Saint John Paul II - Holy Trinity (Winsted)

Page created by Rose Harvey
Saint John Paul II - Holy Trinity (Winsted)
Saint John Paul II
                                              Area Faith Community Bulletin
                                            Pastor:               Rev. Matthew Wiering                Sixteenth Sunday
                                            Parochial Vicar:      Rev. John Hayes                     in Ordinary Time
                                            Senior Associate:     Rev. Aaron Johanneck                    July 18, 2021

    Church of the Holy Family                        Church of the Holy Trinity                   Church of St. Pius X
      700 Main Street West                       110 Winsted Avenue West, PO Box 9             1014 Knight Avenue North
     Silver Lake, MN 55381                              Winsted, MN 55395                         Glencoe, MN 55336
        320 • 327 • 2356                                 320 • 485 • 2182                          320 • 864 • 5162                   

Last week I wrote about the centrality of the sacred liturgy in the life of the Church and about the liturgy’s vital
importance even, and especially, in the midst of the many crises that we face as a society and as a Church. At
the heart of the liturgy is the action of God and the sacrifice of Christ made present to us. This is true as long
as the celebration of the liturgy is valid, even if it is celebrated poorly. Sometimes people use this as an
argument against paying much attention to how the liturgy is celebrated. However, we cannot underestimate
the power of ritual and symbolism to form and touch us on all levels of our being. We can teach people that
something is important and sacred and repeat this until our faces turn blue, but if we do not treat it this way
people will soon lose sight of the reality. If you treat your baseball signed by Babe Ruth just like any other
baseball, someone who knows nothing about Babe Ruth won’t know that there is anything special about it.
They might even use it for batting practice and wonder who scribbled on a perfectly good, although old, ball.
A 2019 Pew Research poll found that 69% of self-described Catholics do not believe in the reality of
transubstantiation, that at the Consecration at Mass the bread and wine become the true Body and Blood of
Christ. This is not only a core teaching of Catholicism; it is an incredible gift given to us by Christ Himself!
Many have talked about the need for greater catechesis or teaching on this truth. Many also argue (and I agree)
that it is not enough just to teach more about this, although this is certainly necessary. The truth of Christ’s
Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist must be manifested in how we treat the Eucharist, how we conduct
ourselves in the Eucharistic Presence, and in how we celebrate the liturgy.
In his recent letter on the Holy Eucharist, Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of Phoenix helps to illustrate this point
through the example of his own upbringing. He recounts, “From the time I was a little child, I knew Jesus was
present in every Catholic Church. I could not have explained it, but I was certain He was there. The way my
father genuflected before the tabernacle, the quiet reverence of my mother, the way our pastor Father Daly
sang the Tantum Ergo with such gusto and a thick Irish brogue, it was these actions and God’s grace, more
than words, that imbedded in my heart a solid conviction about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.”
I can relate to this. I learned a great deal about the holiness of the Mass and the presence of Christ in the
Eucharist through what I experienced in my home parish of St. Mary’s in Seaforth. I remember the way
people dressed for Mass, especially one man who always wore a sport coat. He wasn’t a lawyer or anything.
He worked at the local Firestone. I remember the reverence with which parishioners genuflected as they
passed the tabernacle and how, after Mass had finished, everyone got down on their knees for a quiet prayer of
thanksgiving. Slowly people got up as they finished their prayers and quietly exited the church, greeting each
other as they left, but never having loud or extended conversations. Those were reserved for the church hall or
outside. I learned more from what I absorbed from these experiences than I did from what I was formally
taught, although they certainly worked hand in hand.
The externals of the sacred liturgy are not for their own sake. But when cared for in the right spirit they both
manifest and form us in the truth of what the liturgy is, of who God is, of our relationship with Him, and of
who we are.
                                                                                                     In Christ,
                                                                                         Fr. Aaron Johanneck
Saint John Paul II - Holy Trinity (Winsted)
St. John Paul II Area Faith Community Directory                St. John Paul II Area Faith Community Liturgical Calendar

                                           Pastor: Rev. Matthew Wiering                      **Sacrament of Reconciliation ½ hour before Masses M-F
                                         320-485-4421                                         Monday, July 19, 2021
Pastoral Leaders

                                         Parochial Vicar: Rev. John Hayes               8:00 a.m. Mass at Holy Family (+Cyril Popelka)
                                           320-485-4421                                         Tuesday, July 20, 2021
                                      Senior Associate: Rev. Aaron Johanneck                              St. Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr
                                        320-300-0770                 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration at Holy Trinity
                              Retired from Active ministry/Holy Family Emergency        8:00 a.m. Mass at Holy Trinity (Jerome Horstmann)
                                     Contact: Rev. Robert Mraz 320-583-2111             5:30 p.m. Mass at St. Pius X (+LaVonne Albright)
                              St. Pius X Emergency Contact: Msgr. Eugene Lozinski                             Wednesday, July 21, 2021
                                                Cell: 320-510-2063                            St. Lawrence of Brindisi, Priest and Doctor of the Church
                                       Liturgical Assistant: 320-327-2356               8:00 a.m. Mass at Holy Family (+Davie & Susie Horejsi)
                                                                                        8:00 a.m. Mass at Holy Trinity (+Gerald Hausladen)

