St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

Page created by Derrick Ross
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
                       7584 Center Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823
                                  FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER
                                        May 10, 2020

                  Mission Statement/ Nuestra Mission
The Catholic Christian community of St. Charles Borromeo, having known the
Lord, wants to communicate through its celebrations, fraternal life, catechesis
and charity, the presence of the Risen Christ.
La comunidad Cristiana de San Carlos, habiendo conocido al Señor, quiere comu-
nicar a través de sus celebraciones, la vida fraterna, la catequesis y la Caridad, la
presencia de Cristo Resucitado.
Parish Office:                              Catholic Faith Formation Office (CFF):
Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm (Monday-Friday)             Director of Religious Education (English)
(Lunch Break: 12:30pm—1:30pm)                      Sister Ma. Josielinda Tanudtanud, RVM
Tel: 916-421-5177 Fax 916-392-4831                 916-421-7174 Ext.:540
Priests:                                           Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm (Thursdays-Off )
Fr. Oscar Gómez-Medina, Pastor, Ext: 570           (Lunch Break: 12:30pm - 1:30pm)
Fr. Dean J. Marshall, Parochial Vicar, Ext:. 560
                                                   Director of Religious Education (Spanish)
Office Staffs:                                     Hermana Sara Marquez Gomez
Miriam De Leon, Office Admin., Ext: 500            Lupita Viña & Mariana Mora
Hedy Hocson, Office Admin., Ext: 510               916-421-1063 Ext.:530
Email:                     Hours: 2:00pm - 5:30pm (Thursday-Off )
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Dear friends,

Happy Easter! We pray this finds you all well. Life here at the parish is quiet but busy. We are working hard to stay
connected to everyone and serve the community where we can. You all continue to remain in our daily prayers!
A few notes about life around the parish:
    • Some parents have approached me regarding confirmation and first communion. Yes, they will both definitely
        happen, even if the original dates have been canceled! Unfortunately, we just do not have firm dates until the
        current situation gets better. As soon we have more information, we will let you know. If you are involved in cat-
        echesis, feel free to stay connected with your teachers. As soon as we have new dates for the sacraments, we
        will let you know.
    • Our school continues to provide distance learning to the students. Our teachers are wonderful!
    • Our RCIA candidates and elect are ready to come into the Church! We have enjoyed getting to know them
        this year. Please keep them in your prayers since their Easter definitely didn't go as planned this year, just like
        the rest of us. If everything works out, we hope to bring them into the Church at the Vigil of Pentecost. Again,
        that date is tentative.
    • If you need anything from the office, the phones continue to be answered during regular business hours, alt-
        hough the office remains closed to the public. We are also working on updating the phone message so that it
        reflects our current staff and situation.
If there is anything at all you need, please let us know. If you are aware of a parishioner who needs something, please
also let us know. Our weekly bulletin and current Mass and confession schedule continue to be posted on the website
( and our Masses are being livestreamed on our Facebook page (
scbsacramento/). Note that you do not need a Facebook account to view the Masses!
Again, know that you all remain in our prayers. Please pray for us as well, and feel free to forward this to anyone you
think might need it. We hope to see you all soon!

