
ToC Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas – East European
History, vol. 66 (2018), issue 3
Discussion published by Melanie Arndt on Sunday, December 2, 2018

Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas – East European History Vol. 66 (2018), issue 3

This year’s third volume is an interdisciplinary special issue dedicated to inakomyslie (dissent /
thinking differently) in Russia from the 18 th century to the present. The issue’s guest editor
Agnieszka Zagańczyk-Neufeld (Bochum) addresses religious deviance in the late Russian Empire
in her historical study by focusing on the development and perception of the Khlysts as a religious
sect. Using the example of the priests Nikolai Eshliman and Gleb Iakunin, Christian Föller
(Münster) examines inakomyslie in the Russian Orthodox Church from the 1960s through the 1980s
from a theological perspective. He shows how the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church
presented themselves as both loyal Soviet citizens and ardent believers to claim their rights vis-à-vis
the state and the church. A discussion of the legal status of dissent in the Russian Federation by
Benjamin Reeve (Köln) completes the issue. His analysis of the interplay between state, constitution
and society helps to explain the difficulties faced by dissenters in contemporary Russia due to the
predominant interpretation of state and freedom.

Zagańczyk-Neufeld, Agnieszka Andersdenken in Russland. Ein interdisziplinärer Beitrag
zur Relevanz von inakomyslie [Introduction]
Zagańczyk-Neufeld, Agnieszka Religiöse Sekten als abweichende Gemeinschaften.
Die Chlysty in Russland bis 1905 [Religious Sects as Deviant Communities. The Khlysts
in Russia until 1905]

The purpose of this article is to look at a specific denomination of the Russian sect of khlysty that
emerged in the 1830s and until 1905 spread its communities all over Russia. The perspective of
longue durée allows to touch on the following three questions: How did the khlysty express religious
protest? How far khlysty as a sect can be understood as a community? What elements of their history
can shed light on Russian inakomyslie in general? Methodically, the research does not follow the        391-417
common deprivation approach. The deprivation approach emphasizes the connection of social
inequality and religion, stating that religion has a compensating function. Instead, we put emphasis
on religious experience as a strategy to cope with social inequality. This research builds on William
James’s concept of religious experience, on research on the history of sects and religious dissidents /
religious deviance in Europe and on Ferdinand Tönnies’ concept of Gemeinschaft. Religious
experience and feelings are regarded as main contributors to build and maintain sectarian
communities. Collective cohesion of religious deviant community life is shown to be driven by the
deep and religiously motivated feeling of unease and appears as a form of liberation from it.

Citation: Melanie Arndt. ToC Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas – East European History, vol. 66 (2018), issue 3. H-Russia. 12-0-
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


Föller, Christian Andersdenken(de) und Orthodoxie. Der Fall der Priester Nikolaj
Ėšliman und Gleb Jakunin [Inakomysliashchie and Orthodoxy. The Case of the Priests
Nikolai Eshliman and Gleb Iakunin]

The article deals with the phenomenon of “religious dissidents”, who called themselves
“inakomysliashchie”. This phenomenon arose in the Soviet Union at the beginning of the 1960s and
lasted until the mid-1980s. Who may be called and characterized as “religious dissident”? Religious
dissidents were laymen as well as clergy, who described themselves as orthodox Christians who
‘fought’ against their own church as well as against the Soviet State power. They reproached the
hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) for fraternizing with the atheistic rulers of the
Soviet Union instead of defending the Church. On the other hand they accused the Church – as well
as the State representatives – of disregarding their own laws and not acting according to common
respectively church law. Denunciations of this kind against State Authorities was risky for the Church
as a whole because arguments and reports blaming authorities for violating laws were questioning
the stable but difficult state-church-relationship, its status quo. The Church hierarchy was fearing
that this relationship could jeopardize the status quo of the ROC. Though mainly lay persons were
fighting against the hierarchy of the Church, also a bishop (Ermogen [Golubov]) and some priests
were accusing the Church and State hierarchy of not acting according to their own church canons        418-442
and laws.

Focusing on a joint action taking place in 1965, this article argues that the priests Nikolai Eshliman
and Gleb Iakunin both presented themselves as loyal citizens of the Soviet Union on the one hand and
as religious believers on the other. To this line they adjusted not only their argument, but also their
language towards their opposite. They acted as pravozashchitniki, but in a double way: they publicly
defended their rights against the State and the Church. By circulating their open letters in Samizdat
and in western press organs and also by sending them to other ecclesial and secular authorities, they
tried to build up more pressure on the authorities. Therefore, they linked the role of the ROC in
history (and present) with the Russian people and put special emphasize on the benefits for the State
from cooperation with the Church; they outlined a model of state-church-relationship that could work
for mutual advantage according to Orthodox canon law and State legislation.