                                     Bobbi Ludewig
                                         Bulletin Editor: 320-864-5162                  8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration at Holy Family
                                     Carla Bass                                   Thursday, July 22, 2021
                                                                                                                  St. Mary Magdalene
                                           Parish Office: 320-327-2356                  8:00 a.m. Mass at Holy Trinity (+Terry Scherping)
Holy Family, Silver Lake

                                              Business Administrator                    5:30 p.m. Mass at St. Pius X (+Tom & Mary Tousignant)
                                 Shirley Nowak                                 Friday, July 23, 2021
                                          Director of Religious Education                                        St. Bridget, Religious
                                          Lori Penas               8:00 a.m. Mass at Holy Family (+Albert & Josephine Ardolf;
                                                                                        +Marvin & Magdalen Miller)
                                   Mass Times                   Reconciliation
                                                                                        8:00 a.m. Mass at Holy Trinity (Fr. Matthew Wiering)
                                Saturday: 4:00 p.m.       Saturday: Noon – 1:00 p.m.,
                                                                                        10:30 a.m. Mass at GlenFields Living with Care (+Eleanor
                                Sunday: 8:00 a.m.              & ½ Hour before
                                                                                        Pawlicki) Mass not open to the public.
                              Eucharistic Adoration:           weekday Masses
                                 Every Wednesday                                                               Saturday, July 24, 2021
                                8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.                                                           St. Sharbel Makhluf, Priest
                                                                                        9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation at Holy Trinity
                                          Parish Office: 320-485-5651                   9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation at St. Pius X
                                         Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper                    Noon Sacrament of Reconciliation at Holy Family
                                    Bonita Suedbeck              4:00 – 4:45 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation at Holy Trinity
                                        School Principal: 320-485-5650                  4:00 p.m. Mass at Holy Family (+Donald Lhotka)
Holy Trinity, Winsted

                                      Anthony Biese                5:00 p.m. Mass at Holy Trinity (+Floyd Fenske)
                                                 Vice Principal:                        6:00 p.m. Mass at St. Pius X (+David Czaja)
                                                 Joshua LaFond                                                  Sunday, July 25, 2021
                                 Director of Religious Education: 320-485-5633                          Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                        Lori Penas                 8:00 a.m. Mass at Holy Family (l. & d. Shimanski relatives)
                                                                                        9:30 a.m. Mass at Holy Trinity (+Christopher Bebo, +Clarerence &
                                   Mass Times                   Reconciliation          Magdalen Bebo)
                               Saturday: 5:00 p.m.        Saturday: 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.   10:00 a.m. Mass at St. Pius X (+LeRoy Donnay)
                                Sunday: 9:30 a.m.            and 4:00 – 4:45 p.m.       11:30 a.m. Mass in Spanish at St. Pius X (For the Parish)
                              Eucharistic Adoration:           & ½ Hour before
                                  Every Tuesday                weekday Masses
                                                                                                              Scripture Readings
                                9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
                                                                                        Monday: Ex 14:5-18; Mt 12:38-42
                                           Parish Office: 320-864-5162                  Tuesday: Ex 14:21 – 15:1; Mt 12:46-50
                                              Business Administrator                    Wednesday: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Mt 13:1-9
                                   Shirley Nowak       Thursday: Sg 3:1-4b; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18
                                         Director of Religious Education                Friday: Ex 20:1-17; Mt 13:18-23
St. Pius X, Glencoe

                                                     Lori Penas                         Saturday Ex 24:3-8; Mt 13:24-30
                                        Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry                Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:42-44; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15
                                       Elvia Peña
                                    Mass Times                 Reconciliation
                                Saturday: 6:00 p.m.       Saturday: 9:00-10:00 a.m.      Baptisms                     Marriages
                                      Sunday:                  & ½ Hour before           Please call 320-327-2356     Before setting a date, please call
                                 10:00 a.m. English            weekday Masses            (Bobbi) for class time       320-327-2356 (Bobbi) to schedule
                                11:30 a.m. Spanish         Eucharistic Adoration:        and Baptism schedule         a time to talk to a priest.
                                                          No Eucharistic Adoration
                                                              until further notice
Saint John Paul II - Holy Trinity (Winsted)
Area Faith Community News

