Big Developments Read how God has blessed us at Oasis Village during 2020 - ISSUE 4 - Oasis Village Trust

Page created by Darren Rios
Big Developments Read how God has blessed us at Oasis Village during 2020 - ISSUE 4 - Oasis Village Trust
... a light in the darkness   ISSUE 4   Autumn/Winter 2020

Big Developments
Read how God has blessed us
at Oasis Village during 2020
Big Developments Read how God has blessed us at Oasis Village during 2020 - ISSUE 4 - Oasis Village Trust
News from
    t has been an interesting year, with lots of        between 1st and 10th in their class. They enjoyed
    restrictions in place. However, life at Oasis has   Hungry Lion, followed by a
     continued as usual, even if the children have      movie.
     been restricted in their movements.
The children always LOVE trips to Hungry Lion for
chicken and chips. It’s hard to beat! They also all
went to the cinema to see ‘Angry Birds’, which
was a treat; the small ones screamed when the
lights went off, and yes one did spill ALL their
popcorn before we even sat down.
                                                                                        children with their
                                                                                            Hungry Lion
                                                                                     A special bar of
                                                                                     chocolate was given to
                                                                                     the children who came
                                                             chocolate winners       in the top three in
                                                        their class. Peggy (3), Bupe, Given, Claudette (2),
                                                        Elijah and Anita (1). Super proud of all the children
                       We still continue to             who are working hard in school.
                       celebrate the children’s
                       birthday each month – the        We welcomed Anna to the Oasis family in June.
                       gift they are ALL after is       The day she arrived was her birthday and I know
                       trainers. I’m pretty sure        that coming to live at Oasis was a great present!
                       they are ‘knock offs’ as         In September Abraham joined the Oasis family. He
                       they come from the China         was rescued from a very abusive home situation
                       Mall; however, the kids are      and we’re so happy to be able to help. No child
                       happy!                           should have to go through what he had to; despite
                                                        this he is a smiley and chatty wee boy.

    at the cinema

We were limiting the
children’s movements, due
to Coronavirus – however, I
had to have the 25 children,
who had done well in
their class tests, round to
my house! They all came
                               some of the children
                                with their trainers              Anna                        Abraham
Big Developments Read how God has blessed us at Oasis Village during 2020 - ISSUE 4 - Oasis Village Trust
We headed to Lusaka at the end of June, for Ziso         The children were also blessed to get NEW school
to preach and the praise group to perform in             shoes from a kind donation!
church. The children had their first taste of Nandos
and Hungry Lion was quickly forgotten. I think a         We were also blessed with a donation of 50 Good
lot of them even mentioned this in their sponsor         News Bibles; we gave the older children/those
letters. It still amazes me, that a simple meal out      who can read. Then 20 bibles were given out to be
can bring such joy. It’s a blessing to be able to give   used in the classrooms and a few were put into our
the children these special memories.                     library.

                              The other highlight
                              was riding in the
                              back (only in Africa)
                              of the new 4X4 Ford
                              Ranger that we were
                              totally blessed with in                            the older children with
                              February. Ziso is able                                   their bibles
          at Nandos           to go anywhere and         shoes which had been
                               everywhere!                     donated
                                                         Thanks to everyone reading this, for your love and
                                                         continued support

                                                         Much love,

   enjoying the back of the
                                                         Nicki & Ziso

Houses are being encouraged to have their own
gardens for vegetables. In the photo, above right,
we can see that Auntie Beatrice has her garden off
to a good start!

We love getting donations – we have a store room,
where I try to sort all the clothes and shoes into
sizes. The children needed new shoes; as you can
see from the photo there was quite a range to                                  Ziso and Nicki Moyo are the
choose from.                                                                visionaries behind Oasis Village.
                                                                           They have three beautiful children;
                                                                                   Zach, Zoe and Zara.
Big Developments Read how God has blessed us at Oasis Village during 2020 - ISSUE 4 - Oasis Village Trust
Coronavirus has had an impact on Zambia, as it has      At Oasis, we set up hand washing stations outside
had on the rest of the world. Although it hasn’t        each house and when the grade 7 pupils were
hit Zambia as hard as other countries, people                                               allowed to
speculate this is to do with the warmer weather,                                            return, their
others say it’s God’s Blessing. All I can say is that                                       temperatures
we are grateful to God. It is very hard to do social                                        were taken,
distancing in compounds and villages where many                                             face masks
people live in a small hut; face masks are non-                                             worn and
existent. So I think if the pandemic had hit Zambia                                         hand washing
hard, there would have been countless deaths.                                               was in place.

