal to provide information to all competitors regarding the race. 5.11.5 A boat starting later than ten (10) minutes after her starting signal may be scored DNS without a hearing. 5.11.6 Radio silence shall be maintained by all competitors during the 5 minute start sequence for each division. 5.11.7 Start Line locations are as per the following table: Event Start Line Location Normal MCC Bay Races Approx. 500m north east of the outer green lateral beacon of the Manly Boat Harbour entrance MCC Triangles and Windward East of Green Island (Note: allow extra time to travel to Start Line) returns Caniapa Weekend – Manly to Approx. 500m north east of the outer green lateral beacon of the Manly Caniapa Boat Harbour entrance Caniapa Weekend – Caniapa to In the vicinity of the Potts Point Green Beacon Manly Sailing Instructions | Page 9
Manly Combined Clubs | 2020 Sailing Season 5.12 The Finish 5.12.1 The finishing line will be between a staff displaying an orange flag on the finish boat and an inflatable buoy finishing mark. 5.12.2 When there is no race committee vessel on station at the finish, the alternate finish line will be reached when the red outer channel mark of the Manly Harbour entrance leads bears true north and lies within 50m. In this case, yachts may be required to complete a declaration form which will be available to download from the Manly Combined Clubs website. Finish declarations shall be lodged with the MBTBC Sailing Committee within 24 hours of the completion of the race and shall include the name of the yacht, skipper and the GPS derived finish time corrected to Eastern Standard Time. 5.13 Shortened Course 5.13.1 The Race Officer may shorten the course for any division during a race in order to attempt to finish as many boats as possible. 5.13.2 The course shall be shortened to a mark of the course or to a navigational buoy which lies between the boat currently leading the division whose course is to be shortened and the finish line. 5.13.3 The fact that the course is being shortened shall be announced by the Race Officer via radio (VHF Ch72) along with information regarding whether the Committee Boat will be relocating to the new finish mark or if the radio call in system is to be used instead (see below). 5.13.4 The Committee Boat will not necessarily be able to relocate to the new finish mark due to having to remain on station to finish boats in other divisions. In this case boats finishing the shortened course shall radio in to the Committee Boat when they are within two (2) of their boat lengths on the correct side of the mark to which the course has been shortened. The Committee Boat shall record the finishing time as the time at which the finishing boat has made contact via radio to advise that it has finished. 5.13.5 A boat finishing under the radio call in system shall also record their finish time. This time can be used to complete a declaration form in the event that the boat could not make radio contact or the Committee Boat was unable to record the finishing boat's time for any reason. 5.14 Penalty System 5.14.1 Rule 44.1 is changed so that the Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty. 5.15 Time Limits 5.15.1 Passage Races: The time limit for passage races will normally be 1700 hours, but the race officer may at their discretion extend this time by making an announcement to the fleet on Ch 72. 5.15.2 Triangle / Windward-Return Races: The time limit for the first race of the day will be 1300 hours and the last race of the day 1600 hours. 5.15.3 Boats failing to finish within the time limit will be scored DNF without a hearing. Sailing Instructions | Page 10
Manly Combined Clubs | 2020 Sailing Season 5.16 Autopilots 5.16.1 A single or shorthanded vessels may use an autopilot during the race if desired. 5.16.2 The autopilot shall only be used for short periods at a time and shall not be in use for the entirety of any leg of the course. 5.17 Protests and Requests for Redress 5.17.1 Protest forms are available from all clubs in the Manly Combined Clubs Series or can be downloaded from the Manly Combined Clubs website. 5.17.2 The protest time limit is no later than 1000 hrs on the day following the race. Completed protest forms received after this time shall be deemed invalid. 5.17.3 Protests must be lodged by one of the following methods: (a) handing the completed protest form to a Committee member, or (b) emailing the completed protest form to the Race Committee (email to 5.17.4 Notices will be posted on the official website by 2000hrs on the day following the race to inform competitors of hearings in which they are parties or named as witnesses. Hearings will be held at a time and place as arranged. 5.17.5 Notices or protests by the race committee will be posted on the official website by 2000hrs on the day following the race to inform boats under rule 61.1(b). 5.17.6 Yachts intending to protest shall fly their protest flags to the finish and notify the finish boat on VHF Channel 72. 5.18 Scoring 5.18.1 Scoring for the Combined Clubs series is based on the following principles: As per Sailsys Handicapping system and race committee redress: OVERALL SERIES RESULTS: A boat, which finishes first, shall score zero points. A boat, which finishes last, shall score 100 points. All other boats which finish correctly shall score points equivalent to the percentage of boats in their division that beat them. A boat which starts correctly but does not finish (DNF) shall score 110 points. A boat which starts correctly but is subsequently disqualified (DSQ) shall score 120 points. A boat which does not start (DNS) shall score 130 points. Sailing Instructions | Page 11
