SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - May 16, 2021 / 16 de Mayo del 2021 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
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Seventh Sunday of Easter May 16, 2021 MAY IS THE MONTH OF MARY PLEASE PRAY FOR . . . The month of May is one rich in tradition and a beautiful time of Quinnie Waters, Cynthia, Frank, Debbie, Anthony, Bill, Susan, the year to honor our Heavenly Mother. Don’t be afraid to seek Katie, Tim, Charlie, all the sick and suffering. the intercession of Mary, the Mother of God and Mother of the Note: If you want a name added or removed from the sick list, Church, in your daily prayers and devotions. please email or call the parish office. OFFERTORY Thank you for your generous offering to our parish. The following was collected during all parish Masses. May 1/2 Offertory $6,032 #Worshippers 875 April Electronic Giving $2,890 MASS INTENTIONS Hail Holy Queen Please find the full Mass Schedule on page 6. Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, Saturday, May 15 our life, our sweetness, and our hope. 4:00pm Parish & Parishioners To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. Sunday, May 16 To thee do we send up our sighs, 9:00am Parish & Parishioners mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Monday, May 17 Turn then, most gracious advocate, 12:10pm Anna Gillis thine eyes of mercy toward us, Tuesday, May 18 and after this, our exile, 12:10pm Quinnie Waters (living) Wednesday, May 19 show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. 12:10pm Joseph Boudreau O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Thursday, May 20 Pray for us O Holy Mother of God. 12:10pm Souls in Purgatory That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Friday, May 21 Amen. 12:10pm Souls in Purgatory Saturday, May 22 4:00pm Timothy S. Perry - 3rd Anniversary Sunday, May 23 9:00am Parish & Parishioners CONFIRMATION VIGIL – CONFIRMATION Next Saturday, we will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation at a 6:00pm Mass. You are welcome to attend and pray for the candidates. The Confirmandi include young men and women in high school as well as some adults. A couple of the candidates are entering into full Communion and receiving Holy Eucharist for the first time. Let us give thanks for their witness. Let us pray that the Spirit guide and protect them. COME HOLY SPIRIT! Renew the face of the earth. BAD NEWS FROM UGANDA We have received word that Fr. Charles was recently mugged and robbed last week. He had to go to the hospital but has been re- The image of the Blessed Mother is crowned with roses. leased. We don’t have too many details. They stole his phone. Let Parishioners gather around for a Mother’s Day blessing. us pray for his recovery and that his attacker be apprehended. 2
Seventh Sunday of Easter May 16, 2021 My brothers and sisters in Christ, WELCOME PAUL AND ANDREW The daily tasks of being pastor completely changed with the pan- We welcome two new seminarians to the parish. They will be demic but the Number One responsibility remains the same: to be living in the rectory for the next two months. The presence of faithful to Christ and His Church. Before a priest is installed as seminarians is good for the parish, especially the priests. Recent- pastor of a parish, he must take an oath of fidelity. On May 19, ly, I told Fathers Joseph and Fernando that our current seminari- 2006, I made a Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity to the an, Rodrigo, is getting close to finishing his studies. I told them Church in the presence of the regional bishop, Bishop Walter we need to send a new man for discernment. If every parish in the Edyvean (RIP). Every May, I re-read and reflect on the promises I Archdiocese sent just one healthy, happy, faithful, man to the made to the Lord, His Church and His people. I do this to be- Seminary for priestly discernment, we wouldn’t have a vocation come a better Pastor. I hope someday to get the hang of it. Please crisis. We are very happy to have them join us at St. Mary’s. Paul pray for me as I enter another year of shepherding the faithful Born is a 3rd year seminarian originally from Stoneham. He grad- here at St. Mary’s. I have re-printed the Oath of Fidelity for you uated from Boston College with a degree in Business. After work- to know what I promised back then. ing for a bank in New York City, Paul returned home to enter St. Your Pastor, John’s Seminary to become a priest for Boston. Andrew Rondelli Fr. Michael is a 2nd year seminarian