WORK OF CHRIST - The Work of Christ Community

Page created by Glen Yates
WORK OF CHRIST - The Work of Christ Community
December 2021                                                                                                    .

   WORK OF CHRIST                                                            NEWSLETTER
     The Work of Christ Community ● 4828 South Hagadorn ● East Lansing, MI 48823

           COMMUNITY BIRTHDAYS                             YEAR-END TAX DONATIONS: Please have all 2021
12/1 Marion Schleusener, 12/2 P.J. Dinolfo, 12/3           donations to the community office by noon on
Tom DeWitt, Maria Sandford, 12/4 Jonathan                  Thursday, December 30. For the IRS, donations
Schleusener, 12/5 Garry Grimm, Caolan Keenan,              need to be IN THE OFFICE OR POST-
Barb Oskvarek, Rene Shireman, 12/9 Javier Barajas,         MARKED in 2021 for it to count on your
Dan Dinolfo, 12/11 Haleigh Cummings, 12/13 Su-             2021 taxes. For us to deposit the funds
zanne Laurion, 12/14 Carolyn Jacobs, Christopher           in time, please have them in on time. Thanks for
Koval, Chuck Putnam, 12/15 Bill Richardson, Rose           your faithful support!
Luea, 12/16 Michelle Comstock, Sue Luea, Lisa
Luginbill, 12/18 Ann Grimm, Caleb LaPorte, 12/19           NINE LESSONS AND CAROLS: On Saturday, Decem-
Jess Kennedy, 12/21 Eleia Giles, 12/22 Christian                   ber 11, 7:30—9:30 PM, we will anticipate
Cherniawski, 12/25 Gerard Feuerstein, Christopher                  our Lord’s coming with nine scripture read-
Luea, 12/26 Andrae Koval, Roger Troyer, 12/27                      ings outlining salvation history and songs
Avery Brandenburg, Emily Christopherson, Noelle                    which respond to God’s word. Following
Wegener, 12/28 Stephen Luea, 12/29 Lisa Ivey,
Matthias Glomski, 12/30 Linda Luginbill, 12/31 Riley
Brandenburg, Lucy Repovz, Patti Simon.
                                                                         Upcoming Events
                                                             All events held at the Work of Christ Community
                                                              Center, 4828 S. Hagadorn Road, East Lansing.
12/2/17 Mike & Mary Giles, 12/5/81 Tony & Marci            12/05 Community Gathering: 4:00—5:45 PM.
Meier, 12/13/19 Stephen & Emily Giles, 12/20/03             Teaching: Ephesians 6 Talk the Talk (Alex Kilpat-
Travis & Michelle Comstock, 12/20/80 Richard &              rick). Set up: Petritsch; take down: Murray.
Stephanie Imgrund, 12/29/07 CJ & Brenda DeFord,
12/29/12 Mark & Rika Smith, 12/30/89 Phil & Cindy          12/11 Nine Lessons & Carols: 7:30 PM.
Bosco.                                                      Set up & take down: Brandenburg.

      COMMUNITY NEWS                                       12/12 Community Gathering: 4:00—5:45 PM.
                                                            Teaching: Ephesians #7 Walk the Walk (Paul Di-
                                                            nolfo). Set up: Imgrund; take down: M. Stoll.
THANKS FOR THE PRAYERS: The sisters in Jacqueline
Giles’ women’s group will be interceding for the
                                                           12/19 Community Gathering: 4:00—5:45 PM.
Work of Christ and our mission and outreach events
                                                            Teaching: Christmas (guest speaker). Special:
in December. Thank you, ladies!
                                                            Christmas Collection! Set up: Joy; take down:
              HOLIDAY OFFICE HOURS: The com-
              munity office will be open between
                                                           12/26 & 1/2 No gatherings; enjoy the holidays!
              Christmas and New Year’s Day. How-
              ever, there will be times when the
                                                           1/02 Safer Gathering: 4:00—5:30 PM.
              office is not fully staffed, so please
              call before you come. We don’t want
                                                           1/9 Covenant Gathering: 4:00—6.00 PM. Teaching:
              you left out in the cold!
                                                             Generous Giving and Service (Jon Luea). Set up:
                                                             Petritsch. Take down: J. Ludwig.

