The Academy of Woodlands SEF and School Improvement Plan January 2021

Page created by Alan Payne
The Academy of Woodlands SEF and School Improvement Plan January 2021
The Academy of Woodlands

SEF and School Improvement Plan

         January 2021
Mission Statement

The Academy of Woodlands maintains a privileged and key role in the local community. With this role comes huge responsibility to work in
partnership with parents and the local community to create a safe and nurturing environment in which our pupils can thrive. Our aim is to fully
support all of our pupils to reach their full individual potential; intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, morally, socially and physically.

To achieve this we strive to provide a broad and balanced curriculum alongside a full range of extra-curricular experiences. These two together
provide a continuum of development that enables pupils for the next stage of their education and beyond. Thus preparing them to cope with the
rapidly changing society in which we live.

We believe that mutual tolerance and respect are key to every individual’s success and as such adults and children in the school have a clear
understanding of the high expectations for exhibiting good behaviour and excellent manners on a daily basis. We expect maximum effort from
all members of our school community in every aspect of school life.

The achievements of our pupils and staff are celebrated by us whenever possible and everybody’s contribution is valued. This enables us to
foster a sense of self-esteem and self-worth for everyone.

The contribution of parents and families is essential to our children’s success here at Woodlands. We strive to be an open school where parents
feel welcomed and valued and in return we receive fantastic support from them as we work together with their children.

 Here at The Academy of Woodlands every individual is valued and supported whilst being challenged to succeed in every area
                                                     they possibly can.
School Context
                                        753 including
                   Pupils on roll                         % Pupil Premium            32.8%            % EAL Pupils            10.9%
                                         595 in main

                                                            Current Ofsted
                   % SEN Pupils              9%                                       Good

                       Overall                                Persistent
                      Absence               3.6%               Absence               6.72%
                      2018-19                                  2018-19

Approximately 63% of our children come from economically and socially deprived backgrounds where there are high levels of unemployment, poor
literacy skills and health related issues. Almost 20% of pupils come from the lowest decile On the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index and
84% of our pupils fall in the first four deciles.

The school expanded to three form entry in 2015 and in September 2021 all Year groups will have three classes. On entry to our nursery 50% of pupils
have below expected age related outcomes particularly in speech and language skills. On entry to Year R changes yearly depending on the percentage
of pupils joining from feeder nurseries rather than our own pre-school classes. In September 2020 24% of pupils joining Year R came from outside
nurseries. Children’s baseline level of attainment in the Nursery and Year R classes has been significantly impacted by the COVID lockdown from March
to August 2020; followed by significant disruption in Terms 1 and 2 of the new academic year in September 2020. We chose to postpone setting a
baseline until the end of the first six weeks in school in order to gain a more realistic picture.

In a normal year a characteristic of the school is its 91% stability of population which is above the national average. However, like all primary schools
once again the COVID lockdown seems to have caused an increase in movement and we have seen 19 children join us and 11 children leave.

We have children from 31 different ethnic groups in school 71% are White British and the next largest groups are Indian, Black African and White
Eastern European.

The school is a community school open 7 days a week from 7:30am to 10pm. We have a Community Arts centre open to the public daytimes and
evenings and our own sports centre including a 3G pitch and gymnasium open to the public. We also have an onsite coffee shop which is open to the

The school has a dedicated SEN team including two SENDco, a Speech and Language assistant and a Learning Mentor. We work in partnerships with
Greenwich and Canterbury Universities to welcome teacher training students into the school.
Results 2019

          COVID restrictions mean that this set of results is the most current published for the school and will remain so until July 2022

Early Years Foundation Stage:

72% of pupils achieved the required Good Level of Development at the end of their Reception Year which is in line with National and Medway
scores. Pupils make good progress from their baseline starting points.

Phonics Screening Results:

91% of pupils achieved the required standard

Year 1

                       Phonics by Gender                                                       Phonics FSM
                       All Pupils  Boys            Girls                                      All Pupils FSM              Other
         Woodlands       91%       88%             95%                       Woodlands          91%      84%              95%
          National       83%       79%             86%                      National 2018       83%      70%              84%
          Medway         82%       78%             85%                      Medway 2018         82%      71%              83%

Year 2

98% of pupils met the expected standard in Phonics by the end of Year 2

                        Phonics Year 2
                      All Pupils  Boys            Girls
         Woodlands      98%       98%             98%
          National      92%       90%             94%
          Medway        92%       90%             94%
Key Stage 1

