Hello 2019 The Higher Ground - "In life, as in chess, forethought wins." - Charles Buxton - Parkesburg Baptist Church

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Hello 2019 The Higher Ground - "In life, as in chess, forethought wins." - Charles Buxton - Parkesburg Baptist Church
The Higher Ground

The Parkesburg Baptist Church Newsletter               Volume 32   January 2019

                                  Hello 2019

                                      “In life, as in chess,
                                       forethought wins.”
                                      - Charles Buxton -
Hello 2019 The Higher Ground - "In life, as in chess, forethought wins." - Charles Buxton - Parkesburg Baptist Church
Dear friends,
    A new year often brings a sense of new possibilities. Over the past several months,
there has been a lot of talk in the church about how to be more effective in our
rapidly-changing society. Over the summer and fall, there were a number of
opportunities to interact with materials based on the book Canoeing the Mountains:
Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory. The author compares the challenges of the
modern church in America to those of explorers Lewis & Clark, who had expected the
territories west of the Mississippi to be about the same as they were to the east, which
we now know is about as far from the truth as imaginable. But they found their way
through those uncharted lands. And as we seek God’s grace, leading, and power,
I believe we can, too. I have thought, read, prayed and consulted much with others
over the last several months to try to determine
what would be our “next step(s).”
    There are two areas I would like to focus
on in the next year. One of them is graphically
displayed in this bit of clip art that captivated
me years ago. In case it doesn’t speak to you
as it has to me, let me explain.
The Holy Spirit’s presence and power
(signified by the Dove and the pure white light)
comes to us, God’s people (indicated by the
Church). Remember how a prism works? It separates white light into the full spectrum of
colors. I imagine God’s people acting in the same manner. When we came to Christ, the
Holy Spirit came to dwell in us and each one of us displays Him in our own distinct way.
None of us reflect God’s nature fully, but we each reveal Him in just the way He created
us to do. That is the symbolism of the multiple colors going out of the church and into
the world. (Sorry if you’re seeing this in black & white!)
    Each one of us has been uniquely created by God, in His image. Each one of us has
unique gifts, knowledge, experiences, strengths, weaknesses, interests, and so on. And
all of those things have been given to us that they might be used by God for His
purposes. God has created you to fulfill the purpose for which He has called you. You
have been called to KNOW God, to GROW in the likeness of Jesus and to SERVE in
the power of the Holy Spirit – and God’s a plan for you in each of these areas is unlike
anyone else’s. This year, we’re going to work on helping each one of us better
understand and fulfill that calling on our lives. Clarifying our individual callings and
becoming better equipped to live them out will also help us to see a bigger picture of
where God is be leading us as a church, and will prepare us to follow. I am excited
about the possibilities and I hope you are too!
                                              Grace & peace,
Hello 2019 The Higher Ground - "In life, as in chess, forethought wins." - Charles Buxton - Parkesburg Baptist Church
Notes From the Combined Board Meeting on Dec. 13, 2018:

PRESENT: Pastor Mary Lewis, Rusty Young, Amanda King, Ellen Brehm, Laurie
Robinson,           Chris Markward, Ryan Clarke

ABSENT: Jamie Schempp, Suzanne Graybeal

Joint Meeting minutes:

  Mission Board:
     Summer Mission trip is tentatively scheduled to be in North Carolina from July
     21 – 27. The trip cost will be $ 250.00 / person . This fee will include housing
     and food. The mission board will vote definitively to confirm the trip location
  Trustee Board:
     1) Charlie Palmer reporting that a balanced budget for 2019 has been
     submitted.                            2) Board is requesting that members use
     the offering envelopes to designate desired money allocation. 3) As of January
     1 , 2019, 15% of all non- designated cash offerings will be allocated to the
     Mission      fund.
     4) Charlie Palmer will announce this change to the congregation.
  Deacon Board:
     Rick Woodhouse will be organizing the ALICE training sessions. Information
  By- Laws committee:
     Bert Graybeal reporting that the committee met and is in the process of
     reviewing the church by- laws. It was noted that the Boards and the
     Committees need to review their duties and responsibilities. After reviewing the
     duties and responsibilities, Bert requested that the By- Laws committee be
     notified of suggested changes.
  Nominating committee:
     Discussion held re: whether bylaws allow for members to volunteer for board/
     committee slots. Suggestion made that Nominating Committee make the
     nomination process more clear to the congregation when they begin their work
     next October.
     Annual Meeting scheduled February 3, 2019. Year-end reports are due to
     Denise by the end of the year.