WORK OF CHRIST - The Work of Christ Community
the program will be a time of refreshments and fel-          WINTER/SPRING COURSES:
lowship. Please bring some “finger friendly” snacks          CHRISTIAN PARENTING COURSE: At the home of
to share. Plan to arrive before 7:30 so that we can          Trent and Lisa Ludwig (3955 Camperdown Dr, Lan-
start at that time and not be disruptive to this medi-       sing 48911). PARENTING COURSE UPDATE: We have
tative event.                                                decided to combine talks #1&2 into one session on
                                                             Friday night, December 10, 7:30 PM. Another ses-
CHRISTMAS COLLECTION DECEMBER 19 GATHER-                     sion will be held on Friday night, January 7, combin-
ING: Brothers and sisters, we will have our annual           ing talks #3&4.
Christmas Collection at the December 19 gathering.           12/10 Talk 1: A Common Approach and Talk 2: Build-
This year’s collection will be used to support our               ing Family Life
brethren in Lebanon. Over the past two years, Leba-          1/7 Talk 3: Training Children in the Ways of God and
non has experienced a financial and political melt-              Talk 4: Working as a Pastoral Team
down. The value of the Lebanese pound has depre-             MARRIED COUPLES COURSE: At the home of Molly
ciated more than 90% since late 2019. In the midst           and Alex Kilpatrick (109 Custer Ave, Lansing 48912),
of this, our brothers and sisters in the People of God       generally first Monday of the month. This course
and Illuminator’s Lamp are doing incredible mission-         goes through the spring.
ary outreach to Sword of the Spirit groups in Israel,        12/6 Our Money and Our Time (Jon & Cristin Luea)
Syria, Turkey, Dubai, and The United Arab Emirates.          1/3 Being on Mission as Married and Family (Jerry &
Funds collected will be sent to the People of God              Jan Munk)
Community in Beirut for use wherever and however             2/7 Sex in Marriage (Jon & Cristin Luea)
needed. You can give cash or checks at the commu-
nity gathering on the 19th, or you can give online           FESTIVAL OF TABLES: Ladies, this year our Festival is
through the Christmas Collection link on our home            on February 12, 10:30 AM—1:00 PM. If you have a
page: THANKS!                          table idea, contact Alissa Brandenburg (517-648-
                                                                                2694). Tickets are $15; our chari-
NEW CHILDCARE SCHEDULE IN THE MAKING! Sisters                                   ty this year is the Lansing City
                               AND brothers AND                                 Rescue Mission’s Women and
                               teens, please see the                            Children’s Shelter. We will get a
                               link to the childcare                            list of needed items from them
                               pool in the e-bulletin.       and post that in January. Please get your table idea
If you were not included in the fall schedule, but           on Alissa’s books before the holiday bustle drives it
want to be a part of the childcare pool, please fill         from your mind!
out the survey. You will be able to make known your
age group preference there. Members who have                 SUMMER CAMP STAFF WANNABEES: Thinking of
previously filled out the survey do NOT need to do           applying to serve at Summer Camp?
so again. We are still working to rebuild our volun-         Those warm summer days seem too far
teer pool, and in order to continue to serve BOTH            away? Well, it is time! Summer Camp
our toddlers and infants, we need your help! This is         Applications went out to former staff
your chance to “come alongside” our brothers and             Saturday, November 20. Former staff received an
sisters with young children and free them to wor-            email with the link and new staff can access it on the
ship and serve during our gatherings. Deadline for           website It will be available
completing the survey is December 15. Thanks so              for a 3-week window, with a deadline of Monday,
much!                                                        December 13. We plan on giving a final announce-
                                                             ment/shout- out at the prayer meeting on Sunday
MARRIAGE EVENT: We are planning a night out for              December 12.
couples on Friday, February 25, 7:30 PM. There will
be a speaker, nice refreshments, and plenty of time          MICHIGAN MEN'S CONFERENCE: Brothers, please save
for fellowship.                                              March 18-20 for the Michigan Men's Conference.