                     Reading end of KS1/Yr2                                                Writing end of KS1/Yr2
                        All                                                                  All
          All Pupils            Boys    Boys     Girls   Girls                All Pupils              Boys     Boys      Girls      Girls
                       Pupils                                                               Pupils
          expected            expected Greater expected Greater               expected              expected Greater   expected    Greater
                      Greater                                                              Greater
          or better           or better Depth or better Depth                 or better             or better Depth    or better   Depth
                      Depth                                                                Depth
Woodlands   78%        17%      73%     14%      74%     21%      Woodlands     76%         17%       73%      16%       74%        21%
 National                                                          National
            75%        26%      71%     22%      80%     29%                    70%         16%      63%      12%        77%        20%
  2018                                                              2018
 Medway                                                            Medway
            78%        25%      73%     21%      83%     29%                    72%         15%      66%      10%        79%        20%
  2018                                                              2018

                     Maths end of KS1/Yr2                                Science end of KS1/Yr2
          All Pupils           Boys    Boys     Girls   Girls                 All Pupils
                      Pupils                                                  expected
          expected           expected Greater expected Greater                              Boys     Girls
          or better          or better Depth or better Depth                  or better
Woodlands   83%       19%      82%     18%      84%     20%       Woodlands     81%          %        %
 National                                                          National
            76%       22%      75%     24%      77%     20%                     83%         80%      85%
  2018                                                              2018
 Medway                                                            Medway
            78%       23%      75%     24%      81%     22%                    8378%        80%      87%
  2018                                                              2018
Key Stage 2

       Combined Reading/Writing/Maths end of KS2/Yr 6                              Reading Test end of KS2/Yr 6
                       All                                                               All
          All Pupils           Boys    Boys     Girls   Girls               All Pupils           Boys    Boys     Girls   Girls
                      Pupils                                                            Pupils
          expected           expected Greater expected Greater              expected           expected Greater expected Greater
                     Greater                                                           Greater
          or better          or better Depth or better Depth                or better          or better Depth or better Depth
                     Depth                                                             Depth
Woodlands   70%        9%      63%      0%      81%     24%       Woodlands   73%       20%      69%      6%      81%     43%
 National                                                          National
            65%       10%      60%      9%      70%     12%                   73%       27%      68%     22%      78%     32%
  2018                                                              2018
 Medway                                                            Medway
            63%        9%      58%      7%      69%     11%                   71%       24%      66%     20%      76%     29%
  2018                                                              2018

                     Writing end of KS2/Yr 6                                           Maths end of KS2/Yr 6
                        All                                                              All
          All Pupils            Boys     Boys    Girls   Girls              All Pupils           Boys    Boys     Girls   Girls
                       Pupils                                                           Pupils
          expected            expected Greater expected Greater             expected           expected Greater expected Greater
                      Greater                                                          Greater
          or better           or better Depth or better Depth               or better          or better Depth or better Depth
                      Depth                                                             Depth
Woodlands   88%        20%      83%      6%      95%     43%      Woodlands   86%       23%      83%     20%      90%     29%
 National   78%        20%      72%      15%     85%     25%       National   79%       27%      78%     29%      79%     24%
 Medway     78%        19%      72%      14%     84%     24%       Medway     77%       24%      75%     26%      78%     22%

      Grammar Punctuation and Spelling end of KS2/YR 6                         Average Scaled Score end of KS2/Yr6
                       All                                                            Reading          GPAS           Maths
          All Pupils           Boys    Boys     Girls   Girls
                      Pupils                                         Woodlands          104             109            106
          expected           expected Greater expected Greater
                     Greater                                          National          104             106            105
          or better          or better Depth or better Depth
                     Depth                                            Medway            104             105            105
Woodlands   91%       45%      82%     39%      9%      34%
 National   78%       36%      74%     21%      82%     41%
 Medway     72%       30%      67%     24%      78%     35%
Budget Figures for Academic Year 2020-21

                       Total Income (Revenue)                                                       3,774,388.00
                       Estimated Rollover from 2019/20                                              1,156,827.00
                       Total expenditure (Revenue)                                                  4,270,657.00
                       Estimated unallocated budget 01/09/2020                                       660,558.00

Current Evaluation:

The Academy has had to implement a restructuring process due to the financial impact of business closures during the first three month
lockdown combined with spiralling on costs for staff pensions and salaries. The impact of this restructure comes into play when we return to
school on 4th January. Almost every department across the school and businesses has been subject to either redundancies or a loss of hours.
Whilst the new structure is fit for purpose it does leave very little spare capacity in terms of staffing. The change in the amount of teachers and
TAs means we have to increase our COVID bubble size to Year group pods rather than class pods. PPA for teachers will now be covered by TA’s
who will receive one paid half day a week at home in lieu of this cover. This means we will need some creative timetabling to maximise the use
of TA’s when they are in school.