In the risen Christ,
Fr. Oscar and Fr. Dean

Queridos amigos,

¡Feliz Pascua a todos! Esperamos que esté saludo los encuentre a todos con bien. La vida aquí en la parroquia es tran-
quila pero ocupada. Estamos trabajando duro para mantenernos conectados con todos y servir a la comunidad como
podamos a pesar de estas circunstancias . ¡Todos ustedes continúan estando presentes en nuestras oraciones diarias!
Algunas notas sobre la vida en la parroquia:
   •    Algunos padres se han acercado a nosotros con respecto a la confirmación y la primera comunión. Los
        dos sacramentos sucederán, aunque sus fechas originales estén canceladas. Desafortunadamente, no tene-
        mos nuevas fechas hasta que la situación actual mejore. Tan pronto tengamos más información, se las co-
        municáremos. Si está involucrado en la catequesis, puede ser bueno conectarse con sus catequistas y cuando
        tengamos más información sus catequistas se comunicarán con usted.
   •    Nuestra escuela continúa brindando educación a distancia a los estudiantes. ¡Nuestros maestros son maravil-
   •    ¡Nuestros candidatos y elegidos de RICA están listos para entrar a la Iglesia! Hemos disfrutado conocerlos este
        año. ¡Por favor manténgalos en sus oraciones ya que su Pascua definitivamente no fue como estaba planeado
        este año! Si todo funciona, esperamos traerlos a la Iglesia en la Vigilia de Pentecostés.
   •    Si necesita algo de la oficina, los teléfonos siguen siendo atendidos durante en el horario habitual de oficina,
        aunque la oficina permanece cerrada al público. También estamos trabajando para actualizar mensaje telefóni-
        co y sus debidas extensiones para cada miembro del personal parroquial.
Si necesita algo, llame o envíe un correo electrónico. Si conoce a un feligrés que necesita algo, háganoslo saber
también. Nuestro boletín semanal y el horario actual de misas y confesiones se siguen publicando en el sitio web
( y nuestras misas se transmiten en vivo en nuestra página de Facebook (https:// . ¡No necesita una cuenta de Facebook para ver las Misas!
Por favor sepan que todos permanecen en nuestras oraciones. Por favor, oren por nosotros también y siéntanse libres
de enviar esto a cualquier persona que crean que podría necesitarlo. ¡Esperamos verlos a todos pronto!

En Cristo resucitado,
P. Oscar y P. Dean
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Mass Schedule/Horario de Misa
All Masses are suspended until further notice                                      May 9 - May 15, 2020
Please see the parish website at
                                                              8:00am- -Brett Muramoto, -Ed Delmendo, †Ramon Tatlonghari, for continual information.
                                                              †Simplicio Hocson, Jr.
Reconciliation / Confesiones                                  Fifth Sunday of Easter
Tuesday -Wednesday / Martes - Miercoles:                      9:00am--Jesus Serrano, -Sis. Sarah Marquez, -Jonathan & Kelsey
 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm                                            Garcia de Alva, †Aura Minta Santamaria, †Celia Martinez,
 Saturday / Sabado:                                           †Esperanza & Gloria Cruz
 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm                                            10:30am- -Antonina Divina, -Michael & Stephanie Albano,
Easter Season, a time of joy and hope focusing on the         -Sister Josie Tanudtanud, †Taylor Barlow, †Ramon Tatlonghari,
resurrection of Jesus, begins on Easter Sunday, lasts         †Simplicio Hocson, Jr.
fifty days, and concludes with the Feast of Pentecost.        Monday
                                                              8:00am- -Arlene White, †Simplicio Hocson, Jr., †Ramon Tatlong-
                                                              8:00am– -Ping Delmendo & Family, †Ben Hebron
                                                              8:00am– †Inez Nguyen,

Saints & Readings For the Week
Fifth Sunday of Easter May 10
Acts 6:1-7 / Ps 33:1-2,4-5, 18-19 / 1 Pt 2:4-9 / Jn 14:1-12
Monday May 11
Acts 14:5-18 / Ps 115:1-4, 15-16 / Jn 14:21-26
Tuesday May 12
Sts. Nereus & Archilleus, St. Pancras
Acts 14:19-28 / Ps 145:10-13, 21 / Jn 4:27-31
Wednesday May 13
Our Lady of Fatima
Acts 15:1-6 / Ps 122:1-5 / Jn 15:1-8                                              We ask the Lord to reward the
                                                                              generosity of Our Giving Community.
Thursday May 14                                                              Previous Sunday’s Collection $ ______
St. Matthias, Apostle                                                              The median of the past years’
Acts 1:15-17, 20-26 / Ps 113:1-8 / Jn 15:9-17                               operating expenses $619,000 which sets the
Friday May 15                                                                      goal for each Sunday to $11,903.85
St. Isidore                                                                          Agradecemos a Nuestra
Acts 15:22-31 / Ps 57:8-10, 12 / Jn 15:12-17                             Comunidad Dadivosa por su generosidad.
                                                                            Colecta del fin de semana pasado $______
Saturday May 16 - BVM                                                       Los gastos del año pasado fueron $619,000
Acts 16:1-10 / Ps 100:1-3, 5 / Jn15:18-21                         Objetivo de colecta semanal para cubrir gastos es de $11,903.85
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Facebook Livestream Masses at St Charles Borromeo Parish:
Daily masses have been livestreaming every day from Monday to Saturday at 8:00am. Sunday Masses are livestream-
ing at 9:00 am in Spanish and 10:30 am in English at This will be our Sixth Sunday to
livestream; we appreciate your patience as we try our best to make the audio or sound audible and clear. Please fol-
low our Facebook page for any updates. Visit also our parish website: We are doing our best
to provide updated information to you!
La Parroquia de San Carlos Borromeo tiene Transmision de Misa en Vivo :
Las misas diarias se transmiten en vivo todos los días de lunes a sábado a las 8:00 a.m.
Las misas dominicales se transmiten en vivo a las 9:00 am en español y a las 10:30 am en inglés en
scbsacramento. Este será nuestro sexto domingo transmitiendo en vivo; Agradecemos su paciencia mientras hacemos
todo lo posible para que el audio o el sonido se escuche claro. Por favor, siga nuestra página de Facebook para
cualquier actualización. Visite también nuestro sitio web de la parroquia: ¡Estamos haciendo
todo lo posible para brindarle información actualizada!

