Services and opportunities for schools - 2019-2020 academic year - Essex Music ...

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Services and opportunities for schools - 2019-2020 academic year - Essex Music ...
Services and opportunities
for schools
2019-2020 academic year

    Dear Essex schools,
    Essex Music Services has evolved at pace in recent years as we respond to the ever-changing education
    landscape. This booklet outlines the key services and opportunities we offer to all schools with a DfE
    number (including LA schools, academies, free schools, special schools and Alternative Education
    Provision settings).

    This booklet is appropriate for:
    • Music coordinators and staff with responsibility for music provision
    • Heads of Music/Performing Arts
    • Headteachers and all members of the Senior Leadership Team
    • Business Managers
    • SENCOs
    You will see that we have maintained and developed several of our popular services, as well as launching
    exciting new opportunities like Band-It! and Teach-It!. This booklet also provides signposts to our out of school
    provision for budding young musicians.
    As OFSTED releases its new framework, we hope to support you in using music as a key part of school life,
    leveraging its power to create a broad and balanced curriculum, and supporting the welfare and talents of
    all pupils.
    In challenging financial times, we are also highlighting the significant level of investment in your school
    which can be secured through modest contributions. All costs are based on delivery, and do not include
    others expenses covered by the Service such as travel, administration and backroom costs.
    This offer is for the 2019-2020 academic year. You can request our services at any time, however some
    services are limited, so we encourage early sign-up wherever possible to give us the best chance to staff
    your request effectively.
    I hope you find this informative and inspiring. We look forward to our ongoing partnership with you in
    2019-2020 and beyond.

    Yours sincerely,

    Charly Richardson - Music Service Lead Officer

Essex Music Services – part of Essex County Council – is the lead partner in Essex Music Education Hub.
We are supported by funding from the Department for Education via Arts Council England.
Along with partner organisations that make up the Hub, we offer a range of musical services, projects and
opportunities throughout Essex schools and within the community. Our funding supports 5-18 year olds,
however we also deliver specific EYFS and post-18 initiatives.
We aim to support and enhance the music curriculum in schools, as well as providing progression
opportunities for young musicians in the community.

                                                                             discounts offered
                                                                   t Mu
                                                                ges          annually to support
                                                         d                   low-income families
                                                      Education Hub
                                                     in En

              FREE N
                                                               d                    13 evening
                                                                                    & weekend
                ISIO                                                                community
             dA fte r
                      Child sex
                      ith Es
                                                                                    music centres
             oo         w
       for L rtnership )
        (in p al Schoo l
         Virtu                             16 national and local             12 County Music group
                                           partner organisations             concerts annually, plus
                                                                               interntional tours
        students received a total of

        hours of free whole class
          instrumental tuition
            (Play-It!) across

                 173                     working with 93%
             schools last year
                                         of essex schools                            4224
                Over 2000 hours                                                        using

                of 1-to-1 instrumental
                and vocal tuition                                                    Charanga
                delivered every week                                                  Musical
                                          Music groups                                11963 Essex
                  National                                                            pupils using
                  leader                                                              Charanga
                  in SEND                1316                                         VIP Studio
                  and inclusion          instruments                                  Sessions
                                         hired annually


    Why use us?											                              5
    Learn-It! Instrumental and vocal tuition							     6
    Play-It! Whole class instrumental teaching						    8
    In-school ensembles/choirs									                 9
    The E-learning Package										                    12
    Band-It! Small group Rock and Pop								           14
    Teach-It! Music curriculum provision							         14
    Live Music Experiences 										                   14
    Drum-It! World music workshops 				                 15
    Sing-It! 												                               16
    Create It!		                                        16
    Rap-It!                                             16
    Bespoke workshops 									                         17
    Teacher training & CPD 										                   18
    Out of school opportunities for your pupils						   20
    Instrument hire 					                               21
    Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme							          21
    Financial support for pupils 				                   21
    Booking form 						                                 21
    Our Mission 								                                22
    Why music? The benefits to your learners 				       23

Why use us?

