Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 19, 2021
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Parish Events Monday, September 20 While Jesus is teaching his disciples about his suffer- 9am-8pm Eucharistic Adoration St. Ann Chapel ing and death and that three days later he would 6pm Marian Group Yellow House 6pm Young Missionaries Cooper rise, we hear in the Gospel today that the disciples 7pm Hispanic Bible Class Scheer/Stayton were more focused on who was the greatest. 7pm Boy Scout Meeting Yellow House In response to this, Jesus clarifies that things 7pm Boy Scout Court of Honor Auditorium will have to be different for those who choose to Tuesday, September 21 follow him. The greatest among them will be the 9am Holy Donuts Mulligan one who chooses to be the servant of all. And then 10am Blood Pressure Checks Mulligan Jesus places a child in their midst and says: 3:30pm One City Café Offsite Whoever receives one child such as this in my 6pm Stewardship Development Mtg Cooper 6:30pm Alpha Book Study Mulligan name, receives me; and whoever receives me, 7pm K of C Ladies Auxiliary Mtg Etue receives the One who sent me. The child represents those with no power or status in society and those Wednesday, September 22 totally dependent on the goodness of others. To 9am-8pm Eucharistic Adoration St. Ann Chapel serve one of these is to serve Jesus himself. As disci- 5pm & 6:45pm Children’s Faith Formation Classes Classrooms ples, we are called to remember that true great- 6:30pm Adult Bible Study Etue ness comes from being a servant of God. Who are Thursday, September 23 we being called to serve in Christ’s name? How are 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal Church we placing ourselves before Christ and recognizing 6:30pm Hispanic Prayer & Worship Cooper our total dependence on Him? 7pm Fratelli Tutti Mulligan 7pm Grief Support Group Log House This weekend we celebrate Catechetical Sunday. Friday, September 24 This is an opportunity to recognize and bless all those who share in the ministry of passing on the 9am-8pm Eucharistic Adoration St. Ann Chapel faith to our children and youth, especially parents, Saturday, September 25 teachers, catechists, coaches and caregivers. We 3:30pm Ensemble Rehearsal Music Room are blessed with a large number of programs that 6:30pm Knights of Columbus Degree Church serve the faith formation of our young people. This requires many volunteers to assist in the programs. Sunday, September 26 We are grateful to all those who share their gifts 7:30am Ensemble Rehearsal Music Room and talents in these ministries and we ask God’s 8am Children’s Liturgy of the Word Mulligan 8am RCIA Scheer/Stayton special blessing upon them. We are always in need 9:15am Choir Rehearsal Music Room of more people to serve in these areas, so please 10am Sunday School Classes Classrooms consider how God might be calling you to share 11am RCIA Cooper your gifts with our youth, And be sure to thank those you see teaching and mentoring our young people. This weekend we celebrate Nametag Sunday. This weekend we had a second collection for our I hope you took the time to meet some new sister community in San Rafael Cedros, El Salvador. people and help build community in our parish. Your contributions help provide scholarships to As an extension of this weekend, take some young people so they can receive an education time this week to include a special prayer for and better their lives. This helps them and their any new people you may have met and say a families get out of the cycle of poverty. If you did prayer that our parish may always be welcom- not have a chance to contribute this weekend, ing and vibrant in faith. please consider doing so in the near future. You Mark your calendars to join us for our Just Pray can also go to our website and give Online. This is event on Thursday, September 30, at 6:30 p.m. an important outreach ministry of our parish and a in the church. We need you there! way for us to be in solidarity with our brothers and Many Blessings! sisters in other parts of the world. Page 2 WWW.OLPLS.ORG View this bulletin online at