                                Respectfully Submitted,
                         Laurie Robinson, Diaconate Secretary
Hello 2019 The Higher Ground - "In life, as in chess, forethought wins." - Charles Buxton - Parkesburg Baptist Church

                             9:00 AM—12:00 PM
                                Cathy Pisch

                       JUNIOR CHURCH SCHEDULE

    Jan. 6      Deanna Blevins                Jan. 13   No Junior Church
    Jan. 20     Deanna Blevins                Jan. 27   No Junior Church

                             PARABLE QUEST
 Hey Kids ages 3 to 12, it is time for Parable Quest. Singing, dinner, Bible
stories and games can be enjoyed by all. Hope to see you there. Don’t forget
friends are always welcome! From 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Mark your calendars!

     Any questions? Please call Diane Palmer 610-593-2846 or
Tamara Oswald 610-857-3314.
     In case of bad weather please call to make sure we are having
Parable Quest.

                              BYF SCHEDULE

                      Sunday,     Jan. 6th          5-7 pm
                      Sunday,     Jan. 13th         5-7 pm
                      Sunday,     Jan. 20th         5-7 pm
                      Sunday,     Jan. 27th         5-7 pm

Hello 2019 The Higher Ground - "In life, as in chess, forethought wins." - Charles Buxton - Parkesburg Baptist Church

We (PBC) collect food each week for both the Octorara Area Food Cupboard and for our
church’s own pantry. Please place all donations on the table closest to the alley door or in
the basket at the front entrance. If you have questions, see Deanna or Brianna Blevins. We
thank you for your continued support for this mission.

Please add the following items to your food cupboard list: paper towels, napkins, feminine
products (pads w/wings), toilet paper, tissues, bath soap, laundry soap, body lotion,
toothpaste, tooth brushes, mouth wash, trash bags (all sizes), dish liquid. They are
currently looking for non-perishable donations of the following: meaty soup, spaghetti
sauce, spaghetti noodles, applesauce, canned fruit, canned beans, peanut butter & jelly.

                    Bible Word Search: Wisdom of Christ
All the words listed below are in the puzzle - left, right, up, down or diagonally. Find each        and
circle each letter of the words you                leftover letters in the correct order to form the
mystery answer. (Answer will be in next months newsletter)

                                                                    Creation, Displayed,
                                                                    Excels folly, Ezra,
                                                                    fear of the Lord,
                                                                    given by Christ,
                                                                    Gives happiness, Gives life,
                                                                    God's Law, Huram, Jesus,
                                                                    Keeps from evil,
                                                                    Makes strong,
                                                                    Mechanical skill, Mighty,
                                                                    Moses, Nature,
                                                                    Not asked for,
                                                                    not without God, Realized,
                                                                    Solomon, Sovereignty,
                                                                    Technical skill,
                                                                    The righteous, Women

                                                                   Answer to the December’s puzzle:

                                                                              Eternal Life
Hello 2019 The Higher Ground - "In life, as in chess, forethought wins." - Charles Buxton - Parkesburg Baptist Church
   Each Sunday the service is recorded. If you would like a CD copy of the
service, please sign notepad at the sound board or see Todd Allen. You can also
listen to the service on our website.
 Digital Newsletter: If you currently do not receive this newsletter via email and
wish to do so, please contact the church office and provide your email address or
email info@parkesburgbaptist.org
                         Octorara Area Food Cupboard
In addition to food donations, the OAFC also supplies toiletries to families in
need. Currently they are looking for :
      toothpaste; tooth brushes; shampoos, deodorants,
      bath soap, toilet paper, tissues and bandaids.
They have none of these items in stock. Please help if possible. Thank you

                                THANK YOU NOTES

           To The Members and Friends of the Parkesburg Baptist Church:
 I would like to thank you for your many expressions of love and support you have
                   given me and my family during this difficult time.
 I especially want to thank Diane & Tamara and all the ladies in the kitchen for the
wonderful meal they prepared (as usual), Jeanie for her decorations and those who
                              donated food for the meal.
   I thank Mary for the kindness, caring and support she extended to us. I did not
 send Christmas Cards this year but I want to take this opportunity to wish each of
            you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Blessed New Year.
                                  In Christian Love,
                                    Barb Mellinger

I would like to thank everyone for the cards and gifts, as well as their help, kindness
 and love given to me in the past year. Everyone has made my job so much easier.
                                  Thank you again,
                          Denise Tomey, Church Secretary
Hello 2019 The Higher Ground - "In life, as in chess, forethought wins." - Charles Buxton - Parkesburg Baptist Church

     The next Men’s Fellowship meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 9th
                        at 9 am at the Dutchway Restaurant.
               They had 9 in attendance at the December meeting.