    Over 60 years’ experience working in Essex schools and communities.

    We are not-for-profit
✕   Everything we offer is subsidised, and all income is reinvested in Essex schools and community

    Our values
    We are committed to an inclusive music education experience which caters for the diverse needs
    of all schools and learners.

    High quality
    Our tutors follow our set of pedagogical principles and are supported and developed by a robust
    mentoring process and ongoing training & CPD. Our CPD programme ensures we continually reflect
    and refresh our practice, responding effectively to changes in education.

    We have specialist tutors who have undertaken further training in the following areas:
    • SEND    • Inclusion    • Whole Class Instrumental Teaching   • Vocal and Choral Development

    • Rap    • Songwriting    • Music Technology   • World Music/Cultural Diversity   • Choirs/Ensembles

    All tutors are subject to rigorous pre-employment checks, hold enhanced DBS checks and update
    their safeguarding training at least bi-annually.

    National reputation
    Essex Music Education Hub is a national leader in music technology, SEND, inclusion and workforce

    HR, legal & insurance
    We manage Payroll and ensure full legal and HR compliance for all our staff.

    Sickness cover
    We cover the cost of absence and aim to provide cover tutors for long-term absences.

    Our work is overseen and supported by the hub oversight group, comprised of stakeholders and
    school representatives sought through ESSET, ASHE and EPHA.


    Instrumental & vocal tuition KS1-5
    We offer vocal and instrumental lessons across the county, covering most orchestral and band instruments as
    well as music technology, rap, and songwriting.
    Our tutors are trained to think inclusively and cater for all learners. Our specialist SEND and Inclusion tutors
    have additional training and experience in supporting vulnerable learners, whether this be young people at
    risk of exclusion or those with complex Special Educational Needs.

    Types of lessons
    Small group/paired lessons
    We offer small group/paired lessons of two or three students per lesson, where the cost is split between them
    – a 20-minute lesson for two students would mean each pays for 10 minutes.

    Individual Tuition
    A child has 15, 20 or 30 minutes of 1-to-1 tuition per week with a music tutor at school.
    Usually, 10 lessons are delivered per term.

    Finance and support
    Most lessons are paid for by parents/carers. Schools may need to fully or part-fund lessons to support GCSE
    and A-level provision, or using Pupil Premium to meet individual needs.
    For additional information about financial support for low-income families and Looked After Children, please
    see p21.


    All Learn-It! provision is administered through our Speedadmin system.
    Registered users can already access here.
    To book Learn-It! as a new user please fill in the booking form.

    Music Tutors

    Our tutors work with each student to encourage the best music-making for them, whether that be just for
    enjoyment, entering music exams (i.e. ABRSM, Trinity, LCM, Rockschool), local music competitions, or
    progressing towards studying music at FE/HE level.

          Lea chools: r
          st to s er hou
        Co .45 p ry
         £30 tual deli1v.e46
              Ac st: £3

Current Offer

 Brass                      Woodwind                   Strings                    Guitar & Keyboard

 Cornet                     Alto Saxophone             Cello                      Acoustic Guitar
 Euphonium                  Bassoon                    Double Bass                Bass Guitar
 French Horn                Clarinet                   Harp                       Electric Guitar
 Trombone                   Flute                      Viola                      Keyboard
 Trumpet                    Oboe                       Violin                     Mandolin
 Tuba                       Piccolo                                               Organ
                            Recorder                                              Piano

 Musicianship               Voice                      Percussion                 Contemporary

 Aural                      Classical singing          Drum Kit                   Rap
 Theory                     Contemporary singing       Percussion                 Music Technology
                                                       Tuned Percussion

If you have a request for an instrument which is not on here, please get in touch!

  “I just wanted pass on my grateful thanks for the wonderful peri teachers working at Thurstable.
   They really do go above and beyond. This year as well as their usual teaching they have coached
   and accompanied students for their performances for A-level and GCSE; performed on A-level music
   technology recordings and A-level compositions; and accompained our choir. They are such an integral
   part of our music department. They are always willing to help not just their own students but make
   time to help others. They are an invaluable help to me as there is just me and one part time teacher.
   They all have a can do attitude and music at Thurstable is much stronger with their support.
   Thank you.”