Our Lady of Fátima
May 13 marks the first of six apparitions of the Virgin Mary to three shepherd children of Fátima, Portugal. Lucia dos
Santos (aged 9) and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto (aged 8 and 6, respectively) were tending sheep when they
had a vision of a woman surrounded by light who identified herself as the Lady of the Rosary. She exhorted them to pray
the rosary for world peace, for the end of World War 1, for sinners, and for the conversion of Russia. She gave the chil-
dren three "secrets." She promised a miracle in October, and on the 13th of that month a crowd of perhaps 70,000 peo-
ple witnessed a "miraculous solar phenomenon," in which the Sun appeared to fall toward Earth. The Vatican accepted
them as appearances of the Virgin Mary (Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fátima), and Fátima became the location of one
of the greatest Marian shrines in the world, visited by thousands of pilgrims each year.
Lucia dos Santos later become a Carmelite nun and live to the age of 97, Francisco and Jacinta Marto died as children as
a result of the influenza pandemic of 1918–19. The pious siblings were beatified in 2000 by Pope John Paul II, making
them the youngest non-martyred children to be beatified in the history of the Roman Catholic Church. They were canon-
ized as saints by Pope Francis in 2017 to coincide with the 100th anniversary of their visions.

Effective immediately for the safety of public health concerns Bishop Jaime Soto has suspended the public celebration of
Masses in the diocese.
Bishop Jaime Soto has granted a dispensation excusing everyone no matter the age from the obligation to attend Mass on
Sunday and Holy Days of obligation.
For more information and for continued updates on the situation please see our parish website at:
Con vigencia inmediata por razones de salud pública, el obispo Jaime Soto ha suspendido la celebración pública de misas
en la diócesis.
El obispo Jaime Soto ha otorgado una dispensa que disculpa a todos, sin importar la edad, de la obligación de asistir a misa
el domingo y los días santos de obligación.
Para obtener más información y actualizaciones continuas sobre la situación, visite nuestro sitio web de la parroquia en:
         Confessions will still be celebrated                               Las confesiones aún se celebrarán
         The confession schedule remains:                                   El horario de confesion sigue siendo:
             Tuesdays 6:00pm-7:00pm                                             Martes 6:00pm-7:00pm
             Wednesdays 6:00pm-7:00pm                                           Miércoles 6:00pm-7:00pm
             Saturdays 4:00pm-5:00pm                                            Sábados 4:00pm-5:00pm
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Message to our Parishioners:
During this difficult and challenging time of the COVID
-19 pandemic our Church depends on your support to
continue its ministry and providing help to the commu-
nity. Our parish is dependent upon the weekly or
monthly offertory collection (for maintenance, utilities
and needs of the church). We would be most grateful
for your continued financial support while our collec-
tions are significantly affected. Please continue to mail
in your weekly offertory donations to the parish, or by
connecting with us through the online giving link:
Thank you and God bless you!
Mensaje a nuestros feligreses:
Durante este momento difícil y desafiante de la pan-
demia COVID-19 nuestra Iglesia depende de su apoyo
para continuar su ministerio y proporcionar ayuda a la          Prayer :
comunidad. Nuestra parroquia depende de la                      Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of good
donación de ofrendas semanales o mensuales (para el             health and peace that we have enjoyed for so many
mantenimiento, los servicios públicos y las nece-               years. As we find ourselves in this time of crisis today,
sidades de la iglesia). Estaremos muy agradecidos por           we ask for your divine intervention and mercy to be
su continuo apoyo financiero, mientras que nuestras             upon each of us.
colecciones se ven significativamente afectadas. Por            Come and guide the minds of those working to discov-
favor, continúe enviando por correo sus ofrendas de             er a treatment to the COVID-19 virus. Grant them wis-
donaciones semanales a la parroquia, o conectándose             dom, knowledge, and clarity of mind, so that all peo-
con nosotros a través del enlace de entrega en línea:           ples will be free from the threat of this ailment.                              We also pray for the healthcare workers that are