              Financial Stewardship: Weekend of                               ST. JOHN PAUL II AREA FAITH COMMUNITY
                                                                              PILGRIMAGE FOR THE YEAR OF ST. JOSEPH: Registration
                      July 10 & 11, 2021
                                                                              deadline is August 18, 2021. Adult Pilgrimage dates are Saturday,
CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILY:                                                    September 11, 2021 - Monday, September 13, 2021. Limited seating.
Weekly Contribution: $3,078.00.                                               In this year of St. Joseph, you are invited to join Fr. Matthew Wiering
CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY:                                                   and Fr. Aaron Johanneck, journey towards Green Bay, WI to visit the
Weekly Contribution: $10,031.00.                                              National Shrine of St. Joseph, as well as, the National Shrine Our
CHURCH OF ST. PIUS X:                                                         Lady of Good Help. These places are for all who want to reflect on
Weekly Contribution: $3,896.00, Spanish: $352.00.                             the life of St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Highlights
                                                                              include: Pilgrims will be given an opportunity to tour and later
               Promise to Protect. Pledge to Heal.                            participate in the Holy Mass at the National Shrine of St. Joseph and
                                                                              attend a Eucharistic and Rosary Procession led by the Fathers of
Report suspected abuse of minors to civil and church authorities.             Mercy at the National Shrine of our Lady of Good Help. A tour and
Diocese of New Ulm Safe Environment, 1421 6th Street North, New               Holy Mass at St. Paul Seminary with our newly ordained Deacons
Ulm, MN 56073. Phone: 507-233-5301, Fax: 507-354-0268,                        from the New Ulm Diocese. A local winery tour, Titletown, and McLeod County Social Services: 320-864-3144 or                   much more. Cost will be dependent upon number of attendees.
800-247-1756, National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-422-4453.                   Regarding questions and registration, contact Roxanne Felder at
                                                                     or 612-396-0727.
                         New Parishioners                                     CATHOLIC SUMMER SCHOOL! Diving Deeper into the
If you would like to register as a parishioner of one of our Area Faith       Mass: Explorations in the Sacred Liturgy: You are invited to join
Community Churches, please call the appropriate parish office.                Fr. Aaron Johanneck as he leads discussion surrounding the nature of
     Church of the Holy Family:           320-327-2356                        the Church’s liturgy and of the Mass, as well as the meaning of
                                                                              different parts of the Mass, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday evenings, July 21,
     Church of the Holy Trinity:          320-485-5651
                                                                              and 28, Holy Family Education Center, Silver Lake. Enter through
     Church of St. Pius X                 320-864-5162
                                                                              red doors on the northeast side of the building.
BACK TO MASS: Included as an insert in this bulletin is an essay              ***COMMON CUP MINISTRIES is again collecting school
by Bishop Robert Barron on coming back to Mass. Fr. Matt would                supplies for the Fall backpack program. St. John Paul II area faith
like to invite you to take this out of the bulletin and mail it or hand it    community has been asked to collect:
to a family member or friend and include a loving encouragement for
them to consider coming back to Mass. It is all of our responsibility                  Backbacks: total of 15 for our area faith community
to reach out to and evangelize our Catholic brothers and sisters who                   Highlighter pens: yellow
have lapsed in their practice of the faith and to bring them back!                     Kleenex: either boxes or individual packs
                                                                                       Wide ruled notebooks: 100 orange, 75 black
(Full-time): We are looking for a Catholic, faith-filled person to            A collection box is available at each church: by the lower level
work closely with the pastor and to oversee finances and staff at our         entrance to Holy Family and Holy Trinity and in the gather area at
three AFC parishes in Winsted, Glencoe, and Silver Lake. Good                 St. Pius X. Donations need to be made by Sunday, August 8.***
“people skills” and accounting and/or managerial experience                   Request forms for school supplies are available at each of the
required. The main office for this position is at Holy Trinity in             churches. At Holy Family on the table in the back of church, at
Winsted. For full details of this position, a complete description of         Holy Trinity at the entrance of the church, and at St. Pius X both
this position is available upon request. Please send resume and               English and Spanish forms are available in the kiosk. Completed
inquiries about this position to Fr. Matthew Wiering                          forms can be mailed directly to Common Cup Ministry, 105 2 nd
( by August 1.                                               Avenue SW, Hutchinson, MN 55350 or given to your parish office.
                                                                              Completed forms bust be received to Common Cup by Friday,
HOLY TRINITY (WINSTED) PARISH                                                 August 6.
time): We are looking for a Catholic, faith-filled person with good           UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS:
“people skills” to answer the phone, manage accounts, and perform             Please see church bulletin boards for more information!
parish-related office tasks. Education and/or experience in                   JOINT RELIGIOUS LEGISLATIVE COALITION: Please join
bookkeeping and word-processing required. For full details of this            us Wednesday, August 4! What Happened at the Capitol? A Faith
position, a complete description of this position is available upon           Perspective to hear about policy changes to help struggling
request. Please send your resume and inquiries about this position to         Minnesotans and our neighbors in need – and learn more about how
Fr. Matthew Wiering ( by August 1.                           the process works., at New Journey United Church of Christ, 31 4th
                                                                              Avenue S.W., Hutchinson, Fireside Room, 6:30-8:00 p.m. RSVP’s
                                                                              appreciated to indicate pizza preference, but not required to attend.
                                                                              Contact Joan Miltenberger, JRLC Statewide organizer at 612-230-
required. It is preferred that this person be a faith-filled and practicing
                                                                              3232 or email Donations welcome.
Catholic with previous teaching experience and/or a degree in
education. For full details of this position, a complete description of       MUSIC IN THE PARK: hosted by the Glencoe Lions, Oak Leaf
this position is available upon request. Please send your resume and          Park Shelter #2, Wednesdays in July, music from 6:30-8:00 p.m. and
inquiries about this position to Principal Anthony Biese                      food available from 6:00-7:00 p.m. or until gone, $9.00. Please
( as soon as possible.                                   bring a chair.
SUNDAY, JULY 25: Silver Lake American Legion breakfast,                       WEDNESDAYS IN THE PARK: Winsted Arts Council presents
8:00 – 10:30 a.m.                                                             Wednesdays in the Park, 7:00 p.m. Wednesdays through August 11,
                                                                              Winsted’s Mill Reserve Park. The event is free and open to the
Saint John Paul II - Holy Trinity (Winsted)
Church of the Holy Family