  Sally Thomson - Head of Music, Thurstable School


    Introducing Play-It! KS2
    Formerly known as First Access. Play-It! is a combination of one classroom of KS2 children and their teacher, a
    specialist tutor, a class set of instruments, and fantastic online resources, and over a 10-week period teaches
    them music through the instrument, usually culminating in a concert for parents and carers.
    All maintained schools, academies and free schools with KS2 are entitled to a FREE term
    (10 weeks).

    Sessions last for 45 minutes, and our tutors are paid for an additional 15 minutes per session for planning
    and preparation. We provide a session to each class in a KS2 year group. This is usually Year 4 (e.g. a 2-form
    entry school will receive 2 x 45 minute sessions). Classroom teachers are expected to remain in the classroom
    to support the tutor, and ideally learn alongside their pupils to help develop better musical understanding
    and progression. Each class receives a written report from the music tutor at the end of each term, and
    additional terms for KS2 schools can be purchased, as can sessions for non-KS2 schools (see Play-It Again!
    on p9).

    Most schools will have a set of instruments to utilise, and we can be flexible to accommodate your request.
    For schools without instruments, we have a limited supply of violins, Toots, Doods or pBuzzs which we can
    lend for the duration of the Play-It! programme.

    We want everyone in the class to be able to join in, and we work with partner Drake Music to use Assistive
    Music Technology to support pupils to overcome barriers to learning, for example using iPads or Skoogs to
    support physically disabled learners in mainstream schools. For special schools, we will allocate a specialist
    SEND tutor, and will design the programme flexibly around the needs of your learners, for example using
    percussion, voices or music technology if more appropriate.

               KS2 schools
       Cost to     sions:
         for 10 ses
                Actual de
                 cost: £43

Play-It! Again

Whole class instrumental lesson progression KS1-3
                                                                                    Play-It! A
The next step in instrumental learning and enriching your school’s musical life!
If you’re a KS2 school who has had a free term of Play-It! you can purchase an
                                                                                     Cost to s
additional term or two so that your pupils (and staff) can continue their           for 10x4 hools
learning journey, or you could invest to let another year group benefit.
                                                                                   sessions minute
                                                                                           : £304.5
This can also be bought in for KS1 and KS3.
                                                                                     tual cost
                                                                                              : £324.1

In-School Ensembles/Choirs
Music is better when we play together! We have a team of specialist tutors
who can provide music groups within your school setting either within
                                                                                   Ensembl chool
curriculum time or as an extra-curricular activity.
We can work with whatever instruments you have at your school, from a                      es/Choir
traditional choir to a mixed instrument/ability ensemble and work with               Ho            s
                                                                                        urly co
you to create great musical outcomes!                                               schools: st to
                                                                                    Actual c
                                                                                            ost: £43

The E-Learning Package

     Our complete E-Learning Package includes access to all of the following resources:

     Charanga Musical School for EYFS, KS1, KS2, KS3
     The best-selling, modern resource for delivering primary music teaching.
     The award-winning Charanga Musical School Scheme provides teachers with week-by-week lessons for each year
     group in the school from ages 5 –11. It is ideal for both specialists and non-specialist teachers.
     It supports all the requirements of the national curriculum and is in line with published Ofsted guidance.
     Charanga Musical School includes:
     • Lesson plans, assessment and clear progression and engagement
     • An exciting whiteboard resource for every lesson
     • A vast library of songs, topics, instrument courses and creative apps
     • In-depth support for SEND and cross curricular teaching and learning.