from Middleborough MA. He is a gradu- ate of Providence College and Boston College. He is an organist OATH OF FIDELITY who has served in numerous churches. We are really happy to On Assuming an Office to be exercised in the Name of the have them with us for the summer assignment. If you get a Church I, Rev. Michael L. Nolan, in assuming the office of Pastor chance, please welcome them to St. Mary’s and pray for them and at Saint Mary, Waltham, promise that both in my words and in other men who God wants to be priests here in Boston. my conduct I shall always preserve communion with the Catholic Church. I shall carry out with the greatest care and fidelity the duties incumbent on me toward both the universal Church and the par- ticular Church in which, according to the provisions of the law, I have been called to exercise my service. In fulfilling the charge entrusted to me in the name of the Church, I shall hold fast to the deposit of faith in its entirety, I shall faithfully hand it on and explain it, and shall avoid any teaching opposed to that faith. I shall follow and foster the common discipline of the whole Church and I shall observe all ecclesiastical laws, especially those Paul Born Andrew Rondelli which are contained in the Code of Canon Law. In Christian obedience I shall unite myself with what is de- MORE WORSHIP CHANGES clared by the bishops as authentic doctors and teachers of the faith or established by them as those responsible for the govern- OFFERTORY/ SECOND COLLECTIONS: Last Friday, the ance of the Church; I shall faithfully assist the diocesan bishops, Archdiocese lifted the restriction on passing the offertory baskets in order that the apostolic activity exercised in the name and by during the Mass. We will return to this practice and also begin mandate of the Church may be carried out in the communion of second collections again since we have a responsibility to help the same Church. So help me God, and God’s holy gospels, on others around the world. If you have changed your giving practice which I place my hand. May 19, 2006 and now contribute monthly or online, please do not feel that you have to go back to old ways. Don’t feel awkward not putting something in the basket because you give online! We are grateful however and whenever you make your offering to God. We do encourage people to begin to give online. At the same time, I pray NEXT SUNDAY IS PENTECOST – WEAR RED! that we never stop passing the basket and giving you an oppor- tunity to make an offering to God’s Church when we come to- We encourage everyone to wear red next gether in Church. Remember the widow’s mite! week for the celebration of Pentecost. MUSIC: The Diocese is also lifting restrictions on communal Come Holy Spirit. singing of hymns starting next weekend. Worshippers are to be Renew the face of the earth. masked still and we are not allowed to have hymnals in Church yet so we will figure out a way to do it. We prefer not to be print- ing song sheets and wasting paper for six different Masses. 3
Seventh Sunday of Easter May 16, 2021 CONFIRMATION TRIP LAST WEEK FOOD DONATIONS Last Saturday we made our last Confirmation class trip to Drum- The Knights of Columbus sponsored a food donation drive during lin Farm in Lincoln. It was a great morning to hang out with the Lent, and we are grateful for the response from the parishioners. sheep, goats, cows, pigs and birds. The trip helped us reflect on We have collected more food than we can distribute at the present how God became a Lamb. We made these trips because we moment, so we ask people to hold off donating more until further couldn’t have in-person classes and we didn’t want to have class notice. We are planning a food pantry for a day in the near future meetings on Zoom. Christianity is incarnational. It is in person! so that the donations that we currently have do not expire. God came in person. Our previous trips were hiking up Boston Healthy Waltham continues to provide food drives 2-3 times a Rock, Concord and Harvard Square. A few other trips had to be month and we have noticed a drop off in numbers at the last two cancelled due to the pandemic. These have been awesome events dates. Hopefully this is a good sign that people are less in need and a great joy to the priests and the young people who have than in the prior year. spent so much time isolated and stuck at home. We recommend a KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEMBERSHIP visit to Drumlin Farm. The baby lambs are worth it. Become an online member for free! Now through June 30th, enter Promo