                        PARISH EVENTS                                          ULTIMATE FRISBEE: All youth entering 8th -12 grade, join us
                                                                               Wednesday evenings this summer (July 21 and August 4, 11, 18)
                                                                               from 7:00-8:00 p.m. at the Holy Trinity football field (check in at
                         July 20, 2021
                                                                               bleachers), Winsted for fun, faith and fellowship with our priests.
7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus meeting                                          Bring your water bottle!
AS YOU KNOW, Governor Walz has lifted the mask mandate                         FUNERAL LUNCHEONS MAY RESUME! After a long time of
for Minnesota. Please, be considerate of those who continue to wear            not being able to have time with family and friends after the passing
a mask. No one knows another’s situation.                                      of a loved one, we can finally resume having luncheons after the
                                                                               funeral. Because there are still some restrictions because of our
WEEKEND MINISTRIES: If you are interested in resuming your                     insurance, some changes have had to be made. For the time being
ministry at the weekend Masses, or if you would like to volunteer to           luncheons (all food and drink) will need to be catered. Caterer and
be Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lector or Usher,                 menu can be chosen by the family. No food from private kitchens
please contact Bobbi at the parish office.                                     will be allowed. Thank you for your understanding.
RECTORY IMPROVEMENTS: With Fr. Johanneck moving into                           COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND: We will be organizing
the Holy Family rectory, we are trying to paint, do additional                 regular Holy Communion visits to the homebound of Holy Family
maintenance, and update some furnishings. If you are interested in             parish in individual homes. If you are interested in serving in this
donating towards these projects, please talk to Fr. Matt or Fr. Aaron,         way, please contact Bobbi at the parish office as soon as possible.
or you can put a donation in the collection basket marked "Rectory
Improvements".                                                                 DIOCESAN MINISTRIES APPEAL: Thank you to all of you who
                                                                               have made a commitment to the Diocesan Ministries Appeal. We
CEMETERY COLLECTIONS: There are cemetery care                                  appreciate your support. At this time, the Diocesan Ministries
envelopes in your contribution packets four times a year: February,            Appeal has received $25,845.00 in pledges and gifts from our parish.
Memorial Day, August and All Souls Day. The monies taken in from               Our goal for gifts and pledges this year is $28,258.41. Remember that
these collections help with the everyday maintenance of the                    20% of the money donated to the DMA will go towards air-
cemetery. St. Adalbert’s cemetery costs for mowing and spraying                conditioning in the lower level of the church and heating for the
last fiscal year was approximately $3,000. The expenses for Bear               parish center meeting room.
Creek, Holy Family and St. Joseph cemeteries were tree trimming
$1,000; surveying more lots $5,600; spraying $350; and mowing                  PRAYER NETWORK:
$7,795. These collections, the sale of lots (right to burial), bequests,             Please pray for…Clarence Hoodecheck, Flo Shamla, Mike
and interest from perpetual care CD’s are the cemeteries’ sources of                 Popelka, Jesse Johnson, Marty K, Francis & Bernie
income. Please be generous in your giving.                                           Pokornowski, Cheryl K., Douglas Shamla, Pam, Karen, Lucas
                                                                                     and 3 special intentions. If you would like to have the Prayer
TEEN TALK: Attention ALL teens (going into) 8th -12th grade.                   Network pray for someone, please call the parish office to have their
New youth program led by Fr John Hayes! The next meeting is                    names included.
Wednesday, July 28 from 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. at Holy Trinity Parish
Social Hall. Summer Schedule: July 28 and August 25. Each night
is a stand-alone night. Teens may attend any or all of the nights! Join
Fr John as he leads teens on a night of fun, faith, scripture (bring your
bible), time for Q & A with the priest and treats! RSVP so we can get
a rough head count for planning (ok to show up if you did not
RSVP). Three ways to RSVP: 3 ring binder at Holy Trinity church,
email or
Questions? Contact Michaela Otto at 320-290-7428