In towns, at least people are wearing masks,
sanitising hands before entering shops and
temperatures are being taken.

                                                        The place was also fumigated before school
                                                        reopened. Oasis also went into a lockdown during
                                                        the initial stages.

                                                        a foot
According to statistics there have been 16,971          washing
cases, 16,011 people have recovered and there           station
have been 349 deaths.                                   to Oasis
                                                        so hands
The government did close schools for a term from        could be
April and then examination classes only were            washed without everyone touching the tap.
allowed back. In September all classes were
allowed back.                                           When you fly into Zambia you have to self isolate
                                                        for two weeks, although I would doubt anyone
                                                        actually follows this up.

                                                        We don’t know of anyone connected to Oasis,
                                                        Mountainside or our many churches who has had
                                                        Corona Virus.

                                                        Anyway, we just thank God that there have been
                                                        few deaths in Zambia and these were mostly due
During this term we did have a few of our teachers      to underlying health issues. We continue to pray
coming in so that the kids at Oasis kept learning.      that this pandemic will be eradicated all over the
Big Developments Read how God has blessed us at Oasis Village during 2020 - ISSUE 4 - Oasis Village Trust
Moyos return
                                                             to Belfast

                                                               Photos clockwise from top left: Zach, Zoe & Zara on their
                                                               first day at school, a family summer day out to the beach
                                                                                  and the car we have been blessed with.

It was always our intention to return to Belfast         It was very emotional leaving Zambia. At our
for the sake of Zach, Zoe and Zara’s education.          last Sunday service, the Oasis kids sang us a song
However, I left with the kids a year earlier than        and presented posters they had painted, cakes
expected. Due to everything going on with                they had baked (see photos below) and Shepherd
Coronavirus, children home schooling and the level       presented me with roses. We had
of work that they were being given, we really            been blessed with some money, so
felt that they were getting behind and that it was       after the service the small kids went
better to get them into schools in N. Ireland as         to get a takeaway from Pizza Hut
soon as possible. Therefore in August the children       and the big children went to their
and myself returned to Belfast.                          new favourite restaurant – Nandos!

God has been very faithful and has looked after
our every need – the children all got accepted into
good schools and we were even blessed with a car!

Zach, Zoe and Zara are all enjoying school and
have in settled quickly, making new friends.

We are all LOVING having quality time with friends       Leaving Oasis Village was even harder. I spoke to
and family…… even if it’s just a small bubble at         the children and gave out sweets, Zoe and Zara
the minute!                                              had made them cupcakes too. When we left they
                                                         followed us to the car, got in and said they were
Ziso remained in Zambia and will be there for the        coming with us. We miss them all so much and
foreseeable future, putting things in place. We          can’t wait to go back and visit, God willing, in
will still very much be a part of the work at Oasis      2021.
– this is our baby, we started it and it will continue
to function, even if we are not physically there.
Big Developments Read how God has blessed us at Oasis Village during 2020 - ISSUE 4 - Oasis Village Trust
Families at O
 We have lots of sibling groups and cousins living together at Oasis Village. We are so
 priviliged to be able to bless whole families in this way and not just rescue one child.
 It’s even more of a blessing that the children grow up together and continue to know and
 love each other, both as their biological family unit but also the Oasis Village family unit.