Code MCGIVNEY2020 for 12 months of free online membership knights.html. WALTHAM HEAD START PRESCHOOL Waltham Creative Start, Head Start preschool program is accept- ing applications for September. The school provides free early education, support services, and nutritious meals to families who qualify based on income, with locations in Waltham and sur- rounding towns. Families can apply online at https:// or pick up an appli- cation at the school. For more information, email Sara at or call any of the schools. UGANDA MARTYRS FEAST 2021 The annual celebration of the Uganda Martyrs Feast will take place at 2:00pm on June 6, 2021 at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston. The pandemic restrictions do not allow for a Bishop to come from Africa this year. In light of this, Cardinal O’Malley graciously offered to lead the celebration at the Cathe- dral. The Mass will be televised on Catholic TV so that all may watch and participate. Confirmation students visit Drumlin Farm SACRED HEART OF JESUS – JUNE 11 We will celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Fri- day, June 11. In light of the sacrilege done to the statue at St. Charles, we will let you know what we will do to make reparation and seek that good come out of evil. The image of the statue is at St. Mary’s. We will be looking to see what can be done as far as repairs or if a new statue has to be made. BULLETIN COVER Flight into Egypt, Giotto c. 1304 Scrovegni Chapel, Padua Italy A depiction of the Holy Family seems fitting during this month of Mary in the Year of St. Joseph! Let us fervently call upon Mary Most Holy, the Mother of Jesus and our Mother, and St Joseph her spouse. Let us ask them to enlighten, comfort and guide every family in the world, so that they may fulfill with dignity and peace the mission which God has entrusted to them. Pope Francis Fr. Michael made a new friend! Angelus, December 29, 2013 4
Séptimo Domingo de Pascua 16 de Mayo 2021 Este próximo sábado 22 de mayo serán ordenados 5 sacerdotes para nuestra Hermanos y Hermanas, arquidiócesis de Boston; Hemos celebrado la Solemnidad de la Ascensión de Jesucristo 1. Rev. Mr. Fernando Ayala el pasado 13 de mayo así que hoy en el evangelio Jesus dice “ 2. Rev. Mr. David Campo Pero ahora voy a ti”haciendo referencia a su ascensión. Cristo 3. Rev. Mr. Robert LeBlanc prosigue diciendo “Yo les he entregado tu palabra y el mundo los 4. Rev. Mr. Leonardo Moreira odia, porque no son del mundo, como tampoco soy del mundo. No 5. Rev. Mr. Kevin Pleitez te pido que los saques del mundo, sino que los libres del mal”. Ciertamente estamos en el mundo pero no somos del mundo, el Oremos por ellos para que Dios mundo nos odia porque seguimos a la Verdad. Por ejemple el 26 los haga sacerdotes santos. de Abril en Canada un juez declaró legal que el nombre de una tercera madre fuera inscrito en el certificado de nacimiento de un LECTURAS bebe. Esto como respuesta al trio polígamo que pidió el reconocimiento legal de los tres como padres del niño. El mundo 1ra Lect: Hch 1, 15-26 nos invitará a unirnos a el y si nos rehusamos seremos odiados, Salmo: 102, 1-20 escupidos, maltratados y burlados por seguir a Cristo. Hoy si tu 2nd Lect: 1 Jn 4, 11-16 no eres odiado por le mundo, entonces eres del mundo. Como vives Evang: Jn 17, 11-19 hoy? Tienes algún hijo, familiar o amigo que se extraña que vengas a la iglesia?, por que si vienes a la iglesia tienes que renunciar al mundo, pero tal vez como no has renunciado al mundo es por eso que tus hijos, tu familiar o tu amigo se extrañan que vengas a la NOTICIAS iglesia. Misas: Lunes & Viernes 7pm. Los discípulos son enviados al mundo más que a transformarlo, Domingo 11am & 6pm a ponerlo en evidencia, a llevar el reto de la luz contra las tinieblas. Los que sean de la luz, los que sean de Jesús reconocerán su voz Bautismos: Llamar a la rectoría a través de la misión de los discípulos y así serán llamados. Hermanos, regresemos a Cristo, convirtámonos y demos verdadero Bodas: contactar al Pbro. Fernando testimonio de nuestra Fe al mundo, vivamos en la verdad Catecismo: Llamar a Nilvia * Si quiere ayudar en algo, o poner sus talentos al servicio de Dios en la Iglesia, comunicarse con el P. Pbro. Fernando J. Vivas Fernando ¡El programa preescolar Waltham Creative Start, Head Start está aceptando solicitudes para septiembre! Nuestra escuela ofrece preescolar gratis, servicios de apoyo y comidas nutritivas a las familias que califican según los ingresos, con escuelas en Waltham, Woburn y Newton-Wellesley. OFRENDA EN LINEA Las familias pueden presentar su solicitud en línea en o recoger una solicitud en la escuela. Para obtener ayuda o más información, envíe un correo electrónico a Sara a o llame a cualquiera de las escuelas. 5