Monday, September 20 Liturgical Ministers: September 25-26 8:15am, Edward Brenner by Judy Brenner Mass Intentions Mass Times 4:30pm 8:00am 10:00am 12:00pm Tuesday, September 21 Sheila Bailey Elizabeth Robertson Steve Marsh Danielle Marchese 8:15am, Judith Coghlan by Mary Zubeck Lector Frank Bailey Robin Wankum Katie Murdock Al Hernandez Wednesday, 22 8:15am, Al Harrington by Jim & Andrea Harrington Eucharistic Joannie Ackland Mary Bachkora Randy Rotert Mike Sanchez Minister Kay Morrissey Amy Robertson Ken Wagner Janet Sanchez Thursday, September 23 Deb Sheppard 8:15am, Tracey Thompson by Kym Wareham Mass Frank Bolton Debbie Ripper Kevin Emmendorfer Jason Rush Friday, September 24 Richard Ripper Kim Emmendorfer Mike Sanchez Coordinator 8:15am, Brian Coghlan by Mary Zubeck Saturday, September 25 Server Amelia W. William M. Mara F. Nicholas E. John W. Zach R. Eva F. Lyla V. 4:30pm, Karen Foster by Judy & Charlie Maude Sunday, September 26 Paul Winkeler Carol Berger Lavon Kimminau John Joyce 8:00am, Tyler Fratzke by Jack & Dorothy Lintz Greeter Margaret Winkeler Doug Erich Karen Spitznagle Diane Russell 10:00am, Thomas Griff Evans by Patricia & Gerald Lynch 12:00pm, John Walker by Dolores Arseneau Patti Bartlett Mike Chamberlain Hugh Marshall Kathy Boas Seating Rick Brown Steve Swaters Dave McVey Andy Hank 2:00pm, People of Presentation Usher Mary Roach John Voss Reddig Family Mike King Prayer Requests To add or remove a name from the bulletin prayer list, contact the Pastoral Care Office, 251-1102. Justin Andrews Chip Hennequin Thomas Lukowski Michelle Arreguin Stella Henry Mary Marx Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Brad Baker Austin Hill Patricia McMurray Wis 2:12, 17-20; Ps 54:3-4, 5, 6-8; Jas 3:16—4:3; Mk 9:30-37 Patty Ann Bertoncin Dennis Kemp Jeri Migliazzo Monday Stephanie Blasiar Diana Kennedy Ardella Moody Memorial of Saint Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, Priest, and Paul Laura Blundell Marilyn Kirn Vince Munsterman Chŏng Ha-Sang, and Companions, Martyrs Louis Bosso Michael Klein Mary Clare Murphy Ezr 1:1-6; Ps 126:1b-2ab, 2cd-3, 4-5, 6; Lc 8:16-18 Marilyn Bosso Jackson Kozisek Lisa Park Tuesday Brieanne Castle Norma Kozisek Anthony Romano Feast of Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist John Condra Phillip Kozisek Mario Salinas Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Ps 19:2-3, 4-5; Mt 9:9-13 Ruby Josephine DeBoest Don Kueck Chad Shaffer Wednesday Rita Diehl Carrie Landtiser Kathy Smith Ezr 9:5-9; Tb 13:2, 3-4a, 4befghn, 7-8; Lk 9:1-6 Frank Emma Nichole (Reynolds) Mike Sutherlin Thursday Benjamin Gibson Lawson Dan Swope Memorial of Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest Grace Guastello Dorothy Lintz Joseph Toczek Leo Gusman Lori Long Nick Webber Hg 1:1-8; Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b; Lk 9:7-9 Shelly Heisberger Todd Long Friday Hg 2:1-9; Ps 43:1, 2, 3, 4; Lk 9:18-22 Saturday Zec 2: 5-9, 14-15a; Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13; Lk 9:43b-45 Please remember in prayer the family of Vickie Drehle, September 8 Congratulations and Blessings to Claire Tadokoro & Cody Flitcraft who were married September 18 Dean Fristoe Hays Parents: Mikala & Payden Hays WWW.OLPLS.ORG Page 3 View this bulletin online at
Stewardship Today’s second reading warns that a heart consumed with avarice and envy leads to jealousy, strife, conflicts, and disputes. A giving heart, in contrast, can sing instead with the psalmist, “Freely will I offer you sacrifice; I will praise your name, O Lord, for its goodness.” - Stewardship by the Book Stewardship Giving: 8/30 – 9/5/2021 Envelopes: $19,680 Online Giving: $17,332 THANK YOU Plate: $ 1,110 for your continued contributions to the IRA Contributions: $ 250 parish and our Capital Campaign! Capital Campaign: $10,346 We encourage you to use: Pledges to date: • Online Giving at $3,533,112 • Text To Give: text OLPLS and the amount you want to give to 45777 Contributions received to date $3,406,834 • Mail or drop off your contribution to the Parish Office using the secure drop boxes located in Don’t forget to use your monthly Capital Campaign envelope! the office entryway or church gathering space Page 4 WWW.OLPLS.ORG View this bulletin online at