Despite of the high actual relevance of the arguments put forward a reception and discussion of
religious dissidents and their theological arguments has not yet taken place. The article tries to fill
this gap.

Reeve, Benjamin Staatsräson oder Verfassung. Andersdenken und Gemeinschaftlichkeit
in Verfassung und rechtspolitischem Diskurs des post-sowjetischen Russlands [Reason of
State or the Constitution. “Inakomyslie” and Communality in the Constitution and the
Discourse on Legal Policy in post-soviet Russia]

Inakomyslie faces an ambivalent setting in today’s Russia. While the Russian constitution embraces
inakomyslie as one of its characteristic features (pluralism), the state creates a legal reality that
villainizes minority discourses. This article examines legal aspects of such tension and focuses on
constitutional minority rights. The article shows that current legal discourse and legislation are                         443-464
following legal concepts that do not conform to constitutional needs. Especially concerning the so
called foreign agent law, two opponent concepts of communality (Fraternité and Sobornost’) in
freedom of association, vividly appear. While the Russian constitution determines the concept of
Fraternité, parliamentary laws and much of the legal discourse seem to favour a concept of
Sobornost’. To justify this turn, Russian legal discourse moves outside its subject area and argues
historically and culturally. The author questions the idea of legally granted freedom in Russia. He
closes with an assessment on the current relation between state, constitution and society, which
shows that freedom in today’s Russia does not mark the beginning of political association but is
understood as resulting from the state.

Citation: Melanie Arndt. ToC Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas – East European History, vol. 66 (2018), issue 3. H-Russia. 12-0-
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


Štanzel, Arnošt osmikon löst die Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Osteuropa (ViFaOst) ab                                           465-467
Book Reviews
Kappeler, Andreas Die Tschuwaschen. Ein Volk im Schatten der Geschichte. ISBN: 978-
3-412-50564-6. Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau, 2016 (Hiroaki Kuromiya)
Münch, Christian In Christo närrisches Russland. Zur Deutung und Bedeutung des
>jurodstvo< im kulturellen und sozialen Kontext des Zarenreiches. ISBN: 978-3-525-56-                                      470-472
27-1. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017 (Dirk Uffelmann)
Pocai, Susanne Das deutsche und russische Sonderbewusstsein.
Parallelgeschichtliche Studien zur Geschichtsphilosophie Oswald Spenglers und Nikolaj                                      472-473
Berdjaevs. ISBN: 978-3-8382-0921-0. Stuttgart: Ibidem, 2016 (Ulrich Schmid)
Mälksoo, Lauri Russian Approaches to International Law. ISBN: 978-0-19-872304-2.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015 (Wolfgang Mueller)
Boeckh, Katrin / Turij, Oleh [Hrsg. von Katrin Boeckh und Oleh Turij] Religiöse Pluralität
als Faktor des Politischen in der Ukraine. ISBN: 978-3-86688-504-2. München: Biblion 476-477
Media, 2015 (Alfons Brüning)
Kazancev, Dmitrij A. Status gosudarja na Rusi i v Vizantii. Obščee i osobennoe v
praktike i doktrine (konec IX - načalo XVI v.). Monografija. ISBN: 978-5-4396-0628-3.                                      478-480
Moskva: Jurlitinform, 2014 (Jonathan Shepard)
Boiché, Olga Khallieva Imja et name. Aux sources de l'anthroponymie germanique, anglo-
saxonne et slave. ISBN: 978-2-84050-980-6. Paris: PUPS, 2015 (Holger Kuße)
Michałowski, Roman [Translated by Anna Kijak. Language editor for the translation Richard
John Butterwick-Pawlikowski] The Gniezno Summit. The Religious Premises of the
Founding of the Archbishopric of Gniezno. ISBN: 978-90-04-30523-6. Leiden, Boston, MA:
Brill, 2016 (Maike Sach)
Lentz, Thierry [Aus dem Französischen von Frank Sievers] 1815. Der Wiener Kongress
und die Neugründung Europas. ISBN: 978-3-8275-0047-2. München: Siedler, 2014                                               486-488
(Andreas R. Hofmann)
Ganjalyan, Tamara Diaspora und Imperium. Armenier im vorrevolutionären Russland
(17. bis 19. Jahrhundert). ISBN: 978-3-412-50572-1. Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau, 2016                                       488-490
(Dorothea Römer)
Tuna, Mustafa Imperial Russia's Muslims. Islam, Empire and European Modernity,
1788–1914. ISBN: 978-1-107-03249-1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015                                            490-492
(Desanka Schwara)
Reich, Karin / Roussanova, Elena Carl Friedrich Gauß und Christopher Hansteen. Der
Briefwechsel beider Gelehrten im historischen Kontext. ISBN: 978-3-11-034791-3. Berlin, 492-494
Boston: de Gruyter, 2015 (Galina Smagina)
Selart, Anti The Pskovo-Pechersky Monastery During the Livonian War (1558-1582)
- Pskovo-Pečerskij monastyr' vo vremja Livonskoj vojny (1558-1582 gg.). Holdings
in Estonia - Zemlevladenie v Ėstonii. ISBN: 978-3-8300-8916-2. Hamburg: Kovač, 2016
(Norbert Angermann)
Schmidt, Heiko Glaubenstoleranz und Schisma im Russländischen Imperium. Die
staatliche Politik gegenüber den Altgläubigen in Livland, 1850-1906. ISBN: 978-3-5-                                        496-498
5-31030-4. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015 (Sebastian Rimestad)