     O-Generator for advanced KS1 users, KS2, KS3
     O-Generator is a cloud-based music making tool meaning all young people can access this great resource online
     and instantly begin to Create, Learn, Play and Perform Music at home and beyond the classroom setting.
     O-Generator allows you to:
     • Create – Your own songs, record live and export files
     • L earn and compose – engaging activities through popular music styles, users will learn about Rhythm,
        Melody and Harmony, following step-by-step lessons, interacting with quizzes and challenges
     • P
        lay – O-Generator contains whole class percussion lessons, instrumental group practice activities, Funky
       Pop and World Music Tunes, Step-by-Step instruction with notation provided
     • W
        rite and Perform – a great way to introduce song writing projects into the curriculum, supporting cross
       curricular learning and ideal for non-specialist teachers.

     VIP Studio Sessions for KS3, KS4, KS5
     Charanga’s VIP Studio Sessions turns any ordinary computer into a digital recording studio and multi-track
     sequencer without any need for installation. It provides everything needed to create and produce music and
     provides strong links to possible career pathways.

Focus on Sound for KS3, KS4, KS5
Focus on Sound is a cloud-based piece of educational software which supports students to develop their
listening skills, theory and musical knowledge and practice content in preparation for the listening element of
the GCSE course. It provides a huge depth of suitable content for all exam boards and will support student’s
wider musical development. Nominated for the ‘Outstanding Digital/Technology Resource’ national award,
this resource provides:
• Content for individual or class-based teaching. Resources range from age 9 –18
• Instant access to hundreds of videos, lessons, tests, quizzes, photos, recordings, music scores and
   YouTube links
• The ability to access test and quiz results for whole classes in real time
• Exceptional resources for all exam boards
• Content written by expert teachers with a large team of young professional performers and updated weekly.

ReelMusic is a CPD tool for all music educators which provides a library of bite sized video clips of best
practice, interviews with leading practitioners and seeks to keep all professionals up-to-date with the current
developments in education.
This can support practitioners to reflect on their own practice, provide support for teachers who can feel
isolated within their subject and deliver approaches for specialists in areas that might be outside of their
All schools purchasing the E-Learning package will be provided with an account to access this library, and can
do so at any time that suits them, via the Essex Music Education Hub website.

                                                                           Annual          e
                                                                            funded ost for any D
                                                                                     school      f
                                                                          (£60 fo          : £100 E
                                                                           than 10 chools with le
                                                                                  0 pupil         s
                                                                                         s on ro s
                                                                              Actual            ll)
                                                                                     c ost: £7

Other Services

     Small group Rock and Pop
     Make a big hit at your school!
     Band-It! is a new offer, most appropriate for KS2, which allows your students to come together and engage in
     instrumental learning in a band setting, learning popular genres and covering well-known songs. This involves
     10x30 min group sessions per term.
     Throughout your engagement with this provision, all instruments and equipment are
     provided to the school on free loan and will remain on site for the duration of
     delivery for students to practise in-between sessions.
     There will be a performance at the end of each term for you to feature and
     celebrate the musical talents that your young people have developed, offering               Termly c
     you a fantastic opportunity to involve your community in the work of the school.           parents/ st to
     This is a great way of introducing instrumental learning at an affordable level
     (half price for low-income families) within your school and fostering a love of                 £55
     performing music within your pupils.
     As this is a new offer, provision is initially limited and will be scaled-up gradually.

     Music Curriculum provision                                                                      Teach-It!
     Essex Music Services can offer PPA and music curriculum cover within your                    Daily cha
     school. We have many outstanding music tutors with years of teaching                      to schoo rge
     experience who can deliver music education as part of your team.                                   ls: £195
                                                                                               (For KS4
     These specialists can also support other teachers to develop their practice,                   us for a q contact
     or simply cover the skills gap that you have within your workforce.                                      uote)
     This provision can cover both primary and secondary school settings and will be
     booked as a whole day engagement.