Manly Combined Clubs | 2020 Sailing Season 5.18.2 There are three series of races within the overall season series. Series 1 will be calculated based on Races 1 to 3. Series 2 is based on Races 4 - 7. Series 3 based on Races 8 – 11. Note: All races count in these intermediate series calculations. 5.18.3 Overall results for the season will be calculated after the worst three (3) results for each boat in the full series of 11 races have been discarded. 5.18.4 In the event of a change in boat mid-season, points accumulated from the previous boat will be carried forward to the new boat. Boat points will only be carried forward for a change in boat where a legal change in ownership has taken place. 5.19 Safety Regulations 5.19.1 Boats shall SIGN ON at least 15 minutes before the warning signal by contacting the race committee vessel on VHF Channel 72 advising the name of the boat, number of persons on board (POB) and also the Manly Combined Clubs Division they are entering for the Race and receive acknowledgement. 5.19.2 It is requirement of our Maritime Safety Queensland event permits that all boats should keep at least 20m clear of fixed navigational marks such as Hope Banks. 5.19.3 When a boat has finished it shall be deemed to have signed off. 5.19.4 A boat that retires from a race shall notify the race committee on VHF Channel 72 as soon as possible. 5.19.5 Unless in use, no part of the anchor may project forward of the bow at any time whilst racing. 5.19.6 All competitors shall be familiar with the Manly Combined Clubs emergency procedures. 5.20 Equipment and Measurement Checks 5.20.1 A boat or equipment may be inspected at any time for compliance with the sailing instructions and applicable safety category. 5.21 Radio Communication 5.21.1 Except in an emergency, a boat shall neither make radio transmissions nor receive radio communications not available to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones. 5.21.2 The race committee boat shall keep a listening watch on VHF Channel 72 to receive late entries and to notify the fleet of any changes including shortened courses. This will be maintained from one hour prior to the start through to the completion of the race. Unless advised otherwise, the call sign is “Combined Clubs Start Boat”. 5.21.3 Radio silence shall be maintained by all competitors during the 5 minute start sequence for each division. 5.21.4 All Participating Vessels must keep a radio watch on VHF Ch 12 when approaching and crossing the entrance channel at the Coffee Pots in order that they can communicate with Commercial Shipping if necessary. Sailing Instructions | Page 12
Manly Combined Clubs | 2020 Sailing Season 5.22 Prizes and Presentations 5.22.1 Season prizes will be awarded for first place for each Division where there are more than 6 boats competing. Other prizes will be determined by the committee. 5.22.2 Prizes for each series will be awarded as follows: Series 1, 2 and 3 - 1st for each of Division 1 through 5 5.22.3 After race presentations: Provisional Results will be announced following each race at the nominated club as soon as possible after racing has concluded (see calendar for the nominated club for each race). 5.22.4 Other prizes may be awarded at the discretion of the organising authority. 5.22.5 Division prizes may not be awarded if numbers in those divisions are not sufficient. 5.23 Disclaimer of Liability 5.23.1 Competitors participate in the Manly Combined Clubs events entirely at their own risk - see rule 4, Decision to Race. The Race Committee will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with, prior to, during, or after any Manly Combined Clubs event. 5.24 Insurance 5.24.1 Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of $10 million. 5.24.2 Copies of the insurance certificate must be uploaded to the website when entering for the season or made available to the committee prior to racing in the case of casual entries. 5.25 Divisions 5.25.1 A minimum of six (6) entries are required to constitute a division. 5.25.2 A minimum of six (6) completed divisional races are required to gain season results. 5.25.3 The following divisions will be sailed for Yachts and Multihulls PBH Division 1 – Race oriented keel boats PBH Division 2 – Cruising keel boats PBH Division 3 – Trailerable boats PBH Division 5 – Multihulls and Rally Start ( “GIVE IT A GO” - Novice Sailors) RALLY START – Will have leniency to start 5 minutes either side of the designated Division 5 that does not impede any other Division start. Note: Skippers may elect to participate in divisions of their choice. Eg a fast sport boat in Division 1. If in doubt, a skipper should contact the handicapper for advice about the division to enter. 5.25.4 The organising authority has the right to alter divisions at any time without notice. Sailing Instructions | Page 13
Manly Combined Clubs | 2020 Sailing Season 5.26 Handicaps 5.26.1 Handicaps are allocated to each boat at the start of the series based on performances in past Manly Combined Clubs Series races. These handicaps are allocated at the absolute discretion of the handicapper and the committee. 5.26.2 Handicaps are automatically adjusted after each race using the following principles: Sailsys Handicapping and Scoring System with allowance of previous races i.e. Boats that finish in the front half of their division will incur a proportional handicap penalty. Boats incur a penalty proportionate to the number of boats on the fleet The handicaps of boats that finish mid fleet are usually left relatively unchanged. Boats that finish in the last half of their division will have their handicap proportionally reduced. All handicaps are published in the race results and adjustments noted. 5.26.3 New boats to the series will be allocated a handicap based on the type of boat and its potential. This handicap may be adjusted after 3 races irrespective of normal handicap adjustment processes outlined in to 5.26.4 Boats that demonstrate substantial changes in speed due to factors such as new sails, propeller changes etc. may have their handicap adjusted at the discretion of the committee at any time irrespective of the adjustment processes outlined in to 5.26.5 From time to time the handicaps of all boats in a division may need to be realigned to allow division fleets to fairly race together in combined races. This will be done by comparing times from each division and moving handicaps for whole divisions to bring about alignment of the division fleets. If such a change is required, the committee will undertake to publish the changes on the website. 5.26.6 At the beginning of the series each boat must nominate whether it will be flying a spinnaker. A boat changing from non-spinnaker to spinnaker will incur a handicap adjustment determined by the handicapper. A boat may not change from a spinnaker to a non-spinnaker handicap during a series. 5.26.7 A boat wishing to qualify for a non-spinnaker handicap may not fly a headsail classed as a spinnaker in ISAF Rule 50.4 or one where the combined length of the luff and any permanent or temporary strop exceeds the length of the forestay. 5.27 Results 5.27.1 Preliminary Results will be announced directly following completed races at Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club House (MBTBC). Any redress or Protests should be lodged at MBTBC during this time. 5.27.2 During the series results will be posted on the official website Sailing Instructions | Page 14
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