Citation: Melanie Arndt. ToC Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas – East European History, vol. 66 (2018), issue 3. H-Russia. 12-0-
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


Mangileva, Anna V. Sociokul'turnyj oblik prichodskogo duchovenstva Permskoj
gubernii v XIX - načale XX veka. ISBN: 978-5-7996-1582-6. Ekaterinburg: Izdat. UrFU,                                       498-500
2015 (Maria Köhler-Baur)
Sokolov, Sergej V. Koncepcii proischoždenija "Varjažskoj Rusi" v otečestvennoj
istoriografii XVIII - XIX vv. v kontekste evropejskich idej Rannego novogo vremeni.
ISBN: 978-5-9906258-5-3. Ekaterinburg: Bank kul'turnoj informacii, 2015 (Michael
Walicki, Andrzej [Transl. by Jolanta Kozak and Hilda Andrews-Rusiecka. Editorial work by
Cain Elliott] The Flow of Ideas. Russian Thought from the Enlightenment to the
Religious-Philosophical Renaissance. ISBN: 978-3-631-63668-8. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang,
2015 (Martin Beisswenger)
Steppan, Christian Akteure am fremden Hof. Politische Kommunikation und
Repräsentation kaiserlicher Gesandter im Jahrzehnt des Wandels am russischen Hof (1720- 506-508
1730). ISBN: 978-3-8471-0433-9. Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2015 (Ingrid Schierle)
Nachtigal, Reinhard Verkehrswege in Kaukasien. Ein Integrationsproblem des
Zarenreiches 1780-1870. ISBN: 978-3-95490-123-4. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2016 (Roland                                         508-510
Bovykin, V. V. Russkaja zemlja i gosudarstvo v ėpochu Ivana Groznogo. Očerki po
istorii mestnogo samoupravlenija v XVI veke. ISBN: 978-5-86007-772-0. S.-Peterburg:                                        510-512
Bulanin, 2014 (Carol B. Stevens)
Monahan, Erika The Merchants of Sibiria. Trade in early Modern Eurasia. ISBN: 978--
-8014-5407-3. Ithaca, NY, London: Cornell University Press, 2016 (Kristina Küntzel-Witt)
Rachimzjanov, Bulat R. Moskva i Tatarskij mir. Sotrudničestvo i protivostojanie v ėpochu
peremen, XV-XVI vv.. ISBN: 978-5-91852-155-7. S.-Peterburg: Evrazija, 2016 (Charles J.   514-516
Dietze, Carola Die Erfindung des Terrorismus in Europa, Russland und den USA
1858-1866. ISBN: 978-3-86854-299-8. Hamburg: Hamburger Edition, 2016 (Frithjof                                             516-518
Benjamin Schenk)
Volkmann, Hans-Erich Die Polenpolitik des Kaiserreichs. Prolog zum Zeitalter der
Weltkriege. ISBN: 978-3-506-78433-9. Paderborn: Schöningh, 2016 (Ralph Schattkowsky)
Selin, Adrian A. Russko-švedskaja granica (1617-1700 gg.). Formirovanie,
funkcionirovanie, nasledie. Istoričeskie očerki. ISBN: 978-5-86789-452-8. S.-Peterburg:                                    520-522
Russko-Baltijskij informacionnyj centr „BLIC“, 2016 (Stefan Troebst)
Hollings, Christopher D. Scientific Communication Across the Iron Curtain. ISBN:
978-3-319-25344-2. Heidelberg: Springer, 2016 (Doubravka Olšáková)
Gatejel, Luminita Warten, hoffen und endlich fahren. Auto und Sozialismus in der
Sowjetunion, in Rumänien und der DDR (1956-1989/91). ISBN: 978-3-593-50188-8.                                              525-527
Frankfurt a.M., New York: Campus, 2014 (Stephan Merl)
Szarota, Tomasz [Transl. by Tristan Korecki] On the Threshold of the Holocaust. Anti-
Jewish Riots and Pogroms in Occupied Europe. Warsaw – Paris – The Hague – Amsterdam –
Antwerp – Kaunas. ISBN: 978-3-631-64048-7. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 2015 (Klaus-
Peter Friedrich)
Domnitz, Christian [Unter Mitarbeit von Monika Tantzscher] Kooperation und Kontrolle.
Die Arbeit der Stasi-Operativgruppen im sozialistischen Ausland. ISBN: 978-3-525-35123-9. 529-531
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016 (Gerhard Wettig)