¡Gracias y que Dios te bendiga!                                 standing in the front line of this battle. Father, we
                                                                thank you for their hearts of service, putting the needs
                                                                of society before their own, generously responding to
                                                                the cry of Your people. We ask that You will grant them
                                                                strength and protection. As they give of themselves in
                                                                selfless service, may You fill them with your Holy Spirit
                                                                as they work to be Your healing hands and feet!
                                                                Father, we also surrender to You all those who have
                  Diocesan News                                 been afflicted with the virus. Grant them Your healing
                                                                grace, merciful Father, so that they may recover swiftly
The FBI reports that EMAIL PHISHING and TEXT SCAMS are on       and continue to be witnesses of Your love in their lives.
the rise. Scammers are leveraging the COVID-19 pandemic as a
means of attracting victims.                                    Mother Mary, we ask for your intercession in this great
The Diocese has received multiple reports of texts and emails   time of need. Cover each of us with your blue mantle
impersonating Bishop Soto and pastors of the Diocese.
                                                                of protection, so that we may be preserved in good
                                                                health to continue to glorify your son, Jesus Christ. We
PLEASE CAREFULLY SCRUTINIZE THE ADDRESSES AND                   make this prayer through Christ, our Saviour and Re-
ACCOUNT INFO, or PERSONAL INFORMATION.                          Pope Francis daily

          ST. CHARLES BORROMEO SCHOOL                                                St. Vincent De Paul Society
                Mrs. Antoinette Perez, Principal
            Phone (916) 421-6189 Fax (916)421-395                                Hotline Number 916-733-2010
              Office Hours 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.                               It's time to make a plan. Every day think
                    SCB SCHOOL NEWS
                                                                                about a way you can be more kind and
                                                                                helpful to your spouse, your children, your
     Blessings to all our parish community from the St. Charles       neighbor, your co-worker, the other drivers on the
Borromeo School! We pray for the health and peace of everyone.        road, the cashier in the grocery store, the passer by on
May the joy of Easter fill your hearts and lift your spirits.         the street, and the struggling family in your parish
    School is still in session! We began Distance Learning with the   community. It might be a smile, a hug, a kind word,
full staff on March 16, 2020. We have been successfully advancing     helping someone with a task or household chore, giv-
the learning of all students every single day.                        ing a young couple a much needed break by watch-
     If you are looking for a school that is able to educate your     ing their children for a couple hours, by praying for all
child in faith and in academics whether in person or at the dis-      those in need, and with your monetary and food do-
tance, please contact us right away. Our students are learning        nations to those who are hungry. As you do this more
from their teachers! Also, the school is accepting applications for   and more, it will become a natural gesture to always
enrollment in Pre-K through 7th grade for 2020-2021.                  reach in need. Please help us keep our Food Closet
School will begin August 13, 2020. Applications for tui-              well stocked so we can help those who come to us for
tion assistance are available. Contact the school office for          food. Sounds like a great plan, right?
more information. See our website at                  Thank you! Call for all your questions or concerns.
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
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