Pastoral Care Fall Grief Support Groups BeFriender: A Listening Ministry Are you grieving the loss of a loved BeFriender Ministers provide a one? Presentation and Holy Spirit parishes will offer a six-week Mutual caring, nonjudgmental, listening Help Grief Support Group on presence for anyone experienc- Thursdays. The evening group will ing grief, loss, crisis, or other life meet September 23 - October 28 from 7:00 to difficulties. A BeFriender Minister 8:30 p.m. at Presentation Parish Log House. The meets one-on-one and listens with morning group will meet October 7 - November 11, complete confidentiality and from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at Holy Spirit Parish, 1800 empathy as a reminder of our SW State Hwy 150. The Mutual-help Grief Support caring faith community. Group is led by trained facilitators and provides a If you, or someone you know, caring environment in which grief can be verbalized would appreciate someone to listen or walk with and expressed. Participants are asked to commit to on a difficult journey, please contact the Pastoral all six sessions. For more information or to register, Care office, 251-1102. contact: Shelli Lange, Presentation Pastoral Care Stop by the Pastoral Care Ministry table after Director, 251-1102 or Deacon Rich Akins, Holy Masses this weekend! Spirit Parish, 537-6990. WWW.OLPLS.ORG Page 5 View this bulletin online at
CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION Children’s Faith Formation Grades 1-5 begins September 22 Sunday School begins September 26 Middle School begins September 29 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd begins October 7 First Reconciliation/First Eucharist Parent Meeting October 7 or 9 Youth Ministry Page 6 WWW.OLPLS.ORG View this bulletin online at
OLP School Early Childhood Center September is our month for getting to know all of our new families and for our students to continue to get comfort- able and learn their daily routines. We will add weekly Mass attendance for our Pre-K students this month and begin our weekly Spanish classes. The ECC is excited about the “Just Pray” theme this year and will be incorporat- ing lots of activities to introduce prayer to our little ones. Each morning we begin our day with our morning prayer over the intercom as a reminder to guide our actions throughout the day. We still have limited availability at Presentation ECC, so if you are interested in a great preschool program give us a call, 251-1140, and we will let you know what is available and schedule a tour. WWW.OLPLS.ORG Page 7 View this bulletin online at
Ministerio Hispano Hermanos y Hermanas, a los discípulos de Jesús no les entraba en la cabeza el que su Maestro tuviera que pasar por el túnel del sufrimiento, ni tampoco que para ser el primero se tenga que ser el servidor de todos, ni que en las nuevas categorías del Reino de Cristo el niño ocupe un lugar primordial. No era fácil para ellos dejar la concepción en la que se habían educado desde su infancia. Pero para ser discípulos de Cristo tenían que cambiar. Debían aceptar que el sufri- de la venganza al perdón, de la cultura de muer- miento es camino de redención para Jesucristo, te a la cultura de la vida, del pecado a la gracia y lo sigue siendo para los cristianos de hoy. y a la santidad. Por lo tanto, hagamos caso al La cultura en la que vivimos y la mentalidad de Senior que nos invita vivamente a cambiar nues- nuestros contemporáneos está hecha al cambio. tra vida convirtiéndonos así en servidores de Dios. Se cambia muy fácil de trabajo, de computado- En Cristo Padre Emmanuel Lopez ra, de coche, de casa, de país... Se cambian también los modos de pensar y vivir, los valores Lecturas por la Semana del 19 de Septiembre de comportamiento, y hasta la misma religión. Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario El cambio está a la orden del día, y quien no Sab 2, 12. 