ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL - AUGUST 22,2021 3330 14th Street, Lewiston, ID 208 -743-1012

Page created by Richard Walsh
ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL - AUGUST 22,2021 3330 14th Street, Lewiston, ID 208 -743-1012
AUGUST 22,2021

3330 14th Street, Lewiston, ID   208 -743-1012
ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL - AUGUST 22,2021 3330 14th Street, Lewiston, ID 208 -743-1012
statues in the news                                      hours of
         WHERE, WHEN                                              ADORATION
          As was previously relayed, the statue of Mary           Monday              8:00am-8:00pm
          has arrived, but where’s St. Joseph? He’s still         Tues, Wed, Thurs   10:00am-5:00pm
          in the process of being hand carved and has             Friday             10:00am-8:00pm
          not yet left Italy. Bases for the statues’
          permanent, secure display are in the
          developmental stages. The cost of this project
is $30,000.00.
Our updated received donations total is $6,280.00 . We are
facing a considerable difference in cost vs. donations. The
desire to have the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph displayed
more prominently in the sanctuary area has long been a            daily mass
request of numerous parishioners. Donations for the cost of
this project are needed and will be deeply appreciated.           READINGS
                                                                  23-Mon: 1 Thes 1:1-5, 8b-10; Mt 23:13-22
operation ministry activation                                     24-Tues: Rv 21:9b-14; Jn 1:45-51
WINE & CHEESE                                                     25-Wed: 1 Thes 2:9-13; Mt 23:27-32
                                                                  26-Thur: 1 Thes 3:7-13; Mt 24:42-51
Do you have a passion for wine
                                                                  27-Fri: 1 Thes 4:1-8; Mt 25:1-13
and cheese?
Do you feel called to serve others                                28-Sat: 1 Thes 4:9-11; Mt 25:14-30
wine and cheese? If you answered                                  29-Sun: Dt 4:1-2, 6-8;
yes to either of these questions,                                          Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27;
the Wine and Cheese Ministry is                                            Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
calling you! If you are interested
in creating a welcoming environ-
ment for fellowship after the 5:00 Mass, we are seeking a Lead
and Hosts for this fun monthly event. If interested, please up-
date your MSP account by preferencing the Wine & Cheese
Ministry or contact Dawn Melton, 743-1012.                        Save the Date!
                                                                  The Diocese of Boise has announced
sharing the bounty                                                that the Idaho Catholic Youth Conven-
HARVEST TABLE                                                     tion will be March 11-13, 2022. High
                                                                  school students who regularly partici-
The Harvest Table gives parishioners an opportunity to share      pate in Youth Group will be eligible to
the blessings of home gardens. Whether you grow and share         attend, so be sure to register for Youth
the bounty of your gardens or you take produce home, both         Group soon!
ways are a blessing. The Harvest Sharing Table can be found
immediately inside the doors leading into the social hall.                                                   1
ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL - AUGUST 22,2021 3330 14th Street, Lewiston, ID 208 -743-1012
register for                                                        job opening
R.E. & YOUTH GROUP                                                  Youth Ministry Coordinator
Family registration forms for Religious Education and Youth       All Saints is seeking a new Youth Ministry
Group (grades 1-12) for the 2021-2022 school year are             Coordinator who is a faith-filled, practicing
available on the table in the narthex. Please turn completed      Catholic with a deep desire to share a lived
forms with your payment in to the office ASAP so we can plan
                                                                  faith with young people and encourage them
                                                                  to develop a personal relationship with
seeking                                                           Jesus. The Youth Minister will work with and

CATECHISTS                                                        coordinate programs and activities for
                                                                  children in grades 6-12.
Is God calling you to be a catechist? We will be shifting some This is a full-time, salaried position with
of our catechists to new grade levels for the upcoming year.      medical, dental, and vision benefits.
As a result, we are looking for a couple of people to teach fifth See the full job description and application
grade and serve as a substitute when necessary.                   information on our parish website at
Please prayerfully consider if this is a ministry for which or contact the
you are called to serve God. Contact Margie at:                   parish office at for more information and to say
yes to this ministry.