     Live Music Experiences
                                                                                                 Live Mus
                                                                                                Experien ic
     Bring musical instruments to life with a performance from one of our touring
     trios. Whether you want brass, woodwind or strings, a Live Music Experience
     is a great way to meet the national curriculum requirements of access to                           ces
                                                                                                 Daily cha
     Live High-Quality Music and launch instrumental learning in your school.                             r
                                                                                                 schools: ge to
     All visiting trios will also provide the opportunity for all students to have a                      £175
                                                                                                 Actual co
     go on all the instruments, creating a buzz amongst pupils and hopefully                   delivery st of
     inspiring them to take up an instrument!                                                          : £776.2

World music workshops
Drum-It! offers exciting one-day events for students across all Key Stages with traditional instruments
(provided) and rhythms. As well as being thoroughly enjoyable for pupils, these drumming
and didgeridoo sessions can greatly complement and enhance existing music curriculum
provision and offer cross-curricular opportunities. Perfect for curriculum enrichment,
a topic-themed day or end of term treat!
                                                                                            Daily cha
                                                                                         to schoo rge
Get extra value for money when school staff participate in sessions to support
their own Continuing Professional Development.
                                                                                                   ls: £175
                                                                                             Actual co
West African Djembe Drumming                                                               delivery st of
                                                                                                   : £259.3
Available for all year groups. Up to 32 students.                                                          2

Indian Dhol & Dholak Drumming
Available for Year 3 and upwards and best suited for up to 15 students.

Available for Year 3 upwards and best suited for up to 20 students.

Aboriginal Didgeridoo
This workshop is available for Year 3 and upwards and best suited for up to 15 students.

Classroom percussion workshop
Bring stories to life, and develop your students’ imaginations by exploring new sounds on everyday classroom
percussion. For a whole class of EYFF/KS1.

Vocal provision

     The offers below are designed to support your school’s singing, a core role for
     the service and an important part of the national curriculum. They can support
     the development of a choir, encourage vocal engagement across your school
     and encourage a sense of school and community identity.
                                                                                       Mini Sin
     Get extra value for money when school staff participate in sessions to
     support their own Continuing Professional Development.
                                                                                          Daily cha
                                                                                       to schoo rge
                                                                                                 ls: £175
     Mini Sing-It! KS1                                                                   Actual co
                                                                                       delivery st of
                                                                                               : £259.3
     A fun day of singing with content and approaches suitable for a whole class
     of beginner singers, finishing with a short concert for parents and carers.

     Sing-It! KS2, KS3                                                                     Sing-It!
     An inspiring day-long workshop to push and develop more able singers to              Daily ch
     find their voice, culminating in a short concert for parents and carers.          to schoo arge
                                                                                                 ls: £175
                                                                                         Actual co
                                                                                       delivery st of
     Create-It! KS2, KS3                                                                       : £259.3
     A Create-It! booking will result in an original song being written for your
     whole school, by your pupils!
     By the end of the day your school will have a recording of its own unique song
     that you can use on your website and at events.
     The song can be about any aspect of school life, from embodying your school         Create-It
     motto or community, to covering any part of the curriculum that is suitable.
                                                                                           aily ch
                                                                                       to schoo arge
                                                                                                ls: £200
     Rap-It!                                                                             Actual co
                                                                                        delivery t of
                                                                                                : £350
     Rap-It! workshops introduce pupils to the world of rap, hip-hop, grime and
     spoken word. These sessions are a perfect way to develop confidence in pupils,
     enhance and link to the music curriculum, and explore creative literacy.
     As well as performing and talking about their craft, our rap tutors will also
     support pupils to find their own voice in the style.
     The exact format of the day will depend on the needs of the school. It could
     be a presentation to a year group, more hands-on workshops with smaller              Daily ch
                                                                                       to schoo arge
     groups, or a bit of both!                                                                   ls: £175
                                                                                         Actual co
                                                                                       delivery st of
                                                                                               : £259.3

Bespoke workshops
Do you want to deliver something a little more specialised for your school?
Is your school on an Artsmark journey and needing a particular workshop?
Do you have an Arts week planned and are looking for a themed workshop?
Whatever your needs, Essex Music Education Hub has an ever-growing diverse workforce and a large
number of partners who help us deliver work that meets the needs of particular schools.
Therefore, if you are looking for ways to support your school improvement plan or enhance your
curriculum, please get in touch.
Teacher training & CPD

     We have a core responsibility to support schools in continuing to develop their musical delivery within the
     curriculum. We offer a range of CPD opportunities, many of which are FREE within the E-Learning package.