17-20; Sal 53, 3-4. 5. 6 y 8; Stgo 3, 16—4, 3; Mc 9, 30-37 Lunes cambia, pronto pasa a formar parte de lo anti- Memoria de San Andrés Kim Taegon, Presbítero, San Pablo Chong guo. Pero, ¡claro!, no todo cambio es bueno pa- Hasang y Compañeros, Mártires ra el hombre. Ni tampoco, todo cambio indica Esd 1, 1-6; Sal 125, 1-2ab. 2cd-3. 4-5. 6; Lc 8, 16-18 Martes progreso. Hay cambios que son una desgracia, Fiesta de San Mateo, Apóstol y Evangelista como el tener que dejar el país y la familia para Ef 4, 1-7. 11-13; Sal 18, 2-3. 4-5; Mt 9, 9-13 buscar trabajo… Sin embargo, el cambio al que Miércoles Esd 9, 5-9; Tb 13, 2. 4. 6. 7. 8; Lc 9, 1-6 la liturgia nos invita es el cambio desde Dios. Jueves Es decir, aquel cambio que Dios quiere y espera Memoria de San Pio de Pietrelcina, Presbítero del hombre para que sea más hombre, para que Ag 1, 1-8; Sal 149, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6a y 9b; Lc 9, 7-9 Viernes viva mejor y más plenamente su dignidad huma- Ag 2, 1b-10; Sal 42, 1. 2. 3. 4; Lc 9, 18-22 na. El cambio que Dios quiere es el de la injusticia Sábado a la justicia, del abuso al servicio de los demás, Zec 2, 5-9. 14-15; Jer 31, 10. 11-12ab. 13; Lc 9, 43b-45 de la infidelidad a la fidelidad, del odio al amor, Vigésimo Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Núm 11, 25-29; Sal 18, 8. 10. 12-13. 14; Stgo 5, 1-6; Mc 9, 38-43. 45. 47-48 Salvadoran Coffee available after all Masses September 18 & 19 To help create awareness of our partnership with the CIS Scholarship and Leadership Development Program in San Rafael Cedros, we will sell authentic Salvadoran produced coffee at all Celebrating Stewardship Weekends. Coffee available in ground and whole beans. $10 each. For more information contact The second collection September 18 & 19 helps to fund Scholarships and Formation for 20 High School Students and 12 University Students in our sister community. Make a change in lives of others – give generously! Page 8 WWW.OLPLS.ORG View this bulletin online at
Don’t Miss Out! Sign Up Today! To schedule an appointment by phone, call Phil, 816-501-8652 PARISH BREAKFAST Sunday, October 3 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Auditorium FAMILY………………………………………$20.00 ADULTS………………………………………$ 7.00 KIDS (3-12)………………………………..$ 3.00 KIDS UNDER 3………………………… FREE Bring the whole family to enjoy a delicious buffet! WWW.OLPLS.ORG Page 9 View this bulletin online at
Presentation Parish Service Partners Bishop Sullivan Center • Catholic Charities • Lee’s Summit Social Services Operation Breakthrough • San Rafael Cedros, El Salvador • Uplift Organization Our Lady of the Presentation Parish Mass Schedule 130 NW Murray Road ● Lee’s Summit MO 64081 Weekday Mass…………8:15am (Monday-Friday) 816-251-1100 ● Fax: 816-251-1199 ● Weekend Masses: Parish Office Hours: 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., Monday-Friday Saturday……………………………………….4:30pm The Parish Office is located in the Blue House on the south side of the church Sunday ………………8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm, Rev. Thomas Holder, Pastor, email: 2:00pm (Spanish) Rev. Emmanuel Garduno Lopez, Associate Pastor, email: Reconciliation Rev. Mr. Keith Hoffman, Deacon, email: Saturdays………………………………..3:30-4:15pm Rev. Mr. Mike Peterson…………...Deacon (retired) Sundays………………………..……......1:15-1:45pm Staff Or by appointment. Joannie Ackland………………………………………………………………Parish Secretary 251-1100 Connect with us! Carolyn Christianson……………………………………………….........Parish Administrator 251-1108 Jo Engert…………………………………………...…Director of Children’s Faith Formation 251-1135 Christy Gruenbaum……………….……………Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry 251-1107 Debbie Henry……………………………………………………..…………….Office Assistant Report Abuse 251-1115 The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed Michele Hughes…………………………...……………...……….….Pastoral Care Assistant to combatting sexual abuse in the Church. If you are 251-1134 a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or Cathy Koob……………………………………………..Director of Early Childhood Center suspect sexual abuse: 251-1140 1. Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline, 1-800-392- Kathy Lackamp……………………………………….Children’s Faith Formation Assistant 3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18), & Sunday School Coordinator and 251-1146 2. Contact your local law enforcement agency or call Shelli Lange………………………………………………………….Director of Pastoral Care 911, and 251-1102 3. After reporting to these civil and law enforcement Esmeralda Lopez………………………………………………………….….Hispanic Ministry authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Anna Mitchell…………………………………………………..Director of Communications Ombudsman, Joe Crayon, 816-812-2500, or 251-1105, if the abuse Jane O’Brien…………………………………………………….…….Director of Stewardship involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of 251-1119 the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. Marianne Organ……………………………………………………...Principal of OLP School The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing 251-1150 care and healing resources to victims of sexual Mary Pat Storms………………………………..Pastoral Associate-Adult Faith Formation abuse and their families. Please contact Whitney 251-1113 True-Francis, Victim Assistance Coordinator, James Wagner…………………………………………………….Director of Liturgy & Music 816-392-0011 or true.francis@diocesekcs .org 251-1110 for more information. Page 10 WWW.OLPLS.ORG View this bulletin online at
View Our Parish Supporters at CATHOLIC CEMETERIES Diocese of Kansas City - St. Joseph Ground Burial, Military Burials, Mausoleum Entombment and Cremation Options Mike Ragsdale, Family Service Counselor C 816-589-5391 O 816-353-1900 Mount Olivet and Other Locations Global Brand Local ExpertsTM *Compared to OEM cartridges ©2016 Cartridge World Global Holdings Company LTD. All rights reserved. Cartridge World is a registered Parishioner trademark of Cartridge World Global Holdings Company Ltd. Kathi J. Matthes, DDS, PC Stoy ko’S 517 S.W. 3rd St. TREE SERVICE Lee’s Summit 816-732-6183 816-716-5094 10 N.W (816) 524-3734 Call for a FREE quote www.BlackwellNillFrancois Trimming - Topping - Removal - Firewood - Stump Grinding Your protection is personal. Tyler Morehead l Associate Agent Morehead Agency LLC l Nationwide W 816-525-6159 l F 816-525-4756 Auto. Home. Life. Business. Nationwide Life Insurance Company. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Home Office: Columbus, OH 43215-2220. Nationwide, the Nationwide N and Eagle and On Your Side are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. Carlo Javillonar SaleS aSSociate 114 W Gregory Blvd. Kansas city, Mo 64114 Foundation Repair, Drainage, cell: 816.582.5274 office: 816.554.5000 Waterproofing & Concrete Repair direct: 913.266.5551 220 SE Douglas Call us for a free estimate! 816-554-3033 (913) 722-9011 BALLET • TAP • JAZZ & MORE! Parishioners © 2021 DIOCESAN
View Our Parish Supporters at VALUE MATT JONAS David Beck, D.D.S. PARISHIONER AUTO Suzanne Beck, D.D.S CLINIC 816.392.3546 525-3131 913.851.7300 ~ Holy S pirit ~ Building Materials Parishioners Hardware • Paint Complete Auto Care TAMRA TRICKEY TEAM Harry & Mary Voigts Decking Supplies 1002 SE Blue Pkwy. next to Habanero’s 312 SE Main • 524-3522 3741 SW Raintr e ee BURIAL • ENTOMBMENT • CREMATION • TRADITIONAL CEREMONIES • CELEBRATIONS OF LIFE 612 W. FOXWOOD DR. RAYMORE, MISSOURI 64083 (816) 322-5278 Plan ahead We’ll take the first step With you. Steve Sage Parishioner 20+ Years Mention this ad for OLP discount (816) 694-4205 MO: 816-737-0601 Carpet & Tile Call KS: 913-244-6046 Granite Countertops Family Owned Pre-Finish Hardwood Since 1970 Luxury Vinyl Laminate 246-4221 We’re in Your Corner 5056 Blue Ridge Blvd • Kansas City, Missouri 903 SW Oldham Parkway • Lee’s Summit, MO 64081 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Locally Owned 920 NW Technology Dr. (816) 406-3620 Lee’s Summit Call us Today! Commercial Contractor specializing 816.246.4646 in metal studs, drywall, acoustical ceilings, 10% Off and construction specialties. on a service call 1569 © 2021 DIOCESAN
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