      EUCHARISTIC ADORATION HOURS: Eucharistic Adoration is now on Wednesdays. Anyone is welcome from any of
      the parishes to fill in these open slots. Please prayerfully consider covering one of the open spots in the schedule. Please
      contact the Church of the Holy Family parish office if you or you and a friend are able to fill an open spot. Thank you!
 End of Mass to 9:00 a.m.               Marge Rognli                        Open                                   Open
 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.                   Margaret Lhotka                     Laura Kaczmarek                        Open
 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.                  Fr. Bob Mraz                        Keith and Nina Stifter                 Open
 11:00 a.m.-12:00p.m.                   Clarence & Anne Juncewski           Open                                   Betty Stifter (May - mid Dec )
 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.                   Fiametta Zahnd &                    Open                                   Open
                                        Elena Householder
 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.                    Marlene Rannow                      Open                                   Open
 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.                    Patricia Ott                        Open                                   Open
 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.                    Yvonne Urban                        Elaine Ostlie                          Bonnie Mohr

              “Every Holy Hour we make so pleases the Heart of Jesus that it is recorded in Heaven and retold for all eternity”
                                                                                   St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

           Please see the AFC page in this bulletin for job opportunities in our Area Faith Community
Saint John Paul II - Holy Trinity (Winsted)
“Come Back to Mass!” by Bishop Robert Barron
The past fifteen months have been a time of crisis and deep challenge for our country, and they
have been a particular trial for the Catholics. During this terrible COVID period, many of us
have been compelled to fast from attendance at Mass and the reception of the Eucharist. To be
sure, numerous Masses and Eucharistic para-liturgies have been made available online and thank
God for these. But Catholics know in their bones that such virtual presentations are absolutely no
substitute for the real thing. Now that the doors of our churches are commencing to open wide, I
would like to urge every Catholic reading these words: Come back to Mass!
Why is the Mass of such central importance? The Second Vatican Council eloquently teaches
that the Eucharist is the “source and summit of the Christian life”—which is to say, that from
which authentic Christianity comes and toward which it tends. It is the alpha and the omega of
the spiritual life, both the path and the goal of Christian discipleship. The Church Fathers
consistently taught that the Eucharist is sustenance for eternal life. They meant that in the
measure that we internalize the Body and Blood of Jesus, we are readied for life with him in the
next world. Thomas Aquinas said that all of the other sacraments contain the virtus Christi (the
power of Christ) but that the Eucharist contains ipse Christus (Christ himself)—and this would
help to explain why St. Thomas could never make it through the Mass without shedding copious
tears. It is precisely at the Mass that we are privileged to receive this incomparable gift. It is
precisely at the Mass that we take in this indispensable sustenance. Without it, we starve to death
If I might broaden the scope a bit, I would like to suggest that the Mass is, in its
totality, the privileged point of encounter with Jesus Christ. During the Liturgy of the Word, we
hear not simply human words crafted by poetic geniuses, but rather the words of the Word. In the
readings, and especially in the Gospel, it is Christ who speaks to us. In our responses, we speak
back to him, entering into conversation with the second person of the Trinity. Then, in the
Liturgy of the Eucharist, the same Jesus who has spoken his heart to us offers his Body and
Blood for us to consume. There is simply, this side of heaven, no more intimate communion
possible with the risen Lord.
I realize that many Catholics during this COVID period have become accustomed to the ease of
attending Mass virtually from the comfort of their own homes and without the inconvenience of
busy parking lots, crying children, and crowded pews. But a key feature of the Mass is precisely
our coming together as a community. As we speak, pray, sing, and respond together, we realize
our identity as the Mystical Body of Jesus. During the liturgy, the priest functions in persona
Christi (in the very person of Christ), and the baptized in attendance join themselves
symbolically to Christ the head and together offer worship to the Father. There is an exchange
between priest and people at Mass that is crucially important though often overlooked. Just
before the prayer over the gifts, the priest says, “Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and
yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father,” and the people respond, “May the Lord
accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good
of all his holy Church.” At that moment, head and members consciously join together to make
the perfect sacrifice to the Father. The point is that this cannot happen when we are scattered in
our homes and sitting in front of computer screens.
Saint John Paul II - Holy Trinity (Winsted)
If I might signal the importance of the Mass in a more negative manner, the Church has
consistently taught that baptized Catholics are morally obligated to attend Mass on Sunday and
that the conscious missing of Mass, in the absence of a valid excuse, is mortally sinful. I
understand that this language makes many people today uncomfortable, but it shouldn’t, for it is
perfectly congruent with everything we have said about the Mass to this point. If the Eucharistic
liturgy is, in fact, the source and summit of the Christian life, the privileged encounter with Jesus
Christ, the moment when the Mystical Body most fully expresses itself, the setting for the
reception of the bread of heaven—then we are indeed putting ourselves, spiritually speaking, in
mortal danger when we actively stay away from it. Just as a physician might observe that you are
endangering your life by eating fatty foods, smoking, and refraining from exercise, so a doctor of
the soul will tell you that abstaining from the Mass is compromising your spiritual health. Of
course, as I suggested above, it has always been the law of the Church that an individual may
decide to miss Mass for legitimate prudential reasons—and this certainly obtains during these
waning days of the pandemic.
But come back to Mass! And might I suggest that you bring someone with you, someone who
has been away too long or has perhaps been lulled into complacency during COVID? Let your
own Eucharistic hunger awaken an evangelical impulse in you. Bring in people from the
highways and byways; invite your co-workers and family members; wake up the kids on Sunday
morning; turn off your computers. Come back to Mass!
      June 9, 2021 -
Saint John Paul II - Holy Trinity (Winsted)
Church of the Holy Trinity

