St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Parish

Page created by Gregory Harrington
St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Parish
St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Parish

          30th Sunday Ordinary Time 25 October 2020 Year A
Readings: Exodus 22:20-26 ; 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 ; Matthew 22:34-40

What is the greatest Commandment?
In today's Gospel from St Matthew we hear of how the Pharisees tried to trap
Jesus by asking him to make what seems an impossible choice. They wanted
him to state that one commandment was more important than another. As if,
loving God was somehow more important than loving your parents. Or that
keeping the Sabbath holy was more important than not stealing your
neighbour's property.

But sometimes we simply are asking the wrong questions.

Jesus cuts through their trap by showing he will not play their game. He
cleverly defeats their trick and shows they do not understand. He brings
all the commandments together in two simple messages:

You must love the Lord your God
with all your heart, with all your
with all your mind.

You must love your neighbour as

The commandments are not in
competition with each
other. They are a whole
unified in the two core messages
of love of God and love of
neighbour. This
is not only a simple summary of what is important in our faith; it is also a
challenge to us as individuals and as a community.
Jesus doesn't say to love only the people who love us - he challenges us to
love everyone.

And what of the other challenge that Jesus slips in here: to love my
neighbour as I love myself. Have we forgotten that Jesus commands us to
love ourselves? Jesus reminds us that we are also important. He is talking
of the right kind of self love - one that is centred in a love of God. The
command to love my neighbour as I love myself is also centred in our belief
that we are all made in the image and likeness of God. Yes, we are also
sinners and make mistakes but we are still made in the image and likeness of
God. So, this Sunday our challenge is to ask ourselves the right questions:
Do I love God? Do I love my neighbour? Do I love myself?

Jo-Anne and Michael Carley
St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Parish
On Thursday 22nd October the Parish Annual General Meeting w as held at
the Johnsonville Unity Church. Attended by 54 people and facilitated by Fr Tim Duck-
worth SM.

We were welcomed by John Kleinsman who gave context of our Parish within God’s
Mission. John Lawson and Tim Gordon reported on the Collaborative, lay-led model
that the Parish is building towards, particularly, the Vision and Mission, the Parish
Personnel, and the Operating Framework. Thomas Davis gave the Financial report
with figures that show the Parish income is in marked decline from the Cash and
Envelope collection - due to the Covid-19 restrictions on our community gatherings.
The Parish Building Review plans will take place as the Parish Vision and Mission is
confirmed and can be aligned to the property needs to fulfil the Mission.
An advisory property group is to be established next month, picking up the review
work previously done. By Feb/Mar 2021 options will be established followed by con-
sultation with parishioners.
Kitty McKinley spok e of the Year in R eview .
    60 Baptisms
    19 Funerals: Four suicides
    73 Reconciliation and First Communions
After highlighting the key activities, Kitty outlined the work of the Royal Commission
of Inquiry into Abuse in Care: Faith based Hearing to Begin November 30th
The inquiry will examine the experiences of victims and survivors involved in claims
against the Catholic Church and our respective subsidiary and affiliated entities and
institutions including faith-based schools for abuse in their care.
St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Parish
Robyn Radomski shared her ex perience of the B ereavem ent Group as it
works as a One Parish Initiative.
Fr Tim conducted a Q& A session w hich focused on the questions that had
been submitted by email. A general discussion followed particularly around the role
of the lay minister, the leadership of the Parish, a consideration that the model could
work from the grassroots up, a request for greater spiritual development and a shout
out to Our Youth Team Sio & Piki and Wendy Cleaver from a grateful Dad.
The meeting finished on time. The Apologies have been recorded.
The Full presentation can be found on the Parish YouTube channel. The Parish AGM
St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Parish
Rental Property               Student-Led Bake Sale
We are looking for tenants    Year 5 Students Raise Funds for SPCA
for the Khandallah Parish
House (3 Everest St).         Many thanks to all parish members in attendance at
                              last Sunday's 9am Mass at Khandallah for their
While the St Andrew’s         support of Violet Foskett, Penny O'Styke, Skye
Parish house is used for      Pinto, Charlie Twigg, Charlie Clark, Lauren Lamb,
emergency and supportive      Charlotte Craig and Posy Hanlon, who arranged a
housing, the rental for the   bake sale in order to raise funds for the Wellington
Khandallah House will be      SPCA and KidsCan.
set a market rate as it is
primarily rented as           The students raised a total of $216; and split the funds
Parish income.                equally between the two organisations. Well done girls
                              - a super example of action being taken in the commu-
                              nity. Thanks everyone!