preparing for                                                       all saints school
SACRAMENTS                                                          BACK TO SCHOOL
First Communion                                                     We hope to see you at our Back-to-School Ice
Students who are baptized and entering the second grade             Cream Social on Tuesday, August 24th, from
(or older) can be prepared to receive the Sacraments of First       5:00 – 7:00 PM. The children are
Reconciliation and First Communion. We are pleased to               encouraged to bring their school supplies to
announce that Deena Miller will be the catechist for the            their classrooms, meet their teachers, and
Sacramental Prep class this year. Please complete the               reconnect with friends. The first day of school
registration form and return it to the office ASAP. If your child   is Wednesday August 25th beginning at 8:25
is not yet baptized, please see the office.                         AM. The bus will not run in the morning on
Confirmation                                                        August 25th but will run the afternoon route.
Students who are baptized and entering grades 10, 11, or 12,
can be prepared for the Sacrament of Confirmation. We are           would you like a
pleased to announce that Deacon Matt Johnston will be the
instructor for the Confirmation class this year. Please             PEN PAL?
complete the registration form and return it to the office ASAP      All Saints Catholic
so we are sure to have enough materials.                            School has a pen pal
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults                             program in which we
 Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic faith?
                                                                    send periodic notes to
Are you a Catholic adult who has not yet been confirmed? If
so, please complete the registration form for the RCIA. Classes     the seniors (65 years or older) of our
will begin in September.                                            parish. There is no expectation of your
                                                                    writing back. If you would like to have a
Knights of Columbus                                                 student write to you, please contact Karen
MEMBERSHIP POTLUCK                                                  Edmundson at
                                                                    with your name and address. If you prefer,
       KC Membership Potluck Dinner
                                                                    you may also stop by the front desk at the
       Friday 8/27/21 5—7 PM
                                                                    school with the pertinent information.
       All Saints Catholic Church Social Hall
       Please bring a side or dessert
       Families are welcome!
ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL - AUGUST 22,2021 3330 14th Street, Lewiston, ID 208 -743-1012
mass                                                 a parishioner driven
INTENTIONS                                           NEW MINISTRY
08/21 5:00 pm        Int. All Saints Parishioners    Is writing a short cheerful note a gift of yours?
08/22 7:30 am        Jordan VonTersch †              We have a number of “golden seniors” in various care facilities
      10:00 am        Sal & Anne Petracca †          in our area. This is an opportunity for your cheerful note to
08/23 7:15 am        as per Fr. J. Schmidt           make a difference in their day or week. Your notes of
08/24 7:15 am        Gene Feucht †
                                                     encouragement and kindness can be left at the parish office
       9:00 am       Patricia Patten †
08/25 7:15am         Int. Fr. Nathan Dail
                                                     and a parishioner will distribute them to the variety of care cen-
       9:00 am       Henry Duclos †                  ters in this area. Please prayerfully consider participating in this
08/26 7:15am         NO MASS                         new ministry. If you have questions, call the office.
       9:00 am       Helen Wittman †
08/27 7:15 am        Irvin & Celeste Sullivan †
       9:00 am       Jordan VonTersch †              in-person
08/28 5:00 pm
08/29 7:30 am
                     Int. Kristen Wemhoff
                     Rita Hassenoehrl †
                                                     ENGAGED ENCOUNTER
      10:00 am        Int. All Saints Parishioners   An in-person Engaged Encounter Retreat will be held September
                                                     17-19 at the Monastery of St. Gertrude in Cottonwood.
gifts of                                             Engaged couples can learn more or register online