                        PARISH EVENTS                                       TEEN TALK: Attention ALL teens (going into) 8th -12th grade.
                            Tuesday                                         New youth program led by Fr John Hayes! The next meeting is
                         July 20, 2021                                      Wednesday, July 28 from 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. at Holy Trinity Parish
                                                                            Social Hall. Summer Schedule: July 28 and August 25. Each night
  6:30 p.m. Parish Administrative Council (GR) meeting
                                                                            is a stand-alone night. Teens may attend any or all of the nights! Join
If you would like to schedule an event, please contact Bonnie in            Fr John as he leads teens on a night of fun, faith, scripture (bring your
the parish office.                                                          bible), time for Q & A with the priest and treats! RSVP so we can get
                                                                            a rough head count for planning (ok to show up if you did not
AS YOU KNOW, Governor Walz has lifted the mask mandate for                  RSVP). Three ways to RSVP: 3 ring binder at Holy Trinity church,
Minnesota. Please, be considerate of those who continue to wear a           email or
mask. No one knows another’s situation.                           
                                                                            Questions? Contact Michaela Otto at 320-290-7428
WEEKEND MINISTRIES: If you are interested in resuming one
of the ministries at the Saturday or Sunday Masses, please contact          DIOCESAN MINISTRIES APPEAL: Thank you to all of you who
Bonnie at the Parish office. If you are interested in beginning to serve    have made a commitment to the Diocesan Ministries Appeal. We
in the ministries as Sacristan, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy             appreciate your support. At this time, the Diocesan Ministries Appeal
Communion, Reader or Usher, please contact Bonnie at the parish             has received $31,020.00 in pledges and gifts from our parish. Our
office (485-5651).                                                          goal for gifts and pledges this year is $30,953.83. Twenty percent of
FEASIBILITY STUDY: For the last several months, our                         the money donated to the DMA will go towards a new church roof.
consultors, Hal Johnson and Associates, have been assisting Holy            ST. ANNE SOCIETY supports the beautification of God’s house by
Trinity Parish with a Feasibility Study to determine our ability to         filling the needs of the altar, the priests and the church community.
raise funds concerning the proposed parish projects having to do with       We provide two Mases for each member when they die. All members
the exterior and interior of the church as well as parish offices and the   of our parish are invited to attend our upcoming meeting in the social
rectory. That feasibility study has been completed. Our consultors          hall on Wednesday, July 28 after the 8:00 a.m. Mass. One of the
have compiled all comments made verbally and in written form from           topics of discussion will be our church’s “Prayer Network”. For more
our three parish meetings, the confidential interviews, and the written     information, call Wanda Paumen at 320-485-2138 or Betty Jepson at
surveys into a single report. No names are attached to the comments.        763-245-3270.
The report is very enlightening as it gathers together all of the input
                                                                            Members: please pay your $10.00 dues for 2021 by dropping them
received in response to the proposed projects, but it also shows what
                                                                            off at the parish office, putting them in the collection basket or
our parishioners are thinking about our parish in general and what
                                                                            mailing them to: Marian Moy at: 920 6th St. N., Winsted, MN 55395.
other parish projects should be considered in a potential capital
campaign. Eight reports are available in the parish office to be            ULTIMATE FRISBEE: All youth entering 8th -12 grade, join us
checked out for a few days and then returned so that others may look        Wednesday evenings this summer (July 7, 14, 21 and August 4, 11,
at them. More information will be forthcoming about how we are              18) from 7:00-8:00 p.m. at the Holy Trinity football field (check in at
planning to move forward.                                                   bleachers), Winsted for fun, faith and fellowship with our priests.
MASS WITH THE SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF                                 Bring your water bottle!
THE SICK AT HOLY TRINITY: On Tuesday, July 27 at                            ATTENTION 400 CLUB NUMBER HOLDERS: Our new raffle
11:00 a.m., the Church of the Holy Trinity will host a Mass with the        year starts on July 1!! If you will be keeping your number/numbers,
Anointing of the Sick. Anyone interested in receiving the Sacrament         you can mail your dues to the parish office (Holy Trinity Parish
of the Sick is invited to attend. A light luncheon will follow Mass in      Office, PO Box 9, Winsted 55395), or you can drop it in the Sunday
the social hall. Please R.S.V.P. by calling the parish office 320-          collection or drop it off at the parish office. Please clearly mark it
485-5651 or sign up on the sheet on the table in the gather area.           400 Club. Cost is $60.00 a year per number. If you would like to
                                                                            give up your number or would like to get another number or would
                                                                            like to get your first number for this raffle, please call Katie Mendoza
not being able to have time with family and friends after the passing
                                                                            at 763-331-1443
of a loved one, we can finally resume having luncheons after the
funeral. Because there are still some restrictions because of our           VOTIVE LIGHTS: In loving memory of Leonard, Gary & Bob
insurance, some changes have had to be made. For the time being             Rozeske; In loving memory of Clarence & Gertrude Ogitziak; In
luncheons (all food and drink) will need to be catered. Caterer and         loving memory of Kenneth J. Zimmermann; In loving memory of
menu can be chosen by the family. No food from private kitchens             Charles and Cathy Millerbernd; In loving memory of Schmitt &
will be allowed. Thank you for your understanding.                          Heimerl families; In loving memory of Paul & Sally Millerbernd; In
Funeral Committee is in need of people willing to help set up and/or        loving memory of Peter (Sr) & Benilda Schermann; In loving
cleanup for funerals. Men and women are both welcome! If you                memory of Joe Fasching; In loving memory of Rita Fasching; In
would be interested in helping this wonderful group, please contact         loving memory of Art & Terry Scherping; In memory of Lorraine
Joyce Schultz at 320-485-3769                                               Otto; Grateful for successful surgery; In memory of Edward,
                                                                            Anastasia, Rita, Raymond & Dean Schermann; For Larry Schraut to
WEDNESDAY NIGHT BINGO ALL SUMMER! Come out on                               have successful surgery and recovery; For the Fasching & Schlagel
Wednesday nights at 6:00 for Bingo at the Blue Note. Play 10 games          families. If you would like a votive light burnt for a loved one or a
for $10. Cash prize every game and the tenth game is a coverall with        special intention please put $5.00 in an envelope marked with your
a progressive jackpot! Proceeds from our Wednesday night bingo go           intention and drop it in the collection or at the Parish Office.
to Holy Trinity.