      Ruth & Claudette                   Anita & Moses                   Christine & Peggy

Triplets                       Sisters                           Cousins

   Miracle, Given & Blessed             Shalom & Christine                 Charity & Paul
Big Developments Read how God has blessed us at Oasis Village during 2020 - ISSUE 4 - Oasis Village Trust
Oasis Village

      Shepherd & Elizabeth                  Catherine & Jairus                   Elijah & Gillrinnoh

                                                Brother &

       Patricia & Francis                                                  Misheck, Shadrick, Patience &
                                                                                Lillian (all siblings)

 Paul, Prince, Emmanuel (brothers)   Joe (cousin), Naomi, Esther & Mary   Francis (cousin), Agness, Taonga &
           & Jeff (cousin)                         (sisters)                 Francis (brothers and sister)
Big Developments Read how God has blessed us at Oasis Village during 2020 - ISSUE 4 - Oasis Village Trust
Oasis kids

                                  Here is a selection of
                                  birthday photos from
                                     throughout 2020

                                            Below: We all got NEW school shoes

                                      Our praise group performed in a church          Top to bottom:
       We love Hungry Lion!
                                                     in Lusaka                    Gillrinnoh, Learnmore,
This is our receipt for 70 people!!
                                                                                 Louis are all sitting Year
                                                                                         12 exams
Big Developments Read how God has blessed us at Oasis Village during 2020 - ISSUE 4 - Oasis Village Trust
An Unexpected Visitor
  Sam is a missionary in Zambia, originally from India. He had come to Ndola to stay with Ziso as he
  was sorting out paperwork to fly to India – there was a delay doing this due to Covid restrictions
  in India. Therefore, Ziso made use of Sam – in times when no one had visitors, Sam did children’s
  ministry, played sports with them and also preached in church.

                       It was great for the children to have something different to do and we look
                       forward to welcoming Sam back again when he next passes through Ndola.

     It is always a JOY to host visitors – so whether you want to come alone or come on a team, our door
                                                  is always open!
                             Get in touch via the website if you would like to visit!

  Even though the world has been in
lockdown, Oasis has made the most of            Recent Developments
this with a lot of new developments at
              Oasis Village.

Library                                               Solar Panels
                                                                                              Our other
                                                                                              progression is
                                                                                              that we have
                                                                                              now installed
                                                                                              solar panels
                                                      and inverters at Oasis, thanks to the help of a very
                                                      generous donation. Zambia still has a BIG issue with
                                                      not having enough electricity and Oasis loses power
Our library/computer lab is finished, except for      for at least 8 hours a day. With it becoming dark at
the shelves inside. It’s actually our biggest room    6pm, it was a real struggle for the older children
at Oasis and so the Grade 7s have moved into it       in particular to do homework/study for exams.
as a classroom as there is a lot of air and space     This has made a huge difference at Oasis and the
to keep desks apart. They will return to their        children, house parents and teachers are very
classroom when restrictions have been eased.          grateful.

Sports Pitches

Work to build a sports
facility has commenced.
We are building a tennis
court, basketball court,
volleyball court and also a
football pitch. The children
have already started using the basketball court and we hope that the facility is finished soon,
along with toilets and dressing rooms.
Big Developments Read how God has blessed us at Oasis Village during 2020 - ISSUE 4 - Oasis Village Trust
Mountainside Primary
Mountainside Primary has continued to go from strength to strength.
I remember when we initially opened we only had one of each class,
from baby to grade five. We now have 2 classes from reception to
grade 6, one baby class and one grade 7. For the last three years
we have had a 100% success rate for children passing their grade 7
exams and going to secondary school.

In March we celebrated World Book Day and a special guest was
invited to chose the best costumes for each year group. These
children were awarded a book voucher/books. It was a very fun, colourful
day and of course I had to dress up as well. Out of the ten prizes, Oasis kids
got 6 and I had nothing to do with choosing them! Naomi - Moana, Jairus -
Black Panther, Miracle - Superman, Shepherd - Bishop, Henry - Scar (Lion
King) and Francis - Knight

Later in the month, we sent four football teams (U11
girls and boys, U13 girls and boys) to Simba International
School to take part in a tournament. There were four
schools taking part and Mountainside were the overall
winners with U11 boys and girls coming first, U13 boys
second and U13 girls third. It was a great day and
Mountainside made us very proud!