     Free CPD offer for E-Learning subscribed schools
     We have weekly sessions taking place across the county for primary teachers to engage with Charanga.
     Discover more on our website.

     We have regular O-Generator CPD taking place across the county.
     Discover more on our website.

     CPD and Training Courses
     We bring nationally renowned trainers throughout the year to deliver CPD sessions as requested by
     Essex teachers. The planned sessions for the 2019/20 academic year are:

      Course title                 Date                      Location                  Led by         Booking

      Refreshed thinking           Thursday 10 October       Central Baptist           Sue            Book here
      for Music                    2019                      Church, Victoria Road     Nicholls       for £40 per
                                                             South, Chelmsford                        person
                                   9.30am – 3.30pm

      Music working within         Thursday 5 March          Christ Church United      Sue            Book here
      and across the arts          2020                      Reformed Church,          Nicholls       for £40 per
                                                             New London Road,                         person
                                   9.30am – 3.30pm

     MIDAS visit (Music Improvement, Development And Support)
     Our role is a supportive one. School leadership, curriculum staff in schools and Essex Music Education Hub
     will work together, with the aim of providing the best music education possible for the children and young
     people across the county of Essex.
     Recommendations will be agreed with the school and documentation relating to the support visit will remain
     strictly confidential between the school and Essex Music Education Hub.
     We will then develop a plan to meet your support and development needs, based on

     the recommendations, which will be shared and discussed with the school. The
     purpose of this plan will be to fill any gaps which have been jointly identified and
     to support any agreed areas for development.
     We will continue to work closely with your school to support your musical
     development programme and will agree with you a review date during the next
     academic year to monitor how things are progressing against the agreed plan.

Teacher networks
Essex Music Education Hub works in partnership with The Royal Opera House Bridge to deliver cultural
networks across the county. Please visit our website to view the dates and locations of all planned

Quadrant meetings
Quadrant meetings are held termly and are targeted at subject specialists within the Arts at secondary level.
They are an opportunity to discuss approaches, share best practice and identify ways that we can further
support secondary schools. Please visit our website to view the dates and locations of the quadrant meetings.

Out of school opportunities for your pupils

     County Music Groups
     For young students already on their musical journey, our County Music Groups offer further opportunities to
     enhance skills, meet other like-minded musicians and have the chance to perform in concerts throughout the
     year across the UK and abroad. 12 groups cover orchestral music, jazz, brass, choirs, percussion collectives
     and more. Discover more on our website.
     For Community Music Centres and County Music Groups, discounts are available for low-income families, and
     provision is free for Looked After Children.

     Community Music Centres
     We run 13 Community Music Centres which offer heavily-subsidised opportunities for young musicians to
     progress their learning out of school time (evenings or Saturday mornings). As well as individual vocal or
     instrumental lessons, they can take part in various ensembles, choirs, aural/theory classes, songwriting,
     music technology sessions and more.
     Discover more on our website and find your nearest Community Music Centre on the map below.


                                                   CM7 9LW                                       CO11 2BW

                                                                                CO3 3LL               Tendring

                                                     CM8 1EP

                                                                    CM9 6AB

                     CM5 9LA             CM2 7AQ
                                                                                                    Castle Point
                                                                                                    SS7 5RN
         Epping                            Chelmsford
                          Brentwood                                      Maldon                     Harlow
                                                                                                    CM18 7NQ
         IG10 3JA
                           CM15 8RY
                                        SS12 OAG
                                                                        SS5 5HG

Other opportunities

Instrument hire
We have a stock of nearly 2000 high quality instruments which are available to hire for anyone living or
studying in Essex. Schools may also hire instruments. Our hire rates are competitively priced and we offer
most common orchestral instruments in addition to electric guitars, keyboards and music technology packs.
There are additional discounts for low-income families, and free provision for Looked After Children.
Discover more on our website.

Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme
The Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme (AIPS) enables pupils at Community Music Centres or Local
Authority schools to purchase instruments without paying VAT (Value Added Tax). Academies will need to do
this for their pupils as they have their own VAT registration.

Financial support
Families on low-incomes (defined as a household income of below £22k) are eligible for our music tuition
discount which offers a 66% reduction in fees.
We also offer 100% free provision for Looked After Children, funded by Essex Virtual School.

  Booking form
  We do hope that the services and opportunities presented in this booklet are of interest to your school.
  Please click here to book. Our terms and conditions for provision can be found here.

Our Mission

     Essex Music Education Hub aims to provide high-quality, diverse, sustainable music education opportunities
     for all children and young people. We strive to ensure that opportunities are available regardless of a
     child/young person’s background or circumstances and that those reaping the benefits represent the varied
     demographic of the county we serve.
     Our services will be broad, inclusive and enjoyable yet challenging. A music education should foster lifelong
     skills and a passion for music within children and young people, as well as helping to raise ambitions and
     standards in other educational areas and develop expressive and inter-personal skills.
     We believe that a broad, diverse and innovative musical offer gives children and young people the greatest
     opportunity to find a pathway through music education which is right for them. We maintain that a
     connected music education offering is crucial to support progression routes and strong outcomes and
     therefore we deliver or support a range of high-quality music education offerings.
     We want to create an interface between so-called formal, non-formal, and informal approaches to
     learning. We passionately believe in our ability to create dialogue, interactions and activity between
     classroom/curriculum music educations; digital learning, instrumental or vocal tuition; community music
     activity and more. Our responsibility is not just to deliver work, but also to connect the music education and
     cultural landscape across Essex and beyond, and that’s why partnership working is so crucial.
     We will continue to engage increasing numbers of LA schools, academies, Free Schools, parents and children
     and young people in dynamic and positive ways.

     The Hub will continue to focus its work on the delivery of the Core and Extension objectives which
     were originally identified in The Importance of Music: A National Plan for Music Education:

     Core roles
     1. Ensure that every child aged 5-18 has the opportunity to learn a musical instrument (other than voice)
         through whole-class ensemble teaching programmes for ideally a year (but for a minimum of a term) of
         weekly tuition on the same instrument.
     2. Provide opportunities to play in ensembles and to perform from an early stage.
     3. Ensure that clear progression routes are available and affordable to all young people.
     4. Develop a singing strategy to ensure that every pupil sings regularly and that choirs and other vocal
         ensembles are available in the area.

     Extension roles
     1. Offer CPD to school staff, particularly in supporting schools to deliver music in the curriculum.
     2. Provide an instrument loan service, with discounts or free provision for those on low incomes.
     3. Provide access to large scale and/or high quality music experiences for pupils, working with professional
         musicians and/or venues. This may include undertaking work to publicise the opportunities available to
         schools, parents/carers and students.

Why music? The benefits to your learners

In The Power of Music, Professor Susan Hallam concludes that learning music can have a significant positive
impact on:

                                                                                                    General attainment
mathematical performance
                       Spatial reasoning and
                                               Transfer of
                                                             of literacy skills
                                                                                  The development

                                                                                                                                                                                       and self-regulation re-engagement of the disaffected
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Executive functioning Educational motivation and
                                       Aural and visual memory

                                          Social cohesion and
                                                                                                               Psychological well-being
                                                                                                                                     Personal development and self-beliefs
                                                                                                                                                                     Music and personality

  Social cohesion and inclusion
  Pro-social behaviour and team work
  Empathy and emotional intelligence
  Physical development
  Aural perception and
  language skills

     This information is issued by:      EssexMusicHub
     Essex Music Services                essexmusiceducationhub
     Contact us:
     0333 013 8953                    The information contained in this
                                      document can be translated, and/or
     Essex Music Services             made available in alternative formats,
     Essex County Council             on request.
     E2, County Hall, Chelmsford,
     Essex, CM1 1QH.                  Published March 2019

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