We have Sunday school classes for everyone in the entire family. Come check one
out! Our Sunday school classes and teachers are:

     *Nursery (birth - 3 years old) - Cathy Pisch
     *Pre-K (age 4) - 2nd Grade - Michelle Myles
     *3rd - 6th Grade - Megan Clarke
     *7th - 12th Grade - Dustin & Amanda King
     *Adult Class - “Life Lessons from Galatians” - George & Rusty Young

If you would like to suggest a topic for an adult class, please see Ginny Schempp or
Debbie Desmond. We are always looking for new ideas or topics and anyone willing to
teach or volunteer.
Hello 2019 The Higher Ground - "In life, as in chess, forethought wins." - Charles Buxton - Parkesburg Baptist Church

SPECIAL REQUESTS                                        REQUESTERS

Curtis Aberts, Jim Rogers & Rob Vann                   Barry & Doris Aberts
Ruthann Passarelli                                     Jeanie Barnett
John Rode, Fred Weller & Willy Lally                   Bobbi Cross
Peter Rubincam                                         Helena Fulmer

TLC FRIENDS: Clint English, Peggy Haldeman, Verna Hanscom, Dorothy Major,
Catherine Rice, Norman & Loretta Robinson, Vivian Spotts and Lynn Vanderhoof

MILITARY PERSONNEL: Cpt. Matthew Fesak, Sgt. 1stC Christopher Gage,
Troy McBride, Joe Moore, Maj. Todd Moulder, SRA Andrew O’Hop,
Lt. Col., Bryan O’Neill, Erick Potter, Nathan Singer, GySgt. Matthew Wertz

                                       MILITARY PERSONNEL FOR THE

                                                 Troy McBride
                                           941 W. 3rd Street, Apt. 3
                                           Williamsport, PA 17701
Hello 2019 The Higher Ground - "In life, as in chess, forethought wins." - Charles Buxton - Parkesburg Baptist Church
Parkesburg Baptist Summer 2019 Mission Trip

Where:       Lumberton, New Bern, or Wallace, North Carolina (7.5 hours away)

Work: We will be working with Baptists on Mission this year in the areas of NC that
were greatly affected by Hurricane Florence. In addition to helping with the
rebuilding effort, we most likely will have the opportunity to work with the local kids
at a Vacation Bible School or Day Camp.

Housing: Volunteer house
Food:       Provided by organization
Transportation: Rental Vans
Cost: $250 (vans, gas, work supplies, food, housing)
When:       Sun. July 21 – Sat. July 27, 2019
Who: Open to anyone who has completed 6th grade and older; friends are always

Sign Up & Deposit: Team members must sign up by Feb. 17 by giving a $100
nonrefundable deposit to Dustin or Amanda King

Questions: Contact Dustin King (302-416-2029) or Amanda King (484-576-3602)

Website: baptistsonmission.org (check out Disaster Relief drop down menu)

  Chocolate Covered Pretzel Sale - $10 for one pound.
  *Orders due by Jan. 27. Making them on Feb. 2-9. Pick up Feb. 9.

   Bake Sale – various pies and whoopee pies for sale.
   *Orders due by April 22. Making May 8-10. Pick up May 10.

     “My Command is this: Love one another as I have loved you.” ~John 15:12
Hello 2019 The Higher Ground - "In life, as in chess, forethought wins." - Charles Buxton - Parkesburg Baptist Church
                  Birthday                 Important Dates & Times
                                           Jan. 8th     12:30pm       Faith Circle meets
                                                         7:00pm       Hope Circle meets

Jan. 3rd        Carol English              Jan. 9th       9:00 am Men’s Fellowship
                Chris Markward
                Jeanette Welsh             Jan. 10th      7:00 pm Deacon & Trustee
Jan. 4th        Megan Clarke                                      meeting

Jan. 7th        Helena Fulmer              Jan. 11th                  All Reports due to
                Holly Wertz                                           Secretary for
Jan. 10th       Jansen Schempp                                        Annual Report
                Kevin Wilson, II
Jan. 12th       Noah Mercado

Jan. 14th       Fred Tyson, Sr.
Jan. 16th       Rev. Dan MacDonald
Jan. 19th       Ryan Clarke

Jan. 21st       S. Jamison Schempp
Jan. 24th       Todd Allen
                Kerrie Morrow

Jan. 27th       Sandra Cook            To the following couples:
                Charlene Pluck
Jan. 28th       Sally Lawson           Fred & Nancy Tyson - Jan 14th
Jan. 29th       Kyle Kabakjian
                                       Corby & Candace Decker - Jan 18th

                                       Don & Pat Jacke - Jan 31st
The Parkesburg Baptist Church would
like to wish everyone a very Happy    Directory Updates:
Birthday!                             Please make the following changes to your directory:

                                      On Dec. 2, 2018 we told that Dorothy Leike had passed
                                      away on Thursday, Nov. 29th, 2018.

                                      Mike & Laura Bunting have a new address:
                                      1300 Slaters Creek Rd, Goodlettsville, TN 37072
Parkesburg Baptist Church
103 West Street
Parkesburg, PA 19365

                                 The Higher Ground



 The Mission of the Parkesburg Baptist Church is to accept and treat everyone as Jesus would; bring people to a
         personal relationship with Him; and disciple all believers to be Christ’s witnesses to the world.

                               He gives strength to the weary
                            and increases the power of the week.

                                          Isaiah 40:29, NIV
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