Please contact Thomas
Davis 021 486 704 from
the Parish Finance

St Benedict’s Working
We have some
maintenance, gardening
and cleaning to do at St
Benedict’s.                     Saint Andrew’s – Dishes, Plates and Platters

                              Our kitchen has accumulated an array of Dishes, Plates
                              and Platters that do not belong to us. We are fortunate
                              to have many groups now using Saint Andrew’s and
                              therefore we need to ensure we are as user friendly as
                              possible. Over the next two weeks, we will be having a
                              clear out of any Dishes, P lates and P latters that
                              have not been collected. Some of them have been in
                              our kitchen for a couple of years. Marie Paurini will be
If you have some time to      available, before and after the Saturday Vigil Mass at
help either during the        Saint Andrew’s, to assist you in finding your Dish, Plate
week or at weekends           or Platter. All remaining Dishes, Plates and Platters will
please let us know and we                                              be donated to
will plan the work around                                              our local Vinnies
the availability of                                                    Shop. Kia ora for
individuals over a number                                              your tautoku in
of days.                                                               ensuring Saint
Please contact Thomas                                                  continues to be
Davis 021 486 704 or                                                   a welcoming                                                 venue for all
                                                                       who use it.
St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Parish
ADVENT Reflections            THE NEED FOR UNITY
The Parish would like to      Spirit of Wisdom
continue the Advent
reflections we began last     Guide us through the winds of change and uncertainty.
                              Grant us the wisdom we need to be open to new
If you would be willing to    possibilities.
be involved in preparing
and leading a reflection      Today we need prophecy, real prophecy: not fast
on a Sunday in Advent         talkers who promise the
from 4pm – 5pm please         impossible, but testimonies that the Gospel is possible,
email                         what is needed are not
tim.gordon@stfrancisohari     miraculous shows, but lives that show the miracle of                         God’s love. Not forcefulness, but forthrightness. Not
                              palaver, but prayer. Not speeches, but service. Not
Support and training will     theory, but testimony. Pope
be provided.                  Francis

Need a Justice of the         Just as God transformed
Peace and only free on        Simon into Peter and Saul
weekends?                     into Paul, so he is calling
Jan Gould who has             each one of us, in order to
facilitated our children’s    make us living stones with            UNITY
worship programme in          which to build a renewed
Johnsonville for many         Church and a renewed
years is also a JP.           humanity.
Jan has kindly offered to
be available after the        Help us use our gifts, gifts
Johnsonville 10.30am          that each of us have been given through our baptism.
Mass to witness any           Gifts to assist us to become a vibrant, refreshed
documents that                community of faith, united in mission and dedicated to
parishioners may need         living out the Gospel of Jesus
assistance with.
                              The Lord believes in us and he asks us: ‘Do you want
We will trial this for the    to be a builder of unity? Do you want to be a prophet
month of November             of my heaven on earth?’”
beginning on November         Let us be challenged by Jesus, and find the courage to
1st at 11.20am in the         say to him: Yes, I do!
Johnsonville Parish
Meeting Room (next to         Pete Roe SM
the sacristy).
Just come along and Jan
will try and assist. Thanks   All Soul’s Day – a day in our tradition when we
Jan for sharing your          quietly give thanks for our ancestors and pray that they
wisdom and skills.            find eternal rest with GOD in the company of the
                              angels and saints.

                              You are invited to gather for Mass on Monday 2nd
                              November at either:
                              St Benedict’s at 9am,
                              St Andrew’s at 5.30pm.
St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Parish
Upcoming Events/Notifications

       The Annual General Meeting of the Onslow CWL w ill be held on Tues-
       day 27 October at 7.30pm in the foyer of St Benedict’s Church, Khandallah.
       In addition to the customary League business, we will welcome William
       Nobelen, funeral director and fellow-parishioner, (commencing at about 8pm).
William will talk about his life and journey to become an undertaker. All members of
the branch are warmly invited to attend, as are any other parishioners. Supper will
be served. A gold coin donation for our Mission in Lomary would be much
appreciated. (Members are reminded that subscriptions are now due for the coming
year 2020/21).

St Benedict’s Remembrance Mass Sunday—8th November 2020
Each year our parish community gather to pray for those who have been dear to us
in life and who have gone before us to eternal life.
The Grief and Loss Ministry invite parishioners to bring a memento, photo, flower or
candle to place at the foot of the altar in memory of their deceased family members.
Morning tea will be served after Mass with particular hospitality offered to visitors
outside the parish who have returned to mourn a family member who was farewelled
from St. Benedict’s during the past year. You are welcome to contact Robyn Ra-
domski if you wish to provide any bereavement details of which we may be unaware.
Phone 027 201 8766

St Peter and Paul’s Remembrance Mass Monday—9th November 2020
The SS Peter and Paul’s remembrance mass will be held this year at 7pm on Monday
the 9th November 2020. More information to follow in the coming weeks.
Many thanks.

Sunday 8th November, 1pm to 5pm at Home of Compassion, Island Bay
An opportunity for young adults (18+) to explore different vocations as Catholics.
How are you called to serve God with your talents & gifts? What does vocation look
like in 2020?
The afternoon will conclude with a Young Church Mass at 5pm.
To register please email

YOUNG CHURCH MASS 2020 with Cardinal John
Sunday 8 November @ 5pm
Home of Compassion, Rhine Street, Island Bay
All young people are welcome!