WORK OF CHRIST - The Work of Christ Community
The conference will take place at                             December 12
Gull Lake Ministries Center in                                INFANTS: Mary Glomski and helper
Hickory Corners, Michigan. This                               TODDLERS: Julia Grimm, Beth Lenhard, Heidi Stoll,
conference will include men from                                Charity Stoll
all of the Sword of the Spirit                                December 19
communities in Michigan. We will keep you posted              INFANTS: Kendra Kennedy and helper
as plans become clearer.                                      TODDLERS: Angela Krause, Viola Troyer, Annabel
                                                                Ludwig, Jacob Stoll
MEN’S BREAKFAST: We will have another one of our
              terrific men’s breakfasts on Satur-                               NOAH’S ARK
              day, January 15. Cost is really                 December 5 Theme: B-I-B-L-E. Team: Sue Luea, Lisa
              cheap—$5.00 for adults and $2.50                 Kogut. Helpers: Jack Fountain, Amanda Ludwig.
              for students. Put it on your 2022               December 12 Theme: The Good Samaritan. Team:
              calendar and invite a guest or two.              Jan Munk, Cindy Kogut. Helpers: Sam Luea, Zoe
JORDAN DISTRICT WOMEN’S CRAFT EVENT: Christ-                  December 19 Theme: Christmas. Team: Judy Skiba,
mas is coming! Crafting is in the air!                         Cristin Luea. Helpers: Nick Mianecki, Abigail Lud-
Join us on Friday, December 3, at the Work of Christ           wig.
Community Center, from 6:30—9:00 PM.
Who? Women and girls (aged 10 and above).
Why? Because crafts are fun to make and share
(and can be used as Christmas gifts!), and crafting is
a great way to build relationships! There will be four
craft stations (each with a $3-$5 supply cost). Each
craft will be a short (30-45 minute) activity that any-
one can do with a little instruc-
tion. There will be a hostess at
each table to help with the craft
and hand out the supply bags.                                             CHILDREN’S GATHERING
The event will allow for us to                                OVERALL THEME: ANCHORED IN HOPE
just do one craft, or circle                                  OVERALL SCRIPTURE: Hold fast to the hope that lies
around and do more. Please                                        before us. This we have as an anchor to the soul.
bring a snack to share as crafting can fuel the appe-             (Hebrews 6:18b-19a)
tite!                                                         DECEMBER Theme #1: The Spirit of Hope
Crafts: 1. Wooden circle Christmas ornaments paint-           Scripture: (Romans 5:5) Hope does not disappoint
ed with stencils; 2. Card making; 3. Jewelry: brace-              us, because God’s love has been poured out into
lets and rings; 4. A second Christmas ornament                    our hearts through the Holy Spirit.
craft. Questions? Please call or text Brandy Barr (517        December 5
-775-4877).                                                   GIRLS Team: Lori Ludwig, Lynne Brennan. Helpers:
                                                                  Alissa Brandenburg, Lizzy Fountain, Sophie Stoll.
  CHILDREN’S & YOUTH PROGRAMS                                 DECEMBER Theme #2: Christmas
                                                              Scripture: The people who walked in darkness have
                    CHILD CARE                                    seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the
December 5                                                        land of gloom a light has shone. (Isaiah 9:1)
INFANTS: Kathy Schaefer, Marcia Dinolfo                       December 12
TODDLERS: Karen Skowronek, George DeWaters,                   BOYS Team: Jim Keenan, Brendan Murray. Helpers:
  Susanna DeWaters, Joyce Richardson                          Kevin Krause, Jacob Mianecki, Xavier Luea.

WORK OF CHRIST - The Work of Christ Community
December 19                                                   2:00 PM. Because of her health she has trouble do-
GIRLS Team: Michelle Comstock, Jess Kennedy. Help-            ing everyday tasks. She needs help most specifically
ers: Jacqueline Giles, Susanna DeWaters, Annabel              with making lunch for a 3-year-old and putting her
Ludwig.                                                       down for nap. But having someone with her to visit
             JUNIOR HIGH GROUPS                               with is also helpful. See link in bulletin or call Bob or
December 2: Boys at DeFord home                               Lisa Ludwig to help. Thanks so much.
December 9: Girls at the community center
December 16 Boys at DeFord home

WILDFLOWERS: Brandie will let you know about De-
cember (likely a craft) and January (Playing Picasso)

EXPLORERS: December 4—Mr. Krause will let you
know the details.

12/2 Small Groups: 7:30—9:00 PM; girls at R&S
 Imgrund; boys at T. Giles
12/9 Large Group: 7:30—9:00 PM, WOC center
12/17 CYA Christmas Party

Margaret Pauline Thelen, Therese deSpelder’s moth-
er, passed away October 28, at the age of 99. She
grew up in Saint Johns, on a mint farm, and grew up
hoeing peppermint. She lived through two world
wars and the Great Depression. She was married to
husband Clair for 63 years, and he proceeded her in
death. She was the mother of eight children, 16
grandchildren, and 17 great-grandchildren.

UCO Lansing Missionaries (Paul Fletcher) is in need
of a reliable used car for this upcoming year. This car
will be used to give rides to students for UCO events
& church, as well as allow the missionary to reliably
get around campus. If you are looking to sell a car
that fits this description, please call or email Paul
(517-303-3322) or                                  Office Phone: 336-8530
                                                                       Receptionist & Friday bulletin:
           HELP FOR KATRINA BUTLER: To assist the               Jerry Munk: 336-8533;
           Mercy Ministry in meeting Katrina’s                   Fred Christopherson:
           needs, below is a link to sign up to help on              Newsletter:
           Tuesday through Friday, from 11:00 AM—                       Web:
WORK OF CHRIST - The Work of Christ Community
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