The catering department has seen a reduction in staff and hours and the team are working together to maximise efficiency. The gym and sports
hall staffing structure has also changed significantly in a way that will raise the quality of our provision for the community post COVID.

We are moving over to more efficient photocopiers and printers to reduce costs and also wastage.

All of the above has left us in a strong financial position going forward although we must be cautious as it is unclear when COVID impact will end.
Section 1: Quality of Education

Current evaluation:
Our recent Ofsted inspection in December 2019 identified much strength in the curriculum including Maths, English, Science and PE. The
inspection was carried out under the new framework which has an emphasis on a wide range of curriculum subjects being taught in clear
sequences and with breadth and depth.

Currently we do not have a curriculum statement of intent or a curriculum policy that is fit for purpose. The new Ofsted framework is firmly
entrenched in the quality of curriculum and expects it to be broad and balanced across all areas. Reading still remains a weakness as does the
lower numbers of children achieving Greater Depth outcomes.

Ofsted identified the History and Geography curriculum as weakness in terms of its sequential structure and depth. MFL, RE and PSHE
curriculums also need updating. Maths curriculum needs to move to one that will embed mastery depth learning of all topics covered. This will
mean children can make links in their learning more easily and the sequence of learning over time will mean prior learning is built upon in a
structured way.

    Action point         Timescale            Resources            Lead person          Monitoring        Success criteria        Evaluation
1.1 Develop a       Staff Development    An allocated part of   SLT                AV                   A clear statement of
statement of        Day 4th January      the development                                                curriculum intent
curriculum intent   2021                 day plus a draft to                                            will be available as
                                         look at                                                        the foundation on
                                                                                                        which the
                                                                                                        curriculum is built.
                                                                                                        This will be on the
                                                                                                        new website.
1.2 Develop a       End of Term 3        Example policies to    SLT                AV                   Clear policies ratified
curriculum policy   February 12th 2021   look at.                                                       by governors and
and Teaching and                         Input from teaching                                            disseminated to
Learning policy                          staff.                                                         staff.
1.3 Develop a       End of Term 3        Input from all         SLT                AV                   Action plan will be in
curriculum action   February 12th 2021   subject leaders.                                               place and all
plan                                                                                                    stakeholders will
                                                                                                        know what their
                                                                                                        responsibility is in
                                                                                                        terms of
1.4 Maths              September 2021     Subscription to       Maths Lead          SLT          The new curriculum
curriculum overhaul                       white rose to be                                       will be ready for
including                                 ongoing.                                               implementation in
implementation of                         Release time for                                       September 2021
White Rose as our                         Maths lead.                                            All teachers will
core scheme                               Staff meetings for                                     have a clear
                                          training teachers                                      understanding of
                                          and TA’s                                               how and what to
1.5 Reading Focus      Immediate and on   Time for monitoring   English Lead        SLT          A higher proportion
to continue            going              Staff meeting set                                      of pupils will reach
                                          aside to evaluate                                      Greater Depth in
                                          what we are doing                                      reading
                                          and what needs to                                      comprehension.
                                          happen next
1.6 KS1 phonics        Immediate and      Heavy emphasis on     Class teachers      KS1 leader   90+ meeting
catch up curriculum    ongoing            Delivery of phonics                                    required standard at
                                          in Year R,1 and 2                                      end of academic
1.7 Science catch-up Term 6               Time for Science      Science lead        SSLT         Gaps in learning due
curriculum                                coordinator to plan                                    to COVID lockdowns
                                                                                                 will have been
1.8 History and        September 2021     Release time for      History/Geography   SLT          The new curriculum
Geography                                 History and           Lead                             will be ready for
curriculum overhaul.                      Geography lead.                                        implementation in
                                          Staff development                                      September 2021
                                          day meetings for                                       All teachers will
                                          training teachers                                      have a clear
                                          and TA’s                                               understanding of
                                                                                                 how and what to
                                                                                                 Clear sequential
                                                                                                 programmes of
                                                                                                 study will be
                                                                                                 There will be clear
links to the rest of
                                                                                          the curriculum,
                                                                                          Foundation subjects.
1.9 Art Curriculum   September 2021   Training for subject     Art Lead             SLT   The new curriculum
overhaul                              lead in the Arts                                    will be ready for
                                      mark programme                                      implementation in
                                      we are interested in                                September 2021
                                      adopting.                                           All teachers will
                                      Staff meeting time                                  have a clear
                                      to disseminate the                                  understanding of
                                      new bits of the                                     how and what to
                                      curriculum.                                         deliver.
                                                                                          Clear sequential
                                                                                          programmes of
                                                                                          study will be
                                                                                          There will be clear