Citation: Melanie Arndt. ToC Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas – East European History, vol. 66 (2018), issue 3. H-Russia. 12-0-
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


Köstenberger, Julia Kaderschmiede des Stalinismus. Die Internationale Leninschule in
Moskau (1926-1938) und die österreichischen Leninschüler und Leninschülerinnen. ISBN:                                      532-533
978-3-643-50666-5. Wien: LIT, 2016 (Andreas Oberender)
Evans, Christine E. Between Truth and Time. A History of Soviet Central Television.
ISBN: 978-0-300-20843-6. New Haven, London: Yale University Press, 2016 (Maria                                             534-536
Kouida, Artem „Alles auf die Räder!“. Die Reparationspolitik der Sowjetunion gegenüber
Deutschland nach dem 2. Weltkrieg. ISBN: 978-3-944487-45-8. Herne: Schäfer, 2016       536-537
(Oxana Kosenko)
Bruno, Andy The Nature of Soviet Power. An Arctic Environmental History. ISBN: 978--
-107-14471-2. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2016 (Robert Kindler)
Josephson, Paul R. The Conquest of the Russian Arctic. ISBN: 978-0-674-72890-5.
Cambridge, MA, London: Harvard University Press, 2014 (Robert Kindler)
Whitewood, Peter The Red Army and the Great Terror. Stalin's Purge of the Soviet
Military. ISBN: 978-0-7006-2117-0. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2015 (Mark                                    540-541
Edele, Mark Stalin's Defectors. How Red Army Soldiers became Hitler's Collaborators,
1941-1945. ISBN: 978-0-19-879815-6. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017 (Andreas                                         542-544
Metger, Julia Studio Moskau. Westdeutsche Korrespondenten im Kalten Krieg. ISBN:
978-3-506-78192-5. Paderborn: Schöningh, 2016 (Kirsten Bönker)
Altstadt, Audrey L. The Politics of Culture in Soviet Azerbaijan, 1920-40. ISBN: 978-
1-138-63900-3. London, New York: Routledge, 2016 (Zaur Gasimov)
Luft, Ines Eduard Winter zwischen Gott, Kirche und Karriere. Vom böhmischen
katholischen Jugendbundführer zum DDR-Historiker. ISBN: 978-3-86583-258-0. Leipzig:                                        548-551
Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2016 (Eduard Mühle)
Alshanskaya, Alena Der Europa-Diskurs der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche
(1996–2011). ISBN: 978-3-631-66786-6. Frankfurt a.M., Berlin, Bern: Peter Lang, 2016                                       551-553
(Gerd Stricker)
Deme, Katalin Jüdische Museen in Ostmitteleuropa. Kontinuitäten - Brüche -
Neuanfänge: Prag, Budapest, Bratislava (1993-2012). ISBN: 978-3-525-37312-5. Göttingen: 553-555
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016 (Daniel Logemann)

See our website for further information.

Citation: Melanie Arndt. ToC Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas – East European History, vol. 66 (2018), issue 3. H-Russia. 12-0-
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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