           Please see the AFC page in this bulletin for job opportunities in our Area Faith Community
Saint John Paul II - Holy Trinity (Winsted)
Church of St. Pius X

                        PARISH EVENTS
                         July 20, 2021
7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus meeting
                         July 22, 2021
3:00 – 7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus paper drive
                                                                           OLD FASHIONED CHICKEN DINNER & SAUSAGE WITH
                             Friday                                        KRAUT: We will be looking for volunteers to be at the area faith
                         July 23, 2021                                     community Masses to sell dinner and raffle tickets. Please make note
3:00 – 7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus paper drive                           we will be selling advance tickets for $10.00 and $11.00 at the door.
5:00 p.m. wedding rehearsal                                                Please call Denise Johnson at 612-735-9033.
                            Saturday                                       RAFFLE DONATIONS – Need all donations by Monday, July 26
                         July 24, 2021
                                                                           COUNTRY STORE - Need all donations by Friday, August 27
1:30 p.m. Hernandez/Elias wedding
3:00 – 7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus paper drive                           BINGO – Need all donations by Friday, August 27:
                                                                           KIDS GAMES – Need all donations by Friday, August 27
AS YOU KNOW, Governor Walz has lifted the mask mandate for
Minnesota. Please, be considerate of those who continue to wear a          The Fall Festival Committee is looking for a Chairperson for
mask. No one knows another’s situation.                                    Bingo and co-chair for the Craft area. Please contact Denise
                                                                           Johnson if you are interested in either job.
WEEKEND MINISTRIES: If you are interested in resuming your
ministry at the weekend Masses, or if you would like to volunteer to       We thank you in advance for your continued support!
be Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lector or Usher,
                                                                                                                    The Fall Festival Committee
please contact Bobbi at 320-327-2356 or                                                FUNERAL LUNCHEONS MAY RESUME! After a long time of
DIOCESE OF NEW ULM VOCATIONS: Our church bulletin                          not being able to have time with family and friends after the passing
board has a section dedicated to vocations, especially our                 of a loved one, we can finally resume having luncheons after the
seminarians. We have posters with the current seminarians’ pictures        funeral. Because there are still some restrictions because of our
and where they are studying. We also offer their contact information       insurance, some changes have had to be made. For the time being
including birth date if anyone wishes to send cards of support or to       luncheons (all food and drink) will need to be catered. Caterer and
wish them “Happy Birthday”. Please continue to keep our                    menu can be chosen by the family. No food from private kitchens
seminarians in your prayers. More information on our seminarians           will be allowed. Thank you for your understanding.
can be found on the bulletin board in the gather area.                     TEEN TALK: Attention ALL teens (going into) 8th -12th grade.
Deacon Nathan Hansen                                                       New youth program led by Fr John Hayes! The next meeting is
Saint Paul Seminary                                                        Wednesday, July 28 from 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. at Holy Trinity Parish
2260 Summit Avenue                                                         Social Hall. Summer Schedule: July 28 and August 25. Each night
                                                                           is a stand-alone night. Teens may attend any or all of the nights! Join
St. Paul, MN 55105
                                                                           Fr John as he leads teens on a night of fun, faith, scripture (bring your
Home address:                                                              bible), time for Q & A with the priest and treats! RSVP so we can get
73910 190th Street                                                         a rough head count for planning (ok to show up if you did not
Dassel, MN 55325                                                           RSVP). Three ways to RSVP: 3 ring binder at Holy Trinity church,
Birthday: August 30                                                        email or
ROSARY LEADERS ARE NEEDED: Sister Lucia of Fatima told                     Questions? Contact Michaela Otto at 320-290-7428
us “There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that
we cannot solve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary. With the Holy            ULTIMATE FRISBEE: All youth entering 8th -12 grade, join us
Rosary, we will save ourselves. We will sanctify ourselves. We will        Wednesday evenings this summer (July 7, 14, 21 and August 4, 11,
console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls.”                  18) from 7:00-8:00 p.m. at the Holy Trinity football field (check in at
( Will you help lead the rosary before the               bleachers), Winsted for fun, faith and fellowship with our priests.
Saturday 6:00 p.m. and/or Sunday 10:00 a.m. Mass at St. Pius X? If         Bring your water bottle!
so, please contact Sue Mielke at or