                                                                                          links to the rest of
                                                                                          the curriculum,
                                                                                          Foundation subjects.
1.10 RE and MFL      September 2021   Time for subject         Subject Leads        AV    A new MFL lead will
overhaul                              leads to develop the                                be in place and both
                                      curriculum coverage                                 the RE and MFL
                                      expectation.                                        curriculums will
                                      Staff meeting time                                  provide broad and
                                      to disseminate the                                  balanced coverage
                                      new bits of the                                     of the subjects with
                                      curriculum.                                         clear links to other
                                                                                          foundation subjects.
1.11 Assessment      September 2021   Purchase of new          SLT and KS Leaders   AV    The new tests will
Procedures                            test papers. This will                              have been trialled
                                      be a cost every year                                and either approved
                                      that needs to be                                    and adopted or we
                                      budgeted for.                                       will revert to the
                                      Use of new tests                                    originals.
                                      and also Data                                       New teacher
recording systems                       assessment data
                                      this academic year                      collection
                                      as a pilot for                          procedures will be in
                                      September 2021                          place having been
                                                                              trialled this year.
                                      Pupil progress                          Data will be
                                      meeting release                         informing teachers
                                      time for teachers.                      planning for groups
                                                                              and individuals.
                                                                              Regular pupil
                                                                              progress meetings
                                                                              with teachers will be
                                                                              held (Term 1,3 and
1.12 EYFS Nursery    September 2021   Time for EYFS leads   SD and DR   SLT   All 5 Nursery rooms
consistency of                        to monitor and                          will have an
provision                             advise                                  outstanding
                                      Time for room leads                     environment with
                                      to work in other                        outstanding daily
                                      rooms.                                  curriculum
                                                                              Staff will be
                                                                              confident in
                                                                              identifying next
                                                                              steps for pupils in
1.13 Establishment   Immediate and                          DR          SLT   The new teaching
of new Year R team   ongoing                                                  team will be
                                                                              confident in
                                                                              delivering an
                                                                              curriculum, creating
                                                                              an outstanding
                                                                              environment and
                                                                              identifying pupils
                                                                              next steps in
1.14 Introduction of   September 2021   CPD on the new       DR and SD   SLT   The new EYFS
the new EYFS                            framework.                             framework will be in
Framework                               Adapted assessment                     place ready to teach
                                        data collection                        in all nursery and
                                        sheets.                                Year R rooms for
                                                                               September 2021.
                                                                               Staff will have a
                                                                               good understanding
                                                                               of the changes.
                                                                               New assessment
                                                                               collection sheets will
                                                                               be in place for the
                                                                               academic year.
                                                                               Learning journals
                                                                               will be notes, photos
                                                                               and handwritten
                                                                               observations along
                                                                               with the voice of the
                                                                               child and parent.
                                                                               The current 2simple
                                                                               collection system
                                                                               will no longer be in
1.15 SEN pupils top    Immediate and    Time allocated for   RP and AL   SLT   All pupils with an
up funding             ongoing          SENDco’s to apply                      EHCP will have
applications                            for the funding                        allocated top up
                                                                               funding grants
                                                                               enabling us to
                                                                               consider employing
                                                                               1.1 SEN specialist
                                                                               TA’s for September
1.16 SEN pupils        Immediate and                         RP and AL   SLT   Class teachers and
formerly in Otters     ongoing                                                 SEN TA’s will be
class will be                                                                  supported to deliver
effectively                                                                    personalised
supported in                                                                   curriculum for
mainstream or have                                                             identified SEN
moved to                                                                       pupils.
appropriate             EHCP reviews will
alternative provision   be completed and
                        places in alternative
                        provision identified
                        where appropriate.
Section 2: Behaviour and Attitudes

Current evaluation:
Behaviour and Attitudes to learning remains a strength of the school. The COVID situation has meant that we have needed to alter the
behaviour policy in order to ensure that teachers have a clear pathway to follow on the rare occasions when a pupil’s behaviour is unacceptable.