TREASURE                                             at Registration for this retreat is open until
                                                     August 22nd. Please contact Eric or Alea at 208-451-6049
                                  August 15, 2021    or with questions.
Weekly Budget                      $ 16,477.00
Contributions Rcd.                 $ 16,958.00
YTD Cont. Rcd.                     $112,224.29
Annual Goal                        $856,805.00       a parishioner’s experience
                                                     OF THE REAL PRESENCE
debt                                                    “ As I sat in adoration, the moment I walked in the cathedral I
                                                     felt love like I never have in a long while. As I sat, let go of
REDUCTION                                            everything I thought I had control of, my entire body—from the
                                                     tips of my toes to my head—felt tingle throughout. My headache
August Gifts                           $3,857.00     instantly went away. I have no worries—the moment I left I re-
# Contributing                         27 Families   ceived phone calls I have been waiting for—filled with great
Participation Rate                       7%          news. Everything I’ve been worried about, been praying for, was
                                                     coming. All love in great abundance. God Bless.”

prayer                                               Paper & pencils can be found in the narthex so you can share
                                                     your experiences or you can submit your written experiences to:

Gloria Cocossa 208-743-5287
Email prayer chain:
Audrey Glasser 208-743-2986
Betty Lillie (Sacred Heart) 843-2363

ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL - AUGUST 22,2021 3330 14th Street, Lewiston, ID 208 -743-1012
why do we do that?
                                                              CATHOLIC LIFE EXPLAINED
stay current in
MSP                                                           Question: We live in a country that upholds the sepa-
                                                              ration of Church and state. What is the role of Catho-
Create a MSP Account or Log Into Your Existing Account
                                                              lics in society?
1.Go to All Saints Catholic Church Homepage, find the MSP
rotating banner, and click on the MSP link                Answer: The role of the Church in the world has tak-
2. Scan this QR code:                                     en different forms over time, but the theme is the
                                                        same. Be disciples in it! As the lay faithful — that is, not
                                                        vowed priest or religious — we are called to live and
                                                        love in the circumstances of our daily lives. St. John
How to Download MSP App for Mobile Devices              Paul II wrote a document about the laity. In it he
   1. After you download the MSP App,in the ‘Web        wrote, “In their situation in the world God manifests
   Identifier Code’ box, type: ministrysch.             His plan and communicates to them their particular
   2. Enter your login information and password.
                                                        vocation of seeking the Kingdom of God by engaging in
   3. If you check the ‘remember me’ box, you will not
                                                        temporal affairs and by ordering them according to the
   have to type in your login information/password when
                                                        plan of God” (On the Lay Members of Christ’s Faithful,
   using the App.
Have questions or need help, we are here to assist you! 15).
(208) 743-1012               God wants us in the hospitals, the board rooms, the
                                                              law offices, the food pantries, and the little league
                                                              games! We are to engage in the affairs of the world.
                                                              But when we’re there, we should live the plan of God.
announcing                                                    We need to respect those around us, engage in just

CATECHISTS FOR 21-22                                          business and legal practices, and love our children. We
                                                              should care for the earth, use our money wisely, and
Thank you to the following catechists who have an-            get to know our neighbors. We must advocate for so-
swered the call to help teach our faith!
                                                              cial policies that respect human dignity and human
1 Grade: Sister Cristine Robertson
                                                              freedom. No matter our state in life, we are invited to
2 Grade: Deena Miller
                                                   build the kingdom of God!                                ©LPi
3 Grade: Kathy Chrisinger