                                             In July, our head teacher Ramuel Sakala married one of
                                             our classroom assistants, Christine Kasonde. Mary, Zoe
                                             and Zara were in the line up. It was a great day and
                                             we wish them every joy and happiness in their future
                                             life. Ramuel is our grade 7 teacher and does a great
                                             job helping the pupils to achieve great results. He is
                                             also one of our football coaches and teaches Scripture

The pupils recently had Careers Day, when they dress up as
what they would like to be when they grow up. It’s always a
fun day with lots of doctors, nurses, teachers, business men/
women – to name a few.

                          You might remember in one of
                          our previous newsletters that we
                          introduced you to Auntie Pauline,
                          who used to be in our kids club when
                          we ministered in Sakania Village. She is now one of our house mums and a
                          teacher at Mountainside. We sponsored her to do her teacher training and
                          in November she graduated!
Oasis Ministries
The harvest is plenteous but the labourers are few. There is so much
work to be done. We need children workers, youth workers, house
mothers, maintenance workers and Pastors. We pray for people with
a servant heart. And it was refreshing recently to ordain more than
20 pastors on one day.

We accomplish more when we work as a team. Oasis Ministries
recently put together a National Leadership committee to have
oversight on a national level. This committee is made up of 10
people. Reverend Daniel Kamawe is the National Leader of the
Zambian churches. Daniel and his wife Annie have three beautiful children (Bethany , Benicia and

Pastor Zimba and his wife Pastor Nasilele make local news for JESUS on TV. They received cement
to continue with church building work from a local MP.

Churches are being planted
                                                                         Mongu is 900km from
                                                                         Ndola. Ziso travelled
                                                                         with Zach, Zara and
                                                                         Agness. They had to
                                                                         drive through a National
                                                                         Park at night and Ziso is
                                                                         sure he heard lions roar
                                                                         and bushes rustle! You
In a village called Nyenyezi/Masaiti                                     wouldn’t want to break
District people gathered under the                                       down!
trees and a church was launched.

                                                                              Far left; a church
                                                                              plant in Congo

                                                                              Left; a church plant
                                                                              in Malawi

Oasis Church

The main Oasis Church in Ndola had
been renting a building. However when
a local church joined us, we decided to
develop their plot and fix up the church
which had taken quite a battering
in the rainy season. We put up a
Sunday School structure, toilets and
modernised the inside of the building.
The church is continuing to grow on a
weekly basis.
A word
  from Ziso
   From birth Jabez had a tough and difficult beginning.

   He was born in sorrowful circumstances.. Jabez was
                                                            “Jabez was more honourable
   sentenced to a life of misery.                           than his brothers; and his
   He cried out to GOD to bless him and the LORD heard      mother called his name
   his prayer and answered him.
   God blessed Jabez and made him honourable.               Jabez, saying, “Because I
   Jabez had a bad start but ended well.                    bore him in pain.””
   Whatever the circumstances, GOD can change your
                                                                            1 Chronicles 4:9

                                             Prayer Points
     That God would continue to bless the children and house parents at Oasis.

     That the school would continue to do well and Grade 7 pupils would get good results. (We have five
     children from Oasis writing Grade 7 exams – Lillian Samakayi, Elijah, Jairus, Shadrick and Mapalo)

     That Learnmore, Louis and Gillrinnoh would pass their Grade 12 exams and be able to pursue further
     education/ learn a skill.

     That Billy and Mary would pass their Grade 9 exams so that they can continue on to Grade 10.

     That God would look after Ziso and give him wisdom to run Oasis.

     That people would have the desire to come and help with the work at Oasis.

     That God would continue to look after Nicki, Zach, Zoe & Zara as they continue the transition to life
     in the UK.

Want to get involved?
                          Did you know that each
                          and everytime you shop
                          online with your favourite       Why not make an online donation to the
                          retailers you could also         amazing work at Oasis Village Trust and help us
generate a donation for Oasis Village Trust? EBay, Jack    transform children’s lives in Ndola?
Wills, Amazon, Argos, Currys and many more!
Go to to find out more.         Go to
Just remember to add OVT as your charity!                  to make a one-off or regular donation.

                               Charity No. NIC102441
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