Because we cannot run clubs currently it has been difficult to find our usual extensive options for positive reinforcement of behaviour. The merit
system and special mentions remain in place and we had begun to award these at year group assemblies before the second lockdown in October
2020. The vast majority of children have returned after lockdown ready and eager to work and before the COVID outbreak in late November
pupils were making good progress. Attendance has been hugely disrupted by the outbreak and will need to be stabilised quickly in January.
Permanent exclusions remain low with one child being moved to alternative provision in 2019-20 there were no fixed term exclusions for 2019-

   Action point           Timescale            Resources              Lead person        Monitoring        Success criteria       Evaluation
2.1 Attendance        Immediate and       Budget for allocated   SP                 AV                   Registers will
monitoring            ongoing             hours from Medway                                              accurately reflect
                                          AAPS.                                                          the position in
                                          Allocated in school                                            school with regard
                                          attendance officer                                             to attendance.
                                          hours and pay.                                                 Excluding COVID
                                                                                                         related absence the
                                                                                                         overall attendance
                                                                                                         for the academic
                                                                                                         year 2020-21 will be
2.2 Holiday absence   Immediate and       None                   SP/AV              Medway AAPS          No holiday period
to be routinely       ongoing                                                                            taken in term time
unauthorised.                                                                                            will be authorised
                                                                                                         except in extremely
                                                                                                         rare cases.
2.3 Late Gates        Immediate and       Time allowed for       SLT                AV and Medway        Monthly late gate
                      ongoing             late gate monitoring                      AAPS                 will be monitored by
                                                                                                         All pupils arriving
                                                                                                         late on any day will
                                                                                                         be challenged for a
                                                                                    Letters from head
                                                                                    and or AAPS will be
                                                                                    issued for persistent
2:4 Weekly           Once COVID      Time for attendance    Attendance lead   AV    Class with best
Attendance prize     bubbles are     lead to monitor                                weekly attendance
                     removed         which class has                                gets an extra 15 min
                                     highest attendance                             slot on the large
                                     weekly.                                        apparatus on a
                                     Time slot on large                             Friday afternoon.
                                     apparatus allocated.                           Weekly newsletter
                                                                                    will show winning
2.5 Behaviour Logs   Immediate and   CPOMS log in for all   AL                SLT   Behaviour related
                     ongoing         teachers and TAs                               incidents both
                                     along with lead                                positive and
                                     dinner supervisor.                             negative will be
                                                                                    recorded on CPOMS
Section 3: Personal Development

Current Evaluation:
We have many opportunities for pupils to develop interpersonal skills already embedded in the life of the school community. These include the
school council, peer mentors, assemblies and a general PSHE/RE curriculum. British Values are implicitly taught continually however we are
seeking ways to make them a more explicit part of the curriculum. Teaching staff have had CPD around the LGBTQ+ agenda. The existing
PSHE curriculum needs to be brought up to the new national expectations.

   Action point         Timescale            Resources                 Lead person         Monitoring     Success criteria        Evaluation
3.1 New PSHE policy Ready to be          Time allocated for       RP                 SLT                Clear policies ratified
                    implemented in       SENCO/PSHE lead                                                by governors and
                    September 2021       to work on this                                                disseminated to
3.2 New PSHE         Ready to be         Time allocated for       RP                 SLT                The new curriculum
curriculum           implemented in      SENCO/PSHE lead                                                will be ready for
                     September 2021      to work on this                                                implementation in
                                                                                                        September 2021
                                                                                                        All teachers will
                                                                                                        have a clear
                                                                                                        understanding of
                                                                                                        how and what to
3.3 British Values   Ready to be         Time allocated in        AV                 SLT                British Values will be
Emphasis             implemented in      Term 4 staff                                                   evident both
                     September 2021 as   meetings for all staff                                         implicitly and
                     part of the broad   to receive CPD                                                 explicitly in the
                     and balanced                                                                       curriculum and life
                     curriculum.                                                                        of the school. Staff
                                                                                                        KS2 pupils will be
                                                                                                        able to articulate
                                                                                                        what British Values
                                                                                                        are and how we
                                                                                                        apply them in
3.4 LGBTQ+ Policy    Ready to be         Time allocated for       RP                 SLT                Clear policies ratified
                     implemented in      PSHE lead to                                                   by governors and
September 2021   develop the policy.   disseminated to
                 Staff meeting to      staff.
                 discuss policy.
Section 4: Leadership and Management; including Governance