Can you help St Vincent de Paul Johnsonville?

We are looking for someone to assist us once a month with picking up bread from
Nada Bakery and delivering it to families in need in our local area.
This will be late afternoon, on the first Saturday of each month and take about one
hour. For more information please phone Justin on 0275878467.

Also, we would welcome new members joining our group to assist us with other
activities to help people in need. If interested please ring Justin.
St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Parish
Upcoming Events/Notifications

St Francis of Assisi, Ohariu Parish has THREE St Vincent de Paul Society
Conferences – LET US HELP YOU
This past year has seen sudden and dramatic changes for a lot of people. While some
of us, in Aotearoa, have lives that may seem relatively unaffected, COVID-19 has
caused significant distress to many others.
If you, your whānau, or someone else you know, needs extra support at this time we
are here to help. Please contact any of the following people to discuss how we may
be of assistance. All requests for help are kept confidential.
Newlands Conference        -Marie Paurini -
                           -Patricia Maguire –
Johnsonville Conference -Sharron McSweeney -
Onslow Conference          -Graeme Dee –
We would also like to take this opportunity, to thank those of you, who continue to
support our Conference Foodbanks, with donations of food and koha. Your karakia is
also much appreciated. New members are always welcome. Kia ora to you all.

       The Annual General Meeting of the Onslow CWL w ill be held on Tues-
       day 27 October at 7.30pm in the foyer of St Benedict’s Church, Khandallah.
       All members of the branch are warmly invited to attend, as are any other
parishioners. Supper will be served. A gold coin donation for our Mission in Lomary
would be much appreciated. (Members are reminded that
subscriptions are now due for the coming year 2020/21).

Mass for Alternative Thinkers w ill be celebrated by Eddie Condra at the
Chapel, Challenge 2000, 1 Wanaka Street, Johnsonville on Sunday 1 November, at
4pm. There will be a cuppa to follow and all are welcome.
Any queries, please contact Helen 027 4243365.

                       5pm St An-                           10.30am St Peter &
31/1 November          drews              9am Khandallah    Paul's

MUSIC                  Felicity’s Group   Music Group       Cesar

GREETERS               Marie Coghlan      Amanda Gardner    Monika Sorensen

                       Ann Marie Bush                       Helen Cross

1st PROCLAIMER         Carlos Garcia      Barbara Ogilvie   Nick Borthwick
                       Duncan Gem-
2nd PROCLAIMER         pesaw              Louise Kelleher   Lily Ong
SION                   Arcellana Family   Volunteers        Volunteers
MINISTERS OF THE       Adrianna Rodri-
EUCHARIST              guez               Tess Lin          Jackie Overall

                       Colleen Campbell                     Denis Smith
                                                            Liway Kisteria and J C
ALTAR SERVERS          Olivia Chin                          Histerillo
St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Parish
We ask for your prayers - Masses have been offered for
RIP— Clare D’souza (Mother of Lorraine Dias), Pelasio Iaseto (Father of
Sio— the parish’s youth minister), Johann (John) Steiner
RIP Anniversary—Alejandro M.Ona, Rae Evans, Maria Lilia Realubit
All those who are sick, have had surgery, who need support, or are worried about life.

                We welcome into the parish community those
                             newly Baptised:

        Andres Matheus Sapetin, Ellarie Winter Felipe, Naomi Eve Lamorena

  Weekend Mass times 24/25th October (Labour Weekend)
    Saturday 5pm at St Andrew’s, Sunday 9am at St Benedict’s and
               10.30am at St Peter and Paul’s Church.

       Weekend Mass times 31st October/1st November
    Saturday 5pm at St Andrew’s, Sunday 9am at St Benedict’s and
               10.30am at St Peter and Paul’s Church.

             MASS & LITURGY TIMES 26th Oct—1st Nov
St Peter & Paul’s Church     St Andrew’s Church             St Benedict’s Church
    37 Dr Taylor Tce,           29 Trebann St             3 Everest St Khandallah
      Johnsonville                Newlands               Mon: 9am Liturgy,
Monday: No Liturgy          Friday: 6.30pm               7pm Meditation
Tues: 9.15am Mass with      Divine Mercy in the Chapel   Tues: 9.15am Liturgy
School Classes              Saturday: 5pm Vigil Mass     Wed: 9am Liturgy
Wed: 11am Mass                                           Thurs: 9am Liturgy
Thurs: 9am Liturgy                                       Friday: 9am Liturgy
Fri: 9am Mass                                            Sat: 9am Liturgy
Sunday: 10.30am Mass                                     Sun: 9am Mass

                    Parish Office: 37 Dr Taylor Tce, Johnsonville
                  Email: Phone: 478 7137
            Parish Bank Account for Donations: 02-0524-0203642-00
St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Parish St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Parish
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