Seventh Sunday of Easter May 16, 2021 SAINT MARY PARISH Parish Office: 781-891-1730 Fax: 781-209-0555 Mailing Address: 133 School Street, Waltham, MA 02451 Email: Please contact us via the website (WHO WE ARE > PRIESTS & STAFF) Website: SAINT MARY CHURCH SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO CHAPEL Location: 133 School St., Waltham MA 02451 Location: 51 Hall Street, Waltham, MA 02453 Parking Lot & Rel. Ed. Bldg: 30 Pond St., Waltham Parking Lot & Parish Ctr: 30 Taylor St. Waltham St. Mary Church is open every day from 8:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. St. Charles Borromeo Chapel is closed temporarily due to pandemic. La iglesia está abierta todos los días de 8:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de las Misas QUINCE AÑOS Saturday Vigil /Sábado Vigilia 4:00 pm Llamar al Padre Fernando para programar la celebración. La joven Sunday/Domingo 9:00 am debe estar participando en el Programa de Confirmación. 11:00 am Español BAPTISM/Bautismo 1:00 pm Luganda Parents must call the parish office for information about preparation 6:00 pm Español and baptism. Parents and godparents must attend a preparation class. Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes 12:10 pm Para Bautismos padres deben llamar a la oficina. Padres y padrinos Mon. & Fri./Lunes y Viernes 7:00 pm Español deben asistir a la preparación. Holy Days/Dias de Precepto 12:10 pm SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION/Sacramentos de Iniciación 7:00 pm Español Adults and children (age 7+) who want to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, or First Communion must attend preparation CONFESSIONS/Confesiones classes. Call the parish office for information. Sunday/Domingo 10:00 am - 10:45am Los adultos y niños (7+) que desean recibir los sacramentos del Bau- Mon thru Thurs/Lunes-Jueves 11:30 am - noon tismo, la Confirmación o la Primera Comunión pueden tomar clases Friday/Viernes 11:00 am - noon de preparación para los sacramentos. Llamar a la oficina. Saturday/Sábado 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm MARRIAGE/Matrimonio PRAY THE ROSARY/El Santo Rosario Call the parish office to arrange a meeting./Llamar a la oficina. Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes 11:30 am Sunday/Domingo 10:30 am Español STAFF Pastor/Párroco Rev. Michael Nolan ADORATION/Adoración Parochial Vicar/Vicario Par. Rev. Joseph Diem Friday/Viernes 12:45 pm - 5:45 pm Parochial Vicar/Vicario Par. Rev. Fernando Vivas COMMUNION TO SICK & HOMEBOUND Business Mgr./Dir. de Negocios Mary McCarthy Comunión a los hogares y enfermos Sexton/Sacristán Michael Welch Call the parish office 781-891-1730 CATECHESIS/Catequesis Llamar a la oficina 781-891-1730 Nilvia Hernández 781-308-4961 or AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM/Programa Después de la Escuela Maria Schellinger 781-891-1730 Llamar a la oficina 781-891-1730 FAQ: How can I make a donation? Thank you! Gracias! Drop in basket at Mail to: Online via website Venmo weekend Mass St. Mary’s (click DONATE) @stmarywaltham 133 School St. Webale nnyo! Waltham, MA 02451 Merci! 6
Un sincero agradecimiento a todos los que han contribuido a la Apelación Católica de este año. Si no ha tenido la oportunidad de donar, ¡todavía hay tiempo! Solo tienes que visitar o escanear el código que está a continuación para hacer tu donación hoy. Catholic Cruises and Tours and The Apostleship of The Sea of the United States of America Catholic Cruises and Tours to Worldwide Destinations Mass is included with all of our tours! Grades 3-5 Scratch and Coding & Robotics Python with Marty the Robot Summer Camp Holy Land Discovery • Fatima, Lourdes and Shrines Grades 6-8 Python with Misty the Robot Arlington Now Open! of Spain • Grand Catholic Italy • Footsteps of Apostle Paul • Shrines of Alpine Europe Fun & engaging teachers (617) 826-5191 Small group interactive learning 4 Water St @ Mass Ave, Arlington, MA • Pilgrimage to Lourdes • Scottish Highlands • Camino, a walking journey for the soul “God is Love”1 John 4:8 Call us today at 860-399-1785 or email DONOR FELL THROUGH! ☺PLEASE HELP SAVE A LIFE☺ CONTACT: SAVELICIA@GMAIL.COM KIDNEY TRANSPLANT DONOR NEEDED! Catholic Cruises and Tours Take your FAITH BLOOD TYPE “O” ON A JOURNEY POSITIVE For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Mary, Waltham, MA 4804
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