Current Evaluation:
The Acting Head has been in place since March 2020, she is taking over as permanent Head Teacher on January 1 st 2021. The vacant Assistant
Head post has been filled by a member of existing staff. The new structure allows for one day for each Assistant Head out of class. Key Stage
leaders remain in class full time currently. It is likely that the Governing body will have a new chair from January 2021. A number of leaders,
including the new Head of School, have completed or are studying middle or senior leadership qualifications currently. This SDP forms the
foundation of the development of our forward vision which needs to be fleshed out and articulated. Following a successful Ofsted in December
2019 significant COVID disruption and closures means that leaders have not been able to monitor teaching and learning in the normal robust

   Action point           Timescale             Resources               Lead person         Monitoring         Success criteria       Evaluation
4.1 Development of    Immediate and         Any CPD required       AV                   Chair of governors   New Head Teacher’s
new SLT               ongoing                                                                                appraisal targets will
                                                                                                             be in place from
                                                                                                             February 2021.
                                                                                                             The SLT will be
                                                                                                             working cohesively
                                                                                                             and roles and
                                                                                                             responsibilities will
                                                                                                             be clearly defined.
4.2 Review of         By the February       Audit tool             Chair of Governors   Members board        Clear structure to
Governance            2021 meeting                                                                           Governing body and
                                                                                                             the committees
                                                                                                             which uses people’s
                                                                                                             strengths in its
4.3 Review of         By the February       External advice from   Chair of Governors   Members Board        Compliant Clerking
clerking procedures   2021 meeting          independent                                                      system including
                                            company                                                          collection of minutes
                                                                                                             is in place.
4.4 Governor          Ongoing               Local Authority        Chair of Governors   Members Board        An ongoing register
Training                                    training session buy                                             of all training
                                            in.                                                              undertaken will
4.5 Monitoring of     Immediate and         Leadership release     SLT and KS and       AV                   Clear and robust
Teaching and        ongoing         time to monitor     subject leads               records of
Learning                            lessons and books                               monitoring in place
                                                                                    and being used to
                                                                                    inform development
                                                                                    for teachers and
4.6 CPD for staff   Immediate and   Increase in CPD     SLT and KS and   AV/JW/DH   A robust log of
                    ongoing         budget              subject leads               individual and group
                                                                                    training for staff will
                                                                                    There will be
                                                                                    relevance in terms
                                                                                    of current and
                                                                                    future needs and
                                                                                    impact of the CPD
                                                                                    on standards and
                                                                                    procedures in
Section 5: Safeguarding

Current Evaluation:
Our Ofsted inspection in December 2019 deemed our safeguarding processes as a strength of the school.
Due to COVID closures etc. this year’s whole school safeguarding update training was done online, a register shows some staff who have been
furloughed have yet to complete the whole requirement. The annual safeguarding audit was completed by Mrs Long and any discrepancies have
been addressed. The audit was signed off by governors and submitted to Medway.

We continue to keep careful safeguarding logs and minutes of our weekly meetings with the whole safeguarding team. These meetings have
recently been disrupted by the COVID outbreak. The Ofsted inspection was very satisfied with the robust nature of our safeguarding here in

A key issue for our pupils is their use of social media and staff spend quite a bit of time sorting out things that have happened on social media
between pupils out of school hours. This is addressed with individual families, groups of pupils and in assemblies.

During the lockdown all vulnerable families were contacted regularly to ensure the well-being of pupils and some of those children accessed our
critical worker provision. FSM pupils were provided with food vouchers or a packed lunch was delivered to their house every day, once again
giving us opportunity to monitor our most vulnerable children.

CPOMS; an electronic, secure safeguarding log system that is used nationally has been adopted. The safeguarding team, teachers, TA’s, The
Learning Mentor, The Attendance Officer and the Lead MMS and wrap round care coordinator have log on access to the system. We can also use
it to import/export information securely to other schools as required. This system will also become the one on which behaviour is recorded.
Admin are working to get all existing paper records for pupils scanned into the system so that we can become as near paperless as possible.
The existing signing in and out system for staff and visitors is not sufficiently robust and we need to move to an electronic system that also
provides photo ID cards for employees. The CCTV system needs an urgent upgrade.