4 Grade: Maggie Kelly

5 Grade: (still needed)

Middle School Youth Group: Ashley Gibson, Tim
High School Youth Group: Matt Polis, Tim Costa     thanking our
Confirmation: Deacon Matthew Johnston
Adults: Paul Sanchirico
                                                              BULLETIN SPONSOR
RCIA Team: Sheila Flock, Deacon George Ivory, Joe Thank you Twin
Tennant, Mark Gill, Kevin and Grace Wheeler-Poole, River Bank
Father Brad Neely, Father Mark Uhlenkott, Margie    for being a bulletin
Booth                                               advertiser who
                                                    the printing of our
                                                    weekly bulletin.                                               4
ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL - AUGUST 22,2021 3330 14th Street, Lewiston, ID 208 -743-1012
gospel meditation
“Far be it from us to forsake the Lord for the service of other gods.” We struggle with our gods. They appear in the forms of things
like money, power, prestige, popularity, privilege, and self-fulfillment. We like these “gods” because they make us feel good and ask
very little of us in return. When we worship them, we worship ourselves. How can you go wrong with that? We buy into the illusion
that if something can give us a comfortable life, free of want and need, then it is worth setting other things aside to pursue it. In es-
sence, we sell our souls. Our struggle with “who is God” and to whom do we belong is a real one and one that can easily find us
empty and experiencing disillusionment.
   The devil tempted Jesus in the desert and promised him more. We are promised “more.” But in pursuing the more and the satisfy-
ing we lose track of the cost, and the cost is great. We sacrifice our very life in pursuit of something disguised as life. We sacrifice
truth for something that only “feels” true. While the true and real God certainly promises us many things, many things are also re-
quired. It is not about the warm and secure feelings and self-absorption the world wants to provide, but of giving back. There can be
no lukewarm stance with regard to faith. If we are in, then faith in Jesus Christ asks us to do some difficult things: work in service of
God’s kingdom (not our own), love our enemies, offer no resistance to injury, that we must die to ourselves in order to find our-
selves, and trust that Jesus truly gives us his flesh and blood to eat and drink. These are hard things to accept and even harder to put
into practice. It is no wonder that many, who may be attracted to Jesus at first, walk away in pursuit of the more self-satisfying gods.
   But truth is truth. If we cannot accept it from the lips of Jesus Christ, then where else will we find it? To whom can we go? There is
only one source of truth and life, Jesus Christ. Jesus has the words of eternal life and if we do not go to him, then where else will we
find this gift? But we must be faithful and buy into the whole package deal that requires sacrifice and fidelity. When we do, we find
ourselves, through the Body and Blood of Christ, connected to the Source of all life and then intimately bound with our brothers and
sisters. We all have to decide whether we want to stay or go and if we can accept what Jesus has to say. It’s a choice we all have to

ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL - AUGUST 22,2021 3330 14th Street, Lewiston, ID 208 -743-1012
Church: 3330 14th Street, 208-743-1012

                   ALL SAINTS
               School: 3326 14th Street, 208-743-4411

                         CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL
weekend                                   PASTOR: Fr. Bradley Neely 
                                          PAR. VICAR: Fr. Mark Uhlenkott
MASS TIMES                                DEACON: Chris Davies             
SATURDAY        5:00 p.m.                 DEACON:    George Ivory              
SUNDAY          7:30 a.m.                 DEACON:    Matthew  Johnston
               10:00 a.m.
                                          PARISH ADMIN: John Biggi     
                                          ADMIN.ASST: Gail Jampolsky    
               11:45 a.m. (Sacred Heart)  BOOKKEEPER: Gloria Cocossa
weekday                                   YOUTH MINISTRY COORDINATOR: VACANT
                                          DIR OF RELIGIOUS ED: Margie Booth
MASS SCHEDULE                             DIR. MINISTRY: Dawn Melton  
See “Mass Intentions” on page 3 for the   FACILITY  MANAGER:   Jarett Larson
                                          ASCS PRINCIPAL: Denise Hammrich
most accurate weekday Mass schedule.
                                          SACRED HEART, LAPWAI: Paula Heinzerling sacred.heart@
TUESDAY         12:30 p.m. (Sacred Heart)                                     
sacrament of                                  
RECONCILIATION                           sacrament of
SATURDAY      3:30-4:30 PM               Contact the parish to register for a class and schedule a Baptism.
SUNDAY        8:45-10:00 AM              sacrament of
SACRED HEART Last Sunday of the          Please contact the parish priest at least four months prior to
              month after Mass           setting a date for the wedding.

ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL - AUGUST 22,2021 3330 14th Street, Lewiston, ID 208 -743-1012 ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL - AUGUST 22,2021 3330 14th Street, Lewiston, ID 208 -743-1012 ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL - AUGUST 22,2021 3330 14th Street, Lewiston, ID 208 -743-1012
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