           Please see the AFC page in this bulletin for job opportunities in our Area Faith Community
Saint John Paul II - Holy Trinity (Winsted)
Holy Trinity School
                               Making Disciples Since 1883
                                              “Let’s Build Together”
As I have been mentioning, the excitement for our upcoming year is growing. Two key areas of the enthusiasm are
our student growth and the new additions to our team. Our current enrollment is 152, an over 15% increase above
where we ended last year with 129! With a handful of families looking into HT, I am hopeful that we will continue
to add students throughout the summer.
In the last two weeks, I have introduced you to five new members of our team, and this week I will add two more.
As I write this, the only position still open is our Kindergarten teacher position.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support! Remember, we pray for you, our benefactors, as a school every
                                                                                                God Bless,
                                                                                             Anthony Biese
Here is a message from our new Physical                       I am very pleased to introduce you to our new vice
Education teacher: “Hello HT! My name is Tina                 principal: He is a small business owner with his
Scherer, and I will be teaching Physical Education            own construction company and has experience in
and high school Health this year. I live on a farm            teaching many subjects and as working as an
north of Winsted with my husband Joe, our two boys,           administrator and board of directors member of a
Clifford and Luke, and Chase, our dog, as well as             local Catholic classical school. He will be wearing
many cats, and cattle. We run over 100 acres of large         many hats and a huge help to me as we grow and
and small grains as well as hay ground. We help with          transition to a classical approach.
Winstock, and I help out at church cleaning and
                                                              I couldn’t be more excited to bring on board Joshua
decorating wherever I am needed.
                                                              LaFond. Let me tell you a little about him:
Going back as far as high school, I remember
                                                              Joshua La Fond, 45, graduated from Magdalen
wanting to be a phy-ed teacher, so I went to the U of
                                                              College in 1998, and resides near Buffalo, MN with
MN and received a Bachelor of Science in
                                                              his wife and family. He is a carpenter, designer, and
Kinesiology. I also received a coaching certificate
                                                              business owner, free-lance writer, artist, musician,
because I wanted to coach volleyball or hockey at the
                                                              beekeeper, and gardener. He is also a teacher of
high school level. I’ve coached volleyball for over 20
                                                              several disciplines, catechist, choral director, and was
years, and now I am excited to start teaching many
                                                              one of the founders of Holy Spirit Academy in
sports and games to a wide age-range of students as
                                                              Monticello, MN. He has been a youth and religious
phy-ed teacher.
                                                              education director, dean of students, assistant
My philosophy of teaching phy-ed is the same as my            principal, family formation program director, holds a
coaching philosophy: Prepare students mentally and            CNA certificate, and offers child virtue training
physically by teaching virtue as well as the physical         insight and marriage counsel and coaching. But most
skills needed to succeed, whether it’s in sport or life.      importantly he is first and foremost a baptized son of
Physical education should be an extension of                  God, best friend to his wife of nearly 22 years, father
classroom learning. The elementary students will              to nine children (three of whom have passed to the
play adding, subtracting and spelling games while             Merciful Hand of the Father), and most recently
learning how to move. Yes, how to move. You’d be              grandfather to his first grandchild!
surprised how many adults can’t skip! The junior
high and high school focus more on sports and
lifelong fitness because they have learned the
foundational movements/skills to play sports. And
there may be an algebra equation to solve for the
older students…
I’m grateful to be working in a school where we can
talk about our faith and teach the kids that God is in
EVERYTHING we do, not just at Mass or in a
religion class. I’m really excited and blessed to start
this next adventure that God has given me.”
The Attic
 Thrift & Gift Store
311 Fairlawn Ave. W.
   Winsted, MN
   Check us out!

                        To advertise in our
                       bulletin please call the
                            parish office.
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