   Action point            Timescale            Resources              Lead person        Monitoring        Success criteria        Evaluation
5.1 DSL training for   January 2021       Budget for identified   DR                 AV                    Assistant Head will
new Assistant Head                        training course.                                                 have DSL certificate
                                          Release time for the                                             and have joined the
                                          full day.                                                        safeguarding team
at school
5.2 Update the          January 2021          None                AV                 Safeguarding   Posters around the
safeguarding info                                                                    governor       school will be
for staff and parents                                                                               replaced to show
around the school to                                                                                who parents or staff
reflect the new                                                                                     should take
team.                                                                                               safeguarding issues
                                                                                                    to. They will
                                                                                                    continue to display
                                                                                                    Medway social
                                                                                                    services numbers as
5.3 new signing in      Immediate start and   Budget allowance,   JW                 AV             Electronic signing in
and out system          for completion by     quotes to be                                          system will be in
                        July 2021             gathered.                                             place. All staff will
                                                                                                    have photo ID
5.4 CCTV system         By February 2021      Approx.: £6000      IT and Site Team   JW             New cameras will be
overhaul                                                                                            in place and existing
                                                                                                    broken ones
                                                                                                    replaced. Up to date
                                                                                                    software will be
Section 6: Stakeholders

Current evaluation:
Stake holders include, Governors, Staff, Pupils, PTA, Admin Teams, Site Teams, Arts and Sports centre teams, the wider community. Currently
we have no international links for pupils.

Before the lockdown we had made links with a theatre company who ran a project with a group of pupils from Year 1 and the AGE UK centre
next door to the school. We are maintaining that link and hoping to work with the company again post COVID.

The current school website is out dated and we need a new one.

The Arts and Sports Centre has been adversely affected by the COVID restrictions. The manager has worked hard to maintain any level of
opening that he was allowed to do during the restrictions and was making huge progress with existing and new clients in September 2020
before the October lockdown hit. The lockdowns have meant parents have not been in the school since March 2020 and this will continue into
the New Year. We need to find creative ways to share positive news with parents.

PTA activities have been seriously curtailed since March 2020; they have worked really hard to provide as many activities as possible under the
circumstances. We took delivery of two sign written mini-buses provided with support from PTA funds in July 2020. We were able to use these
to provide an autumn trip to local country parks for all pupils in Term 1.

Staff well-being has been a major concern throughout the year. We do have a dedicated Staff well-being mentor. The COVID lockdown meant
extra cleaning in school which staff from all departments willingly undertook. Staff who were shielding remained at home through the lockdown
and worked on our online learning curriculum. We experienced a very significant COVID outbreak in late November and many staff actually had
the virus. The impact on the school was very serious with successive class closures affecting hundreds of pupils, the closure of our nursery until
January 2021 and a staffing crisis created by the numbers of staff who are too unwell to return until January 2021 along with those shielding or
self-isolating. The RSC and DFE along with the local authority refused our request to close for a two week circuit break and made it very clear
that we had to remain open despite the high levels of staff unwell and the risk to pupils and staff.
Actual Governors meetings have been sporadic throughout the year. The Acting Head has kept them informed by email and telephone. In the
New Year we need to start our regular meetings again and to increase the role of the governing body in school life. Three new Governors have
been appointed since September 2020.
The site and cleaning team have been under huge pressure throughout the lockdown to keep the school open and COVID compliant. Kitchen
staff have found creative ways to ensure children are fed every day and in addition provided meals to be delivered to FSM pupils throughout
both lockdowns. Admin staff have worked at weekends and evenings through the outbreak to cope with bubble closures etc.

The Year 6 pupils had a much reduced year in terms of the usual activities including the cancellation of their show and residential trip. Pupils in
general have done exceptionally well on their return to school and it is clear that for many the ‘Normality’ of school is key to their well-being.

   Action point            Timescale           Resources                Lead person           Monitoring     Success criteria        Evaluation
6.1 Weekly Parent      January 2021        Admin time to           LB                    AV                A weekly news-
News letter                                complete and send                                               letter will be
                                           each Monday                                                     emailed to parents
                                                                                                           celebrating the
                                                                                                           success of the
                                                                                                           previous week,
                                                                                                           achievement and
                                                                                                           good attendance
                                                                                                           along with
                                                                                                           reminders and dates
                                                                                                           to remember.
6.2 Establish Links    By end of term 4    Link with the charity   AV and Geography      Governors         Pupils will have a
with the Children of   2021                communications          Lead                                    clear understanding
the Dump school in                         lead                                                            of what life in the
Manilla, Philippines                                                                                       school in Manilla is
                                                                                                           like and will be
                                                                                                           writing and
                                                                                                           receiving regular
                                                                                                           letters to and from
                                                                                                           the school.
6.3 Establish a        Ongoing                                     Arts centre manager   AV/JW             The Arts and Sports
development plan                                                                                           centre will be fully
for post COVID Arts                                                                                        open and operating.
and sports centre                                                                                          Income will be at or
better than pre
                                                                                   COVID restrictions
6.4 Re-establish the    On going                        PTA chair            AB    PTA fund raising
role of the PTA in                                                                 and activities will be
the school                                                                         back to pre COVID
6.5 Staff well being    On going   Identification of    Rachel Pang          SLT   Staff well-being will
                                   need and response.                              be effectively
                                   This may involve                                monitored and
                                   paying for some                                 issues for groups
                                   sessions for                                    and individuals
                                   individual staff.                               addressed.
                                   Plan a Summer Ball   AB and JW
                                   for all staff as a                              An end of year
                                   thank you for                                   celebration will take
                                   massive                                         place for all staff.
                                   commitment this
6.6 Raise the profile   On going                        Chair of Governors   AV    Governors will meet
of the governing                                                                   regularly and have a
body’s involvement                                                                 clear picture of what
with the school                                                                    is happening in all
                                                                                   areas of the
                                                                                   Governors will be
                                                                                   invited to join in
                                                                                   with assemblies and
                                                                                   other events
                                                                                   SLT will feel fully
                                                                                   supported by the
                                                                                   governing body.
                                                                                   Efficient clerking will
                                                                                   mean governors
                                                                                   receive paperwork
                                                                                   before meetings and
                                                                                   that meetings will
                                                                                   be minuted in a
                                                                                   compliant manner.
Section 7: Buildings, Premises and Maintenance

Current Evaluation:
The Site Team and cleaning team have been under considerable pressure to deliver an even higher standard than usual because of COVID. They
have really risen to the challenge. The rules and restrictions have meant extensive deep cleaning and then a very high level of daily cleaning.
The building had to be cleared of all unnecessary equipment and resources. In addition two members of the site team have had their hours
reduced in the restructure. As a consequence of this one of them is moving on to a new school. This will leave a significant gap in site team

The build for the final two classrooms was delayed but started in September 2020 and will be completed on December 23rd 2020. Health and
Safety compliance in the school needs an audit and subsequent actions put in place. CCTV system is being upgraded. The school website is no
longer fit for purpose.

   Action point             Timescale           Resources                Lead person        Monitoring     Success criteria     Evaluation
7.1 Develop a rolling   Immediate and       Time for site team      TT                 AV                A rolling programme
programme of            ongoing             to work out a rolling                                        of works will exist
works/maintenance                           timetable                                                    and the actual work
                                                                                                         completed schedule
                                                                                                         will mirror this.
                                                                                                         Classrooms and
                                                                                                         corridors will be
                                                                                                         decorated on a
                                                                                                         rolling programme
7.2 Employ a further    To be reviewed in   Finance for advert      JW/TT              AV                Existing site team
site team member        February 2021       Time set aside for                                           will both work full
                                            interview process.                                           time. New employee
                                                                                                         will do three days.
7.3 Health and          Immediate and       Finance for advert      JW/TT/AV           AV                A H&S qualified
safety compliance       ongoing             Time set aside for                                           employee will be in
                                            interview process.                                           place. School
                                                                                                         policies and
                                            Budget for salary of                                         procedures will be
                                            H&S employee                                                 updated. Necessary
                                                                                                         risk assessments
and compliance
                                                                                 certificates will be in
7.4 New Website        January 2022    Finance for the      NB/AT-IT team   AV   A new fit for
                                       building and                              purpose website will
                                       maintenance of the                        exist and be fully
                                       site                                      compliant with the
                                                                                 guidance for what
                                                                                 Academies should
                                                                                 publish. It will be
                                                                                 easy for
                                                                                 stakeholders to
                                                                                 access and use.
7.5 Transfer of deed   February 2021                        JW              AV   The deed of transfer
for side access road                                                             will be registered at
                                                                                 the land registry.
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